Exchanging the Truth for a Lie

Open Your Bible

Romans 1:18-32, Isaiah 44:9-11, 2 Timothy 3:1-9

In all of Paul’s letters, there are few bleaker passages than the one we encounter in Romans 1:18–32. Here Paul paints a picture of extensive depravity, gleeful rebellion, and blind rejection of God—all of which incur the deserved wrath of God. It’s dark, and it’s grim, but there is one thing you especially need to know about it:

It’s your story.

If you’re like me, that might sound strange. Like many lifelong Christians, I was raised in the church, a rule-following “good girl” who never went outside the lines. My life looks nothing like Paul’s portrait of self-destruction. Yet he never specifies who this passage is about. Most scholars agree that this section of Scripture is condemning all people and not just one group. All human beings are prone to sin and stand guilty on that account. 

In other words, this passage is about us. 

Paul speaks of the “godlessness and unrighteousness of people who by their unrighteousness suppress the truth”—the people who struggle with “envy, murder, quarrels, deceit, and malice” (vv.18,29). And those people he’s describing? Well, they’re us—all of us. Paul isn’t singling out a particular group of people; he’s diagnosing the human condition. 

Left to our own devices, sin distorts our souls like water-warped wood. For every human ever born, Romans 1:18–32 is our story. At least, it would have been our story had God not intervened, had He not planned our rescue. Without God’s grace, we were all “by nature deserving of wrath” (Ephesians 2:3). To understand exactly what these words mean, we must be careful not to confuse God’s wrath with human forms of anger. Theologian John Stott describes human anger as an “irrational and uncontrollable emotion, containing much vanity, animosity, malice, and the desire for revenge.” God’s wrath, on the other hand, “is absolutely free of all such poisonous ingredients.” 

By comparison, God’s wrath is His “holy hostility to evil.” This hostility is not arbitrary. God does not pick rules out of a hat and smite those who fail to conform. No, God directs His hostility squarely at the destructive effects of sin. Sin steals, kills, and destroys everything it touches, including the crown jewel of His creation: humankind. It degrades and dismantles us, and God’s response to this cosmic terrorism is total opposition. God opposes sin because He is good, righteous, and just. 

He also opposes it because of His love. God’s wrath is an expression of His love. It is hostility towards that which devours His children whole.

On this side of eternity, we may never understand the mysterious balance between God’s active condemnation and the natural consequences of human sin. But together, these two elements constitute God’s righteous wrath against all human sin. That is our story—every one of us. Apart from the grace of God, we would only choose what leads to death. 

Whenever we read these words, we must ask the Spirit to reveal ourselves within them because we cannot have the good news without the bad news. We cannot call it “salvation” if we are not being saved from something—namely, what we would choose on our own, eternity separated from God. Self-ruin is the only place our sin will ever take us. But, thanks be to God; it doesn’t have to. 

(101) Comments

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101 thoughts on "Exchanging the Truth for a Lie"

  1. Elise Momberger says:

    This one really helped remind me the most important choice I make every day; to follow Jesus. Thank you God for the option of salvation!

  2. Ansley Vaughan says:

    He always loves us ALL!

  3. Tammy Shaw says:

    The scripture is our story! In 2 Timothy Paul provided us a list of 19 characteristics of people to avoid.

  4. Beth O’Bryant says:

    Thank You, Father for you grace and mercy. Your love is like no other. This is my story and You are my salvation.

  5. Joanna Pryor says:

    Thanks be to the grace and love of the Father

  6. Sherrina Clark says:

    We all have sinned and fallen short of the glory. Let us not stay in sin to be separated from our Creator. Stay in His word to draw closer to Him.

  7. Crystal Hernandez says:


  8. Sarah Edwards says:

    We started a Bible study at work and we started in Roman’s so I decided to download this so I could go further in depth and I had missed day 2 so I decided to read it tonight after Bible study and wow!! So powerful and it was exactly what we had talked about and read earlier tonight.

  9. Lexi Hernandez says:

    Gods grace and conviction is such a beautiful blessing, the Holy Spirit definitely put some words on my heart in this morning reading

  10. Darcy Gero says:


  11. Morgan Case says:

    Much needed reminder that this text is for ALL of us… thankful to know Truth & for His grace!!

  12. Sophie Long says:


  13. Roxane Richardson says:

    Such an awesome word! I really needed this. Lord I love you and I thank you that your wrath is an expression of love for us all.

  14. Jillian Schaeffer says:


  15. Maia Carter says:


  16. Robin Bailey says:

    God, Thank you for saving us from ourselves!

  17. B Brincovan says:


  18. B Brincovan says:

    Me too amen!

  19. Mariah Addington says:

    As I read Romans, I was thinking “yep, I’m good. Check. Check. Check.” Then when I got to Isaiah I was reminded- I am this person. There is not check list I could “pass” to be good enough for God.
    Lord, thank you for your Son. Thank you for giving me a way to put down the checklist.


  20. Aly Bramel says:

    This was the word my heart needed. “We can’t have the good news without the bad news” – wow. What a powerful and real reminder of our need for Jesus. There are a lot of things I don’t like about this state of the church at the moment, but my faith in Jesus and my reliance on him is bigger than all of that.

  21. Susan Stiegel says:

    Lord thank you for rescuing me and for the grace you give. Thank you for your word and showing us that we are all sinners. Thank you for your good news. I pray that I honor you in all circumstances. Reveal my short falls.

