Text: Genesis 12:1-9, 21:1-7, 22:15-18, John 8:56-58
We make promises all the time. We make big promises like, “to love, honor, and obey as long as we both shall live,” and small promises: “I won’t eat your tortellini.” We make false promises: “I have read the terms and conditions,” and true promises: “I’ll be right back!”.
Promises are tools we use to navigate life together. These promises hold our family together, keep my children quiet in the back of the car, and reassure my dentist that I will sit in her chair on Tuesday for a cleaning.
But we are not always reliable in keeping these promises. I break appointments if something better (or worse!) comes up, and I fail to treat my kids to promised Chick Fil A, and I stomp to bits that sweet promise I made to honor my husband.
This is true for all of us in our own way. We are human, and our promises are made of weakness.
But when God makes a promise, He keeps it. In fact, God keeps both sides of the promise.
When God promised Abram, in Genesis 12, that through Abram’s seed all the nations of the earth would be blessed, Abram knew God would make good on His word.
When God fulfills His promise and gives Abram and Sarah a son in their old age, God brings joy and laughter to them—so much joy that they name the boy Isaac, which means “laughter.”
We are so grateful for that laughter because it’s the sound of dreams coming true. Abram and Sarai couldn’t give themselves a son, but God creates this crazy-wonderful promise and then He fulfills it.
God continues to fulfill His covenant when He supplies the ram for sacrifice so Abraham (as God had renamed him) doesn’t have to sacrifice his son and joy, Isaac. God’s mercy in allowing Abraham to keep his son foreshadows the New Testament, when God supplies Christ as the final sacrifice for the sins of the world.
Before Christ goes as a lamb to the cross, He declares that He is both the God who made a covenant with Abraham, and the Sacrifice who fulfills that promise (John 8). Christ Himself, His very person, is the complete fulfillment of the promise to Abraham.
Every one of God’s promises is made perfect in Christ (2 Corinthians 1:20). He is the fulfillment of the law, He is the true Promised Land, and He is the realization of our every need, hope, and desire (Haggai 2:7).
On this second day of Advent, let us rejoice in a God that keeps His promises to us, even if it means sacrificing His only Son.
His promises are true.
For an added layer of worship during this sweet season of adoration and expectation, we’ve created a Spotify playlist for Advent 2014! You can find the complete SheReadsTruth | O Come Let Us Adore Him playlist at this link, or listen to today’s track on the player below. Enjoy!
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160 thoughts on "God’s Promises to Abram"
Beautiful. Thank you.
Needed this! My husband and I have been struggling with not being able to get pregnant and wanting to adopt but not having the means at this time. This is the perfect reminder for me of our Gods love and faithfulness. I know we are meant to be parents and the Lord will keep his promises to us in His timing.
What a wonderful reminder this evening. That even a I struggle to put Him in the place He needs to be, even when I make promises I can’t keep, He remains faithful and has kept His promise knowing my imperfections and failures.
Lately I have felt like I’m losing my faith. Maybe it’s living too much in the world or being busy doing what I want. I see His promise because he’s not letting me give up on Him. His promise to be there is pulling me back. I need to be reminded constantly.
2 Timothy 2:13 “if we are faithless, he remains faithful— for he cannot deny himself.”
We are a chosen priesthood! A royal nation! No one can take you out of the grip of his hands! You are his and he is yours! we will fail God and mess up, but he never will. God is full of more grace to extend to us! Lean into his love! Focus on his goodness!
Thankful we serve a faithful God! He always holds true to his promises!! Even when I am not faithful to him, he is!
I’m realizing more and more that God is is complete control. I’m continuing to learn to submit to Him and be still and know that He is God. Life will have it’s rough times, but God is always so good!
Needed this so much today! In the midst of our fourth cross country move in 2 years (we are in the Air Force) with a new baby girl, leaving behind the first church family we’ve ever found and dealing with the stress of family and holidays, the promise that God WILL come and WILL fulfill His promises to me is such a reassurance!!
“Before Christ goes as a lamb to the cross, He declares that He is both the God who made a covenant with Abraham, and the Sacrifice who fulfills that promise (John 8). Christ Himself, His very person, is the complete fulfillment of the promise to Abraham.” Praying that our promises our rooted in the intentions of being fulfilled like God’s. We will mess up and fall short of those promises and His glory, however God’s grace paves new paths for us to travel on. Praying that this advent season allows us all to be sacrificial vessels for the Lord with everyone we encounter, giving a glimpse of God’s promises.
His mercy and love are more than I can ever imagine! Thankful and awed.
