Text: Isaiah 7:14 & Isaiah 9:2-7
It’s burgundy, worn down in some places, soft and mellow like crust of a holiday pie. The gold foil lettering spells out his name. This Bible was a gift from a pair of Jesus-loving grandparents at the occasion of my husband’s birth, full of hope for his future. Now, more than three decades later, this book thumps with their heartbeat, his heartbeat, and the heartbeat of all God’s people through the ages. It’s the book of Life, rich and layered, offering stories of hope and peace and redemption to all who open it.
I’ve seen that Bible all over the place, in all seasons of our life. It’s been a steady presence, a well-worn and well-trusted touchpoint. We prayed with it in hand while we were dating, and I wondered if one day I’d have gold foil that mirrored his last name. We cried into it when our third son Asher was born gravely ill and with no prior warning. That tattered and aged burgundy Bible has been a character in each scene of our life, its lines always spoken with Hope.
If you’re a Christian—a believer in this upside-down Kingdom and its King who saved the whole world—you already know how the story ends. You already have hope. But, did you know there are little love notes, evidence of the hope of a coming King, all throughout the Bible?
The book of Isaiah is known as one of the most important prophetic books of the Bible. As a new Christian, I was utterly fascinated by the threads that were woven between the Old Testament and the New. The Old Testament was no longer just a set of clunky books filled with rules and lists of kings; it was alive with tiny arrows showing the way to our Savior. Bible scholars believe that Jesus fulfilled over 300 prophecies written in the Old Testament!
The words of the prophet Isaiah act as a bridge between the Old and New Testaments, the whole book telling of a hope and salvation that man is powerless to create. This is pretty radical considering Isaiah was speaking among a group of people well-versed in how to be “good” according to the law. But tucked into the book of Isaiah is a promise of a coming King who will change everything, who will hold the government on His broad shoulders but will come as a child. It promises hope.
Hope. We see it all through Scripture. But it’s not hope in ourselves or what we can do—it’s hope in the promises of the One who never lets us down. It’s Hope who came as a tiny baby, turning the Old Testament prophecies into realities and making a big, beautiful pile of fresh promises for us to cling to. Like the words in that burgundy Bible, those promises are true for every generation, and the Hope who holds them will never fail.
For an added layer of worship during this sweet season of adoration and expectation, we’ve created a Spotify playlist for Advent 2014! You can find the complete SheReadsTruth | O Come Let Us Adore Him playlist at this link, or listen to today’s track on the player below. Enjoy!
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169 thoughts on "Christ’s Birth is Prophesied"
As for the super needy obsessive insecure relationship monster, one can only find love by first loving oneself. Accept your contributions to your past hurt, even if it was allowing someone to mistreat you… learn to forgive and realize every relationship is not supposed to last forever. Figure out what you were to learn from it and move on. I don't know about you guys, but I'd prefer a relationship with a mentally stable individual. You may not realize it but your wounds are mostly visible, which is so very unattractive.
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Thanks for joining us today, friend! We love having you!
xoxo-Kaitlin for She Reds Truth
Isaiah 7:14 Therefore the Lord himself will give you a sign: The virgin will conceive and give birth to a son, and will call him Immanuel.
Isaiah 9:6 For to us a child is born,
to us a son is given, and the government will be on his shoulders. And he will be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God,
Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.
Love these verses so much!! How the OT and NT connect is amazing! Everything in the OT is foreshadowing our great Savior coming to save us! He is good! He is faithful! Even when we don’t understand his plan!
Jesus’ birth was a promise of real hope, not the facade of hopeful things, events, and people that this world “promises”. Praying that we all cling to real, earth shattering hope this Advent season glorifying God for his presence in our lives and the yearning for all those who may not know him around us.
What an amazing witness you are to your son ! I believe another sign from God that he is faithful even during the worst of times .
I’ve been pondering Gods amazing love… He could have destroyed us and started again. He could have easily wiped the slate clean, but God loves us so much, and desires to have relationship with us SO MUCH, that he came himself as a man. He suffered, the agony and pain of the beatings and the cross – himself.
God came. He did it. For us.
God did this for me. He did it for you.
That’s what love looks like.
That’s who God is.
This is the love of our father, for his children. One who lays down his own life.
He healed all our sickness, forgave every sin, crushed death – all to get to us. His desire for relationship with us came at a great cost, which he has paid in full.
What amazing love.
Why would I not want to forsake all and follow him?
Ahhhhhh…. Beautiful Jesus.
Be blessed sisters!! x x x
So many times I get upset and feeling too worn down and like there’s not enough of me to go around. And yet it’s so hard to remember in those times that I am not meant to be enough. Jesus is enough, and the promises we receive through faith in him are the only things that will ever be enough. What an amazing thing it is when you think about how long ago the birth of Jesus was prophesied. Praise God for his love and desire to give us that never ending promise!
I know exactly what you mean by feeling not enough. We so easily stretch ourselves too thin, thinking the whole world is our responsibility. But how freeing it is to know that we serve a God who overcame the world.
I’m just finishing a month of craziness where I wasn’t allowing myself any rest. So good to hear that he came to destory the rods that burden is.
Hope has been my prayer word for the past two years and I love seeing God remind me of his never ending hope repeatedly!
Thank you for giving us LIFE! ❤️❤️
So blessed to have this series this Advent and for a God that is so good and loving! His promises are everything!! My mom got back some important biopsy results today and everything turned out ok….so uplifted by His goodness !!!!!
I love the verse 9:7 like most of you. But mostly because it is awesome to see that God wants to ZEALOUSLY give us his Son, increase peace and his government, and establish the throne of David forever! He wants to do these things with great energy and enthusiasm! If that doesn't show his crazy love for us, I don't know what does! We are so greatly loved!!
