God Created Humanity in His Image

Open Your Bible

Genesis 1:26-31, Psalm 8:1-9, 1 Corinthians 15:47-49

For my birthday, my husband purchased me a full-length mirror. After a year of listening to me gawk over every mirror we passed in a store, he finally satisfied my longing by surprising me with one. It was only a matter of time before my two kids became obsessed with looking at their reflection in the mirror. One day as my son peered into his own eyes, I asked him what he saw. 

His mouth turned into a grin, and he whispered, “my daddy.” 

Imagine yourself at a carnival walking through a funhouse full of crazy mirrors. As you pass each mirror, the images, though all of you, reflect differently. In one mirror, your frame is stretched vertically, another makes you wide, and yet another turns your body into a wavy mirage. Despite the differences, each mirror reflects the same—a distortion of you. 

As God casted out His voice into the void to create the heavens and the earth, He made something from nothing and declared it was good. But He broke that rhythm in Genesis when He decided to create humankind in His own image (Genesis 1:26). And after breathing life into the dust, He distinguished humanity from the rest of creation. Bearing the image of God is what sets humankind apart, for He did not create the brilliant stars or the majestic mountains in His likeness. But when sin entered the world, that glorious image, though not destroyed, became distorted—much like the mirrors in a funhouse. 

The good news of the gospel is what enters the room of distorted mirrors. Instead of wiping out every mirror, God sent His Son to restore the false images created by sin. By accepting the gift of the gospel, we become aware of who we truly are—both borne from dust and bearing the image of God (1Corinthians 15:49).

And though we wait until the glorious day of Christ’s return to experience the joy of being perfect reflections of the Father, every day is an opportunity to let this gospel truth be at work in our lives. As we humbly allow God to sharpen the image in the mirror, the earth is filled with the glory of how God uses our humanity to reveal Himself to all humankind. 

The gracious gift of the gospel is that, like my son, when we catch a glimpse of ourselves in the mirror, we see our Father’s likeness stamped upon us. The love of the gospel is found in seeing His image in our neighbors and extending charity to them because we see the worth that God gave them. And the hope of the gospel is that one day when we see our great Redeemer, the flawed mirrors we once peered into will be made perfect. 

(92) Comments

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92 thoughts on "God Created Humanity in His Image"

  1. Libby Sargeant says:

    I love the beauty of God reflected in each of us❤️

  2. Ada McCloud says:

    We are made in His image. Lord, help me see you in my reflection.

  3. Anjenae Torregano says:

    Amen god is the highest.

  4. Emily Weiland says:

    I love the verses shared in this page

  5. Jewel Erwin says:

    I love the mirror reference . Really allowed me to fully understand it in my own words. Beautiful message of the gospel ❤️

  6. Katie Trammell says:

    Because God created us in His image, our hearts are never really whole until we seek Him with all of it.

  7. Grace Neal says:

    I love the mirror reference!

  8. Grace Neal says:

    I love the mirrror reference

  9. Ashley Marrazzo says:

    I love the mirror reference! It really gives perspective on the overall theme/message.

  10. Danielle Patrick says:

    I loved the fun house reference mentioned by Charaia in todays reflection. Lovely mental imagery of how our worldly desires impact the expression of Gods image we carry.

    49 Just as we have borne the image of the man of dust, we shall also bear the image of the man of heaven. – 1 Corinthians 15:49
    This verse stood out to me because of how it embodies that we are a combination of conscious, infinite Godly energy, as much as we are bound to the finite cycles of nature. What a blessing it is we get to be an expression and representation of both.

  11. Danielle Patrick says:

    I loved the fun house reference mentioned by Charaia in todays reflection. Lovely mental imagery of how our worldly desires impact the expression of Gods image we carry.

  12. Brittney Becker says:

    Love this analogy of mirrors!

  13. Adelyn Seit says:

    Every human being is a shard of the shattered mirror. We can see glimpses of The Lord in each of us until we are

  14. Mackenzi Clayton says:

    Me too!!!!

  15. Michaela Padgett says:

    So good!! I love the analogy of the mirrors.

  16. Ange Frank says:


  17. Victoria Holtrey says:


  18. Sumire Arai says:

    I hope this world will be more peaceful.

