The book of Proverbs is a guide for pursuing godly wisdom in our daily lives. In this four-week study, we will read a selection of topical proverbs covering different aspects of wisdom, from how to interact with our friends, families, and neighbors, to fearing God and keeping His commands. No matter the subject, these proverbs urge us to wrestle with and reflect on our own response to them. To help you better engage with the proverbs in this reading plan, we have provided you with a short introduction and reflection questions for each day.
Jesus taught us to pray, “Give us today our daily bread” (Matthew 6:11). The instruction to pray for daily sustenance implies that we are meant to always be engaged in the work and provision of life. We are not meant to be workaholics, but neither should we be idle. Work has existed since before the fall, when God created Adam to rule over the garden. We are called to engage with the life and work we’ve been given.
Reflection Questions:
In what areas of your life are you the most diligent? What does Scripture call us to be diligent about?
What does Proverbs 13:11 tell you about the nature of your work?
What does laziness look like in your life? Why is laziness a gospel issue?
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57 thoughts on "Diligence and Laziness"
I’m probably most diligent about my career.
But procrastination has been an issue for me. I find excuses why I should not be doing something I’m meant to. When I am going through difficult time emotionally especially I don’t have the motivation to work. I need working and completing tasks to be a habit for me.
I’m probably most diligent about my career.
Laziness sometimes attracts us! I get this way I get where I do not want to do a thing
I’m probably most diligent in keeping a tidy home.
I feel like scripture calls us to be diligent in everything that we do; especially if God has called us into something specific.
I can be lazy in motherhood sometimes..
I let my kids get the better of me instead of holding tight to Jesus and finding my joy in Him.
Proverbs 3:11 – the harder you have to earn your wealth the more cautious you will be with it. If someone is just handed a large sum of money, they won’t have any sense of pride in how it was earned, so it doesn’t mean as much to them.
One area of my life that I was pretty diligent is was maintaining good grades and working hard through college and school. I’m now left pondering what else I’ve been diligent about in my life. I’m always at work when I can be, but often times, I compare myself and feel like a slacker compared to my colleagues. Especially when I decide to engage in me time. The scripture calls us to be dillingent in staying focused on God and handling our business may that be spiritually or naturally. Proverbs 13:11 tells us that we shouldn’t be vain or prideful when it comes to our work because it will decrease. We also shouldn’t rush our work. When we take our time in our work, that’s when the most it’s of quality and when we put out quality work, we will continue to grow and improve. Laziness in my life looks like me scrolling on my phone on social media for hours or playing a mobile game or just lying around listening to music. While this is okay with balance, sometimes laziness can overpower productivity.
Hi Kathy from Australia! I have just prayed for you. That verse from Hebrews is my favourite, may it’s truth continue to bless you and your family x
For several weeks I was not diligent about my work. I was slacking off and not getting enough done. I was falling behind and was drowning. But I have come to the realization that the reason I am not getting through my work is because I’ve been lazy. This week I’ve put in 100% more effort by limiting my distractions and I was able to get through all of my work and more. Work helps to give us purpose and gives us the opportunity to help others. When you work, you learn so many wonderful traits such as humility and obedience and you grow as a person.
Praying for you and your husband Kathy ❤️
We must pray and listen to what god has to say to us and take heed to listen.
wow, yes, praying for you and your husband. May God give you both the strength as you both go through this. Whatever He puts on your plate, He will help you handle it!
I needed this. I’ve been so lazy with medical school this semester. I don’t know if it’s the fact that my classes are online or if it’s a mentality I’ve picked up during quarantine earlier in the year. I find myself not being diligent at all. This has really been a huge battle for me since September
@ Kathy this was reply to you…
Praying a few days later, as I am behind in my reading plan, praying it all goes well and you both feel the Holy Spirit’s presence as you walk through this.
LV – my previous post was a reply to you but the reply part isn’t working right
I feel that way sometimes! It ebbs and flows for me but one thing I found that keeps me accountable is my planner. Seems silly but the Christian Planner has a weekly habit tracker that I put things like “walk the dog” and “eat veggies” and if I can’t check them off it bugs me! Turn your “wishes” into action – just pick one thing this week and hold yourself accountable. I don’t always get there but it does get me atleast moving forward (except for flossing – that box I just cannot seem to get checked off each week)!
I feel like I’m never diligent about anything anymore. I used to at least work hard in school but now I don’t even have that. I wish I was more structured in how I ate and exercised and spent money and everything else. I feel pretty lazy.
This is very well said. I am feeling very similarly.
*to do … oops
Laziness is a gospel issue in that we are God’s workmanship created in Christ Jesus to do the work he prepared for us to long beforehand. We have new life only through Jesus and we steward that new life by doing the “work” God gives us to do for His glory.
