God Is Omniscient

Open Your Bible

1 Chronicles 28:4-9, Job 28:20-28, Psalm 139:1-6, 16-18, Isaiah 46:9-11, Matthew 10:26-30, 1 John 3:18-20

God knows everything—past, present, and future—and nothing takes Him by surprise.

When we stumble and sin, it helps to remember that God is merciful. When we recognize that we have, once again, turned aside to idols of our own making, there are scriptures that declare God’s faithfulness in spite of our frailty. And when we have been burned by some injustice—life-shattering or trivial—we can thank our Savior for being a righteous Judge who promises to set all things right in the end. Reflecting on God’s attributes can bring us peace in the midst of struggles. But there is one that can leave us feeling exposed: God’s omniscience.

Because He is all-knowing, there is nothing hidden from God’s sight—nothing in waking life or even in our imaginations. There is no event in the past, present, or future that takes Him by surprise. The entire universe is an open book.

This kind of knowledge in anyone else’s hands would be a dangerous weapon. It would be appropriate to live in a constant state of fear. But God’s omniscience is coupled with His other attributes. To be known by God, then, is to be valued and loved. None of us are here by mistake. He wants to know us. And that’s a very good thing; within each of us is a desire to be known.

We all want to be fully known and understood, and then to be fully loved. Of course, we too often conclude in our hearts we are unloveable. After all, we how we’ve done wrong and missed the mark, how easily we’ve given in to temptation. Our hearts condemn us daily. But “God is greater than our hearts, and he knows all things” (1 John 3:20).

On the day of Solomon’s coronation, David told his son, “The LORD searches every heart and understands the intention of every thought” (1 Chronicles 28:9). In these words, there is a warning, but there is also grace. True, there is no hiding from God. But there also isn’t anyone who could possibly know us better. Because Jesus dealt with our sin on the cross, purifying us as a bride for her husband, God’s omniscience is not reason to fear blanket condemnation; instead, it’s an invitation to true intimacy with our Maker.

(64) Comments

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64 thoughts on "God Is Omniscient"

  1. Kenzie says:

    Jesus is always thinking of me.

  2. Genia McCray says:

    It’s wonderful to know that God is greater than my heart!

  3. David Murdoch says:

    As people become older, they tend to form more and more questions in their minds – “What do I want to do with my life?”, “What are my long-term goals?”, and “Where is my life heading to?” https://www.thebiblewasnotwritteninenglish.com/the-keys-to-knowing-gods-plan-for-your-life/ These questions usually come to mind whenever a person is dealing with a life crisis. They can cause a great amount of anxiety, fear, and stress, especially when one is completely clueless about what the future holds for him or her.

  4. Jessica Bronaugh says:

    Time and time again I find myself trying to know everything that my husband is doing because he has broken my trust and the pain from that was so unbearable for me. I felt lonely, betrayed, confused and everything else in between. I don’t want to be caught by surprise like that again. That is my fear so this attribute of God is so liberating for me to know that He knows everything & nothing catches Him by surprise & that in the end He will make everything right gives me hope to continue to push through as we work through the restoration process.

  5. Kyra FitzSimmons says:

    my husband is emotionally abusive and reading that God knows it all and even the intention of every thought is reassuring in knowing he will make it right in the end

  6. Hilary Blair says:

    Loveee this

  7. Suzanne Barbosa says:

    I really appreciate the focus on how our hearts can judge ourselves, but we need to let go of that and let God be our true judge. My guilt and anxiety is not because I’m trying to be better for Him it’s because I judge myself as not good enough for him.

  8. Jennifer Anapol says:

    I love that I serve a God who knows everything, when bad things happen, they don’t take him by surprise.

  9. Becca Johnson says:

    Oof. I needed to hear this. Thank you so much for sharing. This is a journey I’ve been on lately, too. I feel like it’s something that pretty much every young person in their 20s (ish) goes through, because everything is so “up in the air.” Thanks for reiterating what God has been trying to tell me, lately. You have no idea what it means to me…it totally made my day! <3

  10. Alexis J. says:

    This gives me even more confidence in Him. Understanding that God truly knows everything about me assures me that the plans He has for me are what’s best for me. He knows every desire of my heart, every strength, every fear, etc. If I live my life in accordance with His plan and His will, then that truly is my best life.