  19. Brandy Deruso says:

    I lift my hands in total adoration unto you you reign on the throne for you are God and God alone because of you my cloudy days are gone and I sing to you this song I just want to say that I love you more than anything oh the overwhelming neverending reckless love of God oh it chases me down fights till I’m found leaves the 99 I didn’t earn it I don’t deserve it but you give your love away oh the overwhelming neverending reckless love of God! You covered me in the midst of it you forgave me gave me another chance you rescued me I was going to fall going to fall. You loved me you looked beyond my faults showed me unconditional love and compassion Lord I thank you for always providing for me great is your mercy towards me your loving kindness I see your tender mercies toward me great is your grace forever faithful and compassionate towards me great is your mercy towards me great is your compassion Lord let me show it and never forget to give it to others as you have done to me! Thank you Jesus! Glory!

  20. Suzannah Floyd says:

    From the beginning, God set out to have a special relationship with us by giving humankind His image. God, bring us closer to that original and perfect design each day. ❤️

  21. Chloe Camilli says:


  22. lilly roach says:


  23. Amber Candis says:


  24. Marichris Bernardo says:


  25. Lynda Miller says:

    I am really enjoying this study! It is speaking to me and I have to share with my daughter. She has just had an awakening and she is so eager right now.

  26. Kara Davis says:


  27. belle ingersoll says:

    i loved this devotional so so much , the story behind it was so so beautiful! help me Lord , to seek you && you alone out daily! ✞

  28. Amy Adams says:


  29. Bethany Stokes says:


  30. Charlotte Emborg says:

    Love the analogy of distorted mirrors… thank you for that picture!

  31. Latisha Woodall says:


  32. Sarah Brown says:


  33. L T says:

    Lord, help me always to see your image when I look at others.

  34. Jennifer Smyth says:


  35. Kim Pearson says:


  36. Katie Rutledge says:


  37. Elizabeth Gibson says:

    I love this part of the devotional. “Bearing the image of God is what sets humankind apart, for He did not create the brilliant stars or the majestic mountains in His likeness.”

  38. Summer Coleman says:


  39. Rebecca Claycomb says:


  40. Summer Coleman says:

    Love what you have said here!

  41. Elyssa Fletcher says:

    I love the part about sin not destroying the image of God, but only distorting our image. The Gospel and call to be image bearers is was sharpens the image.

  42. Beverly Watley says:


  43. Claire B says:


  44. Deja Green says:

    Everyday is an opportunity for us to reflect Christ out to the world. Sometimes we do well, but often we slip up. Thank goodness for God’s Grace.

  45. Jennifer Anapol says:

    I love the call of the devotional to see ourselves as image bearers of God and also to see those around us as image bearers of God. I pray that I would become more like Jesus every day.

  46. Kelly Novak says:

    Love the mirror analogy Pray that I am reflecting the FATHER

  47. Kelly Novak says:

    Love the mirror analogy

  48. Mercy says:

    @GWINETH52 -wow wow wow. Thank you for the soul searching questions you shared. This is why I love SRT so much. Iron sharpens iron.

  49. Gwineth52 says:

    Hello Shes. Listened to a panel discussion last night @ the National Cathedral in DC entitled, “Honest to God”…love thy neighbor; building strong communities”. Several comments were, for me, most meaningful to our scripture & closely connected to our scripture reading & devotional today. When we talk about whose we are, and who He is, and our role as His models & missionaries.
    Observations like:
    “We are all equals in our souls; made in the image of God.”
    “We can begin to see & live that out by practicing: “illumination” (casting attention through warm love to others); “accompaniment” (traveling alongside, complementary to others, metaphorically, like a pianist with a singer); and “conversation”(asking deep questions, not reliant on empathy alone to attempt understanding another’s life).
    Questions like : “What forgiveness are you withholding?” “What belief/commitment did you once hold, but now don’t?”
    All in all, it seems, when we fully assume a holy & righteous role as image bearers of God; when we lay aside feelings separation & self absorption; that’s when we may submit morally & ethically, as Christians, to His wide & unfathomable love. Receiving & giving equal love in the face & form of our brothers & sisters. Abandoning external obsessions & comparisons. Embracing the incredible patience & kindness shown byJesus. Behaving as though “He was standing right there, because He is!”, as She, Tara, said. And becoming as one panelist put it, “ridiculous, unrealistic optimists” … in a world insistent on stripping away what our Lord has so graciously endowed. Thanks be to God.
    FYI: You can access the entire panel discussion on the National Cathedral website & viewable on YouTube.

