Death and Life

Open Your Bible

Genesis 4:1-11, Genesis 5:3-31, Genesis 6:3, Revelation 12:10-12, Revelation 21:6, Revelation 22:1-2

Scripture Reading: Genesis 4:1-11, Genesis 5:3-31, Genesis 6:3, Revelation 12:10-12, Revelation 21:6, Revelation 22:1-2

After reading today’s passages, use the guiding content below to help you reflect, respond, and engage with one another.

In the beginning, sin corrupted humankind, resulting in death and decreased earthly lifespans. In the end, death will be no more, and we will experience eternal, abundant life in God’s presence. 

In prayer and in the comments, reflect on any images from today’s passages that were familiar to you. What images point to the different or “beyond” nature of what’s to come?

(106) Comments

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106 thoughts on "Death and Life"

  1. Ashton Morris says:

    I have been reading The Book Of Enoch that was taken out of the Bible. I definitely recommend it to everyone. It’s the exact opposite of boring, from the very start.

    Hope everyone’s having a beautifully blessed Friday

  2. Katherine Herrington says:

    The story of Enoch always stands out to me that whilst God was decreasing the lifespans of His relatives – Enoch walked so faithfully with the Lord that when it was His time, he did not die but went to be with the Lord for eternity – Jesus’ death allows us to follow Enoch’s footsteps and if we can be faithful too, we too can have eternal life!

    1. Rebekah Mann says:

      Thank you for that insight. A beautiful parallel

  3. Dori Brown says:


  4. Regina Price says:

    I believe, Help my unbelief
    Mark 9:24
    It’s so hard for me to wrap
    My mind around someone living that long. I always come back to this verse and remind myself that THIS is the truth ❤️. I pray to God to help my unbelief’s when I have these doubts

  5. Hallie Waters says:


  6. Karen Wilson says:

    Reading how long people lived….hundreds of years, and all that time they had to sacrifice yearly for their sins makes me thankful first, that we no longer have to sacrifice because of what Christ did on the cross. And second I’m thankful I don’t have to live that long waiting to see God! Even if I live to be 100 it will be nothing compared to what people used to have to endure with their primitive ways. Also just think, we are living in the last days so it could be any day now!

  7. Sandra Yoong-Chia says:

    What stood out for me today is this verse in Revelation 12:11 where it tells us that triumph is by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of our testimony.
    I am so glad to know that victory comes through Jesus and is not dependent on only my own strength. However, we have to do our part, we have to give testimony. Thank you God for giving us new life in Jesus, thank you for allowing us to be part of Your kingdom work. Help us to be good witnesses. Amen

    1. Jasmine Bluitt says:

      Well said!!! Amen.

    2. Rebekah Mann says:

      Amen! I am also super happy it is his strength and his blood…like the song I was listening to earlier, “in Christ alone”!!!

  8. Jennifer KaneJasper says:

    There is an interesting opposite sides visual of Genesis and Revelation. Genesis starts with the building of creation and how sin enters in. Revelation takes it and restores. Without scripture readings in both books, I never really thought about their connection.

  9. Roxane Richardson says:

    Enoch how he walked with God and did not died. Then the story of Cain and Abel. But Genesis 6 verse 3 “And the Lord said, “My spirit will not remain with mankind forever, because they are corrupt. Their days will be 120 years. ” It brings me back to the fall in Genesis 3.

  10. Alicia Boyd says:


  11. Erin King says:

    I have been so relieved each day to read the chosen scripture from Revelation, which seems so counterintuitive to the way I have historically shied away from that particular book. For the first time, I am seeing the contrast like this—not the fall in Genesis to Jesus coming in the gospels, but the utter deprivation of mankind in Genesis to the complete restoration by God and the Lamb in Revelation. It’s thrilling to my soul to know that better is coming! All things will be made new.

  12. Laryssa Hiller says:


  13. Elizabeth Diaz says:

    Living for such a long time sounds ludicrous….how were they not so frail and weak?

    1. Melanie Bisson says:

      It only sounds ludicrous because of what society has introduced to our minds and bodies to corrupt them and how sun has destroyed our life spans. With God and His natural design, life is strong and sustainable at any age!

  14. Emily Walton says:

    Pondering: “the leaves of the tree shall be for healing the nations”!

    1. Susan Magaw says:

      Me too. Walking through the woods calms my spirit so this verse made me think of how I feel walking under leaves, but there is a deeper message – so pondering this too.

  15. Ally Isaacson says:

    Something new from our normal will be eternal life! And it is so exciting to look forward to being in sanctuary for eternity, rather than hell. God loves us and has given us a choice… and I am so glad that I chose to ask Him into my heart

  16. Kathy McFall says:

    Praise God for life in Him

  17. Kristy says:

    I am loving this study. Asking the Lord to renew my mind and my way of thinking.. He is making me new as I focus on the amazing promise that He will make everything new!!! I know that my mind can get so stuck on the now. I looked up the definition of restoration to think on it more deeply. Restoration: a return of something to a former, original, unimpaired condition. Lord restore my mind to how you intended it. Untainted by the fall and the world. Focusing on the “beyond” nature. This study and the specific comparisons is helping me do that, causing me to slow down and take it in. The comments and insight each day have taken me even deeper than the original devotion that is usually included. Praying She’s that we have eyes to see and ears to hear. Thank you for each comment.

