This Is the Old Testament is part of a twelve-week thematic overview of the entire Bible. As we read, we’ll gain a broader understanding of the redemptive story of Scripture. Each day we’ll read a thematic selection from a different book of the Bible, along with supplemental passages that show how the theme of each day’s reading is found throughout Scripture. We’ll also read a brief summary of each book and a reflection on how the book fits into the larger story of Scripture each day.
What Is Genesis? The book of Genesis records the creation of the world, humanity, the Sabbath, the origin of sin and sacrifice, and the covenant promises God made with the patriarchs Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, and Joseph.
How Genesis Fits Into the Story: Genesis is a book of new beginnings. It reveals the beginning of the heavens and the earth, of humanity, marriage, and work, of sin and nations and languages, and the beginning of our need for a Savior. In Genesis we see that all God’s creation was, in the beginning, thoroughly good; and in Genesis we see humanity’s first sin and the consequences of that sin. Our story of brokenness begins here in the first book of the Bible, as does our purpose and God’s covenant to redeem His people.
Reflection Questions:
1. What does Genesis 1:26–31 say about how and why God created humans?
2. How does today’s reading shape your understanding of the story of redemption?
Take time to reflect on your responses and share what you are learning with others in the community in the comments.
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326 thoughts on "Genesis"
God created humans in his image to help him take care of earth. The story of redemption shows me that God loves and wants the best for all of his creations even after sins committed by said creations.
He made earth for us to live through Him and to enjoy
We are made in his image.
He created us to multiply the Earth to rule the animal and follow Him.
We are creating in His image to represent Him in all our doings.
As I begin this study on the OT, I can see how God created us to serve and worship him, but since the fall of man, he has placed many things along the way to help us get back to that place. God, I thank you for your redemptive power.
I love that the only time God looks at what He has created and calls it “very good” (versus just “good”) is after He made humans.
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We are made in the image of God and so we are made to help God which is a beautiful picture. He did not have to create us but we are his partners.
I love this and love how you word it. Yes, we are His partners and how beautiful that He created us in His own image.
We were created in His image and we have a purpose through Him!
Whoever wrote Genesis is like the most OG Flat Earther ever; telling us that God created the firmament in the very first chapter of the whole book. How iconic!
The Creation reminds me of how loving, caring, and intentional God is with us. God wants us to partner with God in bringing about redemption on earth. God didn’t have to create anything, but it is in God’s great love for us, that God created us and a space for us to partner with God.
We are created in His image, as stewards who should manage the daily affairs of life.
God created us in his image, and he created truth to the world around us. Once humans began to sin, he still clothed us and cherished us, for the lord is forgiving. The redemption is deep and is present in the very beginning.
God created us in his image. And this means that we have to represent him in everything we do in our lifetime. Glorify him everyday in everything we do♥️
It’s one of the first examples of how God treats us in our sin. He clothes us and takes care of us, he chases after us and he has had a redemptive plan since the beginning.
What I love about these first three chapters of Genesis is that after the first sin, God doesn’t turn his back on Adam and Eve but he clothes them with garments. It shows what is to follow when throughout the New Testament when the Israelites turn away from God, he still chases after them. Like Hosea and Gomer, we are sinners who run away from God but he is a redemptive God who chases after those he loves!
What I love about these first three chapters of Genesis is that after the first sin, God doesn’t turn his back on Adam and Eve but he clothes them with garments.
God first showed his love to us by creating us in his image. Then he blesses man the same way a father would bless his son. When man falls short of his glory he disciplines man like a father would a son. Then as a father would save his son, so does God redeem his children. Praise be to God!
Interesting that the comments made here are what hit me too. We were created in God’s likeness. So how does that pan out after sin? We were created in His image. To reflect him on earth. We can still be that. That’s what we are created for. But sin gets in the way. So pray to be more like God. To live out what I was created for.
We are created in God’s likeness
We were created to be in God’s likeness, a reflection of Him, and to be set apart from the rest of the Earth’s creatures in which we were meant to care for & use as helpers. These passages show how we are truly cared for and wanted by God.
So sweet to see how intricately He designed us for His glory, and also how quick He was to put together a plan for redemption
We were made to be stewards of the earth and God wanted us to serve him on the earth. It shows he wanted us.
I love how it says that God doesn’t come and go. He stays and in Him all things hold together. Even though He is up in Heaven, He has not forsaken us. He has given us Jesus and the Spirit to take heart in, which beautifully ties everything together of how it all points towards Him in all entirety.
I love how it says that God doesn’t come and go. Even
We are made in His image to take care and rule over his other creations such as the birds,fish, and creatures. This is the beginning of God’s love story for us.
God strategically place humans on this earth as a reflection of who God is, as well as to care for the earth and all the creatures in it. It shows me that the goodness we had in the beginning faded due to our own merit. We could not protect ourselves from satan, so how could we ever save ourselves from the weight of death?
The creation story shapes my understanding of God’s redemption by showing me that since the beginning He has always shown how we can atone for our sin and be redeemed.
1. We (both men and women) were created in His image to be a reflection of who God is, and to fill and care for the Earth and all of God’s creation.
2. To have been created as the only ones in all of Creation to bear God’s image shows how much He loved us right from the beginning. That He Himself would die to pay the price for our sin so that we could return to relationship with Him, and knew all of this from the moment He created Adam shows how He lives and values us.
1. We (both men and women) were created in His image to be a reflection of who God is, and to fill and care for the Earth and all of God’s creation.
Creation was God’s creative expression of all that is good. Our redemption comes from a place of deep love. Created in love, saved by love. God defines the meaning of love through creation and redemption.
“He does not faint or grow wary”
God’s plan for creation is detailed and intentional. He has always been in control and my life is one tiny piece of His grand story for creation. We get to experience both the hope and forgiveness of knowing Christ’s salvation and look forward to Christ’s final return and victory.
Love how the story of redemption is shown all throughout scripture!
This shapes my understanding of my redemption story because it helps me to understand that not only am I a daughter of Christ but through redemption the Lord is calling me back to him and his desire to be in unity with his creation.
We are created in His image.
he created a male and a felmale so they could replenish the earth
God is full of mercy and love. He wants to redeem me and be in relationship with me and all humanity ❤️
God is full of love and mercy and even as the creator of the whole universe he still wants to redeem me and have a relationship with me and all humanity ❤️
Because God created us he is the only one who can redeem us
He not only created the world and everything in it, but holds it together.
He created us to walk alongside with Him so we can do our part for Him. So we can reflect and shine His love to the world. God created in His image with love.
I think this reading helps with the beginning of understanding redemption by knowing where sin originates and that we need to constantly be redeemed by God, the only one who can, in order to walk full with Him. This also shows God’s immediate love and mercy for His children. He gives us new life so that we may live loved.
He created us to walk alongside with Him so we can do our part for Him. So we can reflect and shine His love to the world. God created in His image with love.
I am created in God’s image.
