“It’s all a popularity contest,” my friend explained as the votes rolled in for student council. That was not music to my ears. Let’s just say I hadn’t secured a spot at the cool kids’ lunch table yet. In the end, I didn’t make the cut for student council, but over the years I learned that popularity is far less important than influence.
Influence is about so much more than sitting at the “right” table. It doesn’t matter if you have the most friends, a fancy job, or an official position at your church. If you have the courage to speak the truth in love, you can be influential. If your life is marked by following God in faith, you will naturally inspire those around you. Whether your circle of reach is a few people or an auditorium, God has placed others in your path for a reason.
Our text today shows the saving work God can do through the influence He’s given us. It’s unclear if Esther was selected as queen purely based on her outward beauty, a result of her wise actions, or due solely to God’s divine intervention. But one thing is clear: “Esther gained favor in the eyes of everyone who saw her” (Esther 2:15). However she got there, you can’t deny that Esther found herself in a position of great power. She had the ear of the king, and she didn’t waste her opportunity.
What I want all of us to realize is just how much influence God has already given us! It’s easy to discount the impact your words and actions can make on others. The world feels so big, and its problems feel so complex—we feel helpless to fix it all. It’s easy to come up with a million reasons why our roles don’t matter. Is it possible those are excuses to avoid using our influence for the glory of God?
If you’re a mom, your work of shepherding tiny humans every day will have an everlasting impact on their souls. If you work outside the home, your daily choices can touch the lives of your coworkers and clients, both relationally and through the quality of your work. If you’re a student, your interactions with classmates and teachers could be used to change their eternal fate. No matter who you are, your life and actions can lead people closer to God.
We can certainly admire the courage and obedience of Esther. She didn’t become arrogant when the king turned his favor on her because she recognized that it’s God’s attention and affection that truly matter. When push came to shove, Esther chose to risk not just her popularity but her very life to accomplish what God was calling her to do—and not just for her sake, but for the sake of God’s people. Isn’t that the kind of legacy we want to be remembered for?
First, we need to understand and acknowledge the influence God has given us. Who are the people God has placed in our path? Then we can ask Him how He wants us to use our influence as ambassadors of His good news. By seeking after the Lord’s favor above all others, we will find the courage to risk it all for the glory of His kingdom.
The question is not so much whether or not you have influence. The real question is, what are you doing with it?

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129 thoughts on "Esther Becomes Queen"
It’s wild to think of just how long of a process all of this was. It’s easy for me to compare myself to the victories of Esther, but perhaps the months and years of preparation are still happening before the lord can use you me too in such a radical way. I want to find Him in the waiting.
Popularity is far less important than influence… Such truth and a great reminder.
I absolutely love this chapter ❤️
Esther is one of those woman in the Bible who I can see serving a strong influence in my life beyond just this study. Wow! What an amazing woman of God! Surely, she faced adversity in her life and similar to my experiences, probably faced anxiety and doubts as well. Still, she knew God had a purpose for her and she never let her faith waiver. She walked confidently knowing God had purpose for her life despite the adversities of her past. Lord, I pray you shape my attitude and influence more like Esther. Help me to influence others through my actions and words so that they recognize you through me. Guide me as you have written the purpose for my life. Lay on my heart what you want of me and speak strength to pursue those plans even when I get anxious or doubt myself. Have a blessed evening, sisters!
The real question truly is “What am I doing with the influence I have been given?” Amen
Such an interesting use of the word “influence”. We live in a world where the influencers are those with tons of followers and monetary gain. We have lost touch with the true definition of an influencer.
Incredible reminder that we have been given the graces to influence others and confidently live out our purpose!
Amen sister!!
Such a good reminder that our influence is a gift & to use it for the glory & growth of the Kingdom of God
Love this!! God has given us influence no matter where we are! Great reminder to always look for the lost sheep
May GOD’S favor is with us all everyday!
Perfect reminder that the places we go and the opportunities we get are not opportunities for us to boast about ourselves instead to boast about the God who put us there
I’m with you! A new direction at a crucial change in life has me asking God where he wants me to be.
