Good Friday

Open Your Bible

Mark 15:1-47, Isaiah 52:13-15, Isaiah 53:1-7

Why did they crucify Jesus? Because it was a part of God’s eternal redemptive plan, for starters, but what did they write down in their court records? What was His crime? He was King of the Jews.

Jesus attests to this identity, as does Pilate, and later, the Roman soldiers. The magi came to Bethlehem, seeking Him by this title, and it was the written charge against Him as He hung on the cross (Matthew 27:37). He wasn’t the king the Jewish people expected, nor was He the king they wanted. When “Pilate asked him, ‘Are you the King of the Jews?’ He answered him, ‘You say so’” (Mark 15:2). He made no defense because it was His very person that offended, His Kingship itself is an offense to every sinful heart. The Cornerstone is the stumbling block, the rock of offense. They mocked Him as He hung on the cross, but their tongues unwittingly confessed Him as “Messiah, the King of Israel.”

In his letter to the Romans, the indictment that Paul brings against unbelievers is not that they do not know the truth, but that they know it, and yet suppress it: “For God’s wrath is revealed from heaven against all godlessness and unrighteousness of people who by their unrighteousness suppress the truth” (Romans 1:18). Though He came to humanity in flesh and blood, “he was despised, and we didn’t value him” (Isaiah 53:3).

Pilate and the Jewish people did not need more evidence of who Jesus was in order to believe. They rejected the evidence that was right in front of them. Indeed, when at the end “Jesus let out a loud cry and breathed his last,” even this testified to who He is in such a way that when the centurion witnessed His death, the soldier said, ‘“Truly this man was the Son of God!’” (Mark 15:37,39).

Each Lenten season, the Church remembers the long journey Christ walked to the cross. Each year, we encounter the same evidence, the same professions of Jesus’s Messiahship, the same hardened hearts that do not like the truth before them. The goodness of Good Friday is that Christ came to redeem blind, deaf, and rebellious people just like us. He came to bear upon Himself the guilt of our sin:

“He was pierced because of our rebellion,
crushed because of our iniquities;
punishment for our peace was on him,
and we are healed by his wounds” (Isaiah 53:5).

The goodness of Good Friday is that because He walked silently to the cross, like a Lamb to slaughter, not protesting the punishment meted out upon Him, we have hope. He was rejected by God that we might be made acceptable to God, a people for His own possession. This was the promise given through Jeremiah: “I will be their God, and they will be my people” (Jeremiah 31:33). See as the centurion did, the truth that is already before our eyes, that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God, and He has purchased our salvation! Thanks be to God!

(58) Comments

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58 thoughts on "Good Friday"

  1. Sarita Cochran says:

    Thank you. Father for we are not worthy.

  2. Melissa Mcronney says:

    Thank You Jesus

  3. K D says:

    Thanks be to God indeed.

  4. Ashley Thomas says:

    When you really stop and focus on the absolute horrendous amount of pain Jesus endured, both mentally and physically, it takes a toll on you. It makes me feel ashamed of every sin I’ve ever committed. It wasn’t his sin, but he bore it anyway. I cannot express in words how much that gift means to me. Because of him, my sins are forgiven. Because of him, I am given grace and mercy every day. I will never stop singing his praises.

  5. Stacie Tyson says:

    Thank you, Jesus. Thank you.

  6. Jennifer Anapol says:

    Even with all of the craziness that is going on in our world, God is still on the throne. He is still on control, and He is the best at turning crucifixions into resurrections. I praise God that we don’t need to stay in this place of mourning. We can move onto a time of celebrating his resurrection.

  7. Jenna says:

    There are so many significant details in this story, many of which you all have so thoughtfully pointed out. No matter how many times I read this story, I’m always left in awe at the horrors of the crucifixion and how Jesus willingly drank the cup of God’s wrath so that we might be made right with Him.

    Side note: I also thought it was really neat to see the little note about the women watching from a distance (Mark 15:40). I just think it’s really beautiful how women are included in the Gospel story. Jesus sees women, treats them with dignity, and gives them an important role in advancing his kingdom. Thankful for the women of the faith that have gone before us and for our little community here as well!

