day 3

Open Your Bible

Acts 1:23-26

Join us for Day 3 of Living the Surrendered Life and then join us for discussion and community in the comments below!

Text: Acts 1:23-26

(11) Comments

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11 thoughts on "day 3"

  1. gurigolfcent says:


  2. enamdero says:

    bow.. bow.. bow..

  3. As good as we think our plans are, His ways are always better! Today I’m learning how to rest in His everlasting arms as chosen & precious. He will complete this good work in me until completion.

  4. Even though I'm behind on this series, I'm glad today is my day three – this lesson came at the perfect time in my life.

    Rejection is one of my biggest fears – which is especially rough for a dancer who has to audition for every job, making rejection a huge part of everyday life. For a while, rejection after rejection came and it didn't bother me – I just wasn't the type anyone wanted yet. But after some time, I started to wonder: would I ever be anyone's type? I wondered, and often still wonder, whether the rejections are because of type or talent…or if they're just because I'm me. It's really hard to stare my biggest fear in the face and believe that God has a reason for closing so many doors in my face, but I pray God will use this experience and this series – especially this particular teaching – to strengthen my trust in Him and kill my fear.

  5. I think we need to stop taking rejection so personally. In this bible verse, it was by chance that Joseph was "rejected." They cast was nothing personal.

    Sometimes things happen. We aren't able to do something we think we really really need to do. Maybe it's chance or maybe it's God trying to shift us in a different direction.

    Rejection isn't great, but we (I) need to learn to not take it so personally. To pick ourselves (myself) up and keep on moving.

  6. Krista says:

    I wasn't sure where to begin in my journal about this topic so I just started writing… The fear of rejection also holds me back from being bold and trying new things that are out of my comfort zone. So I came up with this question…
    For one day lets ignore 'rejection' and pretend it doesn't exist. What would you do?

    1. Rachel Anne says:

      I would ask my neighbor downstairs why he never says hello to me or my children when he sees us.

  7. Lisa says:

    Rejection isn't easy. Fear of rejection holds me back from trying new things, from taking necessary risks. I need to let go of that fear.

  8. Rejection is an interesting thing. I think for a while I felt rejected by my family, and I felt rejected by God. The past six years of my life has been pretty difficult because of this. I now know that I'm the one who rejected God, of course, but it's easy to feel like he's the one who has pushed us away.

  9. Kathy says:

    I loved this reading…day 3…if I can truly rid myself of relying on the toxic what 'others' think and abide in God's unfailing love, then I can enjoy my freedom in Christ to the fullest!

  10. Kim B. says:

    When I read today's reading I took rejection not as someone rejecting me personally, but God rejecting my will or my plans. THAT has happened many times! I think I know what's best & when God disagrees I get discouraged. Reminds me of Isaiah 55:8-9 “For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways,”declares the Lord. “As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts."