God’s Kingdom Come

Open Your Bible

Matthew 6:1-18, Matthew 26:36-46, Luke 18:9-14

Generosity, prayer, and fasting focus our motivations and actions on God’s will and His kingdom.

In the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus’s extended teaching on the kingdom of God, there’s a moment where He directs the focus from outward good works to inner motivation. “Don’t be like the hypocrites,” He says—the people who love to be seen giving, heard praying, and noticed for their fasting misery. All of these practices are meaningful, yet He urges the audience to examine their motives and do this work in secret, where “your Father who sees in secret will reward you” (Matthew 6:4).

In His parables, Jesus often portrays the kingdom of God as a place of enough, where the Giver of good things makes sure we have everything we need. Could that be true of the approval we crave too?

We live in a world where the scarcity mindset rules. We are tempted to worry about fairness. In our small talk, we field questions about jobs and marital status and children. In our free time, we scroll through social media and play the comparison game, whether we mean to or not. For inspiration, we turn to our favorite influencers for a glimpse of the good life, looking for the home decor, the clothes, the exercise routine that might finally bring us contentment.

But imagine a kingdom where all have enough. Where we don’t have to jockey for position, where we don’t have to announce ourselves to get the affirmation we deeply long for. This is the kingdom of God, where the lowly are raised up, where our smallest offering, given in earnest, is enough. This is true for our outward actions and our spiritual lives.

Later, Jesus tells a story “to some who trusted in themselves that they were righteous and looked down on everyone else” (Luke 18:9). Two men, a Pharisee and a tax collector,  are praying. One is counted among the highest, holiest men in Jewish culture. The other is regarded with a sneer, labeled a sellout to the empire. One prays, “God, I thank you that I’m not like other people—greedy,unrighteous, adulterers, or even like this tax collector” (Luke 18:11). The other pleads, “God, have mercy on me, a sinner!” (v.13). Jesus’s point is clear on who went home justified that day (Matthew 26:36–46).

This isn’t to say that all acts of goodness need to be completely secret. Sometimes, the best gift we can give is to pray out loud for a friend in distress. Sometimes welcoming others into our fasting can open the door to mutual strengthening and encouragement. Jesus’s goal is not to heap rules and guilt onto our spiritual lives, but rather invite us to walk with Him, embracing God’s kingdom lifestyle.

In all of this, it’s the motives that matter. When we give, pray, and fast, when we choose to seek God’s approval more than our fellow travelers,’ we open our hands to release the security we cling to and accept God’s provision. We can rest in knowing every need will be met, and in the end, there is more than enough.

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60 thoughts on "God’s Kingdom Come"

  1. June Pimpo says:

    You are more than enough Lord. Teach me and show me where pride is hidden in my heart. ❤️

  2. June Pimpo says:

    Prick our hearts, Lord to see the logs in our eyes instead of staring at the speck in someone else’s eye.

  3. Lois East says:


  4. Terri Baldwin says:

    I love reading everyone’s post …I feel like I just want to fit in sometimes and I have to look or act different around certain people. But our Heavenly Father loves us for who we are and we don’t have to pretend we’re something we’re not. In this world it’s hard but to seek the Kingdom gives me hope!

  5. Lauren GW says:

    Emily- praying for you! I have gone through deployment and it is tough. In my own experience, and in talking with others, it seems difficult things seems to happen while the spouse is on deployment, not sure why that is. Praying for comfort and support for you!

  6. Claire B says:

    Entering Mothers’ Day Weekend is tough for many of us for a myriad of reasons. Prayers for all of us that feel the heartaches that come from this day for whatever reason.

  7. Krystle Scott says:

    Praying for you, PamC ❤️

  8. PamC says:

    For the last week I’ve been closeted with my dying mother, watching her slip more each day. I wonder as she’s pretty much lost even the ability to talk, what she is clinging to? I’ve been clinging to Jesus. I couldn’t be doing this without Him. But I’ve also clung to my group from church. I think it’s important to have those earthly relationships…just not make them more important than our relationship with Jesus.

