Take this day to catch up on your reading, pray, and rest in the presence of the Lord.
Practice these things; be committed to them, so that your progress may be evident to all.
—1 Timothy 4:15

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55 thoughts on "Grace Day"
I use the Grace Days to meditate on the one line of Scripture and listen to the SRT podcast.
I have two kids I need this every day
Is there only supposed to be one line of scripture in today’s reading?
Practice these things and commit to keep practicing them, so encouraged
Grace and more grace
Loving this study even though I’m way behind lol
Grace is my favorite word.❤️
In today’s world friends I beg you to please live this passage out.
Be a light, share the gospel, and make a difference in this world for Jesus.
Thank you for grace God!
Lord i thank you!
Thank you for incredible wisdom here and creating love for the Lord and ourselves
What a great idea! Grace Day
This study is amazing!! So glad I found it.
I have thoroughly enjoyed this study – every single last word. I’m an SRT girl for life, because this is truly changing my life. Thank you, Lord, for your guidance.
I pray the people around me can see the progress I have made in the Lord.
Thank you for posting this! These verses really encouraged me today.
Pam, I am praying for continued recovery for hour husband, Dave, as you take care of his needs at home. I will also keep you in my prayers for continued healing for you back and stomach. May the Lord give you renewed strength on day at a time. :)
Catching up and practicing ☺️
May we all grow to love to read His word, worship Him, teach His word, and live it out more and more each day. Happy Grace day ladies. Be blessed!
I wanted to thank you all for your prayers. I got to bring Dave home from the hospital to finish his recovery from covid/pneumonia here. I’m so grateful. My own stomach & back issues had driven me into Urgent Care yesterday where I tested positive for covid as well. Thanking the Lord I’m asymptomatic. I would appreciate your prayers for my stomach & back so I can care for my husband. He’s weak as a kitten.
Your wise words have been such a blessing.
Just joined this community. Loving this so much!
I was encouraged by reading verse 12 and 13 prior to this verse today. It lists the “things” we are called to practice and commit ourselves to- reading of scripture,exhortation, and teaching. All with love, faith, and purity. My prayer is to grow in those things and set an example in my speech and conduct.
As I read the prayer requests posted, I pray for each one. Prayer connects our hearts. There are no boundaries. It’s a privilege to pray for each need. I’ve been praying especially for those struggling with Covid. Cases in my community keep rising and it seems a heavy cloud over everyone. May we lean into faith and not fear.
@Nancy Singleton and Serenity Jo,
Praying for you!!!
Love reading these comments and prayers. ❤️
What evidence am I showing that I love Jesus. I have to admit lately it’s been very difficult here as we are all quarantine together. Yep… Three of us have Covid. My mom will get tested this morning. Most likely she has it. Please pray she does not get worse as she is elderly. Pray that we recover quickly. The good news none of us have it severely. You would think that we just have the common cold that’s why I was so shocked when I tested positive. I’m so sad I have to miss another week of work. I miss those kiddos. But at least this has caused me to slow down and rest. As a single parent having to do all of it, Innoway this has been good to slow me down.
I love that word “NanaK”.
Good morning! It’s encouraging just knowing there are other women seeking the Lord and reading the same scripture this morning. My heart is heavy for my marriage and so praying for those mentioned here is an honor and privilege I don’t take lightly. “Where two or three are gathered…” ❤️
Such simple words, but so powerful!
Lord, thank you for all of the blessing and miracles that have occurred or will occur. I surrender myself to your good works. I pray that you will continue to do your work inside me. I pray that you will bring my husband into fellowship with you and the church. I would pray that you would soften my heart and show me how to be a good wife. Amen.
Nancy S- praying with you for this marriage and your granddaughter. God can change hearts.
So thankful for this community. Love following up with the Devotional and then reading all of your posts afterwards, helps bring in so much more understanding. Hope you all have a Blessed Day.
Daily training can bring about a spiritual life that has deep roots, will produce much good fruit, and be a bright light in this dark world. Beginning with the practices one day at a time and continue to challenge yourself with questions and changing things up every few months. Choosing to work on a discipline one or two at a time is a good beginning. Remembering it’s a life journey of walking with Jesus.
Our commitment to God should be evident in our words and actions. His spirit can strengthen us and guide us in all situations
Praying for your daughter and her marriage!!
My word for this year is intensional. It is so very clear to me that I need to be more intensional in following through in the disciplines we have been reviewing… putting my “Faith into Practice.”
Training ourselves to live godly lives is important for us and also for those around us. Like vs. 8 says, “godliness has value for all things.” I so love my morning time with the Lord!
Thank you for the reminder that it is not enough to just read the scriptures, but we are to take heed to them and live them, so that we may grow in our walk and others will see the changes and progress in our lives – as we prepare for the life that is now, and the life which is to come. (1 Timothy 4:8)
I love reading Paul’s letters to Timothy. I love to wonder if Paul had any idea he was writing not only to his dear friend, but to millions of future believers… like me!
May we be faithful followers, walking the talk. May His light shine through us. May our knowledge of the Truth give us peace and contentment in a world which desperately needs both. May others see our confident hope and be drawn to the Source. May we not practice spiritual disciplines only for personal gain. May our actions ever point to Jesus, the Author and Finisher of our faith.
I need to,practice more and be committed. It’s the 9th day into. New year and so far I have not missed a night of my devotions for about an hour, even on weekends. Woke up to the sun, cool breeze, birds singing, so blessed. Thank you Lord
This is what I needed this morning, encouragement to keep practicing my faith everyday ❤