Scripture Reading: 1 Samuel 18:1-30, 1 Samuel 19:1-24, Psalm 59:1-17
It all started with pride and a hankering for toast.
With a freshly ironed shirt and crisp college degree, I walked through the doors of my new job and stepped into a schedule full of meetings and a to-do list of fires to put out. Literally.
Soon after becoming acquainted with the office kitchen and its various coffee creamers and water bottles, I found myself staring into a tiny toaster smelling very burnt toast. The piece of bread was mine, of course, but its transformation into unrecognizable burnt crumbles made me feel as if I had no business being near baked goods of any kind, ever. I looked around the empty room, wondering when the toast’s lunatic owner, ahem, would rescue it from the smoke-producing heat.
I regularly find myself feeling neglectful like this in the kitchen, but I can also be careless with my thought life too. Envy starts a fire in my heart, causing my feelings to combust from the inside out. From seemingly nowhere, jealousy rears its ugly head, just in time for me to realize these terrible thoughts are unfortunately, actually mine (all mine!)—unlike my friend’s new engagement ring, vacation plans, promotion, or instagram attention, which caused my emotions to boil over in the first place. I truly want to celebrate these things for my friend (I do!), but turning away from my good intentions for even five seconds leaves these feelings to roast unattended over an open flame.
Envy might be the only sin that never feels good, not even for a moment. Other sins give us fleeting pleasure or empty promises, but envy hands us a box of matches and permission to light the fire. And before we know it, we’re in a room full of smoke.
In 1 Samuel 18, there’s a friendly celebration happening, the kind we intend to give the people we love as a way to congratulate them. Saul is great! David is great! We all have tambourines! But envy creeps into Saul’s heart when he hears, “Saul has killed his thousands, but David his tens of thousands” (v.7, emphasis mine).
The matches are lit, and Saul is off to kill David. That escalated quickly, didn’t it? I’m not sure Saul even knows how he got there, but then I remember my own failed attempts to rescue bread from the kitchen toaster. (I grabbed a paper towel to smother the flames, which of course, actually made them worse.) So, I can understand why Saul would want to get rid of any evidence pointing directly to his failures.
I’ll bet Saul had one word ringing in his head that may sound familiar to you and me: mine. He wanted to claim it all as his—the glory, the credit, the recognition, the love. (Can anyone else relate?)
Although David seemed to have it all together, he only had one quality worth envying: the presence of the One who actually does hold it all together. In these two chapters, we see the phrase “God with David” four times. This is what sets David apart. This is what Saul wants. This is what we all want. Our cries may say “Mine!,” but all we ever really want is for Someone to choose us, to adopt us as their own.
The glory, the credit, the recognition, the love—they’re all the Lord’s. And friends, so are we. He smothers the flames of envy by showing us we already belong. After all, it all started with love and a hankering for home.
“You are my strength, I sing praise to you;
you, God, are my fortress,
my God on whom I can rely.”
– Psalm 59:17
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65 thoughts on "David and Saul"
We are all saved by grace through faith. None of us are able to boast in how much we love God, but only in how much He loves us.
I think it’s fine to admire other people’s walk with the Lord but consider you don’t know what they have been through to get there secondly, when it comes to you the LORD delights in your desire for him. Give him you and the LORD will be pleased. Not sure if that helps but focus on you and your King. ❤️ god bless you
Good evening all. Hope I get a reply.
Envy- man! I read the comments (which I treasure, BTW) and think, “I do not envy much.” But that is a lie from the enemy himself. I envy all the time. I admit it, right here! I envy happy couples. I envy wives with husbands who love them and love God. Husbands who want their wives to enjoy their life. To have friends. To help and serve their wives. Who do things with their family. Who think of their family first. Ahhhh! I am jealous. This sin is eating at me. My husband works hard or worked hard for what we have and wants to enjoy all of his blessings doing what he wants to do. Fish and hunt – not close to home. We say “bye” to him often as he goes north to his hunting land or East to his fishing area. Without us. He would be fine for us to go with him, but we cannot just leave like he does. The kids have school or activities or there are so many things to take care of at home. Someone has to be at home doing them. So, if people are doing this study, I humbly ask for prayer. Prayer for my marriage. Prayer for my husbands walk with the Lord and his relationship with our family. And prayer for me and my envy of what I don’t have in my marriage. I need to lay it all at the feet of Jesus EVERY. SINGLE. DAY.