  18. Melissa says:

    I also miss the devotionals, but I am so loving the scripture readings and also the comments of others. For those who mentioned that we keep reading the same scriptures over and over, I think that is important. It is reinforcing in my mind how sin came into the world and how serious that is. It is so comforting thought to read the passages in Revelation that tell us that God is making everything new and that we have the awesome eternal hope of abundant life with Him. I would love if future plans incorporated scripture reading, devotionals, and a place to interact with other She’s. Thank you for all you do, She Reads Truth to keep so many of us in Gods word every day.

  19. Wanda Woehlert says:


  20. Aimee Rogers says:

    Someone else’s…I can’t see what I am typing til after I post it on my phone.

  21. Aimee Rogers says:

    I agree. I miss the devotionals. I enjoyed the past studies where you could read Simon else’s thoughts and then comment on them and the reading. I often skip that part because I don’t know what to write.

  22. Tami C says:

    Typo *it is not motivating me to continue

  23. Tami C says:

    I am

    Thank you for sharing your struggles with this format. I thought I was the only one. I don’t care for it at all. I understand it is meant for us to go deeper without having the devo to refer to, but it’s just too hard and it is. It motivating me to continue with this study. Thank God for your comments though! That is how I am learning and I am soooo amazed at what you all are able to get from these reading. Maybe me one day too. MERCY- your comments today really stood out to me. Thank you. Prayers for all xo

  24. Rhonda J. says:

    I sure do miss the devotionals to get me thinking more of how the readings relate to us in a practical way, where on the contrary, these questions leave me going ‘hUH?!” And I feel like we keep reading the same scripture?! Glad it wasn’t just me! Not complaining really, just a statement, it’s all good! We all learn differently, and I still am reading through the comments and leaving some here and there! (Thank you for asking Adrianne!)

    Also, @Mercy, thank you for asking about my back! I am on new muscle relaxers which do nothing but make me SO sleepy after taking them in the morning/evening! That’s another reason I haven’t commented early as normal, because I have fallen in and out of awareness for the first hour!! So I will have to go off these, which you have to do slowly! Still praying for a healing miracle! In God’s timing, but prayers are also welcome!

    @Gayle- Hope you are doing well after your treatment, and they see positive effects.

    @Taylor- same, and hope your MRI is a good report.
    @Donna- Prayers for your DIL and family

    Love ya sisters!

  25. Jennifer Anapol says:

    I long for the day when there will be no death. It feels so unnatural when we have to part with our loved ones. I pray that God will give me the passion and words to witness to my family members who don’t know you.

  26. Alayna P. says:

    In Revelation 21:6, the image of God as the “Alpha and Omega” signifies the transcendence of God beyond the natural order, representing the divine completeness and eternity. Revelation 22:1-2 describes a river of the water of life and the tree of life, symbolizing the renewal and abundance in the new heaven and earth—a state beyond the limitations of our current existence. These images suggest a future realm that transcends the ordinary and represents a divine, eternal reality.

  27. Sophie Kelly-Ng says:

    No more death, no more suffering, no more mourning in the new heaven and earth. Thank you Jesus! ❤️

  28. Donna Wolcott says:

    I agree this study has been challenging understanding the questions. I looked forward in the study book and in section 2, day 17 there are no more questions. We will just have to wait and see what the plan is. This definitely has made you think (I need it) harder and to look deeper. Thank you for your prayers for my daughter-in-law and family, her dad went home to be with the Lord this morning. There are tears of grief and tears of joy! Taylor hope the MRI helps the doctors and you feel good again. Prayers for all you lovely sisters. Tina thank you for your always uplifting messages and new sisters hang on, you are walking with a beautiful group of ladies.

  29. Adrianne says:

    The most beyond other than being in the presence of our God and Jesus in the new heaven and earth, is no death. Death is a huge part of the human experience. The hurtful and depressing loss of life has a huge impact on our brothers and sisters and our own impending death is also a cause for worry or anxiety. We are changed when we lose family or friends. And our deaths change our family and friends in turn.

    To know that we will be in a place where death has been removed from us is so different in nature from what we currently know and experience in our lives today.

  30. Mercy says:

    What a lovely reading we have today. Reading scriptures brought me out of time. A couple of things stood out to me:

    1-“If you do what is right, won’t you be accepted? But if you do not do what is right, sin is crouching at the door.” God did not say if you don’t do what’s right, I will punish you, He said, if you fail to do what’s right, sin will be out to get you, BUT, a chance of escape here, we MUST rule over it. “Not doing what’s right” in itself is already a snare for sin. This is an awareness that comes from what’s right and wrong. May the Lord give us grace.