  22. Becca Flores says:


  23. Rosheen McRoberts says:

    I need my Savior every day. Praying He uproots pride in my life, revealing idols in my life so I turn wholly to Him. Father, please continue to keep me on the righteous narrow path and convict me when I stumble in sin.

  24. Melissa Hardy says:


  25. Macy Henderson says:

    Paul really opened my eyes here. We would be so lost without our Lord. The description of “The human condition” , really made me self reflect. Also diving into 2 Timothy Vs 1 is spot on with what we encounter today.

  26. loreal robinson says:


  27. Natalia Sanchez says:

    This was such a good passage and a reflection of our human flesh. God is good and never fails us

  28. Anna Bindon says:


  29. Maria Deleon says:

    Love this. I pray God helps me to live a righteous life. I want to honor and obey him all the days of my life.

  30. Holli Jung says:

    Romans 1:28-31 and 2 Timothy 3:1-5 sure seem like a reflection of the times. It might be easy to look at the list albeit non-exhaustive of all the ways people have rejected God and think the characteristics we claim aren’t “as bad” as some of the others. God – please always keep me humble to recognize that sin is sin and you hate all of it!

  31. carrlee collins says:

    Amen! I loved this!!

  32. Misty Portland says:

    So good! Realizing more and more how much I need God! He is good!

  33. Sarah Schulze says:


  34. Amanda Garner says:

    “This passage is about us.” That quote is eye opening and made me immediately self-reflect. I was a sinner who needed a savior. He reached down and saved me from sin. Even though my flesh may fail, it is well with my soul.
    I love that these scriptures are evident of and exalt the very character of Christ. Even His wrath is holy. He even disciplines in love. He is holy so all He does is from a place of holiness. He is just and righteous in all His dealings. He loves us and cares for us so He acts to protect us; even from ourselves.

  35. Alicia ClemmonsWatkins says:


  36. Kelly Nygard says:

    I love that Paul gives us a glimpse of the pattern of sin here. In our own culture, we have become over-run with homosexuality, corruption, and hopelessness. We tend to focus on what we see instead of going back to the root of the problem: idolatry and turning away from God. Everything we see is a by-product of that. If that doesn’t make you want to pray for salvation and Repentance for the lost, I don’t know what will! Help us, Lord, to speak Your truth and shine the light of the gospel of Jesus to those in darkness!

  37. June Pimpo says:

    Reading this passage is like looking in a mirror. Truly, we all have sinned and fall short. Gossip, proud, unloving. ✔️. Thank you Jesus for saving me. 50+ years of serving Jesus and still seeing myself in this list. Thank you, God for grace and mercies every day. May your Holy Spirit make me more like YOU.

  38. Bethanie Robbins says:

    I am in awe of the insightful and well worded comments in this thread. I read every single one of them. This is my first STT study and I love getting to see everyone’s thoughts on things I struggle with personally in my faith and learning to base my core beliefs on what the WORDA SAYS instead of what the world tells us.

  39. ashley [email protected] says:

    God’s wrath is an expression of his love.

  40. Patricia Patton says:

    This was and still is my story. I slowly read each sin listed and let the Holy Spirit highlight the sins still lingering in my heart. This walk with our God and savior is for as long as we are on this earth. I wept when I read Romans 1:21. I was convicted “show gratitude”.
    Thank you all for your comments, we need each other and our Lord’s grace and love

  41. Nora Lowrey says:

    Thank you Lord for choosing to save me & guide me along this life!

  42. Kristen says:

    I read two comments that talked about God being the God of order and not chaos. I also read this in my study Bible concerning Romans 1:25: worshipped and served the creature rather than the Creator: Exchanging God’s truth for the lie blurs the absolute distinction between, the Creator, who alone deserves worship, and everything in creation. This exchange is the source of all wrongheaded thoughts and corrupt actions that go against the order that God set up for His creation vs26, 27 God judges fallen man’s twisting of the divinely given instinct to worship by allowing sinful human beings to engage in acts that corrupt proper functions of their bodies. This Scripture views all homosexual actions as twisting the purpose for which God created man and woman (Lev 18:22, 21:13). The consequence is the corruption of the body, the destruction of what is truly “natural “ that is accordance with human nature as created by God), and bondage to lust and uncontrollable passions. Vs1:27 receiving in themselves the due penalty: Even in a morally fallen world, God’s moral order ensures that people often suffer the consequences of their sin (Gal 6:7-8). Romans 1:32 know God’s righteous decree: we find evidence of guilt and bondage of sin in that the knowledge of divine judgment no longer restrains people but incites further rebellion in the form of encouraging others to sin. This text confirms God’s revelation tells of His moral character and a sense of moral duty in humanity, **God has an order. May He help us to follow His plan no matter what the sin or desire is. I know that this is calling out homosexuality. There is a whole series of sermons on Romans by Voddie Bauchman. He talks about his encounter with a lady in this lifestyle in the 2nd sermon. This story was moving! He said that we shouldn’t buy the lie that we should change the message or alter the order God had so that there is no condemnation of sin. However, we shouldn’t dare believe we are better or that homosexuality is a bridge too far. Please listen for yourself yo hear his exact words.) The answer and hope for all of us is Christ. He reminded that Jesus saves to the uttermost! He is able! This was truth delivered in a beautiful way.

  43. Patti Ridenhour says:

    Yes.. thank you for making a clarification for me ❤️

  44. Mackenzie Nehls says:

    What a gift it is to share in this community of thoughtful, well spoken, BOLD women of faith in our current day! You all echo thoughts of my own with so much (more than me) clarity! Thank you!