Great reminder that God trusted us with the care and keeping of earth and all living things – we should be reflecting this in all our interactions. A model of Gods love, trust and care to others.
Our God is a orderly, systematic and creative being. He is detailed in his creative efforts.
My reflection of today’s reading is that God created us in His image and that we are the caretakers of His creation that he has made for us. This shapes the redemption story as in the beginning we were in a relationship with God and we were aware of what was good and what was evil and since Adam and Eve sinned, we now are in need of a Saviour (Jesus Christ) to keep us away from evil and sin and to get back with God and start building a relationship with Him.
We are made to reflect God’s glory! How amazing? However unlike God, we are not perfect so are thankful to have such a forgiving saviour!
Let’s encourage each other to let that image shine through in everything we do.
I noticed that God’s mercy started right after the first sin— which sets up the story of our saving from the beginning.
God made us the way he wanted us to be, each individual the way he wanted so as for us to follow his ways.
He wanted communion and to bless his creation with work that was fulfilling. He created us with understanding minds and caretaking hearts just like his.
Jesus was apart of creation as he is the image of the invisible God. Christ holds creation together as well as humans.
God created us in His image! We are to multiply and have rule over the earth.
2- we have a unique purpose- animals and plants have a general purpose on earth while God has created a specific plan for each and every one of us. No two humans are the same!
3-we are designed to have a relationship with God, through Jesus, powered by the Holy Spirit. Our creation story is an amazing testament to who we are as people. We are meant to use this creation for Gods glory. Everything is made by him through him.
Genesis tells us 3 things about the creation of mankind
1– our identity is rooted in God. V.26 “ Let US make mankind in our image…”. This is the first reference to the trinity- we are made in the image of all three.
Genesis tells us 3 things about the creation of mankind
God created us in His image, giving us a small part of His reason, morality, and capacity for relationships governed by love and commitment.
God created us in his own image and to rule over the animals and the earth. He told us to be fruitful and multiply. Genesis is where sun enters the world, but even tho this has happened it’s also the beginning of how God can redeem us!
God created us in His own image and for us to rule over the animals. He told us to be fruitful and multiply and to go to him because He is the only one who can redeem us!
Hi Sarah! Not sure if this adds to your question or helps, but we are made like God’s present and existing image. We aren’t Him, but we get to reflect Him like when people look into a mirror. Whether we’re having an “on” or an “off” day, we’re reflecting His image and it’s when we yield to His leadership (being willing to be convicted and transformed by His Word and Spirit) where we can better reflect Him :)
To be caretakers for His creation
I wrote in my margin of my Bible that God is a provider- he ensures everything needed for a fruitful life is there for you and even the creatures, and I also added that we were made to be like Jesus and God and the Holy Spirit in their image. So the question to myself is what’s their image? I am hoping that with more study I will learn exactly what their image is!
In the garden, we were given so much…and we squandered it for so little, an empty promise. And yet He gave EVERYTHING again to redeem us. He keeps giving while Satan only takes. He sees us in our filth and shame and still sees us being worth saving, because we were created in His image.
You came ti the world you created, trading your crown for a cross
Because God created us, he is the only one with the power to REDEEM US!
God created us in HIS own image to rule over the animals. We are to be fruitful, multiply, and rule over the Earth. But our sin broke something that was beautiful — Genesis is our downfall and also the beginning of our redemption. It’s in Genesis, the beginning, that we first see our need for Jesus Christ, our savior.
We were created to love and care for the Earth and all that is in it; on behalf of God and for God.
We were created to have dominion over the Earth.
God created us in his image and from man. That we may serve Him and spread the word of God from small to large gestures each day.
Easy to Forget in the hustle and bustle of every day that we were made in God’s image and that we were created with a purpose… Trying to remember that daily in the midst of a dark season
God created us in his image to know who we are is to know who Christ is and his character
God created us in his image – to be like him. He created us to tend and rule the earth. He blessed us and wanted us to mirror his likeness within his creation.
He is before all things and in him all things hold together.
God is the only one that knows our true desires of our hearts.
God was protected us before we were even born by providing us with daylight, food to eat, and other humans to be surrounded by.
We were created BY God & FOR God! Everything we do in our lives should be for the glory of him and work for his kingdom!
This passage really drive home the need we have for God and hard life would be without him.
He made mankind in His image and mankind was put in a unique position among the rest of creation. Not just superior to it but with responsibility. What an honor!
Colossians 1:17
He is before all things and in him all things hold together
Colossians 1:17
We were created in Gods image to multiply and to enjoy everything that God had created.
God created us in his image to be fruitful, multiply and tend to the earth. This shapes the salvation (redemption) story because in the beginning everything was perfect and we were in relationship with God when we were made aware of good & evil we are now in need of a savior to keep us from the evil and get back to God .
We are created in Gods image by Him to live life like Him.
Be fruitful and multiply
God created this beautiful world for us, just as He created us in His image to care for it.
God created this beautiful world for us to take care of. And even though from the beginning He knew we’d be sinful and need He entrusted it to us
God created everything visible and invisible. I did another study on spiritual warfare and this fits right in to my other study.
God made humans in his image to rule over and care for the earth. God is always the one providing. He created us, He sustains us, He rescues us from sin and hell, and gives us eternal life through Christ Jesus.
We did surely die when the fruit was eaten from the tree of knowledge of good and evil. Sin has infected each of us, which leads us all to death. It’s important that we see God has ultimate knowledge. While not physically dead, our choices in sin lead to unfulfilled life, which is the antithesis of everything that He created, which leads each person to complete fulfillment.
He created us in his image. To multiply the earth and subdue it. To rule over the land and animals.
2. Adam and Eve committed the first sin which then opened up humanity to live in sin. (Moving into the New Testament) Jesus then had to make the ultimate sacrifice and die for our sins, so before that and even more so after we now have to do our best to redeem ourselves and walk the path in his image. We may not ever be perfect/sinless but I think God see’s your heart and effort.
God made humans in his image and likeness to oversee all of his creation, and he provided them with everything they would need in order to do so. Because humans sinned, we must redeem ourselves but God still sees us as his creation and as good
1 we were made in his image after his likeness for a relationship
2 we are in a constant need of redemption, we had to be redeemed from the very beginning
The first blood sacrifice was done after Adam and Eve sinned. God clothed them in skin from an animal.
In response to the second question, because we (humans) sinned, we need to redeem ourselves, pay our debt (sins). Jesus died for our sins. And because he did that we need to try our best to be the best Christians we can. When we get baptized I imagine it is like Jesus forgiving us for our previous sins and telling us to go forth and be better. He is saving us again.
@ CAROLYN REID. Amen. The Old testament points to Jesus and the New Testament points to Jesus. Scripture confirms scripture. Love your response.
First when reflecting on this passage it shows that Jesus was present at the time he created you. And by him being present this means that Jesus knows us intimately and we can trust that he truly understands us.