    2- “Am I my brother’s keeper?” Yes, definitely, we are called to be our brothers and sisters’ keeper. The first born gets double portion for such responsibility. The story of the prodigal son, the older son (also a prodigal) was supposed to go and look for his younger brother to bring back to the father but he didn’t because of the cost, and even was unhappy when the younger brother returned. This is the foreshadow of our Lord Jesus- the true and perfect elder brother- the keeper of His own brothers and sisters that Father sent to look for us. I thank you Lord that You looked for us regardless of the cost. What images point to the different or “beyond” nature of what’s to come? In the community of faith, I am very encouraged when coming across those who act as if they are your elder brothers, they check on you, and create a relationship based on love to hold you accountable, and this is a “beyond” nature that manifests in the now. We see this on SRT too (wink wink). Praise the Lord for you shes.

    @ERB: so many interesting things you pointed out. All of these forefathers birthed their sons around the 70- 100 year old mark. This was considered normal I suppose given this pattern. That brought me to Abraham and Sarah conceiving Isaac when Abraham 100 years old and Sarah at 90 years old, which was considered old and their bodies “dead” (!). How things changed subtly in the Bible. Well said about the new format explanation.
    @SEARCHING: I was just praying last night for God to place my feet on a broad and level path to see the verse again today through you. The Same spirit works through us sister (^.~)
    @TENYIA HUNSAKER: srt does this prompt-question format every now and then in rotation from what I noticed. It is an opportunity to encourage us to press in for new insights and growth by the help of Professor Holy Spirit :))). Also, “In prayer and in the comments” so we communicate with God and one another- to benefit from the collective help of our fellow she’s who are so wise and thoughtful.

    To our she’s who struggles with this format, which I was in the same shoe, what I did to overcome was to read the devotional a day after, so that I could see the answers/comments from other she’s for extra guidance, and pray, pray, pray for the Spirit of revelation, understanding, and clarity from God, “what are you telling me Lord?”, “what do I need to see in my life through this?”, “what can I do better from the story here?”, “what sin is crouching at my door?”, “what have I fall short and did not realize Lord?”etc. You get the gist. We read, and give prompt questions to God, and listen to His still small voice for answers.

    @ERICA MILLER: thanks for sharing the average life span of a woman is 79 years old, which is a lot shorter than 120 years old as God declares in Genesis 6:3. I feel that modern day life stress and worries contribute greatly. What a sweet reminder from the Bible to cast our cares and worries (do not worry- a command and not a suggestion) to the Lord that we can bear a lighter burden and an easier yoke. We might live up to the blessed potential years the Lord has decreed.

    Be blessed dear sisters.

  31. Kimberly U says:

    We couldn’t earn it…didn’t deserve it- Praise be to God! How generous God is ♥️ what a future full of hope we have, she’s! All because of what He has done..and His great love for us

  32. Christina Gray says:

    I had always been confused on why Abel’s offering was accepted when Cain’s wasn’t, but today He showed me that it was all about intention. Abel gave an offering of the first fruits of the blessing God gave him

  33. Christina Gray says:

    I had always been confused on why Cain

  34. Gena says:

    @Kris, I thought the same thing as I began today’s reading! I sort of wish Genesis 3:22-24 would have been included at the beginning of today’s reading; because *immediately* after God removes mankind from the Garden — so they can’t eat of the tree of life (imagine: eternal life in sin….isn’t that practically Hell??) — we get the first story of death. And it’s no coincidence that the death was murder… Cain took Abel’s life out of pride and jealousy in the same way that Christ’s life was taken. God is meticulously sovereign and good in His redemptive plan!

  35. Veronica Rice says:

    How sweet that we will one day see in full view the power and glory of the Beginning and the End, but how terrifying that the Enemy’s wrath will be in full force (it isn’t already?!). To me this was simultaneously peace for my heart and urgency for the unbelievers in my life.

  36. Annie says:

    Death will be no more and we will forever have Life in Christ! Even now we have this Life in Christ and it will be made perfect when He comes again.

    Amen and Amen ❤️

  37. Kris says:

    sorry for the 2 posts, I didn’t see that the first one had gone thru……

  38. Kris says:

    The thing about the 2 trees. After Adam and Eve sinned, they were in a fallen state. If they had eaten from the Tree of Life in their fallen state, they would have remained “fallen” forever. God, in His great mercy and lovingkindness, moved them out of the Garden and placed guards at the entrance to keep them from eating of that fruit. God, then, was able to move forward with His redemptive plan of salvation thru Jesus Christ. So, God is always seen as being in the business of redemption. He is so kind to us, always willing and wanting to redeem us (buy us back) from the sin that so easily entangles us. He is always ready with open arms to receive any who turn to Him and repent.

  39. Kris says:

    The thing about the 2 trees. If Adam and Eve had eaten from the Tree of Life in their fallen state, they would have remained fallen for ever. God, in His mercy and lovingkindness, lead them out of the garden so they would not eat it, so He could move forward with His plan for redemption thru Jesus Christ’s death on the cross. When we finally get to heaven, we will eat of the Tree of Life and live forever in our redemptive state. So, you see, moving Adam and Eve out of the garden was not punishment, it was redemptive. It was God showing mercy to mankind. God is ALWAYS in the business of redeeming His people.