I’m in a time of transition. Our college aged sons are launching and I’m quitting my job with the school district to open myself up to what God has next for me… where I can be of influence.
God has given us all influence. The scale, scope, and depth are all different, but he calls us to take every opportunity to create relationships and use those to bring him glory. It is an honor to be able to influence his children, and we should feel the weight of that.
This is really helpful for school
Great reminder not to squander the influence God has given us.
I am a stay at home mom and work part time at a homeless shelter. Both are very thankless jobs that I love so. This is encouraging that no mattegardless of weather I remov
Influence is something we don’t realise we have until someone reminds us. Often we think no one is watching me. But that is not true. As daughters of God everything we do and say influences others either good or bad. Let us always strive to be a Godly influence for good.
Wow, we are influenced by GOD and we need to embark on that journey and see who we are going to influence in our daily lives as no matter what we do we have influenced people in our lives
Lauren I love what you have written here. This has spoken to my heart
Spoke to my heart. I’m a stay at home mom ever since pandemic started & i feel caged & restricted. This reminded me it’s not about how many or big your audience is, it’s about what we are doing with our influence to the audience that God put in our path. In this case my family & my kids.❤️
This is so wonderful! Love the idea of choosing to ask what we’re going to do with our influence instead of spending our time debating whether we have it (that debate is coming from the enemy, not God).
Using my grace day to catch up day one and day two and I love this devotional! The devotion and scriptures tied in really well. I have always had this struggle with influence but didn’t have the words to describe it. I constantly feel like I’m failing because I’m not doing anything “big” with my life or even really succeeding with what I do have, it’s just average. Reading this today, it’s touched my spirit and I realize that I am not intentionally recognizing the sphere of influence I do carry. It is so refreshing to my spirit to understand that we do have influence when we are marked by God, called by Him (we all are as believers) and applying to my every day life. Thank you!
Amen to, “influence is so much more than sitting at the “right” table.” ❤️
Reversals in this chapter:
A king without a queen, gains a queen he can trust because she saves his life from assassination.
An orphaned Jewish girl in a foreign land becomes queen. (kind of reminds me of the Jewish slave girl who sent Naaman to be healed of leprosy -2 Kings 5)
Such a great read for Day 2! I’m glad the reading put it in the “influence” perspective since we are living in that kind of world right now and even more with the internet. This just makes me want to create a blog to help influence people to turn their eyes to the Lord. It’s a thought on my mind now. ❤️☺️
Me too. I’m beginning to write things that I just want to reflect on and calling it good.
God took each of us as our own just as Mordecai did for Esther.
Oops, tried to reply to you MARI V
❤️ this! Your cohort is so blessed to have a teacher like you. My kids are in 3rd & 4th and even with cohorts and school being different, they are SO happy to be there and learning from teachers who shine for Jesus. I imagine your students feel the same way!!
such a great reminder that your influence reaches more that you know, and to try and find purpose in that!
Amen Makayla! Me too with my two littles. ❤️
I agree. They reflection question didn’t seem to match, but I try to reflect on something within the scripture.
Today really made me stop and think about the impact and influence I have in my home right now with my child. ♥️
For the past few weeks I have been chewing on 1 John 3:18, which tells us to live in action and deed. But how can I do this when the majority of life happens behind a screen these days? This devotion is a good reminder that being “marked by following God in faith” can be a strong influence as well.
No, I’m the same! The generic questions for each section sometimes don’t fit. I’ve noticed this with other studies as well. I just use the space for reflection.
I struggle with them too
Such a good read today! I must remember every day someone is watching me and maybe that behavior can lead them into God or away. So definitely must always remember how Am I using my influence that God has placed in me
Wooow so good. What am I doing with my influence? Everyone in my circle are affected both negatively or positively by my actions. Am I leaving a good legacy behind or a bad one? This is confirmation for me today. Sooo thankful for this devotional.
No I do too. Especially because ROFs or coincidences aren’t seen in each chapter. I usually end up skipping that one.
