Lent is a season where we reflect on the depth of our sin and embrace the hope and strength found only in the cross of Christ. We seek unhurried moments of quiet to read Scripture, pray, confess, and repent. Take some time today to catch up on your reading, make space for prayer, and rest in God’s presence.
Come, let’s return to the LORD.
For he has torn us,
and he will heal us;
he has wounded us,
and he will bind up our wounds.
—Hosea 6:1

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21 thoughts on "Grace Day"
Along with all the other requests mentioned, Taylor has been on my heart… Praying that you become aware of God’s love for you, as you are, and that you learn to trust Him completely with your future….Psalm 139 is so healing… ♥️
14 For Israel has forgotten his Maker
and built palaces,
and Judah has multiplied fortified cities;
so I will send a fire upon his cities,
and it shall devour her strongholds. – Hosea 8:14
Thank you all you prayer warriors :)
I feel so blessed to have a community of prayer in our corner of the internet — May God bless you all for your faithfulness!!
I too will pray for healing for your son Leigh and your sister Michelle!
I love the new song “Honey In The Rock” by Brook Ligertwood and the great Brandon Lake….great lyrics!
There’s honey in the rock
Water in the stone
Manna on the ground
No matter where I go
I don’t need to worry
Now that I know
Everything I need You’ve got
There’s honey in the rock
Purpose in Your plan
Power in the blood
Healing in Your hands
Started flowing when You said it is done
Everything You did’s enough
MICHELLE PATIRE, I’m praying for Heather. I pray for healing for her in the deepest places and that the Lord will bring Jesus-loving people across her path to show her love and direct her to her loving Heavenly Father. I also pray for wisdom for you and your family as you want to help and support her. May God grant you His peace!
LEIGH GORHAM, praying for your son and that no one else gets it! I’m sure that’s scary.
The Lord has started healing my family. My sister has decided that rehab is the place she needs to be right now — I’m PRAISNG THE LORD. My brothers have told me they will help in any way they can to get my sister’s house ready for her to come home — the LORD IS SO GOOD, PRAISE THE LORD. Finley is home from the hospital — I’m PRAISNG THE LORD. I don’t work today or tomorrow — I’m PRAISING THE LORD.
Please continue to pray for my nephew, he isn’t taking his medicine or checking in. I love him dearly and it’s hard for me to do the tough love for which I know I need to do.
Be blessed and know that God, Christ and the Holy Spirit are always there for you.
Leigh , praying for you and your son. Michelle Patire, praying for your sister. Thank you for all your prayers, I am feeling much more myself after the initial 2 week hormonal roller coaster from giving birth. Please continue to pray for strength, rest, and wisdom, my mother who has been staying with us and helping out is heading back one to Ohio this Monday and I am a little nervous how I will manage without the additional help. Thank you !
MICHELLE PATIRE prayers for healing for your sister ❤️ There are some amazing people working in this field who can show her Christ like love to help start her on a healing journey. I pray the Lord uses the staff at the facility to pierce her heart to allow His love to enter in. LEIGH GOTHAM prayers for healing for your sweet boy. And rest for you as you care for him ❤️
Prayers Leigh, Michelle and for those on hearts not mentioned. May you all experience His peace and healing.
Praying for Michelle and Leah.
Jehovah Rapha. The God who heals. Even when we’re in a place when we feel there’s no hope, as hard as it is, let’s hold onto that HOPE. Out of the mouth of babes. I once heard a child say: hope is when you never, never, give up. It was a commercial with children with cancer. Let’s get to a place where there’s nowhere to turn but to God. I’m speaking of personal life experience.
Leigh, from strep throat? Praying his symptoms subside and you don’t get it.
Healing prayers coming your way Leigh for you and your son!
Praying for you Leigh and you sweet boy. Also praying Michelle for your sister. That is hard stuff. Love you she reads truth family. Hope you are all able to have a weekend of reflection as we get closer to Easter. ❤️
Kelly love your analogy. Thanks for the insight. Prayers for all of you and requests mentioned.
Good morning ladies. Sending you grace & love by Jesus. My son caught scarlet fever this week but is doing better. At least because his fever has stopped. His rash is starting to bother him I think and I just hate seeing him struggle. He will be 2 in June. Could you please say a prayer for him, that he is back to normal soon? I have woken with a very scratchy throat so I’m worried I’ll be next.
Hey all!
Please pray for my sister Heather. She’s in her mid twenties. She checked herself into the hospital late last night to go to a psych ward. She is going through a breakup which I guess makes her feel helpless and like a burden– exposing a lot. My mom and I tried to talk to her, but she I guess feels this is her best option. We grew up Catholic — and I think she’s saved— but currently, she’s not following after the Lord. Hasn’t been to church in a very long time and does not read the Bible. So, please pray God reaches her in this mess. I think of Psalm 139:7-12. May He see her and speak life into her.
Such a precious promise! The world wounds us and leaves us to die. The Lord’s wounds are to bring us healing, to life. Like the difference between being stabbed and a doctor’s scalpel.
Praying for those needing physical healing
I’m praying for all of you. I hope you all have a wonderful weekend!