  40. Foster Mama says:

    @ AIMEE ROGERS — I am a day behind with readings but came here today just for the comments… praying for your friend

    @ TAYLOR — I find prayer and reciting any memorized Scripture in my head while in MRI very helpful as it steadies your breath (so your head doesn’t move) in addition to inviting God into the experience more intentionally. (DON’T sing :D!!)

  41. Jessicalee Timperio says:

    What really stood out to me when I first read Genesis was how quickly sin took over. Sin had spread so quickly that literally the first generation after Adam and Eve committed murder. And along with sin comes death. I like to think of how God loves us so much that He doesn’t want to see us live forever suffering in sin. He gives us the opportunity to repent and turn to Him, live the best we can here on earth, and live eternally with Him. Our Father truly cares for us because could you imagine if we lived forever here on earth? That honestly doesn’t sound very good to me. Thank You, Father, for Your mercy and Your everlasting love! I can see Your love in all things. Thank You, Father!!

  42. Kris says:

    The thing that stands out to me in this is that obedience to God brings life, disobedience brings death. It’s that simple. Always choose life, always choose God. John 10:10 says the enemy comes ONLY to steal, kill and destroy. But Jesus came that we might have life and have it abundantly. There is no choice but to choose God if you want life. When has disobedience ever brought life to you? When has obedience every brought death to you? The choice is simple. Choose God, choose Life.

  43. Nichole says:

    What stood out to me was the quite about sin knocking at our door and we must always overpower it or it will overpower us. Also the scene of heaven and the trees of life being good and full of fruit and medicine. God will give us ever flowing love and life if we turn to him he will heal us and we won’t have to over power sin anymore

  44. Cheryl Blow says:

    I think the focus of this lesson is about death and life. Everyone but Enoch died eventually. But God made provision for us when Christ died for our sins. In Revelation 21:6 Jesus said IT IS DONE! He completed our atonement. He is the Alpha and the Omega, He was there in the beginning and He will be with us through Eternity. Then there will be no more death for believers.

    1. Teresa Serna says:

      Ya what happened to Enoch?

  45. HL says:

    Good morning!
    For those of you asking about the format-the prompts are not the norm and there’s usually a devotional. I was flipping through my study book this morning and noticed on day 17 the prompts go away. Also it changes to a variety of NT reading for the most part. To me this is just laying the foundation of reminding us that everything new is now.

    Curious to see if day 17 brings the devotionals back.

  46. Karen Breaux says:

  47. Dahiana Fernandez says:

    There were 2 trees in the Middle of the garden. The tree of life and the tree of knowledge of good and evil. They were Always to eat from The tree of life. I just commented the verses for you but I don’t think they went under the reply . 

  48. Dahiana Fernandez says:

    Hi Kristine! There were two trees planted in the middle. They were always allowed to eat from the tree of life. It was the tree of knowledge of good and evil that they weren’t allowed.
    “… In the middle of the garden were the tree of life and the tree of the knowledge of good and evil.”
    ‭‭Genesis‬ ‭2:9‬ ‭NIV‬‬

    “but you must not eat from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, for when you eat from it you will certainly die.””
    ‭‭Genesis‬ ‭2:17‬ ‭NIV‬‬

  49. Dahiana Fernandez says:

    Hi Kristine! There were two trees planted in the middle. They were always allowed to eat from the tree of life. It was the tree of knowledge of good and evil that they weren’t allowed.“The Lord God made all kinds of trees grow out of the ground—trees that were pleasing to the eye and good for food. In the middle of the garden were the tree of life and the tree of the knowledge of good and evil.”
    ‭‭Genesis‬ ‭2:9‬ ‭NIV‬‬

    “but you must not eat from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, for when you eat from it you will certainly die.””
    ‭‭Genesis‬ ‭2:17‬ ‭NIV‬‬

  50. Dahiana Fernandez says:

    “The Lord God made all kinds of trees grow out of the ground—trees that were pleasing to the eye and good for food. In the middle of the garden were the tree of life and the tree of the knowledge of good and evil.”
    ‭‭Genesis‬ ‭2:9‬ ‭NIV‬‬
    “but you must not eat from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, for when you eat from it you will certainly die.””
    ‭‭Genesis‬ ‭2:17‬ ‭NIV‬‬

  51. Cee Gee says:

    There were many comments yesterday about the healing of the nations (re: the leaves of the Tree if Life) in Rev. 22:2. In my digging deeper I came across a reference to Ezekiel 47. I didn’t share it yesterday so thought I would today.
    Ezekiel 47:12
    All kinds of fruit trees will grow along the riverbanks. The leaves will never turn brown and fall, and there will always be fruit. There will be a new crop every month—without fail! For they are watered by the river flowing from the Temple. The fruit will be for food and the leaves for medicine.”
    From Vines Expository Bible Notes (Biblegateway):
    “Ezekiel was shown that the leaves of the trees along the river are medicinal (47:12). These same beautiful pictures are also found in Revelation 22:2. They are a reminder that God wants to heal the hurts of the human heart. When we receive Christ as our Savior, our sins are forgiven. But we still bring all our hurts into the Christian experience. This ever-increasing flow of God’s Spirit into our lives heals us. One of these days, when we get to heaven, all our hurts will be perfectly, completely, and eternally healed.

