Scripture Reading: Exodus 3:1-14, Psalm 46:1-7, Luke 12:11-12, 1 Peter 5:6-11
I’ve heard the story of Moses and the burning bush my whole life, but earlier this year I heard a teacher highlight a fascinating detail. In the wilderness, a bush on fire probably wasn’t that big of a deal. Brush fires would have been a common sight in the hot, dry climate. But dry kindling burns up quickly, and this bush didn’t. We can imagine Moses watched it long enough to decide it was worth investigating.
A shepherd in the wilderness paying attention, approaching, hearing a voice, and humbly responding “Here I am” is the beginning of an invitation, the first step on a journey that has inspired diverse communities for centuries. And yet, our main character isn’t exactly a hero. Instead, he’s barefoot and trembling, hiding his face “because he was afraid to look at God” (Exodus 3:6).
It’s no coincidence that Moses meets the Almighty in this dramatic way. God knew the misery of His people in Egypt, and had a plan. “I am sending you to Pharaoh so that you may lead my people, the Israelites, out of Egypt,” He said (v.10).
Remember, Moses knew Egypt. After killing an Egyptian to protect a slave, he ran away and was making a decent new life. When he responded to God with fear and skepticism, God spoke these words that changed everything:
“I will certainly be with you” (v.12).
No doubt we’ve all had times in life where we had to face something hard. Maybe it was a confrontation, defending another person who’d been harmed. Perhaps it was facing a frightening diagnosis or accepting an overwhelming new job. In these moments, we can feel afraid, unqualified, or certain we’ll fail. Like Moses, we can wrestle with our decisions and come up with a whole list of questions that amount to, “Seriously God, me? What are you thinking?”.
And honestly, did God even need Moses to free His people? Couldn’t God have just zapped their chains and walked them out of Egypt? Perhaps, but the beauty of the story is precisely that God invites Moses—and us today—to participate in the grander tale of redemption. Most importantly, we don’t have to do it alone. God comes alongside us as our helper, “our refuge and strength” (Psalm 46:1).
It’s a story that stretches from Moses in the desert all the way to Jesus Christ preparing His disciples for hard times. When you feel afraid or unqualified, He says, “Don’t worry about how you should defend yourselves or what you should say. For the Holy Spirit will teach you at that very hour what must be said” (Luke 12:11–12).
When the time comes to do hard things, it’s human nature to be afraid. But rest in the truth that you never go alone. God will certainly always be with you.
Written by Jen Yokel
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74 thoughts on "For He Sends You"
He sends me and he goes with me.
Thank you God! this is so true, went through a nerve wracking situation yesterday where i was anxious but asked God to be with, near and guide me in the right direction, and he did! God is so faithful to us❤️
Love this !! He is with me
This is really good to hear. I’m feeling discouraged at my job and feeling like I’m not making a difference and afraid that I can’t help. But this is really encouraging to know and trust that God is with my working through me and before me
The Hulu spirit will teach you what you ought to say ♥️
God got us no matter what!
I love 1 Peter 5:10… that God himself will restore, confirm, strengthen and establish me after I have gone through trials and testing and sufferings.
I never did until now either. Thanks for sharing that insight
I have been through so much in life, both with and without God by my side. I have to say i was so much more afraid and uncertain without God than i ever have been with God. Just knowing he is with me and never leave me or forsake me.
Hope the adjustment to motherhood is going well! I have an almost 8 month old so still postpartum myself.
i loved 1 peter 5:6-7 so much
I am 39 weeks pregnant and I think my water just broke. Honestly, I am terrified. But Lord, I will cast my anxieties on you because you care for me. Thank you Lord.
I often feel unqualified for what’s ahead of me but I rest on the knowledge that God is with me and has gone before me to prepare the way.
This study couldn’t not come at a better time as I’ve restless with what is going on with the world but I’ve been so humbled as the Lord has reminded me through this study that He is greater than my fears and He fights for us, He provides for us, and there is nothing going on in the world, EVER, that He is not aware of! What peace there is in that. Give us peace that passes all understanding, Lord as we pray for the world during this time.
When they bring you into meeting places and before judges, don’t worry about what you will say, for the Holy Spirit will give you the words at the right time! He will promote you at the right time!
