Ezekiel As a Watchman

Open Your Bible

Ezekiel 3:1-27, Isaiah 6:1-13

“Giving the kids an assigned role helps the classroom thrive,” my son’s kindergarten teacher explained. Earlier that week, I had heard about the different classroom jobs from my five-year-old, so I was already aware of the positions of line-leader, librarian, mail deliverer, and light-switch checker. But there were some new roles the teacher had to explain. Like when someone forgets to listen to the teacher’s instructions, the role of extra ears helps to repeat them. And my personal favorite, the clean-up helper who holds the other kids accountable to do their part to keep the classroom clean. The kids are all responsible for one another. If one student fails to do his duty, then the whole classroom is in disarray. Completing your assigned role is how the entire group flourishes.

In Ezekiel 3, we learn about his special assignment from God: “Son of man, I have made you a watchman over the house of Israel” (Ezekiel 3:17). “Watchman” refers to the person whose job was to stand out on a tower and look out to warn of coming danger. This image illustrates how Ezekiel would receive the word of God and then warn God’s people of their sins. God’s people would hopefully repent and be saved from God’s wrath. Ezekiel had his job cut out for him as God described His house as “rebellious” (v.27), for the people of God had a reputation for being disobedient. Though Ezekiel’s job would not be easy, it would be necessary for God’s people to flourish.

The Hebrew word used here means to observe or to watch closely. For me, I interpret this as a personal challenge to be engaged in the life of our spiritual community—near enough to observe the spiritual health of our sisters and brothers. 

As Christians, we perform different roles: prayer-warrior, meal-deliverer, Scripture-reader, worship artist, teacher, comforter, caretaker, friend, mother, sister, wife, and disciple. We could also add to that list the role of watchman. In the New Testament, we are called to restore transgressors in a spirit of gentleness (Galatians 6:1). We are told to go and tell our brothers and sisters who are wandering from the truth and bring them back to the gospel of Jesus (James 5:19–20). Caring for one another’s spiritual health keeps our spiritual communities from being disobedient to God and falling into disarray.

This task of watchman is not any easier today as it was in ancient Israel. Like Ezekiel, there are many rebellious people in the house of God who will not listen to our words of warning. As we hold our brothers and sisters accountable to the faith, there may be tension and timidity. But the Holy Spirit is present with us, and we can pray and ask God for the right words to say in these difficult situations. 

As we spend time in reflection during this Lent, may we consider what it means to offer instruction and encouragement that “…promotes the growth of the body for building itself up in love…” (Ephesians 4:16). Just like a kindergarten classroom, our faith communities need us to do our part: to watch out for one another and obey God.

(155) Comments

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155 thoughts on "Ezekiel As a Watchman"

  1. Sia Kim says:


  2. Brandy Deruso says:

    Lord I thank you

  3. Kristen O’Leary says:

    Loved this! ❤️

  4. Caroline S says:

    I was raised in a Christian church. I have close friends from that church that have become my sisters. One of those friends, I have become convinced is not a Christian. She leads a life that is far from God, but continues to identify as a Christian. We are very close. A few days ago, I had a chat with another friend about what I should do. Should I say something? How do I tell someone that she is not a Christian? How do I do it without sounding condemning and judgemental while also being truthful so that she can turn to Christ for real? This reading feels like a direct message from God that I am her watchman. But I need wisdom. Prayers would be appreciated.

    1. Kelly Reed says:

      I’ve learned God knows wxactly what it will take to turn someone’s heart. So earnestly pray that God shows you your part in leading this woman back to christ and repentance

  5. Kimberly Nelson says:


  6. Lisa Daigneault says:

    Jen S. We are not responsible for peoples’ salvation. That is the work of the Lord. We are responsible to tell them about the Lord. When the Lord told Ezekiel that the blood would be on his hands was if he did not speak to the people. It would not be on his hands if he spoke to them, no matter how they responded. It would only be on his hands if he didn’t speak to the people.

  7. Lisa Daigneault says:

    Jen S. We are not responsible for peoples’ salvation. That is the work of the Lord. We are responsible to tell them about the Lord. When the Lord told Ezekiel that the blood would be on his hands was if he did not speak to the people. It would not be on his hands if he spoke to them,

  8. Lisa Daigneault says:

    Susie I have a friend that says We tell others about Jesus with our lips and our lives.

  9. Holly Waite says:


  10. Pamela Rodriguez says:


  11. Pamela Rodriguez says:


  12. Pamela Rodriguez says:

    God’s word sustains.

  13. Megan Strong says:


  14. Mary Zerg says:

    I love this and such a great reminder that we are part of community!

  15. Heather Marsden says:

    This was such a wonderful reading this morning!! We are indeed all parts of a whole

  16. Janae Steward says:


  17. Jessica Liberty says:

    I love this!

  18. Emily Warford says:


  19. Jamie Gey says:

    Love this!

  20. Beth Jerome says:

    Yes! Great point

  21. Nickie Bennett says:

    Great insight and so true.

  22. Amoreena Fidani says:

    Even though Ezekiel’s job was not going to be easy and required perseverance and total reliance on the Lord, he was still ready and willing to used by God for His Kingdom’s purposes.

  23. Amy Armentrout says:

    Yes! First thing I highlighted.

  24. Jenette McEntire says:

    I had similar thoughts! Only by the power of the Spirit could Ezekiel obey God’s command to stand before God’s glory.
    My commentary said the 7 days may also relate to the time required for a priest to be ordained. I love that God can even use our times of overwhelm to be at work within us and preparing for us the work he’s calling us to.

  25. Jenette McEntire says:

    I had similar thoughts! Only by the power of the Spirit could Ezekiel obey God’s command to stand before God’s glory.

  26. Renee Gallant says:


  27. Andrea Williamson says:


  28. Grace Domale says:


  29. Sarah Morrison says:


  30. Amy Martin says:

    This so relates to us. As the world is turning against God more and more. We have seen such a growth of false prophets and standing against that is hard because then sometimes it’s in opposition to those you thought were fellow believers. And you really need the Holy Spirit to help discern it all. And stand strong.

  31. Vickie Rsder says:

    Move on to believing …. And experience the joy, awe
    of being forgiven… praise and worship… then it will flow out automatically…. Don’t let Satan tell you the blood of Jesus isn’t enough!