I recently heard the most amazing teaching on Genesis 15 and the covenant between God and Abram. Examining Ancient Near East covenants reveals that in v. 17 when God passes through the pieces he is saying to Abram, "if/when you (your descendants) break this covenant, I will take on the punishment." This would have been ABSURD in that covenant-making culture between conquering and conquered Kings. The conquering king would have imposed a covenant (and subsequent punishment for breaking it) on a conquered king, BUT GOD. God comes and turns the whole thing upside down and says I will both make, keep, and pay for this covenant even thoug you are the one to break it over and over!!! Our promise-making, promise-keeping God.
Thanks for sharing!! I love diving into the historical context. It makes us understand
everything so much better and be amazed by our God!!
What a great reminder of THE promise. In a world that is so distracted and unreliable we have hope in the one promise, Jesus….
I have a question on the concept of “both sides of a promise”. I know that God keeps his word and is the fullfiller of his promises, but I don’t understand how their are two sides to a promise ?? A promise I thought was one person to another. It is not a contract or a covenant mutually entered into where both are obligated to do something. What am I missing?
hi brittan. if you can find an hour of time or so to listen to a podcast I’ve got a recommendation for you. listen to EV free fullerton’s podcast titled “of first importance: God walked through twice.” the sermon really digs into that. let me know what you think?
We make (& break!) promises so lightly. Sometimes we know we won’t keep it even while we are making it! But when God makes a promise, He keeps it. Christmas is a season of “kept promises”. Clinging to this.
It’s going to be a rough month for me and my husband financially, and this was a nice reminder that if we are faithful we will be alight. So glad for His promises today.
God has such a great sense of what we need. My mother in law is terminally ill with cancer and it is a sad season for us right now, but this morning on my way to work I saw a rainbow and was able to reflect on God’s promises, and then tonight I read this. He is so good to remind me that He is in control and He always comes through with His promises.
Just went through the study of Genesis and Gods covenant with Abraham, and how he holds up both sides of the covenant. Praise God that it is by his grace thorough Christ we are saved.
He is the realization of our every need, hope, and desire (Haggai 2:7) a perfect reminder of how He is all we need, to keep Him at the center. Hope to keep those promises that are so important especially in this busy season. I am so glad I joined this study and appreciate the openness shared here.
I am loving y’all’s comments and insights here as much as the study itself! Blessings abound!
Ultimate trust and security.
Ditto Krystal. Love love LOVE this! It’s also so ‘easy’ for us to look back and read about Abraham and then jump to the NT to see the fulfillment in Jesus…it serves as a reminder of how incredibly trusting and strong Abraham was in his love for God and in his faith…we really have no excuses, God is faithful in love and in promises and the evidence is Jesus! Hallelujah!
I love that. That Christ is the complete fulfillment of the promise of Abraham. Incredible. It feel so big and makes me feel so small. And with that, how awesome is it that we get to be used by him in the fulfillment of his promises to bring glory to Him. He loves us so much. I'm so thankful that his promises are true and steadfast and that he follows through! He is a deliverer. Praises to Him who gave us Jesus and continuously points to such precious salvation from the beginning.
So thankful for a God who keeps His promises! I pray that I can keep more of mine because He does.
Feel the same way…this reading makes me really look at what a cavalier attitude I have towards the promises I’ve made as a mom and a wife. Need to reflect God more in this. Absolutely.
Thank you, thank you for the sweet layer of music! I love worshipping through music. The playlist is so lovely.
This is my first time celebrating Advent…I’m excited about learning more about this season
I love the clarity and perspective offered in about the story of Abraham. I’ve never been able to understand why God asks Abraham to sacrifice his son, and why Abraham agrees – I realize I may never have those answers – but now I understand why the angel did intervene, and that speaks to me so much more deeply than it ever did before.
So thankful he keeps his promises. Makes him so steady
How beautiful is 2 Corinthians 1:20 – for all the promises of God find their Yes in Him! Such sweet, blessed assurance that God's promises are always fulfilled. Just like advent is a season of waiting, I feel like I am in a season of waiting, wondering what is next for me? Where will I go? But this is SUCH an awesome, perfect reminder that God has promised me a future of hope that is part of His most perfect plan, and that promise will find its YES in Him! Amen!
Yes! Me too!!! I am totally in that season with you. You are right. This is the perfect reminder of that future & hope He promises us- that can only be found in HIS perfect plan. (Not mine, no matter how hard I keep trying to do things myself). Thanks for sharing!
Right there with ya!
On this second day of Advent, I am thankful for the sacrifice that God sent in his son. For me. He loves me in a way I cannot comprehend this side of heaven. I am saved by faith. And his grace. Thank you Father…..
what a great reminder that Christ is the fufillment of a promise made in Genesis. its so amazing. Jesus is the ultimate answer to all of our prayers. Our perfect and loving knew what I needed before I ever even could think of what I might need. God continues to amaze me the more i study his word.
