Exile and Invitation

Open Your Bible

Genesis 3:8-10, Genesis 3:22-24, Isaiah 40:3-11, Revelation 5:11-14, Revelation 21:3, 1 Corinthians 13:8-13, Revelation 22:4, Revelation 22:17

After reading today’s passages, use the guiding content below to help you reflect, respond, and engage with one another.

In the beginning, sinful people were blocked from the life-giving presence of God. In the end, God’s redeemed people are invited to live fully in His presence. 

How are broken things being made new or restored to God? In prayer and in the comments, reflect on what it means for you to experience restoration with God and how that truth affects your daily life.

(93) Comments

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93 thoughts on "Exile and Invitation"

  1. Riley Dorough says:

    He is my Shepard. Guiding me through the field, shielding the wolves from my flesh, taking a hold of my skin & saying “stay near me, it’s safer for you.”
    He’s reminding me daily that my broken body, who wanders from him into the open field is always going to go after me and bring me back. Restoring the cuts, the bruises, and the scars. He makes me white as snow and continues his protectiveness everyday for Me.

  2. Thea Fox says:

    Guiding me in his will instead of my own once I leaned on his understanding and surrendered my own.

  3. Kelsey Hasse says:

    He is daily restoring my dependence upon Him and daily helping me surrender my want, my plans and my desires to just fully live in His faithfulness with His guidance, wisdom and peace. He is the Good Shepherd…lead me today O Lord! Lead me

  4. Ashton Morris says:

    As a recovered addict, this really resonated with me this morning. “Even after my skin has been destroyed, yet I will see God in my flesh.”
    Hallelujah, amen.

  5. Dori Brown says:


  6. Hallie Waters says:


  7. Kelsey Hughes says:

    I remember many years needing to memorize the vs in 1 cor 13, and it’s always amazing the way the living word becomes so real in different seasons of our lives. The wisdom of this world is so fleeting and must be so childlike, perhaps even more so infantile to the great all knowing creator. I find myself longing more and more everyday for him and the day when he will reach out and bring us home and we will full understand all his goodness.

  8. McKennah Gow says:

    I have undeserved access to the King.

  9. Kendra Qual says:

    “God’s dwelling place is with man.” I think that we sometimes forget that God’s intention was always to be in relationship with us. He desires us now and someday we’ll have perfect relationship with Him again!

  10. Alayna P. says:

    Understanding that there is a pathway to restoration with God brings hope and purpose to my daily life. It means acknowledging a renewed and reconciled relationship with God, a healing of the brokenness caused by separation, sin, and the consequences of my actions.

    This truth impacts me in profound ways:

    1. **Hope and Purpose:** It gives me a sense of meaning beyond the challenges I face each day, fostering hope and purpose in the midst of life’s uncertainties.

    2. **Forgiveness and Redemption:** I am encouraged to seek forgiveness and embrace redemption, freeing myself from the weight of guilt and committing to positive transformation.

    3. **Guidance and Comfort:** Restored connection with God offers me guidance and comfort, providing strength and assurance as I navigate the ups and downs of life.

    4. **Compassion and Love:** Experiencing God’s restoration cultivates compassion and love within me, inspiring grace and understanding for myself and others.

    5. **Transformation:** Believing in restoration inspires my personal transformation, aligning my life with values that reflect divine principles of love, justice, and mercy.

    In this way, the truth of restoration with God shapes my attitudes, behaviors, and relationships, contributing to a more purposeful and meaningful daily existence.

    1. Anne Klinkhammer says:

      A well thought out response. Thanks for taking the time to share your insights!

  11. Elizabeth Diaz says:


  12. Kelli Harrell says:

    Restoration feels like true peace at last when the God who can level a mountain gathers the lambs to snuggle near his chest. What a powerful image of the might and gentleness of God.

  13. Tina says:

    @MARI V.. I’m sorry you are having trouble with patience with mum. As I held you in prayer, the story of the girl in my soul kitchen came to mind.. (I recently, I think, wrote about her) Here’s the thing dear sister, as I found out, it is not necessarily that the one causing the hurt needs to change or be corrected, BUT GOD, that our hearts need to change too. Remembering past hurts, will not heal today’s troubles. Leave them with Jesus, at the cross, and remember getting older is a struggle too for our elderly parents, the things they cannot do now , the reliance on their children, the adjustments to be made. It’s not easy. Speak to God, sister.. He will guide your heart to be right with mum.. Was not intending to write a missive, sorry.❤

  14. Wanda Woehlert says:

    It means I can talk with God directly. Thank you Jesus for dying for my sins so that I may have openness with God. 

