Grace Day

Open Your Bible

Isaiah 7:14

Take this day to catch up on your reading, pray, and rest in the presence of the Lord.

Therefore, the Lord himself will give you a sign: See, the virgin will conceive, have a son, and name him Immanuel.
—Isaiah 7:14

Weekly She Reads Truth podcast episodes correspond to the current community reading plan.

Click here to listen to this week’s episode.

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21 thoughts on "Grace Day"

  1. Deb Bovee says:

    Lizzie I’m adding you to my prayer list.

  2. Teresa Donley says:

    Lizzie, I am praying for you, that God will speak to you, and give you the comfort that comes from knowing He is with you even when you can’t feel or hear him. I pray that while you are in the midst of problems and disappointments, you will know that God is there and is still working in you. Amen.

  3. Terri Baldwin says:

    Happy Sunday ❤️

  4. Annie says:

    Praying for you, Lizzie! That the Lord will restore great faith in your heart and that you will feel His nearness.

    We can’t always feel His nearness but we can know He is with us!

  5. Claire B says:

    Lizzie K. He does not forsake you. Find a quiet place and talk to Him just like the friend He is and sit quietly from time to time to hear His voice.

  6. Rhonda j says:


  7. Ashley White says:

    Happy Saturday, everyone!

  8. Donna Wolcott says:

    Heavenly Father, please be with Lizzie, I don’t know what she is going through but you do. I don’t know what the right help is, but you do. Please hold her in your hands and cover her with your wings. Please fill her with a sense of peace and help her find the right path. Amen.

  9. Lizzie K. says:

    I wanted to leave a message on here as a testimony. I remember being down so bad in 2020 and I came across this page and made a prayer request. The prayer was fulfilled in about 3 months and its something I’m truly grateful for. I thank everyone that prayed with me because deep down I believe all those prayers played a part in my prayer being answered.

    Today I write this message a very overwhelmed and troubled person. Things have not being going well for me since 2021: with my job, with my family, even getting opportunities. My faith has gone so down and at times I am unable to pray because I don’t know when this dark cloud will pass. My request to anyone reading this is to pray for me// pray over my life//. I do try to do gratitude challenges which is one of the only things that give me hope and renews my strength at times. Thanks everyone and God bless.

    1. Lee Gaar says:

      Dear Jesus, I pray that Lizzie will be
      able to feel you near her. Grant her peace and hope. Cover her with the presence of the blessed Holy Spirit!

  10. Rhonda J. says:

    Theresa- Good to hear your hubs is home and had a good and fruitful trip hopefully!

    Michelle- Prayers for understanding and insight in hearing where God is leading you!

    Sarah D- Hope your new job is going great?!

    Have a good Sat ladies! I have my group this morning and the subject is on “resting in the Sabbath!” Always a good topic for discussion. I for sure need to carry “my rest in Jesus” further, to a FULL sabbath. Sometimes the world just feels so overwhelming…with my pain group and my jail time, it sometimes adds further to the heaviness and brokenness of this world. But, we have Jesus, and that is enough.

  11. Colleen DeVeau says:

    Thank You, LORD, for Your promises of old. Thank You for fulfilling them in a time, place, and way unexpected and yet just as You said.

  12. Michelle Patire says:

    Hey ladies,
    I just want to come here and ask for extra prayers. I believe the Lord has been speaking to me about moving. I need some confirmations and further direction to know if it is truly what He wants me to do. I am asking for also extra covering over my mind. It has been a huge mental shift to understand what God is asking of me. Go somewhere completely new. Leave the old behind. Say goodbye to my family. Trust He is taking me to form another. It is a lot at once
    Thank you in advance and God bless you ladies.

    1. Erica Chiarelli says:

      @Michelle Patire I will keep you in prayer!! My husband,kids and I moved from mid NJ to mid Florida in October, 1000 miles away! It was hard but we knew God was calling us there. God made a way, it’s an amazing testimony! Just keep seeking God, He will make Himself known!!

  13. Theresa says:

    What an amazing promise to remember that God is with us. He isn’t distant, but right here.

    VICTORIA E- praying for your work situation

    KATIE L- continuing to pray for your family. Hopefully the supervised visitations between your son and mother-in-law have gone well.

    HEIDI – thinking of you this morning. Praying your trip to Europe went well.

    My husband made it home safely from Zimbabwe last night! Thank you all for the prayers!

  14. Aimee D-R says:

    Amen and amen

  15. Jeanie Mclellan says:


  16. Antoinette Burnett says:

    Amen. Happy Sabbath ♥️

  17. Kelly (NEO) says:

    God with us
    Incorruptible clothed in corruptible
    God-Man sacrificed
    Making a way to return to the Father

    Amazing Love

    ERB ❤️

    SHARON, JERSEY GIRL – praying for your niece’s living situation

  18. Searching says:

    What a promise of hope! Thank you, Lord, for your faithfulness in keeping Your promises, in being true to Your word. Help us to draw closer and remain faithful to You.

    VICTORIA E – praying for wisdom and guidance in your job


    ERB – awesome to see you!

  19. Sarah Baker says:

    Ove hello 1 think this bible verse is about Jesus and his importance it marks the start of his story and shows what and who he is destined to be