Take this day to catch up on your reading, pray, and rest in the presence of the Lord.
“The LORD of Armies says this: ‘Make fair decisions. Show faithful love and compassion to one another. Do not oppress the widow or the fatherless, the resident alien and poor, and do not plot evil in your hearts against one another.’”
—Zechariah 7:9-10

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16 thoughts on "Grace Day"
loving for this truth filled plan < i hope everyone can use this day && everyday to draw near to our creator! ✞
Mari V – fantastic news!
Victoria E – praying you are filled with the peace of God. That you can stay in the moment and resist the devil’s whispers of fear of the future.
I’m new to SRT, and I so enjoyed my first plan, One Another! I also wanted to thank everyone who shared their stories of forgiveness, some brought tears to my eyes, what a blessing. I’m looking forward to and excited for the Advent plan!
I’m new to SRT, and I so enjoyed my first plan, One Another! I want to thank everyone who shared their stories of forgiveness, some brought tears to my eyes, what a blessing. I’m looking forward to the Advent plan!
I’m new to SRT, and I so enjoyed this plan!.I also wanted to thank everyone who shared their stories of forgiveness
Great study and such powerful and personal comments and testimony. Mari V praise God for your conversation going well. I am so excited for Advent, I’ve never really celebrated it before but I am excited for the Lord to use this time to hone my focus on Jesus! If I can ask again for prayers- I am still battling this anxiety and this weekend our church is doing child dedication which as beautiful as it is triggers my anxiety a little. I know God is good and faithful, and He is not the author of fear. Please pray for peace, more faith, and continued health for this miracle baby. Thank you dear sisters
This study has been wonderful. Thank you to everyone who shared I got behind this week. Your stories of forgiveness yesterday Tina, Churchmouse, Rhonda, they blessed me richly. Thank you SRT for such a wonderful & timely study. I’m excited to start Advent.
SEARCHING, Thank you to you as well for praying for peace and understanding.
KELLY, thank you!! The Lord answered your prayers. And those who are praying. Yesterday, I talked to my mom about how I felt. Of course I did it in love using “I“ and “me“ statements. She accepted what I was saying and asked for forgiveness.
Churchmouse, you are so right.
Kindness is something I need to work on with certain people and/or at certain times. I have to remember God didn’t make us all the same.
Sisters Christmas is just around the corner and Advent starts tomorrow, let us start with an attitude of happiness, gratitude and cheer.
For my sisters who have had a loss this year and this will be the first Christmas without the someone special, remember they are with you in your heart and memories. It will be hard probably the hardest one but don’t let that take the joy out of Christmas, I’m sure they wouldn’t want that. The first Christmas after my son died I had bought special paper and gave all my family on Christmas a piece and asked them to write him a letter. To this day, 18 years later, I go back and read them and find out things I don’t know. I didn’t read them for a few days.
Happy Saturday! I got all my Christmas up, and excited and ready to begin Advent study!! I hope we can get Jesus back in Christmas this year with our friends and family. If you are not aware, The Chosen will have a Christmas movie at the theaters I believe Dec 1st through the 5th! It is a perfect way to share Jesus, to see and tell. And if you have not seen The Chosen, a great time to start leading up to Christmas! There are 2 seasons, of 8 shows. They are so good at showing Jesus, and the disciples.
Happy Saturday SHEs!
Another study that was so good. As we prepare our hearts for Advent, I pray that the Holy Spirit will bring to our remembrance how we are to behave as children of God.
Praying for the requests about relationships
KARRIE – restored marriage
JILLIAN LEE, MAURA, SAMANTHA BOZARD – with other relationships
MARI V – with mom
SEARCHING – voice of peace in your family’s drama
CHURCHMOUSE – with church family
Perhaps this verse could be summed up in two words: be kind. Do everything out of and with kindness.
If you prefer three words: love your neighbor.
I’ve enjoyed this study very much. Covid has kept many in our community at home. In fact, our Governor shut down our churches for an extended period of time. We’ve had to be creative and intentional in supporting, exhorting and encouraging from a distance. It’s nice to have the SRT community, and this study, to help keep me on track.
I love today’s verses – trying to memorize them which isn’t a strength of mine.
KAREN YINGLING – while I’m not good at memorizing, I can remember things that really impact me and your lead off question yesterday is one of those things. Thank you.
RHONDA J – Praying for husband’s forgiveness about the car, and understanding that it was an accident. And thank you for sharing your testimony, forgiveness is so powerful.
PENNI COURTS – praying for the situation with your son & his girlfriend
CHURCHMOUSE and SISTER IN CHRIST – praise the Lord for these reconciliations! I have seen similar between my sisters recently, when they previously could not occupy space in the same room. An answer to prayer.
MARI V – praying for peace and understanding between you and your mom.
BEV – love the focus on encouragement!
ANGIE – I join you in prayer for healing and restoration of this relationship.
KARRIE – I think forgiveness is both, a conscious decision and then working towards it to fully turn it over to the Lord and then leave it in His hands. Praying for healing and for the strength to forgive.