Grace Day

Open Your Bible

Jeremiah 29:11

Take this day to catch up on your reading, pray, and rest in the presence of the Lord.

“For I know the plans I have for you”—this is the LORD’s declaration—“plans for your well-being, not for disaster, to give you a future and a hope.” 
—Jeremiah 29:11

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35 thoughts on "Grace Day"

  1. Karen Roper says:


  2. Victoria E says:

    Brittany I am still praying for you and your miracle girl. I firmly believe it will be ok, hold onto the scripture for today! I know I am !

  3. Mari V says:

    @Kelly. Thank you so much for praying for all of us! Thank you for praying for my sister Patty. I never did post but she ended up discontinuing her nursing education as it became so stressful. My heart aches and was sad for her. But please continue to pray for her as she is on leave for a work comp injury. She is under physical therapy. Pray for healing and that she will be continue to be provided for.

  4. Dorothy says:

    It’s amazing what God’s plans include, we may not always think they’re the best or like them but in the long run they there is a reason for them. I used to question Him about why He let certain things happen but now as I get older I finding out He has His reasons. My son’s death has allowed me to help others, especially my sister, through the death of their child. I can honestly say to them, “I know how you feel.” No their child probably didn’t die the same way mine did but I did lose a child. God, Christ and the Spirit are so wonderful, so marvelous and so loving. We all need to not go against the Lord’s plans for us, we may not like them at first but in the long run everything works out for the best.
    Sisters, I ask for continued prayers for my Aunt Betty, she is in the assisted living now and will be going to see her this weekend but she is still weak.
    Also, my nephew Jake that he would realize the error of his ways and return and face the consequences. My sister, Carol that she decide to seek help with dealing all that has happened in her life in the last several years.
    But most of all let us all pray that COVID comes to an end soon, so we aren’t cooped up so much and can move on with life in a new normal way.
    I’m praying for all those who have requested prayer.
    Sisters have a fantastic, wonderful and blessed weekend and share the wonderful News of Christ and the Holy Spirit.

  5. Mari V says:

    Glad to see you back Martha Hix. Praying for you as well right now.

  6. Mari V says:

    Our dear sweet sister. TINA! We are praying for you sweet girl. Praying for a speedy recovery. And I agree with our other sisters you are not alone. We are here with you. Sending you hugs across the pond.

  7. Mari V says:

    Oh Brittany, I’m praying right NOW for your sweet miracle baby and for you and your husband. It brought to tears when I read your post. As Mom’s we can all relate when it comes to our children. Even when they’re grown. They will always be our babies. As Tina would say I’m praying for you across the pond.

  8. Mari V says:

    Last night a fellow sister in Christ came over for a short visit. She and her family moved out of state. And only came to pick up and to take care of last minute things. My heart was so filled with joy that she took the time to come visit me! We talked, we laughed, and we cried! This verse is so fitting and I texted to her. Please pray for her daughter N who recently experienced a 180 turn. She also loves Jesus very much and I know she’s going to be OK. But as a mama my heart aches for her and my friend (her mom).

  9. Rhonda J. says:

    Praying for you Tina that you will get over it quick and feel good!

    Brittney, How scary for you! Hopefully, you are getting released as I type and getting to your baby girl! I pray God breathes perfect breath into her. She will be an amazing blessing for you and your husband. Please teach that baby girl the story of Jesus as she grows!

    Martha Hix, praying for you. That is a hard loss and with the holidays coming I will continue prayer for your family. Time is so precious with our family, we just never know when things will change in an instant. Our only hope is to see them one day in heaven.

    Listening to the song “Weary Traveler” right now. Sometimes we all feel so weary. My body is weary and tired today. I have a rod up most of my spine, and this morning the rest of my body and head feel only propped up around it. But I won’t be weary long, I have hope in that glorious day when my body is made anew, no pain, no hurts. Funny, now Chris Tomlin’s song “I’m Going Home” is playing!! Yep, can’t wait to go HOME!! Oh, Glorious Day!! Whether it is before His coming, or when we see Him descend!! Blinded eyes will finally see, the trumpet will sound!!

  10. Donna Wolcott says:

    Brittany congratulations to you and your husband. May you have blessed reunion today and get to cuddle your new bundle of joy and prayers for her too. Tina I hope you feel better soon, it is time to take of you. Prayers for a speedy recovery across the pond. Blessings sisters you are all a blessing to me each and every day. Peace.