    The NKJV Bible Study Bible (another resource on Biblegateway re: Rev. 22) suggested this question and activity:

    “How does this chapter add to your understanding of God — of who He is and what He values?

    Groups: Read verses 20–21 out loud. Then lead your group in an extended shout of praise and worship to God. Encourage group members to pray out loud based on whatever comes to mind—with everyone praying and celebrating at the same time. The goal is to create a joyful noise of worship as a community.”

    TINA – after reading this I read your “hoorah” comment and can just imagine a room full of us SHES gathering to hug and shout our praises, singing at the top of our lungs!

    SEARCHING – Isn’t it encouraging to see the correlation of the daily verses on BG! Thanks for mentioning them! ❤

    TERESA DONLEY – ❤ Asking God to provide restorative sleep for you and continued success with the meds! Prayers for Abby, too! ❤

    AIMEE ROGERS – Continued prayers for the search for your friend and all affected by this tragedy! ❤

    TAYLOR – Praying for a definitive answer from the MRI! Glad you are checking in! ❤

    ERB – ❤

  52. Gail Quam says:

    I love reading your responses and they challenge me. My take away was a little different in that I got stuck on Cain’s jealousy of God’s response to Abel’s sacrifice. I have been thinking a lot lately about comparison and Social Media and challenging myself to be aware of the comparing my life to that of others. I love seeing what my friends are doing and am happy for them. I also love what I have been able to do with friends and family so wanting to focus on the joy and not comparison. I want to be sure that jealousy is not “crouching at the door” when I am not looking.

  53. Michelle Patire says:

    During the 7 years of tribulation***

  54. Michelle Patire says:

    Every time I read about Satan’s fall I get really fired up – our enemy will see his defeat. (Revelation 12)
    We know we overcome, but we are waiting to see the manifestation of the victory of Christ… Maybe in our own lives or ultimately, in the final defeat and sentencing of Satan and his rebellious army.

    @Aimee Rogers – hope you are well today – thinking of you ❤️

    @Taylor – it is good you are getting checked out. May the Lord give you peace and help the doctors with wisdom as you get your MRI ❤️

    @Sarah D- missing you here❤️ hope you are well!

    @Cherrie Brewer ❤️

    @Adrienne – I was reading a commentary about Revelation 12. After Satan gets kicked out of heaven (Revelation 12:8) he dwells on Earth creating havoc bc his time is short. This is the 7 years of tribulation before Christ’s return. I use the Enduring Word commentary. Interesting, another 7 ✝️

  55. ANA G. says:

    The Lord can never contradict Himself. He is LOVE and that is the only thing there is to it. He could have just erased Adam and Eve from this planet for not following a simple commandment, but He didn’t. He could have just struck down Cain for being lazy but He didn’t.
    Out of His love for us, He would always expand His heart for us. It is he who adjusts not us.

  56. Laura Dianne says:

    Thinking about the length of our lives is very interesting. I have been with people, as a pastor’s wife, who call out to the Lord to take them home because they are tired of the suffering of this world. I understand that feeling to an extent sometimes. When I was younger, I would never have thought that way, even though I was a Christian. I just felt like I wanted to still experience all the world had to offer. But now that I am older, I get it. I still don’t want to miss out on some things that I have yet to experience (grandchildren, for one!) but I think my change in heart comes from the fact that I have walked with the Lord for a longer, more intimate period of time. I long to be close to Him more than I long for things of the World. However, I also pray for my children often, that God will protect them. I specifically pray for my two children who are not walking with the Lord. I want their lives to be extended on the earth until they turn back. It causes me a lot of sadness to think that their lives could be cut short, and they died in their rebellion and never repented. So the length of lives is an interesting topic to ponder. God knows the number of our days. I am certain that that number also corresponds to our hearts and where we are with the Lord somehow. I am trusting Him, and praying, that He will use the number of my days to witness to others and to give my rebellious children the time that they need to turn back to Him.

    I agree with the many comments about the format of this study. I am trying to make the best of it, but I am also disappointed that it is a 6-week study with this format because I too prefer the other way. Although it is good for us to read and ponder scripture and allow God to speak to us, so many are at different points in their walks, and so that could be very difficult unless you have been reading and studying the Bible for awhile. The comments help, so thank you to those faithful She’s who post regularly.

  57. Adrienne says:

    Good morning!

    I read the passages and the comments but have to leave for school early to (probably) shovel some snow on the preschool walkway. But I wanted to throw this out there to see…

    7 is the number of perfection… Did you notice that Noah’s dad lived 777 years? That really jumped out at me this morning.

    Have a blessed morning, sweet She’s. See you later!

    RHONDA J… where have you been, sister?

  58. Searching says:

    TENYIA HUNSAKER and others – this is a different format than the typical devotional study, for sure. Like you, I have read Genesis and Revelation many times, so as I’m studying each day I’m praying to see something in God’s word that I may have skipped over in the past or forgotten and am also reading through to see what others have seen or learned. It may be that I can’t see anything on a particular day, but that I get something from what another sister here saw. I’ve contacted SRT staff on various things before, maybe let them know your thoughts?
    hello at she reads truth dot com

  59. ERB says:

    ADA MCCLOUD.. LOVE this thought provoking insight and question!! Thank You for sharing it!!