I have been catching up on Jennie Allen’s Made for This podcast and heard a brief snippet of a talk from John Mark Comer where he said rest is a spiritual weapon. That it is harder for Satan to tempt well rested people who are healthy physically, mentally, emotionally, etc. I think that ties in well with the thoughts below regarding how to distinguish true rest and laziness. I have a 4 month old and almost 3 year old and agree with some of the other moms that there is not a lot of down time. However, I do find my days filled with more joy and purpose and grace when I start them with Jesus. Also fine I also feel more refreshed and filled to do my work of being a home maker when I use my down time to be in the Word, pray, journal, exercise, be outside, connect with family/friends (most often virtually still these days but sometimes in person). Such a good reminder in these days to work diligently at the things we do have control over: making time for Jesus, our attitudes, how we care for our homes and our people. Love to all of you sisters and thank you for sharing.
Praying for your husband’s surgery, Pam.
What a wake up call that recently I don’t feel like I have been diligent in any area of my life. Not even my Bible study as I just dove into this today. Life has been so overwhelming the past several months that I have just checked out. This was a wake up call that there are things out of my control but my diligence to the Lord and the word, my family and my household are not out of my control and they don’t deserve my neglect. This is exactly what I needed the Lord to show me today.
Chris Swan You mentioned the book “Tis a Gift to be Simple”
I tried to find it but all I got was a hymn which is wonderful but it is not a book.
Do you have a bit more information about it that you could share ?
Now I needed this!!!
Sarah, I feel that way as well! You are not alone! I do think God takes joy in your rest as well as our productivity!
The Scripture teaches us here to be diligent about guarding our heart (to keep our heart in check above ALL things, and not allow any negative things to enter, for out of it will be issues of our life), and be diligent about our business (may it be our home making, cultivate a career, schooling etc.). Being diligent will raise us up to be around noble, successful people (kings), in other words, will promote us far (I find this extremely encouraging!).
Proverbs 13:11 reveals a secret to sustaining wealth. It is by labour with diligent hands, and not laziness. Laziness will bring poverty. Laziness in my life does come under pretty cover, such as treating myself to some “me” time, get some more sleep or rest, or I can do this tomorrow. However, as sweet and inviting all that might sound, it soon will establish a habit of procrastinating, and changing that procrastination habit is a lot of work down the road, not to mention stagnancy this already has caused, and lots of catching up to do on our part.
On the other hand, I found this verse which reminds us not to wear ourselves out labouring, “Do not wear yourself out to get rich; do not trust your own cleverness.” Proverbs 23:4. Seeking God to counsel us how far we need to work for something is also key to success. And knowing what we are labouring for, setting goals, is important. Isaiah 55:2 :” Why do you spend your money for that which is not bread, and your labor for that which does not satisfy? Listen diligently to me, and eat what is good, and delight yourselves in rich food.”
I pray that God will give us wisdom, diligent hands and great discernment to work toward the true riches, and not labour in vain. Bless you sisters.
(1)The areas in which I am most diligent is at work. I sew and want produce something great quality. Also in family I care more about them than they think or know and pray for their well-being all the time. Scripture calls us to be diligent about our relationship with Christ and building His kingdom. Also, to work hard and not be lazy.
(2) The nature of my work hasn’t been the best, in the past I was easily distracted and persuaded. I am now paying for that and have devoted myself to making a change for the better.
(3) Laziness in my life looks messy, borderline poverty, and sometimes even dirty. Laziness to me is empty and lonely. Laziness is a gospel issue because that’s where it starts. It begins in our relationship with Christ. If we’re lazy in that area of our life we will be lazy in other areas too.
This one resonates with me a lot. I work 8 hours a day (now from home since Covid started) and always wish I could be painting or reading or doing something else productive, but as soon as the work day ends, I’m too tired to do any of it. I’ll end up sitting on the couch watching 4 episodes of Gilmore Girls instead. I feel so lazy, but my energy is just caput! Does anyone else feel this way too? I find it so hard to get out of this never ending cycle.
Yes I definitely feel the same way!
Teach me to diligent and disciplined Lord, in all that I do, big or small. Teach me to glorify you in all that I do, work and play. Let laziness not reside in our hearts.
Gretchen, I relate to this so much. I squander my free time on less fulfilling stuff while there are more worthwhile, refreshing activities to fill times of rest. I then end up not being as diligent as I could be during times of labor and study because I don’t feel like my cup is full. I have to choose to be more intentional with my Sabbath. I have to be diligent in how I use that time! Haha Thank you for your insight!