  11. Maura says:

    Praise God He is our hope and our future. Brittany, congratulations. When I had my daughter over 30 years ago, because of my diabetes they whisked her away, after giving me but a glimpse of her. Praying you continue to feel His peace and for you both to be together as soon as possible. His joy to you and your husband on this special day, the birth of your precious baby girl. Thank you Kelly, a beautiful prayer for Yvette. So appreciatte your investment here, as you help me pray for the needs you bring back into our vision. Mari V, my Grand Girls just turned 11 and 9. And my baby Grand is 2. So appreciate your prayers. Martha Hix, praying for you, keep leaning in rto our God. He is holding you, and let those who reach out, friends and family, let them in to help, and bless you. Hugs to your heart. Tina, at the end of Covid I believe, praying healing over and for you dear Sister. May you find His peace daily and feel His presence in this time. Our hospitals where I live are full, much prayer needed aginst this virus. If you can get the monochronal antibodies, I do believe that made a big difference for me. Love to you all.

  12. Jane K says:

    Jeremiah 29:11 has helped me hang on to God’s goodness and His plan many times over the years. I repeat this verse while going to sleep and focus my thoughts in the right direction. I am praying for God’s protection over you, Tina. May you thoroughly and quickly recover from covid. Congratulations, Brittany C., on the birth of your baby girl! Praying for all her breathing complications to be healed and that you can bring her home soon! Continued prayers of comfort and peace, Martha. I’m so sorry you are going through this.

  13. Heidi V says:

    I was in your exact shoes 28 years ago. God has opened up a new part of your heart for your daughter, allow the peace you’re feeling to fill that space up. If you end up being discharged before her be gentle on your body and don’t push yourself too hard while you’re visiting her. You are healing too. She is in expert hands and being monitored 24/7. Watch her heart rate when you speak to her, she will know your voice! Don’t worry about “bonding”, God has opened up a special place in her heart just for you as well! Take all the help offered to you and share your feelings with a trusted person in your support system. Praying for your family and a quick homecoming and sending huge congratulations for your bundle of joy!!

  14. CeeGee says:

    TINA, God bless you with strength and healing as you rest in Him! You are such a blessing, sister!!!

    BRITTANY, praying for your heart as you wait to be with your baby girl and husband. Prayers for her strength and for strong healthy lungs and heart. She shares my son’s birthday!

    MARTHA HIX, it’ s good to see you regularly again. Continued prayers in this time!

    Joining in the prayers and praises! Happy weekend!

  15. Annelyn P says:

    What a privilege and blessing to pray for each other. So grateful we can come boldly before the throne. Praying for you Brittany and Tina and the other requests mentioned. Have a blessed day, SRT sisters.

  16. Aimee D-R says:

    Amen for Your Plan Lord. Amen in Jesus mighty name.

  17. Sharon, Jersey Girl says:

    Life in itself is so uncertain, but I am so glad that God knows the plan- even when I don’t! This is a favorite verse of mine, a good reminder every day, especially when things things seem “upside down”.

    Have a blessed weekend! Continuing to pray for your requests.

  18. Kristin Sparkman says:

    Brittany congratulations and prayers! So exciting and scary. Tina praying healing and rest.

  19. Searching says:

    TINA – praying for quick healing with Covid. When I read “isolation”, rIght away I thought, isolated but definitely not alone! The Lord and all us Sisters are with you in our thoughts and prayers, sending lots of love your way!

    Praying for you and your daughter, Brittany, and a speedy reunion.

    Martha Hix – will continue to pray for you

    Praying through the requests as I read through.

  20. Kelly says:

    Happy Saturday! Hope you are able to rest this weekend sisters.

    TINA – praying your symptoms are minimal and you are able to use the time to “come away” to be with Jesus. Refill your tank so you have more to pour out to those you minister to.

    BRITTANY CARBONE – congratulations! Praying for you and your husband to rest in God’s peace. Praying the medical staff has wisdom for treatment. And praying your little one’s breathing will normalized quickly. What’s her name?

    RHONDA J – how is your dad doing?

    CALLIE PARKER – is your husband still in boot camp?

    REBECCA PAUL, JULIA BROWN, NIKKI TOLSON, and SYDNEY – hope you will be with us in the next study!

    FOSTER MAMA – praying your dad feels the love of those who are helping him and his pride would allow them to love him

    MAURA – praying Yvette will be a witness as she waits for physical healing or ultimate healing from the Lord

    MARI V – how is Patty doing at school?

    ELAINE MORGAN – how are Stacy and David?

    AG – how is your grandma?

    ASH H – has your sis-in-law found a new job?

    LAUREN – did the MRI help diagnose your pain?

    MELANIE – how is your F-I-L doing?

    ANGIE – how are things going with the young gals in your Bible study, especially your niece?

    TRACI – continuing to pray for Tanner’s and your peace through this storm.

    MARTHA HIX – have been and will continue to pray for your grief process. May I suggest joining a national program called Griefshare (locations and times on website) where you can wall with others who have been where you are and can help you navigate your loss.