Thankful for a God that makes – and keeps – His promises! Really hit home when the author wrote “and I stomp to bits the sweet promise to honor my husband” – that’s something I can really work on. And it’s not because I don’t love him dearly, but because by the end of the day or week, I don’t have much left to give (With a 13 mo old and #2 on the way). Lord, I pray you keep the promises I’ve made at the forefront of my mind, and that I fulfill the promises I’ve made before you.
Isn't it great that even though we don't keep our promises God still keeps His and He always will. What an assurance for us, His children!
It’s amazing to think that sometimes we can’t even keep the silliest promises, but God keeps ALL. Also, by keeping His promise He is sacrificing His only son. We are so loved by our creator! Rejoicing in kept promises that are fulfilled by our savior, Jesus!
In the Sunday school class that I teach (4th-6th grade), we spend a lot of time talking about God's promises- mostly because I am constantly amazed at His grace, and at His faithfulness to KEEP His promises. You are so right when you point out how different this is from our own, sinful promises- and our failure to keep them. Praise God for showing His love for us by keeping even the most painful promise!
For God, a promise made is a promise KEPT. And when He promises to be all that we need and MORE, He means it. And that is certain.
Rejoicing so much today that His promises are true and trying to believe that with all my heart when it comes to some of the "tough stuff."
Rejoicing and praying with you, Melody! So glad you joined us today!
xoxo-Kaitlin for She Reads Truth
"Rejoice! Rejoice! Emmanuel shall come to thee, O Israel!"
How joyful it is to rest in the promises of our Lord! And how joyful it is to be on the other side of the promise of a savior. Trust has always been a hard thing for me to give, but how easy it is to trust in our God who so graciously has given us His divine word to show us just how faithful He is! So sweet to read His fulfillment of the promise made to Abraham. Hopefully, I can spend the rest of my day reflecting on all the ways the Lord has fulfilled His promises to me and would it move my heart to worship! Hope y'all will do the same!
God does what we are often unable to do. Keeps his word, always fulfilling his promises. This one hits me hard today as following through on all the promises I make to myself & others is something I am working on, it is just what I needed. I am rejoicing in knowing that He fulfills every promise he makes and everyday I will consciously try to be more like Him. Amen.
In Genesis 12:1-9, God says SIX times to Abram "I will." Wow. Not "I might," or "If you do xyz right for me, I will." But seven bold statements of what He will do:
– Go to the land I WILL show you (v. 1)
– I WILL make of you a great nation (v. 2)
– I WILL bless you and make your name great (v. 2)
– I WILL bless those who bless you (v. 3)
– Him who dishonors you I WILL curse (v. 3)
– To your offspring I WILL give this land (v. 7)
I take a lot of comfort in the fact that God spoke with authority; His promise weren't conditional. And the same is true today. God makes promises to me that aren't based on what I can do for Him. He makes them because He loves me and He can and will keep them. Mind-blowing.
Something else that really strikes me is that as readers in 2014, we know how this story ends. We know that God was faithful to the promises He made Abram, that He did all of those "I WILLs" from these first nine verses of Genesis 12. But Abram and Sarai didn't know how it would all end. They didn't see the end of the story written before them, and yet they trusted in the Lord, who was (and continues to be!) faithful to them. Amazing!
I love this! I didn’t catch all the “I will”s – can’t help but imagine this is due to my dependence on Him always doing what He says. (Not that I always live like it with all my worry, stress & doubt) Yet, there are so many little things in life I take for granted- forgetting that it’s God that holds it all together. Relationships, family, my job- so many things. He promises ALL things work together for good. That’s a promise I’ll keep in my heart forever.
Thanks for sharing your point of view!!! So refreshing to read this story from a new lens of “I wills” and not “I might if you ___”. Blessings
God keeps his promises and does not lie! Amen!
We serve a mighty god, I gave him all the glory and honor this morning.
"For all the promises of God find their Yes in him. That is why it is through him that we utter our Amen to God for his glory." (2 Corinthians 1:20, ESV)
I never saw this verse before as proclaiming that God is both the Promise-Maker as well as the Promise-Keeper and Promise-Fulfillment.
God's promises to me do not rely upon what I do. When He promised the release of the girls in Chibok, it never relied upon if I kept on praying, fasting, and advocating for their release. These things are noble and beautiful and GOOD, yes, but they are not needed to keep that promise's fulfillment. God is just that good, just that sovereign, and just that loving. I praise you for that, Lord Jesus! What freedom!
Jesus, I pray that today, I'd live in Your freedom and goodness– that I would rely upon You, instead of myself, the things in my life, other people, etc. May we all abide in You, that we may love you more nearly & dearly, and that You may bring forth good fruit in us. I praise you for that, Lord Jesus! Amen!
Can you all pray for me? That Christ would guide and guard my decisions in Him? I'd really appreciate it. Thank you so much!
