Ever doubt your salvation?
I think I’ve got it right, but what if I’m wrong?
I know the gospel story, but do I really understand it?
I believe Jesus was who He said He was, but what does it mean for my life today?
If you and I are asking these questions now, imagine how early Christendom must have wrestled with the newness of the gospel message—a message that stood contrary to any attempt to earn salvation through the accumulation of knowledge and wisdom.
John wrote three relatively short letters to assure the world then, and us now, that salvation is from God: the gospel is true. John’s Gospel is the historical, theological record of Christ’s life on earth, and his letters are the pastoral communication of the significance of Christ’s life. They build on what we already know. John begins by using four words we honestly need to hear from him:
Heard. Seen. Observed. Touched.
We need to hear them because they are sensory, tangible. They communicate real events that were physically witnessed by many, including John himself. In short, they are “proofs” of the gospel.
You see, John was actually there for the Sermon on the Mount. He was there to hear Jesus’s own voice tell the parable of the prodigal son, and declare, “Before Abraham was, I Am” (John 8:58). John could still remember the sting of Christ’s rebuke about who should sit at His side in the coming kingdom. And “Here is your mother,” are words John would likely never forget hearing Jesus breathe out to him from the cross (John 19:27). John watched Jesus walk across the Sea of Galilee, and he was on the scene to partake in the institution of the Lord’s Supper.
Heard. Seen. Observed. Touched.
John begins by assuring us that his Gospel account (the book of John) is true. Then, he invites us down a path of holy concern to examine whether the message of the gospel has actually changed our lives.
Do you say you have fellowship with Christ, but walk in darkness? Or do you have real, in-the-light fellowship with the Savior of the world?
Do you say you have no sin? Or do you actively confess your sin, believing Christ is able and sufficient to cleanse you and bring you into the light?
Do you fear the light? Prefer the darkness? Or do you live a life that combats darkness, seeking and shining?
These aren’t rhetorical questions. Let’s actually take some time today—real time—to ask ourselves and the Lord if we are actively struggling with darkness. The struggle itself is not sin. Ask any seasoned believer and they will testify to this truth: the Lord is always working in our hearts to bring light (Philippians 1:6). As long as we are on earth, there will always be darkness to drive out. And as long as we have breath in our lungs, the process of sanctification will be present. If we are not actively struggling with darkness, it isn’t because there is no darkness in our lives. It is because that darkness has become comfortable. The Christian life—the life of salvation through the gospel of Christ Jesus—is a life that will constantly battle the darkness until Perfection comes.
John’s letters are written to assure us of our faith. But like any excellent pastor, he writes both to comfort the afflicted, and to afflict the comfortable. He delivers the healing balm of the gospel message, but that message calls for an ongoing death to self that is anything but comfortable (1Peter 2:24).
Are you comfortable today, when perhaps there is darkness in and around you that you need to see? Let the Word of God bring about holy affliction, a conviction of sin and complacency that draws you closer to Him.
Lord, afflict us with your Truth, that we may be comforted. Shine light in our dark places. Let us never stop pursuing holiness.
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202 thoughts on "Fellowship with God"
Time and time again , God assures us of His desire to fellowship with us as His family! CELEBRATE THAT!
Love the thought and reminder that they had heard, seen, observed and touched.
Love the reminder of they had heard, seen
I’m so glad to do this study again.
This I chose to start this devotion, in addition to the regular community SRT devotional. I’m glad I did as I sit on my front porch and reflect on my life my ability to seek the Lord in all things seems to be more of a roller coaster ride. Over the last year I have been in the word every morning. Thanks to SRT.. Now I need to make sure that I am applying my time spent so that my husband, my son, my students all see that I am striving to be who Christ created me to be flaws and all
life is an active battle against the darkness! ” as long as we are on earth, there will always be darkness”
I am too comfortable in certain areas. I know that the darkness is always right there and that I need to daily turn my face the light. God give me your strength to do that. Help me see where you have given me an out to walk away from something that is not of you and towards something that is.
if we are comfortable in this life, we are too comfortable with darkness. this life is an active fight!
I loved the line that He comforts the afflicted, and afflicts the comfortable. I have found myself getting complacent lately, and it’s a beautiful reminder to let God in to keep doing the work in me. I also love the verse “the light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it.” Jesus is there, even when life feels overwhelming.
God is light and in him there is no darkness.
Light will always overtake darkness.
Thank you Lord for being the one true light I can turn to❤️
God is light and in him there is no darkness. Light will always overtake
“Comfort the afflicted and afflict the comfortable”
This was for Tracie M
Good word. We can come to the Lord with our whole self even the dark places and allow Him to work in us and reveal what needs to be done
Ask the Holy Spirit to teach you this. Over time you will sense His gentle nudge and know more how to follow.
Thank you Jesus
I think I’ve lived enough darkness to not know where the line should be drawn
Lord, thank you for always helping me fight the darkness and for showing me that there is light even in the midst of darkness because of Christ.
Comfortable with the darkness… yikes!
Lord, help me be comfortable with prayer and confession, never comfortable with darkness and sin.
Lord, help me to see the darkness in my heart, and transform if to light.
Totally agree. It’s been a thought on my mind lately, am I consistently asking God to search my heart and mind and know me? Am I asking him to seek out the darkness and reveal it to me? Rather I think I’m used to being taught by tragedy or extreme circumstances instead of actively seeking to find the places where darkness resides in my life. Am I willing to let myself be corrected on purpose?
I love what Rachel says about, ‘as long as we’re on earth there will always be darkness to drive out and a sanctification process present,’ loose paraphrase. It feels like realizing that takes away all the pressure to try and be perfect or justify any darkness in our lives. The more we can become comfortable with confessing our sin, the more room Jesus can work in making us more like him.
Such truth!! Am I too comfortable with darkness ??
Loved journaling the questions that Rachel wrote out. It was super helpful and eye opening!