I struggle with them too.
I struggle with the reflection questions in the book. I know or I think there are no wrong answers but I just don’t get the questions. Am I the only one!?
God has been revealing to me how my recent emotional state is clouding my capacity and influence; of His design over my Life and Who He is in my Life versus other things. I want to know Who God is so I can be confident in the ability and reach He has given me through the people and paths He puts in front of feet.
This is my first time here but I can testify that I am trying to walk whole heartily in gods presence. I know I have influence and it comes in different shapes and forms. Honestly my biggest issue in the walk with god at times is fear, fear that my words aren’t from hod because I don’t want to be boostful. Everything we have comes from god I want to live for and because of god. Esther from what I have read always knew her place but never missed opportunity. She understood that it was more important to do what god asked of her than her own life because god was the one who gave her life. Faith that all things as written by god will all go well.
What a good reading today. I know I struggle with sharing the word of God. What a great example was used also with popularity. I was far from popular and my children are also. I couldn’t wait for the first to graduate and can wait for my second to finish. Kids can be so mean. I wish all had this teaching at home.
All odds stacked against her, Esther found favor! What a testimony!
This is my 1st subscription book from she reads truth!! I’ve listened to their podcast for a little while now. I’m thoroughly enjoying Esther, so far! I’m looking forward to connecting here with you all. God bless!!
hallelujah thank you jesus!
Thank you all for your thoughts and prayers! I’m so moved by all of the women here. I wish all the world was like the SRT comment thread! @petra I am praying for your girl. It isn’t an easy path but God uses the broken and beaten for wonderful things. Her perspective, given by her past, will add so much to the world. Even her doubt and questions will all be for his glory. Xoxo
Esther is such an example and influence of what it means to walk out the beauty of trusting and being obedient to our Father! Favor isn’t fair- Esther was Chosen – because He knew she could carry the influence and humbly submit to His plans for her life! She knew who she was in Him – and she knew how to faithfully give Him the glory in all things! I love all the things in Esther’s life and story that teach us about how to truly walk out obedience and surrender to Him! ❤️
Loved the comparison between popularity and influence!
When I was 9 God placed two sweet Christian Moms in my path one summer at a vacation Bible school set up in a nearby home. I felt so loved in this home listening to the moms telling us about Jesus, helping us with arts and crafts, giving us snacks. It sounds so simple but was huge because it stirred up a longing and hunger in me. Don’t underestimate your influence. Even helping out at a vacation Bible school might plant a seed in someone that may never otherwise hear it.
Today I realized how God chose Esther, an orphanage teenage girl, growing up with a male role (uncle) all her life. It can’t be easy, especially for a girl right? Growing up without a mother is extremely hard, you constantly second guess yourself. At every family gathering, at mother’s day, every birthday, you are by yourself. Does she have low self-esteem as the result? Does she think “why God, why me”? Does she think I am not beautiful enough to enter this national beauty pageant? Possibly yes to all that.
Yet, this young teenage Esther must have overcome a lot of limitations in order to align herself to submit, obey, and TRUST. This shows tremendous personal efforts.
I remember how God says you can do all things through me who strengthens you. In order to have much influence, you need to be up even higher, overcome much more bigger obstacles, as the lamp on the high post – which Esther did, which Joseph did (from being sold as a slave to the second in command in Egypt to deliver the nation). I see the supernatural enabling of God. And it gives me such hope!
Love this!!
This lesson. Yes. So much, yes. ❤
I pray Jesus that I may be a good stuart of the influence I carry. Help me and guide my steps as I speak life and wisdom to others. I pray Lord that other women will see my relationship with you and are encouraged to go deeper in your presence. In your name Jesus I pray, Amen.
