Grace Day

Open Your Bible

John 17:1-5

Text: John 17:1-5

 Take time today to rest in the knowledge of God’s boundless grace and reflect on Scripture below.

Jesus spoke these things, looked up to heaven, and said:

the hour has come.
Glorify Your Son
so that the Son may glorify You,
for You gave Him authority
over all flesh;
so He may give eternal life
to all You have given Him.
This is eternal life:
that they may know You, the only true God,
and the One You have sent—Jesus Christ.
I have glorified You on the earth
by completing the work You gave Me to do.
Now, Father, glorify Me in Your presence
with that glory I had with You
before the world existed.
-John 17:1-5 HCSB


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30 thoughts on "Grace Day"

  1. Creed says:

    I’ve often thought that when God spoke to Moses at the burning bush, it was a little odd that God would say his name was “I AM” and that was what he was to tell the Israelites when they asked. OK, so that means that God IS GOD. He was, is and always will be.
    Today’s journey with Russ Ramsey tells us that in the Book of John, Jesus describes himself eight times as “I am”.
    One of those was in John 6:35 where Jesus said “I am the bread of life”.
    What did God provide the Israelites in the wilderness? Manna. Bread from Heaven so that they would live and not starve. (Exodus 16)
    In John 8:12, Jesus said “I am the light of the world. He who follows me shall not walk in darkness, but have the light of life”. What did God provide the Israelites in the wilderness?
    A pillar of fire by night to give them light. (Exodus 13).
    Did you catch that? WOW! Jesus himself was leading them, guiding them, feeding them!!!
    Oh what an amazing God we serve!!!! Once again, I stand in awe of my God!
    Thank you Russ Ramsey for allowing God to use you as a shepherd for HIS flock.

    1. Sana says:

      That is sooo COOL! Thanks for sharing!!!

  2. WorkInProgress says:


  3. WorkInProgress says:

    This was the reminder I needed to stop letting my heart middle and deflect, and to start being open and listen. I have been hurting so deeply that I selfishly felt God forgot about me. While truly, God has seen that I have deflected from Him instead of reflecting Him. Thank you for the reminder.

    “…And this is eternal life, that they know you the only true God, and Jesus Christ whom you have sent. I glorified you on earth, having accomplished the work that you gave me to do. And now, Father, glorify me in your own presence with the glory that I had with you before the world existed.”

    1. Tina says:

      Thank you. I too have felt forgotten and I needed your words. Happy Easter

  4. WorkInProgress says:


  5. Eternal life is being with God. True joy only comes from putting all of your hope in Christ as your Savior. So thankful to be God’s daughter. That is my identity- not my job, marriage, family, friends, personality. Nothing but the blood of Jesus defines me. Have to remind myself of this everyday.

    1. Megan says:


  6. Terri says:

    My husband recently shared with me a motivational video advising something to the effect that”It’s never to late to dream your dreams”. The speaker encouraged people to not go to sleep that night, until they knew what their’s was. I was having a hard time articulating mine. He gave it to me today.
    “I have glorified You on the earth, by completing the work You gave Me to do.”John 17:4
    He never let’s me down. Somehow, someway He gets where He wants me to be, which is not always where I want to be. Matter of fact I kept having visions of myself yesterday, sheltered under the vines and leaves He grew over me for comfort and protection, then watching them wither as I looked for things to be my way. I pray that we all will see the dream, purpose, inspiration or whatever it is you want to call it, that He has for each of us.

    1. April L. says:

      Three years ago I had a hysterectomy and my dream died of ever having my own biological children. Yes, I know that we can adopt, but this isn’t why I am sharing. I became extremely depressed, felt like a failure, and was suicidal. That year continued to get worse for me as I buried my grandmother 7 weeks after my surgery, and 9 months after that my grandfather. I was drowning in despair. Sometime in that year I saw that my favorite school offered a distance learning program for the degree I wanted. I started the application but didn’t finish it or turn it in until the beginning of 2014. When my acceptance letter came in the mail, I hooted but then I cried. My poor husband didn’t understand, whew, I’m crying now as I type this. It was then, that I realized one door God was shutting, but he was opening the door to my dream he always had for me. I will be graduating May 7th with my dream degree from my all time favorite school. Since, I had to focus on school, my healing finally began. It was so hard to let go of that dream of not having my own children, and there are days where I still feel like a failure, however God lets me have my own children by teaching them. My degree is in Early Childhood Education, and I plan on getting my Masters in Early Childhood Special Education. When we let go, and let God guide us, it is an amazing thing.

      1. Sue says:

        Congratulations, you will be a wonderful teacher.

      2. Jennifer says:

        Your testimony is strong – thank you for sharing. You will blessed in many ways faithful one. Much love

      3. Christy says:

        Wow! That is some of the most incredible testimony I’ve ever heard/read. God be with you to continue to lead you in the path of righteousness for His name’s sake!

      4. Nikki Lou says:

        Thank you so much for sharing!

      5. churchmouse says:

        Thank you, April, for not giving in and giving up. Thank you for being brave. Thank you for the honest telling. God has more in store for you!

      6. Nicole says:

        Amazing testimony- thank you for sharing. You’re an inspiration and beautiful example of Gods true grace. Being bold as a lion and stepping out to find out! May God continue to lead you and as continue setting an example of His love through you for your students to see. I have a sister with Down syndrome and I can’t express how much her teachers have influenced and impacted her life. You’ll make an amazing teacher and role model. May He bless and encourage you through all things :-)

      7. Sarah Jenik says:

        Wow that’s a powerful testimony thank you for sharing it’s what I needed to hear! And congratulations!

      8. Terri says:

        Hi April, congratulations how awesome to know that our children will be taught by a women with a heart for Christ. As further evidence that He has a hand in all things, I had to let the same dream go myself for similar reasons. Would love to share a cup of coffee with you, but instead I pray peace and grace on the journey He has set before you.

  7. churchmouse says:

    May this be my epitaph : I have glorified You on the earth by completing the work You gave me to do. A singular focus on all circumstances . A noble purpose, befitting a daughter of the King. A life reflecting Jesus. All for Jesus.

    1. Terri says:


      1. Tara Condon says:


    2. Sue says:

      Befitting a daughter of the King…….Beautiful words.

  8. Louise says:

    We all must strive to live in a way that glorifies God … Following Jesus’ example. “Let your light so shine before men that they see your good deeds and glorify your Father in Heaven’….this is an amazing verse that shows that no matter how weak, frail and incapable we can view ourselves yet God wants to shine into the world through us.

    1. I says:

      Matthew 5:16………my verse for this year. Shine!!

    2. churchmouse says:

      Shine, don’t whine! My thoughts, my actions, my words – let all glorify God!

      1. Lisa says:

        Love that!!

  9. Sarah_Joy says:

    Sometimes it strikes me – how old was Jesus when he knew he was God? How did they deal with that as a family or did he keep it inside? Just one of those questions I’m saving for heaven.

    1. cindy says:

      This question really brings lots of thoughts to my heart. The emotions Jesus must have had even at a very young age. Amazing really…. Thanks for sharing.
      Be blessed.

  10. Evelyn says:

    I am really enjoying this Lent 2016 reading plan, thank you so much for providing this xoxo

  11. Annie says:
