Day 25

Debt, Wealth, and Poverty

from the Proverbs reading plan

Proverbs 11:28, Proverbs 14:21, Proverbs 16:8, Proverbs 21:5-6, Proverbs 22:1-5, Proverbs 22:7, Proverbs 28:6, Proverbs 28:8, Proverbs 28:11

BY She Reads Truth

The book of Proverbs is a guide for pursuing godly wisdom in our daily lives. In this four-week study, we will read a selection of topical proverbs covering different aspects of wisdom, from how to interact with our friends, families, and neighbors, to fearing God and keeping His commands. No matter the subject, these proverbs urge us to wrestle with and reflect on our own response to them. To help you better engage with the proverbs in this reading plan, we have provided you with a short introduction and reflection questions for each day.

There is nothing inherently sinful about wealth. God gave King Solomon great wealth, and He continues to use the generosity of His people to fund important works of mercy and justice around the world. But God’s people are called to be very careful when it comes to the pursuit of wealth and very generous when it comes to caring for the poor. Money is more than a means to buy the things we need. It is power, and it always has been. Love of money is a “root of all kinds of evil,” because it is often the love of being able to wield power for our own benefit (1 Timothy 6:10). 

Reflection Questions:

Have you ever financially over-extended yourself? If so, what did that experience teach you? 

Read Proverbs 11:28. What else does God’s Word teach you about trust? Why shouldn’t you trust in your riches? 

Being as honest with yourself as you can be, do you think you are a person who easily sees the poverty in and around you? Why is it important to remember that God made us all, regardless of our wealth or social status? 

Post Comments (41)

41 thoughts on "Debt, Wealth, and Poverty"

  1. Nhu says:

    Reaching towards riches and materialistic things will not satisfy. Instead it will draw the victim into a vicious cycle of wanting more. Only in God Himself that we truly find our fulness of satisfaction.
    Luke 12:15: Then Jesus said to them, “Watch out! Be on your guard against all kinds of greed; life does not consist in an abundance of possessions.”

  2. AZ Walker says:

    I, like Kristen am amazed how tithing and being generous for years – remembering it is all God’s money – has blessed me with all my needs met. I can also relate to Lisa’s comment as Trust Me came to mind one morning this week and gave me such peace after waking up full of fear and confusion. I have been reading Psalms 91,37, 25 since the sweet words were delivered to me. Pam, I am glad your husband’s surgery is over and praying for you both.

  3. Jennifer Anapol says:

    I love the idea that we are all God’s, whether we have riches or not. I know I struggle with sometimes judging people based on their possessions. I live in an affluent area and sometimes it is easy to get caught up in comparing yourself with those around you. I pray that I would see myself and those around me the way God sees us, as his creation.

  4. tricia says:

    Thank you for sharing.

  5. tricia says:

    I can honestly say that money can have a hold on me. But know it does not bring joy, only the Lord can. I get stressed as I have a family member who is struggling with alcohol and the money goes there, I am praying for the Lord to take away the stronghold and chains that hold him, and that I can still have peace that the Lord will provide.

  6. Caroline Bridges says:

    Riches eventually make you depressed.

  7. Beth Truax says:

    The ground at the cross is level. God doesn’t care if I am rich or poor in the things “of this world” and I have certainly been at both ends of that spectrum. My husband and I had always tried to teach our son the difference between want and need. There are many in real need; physical needs as well as spiritual. God always sees us thru. He is faithful even when we are not.

  8. Stephanie Gilkes says:

    You said it all! Trust in him and let him take care of you! I added you to my prayer list and I will be praying for you and your family!

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