  45. Kelly (NEO) says:

    ASHLEY S – from the Enduring Word online commentary:

    a. Those who make an image, all of them are useless: Isaiah will brilliantly show the foolishness of idol makers. A simple look at how idols are made shows how silly it is to regard them as gods, so the idol makers themselves are their own witnesses against themselves.

    b. The workmen, they are mere men: Isaiah looked at the people who made idols and noticed that they themselves were only weak, frail men. The blacksmith becomes hungry, and his strength fails. The craftsman works hard with wood, but it is only wood. Half of the tree is made into an object of worship and trust, and the other half is burned for a warm fire and cooking.

    c. They do not know nor understand; for He has shut their eyes, so they cannot see: How could the idol makers fail to see what is so obvious about the stupidity of idolatry? God has shut their eyes and shut their hearts.

    i. Is this unjust of God? Is He condemning man for something that He is really responsible for? Not at all. They first loved the darkness and chose their blindness, then the LORD gave them what they wanted. Isaiah points to this when he writes, no one considers in his heart, nor is there knowledge nor understanding to say…a deceived heart has turned him aside.

    ii. It is the same way that God hardened the heart of Pharaoh (Exodus 4:21). Sometimes it says that Pharaoh hardened his own heart (Exodus 8:15), sometimes it says simply that Pharaoh’s heart was hardened, without saying who did it (Exodus 7:13). Who really did it? When we consider the occasions where God hardened Pharaoh’s heart, we must never think that God did it against Pharaoh’s will. It was never a case of Pharaoh saying, “Oh, I want to do what is good and right and I want to bless these people of Israel” and God replying, “No, for I will harden your heart against them!” When God hardened Pharaoh’s heart, He was allowing Pharaoh’s heart to do what Pharaoh wanted to do – God was giving Pharaoh over to his sin (Romans 1:18-32).

    iii. “The idolater chose a delusion and became deluded.” (Motyer)

    d. He feeds on ashes: The wooden idol from the craftsman’s shop is just a warm fire away from being ashes. Worshipping and serving an idol – any false god – is as wise and as satisfying as eating ashes. We can only satisfy our soul in God.

    e. And he cannot deliver his soul, nor say, “Is there not a lie in my right hand”: The one given over to a false god is so entranced in the lie that he is in bondage. He holds the idol in his right hand – the hand of power and authority – yet cannot see that it is a lie.

    i. “The idolater picks up the figurine in his hand, holding it, but in reality it holds him. He is in bondage to a lie.” (Motyer)

    ii. “And such passages as these are added in such cases to give an account of the prodigious madness of sinners herein; because, as they willfully shut their own eyes, and harden their own hearts, so God judicially blinds and hardens them, and gives them up to believe lies, and then it is no wonder if they fall into such dotages.” (Poole)

  46. Chelsea Wilson says:

    Exchanging truth for a lie, that is a powerful title. Paul’s words cut deep. It always amazes me that the sin problems we read in the bible, are the same problems we are dealing with in our World today. As Solomon said, “ There is nothing new under the sun.” May I never forget that sin is sin, God sees it all the same. I cannot judge my neighbour because their sin is “worse” than mine. GOd does not see it this way. Any sin committed is sin to God, nothing worse than another. There are no ‘unpardonable’ sins. Only though Christ can we be forgiven of our sin nature and be with our Lord forever in Heaven.

  47. Lysette Green says:


  48. Alicia Wilbanks says:

    First, I’m saddened to know that hatred drove you from your church home. You’re right. This is a sensitive topic but your courage to seek truth and share your heart is awe inspiring. I also agree we shouldn’t be singling out homosexuality. The idea that any sin is greater than another is dangerous. All sin is abhorrent to God. To your point, God made us in his image, but we are born into a sin nature. For some, it’s sexual sin, others its a selfish nature. But at the end of the day I feel our calling as Christians is to spread God’s love and the good news that Jesus died for every sin. We do this when we intercede in prayer for others, join others in their grief, celebrate in each others joy, but also when we share His truths. I hope that my comment is received with all the love I intended and I pray you find your church home! I know this is a difficult journey without the support of a body of believers.

  49. Alicia Wilbanks says:

    This is my 1st sit @ Miriam, thank you for your insight. So much of this I just didn’t know now to articulate. Thank for you the biblical evidence to reaffirm my understanding of this very sensitive issue.
    @ Liza,

  50. Alicia Wilbanks says:

    @ Miriam, thank you for your insight. So much of this I just didn’t know now to articulate. Thank for you the biblical evidence to reaffirm my understanding of this very sensitive issue.

  51. Allison Maurer says:

    Well said! We cannot overlook sin even if the culture says it’s ok. It is truly unloving to not speak to these things that are clearly condemned in the Bible. The New Testament speaks of the Jerusalem Conference in which the apostles agree that the Jewish Law that must be kept going are the moral law (the 10 commandments) as well as the laws about sexual purity. It is very clear that homosexuality is a sin and we should treat it as such. That being said, it is not the only sin that we should focus on. As the devotion said, we are all guilty. But if we deny that God has a standard set before us and refuse to repent, then we stand condemned. If we applaud sin, then we are clearly being chastised here in this chapter of Romans. So let us not become shaped by our culture, but let us stand strong in our convictions knowing that what the Bible said is God-breathed and true. The world may say one thing, but we can choose not to accept the world’s opinion- and we must if we are to be followers of God.

  52. Lesley Abegunde says:

    Thank you God.