Oh so good! I often find myself being envious of others I perceive to have a closer relationship or full trust with Jesus. But instead of praising them and asking Jesus to show me how I may achieve that in my personal way I go to very envious thoughts. Why don’t I have that? I wish I could sing like that. Why not me? Is basically what I ask. But God humbles me when others say I have pure faith. So I know it’s envy and the enemy trying to get me to not believe so His plans for me won’t succeed. I’ve been working on this but slipped up a lot tonight.
This comment is in response to Anna :
I totally hear your heart, girl and understand where you’re thought process is coming from. First, you must acknowledge that those feelings and thoughts of envy are not YOUR thoughts. All the lies that fill our minds come straight from the enemy (Satan). To beat those lies, we must call them out and cover them in truth. I encourage you to really get alone and away with the Lord and ask Him to show you what His Word says about envy and jealousy. Look for scripture and verses that speak against that, then begin speaking out loud and praying those verses over your mind, your life.
Other’s relationships with God is not your relationship with God. God loves each of us uniquely… not equally. Equally would imply that His love can me measured and it can not. Instead, He loves you as if there were only one of you… and there is only one of you. The love and gifts and passions He placed in you is to bring Him glory and to reflect your true identity. Envying over others’ unique love from God is only robbing you from fully embracing and stepping into who He has created you to be. He has placed you with gifts and abilities that He has created no one else to do. You are you! And He delights in that and wants to fully work and be that center stage in your life.
You’re not alone, girl, this is something I definitely struggle with too. But this is why we need community and fellow sisters in Christ to come alongside of us and pray, encourage, and support us when these lies creep in. I pray this answered your question. If you would like to chat more, I would absolutely love to :)
What a beautiful response to Anna!
I know that I’m reading this late but if someone could reply that would be great! :)
How do I deal with feelings of envy when they are directed at people who I think are ‘closer to God’? The study says that the fact that God was with David was something “worth envying”?
The last bit, “He smothers the flames of envy by showing us we already belong” is helpful… but what if I feel like I don’t belong more than other people? How do I stop thinking like that and envying other people’s relationships with God?
Thank you! :)
This is what I want too, I want the present of the mighty God with me I want his works flowing through me so that when people see me they see him.
Good reminder as always.
Holy coisnce data batman. Lol!
4 And Jonathan stripped himself of the robe that was on him and gave it to David, and his armor, and even his sword and his bow and his belt.~~ The Lord is opening my eyes to so many little tidbits! It’s not always big things, sometimes those little nuggets can offer big insight. Jonathon removed his robe and placed it around David. David wasn’t chilly. Jonathon recognized David as the future king, Jonathan gave him his robe, the robe of a royal. I closed my eyes and envisioned doing the same to Jesus. I am no longer the queen of my life, Jesus is the King of my life. He wears the robe. The king of kings and lord of all lords. When we remove our robes of burden, strife, and fears and place them Jesus’ shoulders, we can rest. We no longer are carrying them around with us, Jesus has the strength and abilities we don’t possess to carry the load. His robe has many pockets. A wise bible teacher once said to a class where I was a student, “Pray for your enemies, it’s impossible to be angry or hate someone while your laying them on the alter of the Lord.” She was correct. Love these devotions! I feel that I’m being led to share, I hope it’s alright to do so. Blessings everyone!
Wow I never thought of it that way. How great if we loved others as Jesus loved us and wrap our “robes” of love around others.
I love your insight! Thanks for sharing
Precious Shelby. I wish I could give you a big mama hug! I am 54 and have been a Christian for 18 years. I was working on my testimony before I met precious Jesus. I was not raised in a Christian home and I am married to a unbeliever for 25 years. Let go of the past but learn from it. The Lord will use your past to help others if you let Him. To Jesus you are very precious. You are new and every morning His mercies are new. The devil wants you to remain stuck and tormented by your past but look to Jesus and move forward in your walk with Him. I will be praying for you and you know the way Home and we will see you there. Love and prayers. Xo
Lisa, thank you for your kind words. And thank you for the mama hug! I was exposed and loved the church setting with my grandparents (Baptist) since I was about 4yrs old. My parents wouldn’t allow me to go at times and growing into teenage years that mentality from them remained. Young 20s there were variety of times when I would get close then fall but still fighting to get closer. I married my husband who only went to church on a random holiday.. so really the true exposure he has had is since we started dating with church so I’m trying to lead him until he gets to the point of comfort and takes flight. He does wonderful about praying before meals and telling me to look to God and ‘give it to God’ when I become overwhelmed.. it’s nice to see his progress (of course without the forcing).