  15. Bee Miller says:

    Closeness to God is where ultimate peace is

  16. B And says:

    Gayle I am praying god may give you strength today that he may be with you follow you wherever you go

  17. Adrianne says:

    I think broken things are made new through learning the the stories of the Bible, understanding it, and practicing it in our daily lives. Doing the SRT daily reading is what helps me stay in the Word everyday. I’m hoping that by actively reading I’m helping myself down the road of understanding the life lessons in the Bible which is hopefully leading me towards making better choices, living a more compassionate life, and loving our God and Jesus more and more everyday.

    Living with love on my shoulders is a great weight to bear each day. Both the heavy and light of it. Today that’s how I see the truth of restoration.

  18. Mari V says:

    Unbroken. Renewed. Restored. THANK you, Tina! I needed this, today. Since this morning I wanted to go back to read your comment from this morning as many of our She’s were mentioning it and I finally had a chance just now, (5:00 PM) PST. I (as many of us do) long for that day. Meanwhile please pray as I really need to exercise more patience with my elderly mom. She loves Jesus. She also loves us her kids and adores her grandchildren. She’s a great person, mom and grandma. I’m transparent here, as I feel safe here. PLEASE pray for my heart and to exercise patience towards her. I’ve been through CR and forgiven, and then things creep up and sometimes her old habits or “sayings” come up causing triggers. Sigh…..

  19. Dom Taylor says:


  20. Alicia Boyd says:


  21. Sophie Kelly-Ng says:

    I cannot believe the creator of Heaven and Earth has designed for us to live with him. No longer being separated. What a gift to have the Holy Spirit dwell in and around us. But to one day just be in the presence of God. Thank you Jesus for your sacrifice so we can embrace this sweet gift! ♥️

  22. Stacee Barnett says:

    No one is capable of renewal and restoration NUT GOD! Thank you God for all your grace and mercies!

  23. Jennifer Anapol says:

    I love that I can live close to God this side of heaven. One day I will be closer than I am now, but I’m thankful that I can begin to experience this closeness now. I am not feeling very close to God right now. Sometimes it is hard to feel close to him when there is so much going on that I can’t always take the time to be still before him. We had my in laws in our house this weekend, and one of my daughters is sick. So just a little more on my plate. I am thankful to have this time to sit before God. I know that even if I don’t feel like God is close, he is. His closeness isn’t based on my feelings.

  24. Tina says:

    MERCY, Oh my dear, I’m sorry for your troubles.. praying for your spirits to be lifted and the little people to feel well, in Jesus’s healing name, I pray.. Amen..
    Lots of love and hugs dear sister!❤️

  25. Tina says:

    Dearest GAYLE CRAIK, I am sorry for the side effects of your treatment and also for your husband being poorly.
    Praying dear heart that God is seen tangibly throughout the day and that you feel His closeness..He journeys with you through this.. for sure.. this too shall pass
    Prayerful over husband too that he will recover speedily and be able to be with you on this journey.
    Praying dear heart, wrapped in love and hugs..

  26. Mercy says:

    A few points that jumped out to me from today’s scriptures:
    1/ afraid and hide (Genesis 3:10): fear causes us to be in hiding, a state of vagabond, and fugitive, disconnected from the mission of God and others. Lord, please show me where I have been hiding, Lord show me where fears have caused me to be absent/hiding/avoiding of You. Give me grace to abide in Love (in You).
    2/ 1 Corinthians 13:11: “When I was a child, I spoke like a child, I thought like a child, I reasoned like a child. When I became a man, I gave up childish ways”. Lord, please lead me into maturity, and show me the childish ways that need to be given up to make room for Your Ways, Your Thoughts.
    3/ We will see God’s face (Revelation 22:4: They will see his face, and his name will be on their foreheads.) This is huge. Moses was denied seeing God’s face, only His back as He passed by.
    @GAYLE C: prayers for your chemo treatment, I am so sorry that you’re enduring alone. May support come and your husband feels better.
    @MICHELLE PATIRE: prayers for Brenna’s healing, and her podcast/work of ministry.
    @TINA: Thank you for “God will always bring healing in some way”. I needed that. You made me cry again. What a sweet message.
    @RHONDA AND @KELLY (NEO): prayers for your back pain and healing.
    @SARAH D: may the Lord bless you with the desires of your heart.