    And Remember it’s a journey, it’s not a one time deal

  32. Vickie Rsder says:

    Move on to believing …. And experience the joy, awe
    of being forgiven… praise and worship… then it will flow out automatically…. Don’t let Satan tell you the blood of Jesus isn’t enough!

  33. Vickie Rsder says:

    Move on to believing …. And experience the joy, awe
    of being forgiven… praise and worship… then it will flow out automatically….

  34. Vickie Rsder says:

    Move on to believing …. And experience the joy anof being forgiven

  35. Sandi Nieto says:

    Thank you so much ❤️

  36. Sandi Nieto says:

    Thank you❣️

  37. Paula Mullinax says:


  38. Pam Stayer says:


  39. Susan Clifton says:

    What an important, beautiful post. I wonder, because I see my younger self and many I’ve known or know presently in Jillianne’s post. When you ask God for forgiveness, it is given…children of God, those following the LORD, you are free, HE has paid the price. by your faith, his grace and

  40. Barby WraySchwarz says:

    Definitely only thru the power of the Holy Spirit!

  41. Taylor Reymann says:

    The stubbornness of the Israelites reminds me a lot of our world today. So many people don’t want to listen or agree on anything. It is disheartening to watch knowing as a Christian that there is so much more beyond this earth. I am grateful to know God and know that I have him when the world gets scary.

  42. Stormi Messmer says:


  43. Shaena Elizabeth says:

    HEIDI praying for your niece. I have a 17 year old son who is also on that dark path of not seeing his worth and falling into addiction. May The Holy Spirit fill your niece, my son and all who have strayed from God and show them their worth as sons and daughters of the most high king, show them the error in their ways so that they may turn back to you. Send them watchmen who will speak truth to them in love and give them ears to hear and soften their hearts so that they may accept the rebuke rather than get defensive and continue on their path to destruction. TRUTH SEEKER thank you for sharing your testimony! You are in a position to be a great watchmen as you can empathize with those walking the path you turned back from. Thank you for sharing so vulnerably. I also love that God tells Ezekiel he is to be a watchman and give loving warnings to those who sin but he also tells Ezekiel that his job ends at the obedience of giving the rebuke….The outcome is not something Ezekiel can control…the rebuke may fall on deaf ears but the obedience of saying the difficult thing in love is still rewarded. I pray to have ears to hear you Lord. I pray for wisdom for myself and this community so that we may take on the role of watchmen when we are called to and I pray you give me the strength to not fall into trying to control the outcome as that is the work of the Holy Spirit. Amen ❤️

  44. Shaena Elizabeth says:

    HEIDI praying for your niece. I have a 17 year old son who is also on that dark path of not seeing his worth and falling into addiction. May The Holy Spirit fill you niece, my son and all who have strayed from God and show them their worth as sons and daughters of the most high king, show them the error in their ways so that they may turn back to you. Send them watchmen who will speak truth to them

  45. Renee K says:

    Heidi…I’m on tonight and praying for your niece now! She is blessed to have you in her life!! Praying God grants protection for her and a true revelation of his goodness and grace!

  46. Laura Hadsell says:

    It sounds almost challenging to be a watchman but in a way it isn’t. It is important to get to know a person and their beliefs so we can understand where they are at with God. Showing love and compassion for them will help them see that your intentions are good. And even telling them about biblical recourses on the phone may help them want to get more into learning about the Bible. That’s what has worked for me

  47. Truth Seeker says:

    I am praying for your niece now and will continue to pray.
    She is me decades ago.
    I understand her actions and poor decisions
    My parents were faithful to pray for me even though they were distraught over my
    very poor life decisions which resulted in failing a marriage, losing a daughter,
    more failed relationships which were abusive and horrific because I failed to value my self worth as I considered myself a sinner fallen from grace.
    BUT GOD (thank you Tina for this very reviving phrase !)
    He saved me from myself and from the men who mistreated me and other situations
    I allowed myself to fall into (yes I was VERY lost and did not believe I was worth much at all due to the way the men who said they loved me so much, ha! that wasn’t love – that was manipulation combined with much anger to control me to their needs – THANK YOU GOD for saving me from them and from myself !)
    I had accepted Christ as my Savior when I was in 3rd grade and even though I strayed so very far for so very long God pursued saving me from myself and from the harm from others for which I thank Him for His mercy and grace which delivered me and returned me to His love and faithfulness and His forgiveness of my many sins.
    He is a very loving and forgiving God and Christ Jesus our Savior and Redeemer makes it so that I, even I a sinner of many sins, may be forgiven and be loved as a daughter of the Most High God and His Son Jesus Christ who died for me because of my sins so that I know that I am forgiven and will spend ETERNITY !!!! with them in heaven!!!! WOW !!!! What a loving God Father Christ Jesus the Son and Holy Spirit the guide ! Thank You for saving me !

  48. Suzana Clements says:

    Today of all days, our world needs watchmen! To fix our eyes and hearts and ears on Him.

  49. Jenny Getts says:

    I love the reminder in Galatians that we are to be of gentle spirit. ❤️

  50. Mary K says:

    Heidi-I do get on at night for study before bed. I have prayed for your niece and her father. ❤️

  51. Jessica Trowell says:

    Loved todays reading, but honestly…I totally relate to Ezekiel being stunned (or overwhelmed) for 7 days straight after his vision with God. Firstly, being in the presence of God was awe-ing, and secondly, what God was calling Ezekiel to do….it was A LOT. To be a watchman for a nation of people who won’t even listen and who were hard hearted…I feel like the only reason Ezekiel was able to carry this out was because the Holy Spirit entered him and helped him. Without God, this would have been impossible for him.

