Grace Day

Open Your Bible

2 Corinthians 4:6

You did it! If you haven’t quite finished yet, take this day to catch up on your reading, pray, and rest in the presence of the Lord.

For God who said, “Let light shine out of darkness,” has shone in our hearts to give the light of the knowledge of God’s glory in the face of Jesus Christ.
—2 Corinthians 4:6

(27) Comments

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27 thoughts on "Grace Day"

  1. Adrienne says:

    Hi, sisters… our youngest (Jon) is having a bad bout again with back pain. He is bad but not as bad as the last time, when we went to the ER. I am at his house, playing nurse. Hubby will come tomorrow and we’ll switch places. Please pray for Jon’s healing (on your knees… or not). Thank you.

    1. Deanna Froese says:

      Hi Adrienne, I’m praying for Jon and hoping he’s doing much better a week later.

  2. Claire B says:

    Thank each of you for your prayers. My pain has been minimal so you are being heard on my behalf. Blessings to all ♥️

  3. Jennifer Anapol says:

    I have so loved this study! Have a great weekend ladies!❤️

  4. Dorothy says:

    I want to thank all of you who have been praying for me, I have decided to spend today working on my apartment. I have something to share from my other devotional I do at night, I mentioned it before. “Portraits of Devotion” is the title of it, it’s by Beth Moore. Last night I read, “Satan is powerful, but he is no match for the Almighty God.” I’m finding this to be soooo true b/c of your prayers Satan is being chased off from my life. Once again thank you.
    God’s blessings and prayers on all of you my sisters in Christ. Have a great weekend.

  5. CeeGee says:


  6. CeeGee says:

    A little late for my “community Bible time” but once again BLESSED by the comments and fellowship here! Yes, what an accomplishment! I learned so much and have been challenged and strengthened through this study.

    MAURA, praying for your trip and family time and that your spirit will be renewed.

    SARAHJOY, I can identity with what you said; I am not good at putting words on the page or in my prayers. I so appreciate those who share that gift!

    Have a blessed Saturday She’s!

  7. Mari V says:

    Praying for you as well Gwendolyn. You can do this. I’ll be praying the same prayer for you as I am for Sarah Joy.

  8. Mari V says:

    Kelly!!!! I should of I responded at wee hours of the night when I couldn’t sleep and I saw this post. Thank you for praying. She got negative results and will be leaving tomorrow morning for an entire week. It is the first time in four years that we will be apart for this long. Please pray for her anxiety. Her brother and I are praying that God will move in a very great way..

    1. Claire B says:

      Wonderful news!

  9. Gwendolyn Vincent says:

    Sarah Joy, I share your struggles. This is so me. I long to have that communion and consistent prayer with God. I just can’t seem to find the words, they just want flow. Blessings!!❤

  10. Beverly Watley says:

    I’ve gotten way behind, it’s amazing how life can get in our way. Pray for me that I’m able to catch up. I’ve got about 10 days to catch up. I’m using my weekend to do it. Wish me FAVOR.

    1. Mari V says:

      You’ve got this, Beverly. Find a spot that you love and maybe do a little bit at a time.

    2. Victoria E says:

      Don’t be discouraged! You can do this and it’s so worth it!

    3. Adrienne says:

      You can do it, Beverly! I was behind about 15! I caught up. Got an email the exact day I needed it with a video of Rachael that just said join the community on the current day. You’ll catch up!

  11. Victoria E says:

    @Hope Trent sorry, here it is

  12. Victoria E says:

    @HopeTrent, how are you? Is your TWW over? I pray for you and lift you up to God. Here is a verse for your TWW:

  13. Victoria E says:

    We made it through the OT! What an amazing thing to do with you all. Regarding the kneeling question from yesterday- I recently started praying on my knees when I can be alone. If my husband is around and I can’t go in a separate room I don’t, for some reason I feel like I don’t want it to look ostentatious. I am always conscious of the verse that says not to make overblown prayers for appearances sake. I do believes that you can kneel all you want, but if the posture in your heart doesn’t match it won’t matter. I do like to kneel just to remind myself of the attitude I am taking to God— if I were in His physical presence I’m sure I would be face down on the floor ! He deserves it and more so I like to do it for that reason.

