If I had a nickel for every time I’ve been afraid, well, I suppose I’d be a very wealthy woman. Fear has driven me to do some truly foolish things in my lifetime. Case in point: I bought an unfathomable amount of bottled water in the face of Y2K. (For those too young to remember, Y2K had a lot to do with potential computer glitches and the progression from the year 1999 to 2000—but really, it was about fear of the apocalypse.) I’d long forgotten about the water stash until my husband and I set about merging our “stuff” after the wedding. Needless to say, he got a good laugh out of it.
I tend to overreact to my fear by attempting to take matters firmly into my own hands. My mind begins the work of imagining and anticipating any and all potentially tragic outcomes (e.g., the almost apocalypse of 2000). At the very least, I hustle to protect my reputation; fear of man versus fear of God is very real in my world. My M.O. is to do what’s best in my own eyes and maintain my “good” standing in the eyes of others—whatever that means. I wish I could say that every time I’ve been afraid I’ve taken action by turning to God. While that would not be true of me, at least in today’s reading, it is true of Jehoshaphat.
An imperfect man in his own strength, the king knew his limits. He also knew the God without limitation. It wasn’t enough for him to seek his own well-being; Jehoshaphat sought the Lord’s favor and protection for his people as well. Out of fear and reverence for God, they were called to holiness, to lead wholehearted lives of integrity before Him (2Chronicles 19:9–10). Jehoshaphat reminded them that even in the face of battle, fear of the Lord ought to outweigh fear of their earthly enemies.
Scripture tells us that when “Jehoshaphat was afraid…he resolved to seek the LORD,” and then he led others to do the same (2Chronicles 20:3–4). In doing so, the people found exactly what they needed from their God. When faced with “a vast number” (v.2,12) of their enemy headed toward them, God told them to put down their fear and discouragement because the battle was not theirs—it was His (v.15). The victory would be His as well. Through the obedience of His people, God would reveal His glory to the other nations.
Jehoshaphat had no need to run for the hills in self-preservation or stockpile supplies for a fate that would never come. By the time the battle was marching toward his doorstep, he was already in the habit of seeking the Lord (2Chronicles 19). He knew the one true God who is able to save, whose “faithful love endures forever” (2Chronicles 20:21). How unfathomably wonderful that we get to know this God too.

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96 thoughts on "For the Battle Is His"
Isn’t it crazy that the same God we read about in the bible is the same God we pray to today. So many lessons to learn about the trials of life and how we let fear rule us, the battle is not even ours. I pray that I remember to let the doubts and fears fall away because God has this.
Fear is a liar by Zach Williams is stuck in my head and it’s a powerful song.
It can be challenging to remember to turn to God in the moment. Some people pick a one word reminder. Take a deep breath and say your word to refocus yourself. Deep breath and think ‘Jesus’. Just one word. Not as an expletive as our culture sadly so often uses the word, but as a one word prayer. To call upon His name for help, comfort, courage, or strength.
I’ve been so afraid of failure that it has become crippling. Being reminded that he can use my fear once I turn to him is a stress reducing thought. Thankful he is willing to fight my battles.
I put every circumstance into your hands Lord. You are my conqueror, me defender, and there is nothing that I shall fear.
Giving my battles over to the Lord! I have no fear but total trust in him ❤️
After reading todays passage and words, I couldn’t help but sing “Battle Belongs” by Phil Wickham. How beautifully this song aligns with what we studied today. “When all I see is a battle, You see a victory!”
Im starting a new job today and I’ve been feeling all the nerves & fear. I’m thankful for this passage that shows and reminds me of Gods faithfulness. I pray that this bring us all calm hearts & and lay our burdens on His feet ♥️
This hit me hard today in all the good ways.
plesse Lord help me with my anxiety. i love you. Amen
i’ve always had a lot of confusion surrounding fear of God but this devo gave great insight!
Amen ❤️
Loving this plan. I have dealt with anxiety on and off most of my adult life. I do pretty good most of the time but sometimes it seems like everything worries me. This is has been one of those seasons. Thankful for this study and that God never runs out of Grace or patience for unbelief.