The passages show that we all have free will even from the beginning of time. We were only suppose to focus and obey God purely
Knowing that Jesus was at the beginning of creation is comforting because it let’s me know that Jesus is intimately acquainted with us.
Well said!
Man AND woman created in God’s image
God created us
Thank God for heaven and earth, moon and sun. He created man and woman.
God love has never faulted since the beginning. Through the generations the love and mercy he showed Adam and Eve is the same mercy and love he shows us. Except with us he went a step further gave us his son…
I think that the message God was giving us is “here is what I created, now I’ve created you in My image to have dominion over it all, if you do as I command, you will be blessed” but of course humans did what humans do and enter sin and bc they did not do what God commanded, God had to show them the consequences of their disobedience, however, God still loved and cared for them so just like now, even with all the sin in the world, He still sees His creation as “very good.”
God loves us and He is so good!
God created humans in his image to take care of the earth. The story of redemption starts here!
So good!
god created us in his image & in his likeness to fill the earth & tend to it. today’s reading shows our need for redemption as man committing the first sin & our story of brokenness began.
God truly loves us. Thank you Jesus.
He made us in his image and saw that his creationwas good! How can I look at myself and not give him credit for his good creation?
Just getting started but looking forward to learning more! Great bedtime study!
Wow!!!!! Awesome response! What a Mighty God we serve.
“VERY good” wowow
There is nothing unknown to God; and knowing full well what we as humans would do, choose, and say to hurt or against Him, He still chose to create us and allow us a part in the story. And then, he didn’t even let us stay in our brokenness, but chose to send His son to die for us, redeeming our lives for His and to be with Him forever. From the VERY beginning. Wowie. ❤️
The big takeaway for me is that the NT writers do not budge on the truth that Jesus is God. They clarify that He was part of the Elohim that is in Genesis, and by His incarnation, God Himself walked among us just as He did in Eden; however, this time He walked among the fallen world to help us understand Who He is and that He will do anything to win us back. He is so for us that He lowered Himself to become LIKE a fallen human, but He never fell. He took on the image He gave in Genesis, an image that reflects His glory.
Love the story of how it all began
We see that we are God’s creation and through him is goodness. However, we have come by with free will, which allows us to choose our actions (good or bad). God see this free will and temptation that surrounds it. He has sent his Son, Jesus Christ to allow us to be saved from our sins, which is beautiful.
It is incredible that God, knowing what Adam and Eve would do, created them anyway. He knew what the serpent would do; he created him anyway. He knew all the perfection He created would be upended when Adam and Eve chose to disobey Him. None of it was a surprise. I try to imagine what it must have been like to create something so beautiful, knowing that it would choose not you. It can only be explained by love, this desire to create and let it go to have free will, all the while knowing you would redeem them after all.
Yessss! So Amazing!
Genesis is the start of a story fraught with mistakes and separation from God. The very second that Eve ate from the fruit, she put a wall between her and the Lord. His end game was always to tear down the wall. The redeem the fallen children and commune with them once more.
That he love his creations
God has ultimate dominion but entrusts His Creation to us, His people made in His image. It is amazing to think of the vastness of God and His plan. The work of redemption started in the beginning. I love how the New Testament scriptures remind us that Jesus was involved in Creation. God is so good!
I love this view!
Abbie errington…..thank you for connecting the verses to anxiety and worry. Really helped me see my own struggles differently
Man was created in the image of God. No other animal is created in His image therefore a sacrifice for all humanity would have to be man. As we without Jesus are not worthy, none not even an innocent babe, Jesus had to come in flesh to die for us. By image I believe he is speaking of body, soul and mind not just a physical appearance. We are spirit, we have a soul and both housed in a body. I praise Yeshua for His sacrifice and that God saw us fit for saving and that our King is our rescuer!
God creates and cares for his creation. Then he creates man with a purposs and a task of overseeing his other creations I believe this is one way Good creates is to reflect His image, but also noteworthy that we’re here for a purpose.
It’s also amazing how vast God is in His creativity, creating every living thing with no template or guide, just out of His own inspiration.
Callie, I love what you said about the way that you see and treat yourself and others is transformed when you think about everyone as an image-bearer. Such good insight. Thankful that He is a God of restoration & redemption!
We are all created in Gods image. We are all his children. God in the fall of man in the garden He already had the receptive plan for man to be redeemed through our son Jesus Christ. The lineage began after sin and Eve became the mother of life of all.
God made man in His own image. And everything God created was good.
God literally made something so incredible from nothing. Even though he foreknew that man would betray him and follow other gods. There’s something pretty incredible about that that truly reveals God’s grace to mankind. That power to choose whom we shall serve versus forcing us to serve Him is so powerful when I think about it.
Truly reflecting on the fact that myself and every single human being on the face of this earth is an image-barer of God has radically transformed the way I live. Even still, I want to come back to this reminder time and time again and let it seep deeper and deeper into my soul. When I truly act like I believe it, the way that I think about and treat myself and others is changed.
I love the story of creation because I am reminded that God’s creation is GOOD! While all of that goodness was damaged through the fall, God is a God of restoration, and he is continuously restoring us to goodness in all of our relationships, with Himself, with ourselves, with one another, and with all of creation. What a beautiful reminder.
God saw all that He created was good! I just really noticed that.
My personal takeaway was that God created us in His image, perfectly. Through sin, humanity fell into imperfect sin. The story of redemption offers us the opportunity to be as God intended us to be – perfect in His image.
Yes. This couldn’t be more true. Experiencing this right now!
In the beginning god created!
My favorite verse out of the reading was Colossians 1:17 “He is before all things and by him all things hold together.” I constantly struggle with overthinking, worrying, dealing with pains from the past and present. This verse really hit me hard because my struggle worsened the further I went away from God and recently I found myself becoming closer with God and my bible and the struggles have started seeming so much easier to face. A good reminder than he made us in his image and without him we will fall apart.
I love this Abbie! Such a good reminder to all of us who struggle with anxiety!
I always thought God created the sun on the first day because he made light and darkness on the first day. But verses 14-19 show me that he created the sun (and moon) on the 4th day! I know this is trivial, but it just hit me that for the first three days He must have used His own light! Pretty cool!
Love this!
Wow! I just noticed “us” in Genesis 1:26 to reveal that Jesus and the Holy Spirit were there at the beginning with God. Amazing!
Another thing that makes me in awe of God is how He paid special attention to us by breathing his own breath into our nostrils and bringing forth our spirit, personality and LIFE so that we can have an intimate and personal relationship with HIM. God also let Adam name all the creatures and gave us dominion to rule with wisdom in His image and likeness. What a generous, generous, loving God.
They are the Trinity, Father, Son, and Holy Ghost. All 1, and all separate, so yes they were all there at the beginning.