God spoke John 1:6 into my heart about 3-4 months ago and I’m just not hearing it truly in my heart. I’m so thankful he’s been patient with me as I have been in a comfortable darkness for a while now. I’m beyond glad a friend recommend She Reads Truth for me because it’s just what I need to get on track with the Lord and uncover what else the Lord has ready for my heart and soul to discover!
This has been a difficult season for me but I was getting too comfortable. God is the light in the darkness, not the world.
Wow. This was an eye opener. I think it’s so hard because 1 I like to be comfortable 2 I can easily start to compare myself like well at least I didn’t do that. Sin is sin. And we are called to have ownership cower our sin so Jesus can wash us clean.
Looking for the light in the midst of darkness because darkness can not over come light. So true physically we need to remember it spiritually.
An excellent call to examine ourselves and see if there is a hint of darkness in us, or maybe even more than a hint. Lord help me to see my sin clearly and give it up. Thanks that you don’t want me to hang out in the darkness, help me not to be tempted to hang out there either. Please make me more like you.
If we are not actively struggling with darkness, it isn’t because there is no darkness in our lives. It is because that darkness has become comfortable.
I love that…..Lord help me believe in the process of sanctification. Help me to bring my struggles to you and boldly meet them head on with YOUR help.
I’m just starting to understand what I read in the Bible. I have been in the dark too long.
As a black woman in this world today, I have to be honest, it has been extremely hard to not be comfortable in the darkness. With everything going on, it feels better to be angry, it’s more comfortable to hate those that hate my skin color, it’s natural to be frustrated and downright mad.
But this should never be a place of comfort for any believer. Our comfort and refuge should always be the cross. Holiness is not always comfortable. In fact, true holiness is going to hurt. It’s literally an internal war within, fighting the flesh every single day. But even in that, we should always find rest in that internal and external battle to find God’s light and share it. It’s easier said than done when you have the sins and evils of this world sitting right in your face. But that’s, even more, a reason to feed ourselves with the Word of God, go to God in prayer, and surround ourselves with like-minded believers who can pour into us and reaffirm us with the Gospel to keep pressing on.
This reading convicted me and encouraged me, which is what I needed to keep pursuing the light. To keep pursuing true holiness.
This is so good in this season. It has been an extremely difficult time in our nation. As a black female, I have spent many of the last weeks in a multitude of emotions, but I keep coming back to hope. Racism is one of the primary ways Satan is dividing the children of God. May the Lord so strongly show us all our iniquities and help us clearly see our own shortcomings, have grace for ourself and others, and love everyone above all else.
I believe that what we believe in can seem contrary to the wisdom and knowledge of the world of GOD. This is a blessing to know because I feel the tension rising from my spirit once I settle in on that information, and it makes me understand to become comfortable with myself and others. I believe that we as people should always believe in the contrary when dealing with doubtful thoughts of what we believe in, or for example when we know something is right and the world will tell you that you are wrong. BELIEVE IN THE CONTRARY! I will never give up on that.
I came to this reading from a place of desperation and darkness. I’ve been raised in a Christian home and have known Jesus all me life. I accepted him as my personal Savior many, many years ago. I’ve had times in my life where is was living in the light and too many times I have lived in darkness. I shed many tears over these passages today and the words of this devotional have pierced me to my core! I have lived not-so-comforting darkness for a long time now. Jesus has been using this quarantine to convince me of this. I reached the end of myself yesterday and when I did, Jesus was there. In all his glory and grace, he was there! May my every breath bring him praise for his sanctifying work in me. Though it is hard, it is worth it to being glory to God!
We have to truly be about that life! I’m talking about the Christian life! We can’t say that we know God, but are not following His commands, that’s walking in hypocrisy, sin (darkness). I’ve struggled with this my whole life, and I’m trying my beat to get this thing called the Christian life right. I’m not perfect, nor is anyone else, but I am supposed to be striving towards the perfection that Christ has for me in eternity.
God, please help us see us. Please convict us and let us know when we are dimming our light. We as Christians should be walking in the fullness of You and walking in the light so that our light may shine to all the world!
We are the salt of the world, but if our salt has lost its savor, what use can it be?
Even in this season, I am encouraged to be the light. Thank you Jesus for carrying me through time and time again
I get upset in life when I feel nothing in my life works out in my favour, when will I know when gods test is over. Or does his test continue till we die.
Hey Britney, I feel what you’re going through right now and I want to encourage you ❤️ God’s plan is not always our plan. Even if we can’t see it, He’s working and teaching us through all situations. Sometimes I feel like things don’t go my way, but through those tough times I learn how to help others also struggle through them. And that is a great way to show and share the gospel to others. The bible new said it would be easy, but it will be worth it!
God does not test us or our faith in Him. The world may test us, Satan might, sin or other people might. God will not. He has no need to test you. He knows who you are.
Wow, love the bold, gentle, reality of this. I know in American Southern culture people often feel looked down on by Christians and it’s easy for Christians to come off as having “their life together.” When truly, we all struggle with darkness—believer or non believer. It’s just a matter of the response to that darkness and then seeing the fruit of the light overcoming the dark. Such good stuff!
I don’t think that I have ever really studied this book in depth. Its a real reminder not to get complacent.
I’m new to She Reads Truth – just discovered it recently – sometimes I need someone to talk to and listen to.
I’ve been in darkness thinking I was in the light. It took evil thoughts finding there way to me to finally cry out for forgiveness because I became comfortable in my sin. That was when I began my journey back to God. It was not comfortable but I felt like I was getting closer to the light each step of the way. Thank God for never giving up on us, when we give up on ourselves. God’s love is so much more than any of us imagine! I love you all ♥️
Jesus , remind me to not be comfortable in this world , but to
keep my eyes fixed on Your Word so that it shines on every part of my heart and life .
Father, let me never stop pursuing holiness, even when I want to. Even when community is hard and staying pure is hard. The easier way out in the moment is to continue down a road of darkness. The road of light in uncomfortable and sacrificial, but in the long run it’s more joy filled, bears fruit and points to the love you have for us. Thank you that you offer a hard life of light rather than a dark life of ease. Please help me to choose the hard life of light rather than one of ease. I feel that I have been so accustomed to a life is darkened. Convict me and help me see. In Jesus name AMEN!!
