Since 2012, She Reads Truth has maintained a singular mission: to be women in the Word of God every day. Ten years later, our community includes “Shes” from across the globe, but our mission hasn’t changed.
Reading Scripture together is the centerpiece of what we do at She Reads Truth. As we spend time as a community reading This Is The Church, we encourage you to start by reading the daily Scripture on your own. Then join us here to engage and encourage one another as we respond to what we’ve read. Each day for this series, we’ll include a brief summary of the reading along with a prompt for conversation.
The Holy Spirit fills and fuels the Church with God’s power to preach the gospel, serve others, repent from sin, and increasingly live in freedom.
Discussion Question: In light of today’s Scripture reading, how can you live out the truth that we are empowered by the Holy Spirit?

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107 thoughts on "Empowered by the Holy Spirit"
Allow ourselves to be lead by the spirit – meaning don’t try to figure things out for ourselves but first pause, look and ask for direction. And then take the action to actually follow the direction!
By asking the Holy Spirit to move us/what to do in the moment instead of trying to figure out what to do by ourselves. I also loved what Tiffany Reynoso said about recognizing the holy spiritual in others and accepting that He may show up in different ways.
Holy spirit you are welcome here
By recognizing the Holy Spirit in others and accepting that He may show up differently in their lives than in mine.
Thank you Lord for the Holy Spirit that gives me guidance, strength, and comfort. It is so hard being in a world so full of evil. I don’t know what I would do without His spirit in me ❤️
Being intentional to listen and be still. I don’t do this enough but when I do, He meets me. Every time ❤️
By using your spiritual gifts instead of keeping them hidden
I want to learn to call on the Holy Spirit minute by minute, to treat others with the grace and kindness shown to me, and to share the miracle of Jesus with others.
Follow your dreams, and the calling God has for your life. Always with a faith that others can see.
I think it would be interesting to seek him out during the mundane tasks of the day to day. To look for him in those moments
Individually, by immediately obeying the nudges from the Holy Spirit. In community, by celebrating and letting the spiritual gifts of others encourage and strengthen me, and seeking to use my gifts for the growth and encouragement of the body. Yes, the spiritual gifts can and should help us individually. But they are given for the growth of the church. Not for me to use for myself only.
Individually, by immediately obeying the nudges from the Holy Spirit. In community, by celebrating and drawing strength
I believe that we can live out the truth that we are empowered by the Holy Spirit by listening to His voice in everything and following His way of proceeding in our lives.
I am hung up on Acts 2, if it was the “last days” then…. I start to have doubt creep in.
I cannot get through my day without relying on the power of the Holy Spirit. To realize that he empowers me gives me the strength and the boldness I need to live for him daily!
This message shows me that God has all of the answers to your questions. He might not answer them but he will lead you in the right direction. He is for us not against us and that is why he is such an awesome God!
I can listen to it! So often I can feel nudges and it’s sometimes too easy to ignore them and do what I will instead. I can listen for those and respond!
When i feel like i am not enough, or don’t have what it takes, ask God if it is His will. If yes, trust the Holy Spirit to provide all that i need.
I can live out the truth that we are empowered by the Holy Spirit by calling on Him to guide me throughout my day. I can ask Him to help me understand the Word and ask Him to help me pray.
I can live out the truth that we are empowered by the Holy Spirit by depending on him every day to direct my path. I can listen to his still, small voice, and walk in the way he directs. I can turn to him in times of sadness, trouble, or joy to know his will for me.
The song Doubt by Anna Golden always reminds me of God’s faithfulness and gives me a boost of confidence when I need it!
I can live out the truth that we are empowered by the Holy Spirit by more intentionally inviting the Spirit into my daily life, and turning to the Holy Spirit in times of stress/struggle/overwhelm rather than trying to do things on my own. More intentional reliance on the HS and release of things that are too heavy for me to carry. And thinking more critically about the gifts I have received through the Spirit rather than focusing on the gifts others seem to have. I guess overall…I need my eyes to be more focused on the HS and less on what’s going on around me in the natural.
I appreciate your comments. I often forget to draw on the strength of the Holy Spirit and try to go in my own strength
By abiding in Christ. Abiding in His Word. His Word renews our minds. Our minds are either going to be conformed by this world or conformed to God’s truth. I can do nothing to follow Christ if I’m not abiding. In acts they simply obeyed and waited for the Holy Spirit. We also just obey Jesus’ words and the Holy Spirit will move and manifest as He desires to through us.