God created the Universe, day, night, the land and seas, flowers, trees, grasses, sea creatures, the fishes, fowls of the air and land animals. An entire world, God in his wisdom knew it wasn’t complete until he created man and woman. Not just as creatures to finish a task, but beings that were created in His image and likeness. Some one to care for Creation. Someone to fellowship with Him. Someone with free will that would be mankind’s downfall.
Yet God – seeing past, present and future at once – began with the end in mind. He already had our kinsman Redeemer,Jesus Christ ready and waiting for the perfect time to atone for original sin. A plan for each of us to prosper and not be harmed. God continues to reach out to us as individuals that we might be reunited with Him and forgiven. Oh what a mighty, loving God we serve.
I believe God created man in his likeness to have dominion over all living things on earth as God has dominion over us. He also gave us free will.
Genesis, to my mind is a redemption story because God knows all things, past present AND future. From the very beginning we were sinners, yet he loved us. And from the very beginning, Jesus knew that he would make ultimate sacrifice for us for our sins.
Hello Michelle! Welcome!
In all of these scriptures— the holy trinity was together.
Redemption was from the start, we were already saved. We were created to be saved. God had a plan— God knew sun would creep the earth. God knew this before he formed us. The plan of redemption was set into motion before the creation of Adam.
So thankful for and blessed by Him.
I’m new to this so hello ladies
This is my first SRT study. I kept seeing the posts on Facebook about it and would think about but not follow through but then with this study decided I needed to join. My thoughts about Genesis and what stuck out to me was how with the fall, even though Adam and Eve messed up, God still loves them. This to me is the theme throughout the book. It let’s me know that even when I mess up God still lives me and it helps me keep going.
Proud of you!
*This is truly a redemptive story!
❤️ through HIM all things hold together ❤️
I know it isn’t cited in today’s reading selection but I see a beautiful example of the redemption story for all of mankind later in Genesis chapter 3, during their punishment. (even though Adam and Eve would never know it or see it come to completion while here on earth) After the act of first sin God, knowing all things, comes to look for Adam and Eve. He searches for them calling out to them (even though they should be the ones searching for and calling out to HIM) After finding them and talking to them He now has to punish them for their sin. Unknown to them, as a part of that punishment, God begins to shape the redemption story by planning the payment for All sin at the cross and He curses the ground. The Bible says in genesis 3:18 “Both thorns and thistles it shall bring forth for you, And you shall eat the herb of the field.” What a beautiful thing that a seemingly meaningless and awful punishment would lead to our beautiful redemption story through salvation. Even while punishing His creation for directly disobeying Him God was weaving their redemption. They had no idea a savior would later come to the cross and pay completely to cover all sin, bearing the very symbol of first sin, a crown of those very thorns. John 19:2 “And the soldiers twisted a crown of thorns and put it on His head, and they put on Him a purple robe.” How beautiful that God shaped the Redemption Story from the very beginning.
Look up Laminin. Its pretty amazing! It’s a protein in the body that “holds us together”.
What stuck out to me today is kind of besides the point but it was the last sentence of the scripture list. “In him all things hold together” Life has felt a little out of control lately but it’s such a great reminder to know that my life is held in the same hands that created the world. I don’t have to hold it all together….because he already has and does :)
I never thought about the beginning of Creation being a redemptive story. But thinking on it some, I don’t know why I never saw it/thought it before. The WHOLE Bible is a redemption story! Excited to see what tomorrow and Exodus brings!
Amen, Kate Wells!
I just NOW noticed that too this time!
Me either, Lisa! And how many times have I read, “Let US make man in OUR own image, according to our likeness.” Us and our plural, image and likeness, singular! The Holy Trinity – right there! WOW!
@Gabriela Ruiz I really never noticed that before either! God blessed them after creating them. How wonderful. ♥️
This is my first! So glad to be here!!
I believe when God created Adam, then Eve, He looked through all of time, seeing every person, believing and speaking that we, as Image Bearers of God, were good. Made good. Now we are born as sin bearers, but He still sees our potential & loves us still. It’s amazing also to see God’s faith & wisdom at work in the beginning, creating all of the universe! Wow!
SO good!!!
I’ve probably completed 20 or so, but I really love this different format. Only in recent years — after being a Christian forever — did I learn about how the OT AND the NT point to Jesus. And I’ve loved studying that truth, so I am so excited to study this with SRT and all of you!
This is my 23rd SRT study. I’m so thankful for SRT. I never seemed to be able to read God’s word daily before, but I find I wake up looking forward to these studies. I’m also so thankful for all you ladies. Your comments help me to see things I would not have seen otherwise. We seem to have a large group for this study! Thank God! It stuck out to me that all things have been created through him and for him. He is before all things, and by him all things hold together. Col 1:16 & 17. I need to give my life to Jesus every single day. It is not for me to waste. I’m asking for continued prayer for my son Tanner. For you new girls, Tanner has an extremely rare and fatal illness. We have had a rough go lately, but things are improving. I cannot express to you have much it means to me to have you pray for him. Thank you so much!
God created us in His image… he used the exact words “our image” John goes on to establish in the beginning there was a Word and the Word was with God and the Word was God! That’s Jesus. There from the beginning uncreated perfection. God created us in His own image for His glory! And I love how it mentions all the plants and animals were vegan lol.
I’ve read this part of the Bible many times and even studied it in college. This time I read it and I recognized the part where God made man ruler of the sea and fishes and animals, etc. It made me think of how we are called to rule but also protect this planet! We are the ones in charge, and while the world is at our disposal to use as we need, we’re also created in His image and He created this entire world! He put us in charge to conserve it as well! ❤️
Created in HIS image! Blessed with EVERYTHING we need. Although Eve and Adam opened the gateway to good and evil, God continues to BLESS us through His redemption plan ❤️ THANKFUL!
Me too! The role of Jesus in creation has popped up across several things I’m reading! God makes sure we hear what we need, doesn’t he?
That last Colossians passage almost answers the meaning of life question. We, and the everything in this world, was made through Him and FOR Him. We were made FOR Him. This verse has been following me for the last few days through different mediums. I am so grateful to God that He would speak to me when I need it most, even though I don’t always make the time to speak to Him.
I love picturing God making the earth, animals, plants, land and sea, and people. He is the greatest artist and created a masterpiece. He is still creating them every day!
I absolutely love Genesis and the rich history it shows. It’s raw and real telling of how people choose to follow God or even choose not to follow Him, but He always weaves the ends in to create something better for His people. Beginnings can be exciting and challenging and full of struggle, the book of Genesis is no different.
God molded us from dust in the beginning and knew all about us before we entered the world. What an amazing God!
Keeping the thought of redemption is this reading was eye-opening. We weren’t mistakes you guys!!! We were created in the image of God, so that means we were made on purpose. For someone who struggles with self-esteem, depression, and knowing my true purpose in life, this was such a blessing to read and understand. Thank you Jesus!!!
This is my first SRT study! I love seeing the community here! ✨
I’m so thankful for this community of believers and the ability to read the Word together.