My Heavenly Father God, you know how, where, and when the words that are set before my eyes are needed. Your Will is done through everything that you put before me. Thank you for giving me this word to meditate upon and to apply to my heart. Thank you for reminding me that there is no room for darkness in your light, and that I am your light.
Lord, I pray that you continue to bring light to this world. Help me to shine Your light on this fallen world through testimony and faith in Your promise. Father- protect these women whom study your word with me today. Grant them many blessings and let your grace be known. Help is when we falter and when we choose the ways of this world over You.
Lord, afflict us with your Truth, that we may be comforted. Shine light in our dark places. Let us never stop pursuing holiness.
So much darkness and confusion these days. This is a good reminder for me to spend time with Jesus in His Word and He will bring Light.
Such a comfort to be reminded that struggle is part of the process. I love that last quote ❤️
Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us.
Ephesians 3:20
Thank you for the word today. While reading this, an old DC Talk song popped into my head that we used to sing at youth group during my younger years…it’s called “In the Light”…
“I want to be in the Light
As You are in the Light
I want to shine like the stars in the heavens
Oh, Lord be my Light and be my salvation
Cause all I want is to be in the Light” ❤️. Thank you Jesus for this reminder today, especially when I feel like darkness is all around us during this difficult time. We must always seek the light.
Thank you Jesus ❤️
While i was reading, i felt a strong sense of conflicting in my heart from some of the sin that i have been dealing with. I’m thankful that God loves me enough to show me the truth in my life and grow me!!!
I loved the last quote. Let us never stop pursuing holiness. We can forget how important our daily growth it and how that gives us the proper tools to battle the obstacle in life. We have to continuous Pursue him. Darkness will always exist but light always wins.
God lights helps us overcome the battle thrown as us.
This strikes me as a challenge to dig deeper daily and Pursue God as he pursues our hearts.
Found myself struggling then giving in, it’s a constant battle and I wish I could win every time. It’s too hard
I’m so sorry to hear that :(. About a month ago I was battling with sin and losing constantly and questioning what gospel was true and if I was thinking I was trying to earn my salvation and just a bunch of crazy stuff. I still fall because I won’t lie that I’m without sin. But God has given me greater sensitivity to my sin with His Spirit. Remember that Christ is sufficient His grace is sufficient. His strength and power is made perfect in our weakness. Boast in your weakness to God so that the power of Christ may rest upon you. It is hard but at the same time its simple. He is enough to fill us. We struggle but all we can do is have faith that He is enough. I struggle a lot still and am in a way preaching to myself. But let us always remember we are not doing anything in our own power, but in the power of the Father, the Holy Spirit, and Jesus
I’m a little late to the party; reading to get caught up. I loved in the devo where it says that we all struggle with darkness. If we don’t it’s not because it isn’t there but that we’re comfortable with it. Well, I guess not exactly “loved” it that I am constantly faced with and battle my sin, but the beautiful reminder and truth that it’s all about God’s faithfulness, not mine! ❤️
Day 1 is already so good and challenging me! Looking forward to the rest of the study!
I feel that when I love more, I will pray that much more intensely. Give me more and more of your love and light!
I had just been realizing how much more intensely I pray when something is threatening
Lord I thank you for afflicting me in my walk with you for I know the wrong that I do. Forgive me oh Lord and know a change is coming.
Help me to fight the darkness I see in my life and help me see the darkness that has become to rooted in me to even notice.
Yes , Abba never let me forget from where I’ve fallen. Convict me of the sin and more the complacency in my life! I want to be pleasing to You! Shew me Your ways, Lord!
Amen!! ♥️ Thank you for such comforting and addicting words!
I just received my SRT Bible today. This was the first thing I read. After being out of touch with God for some time this was absolutely what I needed to read today. I pray the Lord forgives me for stepping away from him and becoming complacent with that. Please Lord help guide me back into worshipping you. Amen.
I pray for God to reveal the areas of darkness that I’m living in and for. Help me turn my face to you God every day, every moment. I’m so thankful for SRT. You all have brought me back to a daily relationship with a Jesus. ❤️
Just amazed by this Devo and how much I truly needed this reminder. I have become too comfortable in the darkness but have realized that I must live in the struggle! God is good!
God, please help me see the places in my heart and life that I have become comfortable walking in darkness. I know they are there because I feel their presence and see the evidence. I feel the struggle between your truth and that which is opposed to it warring in my soul. I confess my sins and trust your blood covers me and cleanses me to make me right in your sight. I thank you for the gift of freedom I receive in your blood over me! Jesus, please help me walk in the light as you are and help my life be a light to those around me just as yours was. I declare in front of the enemy today that I belong to the light and nothing can pluck me from Your hand or from that place of light! Thank you Jesus!
I have an old sin that I have let creep back into my life. I have asked for forgiveness and I know He has and will forgive me.
What a wonderful reminder that we are not called to b comfortable but that the struggle with darkness is real. How reassuring that HE is with us and wins the battle every time!!!
A wonderful message. It is easy to forget sometimes to repent for sins and be aware of getting to comfortable with them. This was a great reminder to continually ask for forgiveness, forgive myself, and stay in the Light.
It is amazing how God puts things in your life ON PURPOSE. I always question my salvation because I don’t feel worthy. I struggle with some of these questions but at the end it talks about holiness. Our zoom Bible study was discussing this tonight. God really brings things full circle. He is amazing and I am thankful!
Thank you Jesus for being the Light in the darkness!
I love how many times the Bible and specifically John point out how God is light (in his letters, gospel, and revelation). I know I let darkness in and get comfortable sometimes and like many of you, I ask for forgiveness, but don’t forgive myself too. So, then the sin is with me. I pray we all have the ability to forgive and fight the dark.
YOU took the words right out of my mouth. Im here sister praying for you. I love you.
I am no stranger to darkness…I have sins that, while I have asked for forgiveness &&& fully believe I have been forgiven, I still struggle with them.