I loved today’s lesson. I have a tendency to get very anxious about all that’s going on in the world as if I can do something about it by all my worrying ha! This is a great lesson to be still and know God is God and that He is in control and we just need to trust Him and surrender to His will.
Let this be a simple reminder that God’s got your back. Cast all of your fear upon him for he cares for you. His promise is that no weapon formed against you shall prosper and every lying tongue shall be condemned.
This one my favorite day of any plan so far! I am in awe of our God- who tells us to only be still and he will fight for us. Every scripture in todays plan hit me so close to my heart. Fear and anxiety have always been a struggle for me- there is so much comfort in knowing that those emotions are unnecessary when you have God on your side ❤️
How fitting to read this today , in the wake of everything going on. Perfectly timed reminder from a perfect omnipotent God.
Not only does it bring comfort that the battle is His but also it’s the knowing that he knows what’s coming, he knows the future, he already has a plan. He has been here before, he knows exactly what needs to be done and said. I only need to keep my eyes focused on him & everything will work out just the way he wants. Amen to that! For his Glory!
Thank You Jesus that we don’t have to live in fear! These days can seem so scary and we may not know what to do, but our eyes are on You!
“We do not know what to do, but our eyes are on you.” 2 Chronicles 20:12. I think often how my posture changes in moments of fear. I often look down towards myself, my own abilities, my want for control. How often in times of fear do I shift my focus and point my eyes up. Simply trusting in the God who fought then and continues to fight for me today. I loved this verse because so often when we do not know what to do we try in our own strength to figure it out. When we simply must look up.
This is how I fight my battles!! Amen
Obviously never posted before! Sorry about the multiple posts!
Annie, I had ovarian cancer 13 years ago and went through 10 months of chemo. When I was diagnosed, my daughter was 6 years old. Throughout the experience, I spent many hours in prayer and in my bible. And, I would often feel a great peace in the knowledge that God was with me and for me and my family. But , often, one day I’d feel that confidence and peace and then the next day (or hour) I would be terrified again! At first I felt guilty about this,thinking why can’t I just rest in Gods goodness and love. But over time I realized that, in fact, my recurring bouts of fear and panic just caused me to run back to God again and again. I think this “running back over and over “ was something that caused my faith to grow.
Cancer is a hard journey and I don’t wish it in anyone, but I do know that the experience grew me in my faith and as a person. Love and prayers to you as you walk this journey.
Annie, I had ovarian cancer 13 years ago and went through 10 months of chemo. When I was diagnosed, my daughter was 6 years old. Throughout the experience, I spent many hours in prayer and in my bible. And, I would often feel a great peace in the knowledge that God was with me and for me and my family. But , often, one day I’d feel that confidence and peace and then the next day (or hour) I would be terrified again! At first I felt guilty about this,thinking why can’t I just rest in Gods goodness and love. But over time I realized that, in fact, my recurring bouts of fear and panic just caused me to run back to God again and again. I think this “running back over and over “ was something that caused my faith to grow.
Annie, I had ovarian cancer 13 years ago and went through 10 months of chemo. When I was diagnosed, my daughter was 6 years old. Throughout the experience, I spent many hours in prayer and in my bible. And, I would often feel a great peace in the knowledge that God was with me and for me and my family. But , often, one day I’d feel that confidence and peace and then the next day (or hour) I would be terrified again! At first I felt guilty about this,thinking why can’t I just rest in Gods goodness and love. But over time I realized that, in fact, my recurring bouts of fear and panic just caused
I fear God in a way that keeps me accountable. I put His sovereignty above what the world is doing. The “truth” always prevails. All I have to do is be prepared and ready to go forward with His will.
Thank you Lord for your healing restoration!
Battle Belongs by Phil Wickham is amazing!! Thank you all for suggesting!!
I bless the Lord that counsels me even at night when my thoughts trouble me.