Blessings, all! I love all of you.
Father, I pray for AnnaLee, and that you may guide her decisions, guard her, keep her in your glory, protect her heart, bring her peace, and bless her and her family. In Jesus name, Amen.
At the risk of asking a question that may be a “dumb” one, I will ask anyway: how did Abraham rejoice that he would see Christ’s day
( as in today’s reading from John)? I am digging into this study and pondering!! Thank you!
Bridget, I have a cross reference to Matthew 13:17, and Genesis 18:18. Abraham was promised that his seed would multiply and bless the entire earth. Whether he understood that this referred to the Messiah, I'm not sure, but in looking back we know that it referred to Jesus and his sacrifice for us. Even as we understand now that his obedience on the mountain top with Isaac was a picture of what was to come, he may not have completely understood at the time. He had been given a promise by God and by his faith believed God would keep his promise even if he didn't know the entire picture. Maybe somebody has a better explanation, but that's my interpretation. I hope this helps.
I'm not sure I really answered your question, sorry.
Thank you, Karen! Your reply IS helpful!!!
I think it’s similar to where in Hebrews 11, towards the end of the chapter, it says they died in faith without receiving the promises. Abraham didn’t receive the full promise (Christ) but knew God would fulfill his word. That’s what it seems to me, at least!
Okay, last comment on this, the Life Application Bible refers to Genesis 15 and especially vs 6 where Abram's faith was credited to him as righteousness. The commentary says that Abram was able to see this through his eyes of faith.
This was such a beautiful reflection this morning. Made me think of Isaiah 64:3&4…Abraham had no idea all that God had in store. His responsibility was to believe and God unraveled the most beautiful story of all time.
It's day 2 and I love this study. I've never done an advent study before, and I usually don't really think about advent because I'm too focused on Christmas (especially considering the consumer driven, party planning & hopping holiday it's become) but this study has called me to slow down.
There truly is wonder and good stuff in the journey, though so often we're focused on the destination.
God has things He wants to show us on the way to where we're going… not just when we get there.
God has promises he makes to us throughout the journey… and those promises are always true. We can bank on them. We can rest in them. His promises are sure. He is truly faithful.
So good.
Yes! Thank you God for holding up both ends of your promises. I have witnessed your great fulfillment in my life and I will praise you all of my days.
Amen! Echoing this prayer, Raquel!
xoxo-Kaitlin for She Reads Truth
This is an amazing reminder that we are indeed made complete through Jesus. He fulfills both sides of the promises he makes us! I pray today that this will sink deep in our hearts to “let go and let God” let God fulfill the promises he made to us without deciding to take the reigns and do things our way. To let God demonstrate his power and his promise to those he loves… us!
Thankful for time after time that I have seen Gods promises fulfilled. He is so faithful!
God's promises never fault. It is all in his own timing, and his timing is much different from ours. This is something I remind myself always.
I am so encouraged by each of you ladies and the way you love on each other, teach, answer questions and pray alongside this family. I love reading through all the comments and seeing how gentle you are with one another – SO greatly encouraged by this community and all the wisdom!
Hi Chrisy! I'm so thankful you are joining us for this study! It's such a joy to have you in our community!
xoxo-Kaitlin for She Reads Truth
Amen to that, Chrisy! They've been such a blessing in my life. May we continue to follow Christ's leading in love. Be blessed. xx
So very thankful that God keeps his promises. Lord keep this in the front of mind and on my heart all day.
Thank you Lord for your promises, they are what keep me going. Enjoy your day ladies.
It’s amazing to think that God really does keep each and every promise. Abram is an excellent example of how we should live our lives each day- totally believing everything we know about The Lord.
What a beautiful reminder this advent season – that our God fulfills His promises! Amen! Thank you!
I am thrilled by your connection (to all of God's promises made perfect in Christ) "He is the fulfillment of the law. He is the true Promised Land and He is the realization of our every need, hope and desire."
I am so thankful for that truth, Carrie! So happy you joined us today!
xoxo-Kaitlin for She Reads Truth
Advent is full of promises. Promises to keep the peace and leave the family drama out for a day or two. Promises to children for the latest and greatest toys. Promises to far-away relatives that we will be so much better about keeping in touch. Promises that our intentions are good, but our actions prove otherwise.
As for me, I promise myself all the time that I will let the stress go, not let my children get me so upset. I promise I won't get annoyed with the little things my husband does, and I'll be a better, more obedient and gracious wife. I promise myself that through it all, I will keep our house together, keep our finances straight, and bring the word of God into our lives.
It's comforting to know that despite all my broken promises to family, friends, and especially myself, that Christ will always keep His promise to us. Through my fallacies, He is infallible. Through my misgivings, He is gracious. And through my sins, He is good.
