Day 3


Luke 7:34-48, Acts 2:42-47, Romans 14:13-23, 1 Corinthians 12:12-26, 2 Corinthians 6:14-18, Hebrews 10:24-25

BY Bailey T. Hurley

“Neither snow nor rain nor heat nor gloom of night…” begins the unofficial United States Postal Service motto, a sentiment that I believe also applies to the spiritual discipline of fellowship. My husband and I have led a weekly small group in our home for over four years. We can say without a doubt that the forces that try to keep us from living on mission together stand no chance against us when we serve, share life with, and bear burdens with others believers. And as Coloradans, we have literally not allowed snowy conditions to keep us from meeting together. 

In our years of leading, we have witnessed how God produces good fruit in people who choose to invest in godly community. It can be so easy to want a community that looks, feels, and talks exactly the same way we do. Which is why fellowship is a discipline—we learn to respect and care for people who won’t be exactly like us. We have to practice habits of serving people when it’s hard and bearing with people when they may not be in the same place spiritually as we are.

God has “arranged each one of the parts in the body just as he wanted” (1Corinthians 12:18). As we move toward Jesus together, we grow in concern for the person sitting next to us. Our small group is made up of varying stages and experiences of life: married couples, older single women and younger single men, pilots, new mothers, and drummers in rock bands. And just when I think someone doesn’t have anything to teach me about God, a testimony from the quietest member convicts me and strengthens my faith.

The discipline for fellowship then is not about finding the “right group of people.” It is about committing to a group of people who are “devoted to the apostles’ teaching, to the fellowship, to the breaking of bread, and to prayer” (Acts 2:42).  It is about creating an environment of men and women who watch out for one another “to provoke love and good works” (Hebrews 10:24). We must fight our temptation to avoid or neglect our spiritual communities, and instead become men and women who shape our spiritual communities with God’s love. 

We, as the Body of Christ, need every person to do their part (1Corinthians 12:12). We can use our gifts to encourage our communities to engage with each other, or offer to be an accountability partner to others. Though it may be overlooked, an invitation to a meal can be an act of communing with God and one another. Being willing to pray for one another, reading Scripture when we gather, and working through our local church’s teachings are valuable rhythms for fellowship.

No matter what your past experiences with community may be, or your feelings of indifference toward meeting regularly with believers now, I encourage you to not allow snow or rain or anything at all to keep you from engaging in godly fellowship. 

Post Comments (264)

264 thoughts on "Fellowship"

  1. Kaley BrianneSmith says:

    Would love to join a small group! Does anyone have any info of how to join one online?

  2. Sandy says:

    I live in Eastern Ky. Its always been difficult to find a church to fit in. People who have been attending for years, have their groups/clicks. Theyre already big buddies with the Pastor and wife and kids. They try to be nice and welcoming but actually arent. You later hear about how they all got together on a weekend or whatever. I pray someday I find a church that I feel like I belong. Im 58 and still pray for that

    1. Robin Schwartz says:

      Hi Sandy, Having moved 17 times in my adult life I noticed the same thing. I learned it was up to me to be a part of the group so I just started showing up and joining in any way I could. After a while I am accepted. So hang in there. Usually people do not realize they are stuck in a rut. And now knowing what it’s like being the new person, I am very aware of anyone new and I extend a warm welcome or invitation to join in. Every church needs that person.

  3. Madison Green says:

    Hey Debbie!! I would also love to challenge you to be the change in your local church body! Patterns like that don’t change until someone is brave enough to be seen as different for a little while! There are probably so many like you that could benefit from someone paving a path for them to be able to enjoy the local church without having a lineage there! You can do it! God is on your side and you were fearfully made!!

  4. Madison Green says:

    Hey Debbie!! I would also love to encourage you to be the change in your local church body! Patterns like that don’t change until someone is brave enough to be seen as different for a little while! There are probably so many like you that could benefit from someone paving a path for them to be able to enjoy the local church without having a lineage there! You can do it! God is on your side and you were fearfully made!!

  5. Cherelle Lynay says:

    Hey Debbie I want to encourage you to pray about joining a church online. Church is bigger than just being in a building.
    There are many churches were you can become a virtual member and have virtual fellowship

  6. Debbie Cota says:

    I completely agree with this study and the idea of it is so beautiful. But I have not experienced this is in my adult life and it is a huge source of discouragement for me. At least in my area of New England to truly be part of a church you need to be established like 2 generations in the community/church. I pray about this so often.

  7. Abby Clark says:

    So cool to read, right after a woman in my life encouraged me to find a consistent church to attend and become a member of.

  8. Rhonda Wood says:

    So true

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