Grateful ❤️
I am so excited for this study! It is the first one I have had the study book to go along with. It has been a long time since I have read the story of Genesis and I enjoyed rereading how God created every part of the earth as well as us and had a purpose planned out for everything. It reminds me that I am here to honor Him and need to live more like Him.
I can’t even imagine what earth would look like if sin never entered into it. God created us to have dominion over earth and cultivate it in peace and harmony with each other. Wow, what an image.
I replied Bailey but not sure if you can see it!
This is a curse on the spiritual serpent (satan): the struggle and outcome between “your offspring” (Satan & unbelievers aka devils children John 8:44) and her offspring (Christ, a descendent of Eve). Satan could only “bruise” Christ’s heel by causing him to suffer but Christ will bruise Satan’s head by destroying him. -Romans 16:20
There is so much in Genesis. So many stories and people. But always slowing down and thinking about creation is mindblowing. I was just thinking about all of the different kinds of plants and how God created them all in a day :) when life is overwhelming, it’s such a comfort to remember God our creator!
I love seeing how these themes are intertwined in later passages of the Bible. It’s so amazing to see how interconnected the word of God is. Repeating the important words of God to us in different ways.
Yes, me too!
This is my second SRT reading plan. Im really excited to take this journey with you all.
This is going to be a wonderful and enlightening study, different from any others I’ve done.
It blows me away that God made us in his image to rule and reign over the earth. I pray that I would remember and live like I am an image bearer of God. I love that!❤️
Genesis is always a mystery book to me. So much is revealed and yet so much is hidden. For now we see in parts, we understand in parts, and I have such hope that one day we will see in full. God has put eternity into our hearts, but yet we cannot find out what God has done from the beginning to the end (Ecclesiastes 3:11).
Just like the thoughts that King David pondered on, I have also wondered many times (Psalm 8:4-8) “What is man that You are mindful of him, And the son of man that You visit him? For You have made him a little lower than the angels, And You have crowned him with glory and honor. You have made him to have dominion over the works of Your hands; You have put all things under his feet”. But I know this much, that God is Love, and all things God does is within the nature of love.
The Lord possessed wisdom in the beginning of his way, before his works of old (Proverbs 8:22), so let us- his superior creation- start with the fear of the Lord(Proverbs 9:10) which will lead to the beginning of wisdom, and that fear of the Lord is to hate evil (Proverbs 8:13), and by the fear of the Lord, we can depart from evil (Proverbs 16:6) and find life. Let us remember whose image we carry, and that to find God is to find life and obtain favor from God (Proverbs 8:35).
Be blessed sisters!
Everyone’s comments have been very inciteful and I have learned a lot from them. Every time I read scripture I learn and realize something new from it.
Sisters please pray for my sister, Carol, her son, Jake, is in jail. In a way it is a blessing because he has mental health issues and now maybe he can get the help he needs.
Have a blessed day and week sisters.
Genesis is my absolute favorite book of the Bible. It’s so rich with history and the love of God. Beautiful.
God created us in His image and with a purpose. We are called to be Christ-like in our actions. We are called to be like God. He created us to be good and God does not make mistakes. No matter how much we mess up, God has a plan for us and he’s had that plan from the very beginning.
God loves us and redeems us despite our constant sin and failings all the way back to Genesis 1. It’s hard to fathom a love like His and I want to know Him more and be more like Him.
I’m also doing the Bible Recap with TLC, I’m so glad you asked her to join the podcast.
God had it all planned before He even created the world. He knew man would sin and all ready had a plan if salvation in place. I am so thankful God has such faithfullness and compassion on His creation that ended up broke!
I am sooooo happy to see so many new readers joining the SRT community for this study. WELCOME.
Adrienne… praying for your son and for you as you care for him and keep up with your day to day as well. You are on my heart and in my prayers.
Genesis ! My favorite book :)
Genesis is a reminder that God was intentional with everything he created. He created everything with a purpose and it reminds me that even in a rough season he has a purpose whether I understand or not. I have to be obedient and truly pray for discernment to hear from him and follow his orders.
I love the order that God created everything in the book of Genesis. It’s so logical and yet it leaves me awestruck!! It’s a perfect order, where God lays down a foundation on previous days for the next thing that He created on subsequent days so that the thing that He created, including us humans, would want for nothing. He has made every provision even from the very beginning and continues to make every provision for us today. He is worthy of our praise and trust.
Wow Mari V incredible! So happy to hear this about your neighbor
I love that God formed us with his hands! It demonstrates the emense love and care he has for us. I am so greatful for his mercy and grace!
As I was responding to the questions, I was reminded that we were created in such a pure way. Creations inspired by a loving Creator who are made to follow after His own heart! I was also reminded of how needless we are to God, but yet that shows how His love goes all the deeper. He has no need for us, and we are completely vile in every way, yet He sought out creating us anyway. He not only created us, but He created us to be in charge of His gloriously beautiful creation! Yet He calls us His most beautiful creation. Its a concept that still baffles me and that I will never wrap my brain around, thankfully God is not human, and thinks differently than we do.
I NEVER thought of Jesus there in the beginning!!!!! That the Holy Trinity was in the beginning..God the Father is speaking … God the Spirit hovering over the waters and Jesus did the manuel labor from Col . 1;16-17 this is from their Podcast !
The more I read the Bible, the more I come to appreciate the first few chapters of Genesis. Every time I read them, I realize just how much God’s heart for humanity is contained in the way He created us. Male and female, making up the image of God together, and coming together to create family, to “multiply” as an act of worship and obedience. All of the brokenness we see today is a direct result of the Fall and how we’ve moved so far away from how God created us to be. It’s a beautiful story and makes my heart ache for Heaven and wholeness that much more every time I read it.
Reading these passages, I kept stopping on “There was morning and there was evening” on each day of the creation once God created light. I’ve never really thought about and delved into this before. But it’s a reminder that God doesn’t just do the big things. He’s there to comfort us and hold us in transitions also. He is in charge of ALL
I love how with everything else (plants, birds, fish, etc) God made them “according to their kind”… but with humans God made us “according to our [God’s] likeness”❤️
God in this creation account is Elohim, which is plural. When I see God + action verb, it reminds me that Father, Son, and Spirit are acting as one body with one will. I also love that creation is fully God’s, for all the action verbs point to Him. Last, I’m reminded that a triune creation leads into a triune redemption plan. It’s truly beautiful.
As I read Genesis and the section about how it fits in the story…”Our story of brokenness begins here in the first book” stood out to me. It’s so true that we are all broken people yet we weren’t the first. And God wants to help us! He loves us too much to give up on us.
He created us for a purpose and to love us!
What does this mean between the offspring of the serpent?
15I will put enmity between you and the woman,
and between your offspring and her offspring;
he shall bruise your head,
and you shall bruise his heel.”
Psalm 104:24
How many are your works, LORD! In wisdom you made them all; the earth is full of your creatures.