So many names for such a wonderful God! I am so blessed this Christmas season and thankful for having so many uplifting verses. There is no end to his reign!!!
I love how Isaiah 9:7 specifies that his reign has no end… He will uphold peace & righteousness FOREVER! That means He’s still going strong, even in THIS moment, here in 2014. His power has not shriveled, withered, faded, expired, or dimmed. Thank you Jesus!
It is so comforting to study the prophesies that Jesus fulfilled! Today’s message reminded me that it’s not what I can do but what has already been done. I tend to be too much of a “doer” (like all the time!) instead I need to slow down, let go and remember it’s already been done.
I love this- super uplifting.
Jojo, I am a “doer” just like you! It’s definitely a challenge for me as well. Glad to see I’m not alone
In our church, our pastor talks about this! He says that it’s important to study the Old Testament because, without it, we would have no need for Jesus!
This connection of hope because of fulfilled promises of God is so thought provoking. I’ve been looking for hope for so long. But been discouraged by repeated failures of people (others and myself). How can I trust God (who I can’t see) to be faithful when I’ve been hurt so deeply by the faithlessness of people I love? But He is above that. He is different. When He makes promises, He keeps them. This I have to think about. Perhaps there is hope in all of this after all.
Yes Antimony there is truth to this! The physical laws of a 24 hour day and gravity were put into place by the same God who asks you to trust that redeeming you and the world is the focus of his self-sacrificing plan! Look up a book on Amazon or anyplace, the title is MERE CHRISTIANITY. The author is C S Lewis. He wrote it while grappling with the same doubts and questions you are. I would be glad to purchase it for you if you need [email protected]. Praying for you!
I know faith is so much more than the way we feel but this Advent season I am begging The Lord to allow me to feel his presence. I have felt so distant and disconnected leading me to doubt. I need greater faith!
Praying Jeremiah 29:13 for you, Ashlyn. "You will seek me and find me, when you seek me with all your heart."
I watched a sermon one time that was about praying for stronger faith and a better relationship with Jesus. The take home message was that by reading HIS word and praising HIS name, you would notice the difference. I have repeated this to myself daily and I can feel and see Jesus’ presence more now than ever. Praying for you!!
Faith comes by hearing and hearing by the word of god. Grab your bible and read out loud or grab your laptop and go to thejohnankerbergshow.org for 24/7 audio scripture reading in multiple languages. When we read scripture aloud the darkness is parted by the light of truth!
I love how hope came as a baby. As a mother, I know I held the world in my hands when I held my two beautiful newborn babies. My daughter first and my son 22 months later. I believed in a future so bright and full of wonder. I felt it in my heart. In my soul. That sense of awe and wonder comes from a sense of hope. The very same one that Jesus provided in the ultimate form when he was born of a virgin in a lowly manger. He came bringing hope. Forever hope. To everyone. Not just the leaders and chosen people. To me. To my babies. Yes, he brought hope for the wicked sinner I am. Hope. Hope! I am eternally His! I love this study and the chance to fall in love with my Heavenly Father all over again! What a blessing. :)
I’m so loving my time doing this study at night with the kiddos all asleep. It is a beautiful end to the day and I wake up thinking of these lovely things. God truly shows us why we should believe and put our trust in Him because he knows we’ll doubt and struggle trusting. But what a track record!!!! I’m also realizing that the more I study, worship and practice resting in him and thinking of him, the less counsel from others I need on life. After all, I have THE Wonderful Counselor available 24/7 to me and he understands and loves me like nobody else ❤️.
The promise of Jesus’s birth is such a beautiful one! The hope given to all the Gentiles through these passages is truly breathtaking! God is so good
I think this passage is one of my very favourites. It is breathtaking to think it was written hundreds years before Jesus was born!
I am just loving this series! I’ve struggled so much with remaining steadfast in committing to studies in the past but the way this advent book is set up is making this 1000x easier for me and I just love the playlist to accompany it!
The Old Testament is so rich, I love seeing the gospel throughout it! Thanks for the great study.
I so needed this. I thank you for all of your comments, they have helped me more than you will ever know! Praise God for all of you.
Whoever sees this, please be praying I'd have Faith, Boldness, and Love to take care of some unfinished business I have with a company I recently got fired from (about a month ago). I need to return the company discount card they gave me, and I feel it put upon my heart to clear up a few of the things that got me fired.
Basically, for a few months, I was working at a Target store. There, I asked many people if I could pray for them– both believers and non-believers alike. There were many times when it was the Lord putting it on my heart, but more times than not, it was me and my unsound mind (at many points, I do admit, I looked insane). I was diagnosed with schizophrenia 3 weeks ago, and being on meds that have stabilized me, I look back at this time at Target with some shame and embarrassment. I know I shouldn't be ashamed, and that it isn't of Christ– but I still feel the need to explain this to my old HR person, so that what was dark can be made light, so that I can be a testimony, and so that any new jobs I have won't have this dark cloud of somewhat batty acts lingering over my head. This is incredibly frightening, not because of talking to the people, but because I'm afraid of disobeying God at any certain turn in it– I want to do it exactly how He wants me to. I also know this isn't from God, and I just pray that I'd have a sound mind to be be able to do this– God's called me to it, and I know He'll get me through it, but that anxiety rips away my joy. I need to trust Him.
Please be praying I'd trust the Lord, that I'd have His peace, and that this whole thing would ride exactly as He's called it to. Thank you so much.
PS– I said it in one of the above replies Yasmin A's comment, but I did an in-depth study and meditation on each of Christ's 4 names seen in Isaiah 9:6. The link is here, as well:
I pray it blesses any and all who read it! Jesus, bring us joy as we face towards You. Keeps our eyes, hearts, and minds fixed on You! In Jesus' name! Amen.