  52. Heidi says:

    Not sure if anyone gets on here at night to do their study time… But if so- would anyone please be willing to pray for my niece?? She’s just turned 20. She’s had a really rough couple of years. She’s just “lost”. In and out of rehab and sober living.. grew up in a “Christian home” and, while not openly rebelling against God Himself, just living a life of brokenness that she herself doesn’t understand.
    She’s severely depressed and doesn’t surround herself with healthy ppl. She still talks with me and with her dad pretty regularly- but just today I worried for her life. She’s just so tired and lost and sad. Please pray Gods Spirit in her to awaken a new understanding of her worth, value, purpose. For her eyes to be opened to the lies of the enemy and the truth of her Savior… and pray for her dad- he’s understandably scared for her. Her mom is pretty unstable but tries to get my niece’s attention/affection which shoots her down a dark path every time. It’s all so messed up…

  53. Kelly (NEO) says:

    KRISTIN – we read on our own and discuss through the comments. Some may meet in person to do the studies but this is pretty much a online discussion only. The podcasts are helps to give us insights for the week’s readings and encouragement to keep openning our Bibles

  54. Karen LaFlamme says:

     I started to answer this question but I am flooded with examples of God‘s mercy and grace and love for you. So I just started praying for you. But a few things I feel like God wanted me to share with you… we can never work our way into forgiveness. Even if we don’t feel like we’re forgiven it doesn’t change the fact that we are. It’s a free gift that you receive. We will never be good enough or worthy of what Jesus did on the cross for all of humanity. It was a debt that was paid so that everyone could have redemption and forgiveness of sins that believed on the Name of Jesus. God is no respector of persons. He came for the lost, the broken, the sinner. He teaches how many times someone is supposed to forgive. Not seven times, but up to 77 times! All he requires is a humble contrite heart. A heart that knows it needs Jesus as her/his Savior. The problem is, when we can’t forgive ourselves. And we allow the enemy to condemn us every single day and remind us. We walk in shame we walk in unworthiness. We carry that heavy weight. It’s all a lie. You have been made free>>> set free!!! You just have to receive it by faith and ask Jesus to help you to change your ways because you want to serve Him.
    Here are some scriptures. Don’t wait any longer >>go read them tonight and smile because He makes His face shine down on you. His word is healing to all of your body, mind, and all of your spirit!! Get your heart right and your mind WILL follow!
    Luke15; Matthew 18; Psalm 51:17 Start there … I’ll be praying for you

  55. Karen LaFlamme says:

     I started to answer this question but I am flooded with examples of God‘s mercy and grace and love for you. So I just started praying for you. But a few things I feel like God wanted me to share with you… we can never work our way into forgiveness. Even if we don’t feel like we’re forgiven it doesn’t change the fact that we are. It’s a free gift that you receive. We will never be good enough or worthy of what Jesus did on the cross for all of humanity. It was a debt that was paid so that everyone could have redemption and forgiveness of sins that believed on the Name of Jesus. God is no respector of persons. He came for the lost, the broken, the sinner. He teaches how many times someone is supposed to forgive. Not seven times, but up to 77 times! All he requires is a humble contrite heart. A heart that knows it needs Jesus as her/his Savior. The problem is, when we can’t forgive ourselves. And we allow the enemy to condemn us every single day and remind us. We walk in shame we walk in unworthiness. We carry that heavy weight. It’s all a lie. You have been made free>>> set free!!! You just have to receive it by faith and ask Jesus to help you to change your ways because you want to serve Him.
    Here are some scriptures. Don’t wait any longer >>go read them tonight and smile because He makes His face shine down on you. His word is healing to all of your body, mind, and all of your spirit!! Get your heart right and your mind WILL follow!

  56. Karen LaFlamme says:

     I started to answer this question but I am flooded with examples of God‘s mercy and grace and love for you. So I just started praying for you. But a few things I feel like God wanted me to share with you… we can never work our way into forgiveness. Even if we don’t feel like we’re forgiven it doesn’t change the fact that we are. It’s a free gift that you receive. We will never be good enough or worthy of what Jesus did on the cross for all of humanity. It was a debt that was paid so that everyone could have redemption and forgiveness of sins that believed on the Name of Jesus. God is no respector of persons. He came for the lost, the broken, the sinner. He teaches how many times someone is supposed to forgive. Not seven times, but up to 77 times! All he requires is a humble contrite heart. A heart that knows it needs Jesus as her/his Savior. The problem is, when we can’t forgive ourselves. And we allow the enemy to condemn us every single day and remind us. We walk in shame we walk in unworthiness. We carry that heavy weight. It’s all a lie. You have been made free>>> set free!!! You just have to receive it by faith and ask Jesus to help you to change your ways because you want to serve Him.

  57. Kristin says:

    I have a quick question for the group. Are you reading the readings by yourself or with a group? I thought, when I heard the podcast about the Lenten Journal/reading, that they would be reading it “along with us” and then talk about it. Did I miss something? I feel a little lost.

    1. Denise Ramirez says:

      Check out the podcast!! That, and this chat area, are how we read along together. ❤ You could do this with a Bible study group, but I am reading along on my own and loving this online community.

  58. Jillianne Mattox says:

    Currently I don’t feel like I have any right to be a watchman due to how I’ve lived my life the last 10 years. How do you rebuke someone else when you still feel guilt over your own sins?

  59. Jennifer Urena says:

    What a Job was given to Ezekiel! But through all of that, notice how God always guided him and NEVER left him. Ezekiel stood in the very presence of the glory of God and thus was sent out. Just like we are sent out today, except that now we have a lot more to work with than Ezekiel had. I pray that the Lord gives all of us wisdom to discern His path and courage to walk it!

  60. Jamie T says:

    Today I found Isaiah 6:8 to be so appropriate. Who will I send? Here I am. Send me. We can all be watchmen for each other. Faith is the ground. We can watch and guide each other and ourselves grounded in Faith.

  61. Amia Freeman says:

    AMEN! I feel the conviction and the urgency for obedience… goodness I feel it

  62. Jennifer Anapol says:

    I loved the devotional today, reminding us all that we are to be watchman, or watch woman, to our fellow believers. It is very important that we follow the Holy Spirit’s leading though. I think I used to be better at this than I am now. I’m not sure if it’s because God hasn’t called me to warn any of my brothers or sisters, or if I haven’t been listening to his voice. I choose to make myself open to the Holy Spirit’s voice in this area of my life.

  63. Mercy says:

    Something about being a watchman in today’s reading: hard faced, hard foreheaded (extremely tough), speak when God’s Spirit allows only (the rest of the the time to keep quiet and not be able to rebuke- without God’s permission, know how to exercise timing and discern God’s voice with his own personal tendency), is called to warn BOTH the wicked and the righteous, surely will be roped/bound by the rebellious people. Wow. What a task.

