God Is Good

Open Your Bible

1 Chronicles 16:34-36, Psalm 119:57-68, Matthew 7:7-11, Romans 8:28, Revelation 21:1-7

God is the standard of beauty, faithfulness, kindness, and truth. He is the source of all goodness.

To say God is great is to focus on His power: He speaks creation into existence, makes the skies thunder and rain, and sets the planets in their orbits. But to say God is good is different; it is not just another way of recognizing His power. The goodness of God speaks to His personal character—who He is in relationship to us. In all ways and in all things, God is good. He is never absent, disinterested, careless, ill-tempered, petty, spiteful, or mean. He is set apart from all evil and does what is right, faithful, kind, and true. Always.

True goodness is defined by who God is. He doesn’t just do good—He is good. In Psalm 119:68, the psalmist prays, “You are good, and you do what is good; teach me your statutes.” The key to understanding the goodness of God is learning who He is through His Word. If we don’t learn His statutes, we will bring our own definitions and impose them on God. And when He doesn’t do what we think He should, we will accuse Him of failing to be “good” by our own standards—not His.

In His goodness, God gives us what we need and withholds what we do not. If we ask for bread, He will not give us a harmful serpent or a useless stone, He will give us what we need (Luke 11:11; Matthew 7:9). The God who withholds no good thing is the same God who gives no bad thing. Sometimes we don’t realize that we ask God for stones and serpents. When we ask God to give us things that are useless or harmful, the good Father refuses. As sure as He will not give a serpent when His children ask for fish, neither will He give them a serpent when His children unwittingly ask for one.

Yes, God is great, but He is also good. All the time and in all things. He does good because He is good.

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62 thoughts on "God Is Good"

  1. Alicia Pino says:

    What an amazing constant in our lives, that God is good, even when circumstances are not. What an amazing anchor we can hold onto, no matter what. God, we thank you for your goodness, and we rejoice in your goodness!

  2. NanaK says:

    This was such a “real” lesson today and brought to the forefront of my mind some of God’s character that I can count on in His relationship with me: “He is never absent, disinterested, careless, ill-tempered, petty, spiteful, or mean. He is set apart from all evil and does what is right, faithful, kind, and true.”
    I am agreeing with all of you today as we rejoice in the knowledge that, God IS Good…Always!

    May my thoughts words and deeds be a reflection of the goodness of God today and every day.

  3. Maura says:

    Amen! He does not give me the serpents I ask for. How many times have I thought I could make something better if God gave me what I was asking for. Instead He spared me those paths and continually teaches me to rely on Him. You our good my Rock and my Salvation. Praise your holy name Jesus.

  4. Mari V says:

    God is good all the time! And all the time God is good! I remember this from the movie “God’s Not Dead”. No matter my circumstances. I
    know that my God is good and HE knows what’s best for me. This past year and a half I have put my whole dependence on HIM who knows all and I already know the outcome. The reality is there was no other better choice but to put my full trust on my God! Please pray as once again I go back to court two weeks from today. March 1st. I had to going to the courthouse this week for some information and just walking into that place, I feel uneasy. But I know God’s got this.

    1. Mari V says:

      Correction: and “HE” already knows the outcome

  5. Heather Denenea says:

    Today is my birthday, and this readings was PERFECT. In my short 23 years of life I have seen fruit of God’s goodness- God’s essence of true Good, over and over again. He is truly abounding in faithful love.

    1. Mari V says:

      Happy Birthday Heather! Yes these are a short 23 years. Enjoy yourself.

  6. Bonnie Mills says:

    I reading was a teaching moment to me this morning. God is great and God is good. The difference was an eye opening to me. I kinda considered it the same. Been in the word for years and this just moved me. Loved explanation of it being his personal character. What slapped me was “He is never absent, disinterested, careless, ill-tempered, petty, spiteful, or mean.” I have seen myself at times in all these. Lord help me to be more like you I pray….Teach me your statutes. Thank you Lord for not changing and help me to know you more.

  7. Jenny Hackney says:

    Last September, after a series of tests, our 15 year old daughter was diagnosed with a form of thyroid cancer. She had been sick for a couple of months leading up to the diagnosis. I remember the moment the doctor said “carcinoma” over the phone, my legs went numb underneath me. The endocrinologist and her surgeon were trying to prepare us for follow-up treatment, depending on the type of cancer it was. There was no end to this and we were numb. I am currently pursuing my undergrad through Liberty online and was taking a theology course at the time, studying the attributes of God. At the time of her diagnosis, I was studying the goodness of God. The only thing that kept me upright was knowing that He is good. There is not one ounce of deceit or malice in Him. He is good. I had to stand firmly on the belief that even if I had to buy my child a coffin at the end of that season, He is still good.

    After her surgery, the tumor was tested and found to be benign! We were floored. Three samples from the biopsy had said it was cancer, the doctors were preparing us for cancer. But it was benign.

    In times of trouble or uncertainty, this is what we can hold onto. He is good and His favor is lavish.

    1. Reese Fernandez says:

      Praise the Lord for having you right where he had you in that horribly difficult season. And that He equipped you, by His grace, to stand on the Truth. I am encouraged by your faith and so glad to hear about your daughter. What a praise!

    2. Alicia Pino says:

      Jenny, this is an amazing testimony! I am a Pediatrician, so I know very well, the things you are sharing. Praise God, that when the biopsy said cancer, then it turned out benign. What an amazing work of God!!! And, what an amazing provision that God had planned for you to be in that theology class, focusing on the goodness of God to get you through that time! How amazing! Thank you for sharing!

    3. Ifem Uzoka says:

      Amen. Thank God.

    4. Dee Wilcox says:

      Thank you for sharing this!!

    5. Nolvia B says:

      Praise the Lord !!! Blessings to you and family sweet sister ❤️

    6. Kayla Bunfill says:


    7. Candi Salenieks says:

      We have just been blessed similarly. Three years ago our daughter, then 12, was diagnosed with a serious heart condition that was supposed to be lifelong. After several tests over the course of about 6 months revealed a normal heart rhythm, the doctor has concluded she no longer has the condition! Praising God for His healing, His grace and His goodness!!

  8. Churchmouse says:

    God is good. How I have been amazed at His goodness throughout this hard season I’ve been in. My fickle feelings fall before the undeniable power of God’s Word. I’ve seen our family’s faith put down deeper roots. My husband and I pray with renewed strength. Our daughters have spoken Truth to me when I’ve been struggling. God has shown me the gift of patiently and confidently waiting on His timing. I have seen His hand moving on our behalf in ways I would not have chosen but He is so good and so right in all He’s done. I’m coming to see this as a precious time, a valuable time, and He’s not done yet. A good outcome, whatever that looks like, is guaranteed because God is good. It is well with my soul.

    1. Tricia Cavanaugh says:

      Amen. I also have seen God’s goodness even in the season I am in right now. I’m so glad He does what is right for me, even when I think I know best. He is Good. All the time.

    2. AnneLyn P says:

      Thank you, Churchmouse, for your words of encouragement. Always appreciated. And I’m praying for you in your hard season. Remember that God is great and he is good. ❤️