  60. Taylor says:

    I am thankful for everyone’s insightful comments as I feel like I have nothing to offer besides to say that I’m here with you all.

    Asking for prayers as I get an MRI of my brain tomorrow. I fell and hit my head while snowboarding last January (thankfully was wearing a helmet) and have had some minor residual issues (occasional headaches, occasional ears ringing) and my doctor wants me to get an MRI to be extra cautious. I never went in to see her immediately following the accident as I figured I just had a minor concussion. Thank you <3

    1. Jessicalee Timperio says:

      Praying for you that everything goes well and for your healing

    2. Kristi McNeall says:

      Praying for you!!

    3. Cara P says:

      Prayed for you and your MRI.

  61. ERB says:

    Genesis 5:3-5 Adam was 130 years old when he fathered a son in his likeness, according to his image, and named him Seth. 4 Adam lived 800 years after he fathered Seth, and he fathered other sons and daughters. 5 So Adam’s life lasted 930 years; then he died.
    *I find it interesting that Seth is described as Adam’s “likeness, according to his image” ..I wonder if this means that Seth looked like Adam, or if it has a deeper spiritual meaning/connection? Either way it made me stop and think and subject my thoughts to God which is always a good thing!!
    **I could be reading this wrong… but I also noticed how each man’s life was measured (in years) after their son was born, and not before!! Do you have any insights on this?
    Genesis 5:24 Enoch walked with God; then he was not there because God took him.
    *Imagine being taken up by God (without experiencing death), to dwell with Him because you had been so faithful and pleasing in your walk with Him!! Wow!! Let Enoch be an example to us!!
    **I went to look up more about Enoch and found this:
    “Far too much speculation has gone into how and why God took Enoch away. Instead of conjecturing, we should be seeking to follow Enoch’s example by being men and women who walk faithfully with God and seek to please Him with our lives.” -GotQuestions
    Now, isn’t that the truth!!! I so love and appreciate those corrective and look-back-to-God moments!! Thank You God for not letting me lose my focus!!

    Genesis 4:1 The man was intimate with his wife Eve, and she conceived and gave birth to Cain. She said, “I have had a male child with the Lord’s help.”
    *Eve’s statement reminds me that nothing happens without God’s help or permission. And we should be glorifying, praising and giving God credit way more than we do!! So, whether it is something good or bad, easy or hard, let us praise and honor Him in the midst!! Amen.
    Genesis 4:6-7 Then the Lord said to Cain, “Why are you furious? And why do you look despondent? 7 If you do what is right, won’t you be accepted? But if you do not do what is right, sin is crouching at the door. Its desire is for you, but you must rule over it.”
    *what stood out to me here is that sin’s desire is FOR us and we must CHOOSE to RULE OVER IT!! That’s a LOT said and a very POWERFUL statement!!
    When we choose and prioritize God above EVERYTHING (not an easy thing for our flesh) and surrender to Him and His will completely, then sin canNOT rule over our life or have any pull, sway, power or authority!! Such a GREAT reminder and adjustment!! I feel like God sharpened and attuned me this morning!! So grateful! May we keep our eyes/hearts/spirits tuned in and focused on You!! Amen.

    ERICA MILLER.. LOVED what you wrote and got for insight!! You took what I was feeling in my spirit and put it into words!! Thank you!!


    For those struggling with the questions, repetitiveness of scriptures, and/or format..
    I think this study is pushing us to go to God ourselves and ask Him directly and not be dependent on a format, if that makes sense? It is encouraging us to look at things through heavenly eyes and break free from comfort zones and paradigms. Which is very challenging!! The repetitive scriptures bothered me too at first, it felt like backpedaling or treading water, but then I realized that was pride and that God was actually showing me something new every time I read them, and that because of the repetition those verses were sticking with me, and provoking many talks with God outside of my norm!! It feels great and very freeing!! No judgement here at all!! Just thought I’d share my experience and thoughts… praying that God fulfills and meets you and your needs/wants!! Love you my faithful sisters!!

  62. Searching says:

    Reading through the genealogy, the mention of the sons and daughters in each family line caught my attention- and remembering that only Noah’s family of 8 made it into the ark. My takeaway from today is that even though we are surrounded by the death and deterioration of faith and morals (like Noah), God is faithful and He will indeed make all things new. Rather than being cleansed by a flood, our sins have been washed away by the blood of the Lamb and He “will give of the fountain of the water of life freely to him who thirsts.”

    CEE GEE ❤️ loved the living water connection yesterday!

    BG verse(s) of the day – good for me in these unsettled times, Psalm 118:5-6,
    5 I called on the Lord in distress;
    The Lord answered me and set me in a broad place.
    6 The Lord is on my side;
    I will not fear.
    What can man do to me?