    I have been called to rebuke a senior person for a crucial hidden sin that hurt the congregation, and I was terrified. Long story short, God tugged my heart several times, I was scared and delayed. Delayed obedience is disobedience. Until He showed me the passage of Jonah one day (how Jonah refused to rebuke Nineveh for fear of being killed. Jonah ran away, to be only in ship wreck and the whale’s belly). Am I Jonah here? Yes. So I repented, and I went. It completely destroyed the relationship, they cut ties 100% with us, along with some accusations flying back to me, which unveiled the ungodly traits I never knew they had. I was so hurt, shocked. But I did it! It took me months to recover. Like someone said, Fear God and not men. In hindsight, I am glad that God showed me that not all who appear religious are godly, not all who are in church are His sheep. But there is a chance for repentance if we speak up. May we truly have the boldness (hard face, hard forehead- through God’s enabling) to bear the blow, to risk the hurt when giving warnings to either the righteous or the wicked, as long as we obey God, we please Him and it shall be well.

    Victoria E – praying for your mental strength in the last few weeks. “Is anything too hard for the Lord?” Genesis 18:14. May God show you His mighty power and grant your heart’s desires.
    Dorothy- Praying for Finley.
    Alicia Noble- praying for your marriage.

  64. Tricia Cavanaugh says:

    Praying for all of you and your requests. Blessed Ash Wednesday Sisters.

  65. Tricia Cavanaugh says:

    As many of you have said, I also am looking for a community of women to be able to share life with. I love my husband, and love sharing life with him, but I need believing women who can hold me accountable. I will pray that you find that. Please pray that I find that.

  66. Alicia Noble says:

    Thank you for that!! I will def try this for sure

  67. Lynn Coles says:

    ❤️ Amen

  68. Pamela Randol says:

    Yes Melina I noticed that too about hardening Ezekiel’s face and making him headed. I thought the same thing, maybe to prepare him for the task at hand knowing that they were not gonna listen.

  69. Ellie D says:

    I really enjoyed the essay alongside the Bible readings today. What stood out to me the most in today’s reading was that while we are all responsible as sisters in Christ to give and receive correction gracefully, we are only to give correction when God tells us to do so. I don’t think I’ve ever noticed Ezekiel 3:24-27 much before. I was quite taken aback with how forward the Spirit was with Ezekiel – if he is to speak in correction as himself, he’ll be tied up. But, when the Spirit enters and speaks through him, he is no longer in danger. They may not listen, but he won’t be tied up.

    Today I am praying that I may be a vigilant watchman, that I may speak when the Lord tells me to speak, that I may know when that is and when that is not, and that when I am called to correct that I may do so without bitterness and in full confidence of the Lord.

  70. Andrea Henry says:

    Holding one another accountable. Calling each other out can be challenging for me, but as I grow older it’s becoming easier for me to redirect with grace.

  71. Victoria E says:

    Thank you Mercy, Rhonda J , Taylor, Angie, searching, Ally M, AG, Arina, and others (I’m sure I’m forgetting some!) who are praying ! It literally makes me tear up with gratitude to know you ladies are praying on behalf of me and this precious baby. Praying for all of us during this Lenten season.

  72. Rhonda J. says:

    Good morning/afternoon! I wanted to speak on the correction of our fellow friends in Christ. Sometimes, most times, it is not an easy thing on either end, the giving or receiving, but as brothers and sisters in Christ, we are called to be accountable to each other and to “call out” in GENTLENESS when we see things that are not healthy in our/their walk. I can say I have been on the receiving end a couple of times that were very hurtful at the time. Of course, I was proud and defensive both occurrences, almost arrogant, and it took me a while to process it and finally see it for what it was, a loving reprimand meant to correct my path. It was for my GOOD both times, yet who wants to be “set straight?” But now I look back over my young adult life and wish I would have had more corrections, right!? Wow, the guilt, turmoil, and hurt that could have been avoided staying away from so much sin! God knows what’s best for us! Sin always leads to destruction! Wouldn’t we want to save our friends from that? It’s hard yes, to approach and mindfully attack the problem not the person, but it can and should be done. Accountability is a wonderful thing in all other scenarios right, so let us apply it to our Christianity. I will definitely think about Ezekiel when this arises and I must be the one to give the correction of God’s truth and word.

    Happy Hump Day!

    (Oh, I forgot I wanted to comment on Heidi’s suggestion on someone else’s marriage being attacked! You hit it straight on! I am doing the study Armor Of God, and was able to apply how satan is attacking MY marriage relationship as well, and how that realization has really made such a tremendous difference in the way I look at our bickering! Hope she is able to see your comment!)

  73. Lynne from Alabama says:

    Victoria E: Is it already time for the little man to make his appearance? I have been praying for you daily for several months. May God bless you with a great labor/delivery and a safe arrival for your precious gift from God (your son)!

  74. Sky Hilton says:

    Ezekiel was sent to help Israel, who were in rebellion against God. Like the Israelites I had an attitude of rebellion against God for almost a long time. I had begun to think “why obey God if He doesnt love me at all??” Then mirclousy, my faith has healed. I was reborn! I don’t want to ever be in rebellion against God again. I’m so desperate to break out of the “rebel against God” attitude that seems to plague American culture today, I want to live my life with God in it, but most importantly, I want to help people who were in the same place I was. We must help others like Ezekiel

  75. Becca Woodthorpe says:

    It’s a challenge, isn’t it? To get close enough to people to be able to call out where danger lies, and trust them to do the same for you. We’ve recently joined a new church family after having been in the same congregation for 15 years, and I find I really miss the accountability that comes with the people around having seen your weakest moments. Praying for the courage to be vulnerable and seen, and to find the people I can trust, who can trust me in return.

  76. Buffy Rennie says:

    A perfect example of how The Church is/was created to not only bring people to make decisions, but more importantly to make disciples.
    When will we hear God and say what He tells us to say?
    Fear God, not man!

  77. Dorothy says:

    So Ezekiel 3:10-11 “10 Then he added, “Son of man, let all My Words sink deep into your own heart first. Listen to them carefully for yourself. 11 Then go to your people in exile and say to them, ‘This is what the Sovereign Lord says!’ Do this whether they listen to you or not.” ” could apply to us as Christians. We should be letting God’s Words “sink deep into our own heart first”. Once we have down that then if what is said in Isaiah 6:8 “8 Then I heard the Lord asking, “Whom should I send as a messenger to this people? Who will go for us?”” We can respond as in Isaiah, “I said, “Here I am. Send me.”” I hope this all made sense.
    Sisters be blessed and let God’s Words sink deep into your heart.