Your sister,
Yes I will be praying for you during my study tonight and that He gives you discretion. God bless you.
Oh how sensitive you are, AnnaLee, to the Holy Spirit leading you: God is with you. You will know He is Immanuel on the day you are led to go to the company: God is with you. That you only want to do what God wants you to is just what Jesus did: God is with you. Jesus frees us from needing to be understood. Instead he allows us to be the one who is understanding: God is with us. I am praying Isaiah 9:4 with you right now: Since he has done these things, we do not need to do them…what joy! God with us. Let your sleep be with this covering over you as a blanket of warmth and grace: God with you.
Anna Lee I have prayed for you and am praying now at 10:45 am that the words of your mouth and the meditations of your heart will be pleadings in the sight of our Lord Rock and Redeemer.
Please remember that the only authority the HR person has is given by God. God looks not on our personnel file, incident report or pink slip, He looks on our hearts! Praying for you to speak the truth in love leaving a testimony of Gods mercy and grace. It is no accident that you have this disease. God is/will use it to form you into his saint of beauty. Walk humbly my sister and continue to take your medication.. You are brave, cherished, admired and chosen for such a time as this.
Pleasing pleadings:)
Tears. Thank you all so very much. Your prayers and words of comfort and support are amazing, and appreciated more than you know. Jesus, bless all of these beautiful women, and let them shine out in their real lives just as they have in these amazing replies. Praise You, Lord Jesus, for making us more than we are. I love you all very, very much. Thank you again.
Right now, I'm just waiting on the Lord for the right time. Pray for discernment and very clear guidance on the time to go. I'm waiting upon the Lord. <3
Be blessed abundantly.
I pretty much ignored the Old Testament for the majority of my life. It really hadn't been until recent years that I've actually discovered those love letters and those arrows pointing towards Jesus hiding inside the many lists and laws. It is sometimes overwhelming (in a good way) to think that God fulfilled prophecies and kept promises then just as He does now.
Isn't it a miraculous thing???
Love this one! And the reminder that Hope is always alive in God and His knowing plan.
What a great reminder that God’s plan is so much bigger and higher (and longer term) than ours, yet still he never forgets his promises.
Really love this study. Haley raises some interesting truths that make me want to study more. Would love a study on Isaiah and the 300 fulfilled prophecies.
That would be really nice!
I thank the Lord for the story He has woven together. From the beginning of time till the trumpet sounds, it's all about Jesus. In my stress and worry, I always remind myself that the "bigger picture" weaves itself into the little things. Jesus is with me even in those small stresses and worries. He cares about the big and small! That's what makes our God so good!
It made me laugh out loud the word choice that your husband’s Bible “thumps.” :)
4 For as in the day of Midian’s defeat,
you have shattered
the yoke that burdens them,
the bar across their shoulders,
the rod of their oppressor.
Today, this Hope, of our burdens being shattered feels foreign. Today I look at my sin and the promises I’m given and the rod of my oppressor does not feel defeated.
How do I navigate a season of Hope when sin feels so big?
Keli, the truth is not captive to your experience or your feelings. Use the “bridge” of faith, Christ Jesus to move you from your place of disbelief and trouble! You can put your trust fully solely on his completed redemptive work. Then, through His vantage point at the right hand of God the Father your sins will indeed seem shattered drowned in the blood of redemption. As in the text, all our sin great and small will be soaked in salvations blood ready to be thrown into God’s consuming fire!
I pray these scripture truths help you to rise in faith beyond the today of your sin Keli. Praying for you.
Forgive my use of the possessive your. I should have used our! Thankful that our doubt and sin does not determine the size of his promise or salvation!!!
Thankyou Taime :)
Keli, you are not alone in that. Advent is also a season of longing and desire – think of how long Israel waited for the Messiah to come and rescue! And now, even with all of the blessings Jesus has ALREADY imparted to us, there is still so much that is NOT YET made right. Sin is still a very real burden. We don’t hope for what we already see, but we hope in the knowledge that one day, Jesus will come again and make ALL things new, even as He daily/moment-by-moment is faithfully working to make you new as His daughter (even if it feels slow or non-existent…He promises to finish that work). It is okay that you that way, you’re in good company- check out David’s laments or even Paul’s desperate cry out for rescuing from ‘this body of death’ in Romans 7. But the amazing thing is that no.matter.how. hopeless the situation seems, nothing is too difficult for Him. Where sin abounds, His grace abounds all the more.
Thank you Laura :)
I never realized what advent even was. I’m so happy to know now it’s all about hope and promises from our wonderful God. I wish i had known this earlier. It truly makes the Christmas season so much better and meaningful. And I love how the old and New Testaments are so woven together. Thank you SRT, enjoy your day gals.
Beth, I think I learn more about Advent every year, and become more thankful each time I celebrate it! What a wonderful season full of reminders of The Lord's faithfulness! Excited to celebrate it with you this year!
xoxo-Kaitlin for She Reads Truth
I am loving this advent devotion. It is such a reminder of the true story of Christmas and how we have so much to love about this story and Jesus Christ.
If I'm completely honest (and I can be honest here, right?) I get the promise that this passage gives us. Jesus, who was promised to come once, DID come. And that makes us able to confidently believe that His promise to come back again will be kept.
But I struggle with the fact that right now, today, I live in the in-between. The chaotic, scary, often-awful, broken in-between. How do I live in that place, every day? Somedays it seems like a promise is just not enough to get through.
I know it's not pretty, but that's where my head and my heart are right now. Hopefully some of you can relate!
I totally understand that. Life is so hard and sometimes I am just ready to experience the promises first hand. It’s much like Abraham waiting for the promise when his wife was too old to bear a child. It’s like Israel waiting with baited breath in the midst of suffering for a messiah to free them.
