Take this day to catch up on your reading, pray, and rest in the presence of the Lord.
Abundant peace belongs to those
who love your instruction;
nothing makes them stumble.
—Psalm 119:165

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23 thoughts on "Grace Day"
Rae-Ann L thank you so much for sharing!
Heidi V Pricilla’s study is good as is the book The Whole Armor of God by Iain Duguid. It is short paperback re: Christ’s victory strengthening us
How many pray seven times a day? I have always wondered how David prayed. I have seen and written out a few prayers that I love from the OT.
I so enjoy the daily reading/instruction of God with myself and all you other SRT’s. It brings peace to my soul! ❤️
I so enjoy the daily reading/instruction oh TG
I so enjoy the daily reading/ i
Yesterdays reading really sticks to me. I was watching TikTok last night, and all of the sudden, a video pops up of someone saying, “The Bible has been translated and rewritten so many times. How do you follow something like that?” And honestly, I used to feel the same way. I used to say “Well this can’t possibly apply to now, times have changed.” but I don’t feel that way anymore. These Bible study’s have shown me that it STILL applies. It’s STILL our instruction. It’s STILL for US. Questions like those can lead us away from God, so we need to be careful. Trust in The Word daily. And in all honesty, I don’t understand why people say that about The Bible specifically. All religions have ancient text and instructions to follow. I don’t understand.
Amen. Abundant peace is what every soul needs in this weary world. Praise God for the peace that surpasses all understanding, when things do not make sense, to hold us together. Until we see You again. Glory to God now and forever. Have a wonderful weekends dear beautiful, strong amazing sisters. Remember Jesus loves you and delights in you. He carries you in His heart.
Thank you JENNIFER LOVES JESUS for your wisdom x
I crave the Lord. He is the only way to the serenity I’ve learned to cherish. The more I seek of Him, the more of Himself He gives me. Inner nagging and turmoil dissipates in His presence. Like a weaned child (Psalm 131), “I have calmed and quieted my soul”. Internal calm in this world of chaos is difficult to attain. It takes work. Yet, the hardest work done for peace was already finished by Jesus. Things I cannot understand lay at rest at His feet, hanging on that cross, His blood ran over all the things beyond my comprehension. He rose from the grave in wisdom, shining light in the darkness of anxiety and confusion. And as I trust Him more and more, submitting to His authority, inner discipline grows, the raging sea becomes calm, and my soul is soothed and content. Great peace (Psalm 119:65a), or “shalom, conveys the notion of wholeness and well-being” (FSB). This is truly what I crave. And so I seek the Lord, who has proven to be the only true source of it. I trust Him. The proof of my trust in God is in my obedience. Until… Maranatha.
Happy Grace Day fellow She’s! RHONDA J. I hope you will be blessed in the service of your community today as living examples of Christ’s love.
Abundant peace….. As of yesterday we know how a new Director at my workplace. Though my friend didn’t get picked, I have a great piece. And that can only be God.
Kelly thanks so much for asking, not yet but I have faith in God that it will happen. God bless you Kelly we will continue to pray.
Be still and know that I AM GOD !
Happy Saturday SRT sisters! Yesterday I was prompted to go read Ephesians 6:10-20 in other versions. I started with the Message and will work my way through other translations this week. This really stuck out to me – “God’s Word is an indispensable weapon. In the same way prayer is essential in this ongoing warfare.” I also listened to the Annie F Downs podcast with Ann Voskamp. They talked about sitting with God and His Word long enough to hear Him speak a word to me. This encourages me to not rush through reading the Word. I know there are times we feel God doesn’t speak to us. I can’t get discouraged by these moments but rest in knowing that as I continue reading and praying God is drawing me closer to Himself. As someone posted this week…”in the waiting God is working.” Doing a good work in us even when we don’t feel it or see it. Blessings for an awesome day!
Happy Saturday SHEs!
GRAMSIESUE – thanks for the update. May the Lord bring you and your husband wisdom and continued hope and peace.
RHONDA J – how’s your dad doing?
KATHERINE M, MAIYA K, BROOKE P and JENNIFER ANIPOL – praying for your little ones to continue to grow strong and healthy.
LIZZY BUTTERFIELD – how is Nate doing?
BEVERLY WATLEY – has your daughter been able to find a new home?
JENNIFER TAYLOR – praying for your safty and the restoration of the things stolen. Also that you will reach many women in crisis to allow their babies to live.
Well Good Morning, How did I make it here first today?! :))
Praising the Lord today as we go out to Serve Your City with my church! I love that they have a high emphasis on the community and being the hands and feet of Jesus!! Let our Light shines She’s!!