  78. Traci Gendron says:

    One more reply! ADD here…As I was praying this morning it grieved me how so many have hardened hearts towards our Maker. If I’m grieved can you imagine how God is grieving? The world is a hard place and I hope that we all can be a brighter spot in someone’s day. Live the Word! I make it so much harder than it needs to be. We don’t always need to use words. Sometimes that makes someone tune out and not listen. Be an example of God’s love. I’m talking to myself here.

  79. Okie74 says:

    My thoughts are that if Ezekiel only spoke when God spoke through him then there would be a greater chance of people hearing and believing the prophesy and lessons.

  80. Melina Corsiuk says:

    Also the fact that God puts the “blood” of the people on Ezekiel if Ezekiel fails to do his job and warn them of their wickedness/unjust acts. Yikes. It makes today’s devotional about being in community/helping other Christians in gentleness and love hit new. Also makes me personally more open to receiving correction/guidance from other Christians.

  81. Melina Corsiuk says:

    Vs 12-5 – Ezekiel leaves Gods presence in bitterness and in an angry spirit. How many times do I leave Gods presence with a bad attitude after getting direction or guidance I don’t want to hear?

  82. Susie says:

    Wow! We are so unworthy! I had read this passage in Isaiah before, but never actually thought about how these great prophets felt when God called them to do this enormous task.

    And it also reminded me again if the great responsibility we have as believers. Some would interpret this different ways, but I think pointing the way to God means living in such a way that our lives reflect His image and unconditional love, that others would want that as well.

  83. Melina Corsiuk says:

    Wow. I have SO MANY follow up thoughts!
    So this has already been mentioned but the eating of the scroll “sweet as honey in my mouth” – filling up with God’s word. How many times does psalms or proverbs compare God’s word to good food.
    God hardened Ezekiel’s face in vs 7-8. Hard like a diamond, harder than flint. Maybe for him to withstand the resistance from Israel?

  84. Melina Corsiuk says:

    Wow. I have SO MANY follow up thoughts!
    So this has already been mentioned but the eating of the scroll “sweet as honey in my mouth” – filling up with God’s word. How many times does psalms or proverbs compare God’s word to good food.

  85. Melina Corsiuk says:

    Wow. I have SO MANY follow up thoughts!

  86. Traci Gendron says:

    SANDI NIETO – I was also a caretaker. It is a hard job, but an honor. I pray for you to have endurance and strength. Take care of yourself as well.

  87. Laurie Crary says:

    Andrea, praying God will send you a special friend.

  88. Rachel says:

    ARINA and HEIDI – your words were particularly helpful today, thank you! I’ve heard it said that “accountability is only as good as we are honest.” While I pray to be a diligent “watchwoman”, I also pray that I am honest with my people when I am in sin or struggling…and then humble and gracious if/when someone sees something in me that is not of the Lord. Being steeped in His word will help me stay pure and will be the plumb line, both for my own life and for others…only by knowing Him and His word deeply will I know what is true and what is not.

  89. Traci Gendron says:

    I have found that sometimes we share without realizing it. Through Tanner’s death I have had many people comment on my faith. I was unaware that it was even apparent to others. My doctor sent me a note about it. I have heard from friends that mention it to me. Through this I have learned to stop being so hard on myself. I don’t need to be bright lights and action. It can be subtle and make more of a statement sometimes. Knowing when to be mute and when to talk. Be a living example. I pray that God will use my pain for His purpose and let others see Him in this trial I have had to face.

    As I was reading today, Hold Onto Me by Lauren Daigle came on. This song has helped me through so much. Have a blessed day ladies.

  90. Mari V says:

    I’m so grateful for my sisters my sister sisters and then my sisters in Christ who look after me and call me on when they see I’m starting to fall. Especially my sisters in Christ.

  91. Morgan Latham says:

    @Beatrice Laurien-Honorius I’ll be praying this for you. I hope to find community for myself as well.

  92. Ashlee Hickson says:

    I am so grateful to have a spiritual community through SRT!

  93. Janet Bridgers says:

    This reading today really hit my heart. Ezekiel is told to warn the Israelites of their fallen ways. Then he has done his job. The scripture in Galatians and James seem to be pointed at holding the body of Christ accountable. My dilemma is speaking the love of Christ with unbelieving son and sister who is in a same sex relationship. Prayer for this season of Lent that God would reveal to me what He wants me to do and or say.

  94. lucy rodriguez says:

    I have a question about Ezekiel 3 – I understand that it was in Gods will to have Ezekiel bound and unable to speak unless spoken to by God, but does anybody have further knowledge on why this would be important to the story of Ezekiel? I just want more theological knowledge on this situation.

  95. Kelcy Pryor says:

    Ezekiel had a big task. A great responsibility, I wonder how hard it would be now a day to share our faith like Ezekiel. I also struggle with sharing my faith, starting small, and sharing it in your household would be a great start. For this Lenten season I want to be closer to God, that’s why I’m doing this study and my goal is to read scripture to my kids every day. (They might not understand much but I want them to have that joy of learning about God) prayers are appreciated :)

  96. Vickie Muller says:

    Thankful for a wonderful group of Shes… it occurred to me as I lamentented my shy willingness to share God with others, was that God takes care of everything. In this passage of Ezekiel we see all He asks is be my watchman… HE gives Ezekiel the exact words at the proper timing. He even mutes his voice when he should not mediate. It is not our responsibility how our words are received… only to share… God really takes care of it all!!! In this current cancel culture enviornment it feels we need to defend our belief in the very existence of God. It feels daunting and heavy. Today was liberating…God surely does not need me to defend him… He just wants me to partner with him. To love one another as his people by being His watchman for one another. Lord, may I be exactly that, trusting in you to provide me the words and mute my mouth when it is not your timing.

  97. Kathy Harkness says:

    Arina, that caught my attention too that Ezekiel had to fill himself with Gods word. God’s word prepares us to talk about Jesus with others. He is there with us and we should be afraid or discouraged. As a watchman there is accountability for ourselves and others but God is always in control. Thank you for you post!

  98. Denise Stone says:

    I pray for the strength to BE a watchman. the confidence and words to speak when it is necessary.