I can have more confidence in what how the Lord has made me and how He is guiding my life. Often I become so scared and paralyzed in what do next, afraid of making the wrong move, or nervous because I don’t know what is coming next. But I need to let the Holy Sprit guide me and let it take the lead.
For me I feel like spiritual gifts are individual to each person. I’ve never been great at speaking in tongues but I have good discernment
I want to be more aware of the Holy Spirit living inside of me and guiding me through life.
25 If we live by the Spirit, let us also keep in step with the Spirit. – Galatians 5:25. I can live out the truth that I am empowered by the Holy Spirit by acting when I am called. I think we have all felt the pull and then pushed it aside because it would be awkward or we don’t know how but that’s just it. In those moments we are imagining how to do it in our own strength and we don’t have to do it that way anymore. We have the Spirit and if he leads us we can also trust that God’s way has already been provided for and all we have to do is act. So I want to always act. Please forgive me when I don’t.
A few weeks ago in church, they were speaking about the Holy Spirit and said that the Spirit is a person or being just the way God and Jesus are. They said many of us think of the Holy Spirit more like this intangible thing just floating around. But the Spirit is active and is with us. When the writers describe the Spirit being poured out on people, that’s not a thing of the past. The Holy Spirit is poured out on all of us.
God has given each one of us talents that we can use to glorify him. When we abide in him he blesses us with fruits that we can share with others around us therefore reaching more people for Christ
Living out the truth that we are empowered by the Holy Spirit, to me means living in peace, and with hope that I have God’s presence and power in me. Peace and hope. That’s what comes to mind when I reflect upon the Holy Spirit. Peace because, when I accepted Christ and He sent the Holy Spirit, I can know from then on I will be in the presence of God someday, and nothing that happens on Earth can separate me from my Father. Not that there won’t be trouble and turmoil, but I can have peace in my heart and soul in the assurance of my salvation. Additionally, having the Holy Spirit dwell in me IS my hope.
6 whom he poured out on us richly through Jesus Christ our Savior, 7 so that being justified by his grace we might become heirs according to the hope of eternal life. – Titus 3:6-7.
Be saved from this corrupt generation, repent sins, spread the gospel truth, be baptized with water through the Holy Spirit of Jesus.
6 whom he poured out on us richly through Jesus Christ our Savior, 7 so that being justified by his grace we might become heirs according to the hope of eternal life. – Titus 3:6-7.
Do things that we could never do on our own without the Spirit’s power.
Todays scripture reading reminds us that we aren’t living this life alone. The gifts we are given, the evangelizing we are called to do… we don’t do this on our own (Thank you, Jesus!); instead we are able to do these things through the Holy Spirit. Our job is to listen to the Spirit, be obedient to the Spirit, and ultimately submit our life to the Spirit. The Spirit is teaching us and transforming us to be Citizens of Heaven.
“The Holy Spirit is a down payment for our inheritance…”
The Holy Spirit is our confidence! We can do where Christ calls us, do what He wants us to do because of the Holy Spirit. It is the reminder that it’s not about my abilities, but it is only through the Holy Spirit that the Lord’s work can be accomplished! Thank you Jesus for giving us the Holy Spirit! Our promise that Christ has not forgotten us. ❤️
I can “live out” the truth of being filled with the Spirit by letting the Holy Spirit guide me in every part of my life (Galatians 5:16, 25). Then I will experience the fruit of the Spirit, while putting to death the desires of my flesh.
Thank you for that Mercy, it’s so easy to forget that we rely on the Holy Spirit for strength and not our own. Especially when we feel like collapsing or hiding away from life, it’s so good to remember that I’m not the one who has to hold the pieces together to be okay, the Holy Spirit already promised He would do that for me through His strength.
That is a wonderful reminder Grayson, thank you for posting it. I really needed to see that!
In light of today’s scripture, I can live out the truth that we are empowered by the Holy Spirit by remembering that every person who has excepted salvation is made a new into the Holy Spirit‘s power, I can hope in The fact that we are all heirs to eternal life and that we have been justified by grace. I can also live this out by keeping in step with a Holy Spirit and listening to the messages He gives.