  9. KimN says:

    DOROTHY – praying for you in this difficult season. Whether you choose to move or sit, Jesus is right beside you to give you peace and strength.
    MARE- I often turn to people for comfort too but our God is beyond enough. More than we can imagine! Lifting you to Him this morning!

  10. Dorothy says:

    Two things ran through my mind as I read the Scripture and devotional, first after reading Matthew 6:1-18 the song “The Lord’s Prayer (It’s Yours)” by Matt Maher, I’ve been hearing it a lot on the radio lately. Then reading Jen’s devotion when she says, “We can rest in knowing every need will be met, and in the end, there is more than enough.” That is sooo comforting to know.
    You see lately, I’ve lacked motivation, I have an apartment full of items to go through — both mine and my sister’s — and determine what to do with them. I’m moving out in July to be closer to my grandson. But with everything that has happened in my life lately I just want to sit and do nothing.
    Lord God help us to know You are with us through the good and the bad, the easy and the hard, the fun and the difficult, the sick and the healthy. You are ALWAYS WITH US. Amen
    Be blessed and remember “there is more than enough”.

  11. Lizzie T says:

    Heidi, I too have tried to start groups in the past with no luck! I’m in New Orleans, and would LOVE a group to have a bible study with!

  12. Brandi says:

    Mare- such a sweet and powerful reminder this morning that our God is more than enough! I’m thankful that He daily bears our burdens. Praising Him this morning because He is All-sufficient! Praying for you this morning- that you will feel Him lifting the heaviness and replacing it with joy and peace.

  13. Pam LambertWhite says:

    Recognition of my mine and presenting it before the Lord in prayer should be a priority in my life.

  14. Aimee D-R says:

    Oh Lord, forgive my sin and doubt. Please reward my faith. In Jesus name, Amen

  15. Mare Jones says:

    “Your father who SEES you” is more than enough. These past few days have been heavy. I’ve been searching for comfort in other people sadly. God is my portion.

  16. Mary Ann Graves says:

    Really caught today by the “enough ” spiritually as well as physically and financially

  17. Alyssa Maxey says:

    Learning to have the heart to follow and look more like Jesus!

  18. Casey Evans says:

    So so healthy to check our Motives and heart ❤️

  19. Casey Evans says:

    So so healthy to check our

  20. Paula Strong says:

    MK my daughter also suffers from autoimmune diseases. I will pray for you. I know it’s not easy – especially not now.

  21. Brandy Deruso says:

    Lord we must do his will!

  22. Brandy Deruso says:

    We must fast and pray

  23. Melissa Mcronney says:

    Lord, help me to let go of self

  24. Adelynn Campbell says:

    Loving this series. Seeing the mission of the kingdom more and more in my life!

  25. A R says:

    M K
    Try this – eliminate all forms of wheat from your diet for 3 full weeks. Praying for you.

  26. Jen Brewer says:

    Love you, dear sisters. Your words always encourage me. Prayed for you Emily and MK.

  27. lianne Toews says:

    Prayed for you this am❤️

  28. Jennifer Ficklen says:


  29. AZ Walker says:

    Thank you for all the comments ladies. I am uplifted every day and learn so much from you! God bless America land that I love on this day of prayer. Also – Praying for you dear Emily.

  30. Angela Sutherland says:

    I just finished watching the video for Maverick City/Elevation’s “Jireh”….it lines up with today’s readings perfectly. He is Jireh, more than enough! Praise His Name!!

  31. Krissy A says:

    MK, praying for you that God helps you.

  32. M K says:

    May I ask my SRT sisters to pray for me. I’m struggling with multiple autoimmune diseases. God knows what is ailing me.

  33. Mercy says:

    @Emily, praying for you during your husband’s deployment, I am so sorry for the loss of your cat at this time. But they that wait upon the LORD shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint (Isaiah 40:31). May He pour out new strength and abundant comfort on you today.