  11. Julie says:

    I appreciate these short devotions. They make great jumping-off points for personal more in-depth study. I think it’s important that we know who God is. It helps so much in understanding our relationship to Him. I am so thankful for His omniscience- there is nothing outside the realm of His knowledge. If His reach was limited He wouldn’t make a very good God. There is comfort and peace in knowing I am never out of His sight, and even that He knows all about me, and STILL loves me.

    Just a side note, there is a missing word in the second sentence of the fourth paragraph:
    “After all, we how we’ve done wrong and…”. I believe it should read “After all, we KNOW how we’ve done wrong and…” :)

  12. Angie says:

    God knows everything about me, all my successes and all my failures. And yet he still chooses me, still wants me as part of his family, still loves me without condition. That is true love and something that I cannot fully comprehend! Thank you Lord for loving me no matter what!

  13. Tiffany G says:

    I am so happy God knows me. That there are no secrets or surprises. It helps me rest in knowing that he already has a way out of my situations. I’m so struggling with how I will recover from so much including a divorce and if I should do a relationship again and I will be considered damage goods but I know that Gods plan for me is good and there is no pit too deep for him to dig me out of. It’s a little struggle bc I don’t feel like I deserve it but I want the life he has for me

  14. Danielle Talerico says:

    I feel a little shameful knowing God knows everything. I feel ashamed that He has seen me sin time after time again. It makes me feel a little bit of disappointment; when am I going to get this right.

  15. Grace Holt says:

    I am so glad that God has been present in my life, especially during rough times. I can’t do anything without him. Thank-you Jesus.

  16. Maiya H says:

    How comforting it is knowing that my God is aware of EVERYTHING! He knows everything about me

  17. Osha Moseki says:

    God is forever Present and everywhere , I can’t hide from Him. He is also all knowing , He knows everything about me , past , present and future….it’s so comforting and refreshing to know this.This study has open my eyes and refresh my spirit , for at times I live my as if I’m in control and not being mindful of these traits . I pray that as

  18. Beth Hinson says:

    God knows the desires of our heart, the good, the bad, and the ugly-but he still chooses me. It is hard for me to comprehend his unwaivering love because so often our earthly love is selfish and within limits. God serves me with such a love and mercy that I have never have and never will experience anything like that again! Thank you for being who you are-for knowing every corner of my mind and still choosing to love me and lead me towards your kingdom!

  19. Steph C says:

    God knows everything. He understands the past. He sees the present. He knows what the future holds. Nothing is hidden from Him. Nothing is beyond Him. He knows me. He sees my heart. He knows my thoughts. My struggles and fears, temptations and failures, desires and motives. He sees and knows all of it. And He still pursues me. And draws me back. Again and again. I can never understand this! He should reject me if He knows me. But no, He is my Father and He calls me ever onward.

  20. Cecelia Enns Schulz says:

    It’s never easy for me. I got all my peeps to pray for/with me. And I used a discipline I found in Richard Foster’s book, CELEBRATION OF DISCIPLINE called palms down, palms up. I turn over any concerns I have to God – fear of not hearing him, worry that I’ll be wrong, frustration with my littles, all the things that scream loud in my mind with my palms down. And then after a few minutes, I turn my palms up and receive the inverse of all the other stuff – God WILL speak to me because he loves to and I will hear because his sheep hear his voice, perfect love casts out fear…and it usually helps me still enough to hear. Or to at least rest a bit in stillness. I prayed for you that you will hear the direction you’re needing to hear.

    1. Betty Tang says:

      Thank you so much Cecelia! Going to look into this book. Please let me know if there’s anything I can pray for you too ❤️

  21. Y K says:

    God know every thought before I’ve even thought it up. Both the good and wicked thoughts. And while I am responsible for harnessing those thoughts that aren’t from Him, I am comforted by the knowledge that He offers abounding grace.