Our talents that we have come from Jesus so we can use it to glorify the kingdom… we didn’t “make them”… and so we shouldn’t use them only for ourselves! We must use them for Jesus and only Jesus
I could be more intentional about using the gifts the Holy Spirit has equipped me with in order to better serve God and unify the church!
@Grayson, thank you for sharing that quote from your Bible study. I needed to read that today and will be writing it down on a notecard as a reminder
I think the best way that I can live out the truth that I am empowered by the Holy Spirit is to be constantly aware of the Holy Spirit and who I am in Christ. In every situation I need to remember not to react as the world reacts but instead practice God’s truths in response to and preparation for every situation.
I think we can do this by understanding fully what the Holy Spirit represents in our life and who gave it to us. The Holy Spirit was given to us by our Lord and Savior as a direct connection to speak to, listen, and be given guidance by our Savior to be wise in our time on this earth. To give us comfort in the knowledge that while we are waiting in flesh and spirit to finally see our Lord in Heaven, we will not be alone.
Grayson Chatfield, thank you so much for sharing the quote from your bible study. What an amazing truth to meditate on. ❤️
I think the best way that I can live out the truth that I am empowered by the Holy Spirit is to walk in the fruit of his spirit. To walk in love, joy, peace, faithfulness, patience, kindness, goodness, gentleness and self- control.
Loved what you wrote about Self-control Mercy! I could use a little Holy Spirit refining in that area as well! Amen! You ask for advice or encouragement on stepping out in your business. I stepped out BIG in faith, seems crazy now looking back, but God kept opening the doors, and that gave me the strength to do it! I definitely KNEW it was made possible in His power and leading!
Prayers for the requests!
Not too long ago, I did a Bible study called “Never Alone” by Jeannie Cunnion and it was all about parenting out of the power of the Holy Spirit and really digging deep into who the Holy Spirit is. I’m reminded by today’s reading that apart from the Holy Spirit I can do NOTHING. This is a quote from the book that I wrote on a notecard and keep by my bed to remind myself of what’s true:
“I have the Holy Spirit. I am never alone in anything I go through. When I feel afraid, when I face temptation, when I feel left out, when my heart feels sad, when anxious thoughts fill my mind, God’s power is inside of me through His Spirit. Nothing is impossible for Him and everything He has is mine.”
Not too long ago, I did a Bible study called “Never Alone” by Jeannie Cunnion and it was all about parenting out of the power of the Holy Spirit and really digging deep into who the Holy Spirit is. I’m reminded by today’s reading that apart from the Holy Spirit I can do NOTHING. This is a quote from the book that I wrote on a notecard and keep by my bed to remind myself of what’s true:
I try to let the Holy Spirit live through me by being kind to others and serving when I am able.
I can trust that I am being led to where I need to be. I can have peace knowing that God is in control and that He is with me.
How did the Holy Spirit empower you?
I remember an advice someone gave, and it really stuck with me. If you operate out of your own strength, you will burn out, but if from the Holy Spirit, you won’t run out of gas, He can empower you to vroom vroom through. One fruit I learn to depend greatly on the Holy Spirit is “self-control”. Better a patient person than a warrior, one with self-control than one who takes a city (Proverbs 16:32 NIV), meaning the person with self-control is very strong, one that can suppress successfully outburst of emotions and reckless words. I find self-control is quite understated; however it is such a mighty hidden strength. I pray for the Lord to give me/us grace to build better self-control through the power of His Holy Spirit, to guard diligently over words, for God teaches us to be slow to speak. May we find self-control (the brakes) to stop words of judgment/criticism that tear down, over short temper, impatience, anger and wrong attitudes, especially over wrong thoughts that might lead to wrong actions. This fruit of “self-control” has the power to stop the works of darkness like domestic violence, verbal abuse in our environment. May we be the example to harness over bad emotions/words as they come to bring positive impact to our families, our workplaces, our communities through the empowerment of the Holy Spirit. In Jesus’ Name I pray. Amen.
@LEXI B: I will be praying for your entrepreneurship journey. May the loneliness ease. May God bring you the community, support and the joy you need. I find myself also in the similar calling to entrepreneurship (sounds big but just something small to start up on the side). I am in the preparation process, still a long way to go. How did you overcome fear to step out? If anyone else has inputs to share, I would greatly appreciate your wisdom and encouragement.
Be blessed dear beautiful SRT sisters! May you enjoy the rest of your day.