    Dorothy, you have been on my heart and mind these last few days. Praying for grace upon grace for each moment this weekend. Praying that you would have a deep sense of Jesus’ nearness to you!

  8. DOROTHY says:

    The hope and love Jesus died for is what I need and want right now. If it weren’t for COVID-19, I would be packing up to move to a new place. The memories of this apartment are great but they are hard to live with day in and day out. I’m glad I still have a job I can go to to get me away part of the day Monday through Friday. Sisters please pray for me this weekend. My son will be bringing one of my grand dogs to stay with for a while and so I will be able to get out with her if the weather is good but the way the weather here the Kansas City area has been lately I don’t know.

    1. Ashley P. says:

      I’m praying for you. Dorothy. May you experience God’s love and comfort, and may he wrap you in his loving arms this weekend.

  9. Kate says:

    I am weeping as I read the scripture today. This year, I dove deep into my faith, more than ever before. I have never truly understood the magnitude of His love for us until now. Because of Him, I am free. I am forgiven. I am so, so loved. I do not have to worry about tomorrow, because He cares for me. Thanks be to God!

    1. Jennifer Anapol says:


  10. Sarah Gonzalez says:

    This makes me think of a few things:
    – What if, because of our hearts being blinded by sin, we don’t see the Messiah for who He truly is? What if we, like the priests and those who accused Him, reject Jesus as true King because He doesn’t come the way WE expect Him to? Victory doesn’t look much like victory hanging from a cross….victory doesn’t look like victory clothed in suffering. However, this moment of despair is literally the greatest victory accomplished for us who believe. Jesus says there is hope, victory, and rejoicing in suffering. I only hope that today, we can remember His work on the cross, and rejoice in suffering and tribulation. We rejoice with our King today. And we pray, Lord, open our eyes to Your great love for us, and Your intentions for us. We thank You for Your magnificent work on the cross that looked like failure, but was OUR HOPE, OUR JOY, OUR VICTORY.

  11. Kathy NewellAllison says:

    “It was His very person that offended.” And it still is. It’s acceptable to believe in and talk about God but people get nervous and offended when we talk about Jesus. It seems too personal, too intimate. And it is personal. Jesus walked that path to Golgotha and endured the cross for me. Thank you Jesus!

    1. Denise N says:


  12. Robin Mower says:

    Diana, how it hurts my humble heart that because people understand and interpret the doctrine of Christ differently they are said to be rebellious and heard of heart. Thus conclusion you drew from the articles you read may not be a fair conclusion. My church believes something similar to the things you are saying and I am a humble, devout follower of my Savior Jesus Christ. He is my Redeemer and my hope, my total faith and existence rests. I am one of the STR sisters who reads and feels a closeness to all the women who share personal spiritual experiences here. We may not all believe or interpret the teachings of Christ exactly the same but we are all followers of Jesus Christ. My prayer is the same as yours, that this Easter season many will will hear the message of His gospel

    1. Angela D says:

      I feel the same way, Robin. May God bless you.

  13. Ashley White says:

    Amen, happy Good Friday everyone ❤️

  14. Kathy says:

    The last two weeks have been a roller coaster of emotions. I shared earlier that my daughter was expecting her first child. I have been at her home in Atlanta for the last week. On Monday she went into the hospital to be induced. The baby was not born until Wednesday night. She had to have a c-section. The baby had respiratory issues and was placed in the NICU. Because of Covid-19 my husband and I couldn’t be at the hospital.
    I wish that I could say I was the picture of calm, cool, and collected – resting completely in God, peaceful, trusting, joyful, but I wasn’t. There were moments when I was all that, but I have to confess that there were more moments of anxiety, frustration, sheer panic and heart-stopping fear – lots of moments where I couldn’t breathe.
    BUT GOD…He stayed right here with me. He did my throw up His hands and say, “we’ll talk when you’ve calmed down.” Walking with me, helping me breathe, He. Was. So. Present. He didn’t try to reason with me. He didn’t give me trite sayings, most of the time He didn’t say anything. He was just present and as I leaned into that presence He was able to whisper to my soul, “I am here. I have got this. You really can trust me. I am your Rock. I am your salvation. I am your stronghold. I will turn your sorrow into joy.”
    All of this, on this most somber of days, would be possible without the cross. I would have none of this if Jesus had not gone to the cross to make it possible for me to have access. I have peace WITH God because of Jesus death in the cross. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.
    And, mom and baby are doing fine. Wyatt (10lbs 6oz) should be off everything today. They will be home this weekend – probably Easter. Hallelujah! What a Savior!