  22. Erin Mirabal says:

    Reading Attributes of God bring a real presence of God as I read these. Like a Meditation of Peace. Loving it

  23. Courtney says:

    Prayers lifted! Smart lady on the advice about housework

  24. Ashley E. says:

    I love the idea of God’s omniscience being the source of us being fully known and fully loved and fully provided for. I always though of God’s omniscience as an indicator of his power as “the big man in the sky.” – which it is. But it’s more than that. God’s omniscience is an indicator of His humility, sacrifice, and mercy- an indicator of his willingness to weave Himself so completely into our lives and our stories. Wow wow wow.

  25. Valerie says:

    i’ve been reading along with this plan in the physical study guide but felt compelled to look at the community comments online today. kathy, i am keeping you in my prayers, i hope your family finds peace and comfort in this difficult time. i am glad your mother was able to enter new life surrounded by her loved ones <3

  26. Betty Tang says:

    Cecelia – wow your comment came in perfect timing. I have been offered a job position with the school board, but it is not something I want to do. However, I felt like it was God leading me there. Like you, I kept asking Him “what’s the right choice” because I want to please God so bad, yet I don’t feel satisfied with this job?

    Can you share with me how you got your mind to be still and heard God say “what do you want to do?”. Thank you <3

  27. Kim says:

    I hope you see this. It wouldn’t let me reply under your comment. I’m so sorry to hear of your mom’s passing. I had prayed for you all the first day you posted about going to see her. I’m thankful that there was peace and love surrounding her and your family. I will continue to pray for you as you grieve the loss of your mom. So glad you will see her again in heaven.

  28. Churchmouse says:

    Kathy, praying for you and your family as you celebrate your mom’s home-going while also mourning the loss of earthly days with her. How wonderful that so many were at her bedside!

  29. Churchmouse says:

    Sarah, I’m praying that you move forward in peace. And moving forward may be staying right where you are. God will surely honor your seeking hard after Him in your career direction. Know this : there is only one fatal decision and that is not accepting Jesus as Lord. All other decisions are decisions that can be changed and refined as the Lord leads. He will not abandon you no matter where you go or what you do. So continue following Him as you have been. You’ll be fine.

  30. Krystle says:

    Kathy, I’m so sorry for your loss! I’m glad y’all got to be there with her, and now she’s resting in the arms of her Father. I’ll be praying that you’ll feel the Lord’s comfort, strength, and peace in this time. ❤️

  31. PamC says:

    My prayers for your loss are with you & your family Kathy. May the Lord’s peace surround & hold y’all close.

  32. Cecelia Enns Schulz says:

    Sarah D, I don’t have a clear answer to give you. But I do know this, sometimes God says, “what do YOU want to do”? What do you want to do?
    I feel like as long as you’re open to doing whatever and changing should God say change, you’re fine. He’s big enough for any decision right or wrong. And sometimes, there isn’t a clear right or wrong decision. I know awhile ago when I was offered a temporary full time teaching position I freaked out about making the RIGHT CHOICE. I prayed and heard nothing (mostly cuz I was so in a state to hear SOMETHING and NOW). I made a pros and cons list. I thought about how I felt about each choice and had no idea. And I was in a time crunch. Finally, I got my mind to still and I heard God say, “what do you want to do?” It made my decision so much easier. God trusts us more than we trust ourselves.

  33. Cindy says:

    Sweet Sarah…. having a daughter that just gradua from college, I’m feeling your angst. You guys have so many decisions, yet also, so many opportunities! What a great thing! I don’t have any wisdom on the subject, but I will just say this: reading your post, it seems to me that you may already have your answer and are just feeling the pressure of “what if” from others, and maybe yourself too. Please don’t allow yourself to be pushed in to something that you’re not quite ready for. There may come a time to transfer, or add certifications or other things, but in reading your words I get the feeling that you’re in a good place where you are and there’s really no need for you to transfer at this point. This I believe: God is not going to let you miss out on your hearts desire if you are seeking Him! And you truly do seem to be doing that… you may can even do internships or independent studies that can clear your head about further routes, but it seems, from what I see in your post, that there is no “bad” or “wrong” in what you are currently doing, and I feel a lot of positives. My thoughts are to pray but not worry, and keep on keeping on, seeking outside opportunities, and things will begin to clear…. prays for you…

  34. Kathy says:

    SRT Sisters, I just wanted to share with you that my Mom passed away yesterday. I had shared earlier in the week that it was just a matter of time. She was surrounded by children and grandkids. We all got to tell her how much we loved her and how much we were going to miss her. She struggled for so long with Parkinson’s that it was really a blessing when she went home. She will be greatly missed. She taught me to cherish family, to love books, music, and art, and that you can always find something better to do than housework! Please keep my family in your prayers as we navigate this new way of life without her.

