Section 1: The Light of the World
This will be the first Christmas we celebrate without Uncle Jimmy. On a horrible Saturday this past summer, I got a phone call with the crushing news that my uncle, my only local relative and childhood father figure, died by suicide.
My sister and I cried on FaceTime for hours, and once I finally fell asleep, I tossed and turned all night, dreaming about where it happened, thinking about our last conversation, remembering what his voice sounded like. I prayed for light to fill the dark spaces of my mind. I prayed for the goodness of God to work in spite of the evil that led to Uncle Jimmy’s death.
In today’s reading, we reflect on good and evil, light and darkness. We start at the beginning—the creation of mankind. Right there in Genesis 1, fresh off of His miraculous “Let there be light” (Genesis 1:3), when He made everything we know, God made people and He made them good. Humans lived in the light of God’s love and they had nothing to fear. But, by the time we get to Genesis 3, we see darkness enter the perfect garden. We witness the first humans believing the first lies and choosing darkness instead of light.
We read of the pain and heartbreak that never really left. We reflect on the birth of death and the curse of human hopelessness. The brokenness that began that horrible day in the garden still echoes here as it steals life and tries to exterminate our joy. The evil one still lures people into the dark, makes them think they are alone, and makes them believe they are lost and can’t be found.
Woe to those who call evil good and good evil, who substitute darkness for light and light for darkness.
—Isaiah 5:20
Do you know who started the pursuit of darkness instead of light, the trading of good for evil? It was the serpent. It was our enemy. He modeled it first. And woe to the evil one who lies and steals and kills and destroys (John 10:10).
We’re all affected by darkness here in this broken world. We feel it acutely in the tragedies we face, and we even recognize it in our own flesh. Sometimes even rescued ones pursue darkness and hide from the light.
But those of us who are in Christ are not doomed to wander in darkness. We are the recipients of mercy and the heirs to the kingdom where no darkness can exist. Remember, it’s the first day of December. It’s the month we pay special attention to the reality that the Light of the World, Jesus Christ Himself, came to kill the dark to resurrect hope. The Light came and brought life.
Step into the light of 1 Timothy 1:15–17 with me, friends. It’s Christmas time. Darkness may have stolen from us and maybe it still hurts as we’re surrounded by our traditions and reminded of what and whom we’ve lost. But we aren’t hopeless ones who can’t see where we’re going. We’re sons and daughters of God, illuminated by His love. We’ve been forgiven. We’ve been led into the peace that surpasses understanding (Philippians 4:7). May our days be merry and bright…

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171 thoughts on "Choosing Darkness Over Light"
Megan I just prayed for you. Please continue to declare God’s promises over your life and seek the light. Also don’t be afraid to ask for help from a professional. Remember that just like your beautiful daughter that God blessed you with you also were created as a blessing and a divine purpose. Never stop seeking God’s direction for you. Look up Isaiah 30:21. This verse always comforts me.
I’ve been there too, friend. But those lies that your family would be better off, they are not from God. The thoughts feel so loud and so consuming that you believe it to be true — but it’s not. I am praying for you, Megan, that you see your worth in the eyes of our Lord, in the eyes of your husband, in the eyes of your daughter. Silence the lies and focus on the truth. You are a child of God. A daughter of the King! This grip Satan has on you is firm, but it will not prosper. This verse gave me so much comfort — “But in that coming day no weapon turned against you will succeed. You will silence every voice raised up to accuse you. These benefits are enjoyed by the servants of the Lord; their vindication will come from me. I, the Lord, have spoken!” Isaiah 54:17 NLT. Satan can take hold, but he will never win against the power of our God. Replace each thought with His truth. Seek help. We were never meant to suffer alone. ❤️
Praying for you Megan. Please talk with trusted people about this and bring your pain to light. I can relate to what you are going through and I know that bringing this out does help. May the Lord turn His face to you and bring you peace. You are loved and seen!