    Ladies, may I ask for your prayers? We have been in such an extremely cold week (the roads feel like skating rink here). This weather affected my mental state, kid’s health to top up. I feel really sad and discouraged. Besides, my work has a meeting this morning and there are big mandatory changes coming, of future outsourcing our work, that alerts something negative in my spirit. I feel anxious about my future here (been a few months since I felt this way), but some changes I took led to nowhere. I really need courage to face something ahead, I just don’t know what it is. Thank you for your prayers.

    Be blessed dear sisters.

  27. Donna Wolcott says:

    Gayle prayers for you and your husband that you both start to feel better. It’s hard when you’re not even home in a familiar setting.❤️

  28. Donna Wolcott says:

    Just an aside dear sisters, as we remember the Rev. Martin Luther King today I would like to share one of his messages. “Darkness cannot drive out darkness, only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate, only love can do that.” ❤️

  29. Cee Gee says:

    Forgot to say: the demo is on YouTube.Just copy and paste-
    “Stars and Whales singing How Great is Our God (Chris Tomlin) – Louie Giglio – 9min version”

  30. Cindy Hanna says:

    “Now I know in part, but then I will know fully, as I am fully known “ 1 Cor 13:12. So many things I don’t fully understand this side of heaven but I can find confidence and peace and hope because I AM FULLY KNOWN by my God right now. Right here.

  31. Cee Gee says:

    SHARON JERSEY GIRL – Your comment about creatures praising God reminded me of this AWEsome demo:

    Stars and Whales singing How Great is Our God (Chris Tomlin) – Louie Giglio – 9 min version *** This makes my heart swell and brings me to tears every time I hear it!***

    GAYLE CRAIK – Dear sister, I am praying for you and your husband! Praying that the nausea and weakness are less pronounced and that your husband is fully recovered SOON so he can give you the support you need in this time. ❤

    TINA – What a precious memory! I experienced something similar with my mom. The week of my son’s high school graduation, she developed a bad UTI (in the nursing home about 8 hours away). When my sister called me to tell me I asked her to tell Mama I would be there as soon as graduation was over and was planning to stay a while. Unfortunately she passed away before I could get there. That has been one of the biggest hurts for my heart. I am so glad you heard your dad’s voice and he heard yours! Sorry for rambling about that! Hugs sweet sister from a cold and dreary southern USA! ❤

  32. Allison Bentley says:

    Restoration is such a beautiful thing- looking at life through restorative lenses today and boy is it beautiful. As long as I am connected to the vine I am good! Praying for all you She’s this week. Keep opening your Bibles!

  33. Kristy says:

    So grateful that He is merciful toward sinners. Adam and Eve were hiding from him and lying, yet before they even repent He pursues them. He looks for them. Where are you?? Out of his great love he continues to show them both mercy and discipline. What great news for me!! What am I trying to hide from God? As the new year starts our church always does a 21 days of prayer and fasting. Each day I am asking God to expose what I need to get rid of. What I have added to my life that needs to be gotten rid of. Jesus thank you that you restore!! When we screw things up, you restore! Day after day your mercies are new. Show me what is broken in me that needs to be restored so I can be used by you in the way you intend to use me. Restore me Father to my original state, again and again. Expose my hurts, my bitterness, my sin, my unforgiveness. Oh the day that we will be fully restored, once and for all. Thank you Jesus!!

  34. Kimberly U. says:

    Today’s reading reminds me of the sweet promises we have about the closeness that we will have with God. The struggles of a “long distance relationship” across this divide of heaven and earth will have completely vanished, finally and fully forever. It will be like the sweetest reunion with the one whom our hearts love. The intimacy that will be there when we are no longer a part from the one whose presence we were made to dwell in and enjoy forever will finally be our full reality. That blesses my heart in so much hope to reflect on! Bless you today sweet sisters!