Blessed is she who believed the Lord would fulfill His promises to her. Luke 1:45
This is beautiful. Thank you for sharing
Amen! Thank you for sharing that beautiful truth from your heart this morning!
Thank you for touching my heart with these words Kelly, and you don’t even know me! It’s crazy how God connects people through His word. I too, have been struggling with broken promises… Mostly ones I’m making to God. “I promise to be more in the word. I promise to obey you. I promise to love my husband and the people around me when it’s hard.” And I fail day after day. And then I become even more frustrated with myself because I’m letting God down, my husband down, people down. I recently got married, about 3 months ago and let me tell you, marriage… It’s probably one of the hardest things I’ve ever done. So many broken promises, so many unspoken expectations. But, grace. It’s HUGE. His Grace, it’s what I reply on. I related to your words. “Through my misgivings, he is gracious.” Thank you for sharing kelly, and thank you She Reads Truth for these inspiring devotionals, where I can connect with other women and wait expectantly for our coming Savior!
I'm glad my words brought you some peace. Marriage is difficult. I have been married for 8 years. There are good times, there are bad times, and there are really, really life-altering bad times. But through it all, God wanted us to be together. And together we remain, and stronger we have become. Pray for your marriage daily, sister. And I'll be praying for you, too.
That means so much. Thank you, sister. May God Bless you.
I know that I can always count on Him! His words are so faithful and true! His promises are made from love and I know I can trust him to fulfill them! What a Mighty Lord! He is indescribable!
Love that, Alyssa! He IS so mighty. Thanks for joining us!
xoxo-Kaitlin for She Reads Truth
“Our promises are made out of weakness.” Wow! So true! But how great that His are made out of Love! His promises give hope and His fulfillment of them gives faith. He is the best present-giver ever! Thankful for this study in my season that needs it most.
Today God told me in this 2nd day of Advent: For no matter how many promises God has made, they are YES in Christ. And so through him the AMEN is spoken by us to the glory of God. And all God’s people said AMEN!
So excited & thankful to be doing this Advent study with all of you! Praying for all of us to be able to rest in His promises.
Amen Sarah!! It's so beautiful to be able to do these studies with everyone!! May we all rest in the fact that He both makes and fulfills every promise He's ever made for us. May our confidence be sure; may our love for Him grow more and more each day! Amen!
This is my first time to ever do an Advent study and it’s only day 2 and God is showing me so much.
Me too! Yesterday, this word resonated with me all day long.
Welcome, sisters. I only recently started following the SRT plan, and this is my first Advent study as well. Thees daily readings and the community of women that come with it have brought so much peace to my life. God bless. <3
That's beautiful, Paula! I'll continue to pray that the Lord would show you Himself.
Lord Jesus, show Paula just how much You love her through Your word. Let this study be a time for wooing her to You, and I pray that as she knows more about You, she'd be more conformed to Your image and would bring about good fruit. Draw her near to You; hide her in the shadow of Your wings, and strengthen her with Your grace to do Your will. Bring her joy! May she be attentive, submissive and obedient to the guiding and leading of Your Holy Spirit. I praise you for that, Lord God! Amen.
I'll continue to be praying for you, Paula!
Welcome to our community, Paula! We are so grateful to have you!
xoxo-Kaitlin for She Reads Truth
I keep hearing the lyrics from Rend Collective’s Campfire Christmas album “For All You Have Done For Us” So thankfully for a Heavenly Father who keeps His promises! Thank you Lord!!
Our pastor encouraged us yesterday to Rest, Be Still, Wait & Trust in the Lord. God is so faithful! Praise Him!
So thankful for this beautiful study! I am anticipating God to teach and show me amazing things this season!!
Also… Thank you for the beautiful playlist!!!! I love music :)
Yesterday the lesson for my kindergarten Sunday School class was about how Jesus was God’s promised gift. My kiddos had a little trouble connecting Jesus as a gift and Jesus as a promise, but whenever I asked why promises are kept, they were always right–keeping promises shows people that you love them. They knew that God keeps His promises because He loves us. I love how that connects to today’s devotion and reminds me that my Father knows how to order little things in my life to show me Who He is.
"They knew that God keeps His promises because He loves us. I love how that connects to today's devotion and reminds me that my Father knows how to order little things in my life to show me Who He is."
As I said before, Christ is our Beloved Promise-Maker, Promise-Keeper, and Promise-Fulfillment. And He does it all out of love for us. I can't believe it! Jesus, thank You for showing us who You are through Your word! God is so amazingly good. As you said, I also love how God arranges and orders things so that we can know of just how much He loves us. Jesus, continue to show us through the big and the small just how much You love us, that we may praise You! Amen!
I love that illustration, Emily! Thanks so much for sharing that story. We love having you!
xoxo-Kaitlin for She Reads Truth
How big is that?!? We are celebrating the birth of not just God’s son, which we are, but the birth of the same God who spoke with Abram! I feel like we need more than just a month every year to celebrate!
