Grace Day

Open Your Bible

Galatians 5:1

Take this day to catch up on your reading, pray, and rest in the presence of the Lord.

For freedom, Christ set us free. Stand firm, then, and don’t submit again to a yoke of slavery.
—Galatians 5:1

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31 thoughts on "Grace Day"

  1. Emily McGhee says:

    By His Stripes we are healed ❤️

  2. Brandy Deruso says:

    Lord you are good!

  3. Desiree Harris says:

    Freedom is God-given and should not be restricted.

  4. Portia says:

    My ESV Study Bible says this:

    5:1 Christ has set us free from Jewish ceremonial laws & regulations, but not from obedience to God’s moral standards.

    God forgive me for the many times I, as a Christian woman, have abused & misused the freedom You’ve granted me. The times I’ve freely covered, disobeyed, hid, isolated, performed, pretended, ran, & rebelled.

  5. Kat Getz says:

  6. Malisa Cruz says:

    Thankful for The freedom I have in Christ! ❤️

  7. Carla Denham says:

    Worry and materialism … those are real strongholds that so many women battle. Stay convicted and encouraged!

  8. Miranda Padilla says:

    It’s a movie!?!? That is my favorite book!

  9. Brooke P says:

    I am so thankful for the freedom that is in Christ. I am so thankful to be liberated from the powers of darkness and decay. The Lord is a stronghold and a mighty tower for His people. PRAISE GOD for your redemption over my broken, selfish, stubborn, empty, destructive old life. I am praying for you all and those you’ve asked for prayers on behalf. Victoria E. Thank you sister, I am praying for you too!! (Did I see you say you’re a physician? If so my husband is too!) love you all She’s!!

  10. Skylar Hilton says:


    Words cannot express how much of myself wants to be yours. Everything in myself- the breath in my lungs, the heart in my chest- everything wants to belong to you so desperately. I love you and that’s really all i know. You reign in my heart above all. You are everything

  11. Indiana Elaine says:

    Kelly (neo), thank you so much for the prayers for my son. He is doing well and back to work. We are humbled by God’s healing. Both my husband and I have Covid. I am pretty much over it, just weak. My husband is still dealing with the cough. K. Swenson, hang in there! It will get better. Prayers for your recovery.

  12. K Swenson says:

    I actually miss the readings and comments on Grace Day! It’s still good to connect with you all! I have Covid, so I would appreciate prayers for a speedy recovery. Blessings to you all this weekend!

  13. Adrienne says:

    RHONDA J… I don’t understand why so many Christians don’t open their Bibles! That’s sad. And someone at church made the comment last week, that sometimes WE are the only Bible that people read. I pray that we live life in His freedom, and that it is evident to others.

  14. Victoria E says:

    Good morning all! Thank God that we are free! I pray to live out this verse by not going back to my old chains of worry and materialism but to enjoy my freedom in Christ and to be a slave to Him! Going back to look for comments I missed yesterday, I see reference to many I didn’t see. Brooke P still praying for you especially!

  15. Mari V says:

    Good morning ☀️ SRT sisters. Happy Saturday! I want to go see Redeeming Love last night. If you haven’t already it’s saying “must see”. We were so privileged to have Francine Rivers the writer of the book as a guest on the SRT podcast.

  16. Cindy Hanna says:

    Blessings on your weekend SRT sisters. May you all shine the beautiful light and true freedom of Christ wherever you go!

  17. Beverly Watley says:

    Glory to God in heaven. I am really loving this bible study, it’s like a can’t wait for the next one! God bless this community, I love reading your post. ❤️

  18. Sarah Ritchie says:

    Thank you for pointing that out, Kelly. I think about that too, how the word has been so distorted.

  19. Ashley White says:

    Happy Saturday everyone!

  20. Julianne Pictou says:

    Christ has set us free! Stand firm. ✨

  21. Rea Queen says:


  22. Jessi says:

    Rhonda J, I agree and thank you for your comments. I have grown so much and gained so much peace since I started reading my Bible (for the first time in my life).

  23. SarahJoy says:

    Catching up on yesterday’s comments. You all are a treasure trove. So much richness in the verses, the reflection and then the comments!

    @ASHLEY H – saying a prayer for your family. May God provide what you need, so you can rest and recover. May He give you all health in its fullness. Hugs from a distance, mama.

    @ LYNNE FROM ALABAMA – praying that Jack can rest in God’s presence. Praying for the surgery on Wednesday and for all who will attend him.

    @ANGIE – carrying the scent of Jesus in her hair. Scents are so powerful. I saw a friend smell a candle that smelled like her late dad’s soap, and she was immediately in tears. May my scent be a balm to those around me.