But to be honest we have it so much better. You see, Immanuel God with us wasn’t just Jesus on the earth as a man, it’s the Spirit within us, the God of comfort speaking peace, the Almighty God actually filling us with his power. It’s not just about a face to face tomorrow but a heart to heart today. That’s what gives me hope in the chaos as I wait for my Lords return.
I needed this reminder today. Thank you!
We all have moments like that, I say lay that down for Jesus… And by that I mean devote yourself to prayer in a different way than you have. Maybe that means a different posture, maybe it’s a fast, you have to make that call! Also search for more truths in scripture that help you hope for the day more. Our circumstances suck sometimes but because one day we get to live with Jesus for me that’s what gets me through even the gloomiest days… That and turning my pain to Him! Hope that helps!
Keep praising Him – even, and especially, in the storm ! He is Immanuel – God with us; He carries us when we are too weak and we think we can’t take another step.
Philippians 4:13 NKJV
Emily, you can do all things through Christ who strengthens you.
Dear Lord, please give our sister comfort and strength, let her feel your presence in an extra special way this Advent season and bless her!
Blessings <3
It’s one of the greatest paradoxes of our faith: already, not yet. We’re saved but the Kingdom hasn’t fully come. Jesus told us we’d have trouble here, but to take heart because he’s overcome the world. So we do our part to bring the peace of the Kingdom here now! Not easy that’s for sure.
Trusting God in tough times is challenging and God uses these times to grow our faith. Just like when you exercise and get sore muscles from a hard workout, but the result is a muscle that is stronger and has more endurance….when our lives are troubled, we are overwhelmed, we have doubt, we are waiting, if we keep focused on The Lord through the word and prayer, our faith is strengthened and it grows. We serve a living God and our faith needs to be active. That's why we call it a walk of faith, the word is called our daily bread, we are meant for relationship with The Lord and you being involved with She a reads a Truth is a great way to do that!
Talk to The Lord about it. Read the story in Mark 9:14-24 where the man asks Jesus to help him in his unbelief. Also remember that if you've accepted Christ as your Savior, you're a believer, you have God's Spirit inside you and you are never alone and God will never leave you. This helps carry you trough those tough times. You're right, a promise just isn't enough. We have to actively participate in our faith. So many people come to accept Christ and then, that's it. We can't come to know God, His wonderful grace and draw from our faith without seeking to know Him more. I hope this encourages you. You're not alone, everyone can relate. Keep the faith, and keep growing your relationship with The Lord and he will bless you.
Thanks for the encouragement. All of these things my head knows but my heart doesn't feel. I mean, I am a missionary by profession. It is literally my JOB to tell other people these truths. But somehow right now, in my own personal chaos, they just haven't been connecting with my heart. My life is definitely in one of those "stormy" times right now, where you look around it it feels like Jesus is sleeping as the boat is sinking. But as my mom used to say – "the only way out is through."
Through this I am learning a new layer to Advent. A new hope. And boy do I need a new hope this season!
I love that, Jennifer! So grateful to hear everything The Lord is teaching you!
xoxo-Kaitlin for She Reads Truth
What a wonder to see the promises spoken by God through by the prophets and their fulfillment in the coming of Christ. What grace the Father has poured out on us as He reveals His heart for us. How I praise God for the Light of His Son that has dawned to bring me out of the darkness…for the enlarging of His nation which included me…for the joy He has given me to overflowing. My praise and unending love to The Wonderful Counselor, Almighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace…my Savior, my God, my all in all!
I never celebrated Advent until three years ago and it changed how I view the season. I have come to love how the scriptures paint a beautiful journey to the night the baby Jesus is born. And it fills me with hope that even in this sometimes declining world there is that hope to cherish and celebrate.
Hope. That word keeps coming back to me this advent season. Every year I pray and pick a theme for the year. The theme for 2015 will definitely include hope.
So many quotes and scripture from today’s reading that paint a beautiful picture of hope and redemption! I’m thrilled to be reading with y’all this month.
Such encouragement each reading brings….. If ya’ll could add me to your prayers I would greatly appreciate it.
Dear Father, please watch over our sister, Jamie. Guide her, protect her, comfort her, and bring her peace. Amen.
Dear Lord,please give Jamie strength, courage, hope to get through each day. Wrap your loving arms around her as she goes about her way. In Jesus name we pray. Xo
Praying for you now, sweet friend! We love having you here!
xoxo-Kaitlin for She Reads Truth
darkness ——– light
light is the result of choosing to believe God's Word and receive God's Son
darkness is the cause not the result of God's wrath
rejoicing this morning in being brought out of the darkness and into His glorious light!
kendall, you no longer dwell in a land of deep darkness – on you, kendall, His light has shone….
Immanuel – God with us. God with you. God with me.
Yep, thanks Kendall.
Little love notes… Tiny arrows pointing to Christ… Tucked into Isaiah is the promise of the King.
It feels so intimate to me. So sweet and tender to have these precious little insights into God’s heart.
I completely agree!! It’s absolutely amazing to me…
I, too, viewed the Old Testament as just that. Old, dusty, the pointed finger of an angry Father shaking at us, proclaiming "Thou shall not!" I remember at times it even being scary. And reading to my daughter, sometimes I worry that at 5 years old she might be scared. But the truth is, it's not scary. It is beautiful, because God is always there. He watches over and protects us.
I love that today's study ties the Old and New together. I never realized it, but the prophecies are all there. And looking at it now, it's not overbearing and burdensome. It's a beautiful blessing, a testimony of hope and life. A glorious vision of our salvation.
I am moved to tears today. I am finding peace within His word, a lifeline that is slowly pulling me from the deep, dark hole I've been hiding in. My Lord has embraced me, welcomed me Home.