    1. Natasha R says:

      Sending you love and prayers, Kathy.

    2. Becky Kuiper says:

      Blessing to you and your family, Kathy, as you celebrate her life, and as you miss her here.

  35. Cassy says:

    SRT, I love the way this study is written with the essay followed by the verses. The first four days have really spoken to me. I am underlining so many things! Thank you for another wonderfully creative work of art.

  36. Sarah D. says:

    He knows it all. Past, present, and future. But the thing is, I want to know it all too! And just like a child, I want it now! I’ve been struggling recently…I was thinking of transferring to a different college to study marine biology, but now I’m not sure. I don’t feel any peace about it, and I like the school I’m at, even though they don’t have marine bio. My sister is pushing me a little to transfer, but I just don’t know! I’ve been praying constantly and asking God to show me where He wants me. And man I wish he could just tell me straight out! The major I’m in now (Zoo & Wildlife Biology) isn’t specific to the marine field, but it’s still related to what I want to do. I’ve been looking into what majors jobs in that field look for, and it doesn’t have to be marine bio. Not to mention if I did transfer, it would be out of state and much farther from home, after I’ve grown used to my school now and made friends (not that I don’t want to move from my home state eventually, but right now to pick up everything and leave to a faraway state just doesn’t seem realistic to me). This has been so hard for me! I’m hearing so many conflicting thoughts from my parents (who are very supportive with any way I choose) and my sister/her husband… I just want to hear God’s voice. I know and have to believe that God will guide me. He knows it all, and He isn’t surprised by this. He already has it all planned out. And even though it is so hard to trust without knowing the outcome, I’m praying that I will follow Him wherever He leads me. That I will trust. That I will chase after Him and pray constantly and dive into His word. That I will trust in His plans because they are good and He knows it all. Would love any prayers you all can give, for wisdom and guidance and that God would show me where he wants me.

    1. Temi Majek says:

      Sarah I totally get what you’re going through. I’m in college right now and honestly picking my major and then where I wanted to go was a challenge. I remember breaking down in tears because I was just so confused and getting conflicting messages from everyone around me. I can’t tell you what to do but from my experience I’ll tell you that God will always lead you to the path of peace. You’ll just feel an inner sense of peace and you’ll know it’s the right decision.
      I’ll be praying for you ❤️

    2. Whitney Ned says:

      I remember facing similar situations where two (or more) paths lay before me and I didn’t know which to choose. Sometimes there is no right or wrong choice. God’s will is not a single target. It’s more like a farm with acreage, but that farm has a property line. There’s a fence, a boundary, which is God’s will. You can go to the barn and still be inside God’s will. You can go to the house, or the chicken coop or the treehouse nestled at the back of the property. All of those things are within God’s will. He already knows what you’re going to choose, and he’s already working things together for your good and His glory. We put unnecessary pressure on ourselves to figure things out when in reality, God’s just waiting for us to trust he’s already got it figured out and just take a step. Even if you have to do it afraid! ❤️

  37. Angie S says:

    Thank you Bessie. Your words touched my heart. I am working to leave my past behind. Not all of it or even most of it. I’m just leaving the part behind that doesn’t serve me or serve the Lord. Your words along with the reading give me strength today.

  38. Amber J says:

    It is so comforting to remember that God is all knowing and that no event (past, present, future) takes him by surprise. He has gone before us and is with us always. What a gift.