  35. Mari V says:

    @Michelle Patire, I’m in California where I know winters are not that bad, but I run cold and Saturday was freezing. I think the highest it got was low 50’s And it was cloudy and I could not get warm all day. That’s when I wish I lived in Southern California, where it stays somewhat warmer during the winter.

  36. Mari V says:

    @ Sharon, Jersey girl. Nothing is too silly here! I’m so thankful for YOU and what you bring to this wonderful community.

  37. Mari V says:

    @Rhonda J. Good morning sweet lady. I sent a request on IG, I’m under arunnermom2.

  38. Yvonne Morter says:

    Restoration. Someday I will feel no pain. But until then I trust and lean into my God. Praising His name with a thousand hallelujahs!

  39. Karen Breaux says:

  40. Minda Brown says:

    Restoration is like growing up all over again. Now, I live with a desire to see face to face the one who loves loves more than my words can say.

  41. Gayle Craik says:

    Pray for me sisters. I am struggling mentally & physically with my cancer treatment (chemo). My husband has been really sick since Wednesday & is quarantined away from me. So we are out of town for 3 weeks for my treatment & I’m so sad & nauseous. It’s been a tough wknd. Normally I’m not like this. Dear God I’m begging you to give me the strength I need.

    1. Jessicalee Timperio says:

      I’m so sorry for what you’re going through. I will be praying for you and your husband.

    2. Minda Brown says:

      Gayle, May the Lord be merciful to you during this time, and May he cover you with his blood. In Jesus’ mighty name.

    3. Mari V says:

      Dear sweet Gayle, I just read this and I’m praying for you this very moment. For you and your husband.

    4. Traci Clayton says:

      Praying for you, sweet sister.

    5. Amy Merritt says:


  42. Tenyia Hunsaker says:


  43. Arlene says:

    I believe that God is using my brokenness to prune away all of me that doesn’t bear fruit, the thought patterns that are unhealthy, the walls I have put up to protect myself. I have spent 60+ years building those walls up and in the last year God has been tearing those down. I feel very exposed right now but I know that all these things had to be brought to the surface in order for Him to renew me, to align my thoughts and my steps with His. He is by my side even when I don’t sense His presence. I look forward to what He will do in my life going forward. My desire is that somehow I can be an encouragement to anyone else who struggles with Mental health challenges.

  44. Leeanna Michael says:

    I am not who I was or what I came from. He has made me new. Thank you God my father. Thank you Jesus my savior. And thank you for giving us Holy Spirit.

  45. leanne merryman says:

    My restoration with God has been starting every morning with reading His Word, showing up here to also learn from all of you and praying. Im really working to restore my relationship with God by recognizing Him everyday and asking for His guidance… just feeling His presence with me everyday.

  46. Michelle Patire says:

    Tricia C ❤️❤️❤️

  47. Michelle Patire says:

    Who lives somewhere warm? Just letting you know I am packing my bags and heading to you shortly, haha. ☺️ ❤️ It is cold here in the Pocono Mountains (PA)! Though some of you have it worse…

    @Taylor ❤️ Glad to hear your MRI results seem normal. Loved your insight today about God using death to bring restoration.

    @Tina ❤️

    @Searching ❤️ love your post yesterday, thank you!

    @Sarah D – Praise God! “Christ is Enough”, no matter the circumstance or end result. He is with you. ❤️

    My friend Brenna who hosts a Christian podcast (the same one I shared my new age testimony on, “Beyond Just Christian”) just did an episode called “I Believe Satan is Evil” and referenced so many of the Scriptures we’ve been studying. She goes through the fall in Genesis 3 and talks about mankind’s interaction with Satan in Scripture. It was so good, I wanted to share. She’s a bit silly, but she did include so much Scripture to further give evidence of Satan’s plan to steal, kill, and destroy and God’s plan for life.
    ^^ This is the same friend that got in a car accident last month. She is still home in a neck brace for a few weeks longer, but is doing her best to stay near to God and be fruitful in her healing process. ❤️

    God bless you, Shes ❤️ stay warm!!!!

  48. Adrienne says:

    Can you just envision Him coming to save the day in our Isaiah reading… especially starting in verse 9? So. Majestic. However, also notice His protection and loving kindness to His people (us!)

    Have a blessed (and maybe c-c-c-cold… it is here!) day, sweet sisters!