  50. Mercy says:

    @Rhonda J: I am so sorry to hear why you were absent, and praising God that you are recovering and back with us. Praying for you and your family. May God bless you with more strength, and bring you help to get through. Sending you blessings across the pond <3

    @Kathy and @Laura: I am so thankful for teachers and I can’t imagine the amount of burden and stress you must carry on the daily basis. Thank you for sharing your thoughts and it touched me deeply. May God refresh you and sustain you daily to face the challenge. As a mother to school aged kids, I want to thank you so very much for sowing the seed of knowledge into these fresh young minds, for sowing the seed of love, of discipline, of structure, which forms life-long habits for the students, and extremely crucial for success later in life. Education is the preparation for life, and not just knowledge, it sculpts a human soul especially through the godly way you nurture the young ones. What you do really matters. Please know that. It affects us (parents). When my son in first grade comes home, and he tells me my teacher encouraged me today mommy, she said I was a good boy, she gave me a check mark (if he gets enough check marks, he can pick a small price in the class treasure box at the end of the month). That seed, that very thing of love through words changes my son tremendously. May God make you (and all teachers who may be reading this) to be strengthened greatly into giants and heroes in the eyes of your students, so that when they look at you, they think “Ms Katy, Ms Laura believes in me and I will not let her down, I can do this and push through, I really look up to them”. May you be encouraged to not be weary in doing good (Galatians 6:9), for God sees all things, and what you do in secret, He will reward you in public. @Angie: missing you, praying for you and your family. Hope you’re doing well.

  51. Jennifer Lumley says:


  52. Dorothy says:

    Charaia really got my attention and made me think today about how much more I need to reflect on God’s Word when I read it. Her last sentence, “And the hope of the gospel is that one day when we see our great Redeemer, the flawed mirrors we once peered into will be made perfect.” sums the Bible and Christian life as a whole up, I believe.
    I hope I’m making sense. Haven’t been sleeping well lately.
    Sisters, be blessed and remember God is with you no matter what.

  53. Lehua K. says:

    The He Reads Truth study was also really great to read this morning.

  54. Lehua K. says:

    Wow, loving this study so far! Going back to our origin story :) with God our Creator as the focus!

    We are all made in His Image…
    Hearing that after yesterday’s study, seeing just how powerful He is… Wow!

    Today’s study made me think of 2 questions:
    (1) As I go through my day, do I see others the way God does, and do I treat them the way He does?
    (2) Do I see myself the way God does, and do I treat myself the way He does?

    I struggle with both more often than I’d like to admit. But by His grace, I am getting better every day. So thankful that His mercies are new every morning.

    Have a blessed day dear sisters.

  55. Molly Rohrer says:

    RHONDA J, thank you for your comment! Oh to be known by my audience of One. Humbled by your truth and encouraged to meditate on it today.

  56. Christel Fleming says:

    Allowing His image of Us be the one we see is so key. Jesus help me to see others the way you see them, and please allow me to reflect you as I let you change me.

  57. Erin S says:

    God created us. He is pleased with how he made us. We are valuable to him. So amazing.

  58. Magdalena Garza says:

    Amen ❤️

  59. Erin Carr says:

    Neat to notice that! Oh my gosh! He said “Us”! So cool.

