In Shakespeare’s history play, Richard II, John of Gaunt mourns England’s degradation on his deathbed, intoning, “That England, that was wont to conquer others, Hath made a shameful conquest of itself.” The greatness of England was fading away because of its internal corruption. And this is the truth of all civilizations. They do not fall because of external attack, but they collapse from the corruption and rot festering on the inside.
Repeatedly in Scripture, we also see the children of Israel making a shameful conquest of themselves. There will always be some battle raging, but it’s not a fight against governments and revolutions; the battle is spiritual. The battle is for and in our own hearts. In the New Testament, the apostle Paul arms himself with powerful weapons, urging us to: “Pray at all times in the Spirit, with every prayer and request, and stay alert with all perseverance and intercession for all the saints” (Ephesians 6:18).
Centuries before Paul, Daniel relies on the same principle. The fulfillment of God’s promise to restore the conquered city of Jerusalem and its exiled people was at hand, and Daniel recognized that this providential showering of grace was an opportunity to fix all his hope on God. Israel had fallen to conquest precisely because it had walked in pride and unrepentance. It had rotted from the inside.
Daniel’s prayer is not about self-reliance, or newfound worthiness to return to their homeland. He recognizes that righteousness belongs to God alone (Daniel 9:7). His grace alone, His provision alone is sufficient. He alone can root out the inward-rottenness and make us a new creation, a new nation, and a royal priesthood for Himself.
Daniel prayed: “We are not presenting our petitions before you based on our righteous acts, but based on your abundant compassion. Lord, hear! Lord, forgive! Lord, listen and act! My God, for your own sake, do not delay, because your city and your people bear your name” (Daniel 9:18–19).
Like Daniel, our focus must be on our continual need of God’s provision. He must lay conquest to our hearts, that we may not be given over to self-destruction. He alone is righteous and able to save (Daniel 9:7). And, like Daniel, we have this great comfort: He does save. He hears the cries of His people, and restores the inheritance of His saints. He does not leave us as orphans and exiles (John 14:18), but in His own righteousness, He mightily saves.
The restoration of Jerusalem was a foreshadowing of the restoration of Christ, who has made a glorious conquest of the human heart. He has conquered our hearts, and become our confidence, hope, joy, and strength are founded upon the unchanging and transforming righteousness of God.

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34 thoughts on "Daniel’s Prayer"
Not because of our righteousness but HIS – taking ourselves out and giving him to take over our hearts
I see mention of a corresponding podcast…can someone provide the link for that?
I’m so grateful for this teaching, I’m amazed at Gods mercy and his standards.
God conquer my heart – be my confidence, hope, joy and strength!
I loved this reading so much. I am SO in need of God’s grace and mercy every single day. I want nothing more than for the Lord to “lay conquest” to my heart so I am not given over to self-destruction. Thankful that the Lord’s righteousness is unchanging and transforming. God I pray you would root out my inward rottenness and make a new creation. Be my provision and sufficiency each and every day. Thank you for meeting me in my mess <3
He alone is righteous and able to save. In Jesus name I pray.
I love the line about them not asking for help because of being worthy but because of God’s great mercy. It’s a reminder we don’t have to try to get it all together to earn God’s help or love. He comes to us in our mess. We can’t earn something he gives as a gift. He gives his mercy, we cannot earn it. It’s a relief that we don’t have to try to be perfect! Which we cannot be! Have I said earn enough times? Lol
Yes! So good ❤️
I am so thankful that I believe in God who keeps His word and forgives us when we go into not taking our spiritual battle to heart. Righteousness belongs to the Lord!!!!
Another great podcast this week. Very timely reading today. I hope all of us are praying daily for our nation and the people of this country. We all need Jesus.
Finally getting caught up with my reading. I want to thank all you that prayed for my family and myself. My sister and nephew are doing much better. My sister is “on the wagon” and my nephew is getting help thanks to the assistance of my brothers. I have been blessed with a loving and helpful family. I’m mending nicely. I would like to ask for prayer for the little girl I care for, Finley, and her family. She is due to have surgery on Thursday for release of some of the leg tendons and muscles, I believe, it has to do with her Spina Bifida.
The book of Daniel is teaching me much about God and how we sometimes must be patient to find out why things happen. I have also been able to learn that God forgives no matter the circumstances.
Sisters in Christ you are a blessing to me. I pray for all of you each and everyday.
This really spoke to me, for I have been wanting to pray for the church, believers in our nation but just feeling that I alone can’t make a difference, wanting to pray that many would come to Christ when they see us but we have such long way to go, including myself. I was praying ealier today for our eyes to be opened to Christ. Including myself. This is truly encouraging God wants to show us his son and how he will be victorious and is and how willing God is to help his people return. So encouraged!
Linda you will not be praying alone there are others out there praying join us.
You are greatly loved.
