Day 1

Everything Is Futile

from the Ecclesiastes reading plan

Ecclesiastes 1:1-11, Psalm 39:1-13, Matthew 11:28-30

BY Amanda Bible Williams

“Am I the only one in this house who knows how to load the dishwasher?!” I bark my question loudly to everyone within earshot and no one in particular. Instead of listening for an answer, I groan and scrub another bowl with cereal flakes glued to the inside. I’m annoyed, and I need them to know it. But underneath my irritated sighs, there is another feeling—a fleeting but familiar twinge of disappointment in my heart’s bent toward temporary things.

This was the scene at my home last night. And banal as it is, it’s the one that comes to mind when I think of the word that echoes throughout the book of Ecclesiastes: futility. Looking for lasting meaning apart from God is futile—as futile as trying to keep the kitchen sink empty in a house filled with snack-obsessed kids and coffee-dependent adults. “‘Absolute futility,’ says the Teacher. ‘Absolute futility. Everything is futile’” (Ecclesiastes 1:2).

It feels silly to compare King Solmon’s words to my kitchen drama, and even to admit the drama to begin with. I’m a grown woman, for crying out loud! Do I really expect an empty sink to fill me up? The honest answer is, yes, I sometimes do. In the same way that I tie some bit of my self-worth to the cleanliness of my countertop, I try to craft meaning in a thousand other things: the work I do, the clothes I wear, the photos I take and captions I create, the behavior of my children, the affection of my husband, the size of my bank account and my waistline. It’s exhausting, really. Solomon knew it too: “All things are wearisome, more than anyone can say” (v.8).

Ecclesiastes is the wise king’s record of his own search for meaning in life “under the sun” (v.3)—that is, life here on earth. In it, Solomon found what we, too, find if we tug on our meaning threads hard enough: every earthly thing unravels. Nothing lasts. No man-crafted meaning can fill the human heart in a full and lasting way.

As hopeless as it sounds, this is good news because it points us to the only source of true meaning and fulfillment: Jesus Christ. In the kingdom of God, life’s meaning is not determined by a mortal king’s earthly research, but by the Eternal King’s perfect goodness, justice, and love. The world we see with our eyes is temporary and fraught with futility, but our life in Christ is everlasting and marked by mercy.

Ecclesiastes isn’t a light read, but it’s a worthwhile one. Like every other book of the Bible, it is the true and inspired Word of God, given to us that we might know and walk with Him. So, settle in and get out your spiritual bifocals, friends. Ask the Holy Spirit to guide you as you learn to view life through a kingdom lens. As we read, may we learn to find our heart’s home in Christ alone.

Post Comments (210)

210 thoughts on "Everything Is Futile"

  1. Natalie Villacis says:

    Reminded me that all the worries I have right now about needing to make a decision, I’m putting too much weight and energy into that instead of redirecting my energy into growing my relationship with God who will point me in the right direction

    1. Autumn Christmas says:

      Love this! Whenever I feel the weight of a decision I always try and back up and just work on getting to God, through that you’ll see what he wants for you. He only wants good.

  2. Maria Guevara says:

    Nothing can fulfill us like Jesus. We need to keep our eyes on him and the eternity ahead. We can’t get wrapped up in temporary things but focus on eternal things. So much easier said then done. But this such a good reminder!! 

  3. Amber Charles says:

    Futility. For some reason, this is so heavy for me. Lately I’ve been struggling with so much, worrying about work, family, Med school decisions, and just life period that I too often forget God. My distractions are many. What meaning do I have in life if I don’t have God in it? I would be completely lost without Him. Everything is futile but God is infinite and I am trying to be more intentional with the time I have with him and his word. I needed this devotional so badly, especially with everything going on with our world. I am looking forward to reading more in scripture and meditating on it.

    1. Jess Phelts says:

      Ditto, I’m right there with you!!

    2. Autumn Christmas says:

      Agreed!! Worrying about small earthly things that are in fact futile, useless and pointless! Hard to do as it’s what society points us towards. But keep your eyes fixed on Jesus and the decisions will easier.

  4. Taylor says:

    This is exactly what my soul has been needing to hear. I’m so so thankful I found this study this morning. Thank you!

  5. Jeanene Rhoden says:

    This is definitely a good reminder to be mindful to keep my eyes, heart, and mind fixed on Jesus. The world and things around me cannot fulfill me. This is one of the reasons I decided to get off social media for a while. I need to readjust my heart, eyes, and mind.

  6. Nicole Trimper says:

    Good reminder to keep my eyes fixed on Jesus and not outside circumstances. ❤️

  7. Yarizza Francisco says:

    this devotional is so relevant! i am so glad i came across this bible plan.. so excited to continue this reading plan to grow as a teen and learn from older and much wiser women. this is going to make my faith stronger.

  8. Ashley Reid says:

    Futile futile futile. Frankly being stuck at home for months has left my heart so desperate for the “real things”—the things that are going to last eternally. Prayers that I can let go of the vanities and steadfastly hang on to His work and His way.

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