Thank you, sisters. Thank you for your community, for your prayers, for your wisdom. Thank you, Father. Thank you for my sisters in Christ.
Kelly, I thank and praise God for you as well. May He continually draw you closer and closer to Himself and out of the pit you're in. I completely understand what you mean when you say that you're being pulled from that deep, dark hole– Our God is SO mighty to save. I pray He'd continue to show you just how mighty to save He really is. May today be blessed, as You walk as a child of light (Ephesians 5:8, 1 Thessalonians 5:5), "in the kingdom of the Son [God] loves," rescued from "the dominion of darkness" (Colossians 1:13, NIV). Continuing to pray for you, now! You are so loved!
In Christ,
Perhaps it's the season I am in personally, but I can't help but think to Mary and her overwhelming plate that would come with this prophesy. What a blessing this is to us, beyond words, knowing what the gift of this means. What must it have been like for Mary once revealed she was to carry the child in this prophetic word, the mother responsible for the Son of God. Whoa! I falter daily in my mothering and I don't carry the weighty blessing of rearing God incarnate. My heart is for her in this season … Makes me think to a song about Mary that brings peace to me as I endure in this time and offers itself as a daily, even moment to moment, mantra in my life right now. Grateful doesn't begin to cover the emotions surrounding the gift of Christ to me! ~ B
"Breath of heaven
Hold me together
Be forever near me
Breath of heaven
Breath of heaven
Light up my darkness
Pour over me your holiness
For you are holy
Breath of heaven"
My heart can’t stop dwelling on the name, “Immanuel”. To think the Creator of the universe would freely choose to be “with us”. To share in our condition, our suffering, while waving the banner of Heaven- my heart is in awe. Not only that, but the One on whom all earthy authority rests submitted Himself to it, for my sake, for my ransom. My heart is in awe of Immanuel this morning! I am rejoicing in this great name.
I am so thankful for this passage and it’s message. I needed to be reminded of the real hope we have through our Lord! It doesn’t depend on anything else, He is our hope. <3
He is our HOPE….Amen…big hug Becky…
Hope – our hope is in Immanuel- God with us. Love these words! Thankful God is with us today and He brings us hope for a future glory! ❤️
Amen Sonja..xxx
I recently blogged about how the Old Testament used to just seem “old” to me – just a history book of sorts filled with stories and rules that didn’t apply to me. Until God began revealing to me the promises it holds. That it is all about the whys and hows of Jesus. I am so thankful that He showed me that it’s not just some dusty old book; but is in fact His living breathing Word!
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Little love notes! I love that imagery! As an ok most 40 year old women, single that just gave me so much hope! Friends, if you have single friends this holiday season can be wistful, hard, lonely please try to encourage them!
When I was in a relationship, all those years ago….we used to leave little love notes to each other…they were loving…Ah my heart is filled with a greater joy knowing that God wrote little love notes way way way before I was even a twinkle in His eyes….
Blessings to you Carmen…x
Carmen, so true for me today and every day. I feel like an outcast at church most times. All the gals my age (30ish) married with their beautiful families, and I am still alone. Praying for you today, thankful for sisters we can lean on who know what we're going through. Hugs to you, my dear.
Amen Carmen 19 years as a single even family crowds can be isolating
The book of Hebrews is full of ties to Old Testament prophesies & the hope they bring in Jesus. One verse I was thinking of this morning as I read was:
Hebrews 6:19-20–“We have this hope as an anchor for the soul, firm and secure. It enters the inner sanctuary behind the curtain, where Jesus, who went before us, has entered on our behalf…”
May the hope of Jesus anchor our souls securely today and every day!
Love this! I remember that verse from our SRT Hebrews study. :)
Love this! Thanks for sharing!
http://reallyreallyrealhousewives.blogspot.com http://www.etsy.com/shop/queenbsbusywork
Praise God for God, for the promises He made and fulfilled/fulfills in Christ! It is mind-blowing to think that even before our own births, God “birthed” a plan that would allow us to return to Him even in the deadness of our sin-tainted spirit. He birthed an eternal hope for us that isn’t contingent on what we say or do, but one that is freely given and can be confidently trusted because time after time in Scripture and in the lives of those brothers and sisters who’ve gone before us, He fulfilled every promise of hope.
In Him we certainly have all we could ever need! Lord, remind me and my sisters that You are more than enough for us. And that in seasons of waiting, You are certainly still working out Your good and perfect plan! We love You because You first loved us!
I love how the Old and New Testament fit together like pieces of a puzzle. Isaiah's words of hope fit perfectly beside the red letters of Jesus. Isaiah 9:4, "You have shattered the yoke that burdens them, the bar across their shoulders, the rod of their oppressor." Jesus fulfills that and invites us to come and enjoy that promise: "Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. . . For my yoke is easy and my burden is light" Matthew 11:28-30.
Those two verses do compliment each other perfectly, don’t they!
Kelly, that was my thought…I was connecting the dots, but went in a different direction with my reply….isn't that awesome though…I just love everything about God, Jesus, the bible…life changing stuff…. Blessings..x
Just beautiful! I've written it down….thank you for blessing me with that today!
Recently, I began trying to separate in my mind the differences between Hope and Positive Thinking. A world of difference there, yet, in our world filled with worldly darkness they could mean one in the same. But because God loves us so much, he sent us His Son to be the Light of the world – a REAL and MEANINGFUL hope. John 8:12 "When Jesus spoke again to the people, he said, "I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness, but will have the light of life." The people who walk in darkness have seen a great light, it is Jesus, the Prince of Peace who brings wholeness and truth and promises that are upheld by the Mighty and of God. Real hope to a lost world. Real hope that reaches beyond circumstances and gives us strength for another day (Isaiah 40:31) Peace, Hope and Love…..God's simple and at the same time, most profound gifts of this season. I am receiving this for Him today, my prayer is that you and others will join me.