  60. Molly Rohrer says:

    I was reading DANA’s response of seeing the image of God in others, and I was hit with conviction by the Holy Spirit. Here I have been feeling so good about meeting new neighbors, spreading goodness and joy with every chance I get. I look at my children and husband as precious gifts from God. But then I am hit out of nowhere with the reminder that pride can look like finding worth in others, but then constantly putting myself down: the weight I have gained, the lifestyle changes I am struggling to make habits, the monotony of my life as a mom of littles having any value in the grand scheme of things. Even last night I laid awake with anxiety and self condemnation. The Enemy has been working overtime to keep me buried in this mindset of viewing everyone else with value and worth, but not myself. Today’s study was a reminder that I can’t hold the one in value and not the other. I long for the Spirit to renew my mind with the truth of who created me. I need to conform my mind to that, and not let the Enemy have so much room to keep me pinned down. As women it is so easy to be obsessed with conforming to a certain unobtainable image, like JO said. We pride ourselves in seeing the worth in others, and then harboring thoughts of self doubt and poor self worth. I need to see myself and treat myself how I pride myself in doing for others. How can I go about my day treating others as image bearers of the awesome Creator without first knowing it about myself?

  61. Brooke P says:

    Creator God. We know where we came from, who’s we are, who we are created in the image of, and where we are going. We have no need to strive after what the world tells us we need, more representation, more things, more of a voice to shout your thoughts, more self centered living, more more more can be filled in with a lot these days. BUT GOD, formed us and gave us purpose to live set apart, free from the cultural marathon. Praise God for His intentional creation, His purpose, His sacred scripture, His gift of new life and so much more.

  62. Antoinette Burnett says:


  63. Victoria Fowlkes says:

    Loved that @terri Baldwin

  64. Terri Baldwin says:

    Seeing His image in our neighbors and extending charity to them because we see the worth God gave them. God created us all in His image one of us it not better than another….in this world we are quick to judge others by their appearance, we are created in God’s image…are we judging God our creator, our amazing, loving God.

  65. Kathy says:

    High school teacher. Mentally, emotionally, physically spent. I love my job and my kids, but… I laid awake last night thinking about them. I have so many that are struggling with anxiety and depression. Today is the last day that I will have most of them. My prayer this semester was that I would be saturated by the light of God and overflow onto my students. I hope and pray that when they looked at me they thought, “she looks just like her Father.” Y’all, pray for me today. I want to leave them with words of wisdom that hopefully will reach into their souls and bring them closer to God.
    Pray for all the teachers! The struggle is real!
    Be blessed, sweet sisters

  66. GramsieSue . says:

    The hands that wove us in our mother’s womb also wrote the Word to guide us in our daily lives. The Bible is the instruction manual for life; it tells us where we came from, what we are, and what God expects us to do. God is the Creator and He’s given His creatures a book that helps them understand who He is, how He works, and what he wants them to do, It’s a book of precepts to obey, promises to believe, and principles to understand. It’s also a book about real people, some of whom obeyed the Lord and some who didn’t. From the experiences of these people, we can learn a great deal. Let’s be women in the Word every day! Blessings to my she sisters. ❤️

  67. Tammy Burgoon says:

    God made us His image bearers. I am in such awe when I think on this ❤️

  68. Rhonda J. says:

    Oh to be known, don’t we love that?!

    The first comment that showed when I scrolled down this morning showed MY Name! Taylor welcomed me back and wished me well! And my soul and heart smiled! We all have this desire to be recognized, to be heard, to be seen, to be given confirmation to our self-esteem. We are all just trying to do our best to fit in and make it. Sometimes feels like we are in high school again soughting out popularity. But when we come to Christ- we are renewed in Him. He sees us and knows us like no other, He made us. Then it is time to discard the endless spinning wheel to please the world and obtain our worth in our Savior. HE calls our name each morning- hear that, imagine that….and let that just savor in your soul a bit!!

    From the morning sun
    And mercys new
    To the evening stars
    Every promise is true
    As I walk this world
    I am held by you
    I am leaning on your everlasting arms

    What a fellowship
    What a joy divine
    What a priceless gift
    God I’m yours and you are mine
    Let my restless soul
    Be still and know
    I am leaning on your everlasting arms

    By Matt Maher “Leaning Into Jesus”

  69. Cindy Hanna says:

    Amen Churchmouse. I’m blessed to be in a similar season with a granddaughter. Violet is a constant reminder to me of what it looks like to view all of God’s creations in wide-eye wonder. I so loved the devotional thought of humbly allowing God to sharpen our image and become a more focused reflection of Him

  70. Laurie Martin says:

    Great word!