  49. Tricia C says:

    I love all of you Sisters! I don’t often comment, but pray for all of your requests.
    You are all beautiful.
    I continue to pray for my three adult children and my grandchildren (6 of them) who don’t know the Lord. I so want them to be part of God making all things new.
    This study has been wonderful and is such a great reminder of His faithfulness in all things. Praise the Lord!

  50. Sarah Scheaf says:


  51. Terri Baldwin says:

    Come!!!! anyone who hears, anyone who is thirsty, who desires to take water of life freely! Come!

  52. Terri Baldwin says:

    New Jerusalem inspire hope and awe, giving believers a taste of the majesty and splendor awaiting them. God, seated on the throne, proclaims that He is making everything new. He assures that these words are trustworthy and true. He declares Himself as the Alpha and the Omega, the beginning and the end.

    giving way to a future where God’s people live in a state of eternal peace and joy.

  53. Sharon, Jersey Girl says:

    “How are broken things being made new or restored to God?” I think of my own life, how I was saved young (age 13) but soon after got so very far away from God. I mimicked the world, not my Savior. Life was meaningless and depressing – so dark. BUT GOD (Tina ❤️) He never stopped pursuing me, He never gave up! It was at that moment that He sought me, and I leaned into Him that everything changed – forever! And like @Searching shared, “when I fully committed to Him, I was completely changed, restored and made new” this is what happened with me – hallelujah! God continues to restore and make new, and yes – even in this broken world, He is a way-maker, miracle worker, light in the darkness!!

    As I read all your comments, they sound so wise and thought provoking, which makes it sound silly for me to say what stood out to me in our readings today…Revelation 5:13 -EVERY creature was singing praise to God! I thought every? I’m trying to imagine a whale singing or a cow or a snake, etc…but that’s what it says – every creature in heaven, on earth, under the earth, on the sea, in the sea – WOW – now that’s something!! ☺️

    Continued prayers for you all – Enjoy your Monday – stay warm & safe, it’s a very cold morn here in North Jersey!

  54. Amanda says:

    We also hide from God in shame when we know our actions don’t align with his instruction. But God calls out to us through his mercy and love for his children, allowing us forgiveness and clearer vision to see him! How great is our GOD!

  55. Shirley Posladek says:

    I love the repetition of these verses. May the glory and truth of The LORD go deep down into our hearts and may we live with that song. To him who sits in the throne and to the lamb be glory and honor and blessing and might!

  56. Cheryl Blow says:

    I look forward to the day when everything will be made right. God had to exile Adam but He invites us now to choose Him. His love for us is shown how He continually is reaching for us. We are the 1 out of 100 that He left the 99 yo pursue. We all matter to Him! No one is not valuable to Him! He lives all of us and desires for us to accept His invitation! One day we will all see clearly.

  57. Amy Pappas says:

    When I was reading that Adam and Eve hid from the presence of God I thought to myself who would hide from such a gift and then I realized I do, we do, we all still hide in our shame at times. Thankful for a God who continues to call for us.

  58. Laryssa Hiller says:

    More joy and to be able to walk in freedom

  59. Erica Chiarelli says:

    Brokenness feels closer than reconciliation sometimes but I’m so thankful Jesus is still drawing all mankind to Himself! We are invited into the restoration! He did this at the cross and it is still happening today! Hallelujah! May peace reign in our hearts as we look to Him alone! ❤️

  60. Kendra N says:

    In this season, I’m searching for forgiveness of myself and relationships with God. Ultimately the heartbreak I experienced 1 year ago yesterday will be for my good. I can’t fathom, still, how this will be so but I have faith that all of my hurt is for the glory of God’s kingdom, I pray routinely for my heart. For me to have discernment in my journey. Praying that God keeps me wrapped in his shield as I continue mu earthly walk and do my best to share love and spread Christ.

  61. Kristine Loughman says:

    Ladies! Thanks to MLk Day, I am home from work and thus the focus of Eddie the Dog’s morning wake up routine. So I was out in the rather brisk 7 am air with him, reading through today’s comments. The birds were gearing up, there’s a foreboding layer of clouds that the sun is fighting through, Eddie is sniffing every blade of grass like he is scrolling social media, and it hit me. Here we are, human beings scattered around the globe, thousands of years after a man proclaimed God is for us and wants a relationship with us, and we are STILL talking about Him! We are STILL gathering together in our ecclesia to learn from each other and puzzle through the scripture and build each other up. Amazing.

