Day 12

Delight in the Sabbath

from the I Will Give You Rest reading plan

Nehemiah 7:73, Nehemiah 8:1-12, Exodus 23:12, Psalm 92:1-5, Psalm 116:1-19, Isaiah 58:1-14

BY She Reads Truth

Scripture Reading: Nehemiah 7:73, Nehemiah 8:1-12, Exodus 23:12, Psalm 92:1-5, Psalm 116:1-19, Isaiah 58:1-14

Start each day by reading the Scripture. During this reading plan, we’ll then use the summary provided here to guide our discussion around the daily reading.

The rhythms of rest God has established allow us to experience delight and refreshment in His presence.

Post Comments (59)

59 thoughts on "Delight in the Sabbath"

  1. Catherine McVey says:

    Another wonderful study! Have a wonderful weekend She’s. Next week we start the Lent readings! Hard to believe!

  2. Elizabeth McGee says:

    Any advice for finding time to rest in God/practice Sabbath with a newborn while working full-time?

  3. Kimberly Z says:

    Happy Friday Shes! Praying you all have a wonderful weekend. I always appreciate the insight on being single. The other side of the situation can always be painful as well. @MICHELLE PATIRE I too have a cousin who had a similar situation but unfortunately she got married this last august. I was honestly sick to my stomach the entire wedding thinking about a mistake she could be making. She mentioned several times leading up to the wedding she would have called it off if she knew wouldn’t lose any money on the wedding. Such a sad situation. @SARAH D. Praying for your video date! @REBEECA W. Praying you start to feel better! Praying for all you ladies who’ve asked for prayers. It’s my last day in England and I’m so sad to be leaving! It went by so quickly but I am so thankful to get to spend some time with my good friends. One who lives here now.

  4. Adrianne says:

    Yes, let us be refreshed in His presence! This is a concept I’m still learning. I hope we can all learn the true meaning of rest in our lives.

  5. Kristy Frame says:

    This study has helped me to really think about the areas of my life that I am striving (in my own strength) in. There is rest in His presence and refreshment in His rhythms of rest. No need to strive any more.

  6. Mercy says:

    Good day she’s,
    I really love Isaiah 58. It is such a blunt message and my go to read when I do a fast. I usually meditate on this passage beforehand of why I fast, and I pray along these verses to get my heart intention right before the Lord, along with repentance. I definitely do not want to fast in vain. The theme of conditional clauses are throughout Isaiah 58. If you do this, I the Lord will do this. If you turn away from doing your own pleasures, and let Me be your pleasure and delight, I will cause you to ride on high places of the earth, and feed you with the heritage of Jacob (Isaiah 58:13-14). If you don’t, you might be on low places of the earth and won’t have what Jacob had. You notice something? He lets us act first- what an honor. May we act wisely and humbly before our God (Micah 6:8).

    @Rebecca: full recovery of the cold and a wonderful vacay with your sister.
    @JB: hope and joy to replace any despair you might be feeling. I would suggest you to take a nice long bath (fizzy bath bomb if you have some handy), then sing and dance, cook your favourite dish/dessert, then sing and dance. Might sound silly but works for me lol. Writing out on a journal also helps clarity in thinking.
    @Sarah D: for your virtual date, may God bless you with joy, wisdom, and His guidance with clarity.
    @Michelle P: <3 I will pray for your friend. Unequally yoked with a non-christian spouse can raise many major conflicts, life long frustration and tears later on.
    @Searching: for your friend’s visions, restoration and healing.
    @Dorothy: missed your comment, but joining Searching to wish you a happy belated birthday. May God bring all the good gifts from up above to shower you in His abundant goodness.
    @ERB: miss you and lovely to know you are reading alongside with us incognito. Hope your brother is doing well. Sending prayers for good health, peace and joy.
    @Linkdak: relief/healing from pain, and a good safe trip ahead.

    Be blessed dear sisters.
    May we rest and rejoice in our Sabbath, for God is our delight and rest.

  7. Dorothy says:

    Upon reading Nehemiah 10:8 I couldn’t help but “latch onto” the last part of it, “Don’t be dejected and sad, for the joy of the Lord is your strength!”” I feel this could ring true for many of us at some point in each of our lives. I’ll be putting this on an index card an putting it up in my apartment. Also, as I have mentioned before I have a devotional Bible and it occasionally has little snippets titled “Treasure of Truth”, next to the Isaiah verses was this “Treasure of Truth” — “Only God can carry the weight of the world.” After reading this I knew I needed to share it and I also needed to heed it as well as heeding what God had to say in the verses in Isaiah.

    Be blessed and God, Christ and the Holy Spirit EXPECT you to take a sabbath day, it does not have to be Saturday or Sunday but you NEED sabbath time sisters.

  8. Jennifer Anapol says:

    Going to church with my family is the highlight of my week. ❤️

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