I completed 6 rounds of chemo for uterine cancer in Nov. ‘21. The Lord goes before you, Annie. He sends his angels to do his bidding to care for and comfort you. He is your good shepherd. You have everything you need. My scans have been clear ever since my treatment. Trust the Lord is tender toward you even though the storm is fierce. I’m praying for you!
Forgot to say I also love Battle Belongs by Phil Wickham ❤️
Good morning, sisters—so grateful for all of you. SARAH (I’m sorry, I can’t remember which one and I might even be confused on the name)—thank you for the recommendation for the Pause app! KELLY—I also noticed that Jehoshaphat prayed back Scripture to God. We have to know what His Word says to claim His promises. Thank you to whomever recommended Praying the Scriptures for Your Children many months ago. It blessed me and I have now chosen verses to pray for myself, my husband and our son and daughter over the next year. So powerful to pray God’s Word over those we love and blessed me as I memorize and meditate on those same verses each day. Love you all.
Annie- Praying for you! I spent the first half of 2021 in treatment for cervical cancer. Through God’s Grace and miracles I am cancer free now. He was my strength when I had none left. Please listen to Phil Wickham- Battle Belongs.
I am so thankful the battle is his, and not mine. I can rest in him daily. He is my presence and my guide.
It was an amazing lesson from king Jehoshaphat and learning what the lord can teach me.
I had to share with those who’d understand the timing…. I am a worrier and have been finding a lot of truth in this study. Today while one of my second grade classes was working on an art project, three of the girls started singing a song they’re learning for church: “Be still, for I have redeemed you, I’ve called you by name, you are mine.” ❤️
The account of the battle victoriously won for the King Jehoshaphat and the Israelites is just magnificent. It’s like watching a movie as I read. I love the raw vulnerability of the King admitting the enemies are too strong for us Lord, and we don’t even know what to do, but we will keep our eyes on you Lord. Deliverance starts with realizing our true and raw condition of being bankrupt and needing God. Facing potential death in battle is a traumatizing experience. My problems are extremely pale compared to this big problem of theirs. And this story is written for our account, for mine and yours right now, to show God is very very mighty to deliver us from ALL our enemies (sickness, loneliness, fear, etc.) and with rich spoil as the reward to come out with (God rewards us for seeking Him). I once had a dream, I saw a lot of land on a computer screen, as I hovered the computer mouse over the lot, the lines of boundaries show ( I work in real estate and I do this a lot when assessing land sales, I would look to see if the lot cuts through a river, or farm land, etc), and I saw in my dream that a square lot was assigned to me in a downtown area. I woke up not knowing what that meant. Later I read Psalm 16:5-6: You maintain my lot and the lines have fallen to me in pleasant places. Bingo. Just thought I would share this short dream with you. The lot that God assigns for each of us has all the good boundary lines. Praise Him. As we praise and sing, He beat up the enemies for us. Truly we have a very good inheritance. Be blessed sisters!
Daniella : praying for God’s strength and comfort over you through the loss of your godmother.
Rachel Romero: praying for your husband and for you.
Churchmouse: may you have a speedy recovery.
Sharon Jersey girl: praying for your brother.
I think the battle I need God to win is the battle of my emotions. My fears, negativity, and insecurity. I am learning that it’s ok if I feel like I can’t handle it on my own. I was never meant to.
Praying for your healing and peace Annie!!❤️❤️
Ms Faith: God hears us and loves us. I know He has not abandon us and He will never abandon us. I pray that we will take after Jehoshaphat! What a beautiful verse ” We don’t know what to do.. but we keep our eyes on YOU.” Wow! We serve an amazing God! I’ll start saying that! Have a great rest of the day
So thankful for this message and how it has echoed in a study done in elevation this same exact week on worship. Our God is detailed
One of our pastors was just talking about this topic during his sermon on Sunday. He was talking about the verse which says we can’t even add an hour to our life so why do we worry? I started thinking about this, how, apart from God, I can do nothing—not even add a second to my life. And yet, so many times in my fear, I want to be the one in control and I ultimately tell God to get out of the way so that I can accomplish whatever it is that will help me overcome my fear. So ironic that I, the one who can do nothing, am trying to take control away from the God who is sovereign and who can make anything out of nothing and nothing is impossible to him. Doesn’t make any sense and yet that’s our nature. I have to remind myself of this all the time. It is a comfort to know that I don’t have to be in control and have it all together…I just have to simply surrender to God and trust Him.