    1. Susan Crocker says:

      Thanks for sharing Kathy! Yes, what a savior and I appreciate your honest testimony to the Christ of the cross and the Christ of the Resurrection who walked with you.

    2. Jennifer Anapol says:

      Thank you for sharing! I am so glad they are all doing well!

  15. Bridgette Alvarez says:

    Mark 15 paints such a vivid description of Jesus dying on the cross for us. This was not a peaceful death. So much pain, so much humiliation that Jesus endured for us. I’m overwhelmed, humbled, grateful ❤️.

  16. Kelly Broughton says:

    Wow. Profound. Thank you for wrapping these thoughts together so clearly. I am grateful. May Jesus, the Christ, be praised!

  17. Mari V says:

    HE walked silently to the cross, like a lamb to the slaughter. This hit me hard this morning as I read it with my daughter. He did it for me and for you. I never want forget that.

  18. K says:

    “ His Kingship itself is an offense to every sinful heart.” This really struck me. My self pitying heat said Yeah! That’s why Hollywood always portrays us as hypocrites! But then the Holy Spirit checked me with, What are you doing to change that perspective?
    Yesterday we read about Jesus clearing the temple calling the religious leaders hypocrites and a brood off vipers.
    So yes, the non believer is offended by Christ but as His agent on earth I must give a different perspective. I must love my life in a way that when unbelievers see Hollywood’s interpretation of a Christ follower, they think, Sometimes but not always.

  19. Diana Fleenor says:

    Yesterday I read through a couple of articles telling about the beliefs of a particular cult who think of salvation as a need to become aware of the deity in us, as they believe Christ did — Christ consciousness, rather than Christ being God in the flesh and our deepest need is forgiveness and freedom from our slavery to sin. This “New Thought” way of thinking, in my view, is evidence of the rebellion of hard hearts which want what Adam and Eve attempted to attain in the garden, to be God. In reading today’s Scriptures and devotion, the heavy heart I have for those blind to the truth is stirred up again.I remember my own hard heart prior to having the blinders removed. My prayer this Easter season is that many will be granted the mercy of God and truly hear the message of the gospel. Perhaps this unique time we’re in with COVID-19 and the need for online services might be a vessel the Lord uses to speak to those who otherwise would not step foot into a church. May the Holy Spirit be powerfully moving among the people of God who already have tasted this new life and revival comes about so that we are even more on mission to build God’s kingdom than ever before. Oh how I trust the Lord to hear the pleas of his people when we humble ourselves before him!

  20. Maura says:

    Oh Sisters, so much struck me this morning, but especially the darkness at noon day and the veil torn in two. The Light of the World had been put to death. The Father had to turn away from His Son. Such sorrow take on to bring us to Himself. I can not fathom all that it took this separation of God from Himself or the weight of our sins. It overwhelms me. And that it was God’s plan, the crucifiction of His Son would bring salvation to the world. So, we can know that He knew this trying time would come and He brings joy in the morning. He is alive and He is working in this time I have no doubt through each of you to pour His love out to all those He puts in your path, to be shine His light when so many still need the Truth, the Word. To God be the Glory. Praying Joy to you all this day when the King of King’s gave it all for us.

    1. Jen Brewer says:


  21. Cathy Simpkins says:

    He was crushed for My iniquities, pierced for My transgressions. He did it for ME. Overwhelmed with with gratitude and so, so humbled. Thank you, Jesus.