    TINA ❤️ vividness of your word imagery today! And this, “The author John, may have been given this vision, BUT GOD Is making it our reality, our ‘things new’ our future, our Hope.”
    Amen and amen. Love the thought of hugging you and other sisters!

    AIMEE ROGERS – praying for friend to be found
    ERB ❤️ thank you for the question I need to ask everyday. Am I bearing God’s fruit?
    BEE MILLER – sorry for the loss of your grandmother. So many sweet memories of my own grandmother, gone now over 30 years.
    MALLORY M – so glad you’re here
    TERESA DONLEY – praying for quality sleep
    ANNIE – praying for family’s healing from strep
    JESSICALEE TIMPERIO – praying for pain relief
    DONNA WOLCOTT – praying for dil’s family
    A WALTON – praying for family’s health, and safe travels
    INDIANA ELAINE – praying for vision return

    KELLY (NEO) ❤️ praying for sciatic pain relief

    TRACI GENDRON -❤️ you spoke yesterday of God’s mercy in Tanner’s suffering. I was reminded of a handful of family members gathered through the night around a loved one many years ago, as our fervent prayers for healing transformed into fervent prayers for the Lord to take our loved one home so the suffering would end. Joining you in looking forward to eternity of no more death, tears or pain.

  63. Tenyia Hunsaker says:

    When these questions ask what is familiar to you? Are they literally asking if we have read this before?
    I don’t feel as they are asking anything.

    Beginning and End- Daily. (But for 6 weeks) ?? Anyone have insight on this. This is my first one. I’ve read Gen. & Rev.

    1. Anna Osborn says:

      Ya I’m not really enjoying the question/prompt either

    2. leanne merryman says:

      This is my first one also and I was wondering if they are all this way? I feel like Im reading the same thing over and over and answering the same questions. I do still enjoy spending the morning reading the same verses and reading the comments from all of you

  64. Ada McCloud says:

    God spoke with Cain. We don’t know how. Was he physically there with him or did he speak through other means? I’m not sure why this is standing out to me this morning but it is. After committing murder, God STILL came to Cain. There is consequences. But there is also a loving God.

  65. Aimee D-R says:

    I realize I need to tap into the living water I have now through Jesus more with faith than just waiting for eternity

  66. Jennifer zoulek says:

    “To the thirsty I will give from the spring of the water of life without payment”.

    God asks nothing more than for us to want to continue to do his work and share in our longing for his everlasting life in heaven.

  67. Krystal Lorenzo says:

    “My Spirit shall not abide in man forever…”
    This life is temporary. We were created in God’s likeness but with limitations and our flesh with an expiration date. As humans we are aware there will be an end to the only life we know. And yet, our striving and wonder indicate we were crested for more.

  68. Theresa Storie says:

    Amen! Blessings to you my sweet sisters!

  69. Jerusa Rose Smith says:

    This! You captured what moved me in the passages perfectly in words I could not find to describe. Thank you! God bless!

  70. Stephanie Berling says:

    ”When Enoch had lived 65 years, he fathered Methuselah. Enoch walked with God after he fathered Methuselah 300 years and had other sons and daughters. Thus all the days of Enoch were 365 years. Enoch walked with God, and he was not, for God took him.“
    ‭‭Genesis‬ ‭5‬:‭21‬-‭24‬ ‭ESV‬‬
    This part stood out to me because God makes a point of letting us know that Enoch was faithful and Enoch’s life span on earth was significantly shorter. It can be impossible for those who are left on earth but what a blessing to go home early and to be ushered into the presence of the Lord.

  71. Dawn Amico says:

    I also find the open ended nature of the study guide challenging. To help me better grasp the concepts I have been reading past comments, listening to the podcasts, and I just ordered the study guide book. This is a really different format, but I’m hoping that by leaning into it, God will reveal Himself in a new way.

    1. sarah waninger says:

      I agree…this study guide hasn’t been doing it for me…loved advent questions and devotions that connected it all…prayerful the Lent study us a bit more in depth

    2. Alyssa Murdock Martinez says:

      Yes, I’ve also listened to the podcast cast and took notes of main points and scripture to keep in mind when reading and answering the questions. But even then I still felt confused about some of them.

    3. Caroline Bridges says:

      I feel it’s more of a challenge than it needs to be.

  72. Erica Miller says:

    What stands out to me from today’s reading of the word is that God had already given us abundant life and the more we chose our own will over His the farther we fell from grace. God had allowed Adam and Eve to dwell in the Garden of Eden, they were banished due to their own decisions. Cain was a groundskeeper but was cursed from the ground when he killed his brother Abel. God had allowed the son of man to live long lives, some stretching 969 years but the more man chose their will over God’s the shorter life became. The average lifespan of a woman today is 79 years. Today’s reading made me reflect on how my own life choices may have shorten my days and caused me to fall from God’s grace. It is my desire to mend my relationship with God and grow stronger in him each day so that one day I may have abundant and eternal life.

  73. Kristine Loughman says:

    I was struck yesterday by the parallel nature of the Tree of Life. In Genesis, Adam and Eve are kicked out of the Garden lest they eat of it. They weren’t ready. But in the New Heaven, the Tree of Life is available for us, for the nations. Finally, as new creations, we can partake. That tree and its fruit has been waiting for us.