  99. Veronica Rohrer says:

    What a call to obedience and community! Praying that each of us with bravely speak in love when God presses upon us, not be discouraged, and continue showing up for one another. May the “Spirit [fill us] and raise us to our feet.”

  100. Rachel Self says:

    We watch out for each other’s physical safety and mental health. It makes sense that we would also watch out for each other’s spiritual health.

  101. Morgan Latham says:

    How many times have I had the opportunity to be a watchman? Too many to count no doubt. Many times I have failed to report the truth to those around me. I hope to be a better watchman in the future.

  102. Laura Trussell says:

    Such a stirring passage in Ezekiel. What a charge God gave him!! The same charge given us can cause me to feel overwhelmed at times. But I realize that is me in my flesh attempting all the “things”. So thankful for the Holy Spirit Who indwells, comforts, and convicts. May my mouth ever be open to declare Jesus to those God puts in my path.

  103. Ana Kuykendall says:

    “Don’t be afraid or discouraged by the look on their faces” this is the second time this has been brought up, and wow, that hits home for me. The looks on people’s faces get to me more than their words sometimes.

  104. Maria Baer says:

    Oh Sandi Nieto— I’ve been in that caregiver role and, while we do it out of love, it is exhausting. Sending much love and prayers for comfort, strength and that you get out of this study everything your soul needs. Hugs.

  105. Sandi Nieto says:

    I was a caregiver to my handicapped son for 15 1/2 years, then for my father and next my mother. Now we have the ‘last man standing’ which is my father in law who lives with us and gets hip replacement surgery tomorrow. I am tired. I need this study. And above all I am thankful to be a child of God and pray that I can be a light to my family of unbelievers

  106. Jenn Mejia says:

    I really enjoyed this chapter as it reminded me that God wants to be known. Whether the Israelites listened or not, God still wanted Ezekiel to warn them, and to watch for them, that they may know His heart for them. I was also reminded of the fact that God didn’t just lay down judgement or consequences to their disobedience without warning (though He could), but rather He would warn the people, and this is a beautiful picture of the love He had for them, and the love He has for us; a gracious, perfect, forgiving love.

  107. Christina Salisbury says:

    Me too! Doing the 40 day Social Media fast with Wendy Speake! https://www.wendyspeake.com/social-media

  108. Krista Larsen says:

    I love that the holy seed is in its stump. Even in disaster & decay, Jesus is there. Thank you, Jesus. Help me to serve You as watchman!

  109. Eileen Dowd says:

    Welcome Beatrice! This is a powerful community and I will pray that you will also be led to a community with your husband near where you live that will give you the desire of your heart, worship of Our Lord with others near you. Praying for you today!❤️

  110. Taylor says:

    Praying for you Sarah D, Victoria E, and praying for Finley! Praying for open eyes and ears to be present in what God is teaching me in this season of my life rather than getting caught up anticipating “what’s next”

  111. Janice Milley says:

    Miranda, I’m with you in refraining from social media during this time of lent.

  112. Adrienne says:

    SHAENA ELIZABETH… I am letting go of the extra time and warmth of my bed (goodbye snooze alarm!). I, like you, want to spend more time with Him each day. Was listening to a podcast yesterday that made me cry… The pastor said that when we pray, it is as if we are sitting at the foot of God’s throne! We (well, ME) often think our prayers are just vertical… our prayers go UP to Him. But this helped me see that when I talk to Him in prayer, it is as if He is sitting down with me (like a father and/or good friend would do). Hope that perspective is helpful. Have a blessed day!

  113. Terany Garnett says:

    Parables and elaborate details are meant for symbolism yet some of it I can’t make sense right now but I want to learn. In this devotional, God is said to be the Sovereign God which means all power is His. And what the spirit told Ezekiel to do: not speak out of turn, tell the people what God wants to say, and be a watchmen not a man in the community. It’s like God is allowing him to be an example for us, because we go thru similar restricts bc we have to be careful and we have to know clearly what God says to do and do it or we will be held accountable. God thank you so much for your grace that allows me to learn to do better

  114. Cherrelle Sanders says:

    Praying for strength and clarity during this lent season!

  115. AG says:

    Today’s reading was a good one for me. I struggle with sharing about my faith, I feel like I never know what to say or how to say it. I recently had a friend ask me about it and I was excited for the opportunity to share. I am hoping to work on this and share more openly about my relationship with God.
    Sending prayers for a safe delivery Victoria E!

  116. Leigh AnnSheets says:

    Praying for you Charlotte.

  117. Maria Baer says:

    Today’s devotional is timeless in its conviction and relevance. I like how SRT doesn’t shy away from addressing the apostasy happening and increasing in the Christian church in general terms, which Scripture talks about at lengths in many books of the Bible. Today’s scripture also focused more on the character of the people more than Ezequiel— they are rebellious with a hard heart. During our study of Amos at church, our pastor discussed how today’s society is like that in the book of Amos, when there is a source of famine and in this case is a famine of the Word. Today, the Word is readily available yet most people have turned their way from it, AND in many cases, don’t want to hear it. Which result in wandering. Even many churches are wandering towards ideologies contrary to God’s words, in the name of being “nice”, and the “watchmen” of the Church are twisting the word and turning a blind eye in the name of being welcoming. I remember reading John 12:40 and feeling a deep sense of sadness because the day will come when people will want to turn to God 200% but “He has blinded their eyes and hardened their hearts, so they can neither see with their eyes, nor understand with their hearts, nor turn.” God doesn’t force us to follow him but wants us to do it voluntarily. And as today’s devotional says, here is where we come into play. May we be watchmen that God is pleased with as we spread his Gospel to those around us before their hearts are hardened.

  118. Church Mouse says:

    If we fully understood what hell is really like, we’d be bolder in evangelism.

  119. Carley Massey says:

    I am also staying off social media for this lent season and focusing on meditating on Gods word! You got this! I deleted the apps from my phone in January and And have been able to better focus on what God is calling me to and what matters in my life

  120. Charlotte Messier says:

    Praying that I am able to be renewed in my spirit during this Lenten season I am so weary from serving in ministry and feeling so defeated on so many levels. Lord, renew my fervor for You.