I always pursue the Light…but, as I am human &&& therefore flawed by sin, I always have darkness nipping at my heals…the feeling js real &&& being chased by humanities deficiencies makes living so much harder…I can’t wait until the day I am called Home again.
As my daughter struggles with our now, I pray mightily for our next. The word of God is a lamp…Amen.
This is exactly what I needed to hear today. I have a sin that I’ve been hiding in the darkness. I’ve asked for forgiveness but have not fully brought it into the light. Honestly I’m struggling with even wanting to bring it into the light. Today I’m asking for forgiveness and for Him to change my heart to give me a desire to combat this sin:
WOW. This study is already so incredibly rich! 1 John 1:7 gives the Church the key to unity. But this unity comes at a cost – our pride. Walking in the light requires humility that can be hard pressed to come by at times. Whether we are real enough with ourselves to admit our deepest sins to God or our fellow believers will determine how well we walk in light. But the beautiful thing here is that as we each grow to be more like Jesus, we grow to be more like one another! We find unity and fellowship in our most shameful secrets. Our darkness and sin unites us together as we allow a loving Jesus to justify us! What the enemy meant for evil, God uses for good! What a powerful way to start off a study of the pastoral letters of John – the disciple whom Jesus loved. ❤️
I am humbled by how far away I have
Such an amazing message. What is such an eye opener is hearing how just because we see no evil doesn’t mean there is none. What have we become so comfortable with in our lives that can actually blind us at the same time? Lord there is darkness in our lives but we continue to pray that your light shines through it all.
I loved reading the passages and the devotional today because it reminds me that confession is so key to living in the light. What’s also more comforting is God’s unwavering faithfulness to forgive us when we ask him. His blood “cleanses us from all unrighteousness.”
so powerful. what a humbling reminder!
Raechel writes so beautifully, I wish she wrote more often. I almost skipped this study because I did it several years ago with SRT. But I decided to read the opening and right here :“ If we are not actively struggling with darkness, it isn’t because there is no darkness in our lives. It is because that darkness has become comfortable. The Christian life—the life of salvation through the gospel of Christ Jesus—is a life that will constantly battle the darkness until Perfection comes.” I knew why God led me back. I will see new things, things I missed or have forgotten. Be blessed my shes.
I needed this today with all the craziness in the world. I can always turn towards God for the light and direction no matter the circumstance. I am excited for this bible study series!
My prayer for a while now has been Psalm 51:10 Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a right spirit within me. I am also a college student, and it becomes hard at times to not let the rush of things take over. I know that my relationship with God needs to be the priority of my day but sometimes I shy away from that, and let my “to do” list come first. I love that this study talks about becoming comfortable in the darkness, I pray that the Lord would afflict me in those places where I have become comfortable so that I can be closer to him ❤️
Wow this is so timely! I have been doing an inventory on myself and seeing how far I have “moved away”? But it was better written how comfortable I have become with….
I am so glad that this is what we are studying!!!!
So many times during this pandemic I open my bible to a verse that reminds me to seek him, to look towards him. Was a great reminder today of the light he brings into our lives and that he overcomes the darkness!
I needed this today. I have asked myself so many times, “am I really saved?” I feel like I’ve committed and re-committed my life to God so many times, but again and again have fallen away…I thought maybe I had used up all of my chances. Sometimes I still wonder. And pray I haven’t…But I keep going. Recently I poured out my heart and gave it again to Him and since then have really, really tried and have been actively seeking Him.
This devotional is much needed. Yesterday was a new beginning for me as I recommitted my life to Christ. I felt like I had fallen so far away by giving in to darkness, but He ran after me and brought me back. The Lord’s timing is always perfect and I think beginning this devotional today is an example of it.
That is so amazing to hear that you have rededicated your life to Christ. Praying for your journey and walk with the Lord and that He surrounds you with a community of God-fearing believers. So encouraging, God is so good!!
When I’m in the darkness, I turn to God.
Me too! A few weeks ago I was overwhelmed with anxiety that I usually do not experience. I asked myself why was I having anxiety, God is my comforter, He reminds me that He is always the same! ❤️ Find comfort in His word!
Wow, what a powerful and truth-filled devotional. I’ll be pondering those questions throughout the day, asking the Lord to reveal where I’ve grown complacent with darkness, but also rejoicing in the freedom, joy and light he offers us in Christ. I’m thankful that God knows exactly what we need when we need it – as Raechel said, when we need comfort in our affliction, and to be afflicted in our comfort! God’s word always does both.
This is so good. If we are not actively struggling with darkness, it isn’t because there is no darkness, it’s because darkness has become comfortable.
Yes! I loved this part too. I am personally struggling with staying in the light right now. For me, that manifests as negative thoughts permeating my mind when I have a positive one amongst all of this covid craziness. The quote inspires me to fight the good fight and continue to turn towards the light. ✨
I love the reminders of all that John heard ,saw, observed and touched. So awesome !
I think with everything going on we are being forced out of our comfort zones and are trying to find where to turn. Jesus just wants us to turn back to Him and to work our way back to His light and fixing our eyes on Him.
The phrase I have pulled out of today’s reading is “light and life in and through Jesus”. I am thankful to God for the life I have been given through His Son, and I strive daily to continue to walk in the light.
Powerful, convicting and so needed. I was reminded that conviction is laced with hope, condemnation laced with hopelessness. So grateful that when Christ convicts, he shows the way forward in His grace and mercy. But I need to give Him space to do that in my life. Also a great charge to combat darkness and asking God for creative ways to do this in the circumstances we are currently in!
Lately repentance has been coming up a lot in podcast and reading. But in today’s culture it is unpopular to think or talk about. I loved reading the versus from Numbers today as it spoke of God’s unfailing love, but also punishment of sin. As we continue to face this global crisis, we must cry out for healing. But more than that, we must fall on face, repent, and ask for forgiveness. We must, individually, as the church, as a generation, turn from our old ways, but not only now in this painful season, but even as life goes back to normal. May returning to normal not include turning back to our sinfulness.