  39. Bessie H says:

    Isn’t it awesome the way God teaches us something? It seems to come up in every conversation, devotion and thought. God is teaching me that I’m a new creature. My old self is gone, dead and buried. I am a new person, with new hopes, possibilities, opportunities. I can let go of the past, Lay down my burdens and start fresh. I’ve carried the weight of past sins, mistakes, sadness for a long time. What a relief to let them go. Freedoms, hope, love and joy are replacing them. Turning back to them is the height of ungrateful ness and selfishness. God is making all things new. He sees streams in the dessert. May my eyes be opened to newness today.

  40. Kelly Chataine says:

    The scriptures today and all week ~ Thank You, God! Blessed are You Lord God of the Universe for You are always present, always knowing, and always loving!

  41. Sue says:

    God’s omniscience is not reason to fear blanket condemnation; instead, it’s an invitation to true intimacy with our Maker.

    What sweet words this morning.

  42. Kristi L says:

    Today’s devotional reminded me of the song Known by Tauren Wells. How blessed we are to be fully known by God. Here are the lyrics for the first verse and chorus:

    It’s so unusual it’s frightening
    You see right through the mess inside me
    And you call me out to pull me in
    You tell me I can start again
    And I don’t need to keep on hiding

    I’m fully known and loved by You
    You won’t let go no matter what I do
    And it’s not one or the other
    It’s hard truth and ridiculous grace
    To be known fully known and loved by You
    I’m fully known and loved by You

    1. Karin Foster says:

      Me too Kristi!! Singing it while I read it!

  43. Christy says:

    “No condemnation now I dread,
    Jesus and all in Him is mine.
    Alive in Him, my living head,
    and robed in righteousness divine,
    Bold I approach the eternal throne
    and claim the crown through Christ my own.”

    Praise the Lord!!


  44. Anne says:

    Amen Hayley

  45. Churchmouse says:

    So weary of the fake and the phony. Life is not a Pinterest board. All the Facebook and Instagram and Twitter ‘likes’ don’t amount to a hill of beans. “Vanity, vanity, all is vanity” comes to mind. Yes I know this is generalizing but I could sure use some honesty even if it’s ugly. Truth cuts through all the crap, if I may be a bit crass in my word choice. God sees all and knows all. He knows the true reality of our lives, not the sugar- coated one we post. He sees and knows and loves us still. He is well aware of my humanness and how I struggle with it. He is well aware of my personality and how sometimes I’m less than appreciative of it. He alone knows the real me and that can be embarrassing but it can also be so freeing. Before Him, I’m just me – not my title, not my job, not my degree, not my connections, not my skills, not my achievements, not my relationship status. Before Him, I’m messy me. Sometimes I’m awesome and sometimes I’m such a jerk I can hardly stand myself. But at all times, I’m amazingly and abundantly loved by the One Who created. He can stand me. As hard as it is and as ugly as it can be, it’s so freeing to lay side the fake and the phony and just be real before Him. He lovingly takes me in His Potter hands and molds me and makes me. He whispers His love and His better way. He sets me back up on my feet and walks alongside. He’s omniscient so there’s no fooling Him and that is so incredibly freeing.

    1. Margaret Todd says:

      Right there with you

    2. Pam Karlberg says:

      Thank you Churchmouse! The more years I live, the more amazed I am at His love for me in spite of me. It is so freeing.

    3. Mari V says:

      Thank you Churchmouse. I often say that if people could see the real me at times they might not even like me. I can be ugly at times. But God… My God loves me. And God loves YOU Churchmouse!

  46. Angela says:

    When I was a little girl, our church had a competition in Kids Church. The top prize went to the child who completed all the challenges to win the prize. I was one of the children to do so, and I am so thankful for that competition that won me my first Precious Moments Bible. At the time, the Bible was the prize. But since that time, God has shown me the wisdom of the teachers in making the last task so difficult. To win top prize, you had to memorize and recite the 11th chapter of Hebrews. I can still remember parts of it off the top of my head.

    The point of that competition at the very end was to get children in the Word, so they would have that Word later when they were no longer children and needed to believe God for ‘impossible’ things.

    The reading from Isaiah brought me back to Hebrews 11 this morning. There’s a tiny verse I never noticed as a child that speaks to Sara’s faith being the reason she could conceive. It’s written in a way to indicate (when paired with the Genesis account where she laughs as the angel tells Abraham she will conceive in a year)—it’s written in a way to indicate that Sarah had lost her faith along the way (not in God but in being a mother) and had to recover it.