  53. Traci Gendron says:

    Hello She’s! I’m back from a time of travel. We were in Europe for 2.5 weeks and then Illinois to visit parents.

    The devotional is SO good. “By our unrighteousness we suppress the truth.” It is the human condition. It amazes me how I can crave God and turn around and sin so foolishly. “Left to our own devices, sin distorts our souls like water warps wood.” I don’t want to choose myself over God. I was driving to my nephews today, listening to christian music and started thinking of this very thing. It is a struggle to give ourselves over to God. To follow Him and not this world. Only with His help can we try to manage these sinful desires. God rescues us when we cry out to Him. Let us cry out daily.

    As far as the topic of LBGQT I agree with the comment that someone said. “God is a god of order and beauty not of chaos and confusion (the enemy causes that). I have some friends that are in a gay relationship. I try to love the sinner and not the sin. We need to show christian love and not be known for being so quick to judge. It is a fine line..

  54. Traci Kersey says:

    I appreciated the challenge in God’s word today to identify what I’ve traded for truth. Was a very big eye opener for me. God is faithful.

  55. Nicole Vazquez says:

    Thank you God for your unfailing love and forgiveness of our daily sins. I’m so grateful that if I mess up you still love me.

  56. ashley s says:

    Hello everyone! I am on a new journey studying the Bible.. in the going deeper section of todays study Isaiah 44:9-11
    Would someone be able to help break it down for me ! Thank you

  57. Miriam says:

    Hi @Lisa Z ! I don’t comment on here often, mainly bc I get distracted by kiddos after reading the references and devotions. I just wanted to reply to your comments and I do this with a desire to bring clarity and not to cause division or an argument. I know the Bible in the Old Testament does talk about not eating certain foods or wearing certain clothes. To my understanding, these are laws that applied to the Israelite nation to set them apart from the other nations and to show that they were God’s chosen people. In the New Testament, God sets His people free from these laws as shown in Acts 10:9-16, where God commands Peter to eat food that was once unclean and other passages. Then in the Old Testament there are the moral laws that consisted of the 10 commandments, sexual laws (including homosexuality), etc, that still apply to us today, Jesus Himself and the apostles reinforced these laws for Christians, calling us to a better and free way of life.
    We are all born in sin, with some struggling with the sin of homosexuality, it’s a struggle but it’s still clear from the Bible that is it sin, a sin against God and the persons own body. Yes, there are some people who do not conform to the stereotypes of gender but that doesn’t mean that God made a mistake and made them male when really they’re supposed to be female, etc. God makes everyone according to his image, wonderfully and fearfully and with purpose. And I agree, there have always been homosexuals but there have also always been liars, cheaters, murderers, etc. It’s all sin and contrary to God’s character and holiness. I know this is a hard subject but we must always go back to the Bible and what God/Jesus say about this issue. I encourage you to read the ESV study Bible and to listen to Allie Beth Stuckey’s podcast. I think she has some great insight that is helpful. I say all this with respect and humility, knowing I have a lot to learn. I don’t want to cause any arguments or negative feelings but I do want to say these things to show that God is a God of order and beauty and not of chaos and confusion (the enemy causes that). I pray that God leads you to a good church!

  58. Shelley Taberner says:

    Thanks Colleen for this honest and fitting response to the passage. A prayer that we should repeat daily, humbling ourselves and asking God to deal with our hearts. Giving him the glory and thanks that he alone deserves.

  59. Lisa z says:

    Thanks again, ladies, for all the love and support. I know this is a tough subject, but if I cannot bring it here, then where? Still navigating finding a home church and the gay issue is a real stickler for me.
    There have always been homosexuals. I know we think of gender as black and white, but there is indeed a grey. Some biologically, perhaps some trauma induced, however there are very young children that do not identify with the gender label they were assigned. In my understanding, sexual promiscuity is the sin and we have a nation full of it. Myself in my younger days included.
    So to single out homosexuality us to target
    K. I’ll try to slow the ramble….I get passionate
    After we left our last church, I told my husband I wanted to go to a church that preached on the evils of eating shellfish. As well as eating certain insects, that is in the Word as well.
    Most sun is about a behavior or state of mind. I understand homosexuality as a way of being. That God made. And though He wants to refine us, He doesn’t want us to be other than He made us.
    Sexual sin gets us in all sorts of trouble. I just don’t see a difference.
    Thanks again, ladies.
    Love y’all!

    Special thanks to Heidi, Kelly Neo, Linda Gilbow and Michele Patire. I wish my clients had been introduced to Christ by y’all!!!

  60. Kimberly Z says:

    @Sarah D. Praying for your last week of work and the right words for you. Leaving is always hard even when the job itself was hard. Hang in there! @Michelle Patire praying for you during your counselors maternity leave. I hope you find a way to feel at peace during this time! Praying for all your prayer results. What a great devotional today. As somebody who often wonders when I will feel like I’m where I’m supposed to be and everything I have been praying for is front of me this rings true. You have to the good with the bad or bad with the good.

