Day 11

Death Through Adam and Life Through Christ

from the Romans reading plan

Romans 5:12-21, Genesis 3:17-19, 1 Corinthians 15:21-22

BY Melissa Zaldivar

Sometimes, the weight of living this life gets to us. It feels sticky and scratchy, less graceful, and more gritty. We wander into and out of seasons that leave us asking where God is in the middle of grief, loss, or emptiness. 

A few years ago, I lost my grandfather slowly and suddenly. He was tired one day and hospitalized the next. Not three weeks later, he was gone.

In those days between admitting him to the hospital and his meeting Jesus, I couldn’t seem to rectify the fact that what was happening felt so foreign and yet so expected. Death is a terrible reality that we live with, an awful and haunting sort of event that wrecks us. But, as we learn early on, it’s inevitable: death is a part of life.

One night, as I was adjusting his oxygen mask, my fingers combed through his hair, damp with sweat because his breathing was so labored. It reminded me of my nieces waking from a nap, their fine hair damp and sticking to their foreheads. And then I thought of my grandfather as a young boy, running around, playing and sweaty. His mother must have pushed his hair off his forehead, just as I was doing now. Later, after he was gone, a friend said to me, “You know, we labor into this world, and we really labor out of it, too.”

One evening around dusk, I pulled him up to a sitting position, and together we shuffled over to a chair by the window. I sat in front of him, asking questions about his life. The vesper light caught his eyes as he told me about a career of flying planes all around the world for the Navy. We both knew things were drawing to a close. Still, in that moment, I sensed a very real peace. We both did. It was as if we both understood that our bodies may break down but Christ has given us life that will carry on for the rest of eternity.

Part of me couldn’t believe his earthly life was coming to an end. But another part of me knew better: this is what happens. Sometimes, we live so deeply rooted in our fallen, fragile reality that we forget there is another better, truer one.

For if by the one man’s trespass the many died, how much more have the grace of God and the gift which comes through the grace of the one man Jesus Christ overflowed to the many. 
—Romans 5:15

When I’m in the throes of hospital visits and errands and trying to make the best of every moment, I can forget the truth. Because of Jesus, life is more than survival or death. It is eternal (vv.20–21).

These days since my grandfather’s death, I’ve been thinking about how, as a Christian, I live a life marked by beautiful disagreement. Even when it seems death is the only option, the life and light of Christ find a way to break through. Even when 21 shots are fired and a flag is folded graveside, there is still hope. Even as we watched the setting sun one last time together, we saw the beauty in the darkness.

Even in death, grace reigns.

Post Comments (50)

50 thoughts on "Death Through Adam and Life Through Christ"

  1. Mindy Wolf says:

    As painful as the process of death can be both physically and for those left behind after a loved one passes I am reminded that for the Believer we are promised to be absent from the body we will be in the presence of God.

  2. Amy EB says:

    Some friends of ours recently suffered a pregnancy loss and while I am heartbroken for them and praying for them, it also brings back memories of losses my husband and I experienced before we had our daughter. While death is a part of life, it can feel unfair when death happens before they even got to start living. But I try to remind myself that those little souls basically “woke up” for the first time in heaven. I can’t imagine what that experience would be like for someone who doesn’t have that belief and assurance that God loves is and our eternal life with him is guaranteed by faith. There is still grief and sadness but also hope and comfort.

  3. Cheyenne says:

    This was such a beautiful illustration of today’s scriptures. There is beauty in the darkness. Even in death, grace reigns. Amen!

  4. Kris says:

    Sometimes, we live so deeply rooted in our fallen, fragile reality that we forget there is another better, truer one. So so good.

  5. Erin Eason says:

    Even in death, Grace reigns. Oh how I need this during this season of aging family members

  6. sophie marie says:


  7. Allison Bentley says:

    @Sharon, Jersey Girl- thank you for sharing this beautiful story! I pray that I look at death as a win win too!!

  8. Kristen says:

    This devotional was beautifully written.

    Traci G, I echo what Kimberly Z said! Praying for you. May you be filled with His comfort, peace, and anything else that you need today!

    Praying for all of you whether it be for wisdom, healing, help, deliverance, strength, peace, joy, hope, opportunity, and protection this day! Amen

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