Thank you for opening my eyes about the newness of ourselves each and every new day.
Love your sweet heart! I prayed for you this morning in church. I am just a older you and the things I say to you I say to me. Every morning trust Jesus! Nothing is a surprise to Him. My oldest son is 32 and a strong Christian and my younger two grew up going to church but are not walking with the Lord ages 23 and 25. The younger two live at home and it is so hard to watch this. The Lord showed me that maybe the only way for me to have come to know Him was because of my painful past and if that is true then I welcome that as hard as it is. Find some verses that comfort you and write them on index cards and read them during the day. I will be praying for you and your hubby!! The Lord will use you to help other women, He just needs to strengthen you. Have a blessed day and continue to read this devotional.
Psalm 16:8
I have set the Lord always before me; because He is at my right hand I shall not be moved.
Thank you for your words. My Papa (mom’s dad) has been going through something similar as you; three children whom he desired to go to church and now my mom is in nursing home, one uncle is in drug rehab, and the other uncle wants nothing to do with him. It’s hard seeing my Papa’s heartbreak with it so I can’t imagine yours.
Hi Shelby! I recently read a book called A Return to Love by Marianne Williamson. It changed my life and brought me closer to God. I listened to it on audible but it’s also available in paperback. It’s helped me so much. I hope it helps you too.
Lana, I will look into it thank you!!
God is good! So I tried to read this yesterday morning but it wasn’t up yet! God always knows what we need and when we need it. I just read my favorites of other days! I had my own episode of envy last night. Crying I did so horrible on the test and just knowing all my classmates did amazing again! I had my own pity party with my husband who was not very sympathetic but loving. It just amazes me every time God gave me this to read today where it hit home so perfectly!
Oops PRAY not lay. Excuse all the typos
Envy is oh so lazy. It takes little effort to let my mind and my emotions go to “why them? Why not me?” How clueless I can be! Case in point : there were some older women in out church who were so calm and so confident in their praying. And the words they used – so eloquent, so honest, so transparent, so Scriptural. I do wanted what they had – that kind of prayer ability. I wound watch and listen and shake my head. Why couldn’t I pray like that? Why didn’t people phone me to intercede for them? Why wasn’t I asked to pray aloud at meetings? Why them and not me? Why wasn’t I given that spiritual gift? Why did God short change me? (yes I was that self centered and shallow). Truth be told, I just didn’t lay that much. It was now and again. Not often. But for very long. Not with any depth. I was praying lazy. I wanted the ability without the effort. I wanted the gift without persistence. One day I boldly asked one of three those prayer warriors “How do I get what you have?” She looked at me kindly and yes a little incredulously. “Pray,” she said. “just pray.” Envy blocked the obvious. I took her advice. I prayed that day. And the next. And the one after that. And I haven’t stopped. Sometimes envy is slayed by the simple. I will forever be grateful to Dorothy for her honest, direct, simple and powerful answer.
churchmouse, such an obvious thing that is blocked so much by envy. I too pray those prayers to be more eloquent with my prayer and to rattle off scripture like I “wrote the book.”
Good word for today.
You have no idea how desperately I needed to see this tonight. These last few months have held a lot of transition for me & a lot of envy.
I literally cried out to God with tears streaming down my face because I haven’t been able to understand why this season of life has been so hard & why my joy disappears in a moment.
This. Envy. Has stolen my joy. I so needed to be reminded of this tonight!
Thank you!
Praying for you, Laura! ♡
Laura, you my dear are not alone. I’ll be praying for you! Sometimes balling our eyes out is what we need in order to see the clear road ahead; it washes away our dirt in our sights.. leaving with a fresh new perspective.
Praise God that He loves us and accepts us no matter what we have done. Through Jesus all our sins are forgiven.