  22. Catherine Surratt says:

    I recommend the EasterNow app! It sends you notifications throughout the day of what would’ve been taking place thousands of years ago on the days of Holy Week. So humbling and truly gives perspective to the significance of this sacred time. Blessings!

  23. Allie Parker says:

    I read this Good Friday lesson at 9am. Mark 15:25. Whoa. God’s timing is so cool.

    1. Laura Beth Peters says:

      Me too!! With my neighbor lady friends via Zoom! So cool!!

  24. Linda J says:

    He walked intentionally to the cross. For me, for us. He IS our God and we ARE his people. Certainty in an uncertain time. Thank you Lord. Truly He IS the Son of God. Bless you all!

  25. Alicia Hosan says:

    “Then the curtain of the temple was torn in two from top to bottom” (Mark 15:38)
    I still can’t get over this image. The curtain, what separated the presence of God in the Holy of Holies, the moment Jesus took his last breath, was torn into two. No longer are we separated from God. We have free access to the presence of God! And not by anything we’ve done. I love that it specifies from top to bottom: from God to us.
    Praise the Lord we are no longer separated. We are forgiven and free, chosen and loved, our sin remembered no more.

    1. Elizabeth M. says:

      This image has always been so powerful to me and I’m so grateful that we have that kind of access.

  26. Kristen says:

    I imagine Jesus seeing and feeling the weight of EVERY SIN. From what we may not think is that bad to the most horrific. Not only did He endure the physical pain, mocking, and being spat upon, He endured rejection and separation. The Bible says that he was beaten so badly, He didn’t even look like a man! We can’t even truly know what He endured. May I be undone when I think of His sacrifice, and may I be changed by His work instead of living as I still do

  27. Angie says:

    Jesus bore the cross to make a way for sinners to be redeemed.
    My sin held Him there.
    A copy of the 10 commandments hangs on the wall. I was rereading them and realized, in my lifetime, I have broken a lot of them, not just once.
    Mark 15:15, “wanting to satisfy the crowd,” – sometimes my sin was a result of peer pressure.
    Other times, most times, self-centeredness.
    I wondered, when Jesus cried His last, and the centurion knew He was the Son of God, was it His words…
    “Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they are doing.”
    Jesus cried out, “I thirst,” human thirst, overcome with suffering.
    “My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?” God cannot look upon sin and Jesus was bearing it all. . Anguish cried out. Certainly it is the tremendous mercy of God that took my sin and made this sinner His child, washing me clean. Covering me with His righteousness alone.
    Maybe, it was Jesus words, “Father, into Your hands I commit my spirit.” that convinced the Centurion
    Or finally, thankfully, “It is finished.”
    Thank you Jesus.

  28. Laura says:

    We know the truth, yet we reject it. Wow, that really hit me today, especially. Two of my children reject the truth, and it hurts my heart deeply. I cry out to the Lord for them daily. Yet I know that they know what the Truth is. They must separate themselves from the family in order to reject the Truth, because in their hearts, they know the Truth but are willingly going their own way. This Good Friday has painted a picture for me of what my own heart does every time I go my own way. How many times do I turn from Jesus, insist on my own way, even though I KNOW the Truth? We KNOW it yet REJECT it. Lord, I pray for my own children who are actively rejecting You. I pray that You will push back the voices of the world that they are listening to (just like You pushed back the waters of the Red Sea) so that they may hear Your still small voice, the voice of Truth. It is my sincerest prayer today.

    1. Efe Abbe says:

      The good news is that the Lord is pursuing us all even when we run away and reject Him. Praying that our merciful Lord will make their hearts like good soil, to receive His word and run into His loving arms filled with so much grace!

  29. Amelia Rose says:

    The nature of Jesus’ crucifixion was awful, imbued with humiliation and suffering. The almighty Creator of the world, holy and without sin, was beaten, mocked, and scorned by those He came to save. The spotless lamb of God betrayed and broken for us.
    Good Friday is ‘good’ because it was the day that hope began. Jesus endured the cross knowing that it led to His resurrection, our salvation. He loved us so much that He was willing to die in our place, take the punishment we deserved, so that we could be restored into a right relationship with God. By His wounds we are healed and through faith in Him we are redeemed. Only by this we know love; that Christ laid down His life for us.
    Today, may we pause to reflect on the magnitude of Christ’s sacrifice. May our hearts be filled with praise and thanksgiving to our King who lavishly poured out His mercy and grace so that we could become His children. May we wait in eager expectation for Jesus’ resurrection.
    Blessings to all my sisters in Christ on this Good Friday.