Praying for the God of peace to give you all that you need as you lean hard into him. Know you aren’t alone but are loved and cared for.
Yesterday, I started my first Chemo treatment, actually, my blood pressure was quite high since I know I have Cancer, Will need to have treatments, I know in my ♥️, and mind, Hid is with me on this journey, protecting me from any illness, I will encounter.
Hi my favorite She’s! It fills me so much reading through all your wonderful comments and thoughts. We are so diverse, come from all parts of the states and across the pond, young and …older ;) , New Christians and life-long followers. But God..
He is working in each and all of us. He delights in me. And you! He loves us unconditionally no matter how much or how little we are doing for his kingdom. None of us can work harder for his love! Some of us will bear more fruit in showing our love for our God, but yet, He loves us the same. Sent His Son for ALL of us. GAVE His Holy Spirit to everyone that accepted His Son.
But there is also Satan, trying to get his hands on each of us as well. He is an active, living powerful devil with lots of helpers, reaching out in personal ways to destroy each of us!! Don’t forget that ladies. We should be prepared. Not in fear or fretting, but in knowing that we have a more powerful God that will protect us. But we need to be in prayer, in the word, standing firm in the truth! Don’t give in to fear and helplessness. Your Jesus went through all of it, the fear and temptation of the evil one. But Died for us on the cross! Gave it ALL on the cross. That’s where our focus should be, on the cross! Matty Mullens “I’ll Show You the Cross!” And “At The Cross” by Chris Tomlin is good too.
I too, love worship music! It is a constant in my day. I am worshipping My Lord all day through singing. I am not good with scripture memorization, but I can sing songs in my head at bedtime, after my prayers to put my mind on Him, not on the stress and fears of the day.
Prayer for you all dear SHE”S!—R
The battle belongs to the Lord. And we sing glory aaamen!!! The battle belongs to the Lord!!! Help me to remember this and allow you to fight our battles.
Steve is already a survivor! Prayers for you both as you fight this with God leading and you both supporting one another. Amazing and good things will come from even this journey- be on the lookout for them! Cancer is NEVER wanted, but God can even use the super ugly things! Sorry you are going through this trial, I will be lifting you up. (As a cancer survivor myself I have experienced the joy of complete reliance on Him- we have no notion of control going through cancer to get in our way. May you find joy amidst the struggle and sadness as you see Him at work. I know you will!!!) Virtual hugs to a sister in Christ!
“Then he consulted with the people and appointed some to sing for the Lord and some to praise the splendor of his holiness. When they *went out in front* of the armed forces, they kept singing:
Give thanks to the Lord,
for his faithful love endures forever.
The MOMENT they began their shouts and praises, the Lord set an ambush against the Ammonites, Moabites, and the inhabitants of Mount Seir who came to fight against Judah, and they were defeated.”
The musicians were the front line! Were their mouths dry? Did their voices (and their knees) shake?” A few weeks ago one of my worship pastors said that “songs are prayers wrapped in melody” and I thought of that when I read this passage. I can’t imagine them being anything other than terrified, but God said “GO” so they went…they did it afraid. And the MOMENT they began to worship (and doesn’t sound like it was anything extravagant as far as worship goes – it says they “kept singing” exactly 2 lines), God got to work defeating their enemies. I pray that I will be so steeped in the habit of worship and the Word that when enemies come against me, that is what I lead off with.
I have been so encouraged by your testimonies and by the hard work you (we) are doing of rooting out fear and the healing that is taking place in your (our) hearts. Praise be to God!
God knew. My Godmother died this morning. And God used this word to fill the space of grief I am in. It comforted me in ways I didn’t think I needed. Thankful for this community. For the space, it creates for the Lord to speak to my heart. Thank you.
