God Is Omnipresent

Open Your Bible

1 Kings 8:22-29, Psalm 139:7-12, Jeremiah 23:23-24, Matthew 28:18-20, Acts 17:24-28

God is present everywhere in His creation but also above and beyond it. This remained true even as Jesus entered our world as a man and remains true as the Holy Spirit takes up residence within believers.

The Bible can be described as the story of God’s presence with His people. From walks in the garden with Adam and Eve to the incarnation to the gift of His Spirit at Pentecost, God was there. But the presence of God is not limited to any one location or situation.

Using a series of rhetorical questions, God outlines the all-encompassing nature of His omnipresence through the prophet Jeremiah:

“Am I a God who is only near… and not a God who is far away? Can a person hide in secret places where I cannot see him?… Do I not fill the heavens and the earth?” (Jr 23:23–24).

These verses not only show that God is both near and far, filling the heavens and the earth, but that He is always with us. There is no escaping His presence. At first, we might find this truth unsettling, but when we understand God’s heart toward His people, we can find it comforting. We echo the words of the psalmist: “But as for me, God’s presence is my good” (Psalm 73:28).

God’s omnipresence means He sees us, knows us, is with us, and will never leave us. It’s a very practical truth because the greater our awareness of His presence, the more we live with a healthy fear of the Lord. We think twice before giving in to temptation, knowing our sins are not secret. We learn to go through our day with God, abiding in Him moment by moment. We find it a natural thing to pray constantly (1 Thessalonians 5:17), because He is always right there with us.

Upon completing His earthly ministry, and before ascending to heaven, Jesus promised His disciples He would send the Holy Spirit to them. His last words in the Gospel of Matthew are, “I am with you always, to the end of the age” (28:20). We experience Jesus’s constant presence through His Spirit, who lives in all believers. And one day, when Jesus returns, we will see Him not just with eyes of faith, but “face to face” (1 Corinthians 13:12).

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81 thoughts on "God Is Omnipresent"

  1. NanaK says:

    Julie, I am lifting your dear daughter up in prayer along with you. May you receive strength and comfort from the knowledge that our Lord and Savior is ALWAYS with you.

    Angie, Thank you for sharing. I agree 100%!

    I do our devotional both in the SRT book and online. I guess I’m a bit “old school” in that I like having the book to really digest each lesson and underline everything and write all over, but I also love being able to come here and glean insight and strength from each SRT Sister’s sharing.

    Today, I’ve underlined just about the whole devotional. Isn’t it amazing and comforting to know—really know that “the presence of God is not limited to any one location,” ? He is with each and every one of us just where we are–in the midst of our joys and sorrows, strengths and weaknesses. Our God, maker of the universe and EVERYTHING in it, cares that much for me and for you! I pray all of my dear SRT Sisters have a blessed day resting in that truth.

  2. Stephanie S says:

    If I say, “Surely the darkness shall cover me, and the light about me be night,” even the darkness is not dark to you; the night is bright as the day, for darkness is as light with you. Psalm 139:11-12

    As one who has recently spent 2+ years walking(barely) through a terrible season of spiritual darkness, I find so much hope in this verse. As darkness consumed me and overwhelmed me, He was there. He knew when and how I would come out of the darkness and back into the light. He went before me and He stood behind me. Thank you God. You are God – Creator and Sustainer of all things. You are unchanging as my seasons change. You are always present in the darkness and in the light. I am so thankful for this reminder today.

    If you are in a storm. If you are consumed by darkness. He is there. Know this today.

    1. Kateraina Piubello says:

      ❤amen sister

    2. Emma Wells says:


  3. Erin Mirabal says:

    God is always present. I also notice that ever verse had Heavens and Earth. I plead for Christians to seek the Bible and be aware of others that say we are a universe. If God didn’t want the Tower of Babel to be built to the heaven why would it change now. Dont be fooled to think their are galaxies and other planets. We are God’s focus he made the world for us. We have the night lights Moon and Stars. The Heavens are the only thing up and the waters below.

  4. Rebecca Earnest says:

    I always love to be reminded that God is with me always. When Jesus says it at the end of the Great Commission, I’m always filled with such hope and joy. I pray this statement stays with me today, that it comes to mind every time I’m struggling to keep my temper and frustration at a minimum with a rowdy class of kids, today. It’s conferences and our schedule is completely messed up and the weather has been off, which always makes for a crazy day. I pray that I can remember to be in constant communication with a God who loves me and is always with me. I pray that for all of you, too.

  5. Angela Greenwood says:

    I needed reminder that God is with me today, near and close by. I’m so thankful and grateful.

  6. Churchmouse says:

    No matter my age, I’m still that mother hen who would like her chicks(no matter their ages) to huddle close beneath my wings,safe and warm in a feathery embrace. This is a nice visual but so not real life. Who am I,a simple human, to think my mere presence could protect them from whatever they might encounter?!? I’m so grateful that the all powerful God of the universe is omnipresent. Our oldest daughter and her family live only twenty minutes from us – God is there. Our youngest daughter lives in New Mexico – two time zones away – God is there. Her husband is currently deployed to an undisclosed location – God is there. Wherever, God is there. Such a comfort. More importantly they all have a relationship with God. Not only is God with them, and us, wherever we go but we also take Him with us. We have the privilege to talk about Him and live out our faith in Him. He is ever with us and in us. May we all represent Him well.

  7. Lisa Keller says:

    So lovely to be sealed by this truth after a traumatic call from our kids school yesterday. My story and His are so delicately intertwines.

  8. Courtney Winston says:

    What an awesome truth that God isn’t far but he is near to us. He is always with us. His presence is my good! Praying for you and your precious daughter, Julie.