Day 20

Grace Day

from the The Life of Jesus reading plan

Matthew 17:5

BY She Reads Truth

Take this day to catch up on your reading, pray, and rest in the presence of the Lord.

“This is my beloved Son, with whom I am well-pleased. Listen to him!”
—Matthew 17:5

Weekly She Reads Truth podcast episodes correspond to the current community reading plan. Click the image below to listen to this week’s episode.

Post Comments (20)

20 thoughts on "Grace Day"

  1. Ariella Zia R says:


  2. Susan Lincks says:


  3. Alexus Cehelnik says:


  4. Kimberly Z says:

    @Mari V. Praying for you! My counselor/ therapist too is most likely not a Christian but she never makes a point about it. I am thankful I am not the only one who has triggers from things. Praying for you! @Rhonda J. I agree it is a huge gift to be able to pray for others whether it’s a complete stranger or a family member or friend.

  5. Claire B says:


  6. lily robillard says:


  7. Rhonda J. says:

    Praying for you Mari V. It is one of the sweetest gifts to be able to pray for someone, especially a friend. The pastor of our church was reminding us to be a praying church, and to find every opportunity to be the eyes to see those in need of those around us. Our church is growing super fast, and we want to be able to pray with anyone in need. It’s kinda funny (not funny) that I often say how strange it is growing up in church and being a Christian all my life, but haven’t been “practiced” in praying “out loud” and spontaneously for someone in need. But with this church, I see they are 100% about prayer, and I find that so amazing! I don’t want to be shy anymore, or timid in asking how I can pray for you! Sure it’s easy on here, but to connect with someone in a moment, whether you know them well or not at all, and say “do you need prayer” or “how can I pray for you,” I am stepping out in faith that God is going to lead me.

    Listen to Him…yes, I am going to listen, I am going to hear.

  8. Mari V says:

    HE is the only one I want to listen to. HIS voice is the only one I want to hear. Sometimes I struggle with all these voices and thoughts that go through my head and I remind myself WHO I belong to. I remind myself WHO my FATHER is. I remind myself I am not those things that go through my head. I remind myself that I am the child of the Most High King! Admittedly, that can be hard sometimes because I am human. I take a deep breath, and remind myself, I belong to Jesus. I started counseling again yesterday. My counselor/therapist is not a Christian. However, she knows that I am. I made that clear and known to her the first time we met. We do video call appointments. I’ve had some fears as I am going to attempt to extend the restraining order and all the emotion and fears that goes behind it. I GREATLY dislike going to court. She walked through it with me as I’m going to fill out paperwork sometime today. Filling out paperwork for court is a HUGE trigger for me.  I realized as we were talking if I done it once before, I can do it again. I even let her know my life verse. Philippians 4:13.. “ I can do all things through Christ, who gives me strength”.
    Please pray for me as I’m going to start filling out that paperwork today.

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