Esther’s story is so incredible, the fear and anxiety she must have felt throughout the entire experience of her time with the king. Her story speaks to me in the most personal of ways. My whole life I have chosen a different path than anyone would have guessed and there have been so many adventures but at the end of the day, you always work or live with a “king” that has power over you in this world, if that makes sense. I recently felt a stirring that God wanted me to do something new with my life and I ended up quitting my dream job, selling my belongings and leaving my home for a new life across the country. I didn’t know what God was leading me to do but it felt big. I can’t imagine the things that were going through Esther’s head. I can’t wait to meet her in heaven.
Powerful read.. Amen..
I have seen this come about in my life. When I applied for my current job I was told the position was filled and offered another one which I took. Before I even started the job I was offered the original position because the original person turned it down. I have had the opportunity to see God work through my job influencing many young coworkers and doing some only God could do it plans for my patients.
Thank you for sharing your testimony. I can related to so much of what you said. Very encouraging
WOW!!! Kaitie really drove home the point and made me think. Am I really spreading my faith or am I being lackadaisical about my faith? Are my actions showing what I believe? Am I putting my heart and soul and faith into what I do and live for or am I just going through the motions?
Lord, help to show my faith in You and Christ in everything I do. Allow me to let people know my love for You. Help to spread Your word in all I do and say. Amen.
Sisters have a blessed day and spread God’s word in what you do and say today.
Read your post, made me think about a post-it I keep in my office:
“Fear not tomorrow child of the King
Trust them with Jesus
Do the next thing”
I need to be more aware of the influence given to me from the Lord. I work with people every day who need light in a dark work. Lord, help me to be an influence to them for your love and truth.
Wow love this! ❤️
Love this! It doesn’t matter who you are, how popular you are…”if you have the courage to speak the truth in love, you can be influential!”
“Popularity is less important than influence…what are you doing with your influence?” ❤️
Wow thank you for sharing your story. Praise God that you sought Him to be your refuge.
Must remember God can use me and the people I come into contact I want them to know him who has saved me.
I greatly appreciate the scripture and devotion for today. The one thing that struck me was the influence of those people in Esther’s life. Mordecai stepped in to be her parents for her. He created a strong foundation for her to grow up in. He gave her sound advice throughout her life. Then, when she went to the palace, Hegai was there supervising the women. Hegai created a strong relationship with Esther and gave sound advice for her to find favor with the king. It makes me consider who is in my life that I should be listening to more so, because God is working through them. How lucky we are to have these mentors, advisers, and friends to help lead us into the path that God has created for us.
Wow I love this devotion! Sometimes I feel like I can’t make an impact because I don’t know that many people or have too many friends, but this showed me otherwise! Loved this!
Love this devo!! It’s so good. Thankful for my influence but I know I’m not taking full advantage of it!
I work with children ages 5-12. I pray that I influence these children through my actions and words. My mom always said the way you act shows people who you are and that you have God in your life. You don’t have to constantly preach that you can lead them to Jesus through the way you treat others.❤️❤️
God is calling me to use my influence in a number of ways, but particularly when it comes to some things with my church. I have been dragging my feet because I feel like I’m not ready or that it’s “not my place.” What a kick in the butt the end of this devotional was for me…it’s not a matter of whether I have influence, it’s what I’m doing with it. And right now I’m just sitting on it in the face of blatant calls from the Lord to MOVE. Whew. Praying for all the wisdom and courage I can get to follow where God is leading.
There have been different roles and areas of influence over the years- a large women’s Bible study, teaching college classes, church groups etc. I sensed the Lord’s calling in each place and still do. As a somewhat introverted person who would rather be behind the scenes, he pushed me up front. I learned so much in those roles and saw the Lord provide and work. However, I think the home front has been the most significant role as we raised two kids while working and serving. Now in retirement, I can wonder about calling and purpose, but I have a role as a Grandma, and still aim to influence women at church. The scenes change over the years, yet God will keep working and using us as we let Him. Esther is such a good study to be reminded of God’s Providence and continual work on behalf of His people.
What a huge responsibility to be an influencer, but that is what I know God has set me here for. I hope that just my kindness and love will show through in me and people around me would want to learn more about God from me actions and treatment of others! Bless you all.
What a great reminder we all have influence, are we using it for God’s good?
