Daniel Interprets the Dream

Open Your Bible

Daniel 2:25-49, Luke 12:8-12, 1 Corinthians 15:24-27

It was a matter of life and death. A recurring dream disturbed King Nebuchadnezzar’s sleep night after night. He called for the Babylonian magicians and wise men to explain it, threatening them with execution if no one succeeded, but Daniel, a Judean exile known for his wisdom and dream interpretation, prayed until God revealed the answer. And one day, he made his appointment with the king.

It wasn’t exactly good news.

Each night, the king dreamed of a colossal statue made of various materials, from a solid gold head to iron and clay feet. Suddenly, a stone breaks from a nearby mountain and collides with the statue’s feet, causing it to crumble. The stone then grows into “a great mountain [that] filled the whole earth” (Daniel 2:35).

“Your Majesty, you are king of kings,” Daniel truthfully tells the emperor. “The God of the heavens has given you sovereignty, power, strength, and glory” (Daniel 2:37). But the statue is a grim prediction. Babylon is the head of gold. Other, lesser kingdoms will rise and fall. But God, the heavenly “revealer of mysteries” (v.47), doesn’t leave this kind of power in human hands forever. “The God of the heavens will set up a kingdom that will never be destroyed” (v.44).

Daniel is a book full of mysteries and symbolism, politics and miracles. Yet the core truth is hope for an indestructible kingdom built on justice and mercy. Over and over, Daniel’s humility and loyalty to the God of his forefathers is contrasted with the arrogance of kings. Though his gifts made him influential, we don’t see a man tempted to play the power game. You can imagine him walking through the palace, serving royalty, and telling the truth with a homesickness and hope in his heart that whispers, “Someday… Someday, God will make this right.”

Centuries later, Paul, another gifted exile, wrote this from the shadow of the Roman empire: “Then comes the end, when he hands over the kingdom to God the Father, when he abolishes all rule and all authority and power. For he must reign until he puts all his enemies under his feet” (1Corinthians 15:24–25).

Paul paints a vision of God abolishing any authority that isn’t His, even death’s. Every empire that rises will someday fall. A reign built on violence and power can never truly last before a new ruler comes and tears it apart. But we can trust that God is building a mountain to fill the earth. God’s kingdom has been inaugurated by Jesus’s death and resurrection, because after all, “The last enemy to be abolished is death” (1Corinthians 15:26).

God, revealer of mysteries, shares the kingdom’s secret through Jesus’s life and resurrection. Daniel only had part of the picture, but he still carried confidence in an eternal kingdom—one of peace, laying down your life for your friends, and pledging allegiance to the only King who will reign forever.

(42) Comments

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42 thoughts on "Daniel Interprets the Dream"

  1. Yt1s says:

    This post beautifully captures the profound message of Daniel’s interpretation of dreams and how it reflects God’s sovereignty. It’s a powerful reminder of the importance of faith in understanding our own dreams and challenges. Thank you for shedding light on this timeless story!

  2. June Pimpo says:

    God, I surrender to your Lordship today over my life. Thank you for the reminder that your kingdom rules over all. You hold the times and seasons in your hand.

  3. Annie LaurieAtkins says:

    We walk with confidence in an eternal kingdom!

  4. Carmella M says:

    Hi Tammy!
    Regarding what you were saying about where we might find ourselves relative to the statue in Nebuchadnezzar’s dream, the gold head represented Babylon, the silver breast/arms Medo Persia, the brass belly/thighs Greece, the iron legs Rome, and I believe that the U.S. (and our modern world) finds itself in the iron and clay feet/toes. In the past when reading these verses about Nebuchadnezzar’s dream, I found it kind of frightening to think about the statue being destroyed, but like you said, it is reassuring to know that one day this world will no longer know the pain of sin. I find that prophecy reminds and reassures me that God is the one ultimately in control of history, and that we can fully trust in His Word. All of this really makes me long for Jesus’ return.. .until then we keep on in hope and faith!

  5. Brandy Deruso says:

    Praying for you kristina healing to your friend mom!
    Be bold like daniel!

  6. Eryn Murray says:

    The verse: 11And when they bring you before the synagogues and the rulers and the authorities, do not be anxious about how you should defend yourself or what you should say,

  7. Courtney says:

    Praying with you, Kristina, for your friend’s mom.

  8. Courtney says:

    Good Morning, Sisters:

    I am so grateful for this community of believers of which I have been blessed and honored to be a part for about 4 years now. I have been so edified by your insights and wisdom and your steadfast faith and devotion to our Lord and Savior.

    I write today to ask for your prayers, as I have been in a job search for months, preparing and sitting through countless interviews with people at all levels of an organization. At the last company, I sat through 9 interviews and all but 8 people wanted me to be hired. However, the ninth person was the ultimate decider and that person voted “no”. A similar (but not exact) scenario has played out in the last 3 companies at which I have interviewed.