I feel that positive thinking tends to be more ‘me’ focused. (as in “I can do it”) While true hope is God focused. “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me”
I don't disagree that our thoughts can be "me focused", but my studying the differences was from a different angle. Positive thinking and hope to me go hand in hand. The beauty of hope is that it does shape and guide our thoughts and influences our character and our actions. In our lost world, the lines between hope and positive thinking are blurred and often thought of as one in the same and bookstores are filled with shelves of self help books that can be good but empty without blending true hope into the pages. Positive thinking is both spiritual and scriptural. A few examples are Proverbs 23:7 says the way a man thinks in is heart, so he is. Proverbs 17:22 says a merry heart is like good medicine. Jesus tells us in the Sermon on the Mount (Matthew 6) not to worry. Paul tells us in Philippians 4:6 to not be anxious about anything and in 2 Corinthians 10:5 he tells us to fit every loose thought, feeling and action to the structure of life shaped by Christ. And Paul tells us in Philippians 4:8 flat out to think on positive things.
You're right, true hope is God focused and praise Him that because Christ is in me, I can endure all things. And I'll dwell on the positive while it am
The English language fails us here – in many languages, hope is the same word as wait/waiting/expectation. We already know what we’re hoping for! It’s not wish-like at all, as “positive thinking” is.
Wasn't trying to spark a debate, but I disagree. Positive thinking done in a scriptural way isn't wish-like at all because it's rooted and based in God's faithfulness. I was merely sharing my recent thoughts on the fact that without real hope that Jesus brings, positive thinking is hollow. Yep, I know what I hope for but I'm commanded to think positively in Phil 4:8 as well as taking my thoughts captive and make them obedient to Christ (2 Corin 10:5). My own personal digging into these scriptures revealed more on the topics to me and led me to a deeper meaning for hope and I felt led to share it, not to argue. Sorry to have caused confusion, there.
My very favorite verse, the verse that led me to Christ, is in the book of Isaiah. ‘Come, let us reason together sayeth The Lord, though your sins are as scarlet, they shall be as white as snow.’ (1:18) My life before Christ was literally stained with blood and I have been literally, figuratively, spiritually, emotionally, FULLY washed clean and made new. Oh, praise his name!! I will sing of your love forever!!
Praise Him indeed!! That “while we were still sinners, Christ died for us” Oh what Love!! Joining you in worship sister!
http://reallyreallyrealhousewives.blogspot.com http://www.etsy.com/shop/queenbsbusywork
I love the idea of God's promises in the Old Testament as "little love notes." That thought warms my heart on this cold, cold morning. Imagine! 1000s of years ago, God thought of me and wrote little love notes to reassure me that hope was on the way. Thank you, Lord!
What a lovely and beautiful thought…Janet…Thank you…x
I love that too, Janet! What a wonderful God we have!
xoxo-Kaitlin for She Reads Truth
Isaiah is such an amazing book. I was saved in it. The hope ahead is everywhere. Loved this. Thank you!
I looked up the story behind O Come, O Come, Emmanuel since I am concentrating on Christmas Carols on the blog this month…written by monks way back in the Middle Ages, they were focused on the SECOND COMING of Christ in this season! The words of the carol look back AND look ahead to that blessed HOPE. Fascinating story. I pray I won't leave Jesus in the manger but realize His purpose in coming the first time was to conquer death, hell and the grave so He might come a SECOND TIME for us!
Thank you Hayley for remind us of the HOPE, as you said, not in ourselves or what we can do, it's all about Jesus.
Be blessed my sisters! ♥
Wow thanks for sharing!
That is one of my all time favorite Christmas hymns. I look forward to reading your blog! Always love knowing the story behind the song.
Lovely – what a shift in my mindset & heart for this season. Thank you for sharing!
This is wonderful! So grateful that you shared it. Look back with gratitude and praise. Look forward with hopeful anticipation!
http://reallyreallyrealhousewives.blogspot.com http://www.etsy.com/shop/queenbsbusywork
Hi Candacejo, I would love to read your blog study of hymns.. Would you mind posting? Thank you:) matl
Sorry Matl…I did some last year and only one this year so far. The list of most of them is at the end of this post. http://www.hopeinthehealing.com/2013/12/01/31-day… And here is this week's http://www.hopeinthehealing.com/2014/11/30/god-is…
Thank you for sharing!!
Thank you!!
That’s so cool! What is your blog?
It's HopeintheHealing.com Here is a link to a post where most of last year's hymns are listed at the end. Blessings! http://www.hopeinthehealing.com/2013/12/01/31-day… And here is this week's http://www.hopeinthehealing.com/2014/11/30/god-is…
Sorry to everyone looking for that post! My apologies. http://www.hopeinthehealing.com/2014/11/30/god-is… And here is a link to most of the hymns last year at the end of this post http://www.hopeinthehealing.com/2013/12/01/31-day…
If you’re a Christian—a believer in this upside-down Kingdom and its King who saved the whole world—you already know how the story ends. You already have hope.
Was anyone else singing Handel’s Messiah while reading? I always do when I read this passage!
Haha! I had commented the same thing the other day with "the trumpet shall sound" excerpt from Handel's Messiah. I am sure I will be singing to Handel this entire Advent study. The entire score is nothing but scripture :). Now, sing with me….
I don't think I know this song! Must look it up now that I have that recommendation! Thanks.
I LOVE Handel's Messiah, Sarah!! Off to listen to it right now!
xoxo-Kaitlin for She Reads Truth
My husband and my son have been practicing it for weeks as they are playing it in church at the end of the month – it is definitely running through my head!