  121. Ally M says:

    Good morning everyone! I am assured to hear that I’m not the only one who struggled to grasp Ezekiel’s vision yesterday. I listened to the podcast episode and it makes so much sense that I’m not able to fully understand- God’s glory is infinite, He is infinite, and I am finite. I really recommend the SRT podcast episode! It gave me some context for what we are reading.
    SARAH D- I’m praying for you to be able to find the peace of Christ and that God would give you faith to drive out fear and anxiety. I struggle with anxiety too.
    MIRANDA POMPHRETT- I am also fasting from social media! May this time away from the online world strengthen us in our relationship with the Lord.
    VICTORIA- Praying for your baby and your delivery; may the Lord’s will be done.
    DOROTHY- Praying for Finley’s health and God’s will to be done.
    ANGIE- I absolute love the phrase you shared: “the answer is yes, Lord; what is the question?” Faith is about obedience.

    Thank you all for your insights and prayers! I would appreciate prayers for my anxiety and OCD.

  122. searching says:

    sharing my faith, looking for the right words for talking with another believer about a compromise they have made – these actions are terrifying to me. Lord, praying for wisdom on when to speak and the words to say, and to see the areas in my own life that are in need of a direction correction.

    HEIDI – thank you!

    MARGARET W – praying for wisdom in your decision

    DOROTHY – praying for Finley

    VICTORIA E – praying for you and baby!

    Continuing to pray for Ukraine, and the state of our world

  123. Andrea Donnay says:

    A call con community! I’ve been praying for female friends specifically a lady tribe. I want to do life with other women, pray, encourage, keep accountable, and be real! Lord please give us the opportunity to do life with others. Open doors and eyes of others to widen their circle please.

  124. Nicole Burgos says:

    ❤️ needed this

  125. Tammy Nunnally says:

    While reading what Ezekiel was tasked to do, I was reminded that we can only do these things with the Holy Spirit inside us. That is where our strength comes from and I have to submit to it.

  126. Katie Megee says:

    God tells Ezekiel not to be discouraged when the people will not listen, that he is responsible for the telling, whether they listen or not. I feel like this is a message to me today, so often I do not share my faith because I know those I am sharing with really don’t want to hear it, and I am discouraged by that. Great reminder that my call is only to share my testimony—the rest is up to God.

  127. PJ Hill says:

    I hope that when I’m in a position to be a watchman, that God will give me the right words to say and calm my nerves! It’s nerve wracking to share my faith sometimes, but I know it’s the right thing to do!

  128. Shaena Elizabeth says:

    Excited it is Ash Wednesday, I have decided to fast from sleeping in as a way to dedicate more time to reading the word and prayer. I love Jesus and I have tried many times to strengthen my prayer life but I always fall short. I plan to start with the SRT community ❤️ I have already read some great prayer tips from some of you all but if anyone has any more prayer wisdom/tips I would love to hear them. And keep posting your prayer requests here!! I will be praying over you all ❤️ I am starting to think I am over complicating prayer and that is becoming a barrier for myself in connecting with God……

  129. Sarah D. says:

    Good morning Shes! Excited to keep reading Ezekiel. I liked what HRT said this morning, “Think about what God has called you to in your life. In whatever ways God has called you, He expects you to follow His call, knowing He will be with you in it. God’s callings on our lives are often not easy. This isn’t because God wants us to be miserable. It’s because God wants us to trust Him, and if we only ever operated within our comfort zones, we would miss the felt need to trust God.”
    Praying I would keep trusting God even as I deal with the anxiety at work. I would love your prayers ladies, that I would feel less anxious during the day,combat my thoughts with truth, and know that my confidence and identity is in Christ. Nothing anyone says or does can change my security in Him. Have a great Wednesday everyone :)

  130. Amy Hughes says:

    I’m so grateful for the devotional! Really helps put “watchman” into context in today’s world. Her personal challenge… I feel that deep!

  131. Heidi says:

    ALICIA- Been there (as ALL marrieds have… and will again…!!). A few years in, the whole passage about the armor of God and taking on the viewpoint that my fight isn’t with any human on this planet, I finally started intentionally applying that to my man. When the arguments or fights or disagreements (whatever you want to call them!) would come, I would say in my head- “the enemy is who wants discord and hurt and confusion- the enemy is who benefits and is glorified by broken relationship- my fight right now is with him- not the man in front of me”. The change in my perspective when that concept is applied- unreal. The mercy and grace and compassion I then feel for the man I married comes in and my heart of prayer over him goes out. Also, my eyes are much more open to see how the enemy is using ME in the situation as well… it’s been a game changer in how we see and respond to one another. Even if your guy doesn’t jump on board- you’re responsible for you, not him- so I’d say try it. It definitely won’t hurt to get intentional in putting the enemy in his place!! ;)

  132. Jenn Schuette says:

    How convicting for me. God told Ezekiel that Ezekiel was responsible for the peoples’ salvation. That if they died and Ezekiel had never told them God’s word, their deaths would be on Ezekiel’s hands. But if Ezekiel had shared God’s words and the people didn’t listen, Ezekiel would not be at fault. It’s sometimes nerve-wracking to share my faith. But as a believer, it’s my duty to “make heaven full”. I pray that God uses me and that the Holy Spirit gives me the right words to say, just like he did with Ezekiel.

  133. Nora Pylant says:

    ❤️ good Word

  134. Miranda Pomphrett says:

    “Wow is me” cries Isaiah when He sees the vision of the Lord. I feel this cry today. I am going to surrender social media for 40 days and seek the Lord with that time. I would love accountability and to help anyone else if they are deciding to “fast” from something!

  135. Emily G says:

    Amen! ❤️

  136. Alicia Noble says:

    I needed to hear this today because I feel like their has been a spiritual attack on my marriage, the last few weeks we have been at each other and I know saying some very hurtful things that shouldn’t be said. We have leaned on our brother and sister in Christ for help but the one who we need to be seeking more and asking more help from is the Lord!

  137. Sarah J says:

    Sooo good. When confronted with the holiness of God we have no choice but to confront sin in ourselves and with the humbleness of a sinner, saved only by grace, we watch and warn of the danger of sin. We call sin out for it’s darkness and destruction and call for all to come to light in Jesus.