    I tell you all of this because this trial is REALLY wearing on me. I know that the heat from a trial is supposed to mold you into the person God wants you to be, and I must say that it has changed me for the better, but, honestly, I am very discouraged and worn out. The humiliation of being without work for so long is almost more than I can bear sometimes. But I thank God for His provision during this drought because my situation could be so much worse.

    This is a very verbose way of asking you to please pray for me. I know that God hears my prayers for a job because He answers other prayers. For some reason, He is just not answering this one. So, I am asking, not that you pray that God will provide me with a new job, but that you pray that I will have courage, endurance, confidence, and a stronger faith while I wait for Him to answer my prayer for a job.

    Thanks so much, sisters, and have a wonderful and blessed day!!

    1. Amara Thein says:

      Prayers for you—for God to be your strength, peace, and patience while you learn to trust more in his perfect timing and perfect plan for you! I’ve been in a similar situation recently and I can understand that kind of discouragement. I just prayed over and over again for God to renew my faith and build my trust in him everyday. Blessings to you!

    2. Jen Brewer says:

      Just prayed for you, Courtney ❤️

    3. Laurie Crary says:

      Courtney, I will lift you up in prayer. God is faithful.

    4. Alice R says:

      Courtney I’ve been in the place u r in and I feel for u.. it’s horrible. BUT in hindsight I am so glad the Lord took me through it because I learned to trust Him AND he had something better in store for me. Have u thanked him and praised him for your situation? Do it! Pour your heart out to Him, ask Him for help and provision, but thank Him when his answer is No. In ALL things God works for the good of those who love him. Xx

    5. Lauren Gruber says:

      Just prayed for you. ❤️

  9. Kristina Shank says:

    Hi ladies! I am loving this Bible study so far! I love getting on here and reading the comments afterwards. Before doing my quiet time I just found out that a friend of mine got some bad news. His father passed away on Tuesday from COVID and his mom is in the hospital with it. As I was reading the comments I knew I had to ask. Ladies can you join me in praying for his mom so that he doesn’t loose both his parents. Of course God would hear my prayers but the prayers of many are so strong and I know he would appreciate it.

    1. Jane K says:

      Praying with you, Kristina, for healing for your friend’s mom

    2. Kristin Seward says:

      Praying with you ❤️

  10. Sara Moore says:

    Today’s reading is so appropriate for our world today. Gods kingdom surpasses all earthly ones. We need this reminder daily.

  11. Makenzie Benish says:

    Someday, God will make this right! He will “abolish all rule and power” (1 Corinthians 15:25) and is building a mountain to fill the earth. Let us, like Daniel, carry confidence in an eternal kingdom!

  12. Lindsay C. says:

    I have to give it to Nebuchadnezzar…he followed through on his promise from earlier in chapter 2. It’s interesting to me that he wasn’t rash and angry about the interpretation of the dream considering it wasn’t in his favor. God gave the king self-control and humility in that moment, in much the same way He allowed a non-believing Nebuchadnezzar to have power, glory and strength.

    God is sovereign over all things, and can and will use anyone to accomplish His plans. I will be well served to remember this when I am fighting pride and self-righteousness. He is above all, through all, and in all. Praise God that this dream about His eternal kingdom is a certainty.

  13. Tammy Dill says:

    Wow, so many good nuggets of wisdom in here! I kept thinking where on the statue is the U.S.? To me, it was the feet and that scared me. But, then it comforted me that we flawed human beings wouldn’t be in charge forever. One day our true king will take over and will make everything right.

  14. Churchmouse says:

    Praying for you, Amanda. May our Lord give you peace and assurance that He is with you whatever the outcome. I pray for a good report!

  15. Laura Beckom says:

    So good. So thankful that this world is not our home that we have an eternal home to look forward to.

  16. Nancy Hubbard says:

    Praying for you Amanda !

  17. Amanda says:

    Hi SRT ladies! This is my first post but I too have read and followed along for almost two years now and like many others, I always read everyone’s comments and pray for each of the requests because I believe in the power of prayer. Now i feel God nudging me to ask for prayer – it’s not something I would normally be bold enough to ask for. This morning I have to go in for a follow up medical test and I am nervous for the results. If you could keep me in your prayers, I would be so grateful. I know God has me, whatever the results but I am also a nurse and so my own brain can get my anxiety going. I pray that my faith remains strong and unwavering like Daniel’s. Thank you SRT sisters. I am so thankful for this community and this group of incredible women ❤️

    1. Tammy Dill says:

      Prayers ❤️

    2. Christie Mullins says:

      Praying Amanda!!

    3. Makenzie Benish says:

      Praying for you to have strength and peace!