I am diligent in keeping my heart clean before the Lord, taking care of my daughter, and keeping the house clean. Life with a15 month old doesn’t really give time for laziness, but there are times I don’t manage my time as well as I could or I don’t use my downtime to truly rest and recharge. I pray the Lord would give me wisdom in how I spend my time.
I’m the same. I don’t think it’s boasting. It just is.
Gretchen, I love this, so true! ❤️
Thanks so much for sharing this Gretchen! I completely resonate with that and I’m now reflecting on what intentional rest looks like for me.
This brought up, in me, a question about difference between laziness and rest. I think our culture has established a false value in constant productivity and looking cute on the Gram while doing it. Just as work was established in the garden, so was rest. I find myself constantly working. Rather than setting the time aside for sabbath, I have fitful bouts of laziness where I mindlessly escape into scrolling, eating, shopping, or tv. When I’m mindful about my rest, and I think of it as a gift, I tend to fill it with things that are truly life giving: movement of my body, intentional quality time with my husband and my kids, enjoying creation, gardening, or creating for fun. I find my work enjoyable when my cup is full and I have something to pour out. The things that I choose that are “lazy” just don’t fill the cup very full. Don’t read any judgment here, I still like my programs and shopping. Just reflecting on my own experiences.
Another comment. One of my favorite books is Tis a Gift to be Simple….
Without boasting. Please I am not  boasting. I am most diligent about my quiet time. It’s my lifeline. It’s the most important part of my life. I can’t do you live without it.
Our sermon Sunday was based on the 10 virgins. 5 could be considered lazy— as they were not prepared —- spiritually or physically. My husband and I are entering our senior years— lazy takes on a whole different meaning— we aren’t physically able to “Do” as we always have, so we are called to a different kind of “doing”. Much more time for studying and prayer.
This hits home for me lately. I have been out of work since March because of COVID. My husband and I have had to make adjustments, but we are fine financially. We have been married 23 years and in that time I have only stayed home during the six weeks after the births of my children. Working has been part of my identity for my entire adult life up until now. I have tried to get a job, but it seems that getting a job outside the home is not in the plan. So, for so many years home has been my restful place and I find myself bored and going down the depression path lately because I haven’t found purpose in being home. I find myself being idle and wandering around my property. I have thought about structuring my days more to stave off this boredom and this scripture really solidifies that thought. I will have to work at being productive and change my mindset about being home.
I have always been someone who likes to get things done and be productive. Diligence might be in my nature but it can easily be self centered. I have to keep checking to see if I am as eager to be diligent in things for the Lord. My husband and I are both retired now, although his was do to downsizing a year ago. It’s been a huge adjustment for both of us as we rethink our use of time and how much identity we had in our work. I am grateful for the direction the Lord has given us, allowing us to use some of our skills for others.
I do have a prayer request. I posted awhile ago about my husbands diagnosis of Prostate cancer. He has decided to go ahead with surgery which is this Wednesday. It should be a cure, and for that we are very grateful. Please pray for the surgery and for his recovery. Thank you
I think laziness is ignoring the stewardship of things, roles, jobs, responsibilities we have been blessed with. As simple as putting off cleaning the toilet – God has blessed us with a home and indoor plumbing we should steward it and that means taking care and time to clean it. That’s a simple example but think about that for something that matters more, ex: disciplining our children- that’s easier to see how it’s a gospel issue. Things like that take INTENTION – we don’t just stumble into family worship times or praying before bedtime. It takes regular scheduling. Is the good news of the gospel, Jesus coming to die and save us from our sins to be reconciled with the Father, worth everything? Our time and serving those around us? The care we give to our bodies/selves, our home, our friends and family, our community? It’s all a reflection of God’s love to us in Jesus.
That may be an over simplified answer – & therefore one that is easy to forget – but that’s why I keep coming back to SRT & the Word. To be reminded of the gospel in every aspect of my life!
Peace & joy to all of you this new day :)
I try to balance laziness and productivity, but sometimes I lean more toward laziness (that shows up in playing mindless games on my laptop, scrolling FB and IG, etc.). My mother was (is, even in her 90s) very much a WORK WORK WORK person, and I always felt guilty for just enjoying leisure time. She was very much a Martha. I have always been intentional about taking time to sit and relax, but sometimes I take that way too far, honestly!
Ultimately, we work for the Lord. Whatever vocation He gave us we should honor Him by doing it to the best of our ability. Everything comes from above, there is nothing I wasn’t given that did not come from the Lord. I am just a steward.
