Take this day to catch up on your reading, pray, and rest in the presence of the Lord.
Mankind, he has told each of you what is good
and what it is the LORD requires of you:
to act justly,
to love faithfulness,
and to walk humbly with your God.
—Micah 6:8
Weekly She Reads Truth podcast episodes correspond to the current community reading plan.
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28 thoughts on "Grace Day"
Amen and beautifully written, Cee Gee!
So thankful for a “grace” day! What a great verse! It reminded me that we need grace because we are all sinners and no matter how hard we try, we can’t accomplish this verse with out God’s grace!
Happy Saturday beautiful She’s. This has long been a favorite verse for me along with the verse in Joshua We don’t know what to, so our eyes are on you. @GAYLE CRAIK my heart has been with you since you found out you cancer was back. This fall when I learned I have multiple myeloma my world was rocked. I dove into the word everything I could find on healing, faith, and hope. Soon verses about being strong and courageous kept coming up both for me and multiple services I was listening to. I got cards in the mail with this verse and it has become my go to. “Be strong and courageous! Do not be afraid or discouraged. For the Lord your God is with you wherever you go. Joshua 1:9 NLT. I also created a healing playlist and listen to it as often as I can. The very first song is Speak To The Mountain by Chris McLarney. It’s time to tell that mountain to move!. Hang onto your faith Be brave and courageous! Sending love and prayers your way!❤️❤️
Choosing to walk in this today and always!
To act justly, love faithfully and walk humbly with our God! No other place I rather be! You, my beautiful, beautiful sweet SRT sisters, I’m so thankful for all of you! When I get asked if I attend bible study, I say YES! Online with some of the most amazing women that on this side of heaven most likely never meet in person, BUT someday and looking forward to meet when we all go HOME to OUR JESUS! Yesterday, my son texted me while I was still at work as he ended up not having to travel to SF to his other job and wanted to meet for lunch. We had the most heartfelt conversation,tears and all. We talked about some of the things I had to go through to get me where I am today, hard things court appearances etc…. I told him I couldn’t have done ANY of it without MY JESUS, HE gave me the strength to do what I did! And I am forever thankful for the advocate from Women’s Haven who accompanied me to court (and several appearances after that). He teared up when I told him, that the advocate had to tell me to “take-a-deep-breath” as I was EXTREMELY nervous and couldn’t breathe. Back then, I was SO weak. I had no-where-else to turn BUT to MY JESUS! HE gave me the strength to do what I did. I told my son back when I was training for a marathon in 2010/2011 my running mantra was Phil 4:13, BUT when going through what WE went through Phil 4:13 became my LIFE verse! “I can do all things through Christ who gives me strength” My son told me that I am the strongest woman he knows. I told him that its ONLY because of JESUS! My Jesus gets ALL the glory.
@Rhonda J. Last night I came here to SRT to read comments. Your so sweet! And even looked up that song! I love it! And even sent it to my kids!
So thankful for a perfect Jesus who loves me despite my imperfections! Also very thankful for another study with you ladies! Lifting each of your prayers up- He hears you, He sees you and most importantly He is with you!!!
Thank you Allison, this is what I needed to hear today.
RHONDA J – BECAUSE OF BETHLEHEM by Max Lucado sound like it could be a good fit for your jail ministry. A friend of mine recently mentioned it. Read more at Amazon – just a snippet here:
“For some, Christmas is a time of excitement, celebration, and family, while for others it is a time of loneliness, grief, and loss. No matter what this season holds for you, the promise of Christmas will bring you a lifetime of hope.
The Because of Bethlehem Study Guide includes video notes and discussion questions, Bible exploration, an individual application activity, and an Advent practice to complete between meetings.”
Good morning! It is also foggy and drizzly here this morning. We watched 5 deer rooting through the leaves behind the house. What beauty to behold!
Charles Stanley had quite a bit to say on this verse, but I am sharing only a small portion:
NASB Charles F. Stanley Life Principles Bible Notes
“We cannot expect anyone to embrace a Savior they know nothing about. Yet as the body of Christ, we are His hands and feet, His mouthpiece, His representatives, and His “fragrance…among those who are being saved and among those who are perishing” (2 Cor. 2:15). And as ambassadors for Christ, we have the God-given responsibility to live in such a way that others see Him in us by doing justice, loving kindness, and walking humbly with our God. Therefore, set a goal to know Him better and to allow Him to love you with His infinite and unconditional love. When you abide in Him—obeying His commands and expressing His character—others will “see your good works, and glorify your Father who is in heaven” (Matt. 5:16).”
Reminding us again that it all begins with our personal relationship with Jesus and that this life is not all about us (as Rhonda J just mentioned).
What a fabulous study! What a fantastic and beautiful community! Today’s verse has been a favorite of mine for a while and I see these actions in each of you precious sisters. I don’t think I have said this before, but thank you for being my church! I have my physical church and I have all of you – the best!