    I feel like that is where I am right now with a situation—beginning the recovery process of my faith in God’s provision concerning something I know God wants me to have and is in His perfect will, but my faith is a little weak and my heart is very sore because it’s been a long time coming for that fulfilled promise to come.

    I needed Isaiah to remind me that God is far-sighted and makes sure every plan is fulfilled.

    I thank you for encouraging me with this devotion today and also ask this sisterhood to help me pray and believe. My faith, as in salvation and relationship with God, is strong. I am just fighting to believe that this good thing God wants for me will ever actually be in a way my heart can know it and act on it versus where my mind can only logically agree.

    1. Mindy W says:

      I’m praying for you right now Angela! And now that you have angel armies surrounding you, standing for you where you lack that particular strength and faith. You are loved and God is so so faithful!

    2. Sharon W says:

      Fill her cup Lord, fill it to overflowing. May Angela receive the faith and prayer like she has never known in her heart, mind and soul. May she begin to believe again and be hungry and thirst for your Word daily. Help her unbelief. Wrap your strong right arm around her in love like she has never known before. May putting into action be her next steps. Blessings to you, Angela

    3. Annette Turner says:


  47. Shawn Parks says:

    I am condemned by my sin daily. That God knows my sin more intimately than I do because he knows every thought and imagination is a heavy truth to bear. And yet, because he knew this of me from the beginning, he sent Jesus to suffer the punishment due to me so that I could be in relationship with him now and with him for eternity. How then, can I condemn myself and live in shame when I am known and loved immeasurably by God. Let my soul rejoice and my life be an act of sheer thanksgiving!

  48. Angie says:

    You are greater than our hearts.

    We seek You, and You are found.

    The fear of the Lord-that is wisdom
    (May we fear You Lord)

    And to turn from evil is understanding
    (And may we have the courage to apply that wisdom).

  49. Kristen says:

    This is a great study. I need to take time and reflect on the attributes of God. I want/need to truly get these in my Spirit and mind! When I get anxious, I want to remember He is all powerful and in control. When I want to run my mouth in a way that isn’t pleasing to Him, I want to remember that He hears. When I’m overwhelmed and lack wisdom, I need to remember He can help and will give me wisdom if I ask. When I see an impossible situation, I want to remember that all things are possible with God. When I feel like I blew it again or am unlovable, I need to remember that if I confess my sins, He is faithful and just to forgive. He loves me so much that He gave His Son. Would I give my daughter for a sinner? No way, but He knew we needed saving, and Jesus is the only Way! Check out the study on Proverbs too! It can mesh with these teachings. Today was about committing your ways to the Lord, and giving Him control. @First5App @Proverbs31org I looked at my calendar and thought, “There’s no way.”http://www.first5.org/plans/Proverbs/ff_proverbs_19 I’m also reminded of this song. We are fully known, but He still loves us. https://youtu.be/xckDgX8xNfg

  50. Hayley Chipper says:

    I found this so convicting, yet comforting at the same time. After coming home from a hard day at work, knowing that I didn’t react to certain situations like Jesus would have done, I knew that I needed to get into His truth to refresh my soul. I was especially convicted by the first six verses in Psalm 139. God has searched my heart, and He knows exactly what is in there. He sees everything I do, and knows every single thought that goes through my mind. He knows the words I speak, and generally everything about me. So today, when I was getting grumpy and everyone at work could probably see that, God knew exactly what was going on, and was aware of every thought going through my head. I read these verses, and I felt Him gently nudge me. I was reminded of my own frailty as a human being, but then soon after of His love and mercy. He is a good and gracious God, and He does know everything… so I need to remember both of these as I go about my day. I need to align my thoughts, words and actions more closely with His will and words throughout the day.

    1. Kristi Kanas says:

      This is exactly where I’ve been today. Overwhelmed with gratitude that God knows and understands all my fears and thoughts. And loves me just the same, offers me grace and points me in the direction to move!

    2. Jennifer Anapol says:
