Take this day to catch up on your reading, pray, and rest in the presence of the Lord.
Let us not get tired of doing good, for we will reap at the proper time if we don’t give up.
—Galatians 6:9

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15 thoughts on "Grace Day"
Thank you for the recommendation Gwineth! I love listening to podcasts and added this one to my collection.
Lord, thank you for your trust in me to do good and to show you in all I do..
Thank you, for always..
Thank you so much for the podcast recommendation, Gwineth! I’m excited to check it out
I love Galatians and everyone is so spot on about how we can all do something to show God’s love to others. I felt doom yesterday learning about another evil happening in our society and now I read Galatians and remember so many times how good it felt when strangers were kind to me throughout my life. A few times in grocery stores various sweet comments about my baby or someone liked my dress or shoes. A checkout girl once asked me how I was spending my day and then ran over to floral and gave me flowers because it was my birthday! I love the idea of leaving little cards around and some people do this painting rocks. Praying for everyone today and the needs of your loved ones. ❤️ Gwyneth – I will search for your podcast recommendations.
Good Morning Grace Day! My latest podcast on heavy rotation is hosted by Kate Bowler called “Everthing Happens (for a reason, and other lies we’ve been told)”. Kate’s an author, divinity school professor, wife, mother & incurable optimist. In her 20s she wrote her first book on the “prosperity gospel” movement. And in her mid-30s she was diagnosed with Stage IV cancer. She interviews preachers, teachers, doctors, mothers, writers & researchers with warmth, humor & unflinching honesty. Whether it’s Rev. Barbara Brown Taylor; YA author John Green or Anne Lamott; Bishop Michael J. Curry (Harry & Meg’s wedding & the power of love); theologian Richard Rohr. They talk about overcoming grief, feeling loved & safe, facing unbearable loss & paralyzing fear, looking for God amid suffering, letting go of shame, giving up on perfect, getting in touch with our frailties, and many more topics, fearlessly & compassionately & courageously. SO many takeaways, memorable quotes, and prayer prompts. “Love is how & why we become a person”. “We don’t get to choose the picture, but we do get to pick the frame”. “Our identities are held by God.” “Build a rainbow to each other’s heart”. Can you tell how moved I am by the grace & spirit revealed there?! Find on Apple,Spotify or wherever you get your podcasts. Please give a listen while you drive; wait at kid’s soccer practice; do the laundry, or sit with a cup of tea & scones! SO binge worthy! Thanks be to the Father who sees all & HEARS all!
Good morning ladies!! Thankful for this time to come back to God’s word everyday, it never changes!! It’s been a year since I graduated college, and I’ve just been reflecting on the past year. It’s been good and hard and challenging all at the same time. This past week started out rough, I just felt so overwhelmed from being anxious at work everyday that I just needed a good long cry. I ended the week though, and trying to recognize that even though it is hard, I really am blessed with great co-workers. Praying I will get more confident in my job and do it to the best of my ability. God is here even in the difficulty. I saw the Sight and Sound show David last weekend with my family, and he sang this beautiful song based on Psalm 56 (you can listen to it on Youtube!) while he was in a cave running from Saul. It just reminded me that when I feel guilty of not being thankful for what I have, God wasn’t telling David in that cave, “Just be thankful! You have this cave as shelter, you should be thankful for this!” Although we should be thankful and give thanks in all circumstances, David cried out his honest prayer to God. His enemy was chasing him like a lion, waiting to take his life. But he reminded himself who God was in the darkness of the cave. He rescued David from death, even his feet from stumbling, to walk before God in the light of life. (Ps 56:13). Praying I would do that in the midst of my own cave. God isn’t absent. He hears my prayers, even the hard ones are hen I question Him and am frustrated that he won’t fix my circumstances like the way I want him to. He puts my tears in his bottle. This I know, God is for me (Ps 56:8-9). I can’t imagine how David felt in that cave, fearing for his life and being hunted by Saul out of his own pride and greed for power. But David reminded himself of who God was and anchored himself in God’s truth, even through tears. Praying I would pray honest prayers to Him, for he is my refuge in my day of trouble. He is my stronghold.
Good Morning She’s. What a great reminder to me as I’ve been weary lately. But God… God is still good! We’re so glad you’re here, Jenny Radford.
Ash H- praying for Ben, Tori, and their family. Praying that the Good Shepherd would lead then through this valley to still quiet waters and restore their souls. That through this diagnosis they would have such peace they would come to know God.
“We will reap – …don’t give up.” Don’t give up, don’t give up, don’t give up! Life can make us weary, ministry can make us weary (and oh how!) – but we should never become weary in doing good. We must not give up. God will give us the strength, we have the power of the Holy Spirit residing in us, we can do this! I must never forget – it is not me, but Christ in me that will get me through, hold me up, empower me. On my own – I will fail, with Christ – I can have victory. May I rest in His promises, in the truth of His Word, in His unfailing love!
@Ash H – praying for Tori and Ben! I can’t imagine having to face this at any time, but especially after just giving birth. Much prayers for the family.
@Kimberly Ziehl – I am so sorry to hear of your dad’s accident. How hard this must be. Please know I will be praying for him and you, and all your family as they begin the healing process. May God be his comfort, strength and shield during this difficult recovery.
A blessed Saturday to you all. May we make today and every day count for Christ!
I just wanted to say that I am very excited. I have always said I wanted to get into reading the Bible daily. I actually have not missed a single day yet of this study. I feel like I asked and God showed me to this group. Thank you all ladles for coming up here and providing your prayer requests and praises.
Every day is a good day to do good. The world needs it. The Lord commands it. We don’t have to do anything on a grand scale. We simply are called to love our neighbor. Whoever that might be and however we can. Just start with hello.
Doing good seems pointless in this evil world at times. What use is my doing good against so much evil?
My doing good plants God’s seeds of hope that He cultivates and brings forth fruit to nourish others
PAM C – how did your docotor appt go on the 3rd?
ASH H – praying for Tori and family
CATHY KRAUSE – praying for your husband
KIRA HESS – how is your F-I-L?
ALLISON BIERLY – how is Kelly?
LYNNE FROM AL – how is Jack?
Praying for other cancer battle requests too
Encouragement for doing good – when we are exhausted, feel like we are wasting our time, that we are the odd person out around non believers, that our words are falling on deaf ears, that we are too busy to keep it up and so many more distractions – encouragement is always needed, thank you Lord.
ASH H – praying for Tori, Ben and family – for salvation and healing.