  71. Alyssa Killebrew says:

    My husband and I have the opportunity to be going to Africa next week. We’ll be doing hut-to-hut evangelism and sharing the good news of Christ with others. We’ve been immersed in training and studying to prepare to share with others. These past couple of months have reminded me of how much we need to be immersed in the Gospel. Not only to share (which is the most important part) but to be still and KNOW for ourselves. Resting in the beautiful simplicity of the Gospel. We are the work of His beautiful hands. ❤️❤️ and he LONGS for all to know Him. May we share and reflect the beauty of His son to those we encounter in each area of our lives.

  72. Patt Courtemanche says:

    Beautiful devotional. Thank you!

  73. Jennifer Loves Jesus says:

    I am reminded from the Genesis story of our origin that every human has the capacity for goodness. God created humans in (or as) His image bearers. He wanted us to be representatives on the Earth He created. He works through the hands and feet of His people. He separated darkness from light and filled the Earth with goodness for us to rule and reign, only a little lower than the angels. We were created as a stronghold here “in order to silence the enemy and the avenger” (Psalm 8:2b). Did you catch that? We have a beautiful purpose in that we are the image of God. It is who we are before we do anything. We are already “crowned with glory and honor” (Psalm 8:5b). Am I honoring Him with my life? Father God, cause Your face to shine upon us, turn our hearts fully towards You, bless us with deeper knowledge in Christ Jesus, and comfort us in our afflictions. Remind us who we are, and Whose we are. We are Your people, You answer all of our questions, if only we would humble ourselves to see things as You do. You fulfill us already and in the not yet. Let Your will be done. Help us to trust You, until… Maranatha.

  74. Taylor says:

    @Rhonda J glad you are back with us and praying for a full recovery <3

  75. Maria Baer says:

    SEARCHING— I love this perspective and questions. Interesting, when we started this study yesterday, my prayer was for the Holy Spirit to use these familiar Scriptures and show them to me like they are new so that I can get refocused, as you mentioned. Coming back to the beginning is always a good way to start. Praying that this study gives us a renewed sense of closeness with God, and makes us hungry and thirsty for Him. Have a beautiful day, sisters!

  76. Taylor says:

    @Dana thank you for your perspective today! Not only do I reflect God’s image to those around me, but EVERYONE else does too, Christian or not. How I treat people matters, not only as me reflecting God’s love but how I view God.

    I’m so glad that Jesus makes all things new. I am broken, but He makes me whole again. I mess up again and again, but His grace and mercy meets me where I am every time.

  77. Kristi S says:

    Laura, I am a teacher too and have been dealing with the same issues. Thank you for posting this much needed reminder.

  78. Churchmouse says:

    Our granddaughter Hannah is 15 months old now, walking (well, toddling) and exploring her world. With boundless energy and curiosity, she delights in all she discovers. She squeals with joy and claps her hands. She looks up at me to see if I’m having as much fun as she is. How blessed I am to be in her presence for she reminds me to appreciate my world as well. Indeed, it is my Father’s world and He is present everywhere I look. Hannah waves at every person and every creature she comes across. It is a little regal wave. How she learned to mimic the royals, I do not know. I like to think it is because, as young as she is, she is made in the image of God. There’s a bit of innate royalty in her. She waves as if even she can recognize God’s hand in her world and in the people she meets. May I be as appreciative of creation and as welcoming of others as Hannah is. May I never lose the wonder and joy.

  79. Alyssa Molina says:

    My mirror had been cracked by the fall BUT through Jesus it is being restored and mended. This reminds me of the Japanese art of Kintsugi where broken pottery is mended together with gold making the pottery even more beautiful. God could have smashed the pottery and started over when we broke but instead He chose to restore us through Jesus Christ.

  80. Alyssa Molina says:

    My reflection in the mirror is broken by the fall BUT through Jesus He is restoring the broken pieces and mending the cracks. It reminds me of the Japanese art of Kintsugi. Repairing broken pottery with gold. Making it even more beautiful in the end. God could have wiped us away, smashed the pottery and started over but instead He sent Jesus to mend us and restore us now having bee borne of dust and borne again through Jesus.

  81. Aimee D-R says:

    Amen. Thank You for making all things new my Good Father! Amen in Jesus saving name.