For me to overcome the darkest aspect of me growing up and overcoming my past.. I guess I shall speak to strangers or sisters of SRT in fear of condemnation or negative responses (if any at all). Growing up I suffered from child abuse (physical and mental) thus leading to my father kicking me out of the house halfway through my senior year of high school. I have not been back ever since (8.5yrs) and my relationship with my parents are slim to none (despite me visiting my 55yr old mother who is intermittently confused after tripping and falling backwards and striking head of cabinet; thus her placement in nursing home for remainder of her life). During the most vulnerable time of my life, age 18-23 my dark years; when I desired someone to love me or to look at me as if I was their daughter or even that they cared for me. Growing up I was grounded for receiving Christ as my personal Savior and I held onto hope that God would pull me through all the abuse; I had attempted suicide twice which ultimately scared me because I didn’t want God to be mad at me but I couldn’t handle the hits anymore and being told I was a mistake. Fast forward to those dark years, I went from boyfriend to boyfriend; trying to ultimately find someone who loved me or give me attention to feel important. I had variety of closeness levels to God; close to far. The darkest was premarital sex (especially one month after being so excited of being Baptized and wanting to restart my life and get closer to the Lord then returning from church camp back into the negative atmosphere of everyday life) and thus leading to a positive pregnancy test; my boyfriend didn’t want it and called me a Bible thumper for always praying and trying to talk about God (relationship had spun into similar to my dad speaking to me)..ultimately I took high dose Vitamin C and I got my period and relationship ended as I was left in a storm outside. Fast forward 4 months, same situation and utter disbelief of myself, pure disappointment of myself.. a new boyfriend who claimed was a Christian and had two children, I thought he would be different and care about me.. one night he flipped out and his eyes went all black and he pulled a knife on me and himself (his kids were at their mothers), I called 911 and he was placed in a psych facility for 3 days.. on the day he got out he had begged me to give him a chance and that he would change and desire a closer relationship with God; premarital sex and positive pregnancy test and I aborted for many reasons: not entirely clear of ‘clean bill of health’ from Cardiologist, relationship was not healthy, not ready to be a mother, not in a situation where I would have been proud of being a mother due to not married. At the clinic, there was no heartbeat prior to procedure. I walked out feeling as if I was a dark cloud.. ended the relationship a couple months afterwards. Altogether thinking and blaming myself for being useless because my parents told me so. I then started to turn my life around and get closer to God and was ultimately blessed with a man who understood me and helped me to not view myself as a burden or worthless. I’ve been overcoming my battle. I rededicated my life to the Lord this summer to rid the guilt of my past especially because I can’t get rebaptized. I’m not proud of my past and wish I would have saved myself for marriage.
Envy had been huge as feeling as if I’m inadequate to God due to my past decisions and looking at friends whom had been raised differently than I and seeming as such they lived and made better decisions. How do I overcome this past darkness and bring forth even a potential for my me and my husband to have our first child years down the road? I feel torn as if to start a family but currently desiring love and focus from my husband; feeling greedy.
Shelby, I will be praying for you.
I, too, will be praying for you. Accept who you are in Christ… a beloved child of God. You are loved, sweet girl.
What I’ve come to learn is that God speaks through you and connects to others in a way that no one else can. Each of our stories are unique, precisely the way God wants them.
Just wanted to write this in hopes it (below) helps you as it has for me. I am going thru the hardest season of my life. Marriage, gah, it’s so haaaaard! Yet through the pain and heartache, it is all happening for God’s glory & I am excited to see how God works!
I know this is a long reply, I apologize. These are declarations of truth of who we are in Christ and repeating God’s word changes your mind! I’m no bible wizard, this is out of my NLT life application bible :)
Do you know that you’re filled with God’s goodness? 2Cor 5:21
You are blessed with every spiritual blessing in heaven? Ep 1:3
That you’re one in Christ with all other believers? Gal 3:28
That there is no condemnation in your sin? Romans 8:1
Do you know;
You are not guilty in sin? Romans 3:24
You are free from the vicious circle of sin & death? Romans 8:2
You are acceptable to God through Jesus Christ? 1Cor 1:2
You are pure and holy? 1Cor 1:30
You will rise again? 1 Cor 15:22
You are free from truly being saved by being ‘good enough’? 1Cor 3:17
You are brand new inside? 2Cor 5:17
You are holy, faultless & covered with God’s love? Ep 1:4
You belong to Christ? Ep 1: 5,6
Your sins are taken away and forgiven? Ep 1:7
You will live with Christ forever, you are a gift to God?