  62. Ada McCloud says:

    It is cold this morning. Much colder than a normal January day. When we have these extreme temperatures (hot or cold) I’m reminded who is really in control. Broken is healed in relationship. God created us to be in relationships. Daily I should be looking for broken and offer relationship.

  63. Sarah D. says:

    @Tina, love your comment this morning!! Praying for you all.
    Thank you so much to LAURA DIANNE, THERESA, SHARON JERSEY GIRL, MICHELLE PATIRE, and others who wrote such encouraging comments to me the past two days. I could definitely feel your prayers. Although it can be a struggle to be single, I am starting to feel peace about it again. Our game night Saturday was fun, I got to talk to him there and we had a good time. I also sat next to him in church yesterday (all my other friends were either out of town or serving during that service)…I saw him as I came in and thought, let this just be a friendship, and then we talked some after service. I have been asking the Lord to change my feelings if this isn’t someone he wants me to get to know more. He is 9 years older than me, which at first gave me pause, but now the more I get to know him, the more I see that if he asked me out, I would say yes. I haven’t seen anything really in his character that is a red flag. I wrestle sometimes with thinking that others may think I am just going around trying to find a guy…I pray I am not seen that way and that I am coming across as kind…and yet, marriage is something I desire, and I think showing interest in small ways can help. Anyways, I think the Lord is teaching me to trust and keep open hands…at service yesterday we sang the song “Christ is Enough”, and I felt like I could honestly sing those words and believe them…while literally standing next to the guy I like…Christ IS enough for me, and anything else will be a complete gift. I already have the best and greatest Gift—salvation in Christ. Praying for your Monday’s!!

  64. Stephanie Wilsey says:

    There is so much brokenness. Today is MLK day, and I’m reflecting on how far we are from a Beloved Community. We are fractured, divisive,angry,and violent. I believe dark forces are at work, just as they were in the garden of Eden.

    But God’s redemptive love will win, it will shine through. I see it in my life. I was thanking him last night that in the midst of suffering, he has brought healing to my own mind, my marriage, and my husband’s life. I give thanks.

  65. Danielle B says:

    My restoration with God comes from taking an honest look at my life and asking Him to help me make right where I have sinned or been the cause of conflict in relationship. He can and is restoring here on earth and yet I can’t wait for the full restoration, healing, and complete joy of being in His presence with so many other believers. Lord help me see where I may need to make amends, where I need to be humble so that I can be a vessel for others to be on their own restoration journey.

    @tina as many have commented thank you for sharing your thoughts & your heart.

  66. Tamara Merritt says:

    The hardest thing for me to work through when it comes to restoration is that it won’t ever be complete on this earth. There are family relationships that I want to see restored but I have to come to the place of understanding that that restoration may not happen this side of heaven, and that is hard to process sometimes.

    1. Bethany Anne Robinson says:

      I am working through this same challenge. It’s very hard!

  67. Taylor says:

    One thing that struck me this morning was how death is used to bring restoration. Similar to how the trees and flowers must die (fall) to made new again in spring, so must we die to ourselves in order to be restored with Christ. God uses that death to prune away anything that doesn’t look like Jesus in order to transform us into the image of His son. As someone mentioned in the comments, love is God’s motivation.

    Also thank you for everyone who prayed for my MRI on Friday. It went well and I already received the report. It doesn’t look like anything too concerning in my brain from my Google searching of the report lol. I’m curious of what my primary care doctors interpretation will be.

    I pray everyone has a blessed start to their week <3

    1. Cara P says:

      Praying for you Taylor!

  68. Aimee D-R says:

    God makes all things new and works all things for His good and the good of all that love him. I need to get those words deep in my heart and mind to build my faith. I know them but yet I still get anxious and grieve things that feel off track or failed in life. God help me to trust in Your plan and that it is good. Amen

  69. May D says:

    Blessings on all of you today as your go forth. We are MORE than conquerors!