  30. DebiHassler says:

    Yes, Churchmouse, you are right. I am truly longing for our normal Holy Week observances, too.

    Last night, during our online Mandy Thursday Communion Service, our pastor remarked that one definition of sacrifice is giving up something good for something better. By staying home this weekend and worshipping from our individual homes, we are collectively doing something good for something better….the hope to gather and worship together again in the future. It was such a blessing to see pictures of families and their communion elements, gathered by moms and dads and children in their homes to commemorate the Lord’s Last Supper in such a personal way. What a sacred time for us to experience, apart and yet together. The altar has once again been brought into the center of our homes. There, we will gather on Easter Sunday to worship the Risen Lord!!! Thank you, Jesus.

  31. Mom to many says:

    Oh Jesus we are so unworthy and yet you pour out your love for us.
    I cry out when one thorn pierces my skin when pruning in my garden, the pain you went through – physical, emotional, mental, spiritual is truly unfathomable to us. There is no other response than to fall on our faces in humility and acknowledge you as Lord of all.

    Oh my Jesus forgive everytime I have failed to live as if you are the Lord of my whole life. Wash me anew this day and may I, with your help, truly reflect you to the watching world.

    Waiting with you in the brokenness today sisters.

  32. Nancy Singleton says:

    I remember a Good Friday sermon as a new Christian (I think by Tony Evans) “But Sunday’s Coming”. We can’t overlook Christ’s ultimate sacrifice-an agonizing death on the cross to pay the penalty for our sins. But we must look ahead to His Resurrection! Without this we would not have our promise & hope of eternal life with Him. Glory, glory hallelujah—we serve a living Savior!!

    1. Laurie Crary says:

      You are exactly right. Sunday is coming!!!

  33. Tracy McGee says:

    Thank you Jesus for suffering the weight of my sins on the cross and dying so that we may live! Our world is being torn apart by this pandemic, but it’s not the world we’re meant for thanks to Your sacrifice. Thank you for the reminder to have faith and not be fearful.

  34. tanya b says:

    Good morning I remember as a child watching the crucifixion play out on t.v. this time each year and one time in particular I cried so hard and I kept asking my Mommy why did they kill Jesus why did they kill Jesus she hugged me looked me in my eyes and said it was a good thing that he was killed he came what’s the purpose to die that we may be saved and although I never really understood it as a child I like him daily that he came to die for our sins my sins that his blood washes us and purify us and make us able to go to the throne room of God hallelujah hallelujah glory to God glory to the king the most high King thank you Jesus for loving us so now I look and I cry tears of gratitude understanding if it had not been for the Lord where would I be did in sorrow but today I stand in peace in love thanking God for his Mercy everyday making sure that Jesus is shared in my walk and my talk.and no I don’t get it right every day but it’s for this cause did he come hallelujah hallelujah glory to God in the highest!!!

  35. Churchmouse says:

    Praying this morning for all of us who are under “stay at home orders.” Our normal Good Friday remembrance services are not available for attendance in person. I will miss my “normal” Good Friday events but I pray that we all still remember this day in a way unique to our circumstances. All of you SRT friends are in my prayers today. Let us hunker down, in our homes, before the Cross today.

  36. Churchmouse says:

    This Good Friday is a gift. Good Friday 2020 is like no other. Even the weather is different. There is unexpected snow on the ground. I am not getting up and going to the local community Women’s Good Friday Breakfast. I’m not going to my church’s evening Good Friday service. Instead I am noting this day at home with my husband. We are not relying on the efforts and talents of others to mark this day. My husband and I will be a congregation of two. Though only two, we are no less the church. We have planned our own remembrance. It will be personal and private and it will be perhaps the most memorable Good Friday we will ever have. Thank You, God, for this gift.