Absolutely! Love that thought so much, Megan! Grateful to have you with us!
xoxo-Kaitlin for She Reads Truth
Though I've known the story of God asking Abraham to sacrifice Isaac, I've not put together the foreshadowing of Christ's sacrifice before. This connection is beautiful – and especially that Abraham (and Isaac) is in Christ's lineage.
I love the point of this post and calling out God's promises at the start of Advent. He promised a Savior; He promised salvation; He promises eternity. The reminder of the higher, loftier, more permanent purpose of Christmas is something to cling to this season. And, I love the post earlier that pointed out the need to be careful and diligent in the promises we make to our friends and loved ones during this season.
"He promised a Savior; He promised salvation; He promises eternity. The reminder of the higher, loftier, more permanent purpose of Christmas is something to cling to this season."
Amen to that, Amy. He has delivered on every one of His promises, and when He promises eternity, He means it. I'm so overjoyed to be apart of this study with everyone!
Apparently, I hadn't put together the foreshadowing of Christ's sacrifice either- and it blew my mind!! I'm seriously not sure how I never caught that, but I sure am thankful I read it this morning. So awesome.
We definitely need to be better about what we choose to make as our promises. We are not always good promise keepers because we're human, but I don't think it has to be an excuse for being bad promise keepers. I think we can try to be intentional and honoring of our promises- even if it takes a little work ;)
It is so comforting to know that even when we are even the slightest bit unfaithful to Him, he is always faithful to us. I sometimes can’t even comprehend it. God is so faithful!
The Lord’s promises & His stunning fulfillment of them have long been something I’ve cherished. A timely reminder of the truth in His Word, that His promises are true. I love the grace in that he keeps both sides of the promise, too. Thank you for your words this morning Rebecca.
At our church this Advent season, we are studying Psalm 119. Yesterday, our pastor encouraged us again to be in the Word daily. I was excited because I knew I had this study waiting for me at home – what joy it was to begin yesterday and continue this morning. This morning, I began by reading the section of Psalm 119 that we will be studying next Sunday (verses 41-80), and it dovetailed perfectly with today's reading about His promises. Already looking forward to tomorrow. Have a wonderful day, ladies.
Love that, Deb! Psalm 119 does coincide so well with these promises. Grateful we have this Truth to rely on!
xoxo-Kaitlin for She Reads Truth
God is a promise keeper!
Christ is the filfillment of every promise. Oh how I love this. Thank you!
What a wonderful reminder this Monday morning!! So thankful for a God who holds true to His promises full of grace, mercy, and much love.
I, too, am so thankful, Kara! What a wonderful promise we have to rely on. Thanks for joining us today!
xoxo-Kaitlin for She Reads Truth
Such peace knowing that God keeps his promises… That he will not fail us.
Have a blessed Monday ladies….xoxo
Perhaps I should spend a lot less time this Advent fulfilling empty promises to my friends and family, and focus instead on helping us all realize that there is only one promise that matters, God’s covenant with us.
Amen Krystal. May we all do this. xoxo
Oh, Krystal, how beautiful. I just love that thought. Instead of making empty promises, we should continue to point to the full promise! We love having you here!
xoxo-Kaitlin for She Reads Truth
"Our promises are made of weakness", the very reason we need to remain in a constant state of forgiveness. We are so fallible, in fact last week, this was hugely evident for me as in frustration, I responded to my husband in a way that was incredibly hurtful and was immediately embarrassed by. The good from it, is I received immediate forgiveness from my husband that allowed me to further see his growth in Christ and humbled me in such a way it produced even more love for the man I married and for the God who changed him. It is so comforting that there is One that will never fail us, that will never hurt us and that will never leave, One who seeks *us*. As God continues to keep me in a season of struggle, I continue to cling to His promises and be humbled by His great sacrifice. What peace it brings, each day, remembering and having confidence in this, it provides the very hope that sustains me. ~ B
"It is so comforting that there is One that will never fail us, that will never hurt us and that will never leave, One who seeks *us*."
Praise God for that! This is so beautiful. God is love; Jesus, help us to love and seek You more and more each day– though we could never love or seek you even a fraction of the amount that you do to us– continue to conform us to Your image, so that we can learn how to better love and seek you every single day. I praise You for that, Lord Jesus! Praise You for keeping Your promises!!
Amen B…such beautiful words my friend…'it is so comforting that there is one that will never fail us, that will never hurt us, and that will never leave, One who seeks us…'Amen…His promises , our hope…Thank you B..