Love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control are evident in and through our lives. We are empowered by the Holy Spirit to grow and show the fruit of the spirit in all of its fullness. If we have the Holy Spirit, we have the fruit of the spirit…every last bit of it!
Amen! Churchmouse, I love your moniker. I’m think of the song Jireh by Elevation Worship. He is enough, always has been and always will be. Father, let me live like Jesus in thought, word and deed. Amen!
Living in the Holy Spirit is a down payment for what’s to come! This is so exciting for me. I’m not going to lie, but I often am and have been scared of death. They gives me so much hope for my life in heaven and lightens my fear. Titus 3:5 is amazing: “he saved us —not by works of righteousness that we had done, but according to his mercy — through the washing of regeneration and renewal by the Holy Spirit.” How amazing is this! We are not perfect, but we are loved! And the acceptance of this love is giving us eternal life.
So many great comments today. How astounding that God, in His mercy, not only saves us, but gives us His Holy Spirit. I can tell you that the Holy Spirit helps, convicts, intercedes, and empowers, but too many times I have let the enemy or my own mind get to me. I have had tormenting thoughts. I become anxious and overwhelmed. I forget that the Holy Spirit lives inside. I forget that God is Sovereign. He is the Lord, and there is no other. I have read many Scriptures and can quote some, but what I really need to do is know that His Words are truth. So grateful that I’ve been getting freedom in this area. When we really get that He is in control, there can be such freedom. Oh ladies, I pray that you all know Him, His Word, and the Truth, and walk in His power and freedom and don’t let lies win like I have.
What a great Scripture to pray:
17 I pray that the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the glorious Father, would give you the Spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of him. 18 I pray that the eyes of your heart may be enlightened so that you may know what is the hope of his calling, what is the wealth of his glorious inheritance in the saints, 19 and what is the immeasurable greatness of his power toward us who believe, according to the mighty working of his strength.
Prayers for all the needs today.
“The Holy Spirit is the down payment….”
I can’t help but thinking of buying our house 2 1/2 years ago. I was 3 weeks from delivering our 4th child, we would soon find out how MUCH of a fixer upper it was, and we wouldn’t move in for 6 months while my husband made it “livable.”
But right after we signed (I hadn’t even seen the inside of the house), I drove over to the property by myself. I parked at the end of the long driveway and opened the gate. It was like the Spirit was there to greet me and remind me that He was already there, filling it up and setting it apart for us. It was a long wait, but on moving day there was that same peace as we drove onto the property, never to leave again. It reminded me of the anticipation we live in here on Earth, knowing that we are signed for, but the preparation is still happening, and the fullness of it will come on “moving day!”
Claire B- Praying for your brother
Sharon Jersey Girl- Praying for Mary Beth
Grammie Sue- Praying for Steve and that his energy returns
Growing Faith- Praying for Mom and Baby
Debbie Pursued by Him- I echo your words :When given the opportunity to share the Gospel, I do, but sometimes I hesitate as I don’t want to push people away or have them push me away. Lord, make me strong in You, so that I can proclaim your saving truths to everyone with immediate confidence and your love!
I find myself with this issue so often, wanting to share the Gospel, but the fear of pushing others away is big. I must remember that God has given me the Holy Spirit; He’ll give me the words to speak.
I have a prayer request as well: I am a little over a month into my entrepreneurship journey and I am finding it a bit lonely since I don’t have a job with people to go to each day; it’s just me. Praying for community in this season.
I am so grateful for the Holy Spirit. He never leaves me. I pray that I am aware of the Holy Spirit’s presence in me, that I see His work all around me and that the Holy Spirit would work through me.
In Jesus’ name. Amen.
Good morning, Shes! I am trying to read every response and pray for all requests, this morning :)
My response to today’s question– reliance on Holy Spirit power in all my hard conversations. Trust Him to help me form my words.
Praying for all the concerns listed this morning!
One thing that hit me in this morning’s readings is that Jesus told the disciples to stay in Jerusalem together to await the Holy Spirit. How cool that they were ALL TOGETHER when the Holy Spirit came down. That must have been an amazing bonding experience for the fledgling early church! I’ve heard that pentecost is a reversal of the tower of babel…a reunification of God’s people in language and purpose. Ironically, the building of babel was all about trying to elevate ourselves to the level of God, yet at Pentecost, God sent His Spirit down to us. I love how the Bible comes full circle on this -, God is so good!