I received soooo much encouragement and reinforcement that God, Christ and the Holy Spirit WILL ALWAYS be there for me and you NO MATTER WHAT HAPPENS, all we have to do IS SEEK HIM OUT, ASK HIM INTO OUR LIVES, tell Him we are ready for Him.
Sisters be blessed and call out to the Lord, in praise or in need today.
As I would drive to Tanner’s (my son) house, I would listen to Christian music. It would help me with my fears of how I might find him. I was always afraid he might have died alone. Those songs gave me comfort, made me cry at times, but also gave me strength. God was with me every step of the way. He saw me, heard my cries. He helped Tanner fight his illness and knew when it was time to give up and go to Him. 2 chronicles 20:9 We will cry out to you because of our distress and you will hear and deliver. 15 Do not be afraid or discouraged for the battle is not yours, but God’s. 17 You do not have to fight this battle. There are so many verses in todays reading that stood out to me.
Always continued prayers for all requests!
Praying for all who have requested prayer. SRT sisters, you are held in my heart. Your requests are precious and I gladly kneel before the throne and present them to our heavenly Father. Be at peace. He hears us.
@ Kathy. I too loved that part of scripture where the Israelites went out to battle with the singers in the lead! Worship is battle. Amen ❤️
This morning’s reading gave me chills in the best way possible. I love how SRT puts things together such that even familiar passages take on new life. What a gift is the Word of God! Mia Faith, thank you for sharing that verse. It struck me while reading the passage and again from you sharing it. GramsieSue praying for you and Steve and all the doctors involved in his care.
Churchmouse praying you enjoy this time as you recover and for as little pain as possible.
Beautiful! I pray that we would all be like Jehoshaphat when we are in fear… go to the Lord! Of course, we should always go to the Lord in every emotion we are feeling as well. I pray for my prayer group on whatsapp. Someone’s wife was just diagnosed with cancer. Please pray for her to be able to get the medicine and healthcare she needs. Please pray for the family to rely on God too during this time. I love you dear sisters, have a great day. May the Lord rule over all of us.
ALLISON MITCHELL… your post made me think of something someone said last week that really stuck with me. It is in a non-Christian context… “What ______ thinks of me is none of my business.” I extrapolated it to help me remember that what GOD thinks is all that matters.
After my son died by suicide, my friend and Pastor’s wife sent me “we don’t know what to do, but our eyes are on you.” This from Jehoshaphat’s prayer. It is one of my favorites and as I repeat it day on and day out, it helps me keep my heart and eyes on Him!
After my son died by suicide, my friend and Pastor’s wife sent me “we don’t know what to do, but our eyes are on you.” This from Jehoshaphat’s prayer. It is one of my favorites and as I repeat it day on and day out, it brings
“We have no power against this great multitude…but our eyes are on You.” 2 Chronicles 20:12 We have NO power, BUT GOD does! He is all powerful, mighty in strength, our help. Lord may I remember this when I face the daily “battles” of life. May I learn to relinquish everything to You, especially when I am afraid. And may I always be reminded – the battle is not mine, but Yours!
Praying for all my shes today, especially @Rachel Romero, @Rebekah Gralich, @Churchmouse.
I just this moment received a call from my brother – Duane, he has covid and has had symptoms for over a week – he is at the Dr. and being transferred via ambulance to the hospital. His heart rate is high, his blood precious low. Please pray for him and wisdom for the doctors – the battle is the Lords! Thank you all in advance!
Such an amazingly good word.
In the podcast, they pointed out that Jehoshaphat put the “worship team” at the front of the army rather than the biggest and baddest. “And when they began to sing and praise, the LORD set an ambush…” (v. 22) As soon as they started praising and worshipping God set the ambush. Travis Garner said, “Worship isn’t preferential preparation for the battle. Worship is the battle. The enemies of God are thrown into confusion by the songs of God’s people.”
I am so thankful for praise and worship music. I have a Spotify station that is Christian music that I play in my classroom. (Yes, I know that it’s not “legal”, but my students love it.) I love the picture of the music being used by God to go before me and fight my battles. And y’all He always wins!!