Blessings to you and yours my Sister…xxx
i am loving the tracing of Christ's geneology!!!
abraham could trust in God's promises because he knew God's character. even through obedience to the point of climbing the mountain to sacrifice his son issac, Abraham trusted God because he knew who God is.
isn't it wonderful that because we know God's character we know that He is trustworthy and faithful? isn't it a relief that His promises don't depend on us?
oh, how I want to prove faithful and obedient just like abraham but I know my little attempts are often misguided and fall short.
thank you God that you hold up both ends of your promises. thank you that your Son is the blessing we receive and the perfection displayed in each of your promises.
"isn't it a relief that His promises don't depend on us? …thank you God that you hold up both ends of your promises. thank you that your Son is the blessing we receive and the perfection displayed in each of your promises." Wow.
His promises don't ever depend on us. Jesus is the promise maker, the promise keeper, and the promise fulfiller.
It's about Him being our all in all. Not about us. I needed to hear these words today, dear sister. The Lord is using you. Praise God for this comment; thank you for writing this comment out.
Jesus, let us see more of You and less of us. Continue to show us that You are our all in all. I praise You for that, Lord Jesus. Amen.
Kendall, I am encouraged on my journey "to prove faithful and obedient" like Abram/Abraham by reading the whole of his story that is available to us in Scripture. Abraham learned to trust in God and know God's character just as we do, one step at a time, and as with us sometimes he (and his wife Sarai/Sarah) took a step forward and two or three back (i.e. following their own plan to produce the son that wasn't coming on their timetable!). Their efforts, like yours and mine, were often "misguided" and fell "short." It is most certainly "a relief that God's promises don't depend on us" which we can see affirmed through the biblical record and the present story/stories of our very human race. What a miracle of grace to be called a child of God and seen as "perfect" in the Father's eyes because of His Son. "Rejoice! Rejoice! Emmanuel Has come to thee, O Israel!"
This is my prayer also! Blessings to you!
Let us hold unswervingly to the hope we profess for He who promised is faithful. Hebrews 10:23 My very favorite verse. Will love exploring more about the promise keeper with you all this season!
Hi Ann. You are so welcome here! x
I just love thinking of God as a promise keeper, Reid Ann! Grateful we can rest in trusting Him. Thanks for joining us today!
xoxo-Kaitlin for She Reads Truth
The words of John Newtons Amazing Grace came to mind as I wondered what personal promises God had made me…. '…The Lord has promised good to me.. His word My hope secures, ..He will my shield and portion BE as long as life endures.. What else do I need …His WORD my HOPE secures….whilst I have breathe and have God's word in my heart…I will trust His promises…after all…He saved a wretch like me, that had no hope, that was lost, unruly,disobedient, trouble, full of sin, still is and yet…and yet He still makes promises to me….Thank you Lord for your promises….for your word that secures my hope..your gift of Jesus, that so bought me my freedom, to believe and know for sure that I am saved, loved, hopeful, and hope- filled in YOU Lord God..Thank you Lord…Thank you…Amen..
Rebecca, great word….Thank you…
Sister, O, Happy Day….when Jesus washed our sins away…today is a day…and I for one are CLAIMING it Happy….He taught me how to live in JOY ….every day….living in Joy today…praying you will tooooo….Love Tina..
O come , O come Immanuel…..xxx
I love you so much, Tina. Thank you for your words today. "The Lord has promised good to me.. His word My hope secures, ..He will my shield and portion BE as long as life endures.. What else do I need …His WORD my HOPE secures….whilst I have breathe and have God's word in my heart…I will trust His promises…"
I needed to hear those lyrics today. Praise the Lord, that when He makes a promise, He means it. Jesus, thank You for making promises to me. Help me to continue to believe in Your promises, as Your word secures them. We are secure in You. Praise You for that! Amen!
Be blessed, Tina!
Amen!! What glorious words you shared from that classic hymn. I wrote them down in my Advent Devotional. Thank you. :)
When it’s clear that we can’t keep promises to each other, what comfort it is to know that God will keep his promises to us!
I too struggle with God asking Abraham to sacrifice his son. Abraham demonstrated obedience knowing that God would provide an alternative sacrifice. I pray to the courage to be obedient like Abraham and to have faith of that magnitude.knowing God will provide.,
LOVE that, Sarah! Thanks for sharing!
xoxo-Kaitlin for She Reads Truth
Thanks be to God
I love the reminder of all his promises being true. I struggle with the ways he keeps them. Like providing a lamb to sacrifice instead of Isaac- but asking Abraham to sacrifice him in the first place? Doesn’t compute with me.
I struggle with this as well. I’m not sure I could answer as faithfully as Abraham did if I were in his shoes. I find comfort in the knowledge that Abraham knew God would provide- he only needed to be obedient. I pray for faith of that magnitude.
It's great that you're honest. I don't have answers…. But perhaps He does.
I'm praying you find peace and hope in His promises. Have a wonderful Monday!