How can I live out the truth that we are empowered by the Holy Spirit? By recognizing that my gifts are not something I can manufacturer on my own. The Spirit gives abilities as it pleases Him. A good pride check for me this morning.
I think I’m being reminded to stop or pause and ask the Holy spirit directly to guide me in any given situation and then either wait or tread carefully, listening for his voice/nudge. Also to ask the spirit to be near and empower me and to pray for me when I don’t have the words or my thoughts are tied up in worry. ❤️
Good morning shes! I just wanted to ask for prayers for my husband Steve today…the one with brain cancer. He has been extremely tired lately and we don’t know why…maybe his body is just working hard to fight the cancer? Maybe we’re just getting old and can’t do the things we used to do as easily? Does that hit before 60? Regardless, prayers for strength, endurance, stamina…that he can run the race and not give up, that he could soar on wings like eagles…Hugs to all you shes! Praying for your brother’s surgery, Claire…❤️
Thank you Father for the Holy Spirit!! In Jesus’ name, amen!!
Galatians 5:25 says “Since we are living by the Spirit, let us follow the Spirit’s leading in EVERY part of our lives.”
May the Spirit guide my thoughts, meditations, actions, words, habits, relationships. May the Spirit permeate into every area of my life.
i think we can do this simply by talking to God. we as christians know that the spirit is within us, but if we don’t maintain our relationship with God, we will have an internal battle between ourselves and His spirit.
this also means that when we do talk to Him, we have to trust Him and truly believe that He is listening. if we don’t, then our struggles will continue.
The Holy Spiritual empowers us! I think I need to listen to the Holy Spirit a little better! When given the opportunity to share the Gospel, I do, but sometimes I hesitate as I don’t want to push people away or have them push me away. Lord, make me strong in You, so that I can proclaim your saving truths to everyone with immediate confidence and your love!
Praying for this sweet new gift of this baby boy and for God to be glorified in this difficult situation ❤️
Had another thought… What you’re full of and powered by is what spills out when you get knocked by the world! Happy Thursday! May God bless you all with his spirit!
I need to pay more attention to “God” moments.
I pray that the eyes of our understanding would be enlightened and we would know the hope of His calling. That we would walk in His wisdom and guidance, hearing His voice but always obeying as well!
Hello, She’s. If you have a moment to pray for my family, I’d appreciate it. My sister gave birth to a baby boy last week. Now she is back in the hospital with a blood clot and some other issues, and her baby is in another hospital a couple hours away. She’s been on an emotional roller coaster, and she really wants to be with her baby and husband.
You can find a comment about it
How lucky am I that God loves me so much and forgives me of all my imperfections that he sends a part of himself to be with me always. In the Holy Spirit I am blessed individually, but it isn’t complete until I am working in the body of Christ along with others. Praying I can be moved to act in the body of Christ using the gifts he has bestowed upon me.
I can live out the truth that I am empowered by the Holy Spirit by my actions, my words, and my way of life. Right now I’m helping friend with VBS at a church, up until Monday of this week, I had never been to. I’ve decided I’m enjoying this church soooo much that I will probably start going to it once a month. I won’t give up my home church but I’ll make this my secondary church. I hope this makes sense. In about a month I’ll be doing camp with many of these same children. It’s amazing how children can teach you as well as you can teach them. Our verse for VBS kind of goes along with today and that is Ephesians 2:10, “For we are God’s workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared ahead of timed for us to do.”
Be blessed sisters and remember you are God’s workmanship.
Gotta give a BIG AMEN in response to Jennifer Loves Jesus’s remarks!
Now there are varieties of gifts but the same Spirit; and there are varieties of service, but the same Lord… I love this passage from first Corinthians, as it speaks to my heart of the gifting’s the Lord gives each one of us as we are united by one God – holy holy holy.
@Sharon praying for Mary Beth’s open heart surgery!
@Churchmouse I love your short but so true response “The Holy Spirit is Jesus in me. I live out this truth by acting and reacting like Him.”
May it be true of me today! That the Holy Spirit would strengthen me to reflect Jesus to all I encounter today! May I live out my calling as ambassador well.