When they bring you into meeting places and before judges, don’t worry about what you will say, for the Holy Spirit will give you the words at the right time!
Susie, this helped me grasp the fear of the Lord in a whole new way. Thank you for sharing!
Churchmouse = AGREED
Brandi – praying for you and that God will hold you in His righteous right hand and give you the words to say to your husband. May God through the Holy Spirit give you the words to say that will convict your husband that he needs to change the way he deals with life issues.
From He Reads Truth-
As believers, nothing we do is done alone. This is who God is: the One who sends us. Psalm 46 is a perfect complement to this story. To know that “God is our refuge and strength, a helper who is always found in times of trouble” should be a comfort (Psalm 46:1). We don’t need to be afraid, “though the earth trembles.” In our life, figurative mountains could be tumbling into the sea, the waters foaming, the ground quaking under us…yet. God is so close. When nations rage and kingdoms topple, the “earth melts when He lifts his voice” (v.6).
Can you say that God’s voice is power in your life? Do you understand that when God sends you, He’s going, too?
“The Lord is a refuge for the oppressed , yet the Lord is their shelter”
“The God of grace, who called you to his eternal glory in Christ, will himself restore, establish, strengthen, and support you after you have suffered a little while.”
“The Lord is a refuge for the oppressed , yet the Lord is their shelter”
“The Lord is a refuge for the oppressed
@Vicki Loucks Psalm 46 hit me as well today. You extended it beautifully in your post.
Amen. Joining other sisters to pray for Ukraine.
But God…
Thank you for sending me.
Thank you for never leaving me alone or on my own..
Thank you for the gift of the Holy Spirit, who intercedes, prays and carries me through,
Thank you Lord God, that you trust me enough, even with my history, to send me..
Thank you God…
Thank you, Heavenly Father..
Sending love and hugs wrapped in prayers to cover requests..❤
Praying for the people of Ukraine..
I love that God not only sends us, but he equips us for the task at hand. I feel under qualified for the things God calls me to do, but I know that with him by my side, I can do anything. Philippians 4:13
“He is our refuge and strength”…that really hit me today. Maybe because I’m so hungry for it. He’s not only with us, but allowing us to rest in him and strengthening us, even when the world around us is tumultuous and our circumstances are excruciating.
After watching news and pictures of the Ukrainian invasion, I turned to my daily Bible study. Psalm 46 in today’s reading jumped off the pages of my Bible like the perfect scripture and reminder for this day. I am praying this for all involved as this horrible, very real, conflict. Yes, Churchmouse, I join you on my knees for these people fighting for their lives and freedom. God, give them courage, strength and the refuge of peace only possible with You.
Brandi, praying the Lord will fill you with His words, wisdom and peace.
So comforting to know that God has everything under control. He sends us but never leaves us and always shows us thw way.
I had my annual check up this morning. My doctor was asking how I was doing in my grief and did I need any help. I have never been bold about sharing my faith, until Tanner’s passing. I told her that my faith is what is getting me through. And it is…”But God” where would I be without you. God blessed me with Tanner knowing I could handle the task of managing a rare illness. Of helping him through.
Let’s pray for the people in the Ukraine.
@ Brandi- You will be in my prayers! Let me tell you this is SO important to take a stand in this situation. I have beat myself up over the years for not standing up for our grandson that has a mother who emotionally abuses him with lots of hate and demeaning words. He is now 13, almost 14 and it is only worse now that he is reacting more. His little heart is about destroyed, but it has resulted in lots of anger back. It has been a fine line with us and the parents, not wanting to destroy our relationship with them. But my husband most recently wrote them a long letter, in a respectful way pointing out how they might be a little more appropriate with their emotions and be more loving to him. Maybe that would work for you, to be able to put it all in a letter? It gives you a way to speak your heart with no interruptions. I am much more liberal and forthcoming in my writing as opposed to face-to-face. I pray that something turns around for you and your marriage, and the relationship with him and your son. That is so hard! But you are STRONG! Please reach out for help with family, friends, and/or your church.