    4. Kelly Underwood says:

      I have the same thing happening tomorrow. Follow up tests. Just prayer for you! Hope you have a restful night and a peace-filled day tomorrow

  18. Maura says:

    Wow, Jen Rose Yokel, thank you. I always loved Daniel revealing the dreams of the king but too never equated the Mountain rising up and filling the earth with Jesus Kingdom. So good to keep learning about our true King of kings. I agree with you Angie if we humble ourselves in prayer cleave to the Vine our Jesus, together in the Lord, the division that seems to be sprouting up in the world can never separate us from the love of God that is in Jesus Christ. We then become part of the mountain that will fill the earth. Praise God He has us in His hands. Keep loving those He gives you sisters, He is so good in all His gifts.

  19. Andi McDevitt says:

    Curious how everyone else is doing it. In the section about who was mentioned by name in each day’s reading, do you only mark who was mentioned in the portion of Daniel, or also in the supporting passages for the day?

    1. G Rogers says:

      I mark all of the people mentioned.

      1. Emily Albers says:

        I marked the ones from the supporting passages, but wrote a symbol next to it to note that it wasn’t from Daniel but one of the cross references.

  20. MARTHA HIX says:


  21. Bridget Rackley says:

    WOW!!! So much to gain from today’s reading. I love Angie’s description of God being “the Crusher” of evil and Giver of good. I actually wrote that down in my study book. But it’s so true. And I, too, thought about all that is going on in our country with the virus, the rioting/protesting, just all the separation we are seeing around us. I give it all to God. That is all I know to do when life gets chaotic. I want to learn to be a Daniel, to be so humble and graceful. I admit, there are times I try to handle the little things myself, but I have to be more intentional and just let God!!!! Bless you all!!!

  22. Logan Parsons says:

    God will make this right one day. Wow, yes, hallelujah! With the state of the world currently, I find myself longing more and more for God’s kingdom to come right NOW! I can’t imagine how those in the past and today, like Daniel, who were exiled in a country in which they could not worship, ached for God’s kingdom to come. Come Lord Jesus and make right this world!

  23. Angela Sutherland says:

    Wow…this portion from today’s reading “You can imagine him walking through the palace, serving royalty, and telling the truth with a homesickness and hope in his heart that whispers, ‘Someday…someday, God will make this right.’”
    This is resonating with me so deeply this morning!!! I’m looking around at this broken world, at these broken “kingdoms” of ours and feeling such a longing in my spirit for Home. But also, just an urgency to be alert and aware of what God is doing here and now and asking how I can help. What a time to be alive…for such a time as this!

    1. Karen Kubiak says:

      Angela, I too feel urgency to find where God is at work in our world and join Him there in obedience. Praying for discernment for you… and for all who also sense there’s a part for them in God’s plan right now. “Perhaps this is the moment for which [we] were created.” (Esther 4:14)

  24. Nancy Singleton says:

    Angie, I really appreciate your words today, especially about our divided nation. Our hope must remain in God, in His Sovereignty. Prayer & praise be to God, the blessed controller of all things!

  25. Amber Charles says:

    Daniel is so confidently bold in his faith. He is so transparent with the king about him not being a wise man but a man of God and lays down what God has revealed to him. He continuously points to God though out their conversation and makes known that He is the revealer of mysterious, that He is the source. I want the confidence that Daniel had in God. I am working on it. Daniel is a man who knows how great and just God truly is.

  26. Churchmouse says:

    Daniel’s humility is front and center. He tells King Nebuchadnezzar that he, Daniel, is no wise guy but that he knows the God who is all wisdom. Daniel boldly points this earthly pagan king to the one true God, the King of all the universe. Let us be just as quick to acknowledge God’s sovereignty. Let us boldly point others to Him as the source of Truth and our confidence. Let us dare to be a Daniel.

  27. Angie says:

    I’ve never seen this dream interpretation as an eternal truth like today. I always thought of it as a prediction of what the king could expect in the future. A confirmation that his kingdom would remain strong, while those after him would gradually become less valuable until one day they were destroyed. I also thought that in God’s amazing way of using all things for good that He used this dream and interpretation to help Daniel and his buddies be placed in a leadership role, allowing them some influence over things.

    Today the word Babylon struck me early and my thoughts grew. Babylon has always represented evil, sin and wrong in what I have studied. But I never thought of the statue, with all it’s different metals as evil and the rock coming against it as Jesus Christ, overcoming evil. I’ve never thought of my God as, “The Crusher,” in these scriptures.

    And yet, doesn’t God promise exactly that? For a time we will live as aliens, exiles in this Babylon. He has crushed the power of evil through the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ, our Savior and Lord. And one day, He will return for us, His children and take us Home to live forever with Him, dwelling in the “mountainous” power, love, and majesty of our God.

    The other fleeting thought I had was how iron and clay cannot form together for a sturdy foundation, and sadly how the US, is presently in a state of an iron/clay, divided instead of bound in strength. May God’s will be done, and we humble ourselves before him in prayer. In any situation, He is, “The Crusher,” of evil and giver of good.