Adrienne I love your idea of putting your prayer request in your reflection sections. Thank you for sharing that.
Never noticed the “Let US create” and “OUR image” before ….Reference to the Father and Son together at the beginning of time. Amazing!
Beautiful reading. Did anyone see the part on how God wants us to eat. I’m learning so much
We are created in HIS image! HE LOVES us so much HE wishes for none of us to perish without HIM. So thankful for a gracious forgiving Father. All we have to do is accept this free gift. My heart is so glad and I give God ALL the glory! Two nights ago my neighbor came over needing someone to vent and talk to. My heart is so filled with joy. She accepted JESUS as her personal Lord and Savior!! There’s so much to this to our conversation but the main thing is she is now part of God’s family.
I noticed that man was the only thing he specifically named before He created him. God was also specific while creating man that He was creating male and female.
Carol- I just signed up for the study. I read your comments and know it was the right thing to do. It will be nice to have others to help me understand the things of the Bible and put it to work in my life. Thank you all.
We were created in the image of God and made to be with God. So thankful for our gracious savior and the hope we have in Christ.
The last verse of today’s reading was my “lightening strike” for today. “And He is before all things, and in Him all things hold together ” Colossians 1:17(ESV). I confess. I am a “manager”. I spend a lot of energy trying to get things the way In think they need to be.But HE is the one who holds it together. Prayers for all of you reading and studying His Word.
Anna… I like your comment on his speaking to create everything but us. He used His hands! What love!
and, Nana K… “Let US make man in OUR image.” I knew He was the “alpha and the omega” and that “in the beginning was the WORD”, but I never honed in on it, really. Jesus was with the Father in the beginning, and He saw it all! (And on a side note, as a vegetarian, lots of fruits and veggies that He provided for us… yum!)
God created us in His image and on verse 31 He was pleased with it. Our story will “change” with the fall when Eve and Adam sin. From there , this beautiful love story about a Father that loves His children fights to save them from evil will and is still evolving.
I am looking forward to the next days as we read together this study. God bless you all my dear brothers and sisters in Christ.
I have a prayer need today… Our youngest son, Jon, has two herniated discs and was hit with crippling pain this week. We had to take him to the ER. We have some ideas on what caused it, but his appointment isn’t with the specialist till 6/23. He is 25 and has been at our house for a few days, so we could care for him. He returns to his home today. Pray that he continues to improve. It is hard to let control go. (I wrote your comments about that, Haylee P. And Catie B.!)
You know, God had a plan from the beginning.
For each study, I read the passages in my study book and then read them again in my app (because I think I have a tendency to “gloss over” the verses I think I “know”, you know?) Then I read the devotion and then read my SRT sisters’ comments. Someone said (don’t remember who, but she is wise about that!) they go back and look at the comments later, to see what was added. (That is an idea I am going to put in practice, starting today!) I write any prayer requests for the day in my study book.
First time SRT study reader here. Excited to journey through the Old Testament for a while. Today I thought of Eves decision in the fall. Her logic was sound….the fruit looked good, tasted good and brought wisdom. All seem to be reasons to take it. Our minds are so easily deceived. God help me look to you and to your word for wisdom and not to trust logic and appearances. Thank you that you as creator of all are trustworthy even when my heart resists this truth.
This is my first SRT study and I’m excited to start this adventure with everyone. I don’t always understand the full meaning so reading through the comments is super helpful! Thank you ladies!
Amy R- I love this statement you made: what led us to the fall was the desire for knowledge. And knowledge is nothing but a desire for control.
Oh this is so true in my life. And what havoc it causes! God may I give over my desire to know and control everything and just trust you with it all.
Also, LOVE the Bible Recap and have done it two years in a row now. So so good!
Even before the Fall, there was purpose (work) for us. Even in God’s very good creation, we had a role – to cultivate and keep it. How much greater is our role in this less-than-perfect world. I need to roll up my sleeves and get moving!
Everything that God has created is in His image and he sees it as good. Realize that when God created YOU, he saw you as good for the earth, and that the world would be a better place with you in it. Let God’s purposes for your life over rule the thoughts you may have of yourself and your life. He makes all things new. ❤️
This is my first SRT study and I am so excited. I am grateful for all your comments. I know I will see things I normally would’ve missed because of all of your insights. I love that God calls for us to be in community with one another, so He can speak to us not only through His word but He also allows for us to learn from others.
What stood out to me about today’s reading was in Genesis 3:8-10. It says they heard the sound of the Lord God as he was walking in the garden. I love this so much because I feel like this gives us a glimpse of the Holy Spirit and us being able to hear the Spirit and what it will be like with God in heaven. Adam and Eve got to talk to him face to face and hear him walking in the garden. The idea of getting to hear my Lord walking is an amazing one! Lastly, I was thinking about the special nature of the relationship they had with God in the beginning. They got to talk to God and see us face. They are the only two people (excluding Jesus) who got to experience this. It shows the care, the love, and the nature of God in how much he delighted in his creation. He wanted to badly to be with us and I think that points more than anything toward our need for a savior.
This is my first SRT study and I am so excited. I am also grateful for all of you posting your comments, thoughts, etc. I am learning from those too. I love the perspectives and the way we can all capture something different that stands out to us in that moment, that
Mary Lou Head, I thought the same thing—God have His people so many opportunities to return to Him. I’m so glad we know the whole story and WHO is to come.
Everytime I read Genesis I think about how man can totally destroy things by thinking man knows more than God. I am not perfect and I sin everyday . Satan is running rampant on this earth. We have to stay vigilant and put on the full armor of the Lord. It is left to believers to tell everyone about God and the Kingdom that is waiting for anyone who picks up the cross and follows Him.
God sent His Son, Jesus, to redeem us and make us like Him as He had intended from the beginning. Praise God!
@Hilary Stephens
Yes and yes! I have a three year old who is very verbal and we have started talking about this. I was talking with him about why I tell him to do or stop doing certain things and that if he trusts me and my love for him he will listen. It impacted me so much to realize that this is what I do to God all the time, I question his love for me, his desire to keep me safe and give me every good thing and so I will pursue whatever I want, regularly with painful results that can hurt me, those around me, and even creation. Oh that I would trust Him more!
This morning I realized that, in Genesis, we got a glimpse of what Jesus was talking about when he said that he came to bring “life and life to the full” (John 10:10) – a life that is filled with abundance, unity with the Lord, and good work. I am so thankful to be part of his Kingdom as he restores all things!
We are God’s creation-made in His image, His breath in our lungs. He blessed them (Gen 1:28) & then gave generously to them (Gen 2:16). What would change about how I act and treat others if I move from a scarcity/me centered mindset to one that remembers I am filled with God’s blessing? I need to remember who I am, Whose I am, and that His redeeming power can make all things new.
Despite God’s knowing we would fall short of His command, He desired relationship with us. Despite the pain and frustration, He still chose us- His love for us is so much more than we can comprehend.