It’s so easy to try and hide in the darkness. I so often don’t want to acknowledge my deeper sins and weaknesses. But God brings them to light and brings health and repair to that brokenness.
I’m being encouraged to bring these things to Him and to trust that He is listening and making an active change in my heart through the process.
Love the timing of this study as we celebrate the resurrection of our Lord.
I love this devotional! It feels like such a great continuation from the resurrection!
I loved this!!!! Really makes you check yourself
Yes! There is FREEDOM in shining light on every kind of darkness in our life. Even when it’s uncomfortable. It’s how we grow and mature. There’s no growth in a comfort zone and no comfort in a growth zone.
Getting comfortable in darkness, I know I thing or two about that. I wish I didn’t, after I got married ( to a pastors son) we decided to “take a break” from church, 4 years later we walked back in church with a newborn in our arms. We couldn’t do this without our church’s support or with out God. Our marriage was on the last thread, I hated him, and everything we had together, except our child. Now after being in church for over a year, joining Bible studies, we’ve repaired our marriage, and have a better relationship with God and each other. The darkness is tempting, the taste is so sweet. But the light offers freedom and is even better any I could have imagined.
Exactly what I needed! I have fallen wayward and woke up today wanting to dive back into my relationship with God and have had stumbling blocks all morning. I’m doing this devotional as my 8 month old sleeps on me and am determined to fight off the darkness and be a bright light for the Lord!
Exactly what I needed! I have fallen wayward and woke up today wanting to dive back into my relationship with God and have had w blocks all morning.
Thanks for sharing! I too am reading this with my 8 month old sleeping on me.
As a 74 year old believer, I can truly testify to this: “Ask any seasoned believer and they will testify to this truth: the Lord is always working in our hearts to bring light (Philippians 1:6). As long as we are on earth, there will always be darkness to drive out. And as long as we have breath in our lungs, the process of sanctification will be present. If we are not actively struggling with darkness, it isn’t because there is no darkness in our lives. It is because that darkness has become comfortable.” Press on sisters, it is a process/walk in which the Lord is faithful.
Wow.. it’s so easy for me to know when i’m in a time of discomfort, so easy to preach it but so much more difficult for me to answer the question of whether i’m struggling with darkness or walking in sin because i do not go to repent. I know that He already knows.. What a great start
Great ideas to meditate further on. Journaling what darknesses I have become comfortable in as reminders and focus points of prayers and growth.
This is my first time using this app and really the start of me diving further into my faith. I’ve always gone to church, but never been good about studying my bible and really diving into the word on my own. I love your idea of journaling about the darknesses I have become comfortable with. Thank you for a great idea of where I can start on my first day!
This is my first time using this app and really the start of me diving further into my faith. I’ve always gone to church, but never really been good about studying the Bible and really diving into the word on my own. I love your idea of journaling about the darknesses I have become comfortable with. Thank you for a great idea of when I can start on my first day!
I really like the opening of 1 John. It’s really incredible that the eternal, pre-existent God makes Himself known to us (limited, finite humans) through the person of Jesus. I’m thankful for how the Holy Spirit has revealed Christ to me and how I can be in relationship with Him.
There are so many promises here. Yes, the Holy Spirit is faithful to convict us of our sins. I experienced that this morning when I snapped at a family member. Afterwards, I felt the Holy Spirit repeatedly prompt me to go seek forgiveness (humility is hard!). But we also have the assurance that we are saved by Christ’s blood and are cleansed from all unrighteousness. Thanks be to God!
Being a college student, this really struck me; “if we are not actively struggling with darkness, it isn’t because there is no darkness, it’s because darkness has become comfortable.” Every time I go back to school, it is so easy to fall back into this darkness because so many people around you are doing it, which almost makes it feel okay. For the longest time I was so comfortable where I was, and then it all just changed. I loved this reading this morning!!!
I completely agree with you, I was in your exact position this morning reading this message. College is full of darkness and you don’t realize because it becomes a norm. There’s more darkness than light on college campuses in this day and age. I’m glad to know someone feels the same way! It’s good to know your feelings are validated! Praise God for community and the ability to see through the darkness and into the light!
Lord bring light to my heart
In Paul’s writings we are instructed to walk in the Spirit – how is that related to walking in the light? Or is it the same? Do you all have insight on that question? I’m wondering….
I loved reading about how if we feel like we are not struggling with darkness it is because we are comfortable with it. I definitely see how God is showing me my sin and how it impacts others. I also like to think about the question, “has the message of the gospel actually changed our lives?” I am asking God to help me remember this throughout the day, so that I can depend on Him more and not try to control my own life.
It’s interesting I’m reading this this morning, as I commented a couple days ago about an experience my son had on Good Friday.
I know one thing, I do not want to start getting comfortable thinking that I’m OK. I don’t want to be comfortable if there’s darkness that I have to address. I rather be uncomfortable and deal with sin that needs to be addressed.
“If we aren’t actively struggling with darkness, it isn’t because there is no darkness in our lives. It is because that darkness has become comfortable.” Oof – that line packs a punch! It’s such beautiful imagery to picture God AS light, driving out darkness from our souls.
After reading the scriptures today I’m uplifted to know His word will continue to give me strength and the ability to walk in His light even though I tend to skate near the darkness.
Raechel really has me thinking today about my faith and how I live my faith. I feel I can answer her questions to the positive side. Loving, praising, praying to and worshiping God, Christ and the Holy Spirit have been a way of life for me since I was young. My parents and grandparents and aunts and uncles did it. I would like to think it’s not just habit and I don’t believe it is with all that I have gone through in my 61 years. My faith has helped me through many hard times but I’ve been able to praise God in the good and happy times also. My faith is what led me to SheReadsTruth, I was listening to a religious radio station in Ames, IA when I was working there and one of the female announcers mentioned SRT several times so I started reading it. My faith has allowed me to have friends that I would have never met otherwise. Lord allow me to continue to shine for you even in the hard and difficult times.