I wish I had words that made it all clear, easier, comforting…but I don’t. I only can say that I am praying for you and praying God guide your steps, actions and words today. That He bridle your tongue when necessary and that He sends words of truth and love through you as needed. Above all else, continue to pray for His wisdom, His temperance and that He lead you. Prayers sweet girl, j.
I’m one who definitely say the Lord doesn’t abandon you in the hard times. I have learning disabilities, for 9 years I lived with three people (one adult and two children under the age 8) with AD/HD without medication or intervention of any sort, been homeless living in a tent with two young boys, got divorced and raised two boys when they were 10 and 7 years old, had my older son die at the age of 18, had my niece (who was like a daughter to me) die at the age of 35. BUT GOD, BUT CHRIST, BUT THE HOLY SPIRIT. Had I not had the belief system and the faith I have today I don’t know where I would be. My d-i-l, Dani, and I were just talking about this on Saturday when I was there visiting them. I have to say one thing though GOD BLESSED ME with a good supportive family and lead me to good supportive friends.
Be blessed and ALWAYS, ALWAYS, ALWAYS remember the Lord is by your side.
Was so incredibly moved, even to tears, when I turned on the TV this morning. It showed a small group of Ukrainians, maybe 6 or 7, kneeling in the street, praying. Let us join them from here, on our knees as well, asking for our God to intervene for the preservation of their country and for peace in the world.
While the signs Moses performed before Pharaoh were dramatic, I’ve always been most impressed with how the relationship between Moses grew and deepened. Moses’ honest assessment of his (poor) leadership ability didn’t influence God to rescind His calling. God’s insistence that Moses was indeed the man for the moment led the way for Moses to fully rely on God.
God’s calling on our lives to a difficult and daunting task is an opportunity to know and experience God in a profound way. Let us be open to His call, knowing He equips those He calls and is with us through it.
I needed this very message this morning. God is with me ❤️
Sisters I need to have a difficult conversation today with my husband. We have been married 15 years and all of it have been difficult. Actually pretty miserable. We don’t communicate well, obviously, and He often reacts with anger and blaming. I avoid any conversations possible but this has to do with how he responds inappropriately in anger to our son. Please pray that the Father would guide my words today. I want my words and actions to honor Him. Thank you!
Im a little late, but that today Russia invaded Ukraine and today this message was needed!
Today’s devotional was perfect timing. Last night, I was wrestling with God because I did not feel quailifed to start and lead my own business. I realized that I was just plain scared, and felt that I would fail. I asked God for comfort and to show me someone who was going through the same feelings I was going through-and then this morning, I saw this devotional.
Even though Moses felt scared, unqualifed, God did not see him in that way. He knew Moses could do what He called him to do and as you read on in Exodus, Deuteronomy, Numbers…you get to see all the awesome things Moses did with God. Moses went from the scared man at the burning bush to leading the Israelites to the promise land. It’s amazing what we can do when we choose to believe God!
Praying for all your requests She’s!
I love the wisdom and different thoughts that I find here every morning. God bless you She’s.
Amen! God will never leave us.. or abandon us, whether we want to hear that or accept that or not. He loves us.. and I am grateful that we serve such an amazing God! Have a great day dearest sisters. May God be with you!
Amen Vicki and Jennifer Loves Jesus. Angie, I found myself sitting with Moses’s backstory as well. His life was going well and now he has to return to the place he originally fled from in fear. And yet he goes. But not alone! Praying for all the requests here. We are not alone!
One last thing and very important. Please pray for one of my coworkers. She loves Jesus. She’s a pastor’s wife. Yesterday we got the unexpected and tragic news of the passing of her pregnant daughter along with her unborn child. Please pray for my dear friend D as she and her family grieve. For right now we are leaving her alone but will soon think of a way that we can come alongside her to support her.
Changes are coming up in my workplace. I’m already praying for God to prepare me. I’m praying also that God will bring the right person to lead us. I’m praying that he or she would lead well with integrity, no favoritism, with strength to take on this big task, and be able to work with all sorts of personalities also that he or she would be a LEADER and not a tyrant.