I’ve been struggling with anxiety and depression since my daughters birth 2 years ago. Lately, it’s been getting darker and darker in my mind as I think about how my family would be better without me. I’ve been here before. In my younger days, when I didn’t follow Jesus and it’s scary. It’s very dark in the corners of my mind and evil creeps in telling me lies. But it’s amazing to me when every Bible study I read speaks so loudly to me. I am so appreciative to God for speaking to me the way He does. It keeps me going.
Megan, I’m reading this today and praying for you. I am praying that you have found some help/management for your anxiety and depression and that God’s light fills & surrounds you ❤️
Healing is your portion god got you and your family we speak blessings over you and your family and the greatness of god over you to cover you and your child lord we plead your blood over we ask for wisdom for the Dr. And caregivers lord and heal lord so they enjoy their beautiful blessing! It is so it is true!
Lord you are great and worthy to be praised!
Hold on mama! It does get better. My baby, now 24 married with his own little one, was a preemie too. The days of NICU were looooong and difficult “but God” got us through all the twist and turn. The long hard nights of leaving him to come home, sitting and watching the other babies who were worse than him was terrifying. It was through those times I leaned more on Him than ever before and boy did He show out. It that moment it seemed to never end and now it seems so long ago. Praying that you heal quickly and that your precious baby will only be there for a short time.
May your light shine in this world, Lord!
I’m a brand new mom. My baby came 7 weeks early and is in the NICU. I had a traumatic birth experience and lingering effects from that. So many things have gone wrong and part of me is so angry and part of me wants to scream about how unfair our situation is. But I know deep down that it isn’t God’s fault. I know he cares. I know he’s near. I keep acting on faith even though I’ll be honest some days I do wonder if he’s listening. It’s like my brain knows he’s here but my heart hasn’t felt it totally. I want to strive more for the light. For not letting darkness consume me and make me bitter. I want these things so badly. So I trust that He will reveal why this all happened in due time and I will do my best to survive this and point others to Him.
Linda, your faith will never be the same and that is okay. You have changed and your faith will change with it but don’t give up hope. Look in the scriptures and see what God says now. Go to church not for the community but to worship God and pray that God will provide a community that loves you. I highly suggest reading liturgy/written prayers. In grief our prayers can get stagnate. May you find new light and new hope and new peace in your renewed faith. Remember that God allows hardship that we may grow and mature in our faith and our character that we may better glorify Him, the creator and maker of everything.
Hannah, I remember a time after my third child was born. I was so exhausted and getting by only by the strength of God. One morning I was rocking him and trying to get him back to sleep so I could go down and start the days meals for the others when I said to myself “I am just so tired” and I heard God say “I know.” As simple as that. No more explanation then He knows. He is with us. We are never alone. What peace! Praise God.
Linda, I’m sorry you are struggling. I’m a new mom and I’m TIRED. There are nights (many) I have prayed for God to let her sleep through the night. To just let me sleep because so feel like I’m going crazy. And I feel a lot of times He isn’t listening so I get angry – and I tell Him I’m angry. And in His patient way, sometimes through others, He redirects me to His Word. So that’s my encouragement to you, read The Word. He has already given us the answers there. It’s not always a burning bush moment, most of the time it’s a reminder through words. Praying for you sister
Man. This resonated with my soul. To the very core. It brought feelings of grief I wasn’t prepared to feel. I lost a childhood friend/brother 4 years ago. I was looking at pics of him before I read this today. I remember the months of questioning, insomnia, and obsessive searching for signs I missed of him calling out for help while he was still alive.
3-4 months after he died, I VIVIDLY remember being in Zambia jump roping with kids. Two of us were holding the jump rope, one on each end. The kids were taking turns jumping in the middle. The Lord told me to ask one of them to trade spots with me. I did, and the inexplicable joy that filled me as I jumped can only be attributed to the Holy Spirit. It was the most joy my soul so desperately needed.
Later on, a spiritual mentor told me she had a vision of Jesus reaching out to my friend as he died. I held onto that for months in those early stages of grief.
Praise the Lord He is light!!! And life! Praise Jesus that NOTHING can separate us from His love! I’m so grateful for Jesus’ sacrifice!