  61. Mercy says:

    What an amazing devotional and such good writing. I just loved every bit of it. Isn’t the human condition scary to read? I was going through the scriptures, not yet the devotional, and the list in Romans and Timothy sent me straight to prayers asking God for deliverance and forgiveness for our families , nations and ourselves…in these last days. What a true picture. Many many perilous times are ALREADY here. And this list describes me…just like the author confirmed lol. I sat and analyzed myself, for I must be humble to the let the Word be the mirror. These words are not for someone next door, or those far away. The way Sharon described the lifelong church goers who might feel estranged …reminded me of the story of the prodigal son. She reminded me of the elder son, who refused to join his Father to celebrate the lost brother coming back. He refused to be reconciled to his brother. And then he refused to be in the fellowship with his Father in the banquet, to the point that his father had to talk separately with him and plead with him. His self righteousness has cut him off from the presence and fellowship of the father. So who is lost now? The younger was found, just to expose that elder was lost all along. Yet he was blind to his condition. So yes, the human condition in the Scriptures describes all of us. May we be quick to repent, and seek God’s grace and forgiveness while He can be found, and intercede on behalf of the lost ones and for our nations.

    To the one who think he is standing, take heed, be careful, be diligent, be vigilant lest he fall (1 Corinthians 10:12). Thankful for SRT for helping us renew our mind each day, and conforming to Truth. Reading the Bible daily is so important so that we won’t conform to lies. To God be ALL the glory.

    Prayers lift up to the One Living God on behalf of our dear she’s.

    Be blessed dear sisters.❤️

  62. Colleen DeVeau says:

    Where in my life do I exchange the truth for a lie? When I do not trust God, I exchange truth for a lie. When I put things above or before Him, when I choose selfishness over love, I am exchanging truth for a lie. There is grace, but I can often abuse that grace. Father, forgive me for all of the ways I fall short of how You created me and Your call for me to be holy as You are holy. Please change my heart, God. Help me to be intentional about my thoughts, feelings, and actions. I want to honor You.

  63. Sarah D. says:

    Hi ladies, checking back today, we actually didn’t have our meeting so I’ll just be sending a note to our team when I leave. @Heidi, thank you for your enthusiasm haha!! I appreciate it. I am ready for what’s next and excited!!!

  64. Heidi says:

    KIMBERLY VOHS – said so well… God never says “if you get yourself in this mess, get out of it” – He VERY CLEARLY said with HIS OWN SON’S LIFE- “you got yourself into this mess – and stand tall, sweet child, I’ve gotten you out”.

    I think that verse should be the filter we see all sin in all people through – “WHILE I WAS A SINNER. HE DIED.” How often we change it to “when I decided to get myself together, He agreed.” But in truth, He planned it all along, He over and over and over again demonstrates Himself as a God who continuously perseus, even in our depravity. It overwhelms me sometimes…

  65. Heidi says:

    SARAH D. – SO excited for you!!! This transition has been a long-road-coming and you are HERE!!!! I hope you can enjoy the time and experience and allow God to continue leading you in the direction He knows will bring Him glory and will be for your good and the good of others… YAY IT’S GONNA BE SO GREAT!!!!! :) :) :)

  66. Heidi says:

    SHARON JERSEY GIRL- lifting up Kobi today and praying that his heart and mind and soul may be fully awakened to the God who created him, pursues him, loves him, and wants to heal him… that no force of evil will have an ounce of victory and that the mighty power of God will be experienced through him, for him, and against his enemy… I’m sorry to ask, I have been out of the “comments box” for a bit, what is the story with your sister and the living situation? Was it a sober living? You don’t have to share, I am praying for her and God to open the next door for her! :)

    Uhg these passages are SO SOBERING!!! No skirting around the issues of what is inevitable when we choose our ways over His as a way of life… So we have discussed in multiple classes (in seminary) the meaning of “God’s wrath”… how often it is exploited to represent the anger of individuals (creating various, similar images such as God with fiery eyes, angry face, ferociously coming after “sinners”…) and this just isn’t the truth of what is typically referred to when speaking of God’s wrath. In fact, Paul even goes on to define it in this chapter – God’s wrath is His “letting go” so to speak. Giving them over to the thing they keep insisting on, fighting for, in exchange for Truth. And as a moment to allow some grace over yourself (if you get anxious about stuff like this as I do…), remember that Paul is referring to more than the issue of sin, but intentional sin with no desire for change or forgiveness… PRIDE in the sin being committed… they are DEMANDING. that their ways rule over God’s. They are intentionally trading out the image of God in themselves for the image of themselves as god. We need to remember it grieves Him. It hurts Him. As it does every one of us parents who see our kiddos, young or old, intentionally look at Truth and Good and say, “na… I have my own plan…”. For me, I have to keep in check the small ways I do this because left unchecked, the small slowly grow until my own self-righteousness has saturated my life.

  67. Noelle Worm says:

    I feel you, that was very bad timing for ne

  68. Cheryl Blow says:

    So much truth in this. The older I get and the longer I’ve known the Lord, the more I realize my need for God’s grace and mercy.

  69. Cee Gee says:

    SHARON HODDE MILLER – THANK YOU for tackling this difficult passage and delivering one of THE BEST DEVOS I have ever read!!!

    So many outstanding comments!

    ERB – You can preach, young lady!!! I am so glad you are back to share with us! Love you!

    SHARON, JERSEY GIRL – agreeing in the beautiful prayer you shared.

    Just a short note: “power” as explained today refers to God’s power/Holy Spirit power. We can’t claim God’s power if we don’t sincerely claim God.

  70. Cindy Hanna says:

    I was thinking that Paul really comes out swinging about sin in today’s reading. Then Sharon reminds us that Paul’s talking about us. Ouch I needed that. All my life I’ve been fearful of God’s wrath. My upbringing was pretty regimented and the consequences for stepping out of line severe. Hearing that God’s wrath is a demonstration of His love for me is mind blowing. What a difference it makes to know that “God’s wrath is hostility towards that which devours his children whole.” and not a declaration or judgment of my worth. Wow! Just Wow!