You are so faithful to the Lord to be caring for your mother in law in this way. Nanak, pray that God uses this time to grow your endurance for whatever trials lie ahead. I pray you trust God to be at work, even if not currently visible to you with your mother in law. May He open your eyes to how faithful He is to this situation. May He use this time to strengthen your faith and keep faithful with the tasks He has assigned you. May God cover you and bring you to new places of hope. May your mother in law be witness to His mercy for your whole family. Know God sees your labor and do not grow weary in doing good, for in due season, you will reap, if you do not give up. He loves you and I pray you find comfort in the ways you mimic a virtuous wife (Prov 31). Blessings! <3
Dear Jeanne, I have never posted in my many years following SRT, but your story has hit very close to home. My beautiful daughter has also gone through the same things. Kids posting on the internet that they wanted to kill her, boys would never want to date her, and the isolation of the lunchroom. Even the 4 friends making a pact to avoid her her freshman year. Youth group was no better. She was mocked in her small group many times for being a virgin, a goody goody and a momma’s girl. Most days when I picked her up she would ask if it was okay to cry. Of course it was okay. I cried right along with her. As I am now. She is 20 now and still struggling. She has friends in college and wonderful roommates, but still suffers from anxiety. As Tina would say…. But God
He has a plan for her! He has collected all her tears and is close to the broken-hearted. He is slowly healing her. She was an answer to ours prays of 10 years from Our Heavenly Father. He has given her amazing gifts of writing, music, painting and above all strength and kindness to all who meet her. She struggles with faith but I know Our God answers this momma’s prayers. They will not return empty and void. Bless you all at SRT. Everyone who shares here have been near and dear to me for many years. The wisdom and comfort I have received continue to bless me throughout my day.
@Jeanne Scott, thank you for sharing how God has been your strength and hiding place. I pray he continues to bless your life and remind you of His great love for you!
NanaK, praying for you now, and for your MIL and family during this time.
Jeanne Scott, thank you for sharing your story. Peace to you.
I come onto She Reads Truth before work to get my mind and heart in the right place, and every devotional brings so much truth and wisdom. Thank you for creating this online community. Reading through some of the comments, I also learn a ton. I love the SRT women!
I pray and hope I aim for influence versus popularity. I struggled with that in the past, focusing more on if people liked being around me and my reputation, versus focusing on how my actions, words, and character reflected Jesus. As I go on dates, I’m also reminded how brief encounters can help someone feel and know God more or the opposite.
Influence… what a powerful and daunting responsibility. And what a privilege. Thank you Lord. Excellent teaching in today’s reading.
I said the same thing! I have read the book of Esther before but never noticed the time frame. Yes, God’s timing is truly perfect.
In reference to Jeanne Scott, I pray that in our current world children struggling in whatever way find God. If not by virtue of their family that somehow God speaks to them and they hear. When you are young you cannot see any big picture…but when you have lives you see how it all works together if you allow it to!
I often think of Esther when I read I Peter 3:4.
but let it be the hidden man of the heart which is not corruptible, even the ornament of a meek and quiet spirit, which in the sight of God is of great price. This is from KJ. I love the imagery of an ornament. I’m sure this is why Esther had such great influence.
Beautiful testimony. Thank you so much for sharing.
We never retire from our role as an ambassador for Christ. Our circle of influence will change but never our role. It’s a lifetime appointment.
My current circle of influence in this season of life are my parents, my two best friends, and my boyfriend. My boyfriend was raised Catholic but doesn’t practice faith currently. This devotion challenges me specifically in my relationship with him. I’ve shared my faith with him and we’ve watched church online together a few times. I’ve shared before on SRT that I am hesitant/fearful to date Christian men because the one and only “Christian” boyfriend I dated abused me, and I struggle with the impact of that abuse to this day. Esther’s husband the King was not a Jew/part of God’s chosen people, and He did mighty works in and through their relationship. Lord what do you want me to take away from this message?