Man. This resonated with my soul. To the very core. It brought feelings of grief I wasn’t prepared to feel. I lost a childhood friend/brother 4 years ago. I was looking at pics of him before I read this today. I remember the months of questioning, insomnia, and obsessive searching for signs I missed of him calling out for help while he was still alive.
3-4 months after he died, I VIVIDLY remember being in Zambia jump roping with kids. Two of us were holding the jump rope, one on each end. The kids were taking turns jumping in the middle. The Lord told me to ask one of them to trade spots with me. I did, and the inexplicable joy that filled me as I jumped can only be attributed to the Holy Spirit. It was the most joy my soul so desperately needed.
Later on, a spiritual mentor told me she had a vision of Jesus reaching out to my friend as he died. I held onto that for months in those early stages of grief.
Man. This resonated with my soul. To the very core. It brought feelings of grief I wasn’t prepared to feel. I lost a childhood friend/brother 4 years ago. I was looking at pics of him before I read this today. I remember the months of questioning, insomnia, and obsessive searching for signs I missed of him calling out for help while he was still alive.
3-4 months after he died, I VIVIDLY remember being in Zambia jump roping with kids. Two of us were holding the jump rope, one on each end. The kids were taking turns jumping in the middle. The Lord told me to ask one of them to trade spots with me. I did, and the inexplicable joy that filled me as I jumped can only be attributed to the Holy Spirit. It was the most joy my soul so desperately needed.
Man. This resonated with my soul. To the very core. It brought feelings of grief I wasn’t prepared to feel. I lost a childhood friend/brother 4 years ago. I was looking at pics of him before I read this today. I remember the months of questioning, insomnia, and obsessive searching for signs I missed of him calling out for help while he was still alive.
3-4 months after he died, I VIVIDLY remember being in Zambia jump roping with kids. Two of us were holding the jump rope, one on each end. The kids were taking turns jumping in the middle. The Lord told me to ask one of them
Man. This resonated with my soul. To the very core. It brought feelings of grief I wasn’t prepared to feel. I lost a childhood friend/brother 4 years ago. I was looking at pics of him before I read this today. I remember the months of questioning, insomnia, and obsessive searching for signs I missed of him calling out for help while he was still alive.
I am going through a similar situation as well. Im about a month and a half into the breakup and the holidays seem to make it hurt more. Be kind to yourself throughout this process. The days will get better and that light and warmth will slowly start to creep back in. Just know you are not alone and that you are loved.
One day at a time and one small Joy at a time. Look for joy in little things. When we have reached the point where you are now you can only look up. He does hear you and sometimes it’s hard to have faith. When we find small amounts of joy like a rainbow or a beautiful bird or the beautiful leaves this time of year that will get you through to the next joy. Stop and enjoy it and thank him for it. He will continue to show you those things every day and continue to ask. Healing won’t come overnight but he is there right beside you. Never cease praying and giving thanks to him in your heart. He knows our thoughts and the innermost of our heart.
Linda, I’m not sure I have the words that you need, but I am praying for you. That you would know the true joy of the Lord and that you would find the healing that can only come from Him.
I lost my uncle the same way. Thank you for these words ❤️
I lost touch with God a few years ago. I had a traumatic experience and am still trying to cope with the aftermath. At the beginning when things were at their worst I prayed for help over and over. I finally gave up praying. I know I should have had more faith but I didn’t and now I am struggling to get back the relationship I once had. I feel depressed and isolated. I haven’t been to church in months and have no real desire to go. No one there has reached out to me even during the initial trauma except for two people so I feel like I don’t matter to them. I don’t know how to get that joy I once felt, how to pray continuously.
Choose light in a world of darkness
This desire is so beautiful and is evidence of Christ in you. Our works matter for Heaven (the Bible talks a lot about rewards for what we do here on earth), but remember that God doesn’t love you any more when you’re “good” or any less when you’re “bad”. Praying that you remember your identity and worth is secure in Christ regardless of your actions – but that the Holy Spirit work through you to make great the name of the Lord ♥️
Darkness is inevitable, but we still have the opportunity to chase the light amidst the brokeness in the world and within us. We are presented with opportunities to spread light to those who are surrounded by so much darkness and feel so much hopelessness. The Light of the World was born to put this darkness to death. There is hope in bright days ahead.