  70. Searching says:

    Looking back on my faith journey, or more accurately my lack of faith, I can see the time-after-time failures when I didn’t completely surrender my heart to Him. The words were there and I was sincere at the moment, but only in the split second when I cried out to Him, like the seed that fell and never really takes root. But God (TINA ❤️) when I fully committed to Him, I was completely changed, restored and made new, Hallelujah! And knowing there is more renewing and restoration to come, thank you Lord for this promise as I look around at the chaos and evil in the world. Praying for the lost.

    TINA – I had to take a minute this morning for the tears to clear, as I thought about not being there when my daddy passed away, and same for my husband with his daddy. Thank you, sister, for sharing your heart and reminding us of God’s healing and restoration.❤️

    So good KELLY (NEO), the reminder that He KNOWS us – thank you.

  71. Kelly (NEO) says:

    “Now I know in part, but then I will know fully, as I am fully known.”

    With every stitch and purl, God knit me together, that is how well He knows my frame. He knows my attitudes and motivations. I cannot fathom knowing God the same way. Yet He invites us to start by His Word and Spirit.

    TINA ❤️

    LYNNE FROM ALABAMA – continued prayers for you, Jack, and baby Banks.

  72. Krystal Lorenzo says:

    I am reflecting on enduring love this morning. The only thing that stands inside the bounds of earthly time and stretches into Eternity. Love is the great motivator for all God did and continues to do.

  73. Sherri says:

    Tina—thank you for your words!!! The older I get, the more I long for Heaven with its healing and wholeness and with my Father forever.

  74. Richlyn says:

    “Every valley will be lifted up, and every mountain and hill will be leveled; the uneven ground will become smooth.” (Isa 40:4)

    When walking in the Spirit, the circumstances don’t matter, God is unchanging.

    1. Brielle Hebert says:

      I love that!

  75. Mary Ann Graves says:

    Thank you Lord

  76. Dana says:

    @tina and so it has helped someone. Me. And I’m sure countless others who will see this as the day continues to break and our sisters awake to start their day. How blessed are we to read what God has put on your heart. Amen and Amen!!

  77. Tina says:

    But the Lord called out to the man “Where are you?”
    Those words caused tears to flow as I remembered a call I made home to find out how my sick father was. I was informed he had not spoken for a couple of weeks. I asked if the phone could be put to his ear, just so he could hear my voice and I could tell him I loved him and that I was making preparations to come home.
    I said hello Daddy into the phone, and continued by telling him how my plans were fairing.. I was interrupted. Daddys familiar voice was asking… “Where are you” tears rolled down my face, as I responded.. “On my way home, Daddy, I’ll be there in a few days, I love you, always” He responded, “I love you, Chris..”
    These were the last words of my earthly father to me. I didn’t get to see him as he passed two days before I was to fly home..

    BUT GOD..

    He Seeks.

    He Pursues.

    He Provides.

    He Redeems.

    He Restores.

    He Loves.

    He brings Hope.. daily.
    This side of Heaven, life is not perfect, far from it..

    BUT GOD..

    He gives us glimpses of the life to come with Him in Paradise. Life WITH Him, in the Word, but the book of Revelation whets our appetite as to what, where and how the life in Paradise will look like.. and I for one look forward, hope-filled and joy-covered.

    I just had a thought or was it a revelation..
    In this life, in our lives we have troubles, they come no matter what.. here’s the thing, God will always bring HEALING in some way, this side of Heaven to our troubles, but TRUE RESTORATION, happens when we are with Him. We get to be the people He created us to be first time round, before the fall! We get to be Whole.




    Always, always, always Loved.

    I’ve rambled, I speak as a child, , i reason as a child, though i am grown, this is just a reflection. Prayerful this will help someone..

    Sending much love, hugs and prayers across the frozen pond!❤️
    Happy Monday!

    1. Krystal Lorenzo says:

      But God! Grateful for this testimony of enduring love!

    2. Avery Picone says:

      Thank you for sharing your heart and these words ❤️

    3. Tara B says:

      Beautiful words and thoughts, Tina!

    4. Jan S says:

      Thank you Tina. God is using you each day and your words bless us all❤️

    5. Kelli Harrell says:

      TINA. Thanks for BUT GOD reminders that he will not only love but seek, pursue and redeem. My now grown daughters are struggling w faith and I keep reminding myself that their salvation is his work. Maybe I be a stronger witness to them.