  71. Kimberly Vohs says:

    I remember when I was younger my parents giving me warnings no to do a specific thing, but I would continue to insist on doing whatever thing, they knew that it wasn’t good for me or could potentially cause me harm, but I would keep pressing and their response might sometimes sound something like this, “Fine go ahead and do what you want but when it doesn’t work out, remember, I told you so” or “don’t come crying to me!”
    As a parent now, I get it. You love your kids, you want to protect them, but sometimes they just won’t listen. In these verses God’s wrath is expressed by Him giving humanity over to what they want, and because we do what we want instead of listening to God we are condemned to suffer the painful consequences of our choices. Don’t you know it just pains God’s heart when we do that?
    Funny thing about my parents, sometimes I did get hurt when I ignored their warnings, but they were always ALWAYS still there to comfort me even when I had disobeyed. —the beauty of the gospel is just like that. While we were yet sinners, Christ died for us.

  72. Sarah Ritchie says:

    I have missed two SRT studies in a row. I didn’t like the “choose your own adventure” concept and had already done the suggested studies. I elected to skip the genealogy study. These back to back interruptions (except the two week Amos) were my first breaks from my morning study habit of almost 4 years. Wouldn’t you know it, my relationship with God got “skipped” as well. Todays reading hit home and I am grateful to be back, exactly where I am supposed to be.

  73. Terri Baldwin says:

    Wrath = the eternal divine disposition of settled anger. When it seems like God isn’t there during all the wickedness in this world …He is….but He’s patient and slow to anger but He is righteous and not immoral so those who continually sin make themselves object of God’s wrath.

  74. Kristen says:

    This devotional has so many points to reflect on! All human beings are prone to sin and stand guilty on that account. In other words, this passage is about us. This is all of us! I agree that we need to see the depths of our sins, even though it is awful, to understand our condition. I have heard sermons on total depravity. There are ones you could search for on YouTube by Steve Lawson, John MacAuthor, Voddie Baughman, and R C Sproul. Yes, as Sharon wrote, reading this Scripture or listening to these sermons, may be bleak, but it’s truth! The world wants us to think that we are wonderful and you do you. The world says you are enough. Well, we aren’t! God is, and we absolutely need Him every second of every breath He gives! In seeing our depravity, this can bring us to repentance. This can also lead to overwhelming gratitude and thankfulness, and joy because of the unfathomable sacrifice of our King! Glory to God for who He is and all He’s done!
    Praying for you all and the lost!

  75. Linda Gilbow says:

    Although we’re all tiptoeing around it, we can’t ignore God’s view of homosexuality. It’s hard, especially when we have loved ones following that path. But God says what He says.
    How often do I ignore His teachings on gluttony, gossip, being selfish, etc.? I say that because we can’t be self-righteous when confronting any sin our culture embraces. I have my own sexual sins from the past, so can’t judge anyone; but neither can I shy away from God’s Word.
    Also, our focus should be on spreading the gospel, not harping on one particular sin. But this is thrown in our faces these days so we have to decide how to respond – always with love and humility, knowing how hard it is to fight any sin.

    My dear friend asked me point blank if she’s going to hell for being in a lesbian marriage. I told her that her salvation is determined by what she does with Jesus Christ, not her sexuality. That opened the door for us to talk about the gospel.
    I make it clear to her always that I love her, even though she knows I stand on what God says about homosexuality. That CAN be done.
    Jesus was a magnet for sinners but never ever watered down God’s standards. The balance was that He LOVED them. It’s a balance Christians need to strive for, as we’re now known as “haters”. I want to be known as a woman who believes God AND loves others.

  76. Michelle Patire says:

    @Lisa Z- I hear your heart of mercy that deeply aches for this community. How do you read the passages today in light of what you said yesterday, being it is not “their choice” ?
    I ask bc I have had a personal experience with wrestling with my sexuality in high school. I was also saved at the time, so maybe my story is different than the people you talk to. One of my best friends was also involved in this community too and God opened her eyes to her sin. I know it can be a very sensitive topic to many, so I am careful what I say here. I guess I would just wonder where is the line between standing on truth, being merciful, but also not affirming sinful choices. Overall, we are called to love but sometimes that means saying the hard things if God leads us too. I am thankful for your heart of mercy, @Lisa Z and ask God would continue to use you to bless the people He has given you with continued grace and wisdom <3

    @Sharon, JG- praying the Lord would bring healing to Kobi and wisdom and peace to Arian as she continues her searching. May God's hands rest on Your family!!! (Ty for your prayers)

    @Heidi- welcome back!! I have been wondering how things were going! Can't wait to hear more details :) Praise God for blessing you with a new place to live. I hope you are feeling better, today!

    @Claire B- I have not seen their names in a while. I also have not seen @Taylor since one day during our last study.

    @Sarah D- praying peace as you make this big transition! God guide and help you work through your emotions in this change, as well!

    I also want to continue to ask for prayers. I just am struggling knowing my counselor/therapist is on maternity leave the next few months and I have had such a struggle lately with my thought life since this issue with the false prophet friend I had. God knew I would struggle in this time, so He must have a solution. I could see an interim counselor for a few months but I don't really like the idea of sharing such vulnerable things with someone I just met. I've known my counselor since 2019, so I don't really want to establish a new relationship with someone I will only see for maybe 3 months, once a month. Sorry for long post, but had a lot to share I guess!

