Grace Day

Open Your Bible

John 17:20-26

Text: John 17:20-26

Take time today to rest in the knowledge of God’s boundless grace and reflect on Scripture below.

“I pray not only for these,
but also for those who believe in Me
through their message.
May they all be one,
as You, Father, are in Me and I am in You.
May they also be one in Us,
so the world may believe You sent Me.
I have given them the glory You have given Me.
May they be one as We are one.
I am in them and You are in Me.
May they be made completely one,
so the world may know You have sent Me
and have loved them as You have loved Me.
I desire those You have given Me
to be with Me where I am.
Then they will see My glory,
which You have given Me
because You loved Me before the world’s foundation.
Righteous Father!
The world has not known You.
However, I have known You,
and these have known that You sent Me.
I made Your name known to them
and will make it known,
so the love You have loved Me with
may be in them and I may be in them.”
-John 17:20-26 HCSB


(27) Comments

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27 thoughts on "Grace Day"

  1. Genovia says:

    His heart for us is so tender and beautiful. What amazing genuine final hearts desires for us

  2. Cait says:


  3. Sarah L says:

    Love what Abbie said above, Jesus is always praying for us, wonderful to know that someone always has our back whatever we may be facing!! Thank you SRT and thank you God for the gift of your son.

  4. Alicia E. says:

    What an AWESOME verse for today! I spent my morning participating in my church’s prayer walk, surrounding and praying for our city, and this speaks so much to that experience! I love the way God reaches us through so many different means when He wants us to get the message.

  5. Melinda says:

    May they be made completely one,
    so the world may know You have sent Me
    and have loved them as You have loved Me.

    This whole prayer just strikes me as BEAUTIFUL! It is Jesus heart laid out before it and who is on His heart us! His people and the world. Those who are His and those who would be His. May we be one as sister’s in Christ that the world may know that Jesus is indeed God’s son. May we be one with one another in our local churches that our neighbor’s my know God loves them just as He first loved His one and only son. May our local church be one with all other churches with in our communities that our cities may know that Jesus is the son of God. May the universal church cross divisions, repent, receive healing and become one that the world may know God’s love. This is my prayer today!

    1. Maritza says:


  6. Abbie says:

    One of the most soothing things in all my pain is knowing that Jesus is ALWAYS praying for us. It’s so comforting to know he is interceding every minute. Spurgeon says of how we do not know what calamities and temptations we’ve been delivered from because of Jesus praying for us. <3

  7. Jennifer says:

    I love the unity here on SRT! I’ve never really thought about it before, but I believe there is such a true community in Christ here because we are starting with God’s word first. What a blessing SRT continues to be for me! Thank you to the She Reads Truth Team for all you do!!

  8. Ashley says:

    Ladies – I just published my new blog; a christian lifestyle blog about my journey with God. Please check it out at &amp; like my FB page at I would appreciate you sharing it with any friends who you think would enjoy it! My husband & I travel the country for a living, and I’m a foodie, so my posts are always diverse & never boring! Thanks so much for your support! <3 xoxo, Ashley

  9. Tricia says:

    Amen. And I’m still in awe that Jesus was praying for me, for us. Blessed be his name!

  10. churchmouse says:

    I have read that that this is the one prayer of Jesus that has not yet been fully answered – that the Church is not yet unified. There are divisions within and without the various denominations – some quite strident that they have exclusive access to the full truth. Sigh. When I read the Word and share experiences with other believers (SRT!), I feel a unity of the Spirit. But then, within the church family, there is often discord and dissension. Churches seem in competition. Unity seems very far off. Then I remind myself that we are all pilgrims in progress and so, much grace needs extended. I pray I would be a grace – extender in my own church family. I pray for unity of the global Church. I pray that Jesus be the one and only focus.

    1. Joanna says:


      1. KristiV says:


    2. Kendra says:

      Yes!!! Love your daily words, insights and wisdom , church mouse!

    3. Louise says:

      I feel sad today as I read these words as the church is often not a place of unity and love like Jesus intends. There are so many issues that really aren’t that important which bring division and dissent, creating a place people looking on at cannot see the love of Christ in. It’s not always like this but often enough that I do grieve and feel ashamed for the times we fail so badly in this area

  11. Cindy says:

    He was praying for me. Jesus was praying for us. Not just faces in a crowd. I love this verse. He was praying for me! Thank you Lord. Thank you!!

  12. Audra says:

    What a blessing to have John 17 as todays reading. My husband and I just read over this as we are studying unity together. Christ longs for unity with me, with us! How incredible!

  13. missycm says:

    Just a little extension of this (especially from Rebekah´s writing on Thursday) from Valley of Vision: “Let thy love draw me nearer to thyself, wean me from sin, mortify me to this world, and make me ready for my departure hence. Secure me by thy grace as I sail across this stormy sea.” -The Mover

  14. Creed says:

    “May they be one as we are one”. How beautiful to know that is exactly what happens when we come together at church. That is exactly what happens when we meet everyday in this study! I have felt God’s presence everyday through his word, through the commentary and most especially through the comments of my sisters in Christ. As I read the comments everyday, I feel as though we are all in a room together, sharing God’s goodness, building each other up, asking for prayer and comfortable enough to share some of our deepest needs. I imagine that is exactly what Jesus had in mind when he prayed for us! Oh what a wonderful God we serve! Thank you Jesus!
    Love to all my sisters!

    1. Cindy says:

      Beautifully said! I actually found this bible study through pinterest, and I thank God for that. I agree, that it does feel like we are all in a room together, sharing God’s word, and encouraging each other! Thank you Jesus for this blessing!

    2. Sue says:

      Amen!! Love to you as well.

    3. Joanna says:

      Amen! I am forever grateful for this community.

      1. Dana says:


    4. Camilla E says:

      And to you too… Love! Amen

  15. Carie says:

    Grace! Pure grace, that our Jesus would pray for us!

  16. Grace Castro says:


  17. Dana says:

    So beautiful