  34. Mercy says:

    What a great devotion today, thank you Jen. Thank you for pointing out that there are exceptions for praying out loud, fasting “out loud” for the sake of building up others. What counts is the heart posture behind. Many times when I attempt to fast (when invited by church, from 6am to 6pm, for 3 days, or depending) I pray beforehand for God’s strength to help me to finish the fast, and it is so much easier when knowing others are doing this with me. Reading out loud Isaiah 58: 6-10 several times when fasting also gives me strength and true motivations on the fasting that pleases God.

    The tax collector in the reading of today is an example of one poor in spirit, who realizes his true condition of spiritual bankruptcy, who humbles himself. Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. And such a person is justified. God indeed gives more grace to the humble, and He lifts them up.

    When Jesus told his disciples to stay up and pray, they just couldn’t. Many times this has happened to me. Prayers are precious and sweet conversations with God, but prayers are the most difficult to be uttered when in tough seasons, when heavily burdened, just like on the night before the death mission. But Jesus, our Jesus, he prayed 3 times saying the same words, though being extremely sorrowful. This just taught me no need for pretty prayers, no need, when in crisis or in good times, just pray to the point, repeat again and again, and just pray. I find a helpful advice from the Chosen TV series, someone says, I find praying is like a chore at first, but the more I do it, I grow to enjoy it. May we enjoy our prayer time, and savor it like it is a delicious treat onto us. God bless you dear sisters.

  35. PamC says:

    Churchmouse you spoke right into my heart. Heidi you gave me a new way to look at things. Thank you all for your comments and for sharing your hearts. Emily I’m praying.

  36. Traci Gendron says:

    Something new for me this last year is that I bring SRT with me anywhere I go. I have been on 2 trips because of covid, but I sit with my study in the mornings. I find I’m so thirsty for God’s word. I’m so thankful for what I’m learning through all the comments. I read through them everyday. I’m sitting here in the desert wondering if Jesus was walking through, would I have followed Him. Would I have been judgmental with His appearance. His words. Would I have believed in Him. It scares me to say that I may not have. It is much easier to read the Word and follow it for me. I don’t like that I’m so untrusting of others. Cynical. The world is a scary place. So many scammers. I pray for discernment. I know this doesn’t have much to do with todays reading, but it was what came to my mind. Thankful for all of you.

  37. free indeed says:

    Emily: praying for your comfort today, especially as what I am guessing is a big source of comfort for you is far from home. You are loved. I pray the Lord holds you close as you lament the loss of your sweet furry friend.

  38. Emily says:

    I have a prayer request today. My husband left last month on his first deployment and not even a month into it my cat was killed in a tragic accident yesterday. It feels like a part of me has died along with her. She was my true companion for 6 years. I would appreciate prayer for healing and peace.

    Sending love to each one of you.

    Thank you

  39. Churchmouse says:

    Erin Canada, I live an hour from Pittsburgh. I do not do social media however. Would love to meet up with SRT sisters from the area though.

  40. Mari V says:

    I am resting knowing that all my needs will be met because in the end there’s more than enough.

  41. Katie Getman says:

    Such good reminders, thank you! I needed this today.

  42. Deb Ireland says:

    These passages remind me that God is more concerned with my heart than my outward actions. When my heart is in the right place my actions will glorify Him. Praise God!

  43. Donna says:

    I love the readings today reminding us that we do not need to find our source of the affirmation that we desperately seek in impressing others, but in God alone! This challenges me to look at my motives when I am serving Him – that they be free of self-exaltation. That I ask myself, “Why do I feel the need to post every good thing I’m doing or experiencing on Instagram or Facebook – is it to get praise or a sense of self worth from others? Would I walk in obedience to God and do what is right even when not one other person knows but Jesus? God sees our hearts and so lovingly wants to guide us authenticity!! Thank you all for your encouraging words! They are so enriching!!