I have hope; therefore, I have trust. Thank you Lord that your promises are true.
Amen to that, Tammy. Let our hope be found in Christ Jesus.
Lord Jesus, I pray that all of us would look to You for hope, and therefore, would trust you. Keep my– keep all of our– eyes fixed upon Your glorious, grace filled face of Peace, Love, and Mercy. May we all fall in love with you, Lord Jesus, and may our hope be sure, growing our trust in You each and every day. I praise You for that, Lord Jesus! We are more than conquerors in Him (Romans 8:37)! Jesus, grant us Your peace and bravery all the more, that we may boldly proclaim our hope in You! In Jesus' name. Amen.
Your sister,
I love the word Immanuel. God in us, revealed in us. So simply profound. Pondering the thought of such an awesome gift, the gift of Christmas!
I love that verse… His names are just so beautiful.
Praise God for you, Yasmin! This comment got me thinking on each of Jesus' names, and I did a bit of an in depth study on each of His names quoted in Isaiah 9:6 today. To anyone interested in it, here's the link:
I pray it blesses all of those who read it! Jesus, let us all see you in a new, refreshed, strong light today! May we, in reaction to your good grace, share and spread the news of who You are to a world who needs you! Amen.
I love the part in Is.7:14 "and The Lord Himself will give you a sign…" He will make sure we know….He fulfilled the prophecy of His coming once. He will fulfill it again…..and the second time our Hope will be turned to even more rejoicing because He will take us with Him. The Christmas Story doesn't stop at the manger….and I am so thankful!
Amen! "He will make sure we know…" all things He wants us to know, especially of His second coming. We need to keep that in mind! Heaven is near, and keeping our eyes fixed on it keeps us from becoming complacent, discouraged or selfish! Jesus, keep all of our eyes on You today as we go about our days, realizing just how near You are in every moment, praising You with the gifts and resources you've given us!
I love that too, Valarie!! So reassuring. Thanks for joining us today!
xoxo-Kaitlin for She Reads Truth
When my life or what I knew as my life, fell apart, with the loss of my daughter,…I struggled to make sense of anything…i argued, I fought ,i lashed out at God.. until one day exhausted, from my rantings I fell asleep, and God showed me a picture of my daughter, and where she was, she was happy, really happy…running through the most welcoming meadow…When I awoke I felt different, something had changed..in me…slowly I began to trust God, in that, He would keep my girl safe until we were together again, I was beginning to hold out my hand that we, God and I would walk together, and that i would trust and follow where he leads..Then my husband left us….again, another shift in life, another change, another heart break..another loss…I was a mess…I remember one day trying to hide my pain, from my children, by being in my room…when the youngest son came in…he could see I'd been crying, asked why I wasn't reading my bible, I told him I was cross with God and that I wasn't going to read it ever again…the promises, were just words…He, my 16 year old son, who is not a follower, yet, said…I,'ll be back, went downstairs, and after a while I could hear worship music…He returned with a cup of tea and said…Right now, let's say the Prayer…'Our father who art in Heaven, hallowed be thy name….' (have I mentioned how special he is to me…) In the short time, since the loss of his sister, He had seen me constantly with my bible, the only thing that somehow seemed to make sense, Yes, in this upside down life of mine…I had found a HOPE…way back there, in the last pages…that truly my girl and I will be united, that the tears I cry will be wiped away, that the pain of loss will be no more, ….my HOPE was and is built on God's promises, and nothing less, than Jesus Christ unfailing love, that I am assured of, I dare not trust the sweetest frame, but wholly trust in Jesus name….
Jesus' birth was prophesied…way way back, when the twenty-first century was but a distant dream….and yet today, how true, that hundreds of years after His death and resurrection, He is still the Wonderful Councillor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace…Our hope….Amen…
My Hope is built on nothing less than…..Jesus Christ….Amen..
Hoping and praying…you are so blessed today my Sisters…xxx
Beautiful. Your son is a blessing!! ♥
Candacejo, aye that he is…they both are…my boys..they have been through much and yet their hearts are in the right place…and I know one day I will be saying they have given their lives to Jesus …what a day that will be….Amen…sending love your way, dear Sister…xxx
Thank you for sharing. I’m praying for you this morning Tina xx.
Christine, thank you for your prayers and encouragement…Love to you…xxx
Your story brought tears to my eyes. Your son reminds me of my sweet boy. He might not be a follower yet, but he is a messenger in Christ. He asks me about God almost daily, and through his eyes, I am reminded of the blessings the Lord has given me. Your messenger is your son, as is mine. I'll be praying for you, sweet sister.
Kelly I like that….and I'd never thought if it in that way…that my son is and was a messenger of God in my time of need..praying your son keeps asking the questions, and one day thAt he will find the answers through you…bless you my Sister and your son…Thank you…x
Weeping over your loss and praising The Lord that He has drawn near to you. Thank you for sharing!
April, thank you…Blessings to you…xxx
I read your comments almost every day Tina and have for the years I’ve been doing SRT and am blessed to be one of the “sisters” that YOU bless. Tears this morning for you and for the HOPE Jesus has put in your heart for that glorious day. I’ll be praying for your son. Seems like His heart is a tender one. Oh Lord, please reach Him as only You can. Thank you for sharing your story and continuing to be vulnerable and open to Jesus.
Thank you so much Joy, for your encouragement to me…and for the prayer for my beautiful boy….God sure does have a plan for him…Thank you Lord… Blessings dear sister…xxx
What a beautiful picture. I love that although your son wasn't/isn't a believer he understand the importance of the word to you. That alone speaks volumes to your quiet witness to him. ~ B
Oh, B, I pray I am a great witness to my sons….one day at a time….big hug dear heart…xxx
Tina, God puts in my mind the mighty man of God that you are raising in your home! And how thankful the beautiful bride God has prepared for him will be to have you as mom in law in her life!