This is off topic, but I realized these events (Esther becoming queen) took place 4 YEARS after Vashti first disobeyed the king. Another wonderful reminder that God’s timing is perfect and patience on my end is desperately needed. Not all problems have quick resolutions, but God is with us through it all!
My 93 year old mother-in-law is living with us almost full time and I must admit, it is extremely difficult. My time is now dictated by her wants and needs. Our food, what we watch on tv…our time away…everything has changed. I’ve asked myself if this is the best solution for all of us many times and the today’s lesson rings loudly in my ears: “The question is not so much whether or not you have influence. The real question is what you are doing with it?” You see, my MIL is someone you would call a “surface Christian.” It is really hard to see her relationship with Jesus and although it isn’t my place to question the sincerity of her faith, she is in the later years of her life and I want her salvation to be sure. I pray that her time with my husband and me will show her a deep commitment to our faith; a sincere love relationship with our Savior. And I pray we can be a positive influence in her life.
This is such a beautiful reminder. Influence over popularity. That’s what we should seek. God has not called me to a popularity contest, but to a life of influencing others and shining my light for the world to see. Thank you so much @Jeanne Scott for sharing your story. If only I can keep going to the right place – God’s presence all the time, no matter what I may be going through.
No matter where we are positioned in a palace, a grovel, or on the street. If we are dwelling in the shelter of the Most High, as I believe Esther was, we are called to be His hands and feet. His love and grace. He is shining thru when we speak His truth in love. You are His beacon sweet Sisters, I see this daily in your stories, your words. Jesus be glorified thru the path you give us.
I am also a teacher and a mother, and I feel the same way you do! Our sphere of influence is so great, and many times I get caught up in daily tasks instead of the big picture. We have so many we interact with!
Thank you for sharing!
@ MEGAN SWALE I noticed this too and thought the exact same thing!! We have a choice! Strength and Dignity.
The dictionary defines:
STRENGTH as being able to withstand great force or power.
DIGNITY as the quality or state of being worthy, honored, or esteemed.
This lead me to (2 Corinthians 12:9) ‘But He said to me, “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.” Therefore I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses, so that Christ’s power may rest on me.’
Just yesterday God was asking me “Are you the same in front of others as you are in front of Me?” “What kind of taste and example of Me (God the Triune) are you leaving?” Two small and simple questions, but oh SO convicting!!!
….maybe this is why Esther found favor wherever she went, not because of her outward beauty (though I’m sure she was gorgeous) but more because of her inward choices to listen, be obedient and to reflect God’s character. That’s the kind of beauty that SHINES!!! I wonder if this depth of character (that didn’t change per circumstance) is what Haggai saw, what others saw, and what the King saw?
Lord make my inward character like Esther’s. Help me to make Your character known above all else. Thank You Jesus.
God please let me use my influence wisely and in alignment with your plan for me. Help me to be a wife/woman of noble character as described in our reading today!
I lead many teachers of special education students. I know that I have great influence over them and that they look to me for guidance. I pray that God will help me to lead well and give me wisdom to guide them well!
I have a two year old son at home. I want to raise him knowing God’s love. I pray that God will continue to put this unrelenting desire in my heart for that so that I will work to pursue it and prioritize it daily.
As a teacher, I know the influence I have on my fourth graders (and really all students at my school). I pray every day that I can lead and love these kids and that through my words, actions, and deeds they see God’s love. But also that through them I can also see God and His love. I pray that we may all use our influence for the good of those we encounter, even if it is just shopping at the grocery store.
Hello STR sisters! I am here every day, but often don’t comment. Thank you for all those that do. I read and am challenged by your words daily.
In my career, the Lord has placed me in a very influential position at what I think is a young age (27). This has been apparent to me all along. Its been challenging and I’ve often felt like Moses wondering why God has chosen me. It’s brought joy, value and stress to my life. However, through every single moment God has used it to teach me to seek him for stress relief (He is our ultimate peace), for wisdom (He grants it to those who ask), for courage, for strength, and everything else I may need. I feel so unworthy and so blessed that He’s using my daily work to impact the kingdom.