Have a wonderful Thursday. All of your prayer requests are being lifted before the throne.
Fear can make us do crazy things. I wish I was better at remembering to turn to God in those moments, I can getting better but still have a lot of work to do. He will take care of us when we need it!
Morgan, I was singing the same song in my head. God truly has the whole world in his hands. all we need is the simple childlike faith <3
Dear Father, Remind me to seek your face in the face of my fears. I know that I want to, but my first instinct is still fear and anxiety. Teach me how to change that habit, to seek you and praise you in the face of my fears. You know what I face today; I give this battle into your hands. So let it be.
Brandi, praying for you. And for your marriage.
Prayers today for Steve as he begins the tests, etc. so that treatment may start soon. I. Hate. Cancer. Hugs and prayers for you sisters of mine. ❤️
I love the fact that the army sang and worshipped the Lord instead of living in fear. One of my favorite songs is “Promises” by Maverick City Music. Singing it gives me such comfort when I’m uncertain. “I put my faith in Jesus. My anchor to the ground. My hope and firm foundation. He’ll never let me down.”
He’s got the whole world in his hands.
I love that God uses this devotional to know what we need. Today’s devotional is particularly fitting. Oh amazing God, thank you for reminding that the fight is yours. That when the enemy comes at us, you are already 20 steps in front. That instead of turning to our own devices plans to deal with troubling circumstances, we should turn to you, first and foremost. Thank you for your amazing love, Jesus.
These verses hit me today in a situation that in the light of God’s love and strength is so minor. I really wanted to hear from God this morning, and I did. God’s word is living and active if I have ears to hear. Thanks be to God for His gentle whisper to trust Him above all my fears.
And an old song this morning: “Awesome God” by Rich Mullins. And a new song: “Battle Belongs” by Phil Wickham
I had dental surgery yesterday involving a bone graft so I’m taking it easy today. I’m grateful for those of you who recommend songs that correspond with God’s attributes. I will be spending this day with an ice pack on my cheek and worship music surrounding me, grateful for your thoughtfulness. Worship music not only distracts me from the discomfort but it also strengthens my spirit. It is such good medicine.
Love reading how the sang as the army went forth!
I was in the midst of a battle for my moms health last week & singing was key at those moments I wanted to fear or give up!
Brandi-praying for your marriage. May God give you comfort.
I love the deep, deep faith of this people under Jehoshaphats reign. It brings them immediate answers from God because they are so invested in their prayer and worship it’s Iike they are primed to hear Him. How many times has God spoken to me and I don’t hear it because I’m drenched in fear and not in worship? The hardest part is turning it around and putting the trust completely in God to know he will deliver me from fear.
These readings really impacted me today. I struggle with trying to control everything. Obviously, I can’t- and that often brings anxiety. Situations that turn into stressful messes, the way people may think about me or react, and worldwide conflicts in the news all bring me fear. Obviously I can’t control all of that. Before I had a relationship with Jesus, I knew that too, but I tried desperately in vain to try to control as much as possible because I felt like the world was just in utter chaos. I still try, in vain, to try to control more than I can, and I am inspired and encouraged by Jehoshaphat’s surrender to God. The world isn’t in chaos. There may be an infinite number of things outside of my control, but God controls ALL THINGS. What was so fear inducing before I knew God- that the battle is not mine- is so relieving now. The battle is HIS. HE is greater than I (so much greater!), and I can surrender all my fears to Him because He is fighting this battle, and He has already won. John 16:33- “I have said these things to you, that in Me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation. But take heart; I have overcome the world.”
Thanks be to God! Praying for all requests throughout the day. :) Have a wonderful Thursday, sisters!
Father, I don’t have strength enough to defeat the issues in my marriage and I don’t know what to do, but my eyes are on you!
Fear – – it’s a constant fight for me to trust and let God do His thing. Please pray for my father-in-law who has surgery this morning.
Praying for you and your husband now!
I love this story. What a great reminder to always look to God and trust him. I love the verse where Judah gathered and “blessed the Lord”. Oh how I need to remember to do this.