  138. Ann Harris says:

    I love the way the words of these passages and imagery contained bring God’s message

  139. Kristen says:

    I have been drawn to the words in Isaiah. I have heard preachers say that this where Isaiah saw God for Who He truly is and Isaiah also saw himself for who he is. Isaiah’s response was to fall down and say: Woe is met for I am ruined
    because I am a man of unclean lips
    and live among a people of unclean lips,u
    and because my eyes have seen the King! I learned that the words: Woe is me said by Isaiah meant he was putting a curse on himself. He saw the Glory of God and how depraved he was. He saw the depths of his sin. I want to see the depths of my sin. (I am guilty of doing the comparison game and think at least I don’t do this or that, so I’m not as bad. Yikes! No! Wrong answer!) The Word says that He is Holy, Holy, Holy! My sin is NOT acceptable! My sin is sin! When I/ we see the depths of our sin and the price that was paid, May this make our awe, amazement, thankfulness, gratitude and love grow! God in His mercy didn’t leave Isaiah in that place. Then we read: Then one of the seraphim flew to me, and in his hand was a glowing coal that he had taken from the altarv with tongs. 7 He touched my mouth with it and said:
    Now that this has touched your lips,
    your iniquity is removed
    and your sin is atoned for. Hallelujah! He was forgiven and his sin was atoned for! By God’s mercy we don’t have to be left drowning in our sin and shame either. We can repent, be forgiven, and rejoice, because of Jesus! Finally, Isaiah hears:
    Then I heard the voice of the Lord asking:
    Who will I send?
    Who will go for us?
    I said:
    Here I am. Send me.
    My prayer is that all, in God’s mercy, would be drawn. That all including me would see Him rightly and our sin rightly and cry out in repentance and know the joy of forgiveness and atonement. Then live a life in reverence and rememberence with His help! Amen!
    I don’t know if anyone has ever listened to R C Sproul’s teaching on Isaiah and the Holiness of God. You can find the 6 part series on YouTube. I recently heard about Johnny Ardavanis. He has a podcast called: Dial In and one series focused on the attributes of God. You can find him on YouTube too, but not this series. Here is a link to one about God’s Holiness: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/attributes-of-god-gods-holiness/id1505222737?i=1000529330695
    Prayers for you all today!

  140. Angie says:

    Dorothy, I am praying for Finley.

    Victoria, I continue to pray for you and your son, this precious gift God has given. May that little boy wiggle around, as little boys so often do in the everyday, and get himself in position to come out…unless by God’s plan He wants you to have a C-section. May God’s will be done and your healthy little boy be delivered safely for both of you. It’s been a long pregnancy in the day by day prayerful dependence, and yet it feels like yesterday. Enjoy these last few weeks…that prayerful dependence thing only gets stronger, and better, after your son is born and you get to follow those little boy wiggles in reality – enjoying every minute!

    Diana – from yesterday you shared about the meaning of the 4 heads, thank you for that reminder. When my high school ladies and I studied that in Revelation earlier one of them noticed the same thing, however, we did not have the ties to Christ. I can’t wait to meet with them tonight and share.

    ERB – Thank you also for your information of the 7 Spirits. When we read that part, I said I thought the 7 had to do with God’s perfect number and we thought they represented the Spirit of God…I took a picture of what you shared and will be sharing it tonight also. Thanks!!!

    The big take away for me today from our scripture is that we are responsible for our obedience to God’s call on our lives. We are not responsible for how it is accepted or rejected. I believe I shared this recently but, in BSF leadership group one of the ladies shared that when God calls her to obedience, it is not an attitude of, okay…let me hear what you want me to do so I can decide whether to do it/it is an attitude of, I’m ready Lord, what is your call? Another lady shared that her pastor says, “The answer is yes Lord, now, what is the question?” Facedown, reverent, obedience…worshipful, humble, follow through – in Your power alone our God and King. Amen.

  141. Elizabeth Blackwell says:

    I feel like, lately, with everything that has been happening around my family and to my family, I need the watchman. More so to tell me to be patient and wait on God because He’s already taken care of everything. I feel like, with being a pastors family, we all get hits a little harder at times. And right now is one of those times.

  142. Pam Seipp says:


  143. Kelly (NEO) says:

    I love that God strengthened Ezekiel for the task and for the rejection of the people. A forhead of flint (vs. 8) reminds me of our helmet that Paul mentions as the armor of God.

    DOROTHY – will continue to pray for Finley – what battles that little one has faced! Thank you for speaking Jesus into her life.

  144. Suzanne Woodward says:

    So good! Thanks for sharing your thoughts on this. They really brought out some truths that I need this morning!

  145. Mary Stephens-Clark says:

    Lord, give me the right words for those closest to me who believe that they believe but then denounce the Word. Help me find gentle words of truth, help me plant these seeds so You can make them grow. The scales on their eyes are thick, Lord. I see their families suffering. Allowing their 14 and 15 year old children to smoke pot and 14 year old daughter to have sex, all the while rationalizing it and making a case that it is for their good. When I have tried warn against allowing these things, I am shut down because my children are 6 & 7 so I do not understand or that we parent differently or simply that I am judgemental. She and her husband are good people with good hearts, but living in the dark. Bathe them in your light, Jesus.

  146. Mary Ann Graves says:


  147. Jamie Lewis says:


  148. Adrienne McPherson says:

    This is also an encouragement to stay connected to invest, develop relationship – when we do that, we find ourselves counting the cost of not checking in with our brothers and sister, we find ourselves lost in the day to day of being a believer but not facing the reality that who we are matter and who we are together is vital in glorifying God and loving one another well.

  149. Arina says:

    Before Ezekiel could speak to the people, he had to eat the words of God. He had to fill himself with it. Only then would he be able to fulfill his task. The words of judgement, lamentation, and woe are sweet to Ezekiel. He tastes God’s love in them. It prepares him to do his work. He isn’t responsible for how the people react to his preaching. But he does bear responsibility for how he himself reacts to the words of God and to warn the people. But with this hard task, God also gives him the power to do it. God will make him stubborn so that he will keep sharing the words of God whether they listen or not.

    Dorothy – praying that all will be well with Finley
    Victoria E – praying for peace and a safe delivery

    1. Andria VickeryRondon says:

      This is such a great word, Arina. God’s instructions sound harsh, but Ezekiel knows God, trusts God, and sees His loving character in His instructions. Ezekiel is also filled with the Spirit before he goes to speak with the people.

  150. Gabrielle Johnson says:

    ❤️ Amen

  151. Lydia Hunt says:

    Father help us to prioritise faithfully watching over our brothers and sisters in love