It struck me anew that God chose to create two different beings (male and female) to “image” Him. Also, that the unity of those two beings would be what multiplies them, physically speaking. I’m processing, meditating if you will, on this in terms of Jesus’s final command to multiply ourselves in discipleship.
God created man and woman (us) out of love and gave us dominion over all the earth and every living thing that He created. God created us in His image and likeness to be caretakers of all that He created in love. It seems to me that we’re doing a really poor job of it. But God knew the entirety of our existence, even then. I think, when God created man and woman, He knew they would sin and so would need to be saved. I think redemption was created when God created us.
I have wanted to read the whole bible for many years but my attempts never got very far. I’m so excited to go through this reading plan over the summer!
This story reminds me that God gave us choice- and that is true love. We can choose to love and worship God, to follow His ways and to have dominion with Him. Or we can choose our own control and stray from God. None of this was a surprise to God about human nature and yet He loves us so much He sent Jesus to die for our sins. Love how the Bible is so detailed and intricate in showing our humanity and God’s glory
So incredibly grateful for this time in the Word each morning.
I am always struck by the fact that we were made in His image.
JENNA and KELLY, Amen!!! Thank you so much for your thoughts this morning, my spirit really witnessed to what you said!!!
Q1: The first thing that comes to mind is WATCHMEN created in the likeness of God. There’s a lot to think about here…
Q2: “He is before all things, and by Him all things hold together.” Colossians 1:17 God knows ALL things and it is only by Him that we are redeemed.
MAURA, Holy Cow!!! There is SO much in chapter 28!!! LOTS to digest!!! I highlighted Isaiah 28:13-29 (almost the whole chapter, again!!) but the verse that stood out to me the most was verse 26 “His God instructs him and teaches him the right way.” …such a simple and concise verse, but oh so challenging to follow through and actually do: Listen and obey. I will be reminding myself of these simple concise words and this verse be fore I do or say anything!!! SO Good!!!! Thank You Jesus for leading and directing me (us) Amen!!
Wow! That’s good!
I’ve read through with The Bible Recap plan and podcast. It was amazing!!
@ Amy Rihel that’s exactly what I wrote in my Bible. Ever desired wisdom but she only got knowledge. And you are so right about control. I wish I could control my desire for control lol.
@ Anna Cyr – that just blew my mind! Thank you for sharing that tid bit!! So excited for this summer study.
Yes. ❤️
I’m pondering what it means to rule over the earth. How God as the sovereign ruler called us to come along side him to protect, cultivate, and oversee the good thing he created. We get to be part of the work of creation. Alleluia.
Love this. Never really noticed that when reading through genesis!
We were created in Gods image. He gave Adam & Eve everything they would ever need but God also gave us a free will. Time & again we choose sin. We live in a world where we think there is always something bigger & better out there. Thankfully, Gods love is unconditional & He gives us many opportunities to ask for forgiveness & redeem us.
“In the beginning God…and it was good.”
“Let US make man in OUR image, according to OUR likeness…”
From the beginning God knew we would need a Redeemer.
What really stood out to me was that we were given dominion over all the plants, beasts and the earth. Over every creeping thing that creeps. When Satan fell and was banished to the earth. We were given dominion over him as well. It didn’t take long for the crafty serpent to get Adam to hand that authority over. But Christ took it back when he bore our sins on the cross. Making a spectacle of the powers and principalities. He has given us as new creations, authority over all the earth and everything in it, again. And we should be using that authority, and the whole armor of God daily to advance the Kingdom of God.
We bless what we love. Blessing is God’s way.
Oh the beauty of God’s word, such joy for my heart this morning the scripture chosen. Thank you SRT. We are created in His image, I love this reminder to my heart to look at others, and see the creation, the work of God’s hand and in the wee ones, the swift ones, the clunky ones, (me), the heavily wrinkled ones, the lost ones, all of us every single one bears God’s image, what a great gift. and with the Holy Spirit’s help we can see His image in one another and my prayer is to reflect His love and grace in it. How incredible He is. The Word of God Jesus was in the beginning and holds all things together. So much, so much. ERB, were you thrilled to see Isaiah 40’s verses, such poetic words about God’s might as Creator. especially Isaiah 40:28 and a preview for us on upcoming chapters. Ch 28 is really long, but so much in it. Isaiah 28:14-15 felt to me like Jesus preaching to the pharisees. Then Amen to verse 16 the stone God lays in Zion, “ a precious cornerstone for a sure foundation; the one who trusts will never be dismayed.” Amen!! 17 “I will make justice the measuring line and righteousness the plumb line; hail will sweep away your refuge, the lie.” This caught me how many times has my refuge been a lie? Have I hidden in or hidden from by hiding behind a lie either I told myself or believed from another, but God, He reveals and is Truth! Then Isaiah speaks of God’s revelation to him of the destruction of the land and the “overwhelming scourge”, but in verse 19, as I read it in NIV, in my spirit I heard, remember His mercies are new every morning and the song, “Morning by Morning new mercies I see.” My last comment is I noticed the grace of God in letting them know in Isaiah 28:23-29 So so good His God instructs Him, our God instructs us and “teaches us the right way!” Praise God, that whatever we have in our work we might do it in the right way and give Him glory. He is wonderful in counsel and magnificent in wisdom, and if we take time to hear His instruction how very blessed we are. Joy ERB much joy. Hugs all my sisters! Glad to be alongside you again in this new study to learn daily what God has in His word to bless our days and strengthen our souls.
It is amazing to see that man was made in perfection by God for His glory. This reading today brings excitement to me about God’s redemption and the restored perfection we will see on the new heaven and new earth.
God created them in the image of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. God spoke, and man and woman were created, which is so fascinating to me.
Yes. I am also doing Jenn Rothschild’s “66 Ways God Lives You” along with this. In that summary of Genesis she points out the God spoke each part of creation into being, except humans. He formed us with his hands. So interesting and enlightening to think through these details.
What really stood out to me is that what led us to the fall was the desire for knowledge. And knowledge is nothing but a desire for control. And this desire for control continues to be our sin burden and our downfall. Lord God, help us to surrender joyfully to you, your plan for Good and your knowledge and control. Amen.
We just moved to a home and it sits on 9 acres of land with lots of Pecan trees. As we have been tending the land, the creation story and Gods charge to Adam and Eve has been present in my mind. I never felt the connection to having dominion over the land like I do now. I also have generally thought of the fall in regards to humans relationship to God and the affects sin has on us as people, but the fall doesn’t just land on the people, it lands on the animals, the plants and earth, and even our dwellings. Some electrical wiring isn’t working quite right and I thought to myself “even my house is subject to the fall of man”.
God created man in His image and were told to be fruitful and multiply, and thus spreading God’s image all across the earth. But instead we went our own way, but yet God still sawHis creation, loved us, and provided the redemption story. Thank you, Father.