    @JENNIFER LOVES JESUS – the metaphor of the seed packets having to be opened and the seed dying… I am praying through a difficult decision. Both options feel like a certain amount of death. Praying God will illuminate the path He has for me.

    @RHONDA J – my testimony feels mundane too, but people in our circles still see us. Do we take our five loaves and two fish and offer it to Jesus? Do we show up for our people consistently with grace and the aroma of Christ?

    God I offer this day to You, this grace day. May every day be a day where I hand out grace like candy to those in my path. May my heart lean into yours as I wrestle though this decision. And trust that ultimately my life is yours.

  24. Sasha Tripp says:

    Have a wonderful and blessed weekend everyone.

  25. Rhonda J. says:

    Thank you Dear Lord for giving me freedom from my sinful life. Oh, how stubborn I was submitting to you, even though it became quite clear that my sins led to painful consequences every time for years and years. You alone, take us out of bondage, set us free, and lead us to the shelter of your love.
    We are such a lucky (put mildly) people that we have the story! The full story! How has a book that is “just a story” lasted, for 2000 years? Because it is God’s WORD. Isn’t it just so overwhelming how God has moved and worked that we have that amazing book called the bible, our life guide, directly from our Dear Saviour?! It’s all at our hands. In other countries, it is banned or not available. We are so blessed yet half of Christians don’t even read their bible. I find that astonishing. Let’s make an effort to get bibles to our loved ones. Maybe at some point, they will be led to read it, in a time of hurting and hopelessness. Thank your SRT for the phrase of being in our bible daily. It has made such a difference in my growth! And thank you all for your insights and comments! I was so shocked to see two comments on HRT! lol.

  26. Kelly (NEO) says:

    Freedom is a term that has been twisted (especially in the USA). It has come to be thought of as no restraint of acting on my desires (as long as someone else is not harmed). That is actually bondage.
    Jesus’ freedom is not from anything, but freedom TO be eternally His and be set apart for His glory.

    Praying for K SWENSON, ASHLEY H (& family), ABBY B, KENZIE REVELL (grandma), INDIANA ELAINE (son), SARA MUSCGROVE (Matt) that a full recovery from COVID will come quickly. (Sorry if I missed anyone)

    Praying for that God would pour extra energy and peace on the healthcare workers.

    LIZZY BUTTERFIELD, RACHEL FROM TX, GRAMISUE – how are your husbands doing?

    LYNNE FROM AL will be praying for your husband’s upcoming surgery.

    JEHOVAH JIRAH, You are enough❣

  27. Jennifer Loves Jesus says:

    *well armored sanctuary :)

  28. Susan Joiner says:

    Saw the movie Redeeming Love last night. So good! Francine Rivers did a great job writing the screenplay. The Scripture today reminded me of how Angel was finally freed from her yoke of slavery. So thankful to see a movie with a message that brings good news!

  29. Jennifer Loves Jesus says:

    This freedom Christ came to give us is like being upgraded from a life jacket on the ocean to a Navy ship. From passive floating to operating a wall armored sanctuary with sophisticated navigation equipment. Paul didn’t say Christ set us free so relax and enjoy, he said stand firm. And don’t submit. This sounds like a battle cry to me. Just as Jesus healed on the Holy days so we must remember the good work of keeping alert, being strong, and sticking together. Father, bless us on this grace day. Let us find rest in Your gift of freedom and help us to live in accordance with our salvation. Amen.

  30. Maura says:

    Amen Searching. The Bible App today talks about temptation in
    1 Corinthians 10:13 God doesn’t want us to submit to a youk of slavery, and will not allow us to be tempted in more than we can handle with His help. The Holy Spirit is our Helper and we can say Yes to the Lord by His power and deny temptation and not submit to being enslaved. Our God is mighty. Freedom in Christ Jesus sets us free indeed. Hugs to your Saturday Sisters.

  31. Searching says:

    In trying to sort out today’s verse, Christ set us FREE from a life overwhelmed by our sin (a type of slavery) and an eternity of separation from God. He cleanses our hearts and minds, and the Bible details again and again what keeping them clean and standing firm in that freedom looks like.
    Further in Galatians 5, v13 You, my brothers and sisters, were called to be free. But do not use your freedom to indulge the flesh; rather, serve one another humbly in love. 14 For the entire law is fulfilled in keeping this one command: “Love your neighbor as yourself.” (NIV)
    Galatians goes on to list the beloved fruit of the Spirit starting in v 22.
    22 But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, 23 gentleness and self-control. Against such things there is no law.

    Praying for wisdom to recognize all the times and ways I stray from His freedom – in words, actions (or inactions), attitude and the innumerable choices I make each day.

    So many insights on yesterday’s devo – rereading those today to let them sink in. Thank you, SRT sisters.

    Praying for mentioned needs.