Taime' I had a tear when I read your comment, thank you so much for that encouragement…that's truly special…Thank you…God bless you …xxx
I am awestruck by the Lord's work in Your life. How His love and power is shown through your pain and struggle is such a witness to all of us, as it is to all others who know your story, as well as to your son. Thank you for being vulnerable, loving, and honest about such tender subjects. You are very loved, and very valuable to the kingdom of Christ our Lord. Be so blessed today as You reflect on the goodness of God. I love you very dearly.
Your sister,
Loving you right back Annalee…Thank you for your consist encouragement… blessings and love to you…xxx
Teenagers. They make you wonder if you are getting through to them at all. Until you need them to be strong for you. Then, you see what a fantastic job you’re doing and what a strong, Christian example you are. What a little gentleman you have!
Thank you for sharing your testimony. I am sorry for your loss and hopeful in our God to continue to see you through. May the Lords blessings continue to be upon you.
With Love,
Tina, Thank you for always writing from the depth of your heart. I love reading your writings, your life journey, and about your family. Today my eyes filled with tears and they rolled down my face as I read your post today. You are in my prayers. Two days ago i attended a funeral for a 2 1/2 year old boy who died suddently from croup. It was heart wrenching to be present and hear the cries of the little boy's mother. May she find that same comfort in Jesus as you have. God bless you sister. *Sky*
thank you for sharing! your words have touched me deeply, instantly crying. what a light God has formed you to be! Amen! thank you!
this touched my heart. thank you for sharing.
Tonight some friends and I were discussing how the Lord is truly good in all circumstances, despite how messy and confusing they may seem. In today’s reading, Hayley writes, “If you’re a Christian—a believer in this upside-down Kingdom and its King who saved the whole world—you already know how the story ends. You already have hope.”
She goes on to talk about how the Bible is filled with glimpses of this hope, and how amazing it is that we have that to cling to.
This ending that we know of, the truth that gives us hope and the peace that settles our souls, is one we need to keep in our gaze at all times.
In the craziness of life, things may seem so far from God’s reach. Situation after situation in lives around you may seem like He isn’t “showing up.” Yet, as hard as it is to go through these times (or walk with others through these times), He still is good. He has been victorious and we have nothing to fear. Praise be to God, who has saved us from the death we so surely deserve.
Let us meditate on this truth in this advent season!
"In the craziness of life, things may seem so far from God's reach. Situation after situation in lives around you may seem like He isn't 'showing up.' Yet, as hard as it is to go through these times (or walk with others through these times), He still is good. He has been victorious and we have nothing to fear. Praise be to God, who has saved us from the death we so surely deserve."
He is victorious. We have nothing to fear. How can He who has given His very son to die not give us all other things that we ask for in His name?
"He who did not spare his own Son, but gave him up for us all–how will he not also, along with him, graciously give us all things?" (Romans 8:32, NIV)
Thank you for this comment, Cari Jo. The Lord is using you. Lord Jesus, bless Cari Jo with the knowledge that in all things, Your Holy presence is unmistakable. Make her completely unafraid, doing Your will with boldness, love, and a sound mind (2 Timothy 1:7). May her joy be complete as she knows within herself that You will NEVER leave her side. I pray this for all of us, Lord Jesus. Amen!
Your sister in Christ,
Thanks AnnaLee!
For YEARS I viewed the Old Testament as a old stories could not for the life of me understand just how important it is to the New Testament.
While reading today I realized I no longer hold that^^ view. God has truly revealed so much to me over time and allowed me to see just how wonderfully everything is woven together. I am thankful!
I am also reminded that in times when I feel the to ask God to "just send me a sign," that He already has. Jesus lived, died, and rose again, ascended to heaven, & will be back again! Really, what bigger sign is there than that?!
Love that! He HAS already given us a sign!! ♥
“When I feel the need to ask God to ‘just send me a sign, that He already has”
Oh, how I love this! I will think of it the next time I am asking God for a sign!
http://reallyreallyrealhousewives.blogspot.com http://www.etsy.com/shop/queenbsbusywork
Amen…what a perspective…He has already given us a sign…I love that…Amen…
Arieltiana, thank you…x
I love this. Remember the signs that have already been given to us. Such a great thought!
I needed to hear exactly this today, sister. I asked God to "give me a sign" before reading this devotional, and this was a breath of fresh air mixed with good conviction, that I need no other sign but Him. Praise the Lord for giving you the words to say and speaking through you to so many in such a blessed way. Praise Him, who is both our Sign and our Sign-Giver! Praise you, Jesus! With you we can do all things, through your strength alone (Phil 4:13)! Amen! Jesus, show us Yourself in more and more beautiful ways!
Be blessed, sister!
6 For to us a child is born,
to us a son is given,
and the government will be on his shoulders.
And he will be called
Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God,
Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace”…. These verses give me goosebumps whenever I read them. How can we not respond? How can so many people still be oblivious to our Lord Jesus at Christmas (or anytime for that matter!) when he fulfills over 300 prophecies from hundreds of years before!! The evidence is all there, we need to be more willing to share it and bring others into the light of the Gospel. Thank you for this encouraging devo that is inspiring us to speak up, reach out, and share our eternal hope with others. x
Amen Shemeva! The apologetics are unmistakable: Our faith in Christ is not an ignorant faith, but is actually very intelligent and solid as a faith. Thank you, Lord, for giving us so much proof of yourself! "'I tell you,' he replied, 'if they keep quiet, the stones will cry out.'" (Luke 19:40, NIV)