ALLY – something that really helped me grasp the fear of the Lord is comparing it to fear of man. Think about how much we do differently because we fear what the women in our circles might think of us. It influences our actions in so many ways because we care what they think of us. So fear of the Lord is caring what he thinks of us and letting that affect our actions, words, and thoughts. Just a slightly different way to think of it.
Interestingly, just last week, my daughter and I rented on DIRECTV, The Prince of Egypt. For those of you who might not know it’s about Moses in an animated format. It was well done! It may not be to the T, but it gives us a really good idea of what it must’ve been like. The music is beautiful.
God never sends us to somewhere He isn’t.
‘s for ️. Thinking of some Ukrainians I met a few years ago who came here for a few weeks to learn about democracy and open government. They were so excited and optimistic for their country’s future. Sorry this is off target, but my heart is heavy. God is with them and has a plan.
What struck me most is how this passage contains some of the titles of each day’s study. In verse 4 the Lord calls Moses by name. In verse 7 the Lord says he has seen and heard his people. In verse 12 he promises to be with Moses and then finally in verse 14 he sends him!
I never really caught this detail, that Moses was a shepherd of a flock that wasn’t his (Jethro’s, his father-in-law)— and God calls him to shepherd a flock that was God’s (Israel)!
That’s amazing. Moses was a humble shepherd and steward of God. “My servant” he calls Moses.
May God continue to humble me before Him. I think I struggle so much with pride. It sneaks into my heart. I pray God continues to reveal to me why I allow it.
Ally Mitchell, your comment yesterday touched me. Praying God continues to reveal Himself to you as a loving friend and Father. He will certainly help you grow. I believe that!!!
ALLY – I’m running a day behind this week so this is coming to you a little late. On your question of fear vs afraid of the Lord – I was taught that fear of the Lord can be understood as jaw-dropping awe and reverence for Him and all that He is.
Praying for yesterday’s requests.
Those last few sentences are pure truth. “When the time comes to do hard things,it’s human nature to be afraid. But rest in the truth you never go alone. God will certainly always be with you.” Amen.
I love the finer details of God’s Word so I got stuck at Ex3v3. In the NKJV it highlights that Moses said “I will turn aside…” and in verse 4 “when the Lord saw that he turned aside to look..” God had grabbed Moses’ attention, stopped him in his tracks and caused him to double take what he saw. When God knew that He had Moses’attention He was able to share His heart: how He had heard the people’s cry, knew their sorrows and already had the plans in place to deliver them. He has these plans for us as well, we just need to “turn aside and look” so that we are ready to hear.
The world is raging before our eyes. Where does my peace come from? My peace comes from the Lord, not as a magic notion, but from sitting at His feet. I bow. I come before Him because I know who He is. Knowing Him makes all the difference. God is my refuge and strength because I have experienced His power and I trust Him with everything. There is no peace and safety in this world, only in Christ. I no longer say “be safe!” because that is not the point. Is he safe? Safe? No, but He is good… (Chronicles of Narnia). The point of all this suffering is to bring us closer to Him. This truth only makes sense to the one on the narrow path. Wide is the path to destruction and there are many on that path. If I am alone on this path of faith, I gain Christ who is always with me. Moses was brought out of the river, saved to be a savior in simple shepherd’s clothing. He saw where God was, and he turned to see Him up close. I have turned to God to see Him up close. To know His ways is to know peace. The love of Jesus is a powerful force, He draws me in. He draws me up. He elevates my soul above the turmoil of today. Use me Lord to lift others. Not by my strength, but Yours.
Praying for Ukraine today. The photos are awful. The amount of fear they must be feeling…. I have no words.
Psalm 46 really hit me today…we could add to all the thoughs in this verse with..though Russia invade Ukraine, though gas prices soar, though political parties clash, though the pandemic is still with us…but in the midst of the thoughs ..God is ans that is enough. We can live at peace because God is…amen!
So thankful to rest in where the Lord has called me during this season and know He will use it for my good and His glory. He is with me each and every day! Lifting up the prayer requests and praying for Ukraine
I read this passage in Exodus just last night as I was preparing for a study I am doing this morning. As I was reading a little about the passage, the writer drew attention to Exodus 3:3-4. Moses said I will now turn aside to look…it was when Moses “paused” to look, that he heard the voice of God. May we take time today and every day to pause from the busyness of our lives so that we may hear the voice of God.