  14. Sundayschoolteacher says:

    I read over Malachi this morning. It is rich with teachings we can use today. Keep God first in your life. Live a life that reflects God every day. Keep His commands and don’t follow the world’s ideas of success or ways. God’s ways are far better than anything you can dream. He gives us His teachings to follow do we don’t have to walk alone. The Old Testament speaks so loudly and is rich in truth that is valuable for today. Thanks be to God for Jesus who bridged the gap from sin and death to life. May I carry you with me Jesus each and every day I live. May others know you live in me. Praying over today that I may live a life that is worthy to the Lord. Have a wonderful Saturday SRT sisters. Missing you @Churchmouse and pray you are well.

  15. Melissa Mcronney says:


  16. SarahJoy says:

    Reviewed the comments from yesterday.
    TINA – that reminder that He loves us, forgives us and holds on to us is so timely as I pray for my loves that are struggling.
    VICTORIA E – so happy for you. It’s brave of you to share this journey here. May God grant you His peace in the quiet when the questions come. Blessings!
    So many other requests! I try and read them all and whisper a prayer. I’m not good at writing things down like ERB, but I do love following along. Y’all are such an encouragement.

    On the topic of body posture from yesterday- the posture of the heart is what makes the difference. My heart is so fickle and my mind so easily distracted. I have found that for me speaking my prayers out loud helps me. God has met me in the woods on a run and with a blanket over my head on my knees in my room. The key to each of these is undivided attention. I’ve struggled with prayer because I don’t stay consistent and feel I’m not doing it regularly like I want. My mom prays daily for everyone in our big family. I have seen miracles from the prayers prayed for her children. My heart longs to have that communion with God and consistent communication about my family.

    So I’m feeling convicted this morning that this has been something I have wanted to change for a while… I’m going to take little steps to change my morning routine to spend a few minutes in prayer daily. And now that I shared it, I’m committed, right?

    Love to you all!!

    1. Victoria E says:

      @SarahJoy thank you! Have you read a book called PUSH- Pray Until Something Happens? That book really inspired me and my husband to reignite our prayer life. Highly recommend

    2. Mari V says:

      SarahJoy, thank you for sharing your heart. I was so touched by it and you are so sweet. The fact that you know you want to do something about it it’s already the first step as you all ready mentioned. It’s little by little just as as you said. Next thing you know, you will be “craving” your time with Jesus. Blessings to you sweet girl. And I ever mention, I just love your name.

  17. Kelly says:

    GRAMSIESUE, CLAIRE B, MELANIE, LINDA K, K SWENSON, ALEXIS, EMILY, ERB, ANGIE – Praying the Lord will restore health to your bodies.

    STRUGGLING, TAYLOR, MARI V (ALYSSA), HOPE, KRISTINA LOPES, MUNCHKIN, DOROTHY, ASHLEY, KARRIE, SARAH, and LEIGH – praying that Holy Spirit will comfort you and bring you peace of mind and spirit and a tangible sense of His presence.

    Have a joy-filled Saturday shes

  18. Maura says:

    Just reviewed comments as I am up really late packing and a bit wired from too much caffeine. He is our light in the darkness. Thank you for your prayers ERB and the love. Sending it back to you, wrapped in prayers and hugs and His glorious light. I haven’t read Chapter 60 yet. I believe you are right and thinking maybe we can take our time with these last chapters of Isaiah, such an amazing blessing. Thank you all who are praying and couldn’t comment. And Thank you CeeGee and Nads for your comments. I will feel the prayers. He is faithful when we pray together. Amazing Grace and love to your Saturdays.

    1. Victoria E says:

      Maura enjoy your time off with family ! Praying for this time.

    2. Mari V says:

      Praying for you Maura. I hope you were able to get some sleep. You’ve got this! We are sisters at SRT are lifting you up in prayer.