@Sarah D I haven’t seen your comments in awhile (you might just be posting after me and I’m missing it) Thinking of you and I hope you are doing well! <3
Now there are varieties of gifts but one spirit…
I think that the purpose of the HS was to comfort and guide us in light of not being with Jesus personally. The HS convicts and moves me when I don’t want to. I am grateful that God has given us this so that in times of doubt or feeling alone we are reminded that we have a purpose and a pricking at our hearts through the conviction of the HS to do what is right as well as knowledge we are not alone.
Thank you for doing that!
I think living out the power of the Holy Spirit to people around is the way you live life. Showing kindness and love. Being patient with others and praying through out your day. Using the gifts God has gifted you with, to the best of your ability to help others.
The gravity of sin in my life was met with an opposing force. The only victorious opponent to the darkness of my depravity, the Holy Spirit. I am marked, distinguished by, branded forever by the power of God’s Spirit, poured out and soaked into me through my faith in Jesus. God sent both His Son and His Spirit to open every avenue to His throne of grace. Being led by the Spirit influences me to maintain goodness in the face of badness. Neither Satan’s snares nor the hatred of the world around me can have dominion over me. I can easily overcome because Christ overcame and conquered death for me. Knowledge of good and evil is a burden, but if I meditate on the goodness of God, evil shrinks small by His Spirit. Life evidenced by the empowerment of the Holy Spirit should pour out of my mouth and fingers. Fruit of the Spirit will be tasted and seen. I face opposition in the world, and I remember I war not agains flesh and blood, but rather the darkness that seeks to destroy the Light of Christ. So as I live, the world should see the shining power of the Spirit in me. Strength, peace, hope, joy, love, understanding, patience, grace, mercy, lamentation, compassion, endurance, resilience, life, contentment, smiles, self control, discipline, consistency, humility, forgiveness… this is what being empowered by the Holy Spirit looks like. Selah. Maranatha. Amen.
By recognizing it is the same Spirit • the same Lord • the same God! I have the same Holy Spirit living in me as the people in the early church which means that same power is available and the same results are possible. But I don’t live that way. We need to live that way… with that same understanding and perspective – which can and will change the world.
Each day I try to start by asking the Holy Spirit for wisdom in my day. Throughout the day, I seek his wisdom and guidance. In this way it can be humbling to know what I do and say is of God.
Yesterday at work I had a somewhat awkward, truthful encounter with a coworker. And my anxiety makes it hard to let things go, even though it was a very amicable conversation.
But living in God’s light means turning to Him when I can’t let go on my own, and knowing His truth can set me free from my anxious thoughts.
By leaning into His Word in our actions and thoughts even when our flesh doesn’t feel like it (forgiving, praying, serving, abstaining).
I can live out the truth of the Spirit’s empowering by obeying what God has called me and all of us as born again believers – keeping in step with the Spirit (Galatians 5:25) and devoting ourselves to what is good and profitable for everyone. (Titus 3:8)
I often forget that the same power that raised Jesus from the dead, lives in me – the Holy Spirit, that is thee Most powerful thing we could ever possess!! I can do all things through Christ who gives me strength! (Philippians 4:13)
May I walk in the Spirit today, and live, move & act in His power. Embolden me to share the gospel of Christ with those who need to hear, those in whose heart the Spirit is already working.
Please pray for my dear sister in Christ – Mary Beth, who is having open heart surgery this morning!
Have a blessed Thursday my sisters!
He poured out his Spirit on us abundantly through Jesus Christ our Savior 7 so that, having been justified by his grace, we may become heirs with the hope of eternal life.-Titus 3:6-7
Wow!!! He saved me by grace, through Jesus Christ, and sealed me with his Spirit and promised s glorious inheritance with him! I want to live reflecting the truth that he is enough and my inheritance is greater than anything this world can give! It’s hard to focus on heaven, I just got married and I love my life with my husband! But God is using this life for the purpose of drawing others and myself to him, my husband and I can glorify him and live for him and thank him for the blessings of now and the rich inheritance that no eye has seen! I pray that I will live like that! Ephesians 1:17–19 (CSB): 17 I pray that the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the glorious Father, would give you the Spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of him. 18 I pray that the eyes of your heart may be enlightened so that you may know what is the hope of his calling, what is the wealth of his glorious inheritance in the saints, 19 and what is the immeasurable greatness of his power toward us who believe, according to the mighty working of his strength.
I am thankful that the Holy Spirit saved me! We need to continue to get His message out there. I pray that I am awake and aware of those special God moments and don’t let an opportunity get away.