Praying for all your requests…and especially praying for the people of Ukraine today!
Praying for Ukraine and world leaders today.
ANGIE, as well as others yesterday, thank you for your explanations! I really appreciate it. And Angie, thank you for sharing your story. I am inspired by your faith, truly, and will sing an extra song of praise to the Lord today.
MELANIE, I resonate with your struggle of not being busy. Our society so praises productivity, but I’m reminded that God’s model for us is to work, yes, but also to rest! From the very first chapter of the Bible. I took a gap year from university this year to get more intensive care for my mental health, as I struggle with severe OCD, and trying to be okay with the fact that I wasn’t taking a million classes or working all the time was really, really hard at first. But our worth is in Christ, not our busy-ness. I’m glad that you are doing better too!
Praying for all other requests as well.
And finally, I wanted to share my nickname- Ally- as my name moving forward. It’s what my friends call me, and I consider you all to be my friends. Thank you for being here with me in this community!
Please join in prayer today for the people of the Ukraine,pray for peace between nations,pray for diplomacy,pray for those who have difficult decisions to make,that war might cease
Gramsiesue – so thankful you are getting the care that Steve needs. Thank you God for your wisdom, guidance, and provision.
Maci Foote – God loves you. He has a journey prepared just for you. Don’t give up. His ways are always the best, for He knows the end before the beginning.
Christina Fowlkes – beautifully said yesterday. Thank you!
Dorothy – any news on Finley?
Allison Mitchell – God loves your searching, continue to ask Him questions. There are times I know God’s tender arms around me, drawing me close, intimately caring for me. There are other times I am overwhelmed by just Who He is. I AM calls me His own. In both situations I recognize that His love is not earned or deserved. My redemption comes in Jesus alone. My head-on collision in May brought that to light the most I think. I always thought if I had a second before death I’d ask forgiveness for anything “I might of missed.” But in that moment, I knew. My sins were already covered, only and completely in the mighty name of Jesus. I lifted my hands and praised His name as the car impacted. I share it to encourage you to trust Him. Give yourself time. Draw closer to Him. Spend time in His Word. He loves you beyond measure.
God knows the end before the beginning, and yet I am always still awed by His working together of details. He is so absolutely and completely amazing. Moses ran, after he killed the Egyptian. He started a “new life” for himself. God was used Moses to get His people out of Egypt, he used Moses, who had been a part of the royal household, AND, took Moses back to the place of his sin. God doesn’t leave things buried. He brings us back because He loves us. This place, these people, and Moses had history. Our God is so … absolutely perfect, as only the One true God can be. Hallelujah and praise His name.
I love how interwoven scripture is – how the reading in Luke so closely points out the truth we find in exodus. How Gods little details don’t go amiss and amidst it all, his truths and his promises never change. He promised to guide Moses and deliver him then, and thousands of years later he promises us that if we welcome His invitation, he will guide us and bring us closer to Him.
God sends you but you don’t go alone. He is so faithful. As I learn the art of resting (which is very hard for me) I am learning so much about being still and seeing God move. Busyness was my badge of honor it now I’m seeing something different as I sit more. I am more at peace and I’m sleeping better and I’m happier. It’s crazy. Gos is with me. He is looking for me. Praying for my sisters today and for the Ukraine
It is such a privilege to share in God’s work, especially considering He could do it all without us—it would be much easier! And yet, He invites us to come alongside Him and be co-laborers in the work of His kingdom., sharing in the joys that that brings. So many times I’ve let fear of others keep me from that work and privilege and I’ve missed out on the blessings. But God is gracious and has been patient with me in those moments and given me more opportunities to share in His work, despite my failures.
I have been having a difficult time with a student at work lately. Todays passage reminds me God knows us as individuals and brings us things for a reason. I need to turn to him when I am having a hard time and trust that his faithfulness will lead to helping me fulfill what he has planned.
“Cast all your cares on Him because He cares for you.” 1 Peter 5:7
“I will be with you.” Exodus 3:12
There is no one like our God!
Praying for your requests Shes ❤
Psalm 46 ♥️