He most certainly IS “MY Jesus” ❤️ and yes I’m so happy (and not at all jealous) that He belongs to so many others… because in the “proving it”, there are so many rich testimonies to bless our lives and reinvigorate our faith.
I am a very, very affectionate person and have a mother who so early on gave me a mental picture of climbing into my Heavenly Daddy’s lap, being held in His bosom when I needed to talk. When I needed to walk alone from the bus stop, it was His hand that I held. He was and is MY Jesus. (May He be that until my very last breath.)
As for the song,… my very first time hearing it was at the K-Love awards when Anne Wilson performed it live…it was ESPECIALLY awesome and touching to watch some of my favourite singers lovingly singing along with Anne from the audience…my whole being was bursting…
“Let my Jesus chaaaange your life. Hallelujah Hallelujah!! Amen Amen”
I love. Love. LOVE that verse in Micah… It helps me remember to humble myself, rather than being SELF righteous. (There is a difference between righteousness and self righteousness, eh?)
Have a wonderful day, sweet sisters!
See you in the Advent study! (I think it is so weird that Advent didn’t start last week… but this week instead!) I just love Advent, don’t you?!?!?!
From yesterday’s comments:
RHONDA J — LoL!! Sooo funny that image of the lady simply continuing her phone conversation but with you!! Yes, perhaps nice to transition to more quiet time on the plane :D
BUTTONBERRY and CEEGEE — YES!!!! Praise God for our far-reaching community. Technology is not always my favourite thing but the idea that we are able to share with woman who, in the past, we would have been completely cut off from because of distance.
LINDA IN NC — That was such a powerful sharing. Thank you for that. For the beauty of the looking back with gratitude while being honest that we don’t always remember to be thankful in the MIDST of it! What a testimony.
God bless you and yours.
Thankful for this study and for your posts, even though I don’t comment often. You all are so encouraging and inspiring. I pray for you!
Good Morning She’s!
That’s a great scripture this morning!
Walk humbly. I need to keep working on that!
I’m off to our Saturday group which has been wonderful- learning to be Free Of Me! Great study that goes with being humble, it’s not all about us in this self-focus world, it is about living FOR GOD! Our Savior, King, Almighty Counselor, ruler of Heaven and Earth!!
We get to go Christmas caroling at a local nursing home to bless them this morning for part of our group today, I am so excited. It brings back my church memories growing up! We ALWAYS went caroling to the shut ins in our community and the nursing home!
Have a great day/wkd! I am excited for Advent starting!! We are looking to do an advent 4 week study in our jail ministry and play Christmas songs. Does anyone know of one to use?
Amen ❤️
Act justly, love faithfulness, walk humbly. It’s good & it is required of us. Father God, please help me to live my life in the way that You require. You are just, You are faithful, Christ humbly came. You ask nothing of us that You haven’t done Yourself. Thank you Father for saving me, keeping me and sealing me. Amen.
@Kris – praying for Amy & Mike ❤️
Blessings to all my SRT sisters on this foggy Saturday morning. May you walk in peace today, filled with the love of Christ. ❤️
As I read today’s verses and am thinking back on this study of thankfulness, I’m also reminded of Ps 118:24 This is the day the Lord has made; We will rejoice and be glad in it.
Praying this morning and choosing to be thankful for the people and relationships in my life that are less than perfect (which is all of them of course, as I am mindful that no one is perfect – me especially), and thinking about the relationships where I feel taken for granted. Dear Lord, I pray that I can focus on being thankful in all things, never taking YOU for granted.
Some of my takeaways from devos, Scriptures and the impactful comments of all of you – In the waiting, doing the work God has created and gifted us to do. Choose well – thankfulness, attitude, actions, words, gratitude, use of time, focus, nurturing. O
Praying for:
KELSEY SMITH – parenting wisdom
KRIS – Amy and Mike, his health, skill and knowledge of medical team, successful surgery and recovery
LYNNE FROM AL, NANCY S, LINDA IN NC – strength and encouragement in the caregiving
CEE GEE – relationship with God. Yes, how easy it seems lose sight of the most important relationship! ❤️
SHARON JERSEY GIRL – As I read your comment yesterday, I’m thinking, action words? were all those in what I just read? It reminded me that I need to slow down in my reading, look at more than the words themselves. what else can I learn? What guidance is God showing? Thank you ❤️
RHONDA J ❤️ thank you for pointing out MARI V claiming Jesus as her own, my Jesus. I noticed that FOSTER MAMA ❤️ does that too.
MARTHA HIX – always good to see you!
BUTTONBERRY – good to see you
LINDA IN NC – ❤️ thank you for your testimony of God’s guidance, working in your life and His blessings over the years
Amen. Very crucial ‘heart words’ to live as good a Godly life as possible.
One of my favourites..
Happy Saturday my people..wrapped in love and hugs..❤️❤️
One of my favorite verses. Pray it to the Lord often, asking Him to show me the way to do these rhings in my circle of influence.
KRIS – praying for Mike and Amy.