It’s amazing that even though God knew we would need redemption before he ever started creation, he still thought relationship with us was worth it … just wow!!!!
Genesis chapter 3 reminds me how on guard we have to be against Satan! The doubt he places into Eve’s mind which eventually leads the lies he will tell her! How cunning Satan is to go to Eve and not Adam! Adam is the one who heard it first hand from God and yet Satan goes to Eve who had second hand information. The enemy is so so tricky! I need to be constantly in the Word and studying the Word. I need to hear directly from God so that I can fight off the enemy at all times!!
I love the vastness combined with the intimacy of these passages — the waters in the hollow of his hand, the idea of the world being birthed in abundance with God sighing with satisfaction: “It is good.”
My favorite here, the one I cling to:
“He is before all things, and by him all things hold together.”
HE holds all things together.
I have always been drawn to the Old Testament. In Genesis, the Lord lays downs the foundation of just why we so desperately need Him.
God’s plan of redemption has always been in place and it centers around Jesus. There was no plan B. Jesus was God and He was with God in the beginning. I don’t understand why Adam and Eve chose to sin; why God created them with as much capacity to choose Him or to choose sin, but I know that God is Sovereign and He is Creator. He knew what He was doing them and He knows what He is doing now.
For the parents of young children–how much do our toddlers remind us of the parent/child relationship we have with our Lord? My two year old son wants to so everything by himself and questions the goodness of the limits I’ve set for him, which just makes everything more difficult and dangerous for him. How much we do the same, just like Adam and Eve, wanting to have control and our own wisdom rather than relying on our perfect Father–which made everything more difficult. If we as broken parents love and care for our children, how much more does our perfect God care for us? A beautiful living analogy echoed in Genesis that helps me to surrender the control I hold onto with fisted hands.
I love the book of Genesis. I fell in love with the old testament reading Angie Smith’s study Seamless. I grew to appreciate God’s grace and really see myself in the frailty of my humanity through the eyes of the
Israelites. I did not hesitate to order the book as soon as I saw it was walking through the old testament.
One of our Pastors announced he has cancer. A cancer diagnosis is far too common. I could not help but reflect on how perfect the world God made was. And how the fall just ruined it. Jesus come quickly and erase all of the pain, sorrow, disease, hurt, and evil.
This is my first SRT study and it’s wonderful! Hello to you all!
I am also so excited to start this Study! I started SRT during the Lent series. It has become my practice to do my Bible Study first thing in the morning. It definitely makes my days better by starting in prayer and the Word! I have not ever read the Bible completely through, so I do hope that after this summer study, I will be motivated to read the entire Bible. (I’ve started several times, but never finished.)
I have been a member since October 2021 but didn’t start the podcast till Esther earlier this spring. SRT has been life changing for me! Welcome and God bless!
Reading about man’s first sin leads me to thinking about how as humans we are constantly trying to control things in our lives & have knowledge of everything that will happen to us. This passage teaches us that God wants us to trust that He will handle things for us & we don’t need to try to be all-knowing like Him. We just need to believe that God will work things out for good.
Whenever I read about the first sin and how they tried to clothe themselves my first thought is always the shame they felt. They felt they needed to hide. As I continue to read and God calls out “where are you” he already knows. I sometimes wonder if Adam and Eve would have just come to God and said forgive me what would have happened.
Something to note from a Bible Handbook I have read: Adam and Eve became abundantly aware that their sin and rebellion required the life of something innocent when God clothed their nakedness with the skin of an animal, which foreshadows the necessity of the perfect, spotless sacrifice for the atonement of sins: Jesus Christ.
“Do you not know?
Have you not heard?
The Lord is the everlasting God,
the Creator of the whole earth.
He never becomes faint or weary;
there is no limit to his understanding.”
Yet it is so easy to turn to the world and its systems to give us understanding! Praying this study give me (all of us) a clearer picture of the great God I serve.
Q#2: EVERYTHING was good and was blessed by God – Satan delights in causing us to doubt God’s goodness.
As I read the familiar creation story, I was struck by a simple thought. God says, “Let there be light” and there was light. Then I cast my mind forward to the NT. Jesus says, “Lazarus, come out” and Lazarus is resurrected. When God speaks, things happen. God’s Word is powerful, alive, and active. It accomplishes God’s purposes and does not return empty or void. If God’s words alone are that powerful and mighty, then there’s no sin, no situation, no person beyond His power. Surely, He is able to do immeasurably more than we can ask or imagine.
My first SRT study following in tandem with the ladies’ podcast…so excited to be “on the same page” and hear their thoughts. LOVE them and all they share; giving me a POV I maybe hadn’t considered before and helping me to understand what I’m reading instead of just reading and not being able to piece it all together. THANK YOU Amanda and Rachael for your love, guidance and grace given in His name ❤️
So keen to dive into the deep tapestry of the Old Testament in God’s redemptive story!
Having just finished the Colossians study I love to think that actually before genesis 1.1, God: Father, Spirit, Son, You were, this is just where we first meet ♥️
Lord, would you reveal yourself to us. The depth of your unfailing, steadfast love, that created and pursued us so that We would be One with you, adopted as Sons, hidden in Christ. Xx
I am eager and excited for the 66 book study this summer. I hope to learn, grow, and have a better understanding of how the books complement each other. I love the SRT studies!
How far we wander from “In the beginning.” Yet God continues to pursue us because of His great love. No matter our repeated failures, He still keeps every one of His promises to us. From Genesis to Revelation, from “In the beginning” to “Amen! Come, Lord Jesus!” our God is faithful and true.
Starting this new study is exciting
Loved listening to the podcast followed by day one. Thank you for these studies.
I’m so thankful to run to a fuller and deeper understanding of the Old Testament through this study. I feel like there are so many times I think I know scripture and then I stop and ask, how much have I personally read of what I know, or how much was either #1) Read to me in a sermon or #2) I’ve just glossed over in a simple passage, not in the fullness of its context. I’m also reading Jen Wilken’s Women of the Word book while we do this study so I will hopefully feel more equipped on the other side. Excited to walk alongside you guys!! Praying for us all to grow deeper in our faith.
There are so many things that confuses me about the old testament. I’m looking forward to this study and how it can help me better understand my questions.
There’s so much goodness in the OT and this study can’t possibly cover it all or it would be 9 months long. Last year I did The Bible Recap reading plan & podcast (reading through the whole Bible chronologically) with Tara Leigh Cobble (this week’s podcast guest) and it was so amazing! It made getting through books like Leviticus & Numbers so much easier. I didn’t do it this year and I miss it! I’m so excited to do it again next year!
I am excited for this study!! To see how God reveals himself more to me. To learn and understand better the OT. SRT is such a blessing to me and my desire to grow in my relationship with and to Christ.
I am super stoked and excited to start this study. This is my third study and I have loved every single on of them. I am ready to hear, read and see the things of God. I am ready to receive in Jesus name and I pray you do too.