  74. Kelly (NEO) says:

    Even though the lifespans were long to begin with, there were growing smaller in each generation (Geek moment: Adam would still have been alive for about the first 56 years of Lamech’s life.), eventually down to 120 years. And again down to 80 years (Ps 90:10). With advances in technology and medication, more people are living into their 90s and even over 100 today. Yet we are surrounded by death and decay every day – war, famine, natural disasters, etc. Death is all to familiar. The day will come when death will no longer even be a possibility (Rev 21:4). That will be glorious indeed!

    ALYSSA MURDOCK – I take the question to mean what is familiar to my life’s experience.

    MALLORY M – rejoicing that you listened to the prompting of Holy Spirit and ran to God instead of away from Him. Welcome to SRT.

    BEE MILLER – sorry for your loss.

    ANNIE – hope the strep passes quickly.

    TERESA DONLEY – praying that God will give you sweet sleep.

    A WALTON – praying your family can travel with all recovered from illnesses.

    CARSON GILLIAM – sorry if I missed it, but any word about your job status?

  75. Kristine Loughman says:

    I would take it to mean, what passages/images stood out to you as you were reading. Often I notice something I never saw before, or I read a comment here that has me flipping back to the verses for a second look.

    1. Caroline Bridges says:

      I sometimes wish they would word the questions better because I don’t always know what they’re asking and I have looked up what a specific word means to attempt to figure it out.

  76. Richlyn says:

    Alyssa, I was trying to reply to you, but it went in the general comments…

  77. Richlyn says:

    I’m struggling a bit with the prompts too, which happens sometimes…just keep going. The more we know of God and how he relates to His people (in Scripture and in discussion with how others see Him) the better we know God. Oh, the delight in getting to KNOW the Creator and Sustainer and Renewer of life, all life. Some days will be more fruitful than others. Keep going.

  78. Juanita Mills says:

    I am stuck on the divine image of God, our Giver of Life. It is through Him that we live, move and have our being. Even if the midst of Death, there is Life in God.

    1. Alyssa Murdock Martinez says:


  79. Tina says:

    It has been said in the comments.. ” I look forward, one day to sitting at a table with you drinking coffee or tea with you talking about our God..

    I imagine, for me, living on a different continent to most, that this beautiful comment may only happen in Heaven.. what a celebration, what a hoorah, that day will be! I can imagine it now, but I reckon, the real deal will blow my mind.

    I could get on a plane now, come find you in your home town and we would probably, what am I talking about, we WOULD hug as long lost sisters, and the feeling would be absolutely amazing.. but I think the description of Heaven, with the salvation and the power and the kingdom of our God, and the authority of His Christ having come, making things new and bringing freedom, no more accuser.. just brings to mind something more awesome!
    I mean, can you image, walking down the high street, with the river of the water of life, clear as crystal, and flowing from the throne of God and the Lamb. As if that weren’t enough, the tree of life along each side..

    The author John, may have been given this vision,

    BUT GOD.

    Is making it our reality, our ‘things new’ our future, our Hope. Thank you Lord God, Thank you..

    From my genesis and living towards my Revalation, the in-between has not been perfect, it has had its challenges, its woes and joys, its confusions, its sickness and healings, high points and low points..

    BUT GOD..

    He promises me/us a tomorrow with non of the above, with Him.. as He makes ALL things new, even me..

    Looking forward, Lord God.. Thank you!


    Happy Thursday dear hearts, covered in love and prayers.. ♥️

    Praying through requests as seen.♥️

    1. Mary Ann Graves says:


    2. Holly Strickland says:

      Thank you for these words. I’ve been struggling with this study-finding the connection. Your words truly brought thoughts full circle in my mind. ❤️

  80. Alyssa Murdock says:

    When you ask “What images are familiar to you?” Do you mean familiar as in we’ve read them before , familiar to the title “Death and life”? , familiar in our lives, or familiar in comparison to the other passages we have been this week? I’m sorry I am just having a hard time understanding what these questions in the study guide are asking. I don’t mean to be annoying or bothersome. I don’t have anyone else to ask.

    1. Kate K says:

      Alyssa Murdock—I understand the questions to be asking about the now (broken but in the process of restoration since Jesus came) and the not yet (not yet fully restored). When it asks what images are familiar, I think it means what do you see now in the passages that is familiar brokenness to what we see today.

    2. sarah waninger says:

      agreed…I am NOT connecting to the questions

      1. Alyssa Murdock Martinez says:

        Okay, I was honestly getting kind of discouraged. I’m still fairly new to reading the Bible and I just thought I dont know enough about The Bible or these scriptures to answer the questions.

    3. Maria Baer says:

      Same. We did an open ended question study last year but the questions were a bit more focused. Here ones seem to be the same thing, plus I feel we’ve been reading the same scripture verses over and over, which is ok, but I am just not connecting with this study. I feel to start the new year, I needed something more focused.

    4. Audren Phalen says:

      I feel the same way, I’m trying to answer them the best I can but yeah….