I love the repetitive use of “light” and “darkness” in the letter. Light reveals what was once hidden and cannot be unseen. The closer my walk with Christ, the more I see the sin in my own life. Though uncomfortable to see, I know that seeing the sin in my own life and confessing it is essential in walking with the Lord and fellowship with Him. I really needed to hear this today!
Such a profound devotional, giving me a new way to look at these verses. It’s also comforting to understand that it is normal and to be expected that we will have to battle the darkness within us for as long as we are here. That gives me a new perspective and determination to expose it with His light!
As I read through all the comments thus far, I am so blessed by the honesty of so many to confess struggles with sin — or struggles to be comfortable with sin. I join you in the battle against darkness with a “me too” and pray for the Lord of Light to continue the good work of pushing back the darkness in and around us. Love to you SRT sisters!
My answer to the first question, “Ever doubt your salvation?” Is a definite “yes”. Raechel’s reminder that true assurance comes not from believing we are sinless, but from knowing we are actively seeking to battle the darkness in us. And, that battle is not done through the power of our flesh (self), but through the power of the Spirit who has been given to us through faith in Christ’s work on the cross to be our righteousness while we become holy one step at a time. Coming out of our Resurrection Day celebration of yesterday, this is such a good reflection in order to continue in the process to push back the darkness. Praise Jesus for being the Light! Amen.
Very convicting and powerful today. Grateful for this chance to learn.
Oof this is so good. Are you comfortable with your darkness, not wresting with it. How truly that speaks to the devils nature and his sly/quiet ways of seeking footholds in our lives.
Such a beautiful start to this Monday!
This is probably the most relatable lesson I’ve had. I have and continue to struggle with the darkness in me but praise God for working on me and continually guiding me back into his light. I have found that through spending time in his word and prayer, I have a deep desire to get clean and avoid sin that I would usually not think twice about. It is overwhelming how quickly he turned me around and put me back on his path. I’ve still got a long way to go but praise god for not leaving me where I was.
Sometimes I feel guilty for struggling with darkness but that isn’t right. There will be a struggle when you’re trying to let Jesus’s light rule.
“If we are not actively struggling with darkness, it is not because we have no darkness in our lives. It is because that darkness has become comfortable in our lives.” OUCH! Lord, help me to never stop working to be more like you. Would you point out – in your kind and gentle way – the areas of my life that fall short. Point light at the darkness. ❤️
God’s timing is perfect. My old church in Philadelphia is teaching through 1 John now and the others will follow as they simply study through the Bible verse by verse. It’s the best bible teaching imho! If anyone wants to enhance their reading here, check it out! God bless! https://subspla.sh/739qgc2
“If we are not actively struggling with darkness,
Yesterday our pastor preached that God’s will is not always easy and the same that John says. Battle the darkness and do not be comfortable with it. A Christian life is not an easy life. Was Jesus’s life easy? No way. Why would we think ours should be. We are to further his kingdom!
John’s account is trustworthy for he was an eyewitness to the ministry and person of Jesus. John’s words carry the weight of authority and accuracy because he walked with Jesus. John reported what he personally had heard, seen, observed and touched. Are these not also the elements of my personal testimony? I share what I have heard about Jesus and what I’ve heard Him speak to my heart. I share what I’ve seen – how He’s changed my attitude, my actions, and the attitudes and actions of other believers. I’ve observed the peace that passes understanding, in myself and in other believers. Fear is replaced with faith. Worry is defeated by worship. I’ve touched with my hands those who have been healed – physically, emotionally, spiritually-by the power of the Word. And I have felt His touch as well. My testimony is not special to anyone but me, yet it is as powerful as John’s because it is the truth of what Jesus has done for me. We all have a story to tell. We are all called to be evangelists. We testify and declare what we have heard, seen, observed and touched. Jesus is glorified and our joy is made complete. Let us not hesitate to share this Good News.
As I read today’s devotional I knew my personal darkness that I have been struggling with for months now. An unwillingness to forgive those who have hurt me or my family. Then bitterness sets into my heart and I keep replaying my side of the story. Forgiving is easy for me when someone humbles themselves and ask me for forgiveness but when they don’t God is still calling me to forgive and I’m struggling! “But Lord you know how they hurt me and slandered my name.” Oh but God knows so much more than me how that feels. So today I will pray for those who hurt me and ask God to forgive me and root out this darkness in my heart. Thank you SRT for your devotionals and the many SRT sisters in this community. I pray for you often.
Thanks for ur honesty. I too struggle with this one.
Jane I SO related to what you shared! Thanks for being willing to share!
Timely. I do struggle with darkness and desire for the Lord to purify my heart and mind.
Lord forgive me for my sins. I am a
Sinner in need of your restoration.
I ask it in your name! Amen!
This is the only reaction we need towards the darkness we are comfortable with in our lives.
We cannot dispel the darkness on our own. Our own light is dim and flickering and easily blown out. The only light that can withstand the darkness is that of Christ’s.
We can obtain that light, the light of Christ, but we cannot earn it. We cannot work towards that light. That light is given to us. It was already worked out, already purchased through the cross and shines because of the resurrection from the dead.
John’s gospel chapter 3 in depth discusses how we gain that light. John echoes that here in these epistles and Paul examines it closely in Galatians, Romans, Ephesians, Colossians, Philippians and just about every letter he preaches Christ crucified and the consequences of daring to believe that God wants to talk to His children.
We do not just know how to obtain salvation, we carry salvation in us. We don’t just know about heaven, we know the author of heaven and earth and all creation.
Repentance begins by acknowledging that what we thought we knew, how we were living, being comfortable with darkness, is a wrong way to live.
Changing our mind about how we approach God and others, to the way the light would show us how to approach God and people.
I know this was written months in advance but it was specifically for today. We didn’t know our country would be struggling with COVID. No one knew Amanda’s Toby would be back in the hospital. But God… The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it. Blessed be the Word of the Lord.
My husband pastor said yesterday, “We often feel at home in the world.” And now today’s questions! Thankful for God’s continual pressing in on my heart!
Not only has the gospel changed me but it’s changing me. I’m on a never-ending pursuit of holiness. Always changing, always seeking, always growing closer to the truth, to my savior, the lover of my soul. Praying for you ladies to have a good day. Full of love and comfort.