    DACOTAH LYNN STARR – glad you stuck it out with this study. Join us for the next one too (It is only 2 weeks).

    LEXI B – how are your classes going?

    K SWENSON – were you able to start a new program to help your PTSD?

  21. Sherri says:

    Tina, sending healing prayers across the pond.
    Brittany, congratulations!! May you be reunited with your sweet baby girl & husband soon.
    Martha, deepest sympathy as you mourn your dear husband.
    SRTers, blessings, love & virtual hugs

  22. Heather Stalnaker says:

    Brittany, congratulations on your precious miracle!! Praying you are released so soon so you can get to her and that she is able to come home with all of you soon. Thanking Him for the peace He has given you and asking Him to fill you with His comfort and presence during this miraculous yet difficult time.

    Tina – praying for quick and swift healing from Covid, dear one.

    Martha – I am not always around for all of the comments and did not realize you had lost your husband. I am praying for intense comfort and peace

    I am so sorry for the multiple posts. I rarely post and somehow the app kept posting before I was ready and didn’t know it. I would delete if it let me! ❤️

  23. Heather Stalnaker says:

    Brittany, congratulations on your precious miracle!! Praying you are released so soon so you can get to her and that she is able to come home with all of you soon. Thanking Him for the peace He has given you and asking Him to fill you with His comfort and presence during this miraculous yet difficult time.

    Tina – praying for quick and swift healing from Covid, dear one.

    Martha – I am not always around for all of the comments and did not realize you had lost your husband. I am praying for intense comfort and peace

  24. Heather Stalnaker says:

    Brittany, congratulations on your precious miracle!! Praying you are released so soon so you can get to her and that she is able to come home with all of you soon. Thanking Him for the peace He has given you and asking Him to fill you with His comfort and presence during this miraculous yet difficult time.

    Tina – praying for quick and swift healing from Covid, dear one.

  25. Heather Stalnaker says:

    Brittany, congratulations on your precious miracle!! Praying you are released so soon so you can get to her and that she is able to come home with all of you soon. Thanking Him for the peace He has given you and asking Him to fill you with His comfort and presence during this miraculous yet difficult time.

  26. ingrid g says:


  27. SarahJoy says:

    BRITTANY – God can handle all your big feelings. Pour them out at His feet. He wants you to cling to Him. My favorite image in the moments of need is the woman who was bleeding for years and knew that if she just touched the hem of His robe she would receive the healing she desired.
    (Luke 8:43-48)
    At His feet. He saw her. He spoke love to her. May you sense His love in the midst of this time of joy and difficulty. ❤️

  28. Pamela Aileen says:

    Todays scripture is for you sweet Momma!! I will be praying for your little girl and her parents!!

  29. Melanie B says:

    Brittany C, I’m praying for you and your sweet baby. I pray that God’s presence would feel overwhelmingly real to you and that your sweet new little one would improve and progress quickly. God bless you all!

  30. MARTHA HIX says:

    Praying for you Brittany and Tina and other recent requests.
    Thank you all for your prayers after the unexpected death of my husband. Please continue to pray for me for peace. I am grateful for SRT and God’s presence during this time of grief and loss. So thankful for you all.

  31. Rachel Romero says:

    I’m praying for you and your family this morning, congratulations momma!

  32. Rachel Romero says:

    Today I’m thankful for the hope I find in God’s Word and how it spills over into my life!

  33. Brittany Carbone says:

    Such fitting scripture for today. I am the girl who for induced on Tuesday with my little miracle IVF baby. She was born Thursday afternoon via c-section and ended up getting transferred to a medical hospital a couple of hours away around 2 am this morning. My husband is with her and I’m being discharged shortly so I can get to her. She needed some extra help breathing, but she is doing okay. Seeing my little girl being taken away in a helicopter was the scariest moment of my life. I haven’t felt God like I wanted to during the last 36 hours, but at the same i’ve mostly felt at peace and had faith that she is going to be okay. I’d appreciate prayers for my little girl. ❤️

  34. Tina says:

    Taking this to heart, and deep into my soul, as I sit in isolation with Covid..

    “For I know the plans I have for you”—this is the LORD’s declaration—“plans for your well-being, not for disaster, to give you a future and a hope.”
    —Jeremiah 29:11

    For the past 21 months and much before that I have walked with the disadvantaged in our community, without a day off.. I have continued working trusting God every step of the way. It has been an honour to be able to do this for so long, so I rest now, knowing the Almighty One has a plan, not just something that is flippantly said to another, NO, A DECLARATION, of a plan, a purpose, of well being, hope and a future..



    Blessings wrapped in love dear hearts!
    Happy weekend!❤

  35. Lisa Holland says:

    One of my favorite verses. ❤️