Wow days be merry AND bright. Lord help us do not walk in darkness but the Light of your life!
Darkness…it creeps in resting to suffocate our light but…God. His light, His plans, and His purposes can not be suffocated. His light can not be extinguished. No matter how dark things may seem, look closely, focus, God is there, a warm enveloping light that casts out all darkness.
Praying for you this morning Grace
I’ve been feeling really in the dark following a recent move, my husband dealing with anxiety/depression, issues with my extended family, financial instability, and trying to hold it all together for my husband and daughters. I haven’t been to in-person church since before Covid started, and I am feeling called to go back.
I’ve been feeling really in the dark following a recent move, my husband dealing with anxiety/depression, issues with my extended family, financial instability, and trying to hold it all together for my husband and daughters. I haven’t been to in-person church since before Covid started, and I am feeling called to go back
It is so easy to get tunnel vision in our lives and not see what others in the world are suffering. Sometimes we have our head down and then when we look up and see what’s going on around us it’s deplorable and heartbreaking. It’s so easy to just put our head back down and only worry about ourselves.
Father God be with those around the world who are suffering so much condemnation because of the freedoms that we hold dear to. Strengthen the ones who are persecuted in Jesus name help them hold fast to the promises that you have given us. revealed to us how to support and care for one another. Thank you father that you have promised you will never leave or for sake us in Jesus name I pray amen
It is so easy to get tunnel vision in our lives and not see what others in the world are suffering. Sometimes we have our head down and then when we look up and see what’s going on around us it’s deplorable and heartbreaking. It’s so easy to just put our head back down and only worry about ourselves. Father God be with those around the world who are suffering so much condemnation because of the freedoms that we hold dear to. strength in the ones who are persecuted in Jesus name. Help them hold fast to the promises that you have given us.
Praying for you, Michelle Coon! May the Lord bless you and keep you ♥️
Praying for you, Brooke Jade! God definitely is not limited by our circumstances, no matter how dark they are!
I’m sitting here trying to catch up on my reading for the week and I’ve had one of those weeks where I have felt hopeless and depressed and can’t find the Christmas spirit but the words in the devotional touches my soul thank you they were exactly what I needed to hear tonight amen
Beautiful reminder tonight – darkness covers so may people. Praying for all of you ladies, as we enter into this season, that light prevails in our lives!
It’s so difficult when you feel like you didn’t get closure. It makes it hard to start the healing process. Remind yourself of your true identity in Christ. He gives you your worth and will never walk away from you. Praying the Lord gives you peace and healing ❤️
You have been in my prayers for healing and peace. God is faithful, and has a beautiful plan for your life.
Not silly at all. When someone walks away without warning it can be truly devastating. I had a similar situation and it took time to see the light when I was hurting, but the Lord was right there all the time. I can look back now and see all those moments where God was reassuring me. Don’t be too hard on yourself. It’s not silly. And while every situation is different and I don’t want to say “I’ve been there before,” know that another prayer is being said for you.
Not silly at all! Praying His Peace that truly does surpass understanding to be over you & the days ahead. You’re loved!
I want to so bad make the right decisions and be a godly person for God and just make Him proud but I know that I don’t have to but I desire to. Some of it is rooted in never making my family proud and missing out on the idealistic love from family but I really want to live in light and be a reflection of Christ thru my actions more than my words.
Finding myself being merry & bright after this reading! We have Hope!!!!!
12 even the darkness is not dark to you;
the night is bright as the day,
for darkness is as light with you. – Psalms 139:12
For Catherine W!
It’s not silly at all. I went through the same thing 8 years ago, with my college boyfriend who I loved like crazy and was sure I was going to marry. I felt totally secure in his love and then one weekend he suddenly decided he just didn’t want to be with me anymore, and there was never any “closure” or explanation. I was devastated and it took me years and some counseling to process it and heal from the heartbreak and the reluctance to fully give my heart to anyone again. All that to say, I empathize tremendously with you and am praying for you today. Praying for God to heal your pain (be gentle with yourself as it takes time and everyone has their own story and timeline) and for His light to embrace you and warm you and that He would banish any fears/lies that you’re not somehow not enough or not “worth it”. (I don’t want to assume that you’re feeling that but I struggled with those thoughts for a long time.) you are worth it and you are the Beloved. And God is continuing to work in your life as he writes your story, and your story isn’t over. ❤️ sending you a virtual hug and praying for you!