I don’t have much of a direct point other than sharing my story to hope it encourages you. Many days are not easy, but when I truly operate within the Lords power, its miraculous to see what He can do. I’ve seen this time and time again when I am faced with a challenge. I seek the Lord, He gives me wisdom, courage, strength, etc and BOOM He works His magic in the situation.
Ladies, be BOLD in your influence. Trust the Lord with what He instructs us to do. Do not hold back with His instruction.
Be blessed. I love you all!
We are all ambassadors for Christ! May we represent him well, and share his truth and gospel with those he places in our lives.
Some people have a stage; others have a dinner table. I often de-value myself and my contribution to the world because I am a stay at home mom. This reminds me that my son and my husband are people I can influence. The people in my neighborhood are people I can influence. My circle may be small, but that does not mean it is not important.
This was so good! This is a great reminder that we must use what God has given us for His glory and honor. We all have influence…. what are you doing with it?
I love the reminder that favor comes from God and when he wants to use it for His glory. It’s not about me. It’s about a bigger story he is writing.
This is such an exciting truth for me, as sometimes I don’t feel like my work is exciting. I’m a teacher and a mom, and while I know those are important roles, they can feel mundane at times. I need to count my blessings that my sphere of influence is so great!
God please use me to influence those around me in the way You want me to. Please give me the bravery of Esther. I love what Megan said about being clothed in strength and honor! Let my light shine for the glory of God! Amen
Somehow I ended up in a room full of teenagers. I just knew my mission field would be something easy, but it shouldn’t surprise me that I’m planted in this field. I teach mostly Juniors and Seniors. The reason I’m not surprised by this is because I went through a lot of tough decisions as a teen. A lot of these experiences are what these kids I teach are going through. My heart aches for them. I’ve been teaching them for almost 2 years now. I had one of my students stay after class and pored their heart out to me. Ironically it was something I went through as a teenager. I coached the child in a direction that may be the best choice for them, that I didn’t not take myself. Using my experience as an example. I just hope this is what it means to bloom where you’ve been planted, because it’s not like Sunday school and reading the Bible to these kids. It’s having to live out Christ in front of some of the toughest critics.
I am encouraged by your bravery to listen to His nudges, look at the signs pointing you, and seek His direction above your overwhelm and fear. Praying over you and your next steps.
What a privilege that God CHOOSES to use us! He chooses to give us influence! I love thinking about who those people are who He has placed in my care to love and Shepherd on his behalf!
DAY 2: Esther gained the King favor by her beauty and her loyalty by telling the King that two men were plotting to kill him. I am imagining her beauty as she also gained favor in the eyes of everyone who saw her. I cannot wait to see the outcome of this story, since I have never read this book. Seems like a lot will be happening to this King!
I pray that everyone I meet sees Jesus shining through.
Thank you Megan Swale…lovely insight into these verses.
A good reminder to consider who we influence
I pray that each day I influence those around me in a positive way and that when they see me, they see the characteristics of Jesus.
Such truth ! Thank you for your words
Love this STORY so much! Every time I read it it’s like it’s brand new . A couple things I found is that in proverbs 31, it is stated that the woman made the clothes that her and her family wore, she even sold them. And then a few verses later it say she is clothed in strength and honor…. and it hit me. We, as women… no matter what we’ve been through, get to CHOOSE a to wear strength and honor every day. We can choose to stay in those pjs , or choose intentionally to clothe ourselves in strength and honor. ♥️
This study has been so timely. I think I’m receiving my calling, and have been taking stock of the signs I feel I’m receiving each day. I know the Lord wants me to use my influence to do His work, but I’m feeling overwhelmed with the how and the risks that must be taken to do it. May He gift me, and all of us, with the bravery of Esther.
Such an interesting point, we all have influence, and what am I doing with mine? Who is in my sphere of influence? Who is watching me? Who am I inspiring or hurting with what i do? I hope it’s people seeing the freedom you gain in Jesus. That’s my hope. But man the pressure! I want to influence people well, not poorly!