  37. Tina says:

    One of my favourite hymns for Easter.. and a great reminder of THE GREAT GREAT LOVE God has for us.. that he would send His son to die for us..

    When I survey the wondrous cross..

    When I survey the wondrous cross
    On which the Prince of glory died,
    My richest gain I count but loss,
    And pour contempt on all my pride.

    Forbid it, Lord, that I should boast,
    Save in the death of Christ my God!
    All the vain things that charm me most,
    I sacrifice them to His blood.

    See from His head, His hands, His feet,
    Sorrow and love flow mingled down!
    Did e’er such love and sorrow meet,
    Or thorns compose so rich a crown?

    Were the whole realm of nature mine,
    That were a present far too small;
    Love so amazing, so divine,
    Demands my soul, my life, my all.

  38. Latoya Wanser says:

    Obedient even until the death of the cross! Jesus is the ultimate example of obedience. There are things God has asked of me that I have ignored or made excuses for.. No task he asks of me will compare to the cross. My desire is to be more obedient in the things God asks of me.

  39. Latoya Wanser says:

    Obedient even until the death of the cross! Jesus is the ultimate example of obedience. My desire is to be more obedient in the things God asks of me.

  40. Tina says:

    “He was pierced because of our rebellion,
    crushed because of our iniquities;
    punishment for our peace was on him,
    and we are healed by his wounds” (Isaiah 53:5)
    That another would do that for me..


    But God..

    He did.

    He did.

    He did.

    Floored as i always am, in this season of lent.., with tears, and a humbled heart, that Jesus would walk silently, taking the blows, the crown of thorns, the piercing on his side.. the nails.. oh my .. .the pain in my heart as I write… that thou my God should die for me..
    Amazing love, how can it be…

    And can it be that I should gain
    an interest in the Saviour’s blood?
    Died he for me, who caused his pain?
    For me, who him to death pursued?
    Amazing love! How can it be
    that thou, my God, shouldst die for me?

    2 ‘Tis mystery all: the Immortal dies!
    Who can explore his strange design?
    In vain the first-born seraph tries
    to sound the depths of love divine.
    ‘Tis mercy all! Let earth adore,
    let angel minds enquire no more.

    3 He left his Father’s throne above —
    so free, so infinite his grace —
    emptied himself of all but love,
    and bled for Adam’s helpless race.
    ‘Tis mercy all, immense and free;
    for, O my God, it found out me!

    4 Long my imprisoned spirit lay
    fast bound in sin and nature’s night;
    thine eye diffused a quickening ray;
    I woke, the dungeon flamed with light;
    my chains fell off, my heart was free,
    I rose, went forth, and followed thee.

    5 No condemnation now I dread;
    Jesus, and all in him, is mine!
    Alive in him, my living Head,
    and clothed in righteousness divine,
    bold I approach the eternal throne,
    and claim the crown, through Christ, my own

    Humbly, all I can say with my hand on my heart, is, Thank you Jesus, thank you..

    Sunday is coming..

    With love and prayers Sisters..

    1. Jane K says:


  41. Blessed Beth says:

    Thank. You for being the example to each of us on how to behave, to be strong and faithful. You loved us so much that you went through this for us, and that you cherish us so much that you would of done it even if there was only one. Thank you!, a simple humble thank you

  42. Audrey Flores says:

    So good. Thank you Jesus for dying for my prideful heart. Bring about a repentant heart for I am healed by your wounds. May I never again take Your sacrifice lightly. Thank you for bringing life back into my heart where death regained before. Amen

    1. Katie Fleming says:


    2. Jessica Peercy says:

      Thank you for sharing, Audrey! That is my prayer as well! ❤️

  43. Tricia C says:

    Thank you for the cross
    Thank you for the nail scarred hands
    Thank you for taking the weight of my sins
    Thank you for setting me free

  44. Tricia Cavanaugh says:

    Thank you for the cross
    Thank you for the nail scarred hands
    Thank you for taking the weight of my sins
    Thank you for setting me free