  82. Marilyn Jones says:

    It’s sad to see that some people miss treat there bodies with drugs or over eating when we was made in Gods imagine. I just feel we are miss treating God when we do things like that. I’m not one to talk because I don’t do the right things all the time. I love God so much. He has given us so much, but we always want more or want Him to do things for us faster. We just must learn that it’s in Gods time not ours.

  83. Laura says:

    The end of a school year is so hard. The kids are a mess, and as their teacher, I must remember that they are all God’s creation, that He loves them and I must too – no matter how disobedient they are being at the time! Living in this world is a perfect reminder that we must treat all of God’s creation with respect. Seeing each person as someone that God created, that God loves, helps with that. May I spend my day today remembering that each person is loved by the great God of the Universe.

  84. Tara Beatty says:

    Dana, I love that- “how will you interact with Him today?” I want to open my eyes to see Him in everyone. Not by their actions, because we would never see Him in anyone if that is what we looked for. But in their image….God did! God made everyone in His Image. So everyone we see, talk to, interact with, etc, should be treated like He was there (and He is). Man! These are awakening thoughts. Thank you all for your thoughts and for the words written today. And thank you Lord, for Your creation and Your Word! Amen!

  85. Tracy S says:

    “So God created man in his own image, in the image of God he created him; male and female he created them.”
    Thank you Lord for creating us, male and female, in your image. We are wonderfully and fearfully made in His image. How majestic is your name in all the earth.

  86. Stormi Messmer says:


  87. Tracy S says:

    “So God created man in his own image, in the image of God he created him; male and female he created them.”

  88. Kelly (NEO) says:

    “For now we see through a glass, darkly; but then face to face: now I know in part; but then shall I know even as also I am known” 1Cor13:12.

    MOLLY – thank you for expressing your heart. Being faithful is an act of perseverance some days.

    LAUREL – praying that the doctors will have wisdom treating Marlene

  89. Searching says:

    Common questions – where do I start? what is the first step? where do I go from here? At the beginning is a common response … and so we are. Start with studying God’s word; take that first step by acknowledging Jesus Christ’s sacrifice, confessing our sin and accepting His gift of salvation; go forward step by step, in prayer, guided by God’s word and the Holy Spirit.
    I’m already thankful for this study to bring me back to the beginning, to get refocused and less distracted.
    thank you, MOLLY, for saying out loud how I feel many days, maybe even most days. I’m so very thankful for the Lord’s grace and mercy, overwhelmed by His love for even me. I spend time in prayer and studying His word and seek to walk in His will, for lack of a better word – maintaining, rather than trying to satisfy hunger and thirst. I’m learning something from every study so I’m not stagnant, and am always encouraged by the enthusiasm of my SRT sisters.
    Welcome to all the new sisters joining this study – you will love it here!

  90. Julie A says:

    Echoing what Searching and Churchmouse said yesterday, surely there is no question that there is an intelligent creator when we see the vast yet intricate universe, from faraway galaxies to the feeding systems of a plant. I think that deep down, many unbelievers must know this, but refuse to accept it as that would mean the Creator warrants respect and they should submit. For me, seeing the majesty of God in creation puts me back in my place. I am the created being, and I bow in awe. My plans and problems are eclipsed by his power and love. I am reminded of where we came from and where we are going. I highly recommend the book Wonders of Creation by Stuart Burgess and Andy McIntosh. Not sure if it’s available in the US though. A Christian biologist and engineer detail the clever design features of many animals (for example, camels have an extra transparent eyelid to protect from sand) and show how this all points to an intelligent, loving creator.

  91. Dana says:

    “The love of the gospel is found in seeing His image in our neighbors and extending charity to them because we see the worth that God gave them.”

    This. It doesn’t get any easier than this. My mind is blown. I’ve not heard it put so well to stop me in my tracks. He made us in his image; every one. So look at those around you and see Him. How will you interact with Him today?

  92. Jo says:

    In a world which is obsessed with conforming to a certain unobtainable image, I’m so glad that I have God’s Word (the written and Living Word) which is changing me to reflect more of His image. Our image (how we reflect God in our actions, our relationships) is seen by others far more than we realize. It’s a responsibility but also an amazing privilege. Have a blessed day She’s x