I feel like I’m always struggling with darkness and temptation. To know that God knows that and still loves and forgives me makes feel so blessed to be a child of God. He loves me at my best and at my worst, more than anyone else ever could.
I think I’m able with acknowledging my sin but I struggle with doing the necessary work to be honest about my sin. The work of repenting or forgiving those who – in my eyes- wronged me. I know that I’m not perfect and that God continues to love me despite my flaws. I need to work on reflecting this same love unto others.
Wow was this needed this morning! I’ve been feeling unsettled by how hard things are and wondering if I truly believe all the things I say I do. Perfect timing this reading. Thank you Lord for the reminder that the gospel is true and you are still working in my life, in the lives of your children.
Stephanie, perhaps it will help to look at it this way. We struggle to let more of the perfection of Christ take hold of our lives. The struggle is to surrender our lives and wills to His way. To let Him be our all. To have no one and nothing be first in our hearts. It is the steuggle to shine His light, ro stay close to Him.
Our personal struggles, such as human perfectionism, are pointless and fruitless. He us All.
Hope that helps! We are all in this together! Let go and let God!!
These are some of my MOST favorite books to read. Soothing for my heart & soul.
Praying for Amanda and Toby Williams this morning! I am so thankful for the hope and light offered in this devotional as well as the reminder to fight the comfortable darkness. I look forward to the rest of the study.
I love this … are you just comfortable in your sin…. that’s a great question.
Yes!!! It begs for examination of our hearts.
Heard. Seen. Observers. Touched.
My goodness I love the reminder of how close John was to Jesus. I am so excited to read through these letters!
Just finished reading Ephesians chapter 2 and seeing what I was before the “But God” part of the scripture. Thanking God now , that what I used to be is not who I am now because of His gift of salvation. May this study bring even more light to what we have in Him.
“If we are not actively struggling with darkness, it isn’t because there is no darkness in our lives. It is because that darkness has become comfortable. The Christian life—the life of salvation through the gospel of Christ Jesus—is a life that will constantly battle the darkness until Perfection comes.“
Can anyone share some wisdom on this piece of the devotional? As someone who has struggled with perfectionism, it goes against what I have been trying to teach myself. I do not want my life to be a battle for the perfection of Jesus- I will never get there, and I will deal with frustration and anxious thoughts that come with that quest. Is there another way to look at this?
Hey Stephanie! I think it helps to remember that Perfectionism is Christ. As believers, we struggle against darkness and sin until Christ returns. We also have to walk a delicate balance of knowing that we can never be perfect—only Christ is perfect—while also not remaining complacent in our sin or in darkness. We shouldn’t be comfortable with darkness or sin, but we also shouldn’t expect ourselves to be perfect. Hope that helps!
Hi Stephanie! I’m a perfectionist too, so I completely understand where you’re coming from. I think what she was trying to say was that we shouldn’t get complacent in our faith and walk with Jesus. The Perfection that we’re waiting on is not one we’ll ever attain ourselves. It is Christ’s return and the completion of our sanctification – something we’ve already been promised as his children. So we shouldn’t be trying to reach perfection now. But as we walk with Jesus in the light and learn to see more like Him, the darkness should become more obvious to us and we ought to join the battle against it, until Jesus has vanquished it completely upon his return. So I guess we can look at it not as a battle of us striving to reach perfection, but as a battle alongside Jesus, rooting out the things that keep people from His perfect love. Hopefully looking at it this way gives us joy and purpose, rather than frustration and anxiety, I know that’s what it does for me. :)
Stephanie- this is definitely something I’ve struggled with too! I get so frustrated with my sin and the fact that I’ll never be able to get rid of it, and I constantly fall short of the standard I set for myself. however, I’ve tried to look at it like this: for me, trying to reach that unattainable standard is me living in the darkness. Because when I am so focused on perfection, I drift from God, feeling unworthy of his love. My head knows that I’m forgiven, but my heart struggles to believe it. “My grace is sufficient, for my power is made perfect in your weakness.” For me, struggling against the darkness means resting in this verse and remembering that it’s okay that I’m not perfect, because God is. Fighting against the darkness means fighting the thoughts that say I’m not good enough and instead resting in God’s grace. Hope this helped!
Wow, thank you Tina! Your questions leave me in tears. Am I really living in the Light pushing away darkness? Or am I wandering around with a flashlight low on battery power? I pray, do devotionals, read the Word, but am I doing my part to dispel the darkness in the world? In my heart? Am I truly running the race or just meandering in the general direction of good?
Somehow, perhaps the lenten study mixed with a lonely Easter mixed with tears and self-pity, I feel like a new age is coming. Lord, help me walk with You, so closely that I may shine Your Light in this dark world. Out there and in me. Help me struggle harder to be the Light. Help me to be more You and less me. Thank You, thank You, thank You, my gracious, loving, forgiving Savior!! He is risen so I may rise! Lord help me!!
Such a great message today that I needed to hear.
Hearing that the struggle with darkness is not sin itself was very eye opening to me! And relieving. For like forever I’ve thought that even if the “thought” of anything dark came I to my mind I had sinned. I’ve struggled so long with that. Thankful today for a new way to pray! And always grateful for his light that blocks out darkness.
I’m praying today that the Lord will help me to fight the dark voices of shame, condemnation, and pride and that I’ll walk in freedom in the light.
Nicole, in Christ we are fully loved, fully forgiven, fully accepted because he took our shame, condemnation and pride to the cross and gave us his righteousness. Rest in this identity in Christ to give you freedom to walk in His light. Same message I need to hear…
Thank you all ladies for your honesty and vulnerability in your posts. Prior to reading today’s lesson, I came through the night wrestling the darkness and failing, choosing to disobey. I sat in my sorrow asking if there was any chance at all for me to be holy in my thoughts, words and actions on this side of eternity. The lesson was a timely reminder that Jesus is not done with me yet. I am relieved to know that Sanctification will continue till the day I die. Thank God for His gift in our Lord Jesus which is perfect for all eternity for me, for us all.