Yesterday I had a situation where someone called me out on something and I needed to apologize. The Holy Spirit convicts our hearts and spirit to recognize the need to apologize and to humble yourself to do so. It isn’t easy. I’m thankful for the work of the Spirit in EVEN this area!
CLAIRE B – praying for your brother and his medical team
HEIDI – 90 days, so proud of your niece! Praying she will see the bigger picture and not rush her independence as it would likely bring challenges she might not be quite ready to handle. Praying for your kids at camp this week.
STEPHANIE BERLING – yes, you belong! And for those “doing the math” as you say, praying they realize that math is not their spiritual gift. May God continue to give you a heart for single and young moms – what a blessing you are to them, that you can relate to their needs and challenges since you have walked in their shoes. And a good reminder that Jesus came down to see things from a human perspective, to show us life from God’s perspective and provide a way to eternal life with Him through His sacrifice.
STEPHANIE BISHOP – praying for the decisions your family is contemplating.
VICTORIA E – missing you
How can I live out the truth that I am empowered by the Holy Spirit? By praying for wisdom daily in decisions and choices, waiting for and then listening to that nudge in my spirit when I’m making or leaning toward a wrong move and especially for me, and if I don’t feel a strong nudge – there’s the entire Bible available to give me guidance (and maybe that’s the nudge, stay in the Word!)
We live the truth when we accept and use the gift of the Spirit that God has given each of us.
The Holy Spirit is Jesus in me. I live out this truth by acting and reacting like Him.
Sometimes we live in this truth by rejoicing and trusting through the hard times, knowing that He has plans for us in whatever situation we are going through.
Thank you!
Seeing as Pentecost was just a couple of Sundays ago, today’s reading was fresh in my mind. Have any of you ever mapped out where the countries were that are listed? Parthians, Medes, Elamites; those who live in Mesopotamia, in Judea and Cappadocia, Pontus and Asia, Phrygia and Pamphylia, Egypt and the parts of Libya near Cyrene; Rome (both Jews and converts), Cretans and Arabs. The nations (people groups/ethnicities) experienced God’s Spirit and 3000 of them were the first Christians.
Thank You Holy Spirit for Your willingness to dwell in this sinner’s heart, teaching, guiding, and convicting me, praying on my behalf and preparing me for heaven. May Your voice become louder in my ear.
CLAIRE B – praying for your brother’s surgery and a quick recovery.
Praying for the SRT tech team. May the Spirit guide them in finding and fixing the glitches with the app and the devil’s distractions would be stopped
Thank you Jesus for empowering us with the Holy Spirit. We can’t make it on our own. The enemy wants us to do everything on our own, in our own flesh. And when we don’t make it, he accuses us and makes us feel unable to recieve the love of God. I have felt stuck in this «mud» of selfdispair so many times. But the love and grace of God has saved me. By the Holy Spirit the word of God have been revealed to me, and I see that I need Him in everything I do.
What stood out to me today is the connection that’s made between the Holy Spirit and eternity in heaven. The Holy Spirit living in us is the guarantee that we will receive our inheritance. As if our relationship here on earth with God through the indwelling of the Spirit is only a foretaste of what it will be like in heaven. But the Spirit is also the one who fixes our eyes on the hope we have. Through Him, we can focus on our glorious future rather than the hardships and temptations we face now.
Claire B – Praying for your brother’s surgery.
For those who can’t see the summary and discussion question
Summary of the reading: The Holy Spirit fills and fuels the Church with God’s power to preach the gospel, serve others, repent from sin, and increasingly live in freedom.
Discussion Question: In light of today’s Scripture reading, how can you live out the truth that we are empowered by the Holy Spirit?
I think the way we can live out the truth that we’re empowered by the Holy Spirit, is by being aware of how we live moment to moment – if we’re in a situation where we are tempted to sin, questioning ourselves if we are walking by the flesh or by The Holy Spirit. Also, by praying and asking God in the moment to help us walk by the Spirit – He really will help us, if we are willing. We can also look back at the Word to show us what a life lived by the Spirit looks like. We can look at the Fruit of the Spirit, and what actions a person led by the Spirit displays. Jesus is our ultimate example of this!
Again the thoughts for discussion can‘t be found on the app and we have to turn to the website. @shereadstruth please check this! At last we paid for the app …