This isn’t something that I would typically do but I would really, really appreciate it if the group would be praying for me. I am really needing gods protection over my mind and heart. Thank you. I will be praying for you all, as well
Prayed for you.
Praying for you!
To know we are “treasured by God”! What a blessing this study has been.
What translation is this? I assume you mean v. 25. I like this wording even better than the translation given in the app. ❤️
Vs 23
These six words truly stuck out for me today: “for you are treasured by God. “. I will strive to remember that!
It is funny that we always think of the old testament as wars, exiles, and famines that are so ancient, yet it IS happening in present times. We need to realize that we still need to be like Daniel and give petition to God to help us and our nation, and all people. We have fallen far away, and we know what is coming. It is scary, yet we should have peace, and be still, in knowing that He’s got this, and as believers, He’s got us. Heavenly Father, give me a spirit that looks to you every second, every minute, of every day, and pray without ceasing. My song today is Casting Crowns, Until the Whole World Hears! Great song, give it a listen!
Chris Swan praying for you and your husband. May you feel Him holding you in this time of such loss. Daniel reminds me that we are called back into the arms of God and to our knees to pray and to pray not just for our need, which there is great need all over the world and so much to pray for, but for the glory of God. May the faithfulness, the forgiveness, the glory of God be lifted up as we bow down. Thank you Lord for all you are doing, help us/me to be obedient to all you call me to do.
Oh to have the relationship with Jesus that Daniel had. This was a beautiful reading today. My husband and I have lost 4 personal friends (none related to COVID) in these last 5 months! And one dear elderly church lady that has been in assisted living many years, but also a true friend in Jesus. We are at this age— still young in our own eyes and heart, but grieving the loss of best friends. Angie, I did 32 years as an educator and I WAS the technology person, yet even 10 years ago it got the best of me—- retirement is beautiful— then I became the director of our local pregnancy center and have once again given in due to technology (and the COVID issues). But God has a path for each of us— even in retirement. May we be like Daniel— be in His word and pray for our nation.
Thank you to those who suggested yesterday that the podcast would help with my questions regarding the kings and the order of the chapters. I tried to fit it in last night and listened to half while grading papers but, I really cannot do it justice that way. What I half listened to was very good, and I can understand why you all love it. It reminds me of the teen girls conversations on Wednesday nights and my lady friends on Saturday mornings. I will try to listen to it, when I am able to do it right.
It is report card and parent teacher conference time. The conferences will be part phone and part google meet (according to parent choice). There is a lot more technology involved and added pressure. A couple weeks ago I shared sitting with my foot up, listening to worship music in the teacher’s lounge. Just in case anyone was wondering…I’ve been a teacher for 29 years and that is the first time I’ve been able to take such time. It was God. The technology would not bring my lesson plans up and I physically was unable to do the stairs again. I could sit and stew or lay it down and praise. I chose praise. And will again in this heavy time. For God is good-ALL the time.
Daniel recognized the righteousness of God and desired that He be glorified. He also recognized the people’s public shame, brought on by their own unfaithfulness. Is that not exactly where we live today?
The oldest and best one of us is still learning, still being purified, a sinner turned saint by the grace of God. We battle every day, but not against others. We battle for good against the evil that wants to prevail in us and in others. But, we do not battle alone. We are children of the King of kings. The Creator of all creation is our father. Jesus Christ gave his life as a ransom for our souls. His ascension into heaven left with us the Holy Spirit to guide us. We have the armor of God upon us.
With prayer and petition we lay our requests before God. All powerful, almighty, majestic God. May Your Holy Name be praised.
Good morning Angie! I hope today technology is a bit easier to work with for you. I found this image on google for a timeline of Daniel. Sometimes seeing things visually helps me better put the pieces together. In one of my older Bibles I remember their was a chart of kings and when each part of the prophets happened but I can see to find that. Hopefully this helps.
Angie, I do the daily reading, but on Saturday (Grace Day) is when I listen to the podcast and complete the workbook. I “rewind” & re-listen to sections over and over. I make notes all in the margins, not just complete the questions. I also think the SRT study Bible has great additional commentary. I’ll probably never be able to write notes in the margins (my upbringing that you don’t write in the Bible), the space is there to do so.
A sobering reading this morning. Daniel understood what was coming from his study of “the books.” His response was to turn his attentive to the Lord and to seek Him by prayer and petitions, with fasting.
We gather here each day to read the Book. We too know what’s coming. May our response be as Daniel’s. Let us individually and in intercession for our nation turn to the Lord and repent. And may we stand strong because of the glorious hope we have in Christ Jesus. He is coming!
I’m sure in his time (just as an hour time) it was easy for people to point fingers about why horrible things were happening in their nation. Daniel’s response is so important: he began to cry out to God. And while he was praying God sent help! Our nation needs our prayers!
Amen I had the same thought reading this morning.