I love this story. What an awesome reminder that the Lord is always with us. I loved the verse where Judah
You know how all those “…ites” are enemies against God’s people. Moabites, Ammonites…etc. In the version I read today the last group they mentioned were the Meunites, which I pronounced, “MEunites” and I thought, yep God…it is the ME part that I battle against. When the me part is put away, then I have room for worship and praise of the only One deserving, our God. I also love that they won the battle through singing praise, prayer, and fasting.
God does not change. He is victorious. Oh to get to the place that my weapon of choice is first praise.
Rachel Romero praying for you and your husband today. Rabekah Gamlich praying for your interview, also. Our school just announced an elearning day due to rain now, with snow coming today. I want to gather some things from the school before the snow. I will pray through yesterday’s requests specifically when I return. Praise the Lord sisters…
RACHEL ROMERO – praying for you and your husband this morning, as well as for wisdom for the Drs. May the Good of all peace and comfort draw you close and The Great Physical bring healing and health to your husband.
I know many more will see and pray this morning, but I wanted to let you know early in this day that you are covered in prayer. (This is my first comment, though I read daily.)
Rachel Romero – praying ❣
In King J’s prayer, he reminds God of His words to Moses and to Solomon. King J knew thises things because he studied the Scriptures and had a habit of going to God in prayer and worship. We cannot REMEMBER what we don’t know. Knowing God and His Word is a mighty defense against fear.
LAURA CAROLINE-praying for your visit with your father.
My family needs prayers this morning please. My husband started having sharp pains in his stomach last night and passed out on his way to the bathroom. All of this happened while I was gone from the house. I’m staying home today to take him to the doctor. I just pray that all is well and a minor issue. My husband is 19 years older then me so I have major fears of losing him.
This is such a good read for me today. I have an interview and have been a little stressed about it. I’m giving it to God and laying down my stress and fear and nervousness about it be his because it is in His hands!
My family needs prayers this morning please. My husband h
Lifes battles when faced and in the midst of, are hard to see or imagine an end that involves freedom, grace, mercy, love… hope.
Most battles or storms, when deep in them feel hopeless, lost, fearful.
I love this verse from Chronicles..
“For the battle is not yours, but God’s”
But, it is not an easy one for this earthly mind to bring forth when the storms or battles come.. yet..
Here it is…
Whether I know it, in my heart, mind or soul, or not, God will fight for, and alongside me. He WILL fight, and when He fights there WILL BE victory. YES INDEED, the victory I could never have imagined in my earthly mind… because God is Waaaayyyyyyyy, way, way, bigger than that which holds me fear-filled, afraid, confused and ready to concede!
Psalm 91.. says
He who dwells in the shelter of the Most High.
Will rest in the shadow of the Almighty..(1b)
He is my refuge and my fortress.(2)
SURELY, He will save you from fowler snare(3)
You will not fear the terror of night, nor the arrow that flies by day(5)
A thousand may fall at your side.. but.. (7)
You WILL tread upon lions and serpent;
You WILL trample them, the lion and the serpent..(13)
“Because (s)he loves me” says the Lord,
I will rescue her/him;
I will protect her/him, for (s)he acknowledges my name(14)
I will be with him in trouble, I will deliver him and honour him.(15)
So very comforting to know that though the verse above doesn’t always come to mind, God, my God, has the fight. The storm. The battle. EVERYTIME.
He has the back of those He loves..always!
Happy Thursday sisters.. He has got you and yours in the oakm of His hands. ❤
Lord give me the grace to turn to you in the face of adversity, let me trust that you are God over every situation. This is a wonderful lesson from king Jehoshaphat.
Good morning Shes.
Might I say, having read the comments from yesterday this morning, that…
I SEE YOU. I HEAR YOU. I KNOW YOU..(maybe only here..But God, brings us together each morning to read, praise and worship Him. We are kindred spirits..) I AM WITH YOU IN SPIRIT. I LOVE YOU.
Praying Gods richest blessings this fine morning over you..