Ep 1: 10,11
You are marked as belonging to God by the holy spirit? Ep 1:13
You have been given a new life? Ep 2:10
You have been brought near God? Ep 2:13
You will receive great blessings? Ep 3:6
You can go fearlessly into God’s presence? Ep 3:12
You are a part of Christ’s body, the church? Ep 5:29,30
You are set free from evil desires? Col 2:11
You have everything bc you have Christ, you are filled with God? Col 2:10
You will have eternal glory? 2 Tim 2:10
Try it out…Repeat it, declare it and see how your thoughts change …emotions and words change because you know who we are and whose you are. I feel any thought that doesn’t fall in line with who I am in Christ is not from God and I try to replace it. Hope this helps. Let us pray for forgiveness, turn away from our sin & obey God. God is so good!!!
Thank you for such magical verses to study, I shall put them in my Bible journal and overview them frequently. It helps to ease the self disappointment and let go of old sins which God had already forgiven. We are so lucky to have such a great God.
Much love! (and thank you to those who said they are praying; it’s appreciated and reciprocated!)
❤️ Thank you for these!
Hi Shelby, I’ve been baptised twice, once when I was young (my parents made me do it an I thought I was going to drown – have been afraid of water ever since) and once in my 30s, my own decision.
Baptism is incredibly symbolic and meaningful, and if you want to be baptised again, you should go for it. If you wan to rededicate you life to God in this manner, I believe he will honour your action. (Ladies – correct me if there is some biblical reason you can’t be baptised twice.)
God is with you and able to redeem your suffering, abuse and cover your sins. All of them. Redeemer. It’s amazing and easily doubt can come or overwhelm, but it doesn’t change the fact that God is faithful and will bring you through.
My story is different but I have walked through God’s redeeming my life from my early childhood trauma. Not necessarily easy which is where envy can come. But God has met me. And the best part is knowing Jesus. Suffering has the ability to make you go deeper into finding who Jesus is his strength his love. Jesus is real and he is wonderful and I am grateful that the things I have walk-through have caused me to know him more. I pray that the Lord will meet you in his loving kindness, his tenderness. I pray he surrounds you with loving wise people who can decide as you can walk you through the healing process.
Karen (from Virginia),
Thank you for responding and your eye-opening words. I pray for your walk with God from your early childhood trauma only gets stronger. I continue to pray for a group of friends whom are believers whom I can confide in.
Hi Shelby, not sure if you will see this, but I also came from an abusive home and spent years looking for love from men instead of from God. Growing up, I felt a lot of shame. I always felt “different” from the other kids because my family was different. But we don’t get to choose our parents, or how much love they give us. That wasn’t our fault, and it’s nothing to be ashamed of. And the years of searching for love and validation in the wrong places is what ultimately led me to Jesus. You can’t do better until you know better, so I try not to blame myself for past mistakes — human beings crave love and I didn’t know how else to get it, until I did.
I still struggle sometimes with feeling different and ashamed about who I am — I feel like I’m not a “real” Christian because I didn’t grow up in a faith-filled, loving home, and because I’ve done and seen things in the past that would probably shock some of my friends from church.
I wish I had better advice for you, Shelby, but the only thing that has helped me is knowing that God loves me just as I am, and those years of darkness and loneliness are what shaped me and brought me to Jesus. I AM different from a lot of other Christians, and that means He can use me in unique ways. And now that I know better, I CAN do better, and I try to every day.
I don’t know how to overcome the darkness 100%, but therapy, prayer and time has helped. I’ll be praying for you and your husband. I hope you find loving friends and spiritual leaders who can help you on your journey, and I pray that you can feel God’s overwhelming love and acceptance. <3
Lily, I have been through counseling (both with a Social Worker; which I didn’t feel too helped afterwards due to just talking to someone writing notes, and a Christian pastor counselor with a PhD in counseling and theology; which helped more than anything because it reinforced belief behind how to cope). It wasn’t our fault about our parents choosing to do what they did; we can only pray for them to see God how we do. I still battle shame, embarrassment, inadequacy due to my past and past poor decisions; but I have to let them go.