May all of our days be merry and bright!
Praying for you Catherine!
Dark is light to you, LORD. You see it all and allow it so your goodness can shine brighter in the darkest moments.
Such a beautiful reminder ❤️
I will not be able to hear the phrase merry and bright without this beautiful reminder that we are not hopeless again. Grateful for that
Wow!! Really needed that today! What a blessing! Grateful for this advent season!
This is the best reminder ♥️
“Darkness may have stolen from us… but we aren’t hopeless ones… we’re sons and daughters of illuminated by His love.” I’m going to carry that with me today and repeat it every time the enemy tries to get me to focus on the darkness of what I’ve lost, which he has definitely been doing so much this week. I am not hopeless ❤️
Catherine W – lifting your crushed heart up in prayer. Cling to Jesus, keep your heart turned toward Him – he will bind your wounds and heal your broken heart. This is truth from the Word and I know it to be true personally. You are not alone. Cry out to the Lord – he hears you.
Praying Your light cascades upon Catherine. Maybthe door that closed l as swiftly to the one You want to open for her and May she rest in Your arms Jesus in the waiting & trusting. Amen
John 1:5 “The light shines in the darkness and the darkness cannot overcome it!”
I think of psalm 23 where it says the valley of the SHADOW of death! It’s just a shadow… It’s not real. Darkness CANNOT overcome the light!
John 1:5 “The light shines in the darkness and the darkness cannot overcome it!”
No prayer request is ever silly. Prayers coming your way!
No one is silly when they ask for prayer. The cause of the hurt is not what is important. What is important is that your Heavenly Father knows you, your heart and your hurt. Trust Him to see you through. I am praying for you.
Thank you God for light. I pray that as your body we will live in your light on this side of heaven.
Of course it’s not silly, Catherine. You are hurting, and God sees and feels your pain. He lives to comfort His children when they are in pain. I’m praying for you to feel His peace and presence today.
Father God let Your light always overcome the lies of the enemy in my life and those reading this amd our loved ones. In the name of Jesus I pray, Amen
I am struggling letting go of a relationship. He decided to walk away without any warning. I feel like I’m in darkness and I’m craving for that light to warm me. I’d appreciate prayers. Silly, I know.
Dead God, please protect me and my family from the darkness and evil thoughts. In youre name, amen
Here to see
My dad took his life a year and 3 months ago. He loved Jesus so much. I hate that he succumbed to the enemy and darkness but my heart breaks that this illness of depression is so hard to battle. I miss him so much. I cry weekly over his absence. I found out I was pregnant about 5 months after he died so now I have this beautiful baby girl who He isn’t here
My dad took his life a year and 3 months ago. He loved Jesus so much. I hate that he succumbed to the enemy and darkness but my heart breaks that this illness of depression is so hard to battle. I miss him so much. I cry weekly over his absence. I found out I was pregnant
My dad took his life a year and 3 months ago. He loved Jesus so much. I hate that he succumbed to thee
Yes! Just heard a message on that and how amazing. To be seen,
Praying for you Shanna.
Praying for you Shanna, and sending you love ❤️
This was perfectly timed. I have lost contact with family and my heart longs for God to just heal those relationships. But he doesn’t and I am not angry with him, it just has been a lot of dark days recently. But my savior holds all things.
I am so glad that I read this lesson tonight because the enemy has been trying really hard to lead me out of the Light and into the darkness and I almost let him. But God spoke to me and He sent good people into my life to help me. I do not want to feel that way again, helpless and unwanted I am going to step into the light and stay there because God is not done with me yet.