  44. Leonie says:

    ” imagine a kingdom where all have enough” just a reminder that earth is so temporary, it’s important to be reminded of that sometimes especially living in a pandemic it can be all about getting the bag but i remember that all i can do is ask God to do is give me my daily bread and to be content with that.

  45. Terri says:

    Angie. Loved “Are my words and actions motivated in humble service to my King and HIS Kingdom?” Reading a book on The Great Commision and finding that that the motivation may not always be this. Must be careful not to make it how many notches we have on our belt that we got so many people saved for God.

  46. Churchmouse says:

    How would you define “enough?” Is a salary of $50000 enough or is $100000? Is one car enough or is two? Is a two bedroom house enough or is a four bedroom? Is a camping vacation enough or is a cruise? My point is not that any of these desires is necessarily wrong. My point is that we can find ourselves thoughtlessly seeking and striving for more. It’s doing so without fully considering the personal cost of obtaining those things. I’m challenged by Paul to live in contentment. And by Jesus to live generously. It’s good to stop and decide what is enough and what is too much. It’s good to stop and consider how much I give to myself and how much I give to others. It’s good to stop and count my blessings and be content. It’s a far more peaceful life. Seek first His kingdom.

  47. Maura says:

    What comes out of the mouth reveals the heart. Today’s verses makes me wonder how many prayers in my life were completely selfish and how many times the God of grace has heard prayers like the Pharisee’s prayer instead of the heart cries for mercy, grace and forgiveness? Angie so loved your quote from Martin Luther and your last line “And as I inhale His grace… I exhale gratitude. Indeed gratitude for all He gives and is working out, teaching, for all His grace and forgiveness for me and others. This is where I want my heart to dwell. Thank you Angie, your insights always bless me. Erb, dear Sister, Isaiah ch. 5 is full of Woes, and again bleak punishment and I feel the heaviness of it, which I found part of the reason stated in verse 12b, “but they have no regard for the deeds of the Lord, no respect for the works of His hands.” The greed and the words of the rest of this chapter again brought me to the prayer of the Pharisee and the words of His prayer being about how good he was, and not about God at all, in today’s reading. Lord, hep is to see with wonder and joy your deeds and the works of your hands, open our eyes to all you are doing that we would give you the glory and praise your name. Thank you Erb, good to know we are reading together, is blessing my heart. Hugs to you all Sisters, His Abundant love to your day, and joy to your hearts.

  48. Mom to many says:

    Heidi- thank you for your comments. It always helps me to remember all I have is God’s and He has entrusted me to steward His gifts. Sometimes I find that really hard and pray for wisdom and discernment a lot.

    Thanks also for the reminder that we are all in different stages of life. I am a mom of multiples (adults now but living back at home after university) and when they were young I remember wondering if I would EVER have time to myself again. I counted the days til they could do a 30 min swim lesson without someone in the water. I remember many days heading out the door and bowing my head on my doorframe praying “Lord I need your grace for one more day”…because one day at a time is all I could handle.

    I encourage you to continue in the Word as you are doing and also find even a tiny routine of self care- a favourite cup of tea or coffee, a 5 min facemask, a worship song you love on repeat.

    I truly never appreciated people who would say “the time goes by so quickly” as it doesn’t seem to when you are in a season but in hindsight there are days that I wonder how it all passed by so quickly and now we are in the season of children’s marriages balanced with declining parents.

    Sorry for the ramble! Praying each if you sisters get a glimpse of God’s glory today.

  49. Tiffany C says:

    Indeed, my flesh is weak. Countless times I do not pray as I was invited to. Yet Lord Jesus still died for me. He tore the veil so that I may pray in His name and be directly connected to Him and to have the Spirit always present with me. Truly I do not deserve this grace and mercy.

  50. Erin Canada says:

    Love this! We can rest knowing there will be enough. Let go & Let God!
    Any ladies out there near the Pittsburgh area? I am hopeful to form a SRT study group and haven’t had any luck on the Facebook page. Please reach out if you are near Pittsburgh and are interested in forming a study group.