I am glad to be doing this study with SRT this week. I have areas of my life that are dark but I trust that by knowing the Lord and studying His truths through this study, I will see a transformation of my heart and trust Him more.
Lord, you are strong and worthy of trust and praise. God I have areas in my life which need to be bleached with your radiance. I am thankful for these truths you have shown me today, may they remain with me forever. Amen.
I love your expression “bleached with your radiance” in reference to areas of sin. I’ll be using that in my prayer life too.
Oh wow a few thoughts this morning:
1. I’m praying for Amanda Williams, her son Toby & the rest of the family today! May God’s healing hands be on Toby!
2. I’m so glad to be done with Jeremiah – it did make Easter (& now this study) so much more bright & hopeful in contrast!
3. This is exactly what I needed today. In these past 4 (onto 5) weeks staying home I’ve been shaken of all seeming “control” I had over my life. Down to even a daily routine. My little one had been waking extra early cutting into my Bible & prayer (& coffee!!) time. Taking shorter & now fewer naps. Last week was hard. I felt I got nothing done as she would scream if I turned my back to her. We hopefully turned a corner yesterday. God is teaching me that HE IS IN CONTROL. & that I am really selfish with my agenda and time. And my attitude about the whole thing can change how the whole day goes! I’m stepping into this week with joy & light! Hopeful that His mercies are always new & trusting He will always keep His promises! I pray my fellowship with Jesus will deepen in this season no matter how the days go!
Be blessed all my SRT sisters! Love reading along with y’all each day <3
Having lived in darkness for so many years, I appreciate everything thats in this devotional. Especially about the darkness becoming comfortable… we all have our own darkness, big or small, whatever it may be. I would probably say now, my darkness would be fear and trying to overcome it in most aspects of my life. However, God’s proven time and time again that His light will always be casting out my darkness no matter how dim I may see it. Of that, I have no doubt
When I sin and I know I have disobeyed conviction inevitably settles in. There are times where I struggle against the sin and other times where I willingly choose to sin. I think the hardest time to accept forgiveness is when I made a conscious choice to sin. That is when I need to claim the Gospel and how God seed me.
So thankful for this lesson today. I am constantly weighing my thoughts and actions and believing that I’m not worthy because of the struggle. Thankful for the reminder that the struggle is not a sin, he is always working in our hearts to bring the light out. I am not perfect and will never be. But everyday He teaches, encourages, and guides me to be more like him. ❤️
I’ve had my struggle with darkness and I’m not afraid to say so. Recently I asked the Lord how I was supposed to be holy as he is holy when I constantly wrestle with darkness in my dreams and he told me that His Grace was sufficient for me. He definitely comforted the afflicted Saturday morning.. looking forward to this study. ❤️
I pray that the Lord will use this study to reveal areas in my life where I may be comfortable in sin and darkness so that I can seek repentance.
” If we are not actively struggling with darkness, it isn’t because there is no darkness in our lives. It is because that darkness has become comfortable.”.
The sanctuary was pitch black except for one lit candle in the middle of the platform. I stood around it with 3-4 other people. We talked about the darkness around us, first noticing it, then sharing our discomfort by it. We commented that we needed to stay near to the light. But then someone moved the lit candle only slightly and we could see shadows, outlines, shapes of people all around…in the darkness, lost. And we realized, we weren’t the only people struggling in the darkness. What would happen if we drew light from the single source and went out to them? Could they be drawn into the Light? One of us lit our candle and bravely took a step into the darkness. And then another did the same, walking in a different direction. One by one we spread out through the sanctuary, piercing the darkness with the One source of Light, which now also burned on our candles. As we spread out, the Light spread also. And then, the people in the darkness brought their candles near, and their Light burst into flame. Soon the darkness was gone and only the Light, from the One source filled the room.
God is light and there is absolutely no darkness in Him.” 1 John 1:5
Thank you God for shining Your light into my darkness. Thank you Jesus for providing a way to be brought into the Light. May Your Light shine from us into a dark world and may Your Holy Spirit burst into flame our souls, purifying and making us clean, fully new, burning from the One and Only Source of True Light!
My prayer for today – Lord expose those places where I have become too comfortable with the darkness and bring me into the light.
” If we are not actively struggling with darkness, it isn’t because there is no darkness in our lives. It is because that darkness has become comfortable.”.
Wow, this really stood out to me this morning … Have I compromised in areas I totally know I should not have, and is that not bothering me (much) anymore?
Lord, help me to see things in my life as what they really are and not as I have told myself they are.
Yes! Me too! That quote really opened my eyes.
“God is light and there is absolutely no darkness in Him.” 1 John 1:5
How peaceful and reassuring this is, we so need Jesus, the light today. Rest and absorb His peace and light on this Easter Monday.
A perfectly timed study with what’s going on in the world today and a great way to continue after Lent and Easter.
He is risen.
My school reports were always a bone of contention, as it was always passable, but the words, according to the teachers were of the could do better variety.. I had, according to me, done my best, and my grades reflected that,but the teachers would say things like, ‘..she has it, just doesn’t apply it..’or ‘..she knows it, but just does enough to get her through..’
I can see that schoolgirl me in my minds eye.. with the attitude of ‘I’m doing okay, dont need to apply unnecessary pressure on myself..I’ll get the grades… I’ll be fine’
Has that been me all my life?
As a grown up?
In my work?
In my home?
In the bringing up of my children?
With my friendships? Relationships?
My life?
My walk with the Lord?
Have I always given half measures, but just enough to scrap by? To make it through..?
I absolutely hope not, in answer to all the above, but I wonder… now!
Prayerful and Hope filled
That i will HEAR in these studies, the truth, that is Gods Word..
That i will SEE the Hope in the Word of God.
That i will totally OBSERVE, take note, learn from, and put into practice.
That I will be TOUCHED, in a way that challenges and changes(afflicts) me to be a better me..a better person for Gods glory.
Happy Monday.. wrapped in love and blessings for a good and God blessed day. ❤