I can easily convince myself to put work that needs to be done off until suddenly I’m overwhelmed or faced with a tight deadline. It never leaves me feeling accomplished. When I push myself to do what needs doing, I feel so much better about myself and take more joy in it. It’s kind of like when I put off being intentional about my time spent in the Word or in prayer…if I put it off and then life happens and I need Him, it feels like a rushed, half-hearted grasping at straws when I reach out to Him. But if I’m intentional about daily meeting with the Lord, I have more joy, and it doesn’t feel so hectic. And when I’m more intentional in my daily walk with Him, it leads me to be more intentional in my daily life!
(1) In what areas am I diligent? What does scripture say about areas for diligence?
I think generally I am a diligent person. I am diligent about finances, scheduling, cleaning, attending to my marriage, attending to parenting. I am an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of attention kinda girl. Scripture is clear about being diligent in doing good (despite the world being harsh and sinful), loving, forgiving, asking of God, praying, remembering who God is and all His attributes…
(2) what does proverbs 13:11 tell me? That we value the things we work for and lose easily the things we got easily/falsely. It’s a profound wisdom… we want things so easily. I even think about information I’ve worked to attain verses something I’ve quickly searched on Google. I keep what I’ve worked for and cultivated… I forget in seconds what I got quickly.
(3) what does laziness look like in my life? Why is laziness a spiritual issue? I don’t know. I earnestly don’t see myself as tempted by sloth. Not a lot of self righteous pride to be gained there ;) Jesus help me see if I am struggling with sloth. May I be one layer closer to you.
“Bind my wandering heart to yourself.”
Oh how beautiful!! Me too, Lord!! Me too! : )
It is amazing what the Lord convicts us of when we purposely start each day with him. Fixing our gaze on him… our hearts in a posture of adoration. He certainly leads me beside still waters even in the craziness!! Yes to the “mindless games” and activities comment from another post as well. When I was younger I used to think about sin a certain way… “bad and evil things.” Now I am beginning to see that “bad and evil” choices are really anything outside of his will for me, for us… yes! He loves us so much that He wants our moments to be filled with purpose. We, in America, have created a whole world full of diversions and distraction and look where it has gotten us. Lord help me! Help me to lead my family back to the simple… back to eye contact, back to our loving gaze fixed on your face!! Amen! Christ, be our leader!
I think Scripture calls us to be diligent about our work because our work honors God and brings glory to Him; however, laziness honors ourselves over others. Proverbs 4:25-27 stood out to me because it revealed to me that God wants us to be diligent in our commitment to Him and following his ways (one area where I think I personally struggle with when it comes to laziness). Laziness in my life on a spiritual level looks like not doing my daily devotions, not going to or watching church on Sundays, engaging more with the ways of the world. I pray I would embrace Proverbs 4:25-27 this week and remain diligent to following God.
I’m interested to hear how people connect laziness with being a gospel issues. I have some preliminary thoughts, but want to hear others input :)
The most diligent use of our hands should be in prayer.
Good morning. I am in need of prayer this morning. Several years ago my husband, Roger, was at the eye doctor and he discovered a small spot on the back of Roger’s eye. He sent him to see an ophthalmologist in Chattanooga, who then sent him to the Emory Eye Clinic in Atlanta. The doctor there said that he didn’t think it was anything and that they would just watch it. In August he went for his check-up and the doctor said that it had grown just a little and he wanted him to see someone who specialized in this. We go to the specialist tomorrow.
My husband is a natural worrier and he’s already convinced himself that it’s cancer and he’s going to lose his eye. And to be honest with all of you I am terrified that it is cancer and he could lose more than his eye. I am trying to be strong for him because one of us has to. Please pray for us. I won’t be able to go in with him because of Covid. My mom passed away last year and my dad passed away this July. I am absolutely overwhelmed with everything – the pandemic, teaching remotely, all of it.
I know that God is faithful. This is a verse I read this morning. “Let us hold fast to the confession of our hope without wavering, for he who has promised is faithful.” (Heb. 10:23) I am desperately holding fast and believing that God is faithful, but I’m having a hard time not wavering.
Thank you all for praying.
If I do not keep myself busy doing what I should be doing for God, I find myself getting caught up in idols. Such as mindless games, when so much more for others could be accomplished. Help me stay focused Lord God.
I am an Enneagram 3 and I know that when I am not healthy, I default to shutting down. That leads to a lot of laziness. It’s not that I don’t care, it’s just that I am overwhelmed and it’s easier to walk away.
I see that to be true in my spiritual walk as well.
When there is too much pressure on me I resort to the easy, not diligently following though with what the Lord has called me to do.
Lord, thank you for Your insight and opening my eyes to see where I am falling short of your calling on my life. Renew my spirit and bind my wandering heart to yourself.