  51. Rea Queen says:


  52. Danielle Smith says:

    I love God meets the deepest longing of our heart to be affirmed if only I will seek Him instead of the affirmation that the world offers that is only temporary.

  53. Taylor says:

    As I’m newly in the season of my first job, I want to start right off the bat of regularly giving to the church and to charities that are important to me. Like Heidi said, my resources are not mine and giving them away brings freedom. God will meet my every need, and it’s easier said than done when all is well and not when I’m anxious or stressed about something.

  54. Allison Bentley says:

    Am I doing “this” because I feel led by the Holy Spirit or am I doing “this” because it’s the “law” and people are watching? Yes I want my life to be a beacon for Jesus but only if I am truly living for Jesus. Yes I want others to know Jesus is in my heart and working in my life but not because I want the recognition but because I want Him to get the recognition!!!

  55. Angie says:

    I am reading a book, What Are You Going to Do With Your Life? by J.D. Greear. This morning I read the chapter, “The Law of the Harvest.” The basic gist of this chapter is: give everything to God with the motivation to better His kingdom.
    The Matthew 6 verses talk about attitude we should have
    in giving-and the result,
    in praying-and the result,
    in fasting-and the result.
    Reminding us in the middle (through the Lord’s prayer), whose kingdom it is for and why.

    The Matthew 26 verses about the disciples sleeping speaks to my heart in so many ways, (stay awake, pray, it matters) but today I thought about how Jesus must have felt. His purpose was to come to earth to make a way for us to be redeemed to the Father. He knew His time was about up on earth, and soon, He would be heading Home. He saw first hand how even those closest to him could not “do what was needed”(and pray). Instead of allowing that thought to distract Him from His purpose, He trusted His Father – laying them and His life down.
    The Luke 18 verses go back to the thought, who for…and why…do we do what we do?
    Are my words and actions motivated in humble service to my King and HIS Kingdom?
    A heart, mind, and soul, laid in the hands of our God for His purpose, in faithful trust, reaps a harvest.
    Martin Luther said, “I have held many things in my hands, and I have lost them all; but whatever I have placed in God’s hands, that I still possess.”
    We are all a work in progress.
    God keeps loving us, guiding us, drawing us closer, teaching us anew.
    And, as I inhale His grace…I exhale gratitude.

  56. Hannah Wright says:

    I love the distinction made here: it isn’t that the longing for approval is inherently bad, but rather that in God’s kingdom, He fills that longing himself.

  57. Mae says:

    Very well said Heidi

  58. Heidi says:

    First off- want to shout a thank you to all of the women on here to took the time to speak encouragement to those of us still in the trenches of parenting.. those of us still in the phase of wondering “will ANY moment of my day ever belong to me again..?” It takes intentional thinking to put your true words to heart- it’s so easy to fall “victim” of my day instead of standing in strength and intention.

    Prayer, fasting, and generosity. What powerful practices. And ones that, again, take such intention in order for them to have their full effect. They have the power to take the fear of “not enough” and refocus the filter of how we see our resources. They transform our hands from being tightly fisted around our money, things, TIME, and empower us to see all of these things as God’s, and to recognize new opportunities to give them to the people He desperately wants to have them. He has entrusted me with excess of all of these things and it is my full responsibility to not exhaust them to the point that I’ve literally taken what was intended for someone else and used it for my own gain. My prayer- that I don’t fill my time to such a degree there is no margin to give it to others; that I factor in financial giving to others so that I don’t see my income as all mine, but rather that a portion was never even intended for my personal use; that my eyes remain open to those who may have a better need for what physical, tangible things I have that would in any way bless THEM to have. In short- I don’t want my things/money to have ME- I want to be so detached from them that parting with money/things/time not only blesses the other person, but it enhances my own freedom them as well.

  59. Kelly says:

    “God, have mercy on me, a sinner!”
    So thankful for His daily mercy.
    STRUGGLING – you are seen and loved by the Almighty God

  60. Sara Taromina says:

    Always a good word and uplifting. Thank you!