  77. Mandi D says:

    Good morning, I have a couple of prayer requests as 2 of my children are traveling today. My 21 year old is driving from Tennessee to our home in Texas, it’s about a 14 hour drive. He’s bringing his girlfriend to visit us for a few days. My 18 year old is flying to Vegas later this evening. Pray that they both have safe trips. And yesterday my 7 year old woke up with a stomach virus so I’m praying that no one else gets sick. I’ve tried to keep him away from everyone but I always get so worried that if one gets sick, we will all get sick. Especially since my oldest and his girlfriend will be arriving late tonight I am praying everyone else stays healthy. Thank you ladies for praying, I hope you all have a wonderful day!

  78. Linda Gilbow says:

    Agreed. Roman’s 6-8 describes the believers struggle with sin.

  79. Searching says:

    Convicted …it was my story, and though still a sinner by human nature, I am washed clean by Christ’s sacrifice for me, daily repenting and striving to follow Him.
    This phrase “not only do the same but also approve of those who practice them” was eye opening – not only choosing to sin but essentially encouraging sin in others by approval. What am I doing that falls into this category? Lord, please forgive me.

    Great devo and already many outstanding comments this morning, RHONDA J, ERB, SHARON JERSEY GIRL, KELLY (NEO) and others.

    SARAH D – praying for this last week at current job, and for a great beginning when you start your new one.

    Welcome back, CLAIRE B.

    HEIDI – so glad you’re back safely ❤️

    LYNNE FROM AL & NANCY S – praying


  80. Allison Bentley says:

    25 They exchanged the truth about God for a lie, and worshiped and served created things rather than the Creator—who is forever praised. Amen. – Romans 1:25. Ouch- there is so much truth in this statement it hurts! I believe the devils lies everyday- I’m not good enough, I’m screwing up my kids… the list goes on and on. Lord fill me with YOUR TRUTH- I am wonderfully made, I am chosen, I can do all things through YOU who strengthen me- the list goes on and on!!!! Thank you for being a faithful God who never stops pursuing our hearts! Amen!!!

  81. Erica Chiarelli says:

    There cannot be Good News without Bad News! Wow! We cannot be saved if there isn’t something to be saved from!

  82. Lexy May says:

    “Having the appearance of godliness but denying its power” – reading that statement was an eye-opening reminder. God help me, help us to not just go through the motions. Help us to continue to walk in and live by your Divine Spirit…even in our moments of darkness, pain, and uncertainty.

  83. Rhonda J. says:

    GM She’s!

    We all have sin and fall short. Sin ALWAYS has consequences, and will put destruction not only in our lives but others around us. Listening to Charles Stanley this morning, he talks of CCS (continual consequences of our sins) and that God uses those consequences to correct us because of his love. Yes, we are forgiven when we repent, and it is forgotten thank you heaven Father!! What a mercy. But God, if there were not consequences how would he be a good Father. Do we not give punishment to our children to help shape them? I am thankful for the continual molding and refining, and sanctification to becoming holy as Jesus is holy. This not only benefits us, but those that we encounter! Let us use this as a great testimony of how God has worked in our lives! He is a good God. We fall short, thank you God for your perfect sacrifice that saves us! To him I owe it all…

    Holy Spirit come. Come Rest on us. We need your guidance today, and every day. Make miraculous encounters happen this week for my Lord, to be a disciple for you, planting seeds and harvesting. The field is ripe. This world needs you Lord, let us be your hands and feet. We are the light in the darkness. Keep us strong. Keep us loving and empathetic, showing grace and mercy to those in need. Give us discernment and direction. Amen and Amen.

  84. Nikki DeMers says:

    These are truly the times that we ate living in today, come Lord Jesus come.

  85. ERB says:

    2 Timothy 3:1-5
    **what stands out to me here is the warning! This horrifying list is what self is capable of and what it will do!! This verse “holding to the form of godliness, but denying its power.” reminds me of a wolf in sheep’s clothing. God is the only One who can discern, help, guide and protect us. We must listen, obey and surrender ALL to Him. Amen.

    Romans 1:18-32
    **Wow!! This could word-for-word be applied to today and what is happening around the world!! Sin doesn’t change. It is the same today as it was in the beginning… it is choosing one’s self over God. People have exchanged the Truth for a lie and are quite content to live in that lie!! It’s sad and awful!! And we are without excuse!! God makes Himself known everyday.. yet we choose not to acknowledge Him. The scary part about this, is that He gives us over to the desires of our hearts.. even if this means our destruction. Yikes!!!
    Where are our hearts? Are they fully focused on & devoted to God? Has ungodly compromise and unrighteousness taken over? Or are our hearts split/mixed, trying to live both righteously and unrighteously. It definitely makes you STOP and THINK… the verse “choose this day whom you will serve” comes to mind!! God help and forgive us!!
    *I also find it interesting that the beginning of Romans talks about encouraging one another through faith, which produces righteousness.. and the last part is about seeing and knowing, but choosing to suppress the Truth!! Unrighteousness is a choice!! It spreads and is applauded & encouraged by choosing self over God. Very eye-opening!! Amazing what our choices can produce, both for the good and the bad!! Reminds me of “you will know them by their fruit”. Father, help us produce good fruit! Turn our hearts towards You, let us acknowledge Who You are and all that You’ve done and are doing, and help us to CHOOSE You and Your Way above everything and everyone else!!! Amen.