I pray you overcome and triumph your darkness.! <3
Shelby! I pray for your decisions please take comfort in you’re not alone in your struggles. I was raised in a Christian home with Christian parents going to church every Sunday and Wednesday and I still struggled with some of the very things. My own brother molested me for over 9 years. I struggle with the guilt of what it did to me. What it has done to my family since I told them very recently. I spent my college years sleeping around to not feel dirty and alone. I struggle now with being a wife for my husband. I struggle being intimate with him. I struggle being loving and caring to both him and my child! I struggled for a long time to have a baby and worry it be an older boy that would make me wonder if he’d molest any other children. I still fear things but am comforted that I know how to respond to my children if something does happen. I can’t prevent things but I can do the best God allows. I hope you can rest assured that God will show you the way. Every day I am so surprised how personal He can be if I trust and allow Him! Put your doubt and worry in Him! You are enough, you are strong. Let Him show you how He personally cares for you!
SB, I’m praying for you and your heart as you try to mend the pain and wounds that has been created. I pray for calm and peace to come to your family for them to be able to provide the support and love that you need.
Thank you for your supportive words <3
I have been so bewldiered in the past but now it all makes sense!
Hi Shelby, this is Abby from the SRT team. Thank you so much for your willingness to be vulnerable and share your story with the She Reads Truth community. Regardless of any past experiences or mistakes, you are a loved and cherished daughter of Christ! Do you have people in your life that you can reach out to and talk to about these things? We would encourage you to seek out a trusted spiritual leader, counselor or mentor who can help you to process all of this. Getting actively involved in a community with other believers, whether that be at your local church or in a bible study, can also make a world of difference. We are praying for you and are so glad to have you as part of our community. – Abby
Hello Abby! I had Pastoral Counseling about my childhood but regarding the ‘darker’ things/decisions, this was the first time speaking to others about it (other than my husband, poor guy). I would love to actively get involved but working so much and working midnights it is difficult to connect with evening activities due to working..Online has seemed to be easier. It’s just finding what’s out there and available. One day I would love to do something of what you are doing at SRT, God will give at a time when he feels it’s right. Thank you for your prayers!
Dearest Shelby,
Romans says “there is now NO condemnation for those in Christ Jesus!” It is only normal for you to look back and hate the darkness of your past, but it does not define you! You are a daughter of the King!! In His eyes you are pure as snow! Look forward to the future with hope! In accordance to His will, you can be a wife and mama who brings God glory! Let your testimony show His power to save and redeem! Xoxo
I loved this part :
“Although David seemed to have it all together, he only had one quality worth envying: the presence of the One who actually does hold it all together. In these two chapters, we see the phrase “God with David” four times. This is what sets David apart. This is what Saul wants. This is what we all want. Our cries may say “Mine!,” but all we ever really want is for Someone to choose us, to adopt us as their own.”
Everything good in this life is a dim reflection of true unity with God. Unless I’m mistaken, Heaven will be that unity – more beautiful than the best sunset, more intimate than the best romance, more fun than the best friendship . . .
(These are random, unorganized thoughts – haha!)
Also, God keeps showing me adoption everywhere I look. I love adoption so much! I’m struck by the fact that it always has a sad chapter. Even our own adoption by God wouldn’t be necessary if not for sin, and wouldn’t be possible without Christ’s sacrifice. But out of sadness comes such joy and love and beauty!! I believe it is one of the clearest pictures we have on Earth of God’s love.
If anyone reads this far, please say a prayer for my husband and me as we research and pray about adoption. We’d like to, but there are some challenges we need to get through first. Thank you!
Blessings for your journey. May God be with you both and provide all you need.
Megan, I did read that far and am praying for you and your husband as you pursue adoption. May God give you peace as you wait for his perfect timing! When you can’t trace His hand, trust His heart!
Megan, praying for you and your husband.
Yes, the presence of the Lord within a Child of God is only thing worth envying. I have to remind myself of this as a young woman going into her twenties. The twenties are different for everyone. Some are marry very young and have children.
Some people own businesses that are becoming successful. Some people live with their parents. Some people are in college receiving a higher education. We all observe each others lives through social media and wonder sometimes I wonder if I am doing anything right when we see the different lives and timelines of other people.
I honestly do intend to be happy for others, but envy can place itself in my heart when I forget that God is with me too. I already have the only thing that is worth envying, so I must ask my Teacher to fix my eyes on Him and truly believe that He has a plan. (Jeremiah 29:11) and not fall into envying others, but to rejoice in their blessings as well.