Abraham trusted God and His promises. God had told him a great nation would come from Isaac, so Abraham took Him at His word. If you read a few verses before this, you'll see that a servant travelled with them. Abraham says to the servant, "stay here, Isaac and I are going to worship, we will return." I've heard it said that he knew that if needed, God could raise Isaac from the dead. I do not know if this is true, but I do know that the old testament was a shadow of the things to come in the new. Isaac was Abraham's only son, Jesus was God's only son. God did not withhold His only Son, but gave Him so that we might be saved. He provided a lamb for sacrifice in place of Isaac, and He provided the Lamb that took away the sins of the world, a sacrifice in place of you and me.
There was a bigger plan. There always is with God. As scripture says, "For now we see in a mirror dimly, but then face to face. Now I know in part; then I shall know fully, even as I have been fully known." (1 Cor 13:12) It is not for us to understand fully now, but one day the mysteries shall be revealed to us.
Great explanation!
Thank you!
“There was a bigger plan. There always is with God.” So true. Thanks for the reminder!
Beautiful explanation, Kristy.
Thanks for this, Emily and Kristy. It's given me much to ponder and meditate on. We may not understand it all right now, but we will one day. Praise the Lord for that day!
I think that God asked Abraham to sacrifice Isaac as a way to kind of see where Abraham’s heart was at. Because Abraham was willing to sacrifice his only son who he has waited forever for, it showed that Abraham loved God more than Isaac (therefore he had not made an idol out of His son). Even though sacrificing Isaac hurt Abraham greatly, he was still going to be faithful to God. This is how I have always viewed it, hope it helps you!
"Therefore he had not made an idol out of His son." Wow. I never thought of it this way, but now I realize it's validity: Abram had waited for Isaac his whole life, and this promise was a huge part of his life. When God told Abram to sacrifice Isaac, it must've completely shocked Abram. How easy Isaac could've become an idol, since he was so tied to the significant things that had happened in Abram's life! I agree with your thoughts, Kennedy. Thank you for this insight!
Be blessed.
This so resonates with me after trying many years to have a child and finally getting my baby girl 2 years ago it was so easy to treat her as something I had accomplished something that should be my #1. I struggle everyday with this but God has also put in my heart that she is just a gift not earned or attained just precious and to be valued and that He values her more then even I do. That allows me to trust Him in the midst of my weakness.
amen sister. beautifully said. I believe God is always trying to reveal something to our hearts that He sees (but we don’t) through our trials. I can always look back and say “ok God. thank you for revealing that weakness in me and helping push me through it.”
I think Him asking Abram to sacrifice his son was a test of obedience. God wanted to know that Abram would be obedient to him above ALL things. But it is still a and concept to understand having two boys and trying to put myself in Abrams shoes
To add to all the wonderful responses, first in y those times as atrocious as it sounds child sacrifice to pagan gods was very common. God was showing that this was not the case with the one true God. Also to add to Kristys explanation the replacement sacrifice was not a lamb, but a ram (male) caught by the horns in a thorn bush. This foreshadowed the crown of thorns on Christ's head.
As I walk through a valley right now, I am so encouraged by this reminder of his promise of a mountaintop!
"…fear no evil, for He is with you; His rod and staff comfort you….." (Psalm 23)
Keep on going through your valley, He is right there with you! Lots of love to you on this Monday morning sister xx
Trust in the Lord with all thine heart, and lean not into thine own understanding. In all thy ways, acknowledge Him, and He shall direct thy paths. Proverbs 3:5-6
Have faith, sister Ashley. He will lead you through your valley, and you will see His grace.
Ashley, I'll be praying for you.
Jesus, continue to encourage and uplift my dear sister Ashley as she goes through this valley. Show her Your mighty love, Your eternal and abiding peace, and Your great strength. Work in and through my sister Ashley as she continues to trust in You during this season, and let her abiding in You bring You great fruit and glory as she goes about her life. I pray she'd know just how near You are, and would crawl into Your lap as she reads Your word and trusts in Your promises of those beautiful mountaintops. Remind her, Lord Jesus, that no matter where she's at in life, Your love for her and Your presence is the reason for joy we have, no matter what. As long as You are with us, we have all we could ever need. Fulfill all she needs You to fulfill in her today, Lord God. In Christ's name, Amen.
I'll continue to pray for you, sister! Be blessed!
that seriously is one of my favorite things to remember. Don't forget in the valley what God showed you in the mountaintop.
God has been faithful before, and because He never changes, you can bet that He'll be faithful again!
Praying for you as you walk, never forget that God walks with you wherever you go.
I rest in this His promises are true! Thank you for this reminder.
Amen Mandy! Let us all rest in this truth today!
Mandy, thanks for joining us today!! We love having you!
xoxo-Kaitlin for She Reads Truth