  86. Susan Crocker says:


  87. Sarah D. says:

    Good morning ladies, praying for the requests mentioned as I scroll through. Would love your prayers as this week is my last week at my job. This morning we typically have a meeting where we share prayer requests, so I am planning to mention it there although my management already has known for awhile. Please pray I say the right words and just express my gratitude for our team and all that I have learned during my time there. It was so hard to see in the moment, but God used this to grow me and show me more of who he is, and I’m thankful for that now. Have a great day everyone!

  88. Maria Baer says:

    Two things that stood out to me:
    * Man’s rebellion against God. Purposely defying God, or even acting like they do not know Him, even though they knew of his righteous judgement. And goodness, haven’t we all been there at some point? This was a point discussed on the SRT podcast and beautifully explained.
    * Yesterday we talked about not being ashamed of the gospel because it is the foundation of our life in Christ. But I love how 2 Timothy emphasizes that Scripture equips us for our work as Christians. This is one of the reasons I love the SRT mission— because we are going deeper in Scripture and learning. And through this community, we get to share, discuss and ask questions. So thankful for this community.

  89. Megan Moquin says:

    Sobering to read the passage this morning. I am a sinner, through and through – I fully acknowledge that I have put things of this world ahead of my relationship with God, time and time again, and while I will strive to do better, I know that I will fail over and over again. I came here to try and reconnect and rebuild my relationship with Him because I know I am not worthy, and I have let that get the best of me for far too long. So grateful to know that He gave his Son to save us!! Verse 21 hit home for me “for although they knew God, they did not honor him as God or give thanks to him” – I don’t think that I stopped honoring him as God, but definitely stopped talking with Him, giving thanks to Him, and treating Him like the most important relationship in my life.

  90. Maria Baer says:

    Two things that just glared at me:

  91. Sharon, Jersey Girl says:

    It scares me to think of where I would be without God’s love, mercy and grace. There go I – BUT for the grace of God! Every day I thank Him for calling me to salvation, for choosing me. Salvation is truly a gift, one that is freely given – yet one that has to be received. Without Christ I was lost, His wrath was against me, I was without hope. With Christ I have been rescued, redeemed – set free and Jesus is my living hope, hallelujah! Thank you God – for being so patient with me and calling me to your marvelous salvation!!

    Father God, I pray for all who are lost, I pray for all our prodigal children. Please work mightily in their hearts. For those who are lost, call them to salvation – turn them from darkness to light, from the power of Satan to God. For those who are saved but have lost their way, bring them to repentance, bring them back to You – the Great Shepherd of their souls. Help us to never stop praying, never stop believing that You are Mighty God who loves each and every human being You have created, and You are not willing that any should perish. In Jesus Name, Amen.

    Thank you for praying for my nephew and sister!

    Praying for you all! Have a blessed Tuesday!

  92. Brooke P says:

    Thanks be to God

  93. Jordan Brown says:

    I agree. However Romans 1:29-30 “Their lives became full of every kind of wickedness, sin, greed, hate, envy, murder, quarreling, deception, malicious behavior, and gossip. They are backstabbers, haters of God, insolent, proud, and boastful. They invent new ways of sinning, and they disobey their parents.”
    Those verses speak to every one. Especially the end where he says abs they disobey their parents

  94. Elizabeth Greenway says:

    But God

  95. Kristine Loughman says:

    There were two things that stood out to me this morning:

    20 For his invisible attributes, namely, his eternal power and divine nature, have been clearly perceived, ever since the creation of the world, in the things that have been made. – Romans 1:20
    I love the God shows Himself through his creation. We live in a beautiful world and I want to make sure I take time to notice it, breathe it in, allow myself to be amazed by it.

    25 because they exchanged the truth about God for a lie and worshiped and served the creature rather than the Creator, who is blessed forever! Amen. – Romans 1:25
    And at the same time, I want to make sure credit goes where it is due! How often to we elevate things of this world as idols rather than the Creator of it all. What things in my life have I given more priority to than my relationship with God?

  96. Aimee D-R says:

    Sobering truth that is also so relieving knowing He has saved us! Thank You Father! THANK YOU JESUS. Amen

  97. Kelly (NEO) says:

    “Paul isn’t singling out a particular group of people; he’s diagnosing the human condition.”

    Wow, said “amen” to every line. Sharon Hodde Miller thank you.

    It is hard to admit, but if I believe that I would never sin like _______, then I am believing the biggest lie of all “Did God say…”!

    LISA Z – thank you for sharing your heart. The brokeness and hurt that can come from people who claim to be Christians is heartbreaking. Thankful for your heart of compassion to guide your clients to see who Jesus is and the freedom and healing He offers.

    SHARON, JERSEY GIRL – praying for Kobi and Arian

    KATIE L – praying for your court date

  98. Mary Ann Graves says:


  99. Dana says:

    My oh my this hit the sweet spot of just how Good God is and His love for us beyond anything we can imagine. Doing my best to sit with this and really let it sink in.

  100. Aleida Polanco says:

    @Lynn Mccarley: Yes it is no coincidence that the Lord has brought you here. My son also blames us for his pain and trauma. I will be praying for your son as well. Let’s not give up lifting up our sons in prayer without ceasing. There are many Shes that were prodigals just like our sons and because their mothers never gave up praying for them and fighting against the spirits of darkness using God’s armor, they surrendered their life to Christ. Praying for you sister❤️

  101. Aleida Polanco says:

    Dear Shes, thank you all so much for continuing to pray for my son,Victor and for the restoration of our relationship with him. Please also pray that God will soften my husband’s heart towards his son despite the pain he feels.