After all when it is time for me to receive the desires of my heart, I’m going to want for someone to be happy for me too. All in all, I will never go without because the Lord is my God and He meets all of my needs. (Philippians 4:19)
My typos are driving me insane, but I guess that’s what happens when you type quickly without proofreading. Oh well…
Said so perfectly. “Sometimes I wonder if I am doing anything right…” Oh man, I feel like I wonder this everyday. This really resonated with me today, thank you for sharing!
Yes, Lord, Your Presence is all I need, all I desire. You have been with me through so many trials–even when I didn’t deserve it. And I am so blessed. I have no reason to envy others. Thank you for this reminder today. As long as You are with me, I can step out in victory and in love. And know that You go before me. And when I’m weak, You are my strength. You are truly closer than the air I breathe.
Did David cower in fear when Saul was seeking to kill him? No he fell to the ground in worship! May I be like David–walking through my life in praise and worship of my Lord Jehovah, my faithful God.
But I will sing of your strength
And will joyfully proclaim
Your faithful love in the morning.
For you have been a stronghold for me,
A refuge in my day of trouble.
To you, my strength, I sing praises,
Because God is my stronghold–
My faithful God.
Ah, the power of the mind. The perfect place for unchecked thoughts to take root and grab the heart. May we all be open and accountable for what takes place in our minds, not allowing secrecy and darkness to water the weeds.
May I keep my envy, jealousy, and “what ifs” in check and in submission to Abba.
May those thoughts and emotions be replaced with HIS words that overflow into my heart and mouth as praise and thanksgiving.
Thank you Lord, that there is NEVER a shortage of things to praise you for!
Envy raids my mind intermittently because growing up I desired a christian group of friends but my church did not have anyone my age, except one or two but my parents didn’t go to church with me (I went with my grandparents) and I thought they were embarrassing for church-like people because they swore, yelled, and would hit me in front of friends. Teenage years, still desired christian group of friends–didn’t happen. Early twenties I went to a catholic university (despite being Baptist) and go figure people just go to school there, it really wasn’t a religious atmosphere. Still going to the same church, no changes with my age bracket (I’m 26), it’s me and my husband; no children.. a couple three years younger than us and people about 6 years older than us.
I had always wanted a group of girlfriends who would want to talk about God and get together for bible studies; I pray that eventually this will happen because currently it’s me at my kitchen table alone with my Bible.. I share the bible study with my husband but he’s still working on his foundation with God as when our relationship started so did his with God.
I envy people with loving parents whom always tell them they are so proud of them, who become their best friend as we enter out late-20s. I always wanted that and was told I was worthless. Variety of people at church call me their adopted daughter because of my childhood.. it’s a wonderful thought but still I wish I had a mom-figure who I could call at any moment or a dad-figure I could just hug and be told everything is okay. My husband does a great job at emotional reassurance but it’s still the longing for a parent.
Lord help me to overcome my envious mind and focus on your love and focus on making a marriage stronger.
Shelby, I’m praying that the Lord will give you and your husband the courage to explore churches where true discipleship happens and that you may find that much needed support. In the meantime, you may try to find online a home Bible study group that means once a week.
Shelby, my heart is heavy for you. Praying that God gives you wisdom and courage in seeking out a church family that will surround you with love and acceptance. God is using all that you’ve been through for His glory.
Praying for you, Shelby. God is with you, always. Forever. ❤️
Praying for you Shelby, that God will bring Christian friendship and fellowship to you and your husband ❤️
Shelby, if you want to chat please feel free to email me, [email protected]. As I have been praying I felt the Lord speak to me to reach out. I have been in similar circumstances as you and would love to offer my support.
Praying for you Shelby. ❤️
Shelby, like Chrisy offered, you can email me if you need to talk ([email protected]). I’m a little older than you, almost 29, married with a baby on the way. I’m a good listener! :)
I appreciate all the support you ladies have given. I shall email you both!
Shelby, just believe! Our God is so powerful and merciful, He is not bounded by anything! He sees your longing, and He will send great soulmates on your way, and they will exceed all your expectations. For now, focus your eyes on your husband as marriage can give you more than you can imagine. I’ll pray for you, my dear girl.
Amen! It’s all for him! –> The glory, the credit, the recognition, the love—they’re all the Lord’s. <—
Thank you Lord!