I’ll be praying for you, Madison! My Momma is a nurse, it’s such a tough job. I pray God blesses you and gives you light in your daily job, showing you also the good you’re doing and how powerful your impact is in this world. Thinking and praying for you!! May your days be merry and much brighter! ❤️
Tina, it was here in the US as well. “man, that was wicked good” or “Shut Up” (not in the traditional use), “Sick” for something really good. I agree and didn’t care for it either.
God, protect me and my family from the darkness.
Praying for your mother, Carrie.
Since I’ve began this Advent study I love how much I see the light in everything. And the need to be the light and show people who are in darkness how great The Everlasting Light is!
My word. How faithful He is to pursue us even when WE are pursuing darkness. We do not deserve His love – but I am continually grateful to receive it every day.
Sometimes even rescued
ones pursue darkness and hide from the
light. this was such a help to me – the pain of watching this is great. but our Light can pierce that darkness. His incarnation, death, resurrection, constant interceding now show how far He will go
Sometimes even rescued
ones pursue darkness and hide from the
My mom was diagnosed with breast cancer for a second time today. Feeling the darkness of the world right now. Thankful for the reminder to look for the light.
My hope is found in Jesus, the light of the world. What a beautiful promise to hold on too.
I’m so sorry for your loss. Praying now for all of you.
It is so easy to forget Satan was and is the deceiver. He loves darkness. My prayer is we recognize the dark for the lie that it is!
This was something I truly needed today. Having problems with family and feeling like I should just go with what they say that everyone does it and I shouldn’t make a big deal. But I needed this reminder that wrong is still wrong even if it is family. God is with me and will help me through. ❤️
My sister just had her little boy in June and became pregnant with another shortly after. His birthday is June 23rd and this little one’s due date was July 1st. We were all ready to have Irish twins in the family. Yesterday we found out that there was no heart even when he or she was growing so healthy at the first ultrasound. I pray that My sister finds Jesus’ Light in this time of darkness and that her, her husband, and they’re two sons (the oldest is 8) find healing in God’s scripture.
Praying so hard today that the light of Christ will be evident in the Supreme Court and the decisions that they make for life.
Praying today for those who need a closer encounter with the Light of the world.
Amen from across the pond!
This one spoke to me A WHOLE LOT dear sisters
I keep thinking about American culture and how it praises bad things over good. There’s so many sayings that choosing forgiveness and love and acceptance over bitterness and revenge is “weak”. There’s so many times where revenge and bitterness are glorified. So many people choose darkness over light and expect different results. But God doesn’t work that way. In order for us to have a great relationship with God… we must be obedient, humble, and choose light over darkness. We must not let the temptation of living in bitterness forever get to us… because, if that happens, when we are on our deathbeds we will regret it. So many of us, like Adam and Eve, want to rebel against God.. so many of us want to blame Him for the situations we put ourselves into.. instead of changing our behavior. We must change this about ourselves… if we really do want to change… and really want to love God.. we must put aside all rebellion and give our hearts to our most amazing Jesus.
Please dear sisters, pray for my mom. She is very resistant to God now. It makes me sad inside. I used to be like that… But overtime God has shown me the error of my ways. I just pray that she.. and really all of us here, can keep our hearts open to God, and how He can change our lives. Thank You!!
I pray that Jesus’s light will fill all our homes and families this year and also in the coming year!
Today’s reflection was really beautiful ♥️
Thank you Jesus for your light, and that the darkness can not overcome it
How often do we choose darkness over light? How many times during the day does that happen? It could be simply watching a video that we know is wrong or even looking at a picture that pulls up bad thoughts. Is that what’s become of us, especially in the light of Covid? So thankful that Jesus came for me.
My heart is heavy this season with many wrongs being done in mine and my husband’s families. This was a good reminder.
Beautiful reflection on today’s reading.
Thank you, Scarlet Hilbitidal for a beautiful read.
“We’ve been led into the peace that passes understanding
…… may our days be merry and bright!” Amen
So good! God is so good!
I’m so thankful that God’s light has overcome and defeated the darkness of this world. ❤️
What lovely fellowship within SRT this Advent! I love the Light theme. And I love all you ladies. What a difference it makes in your life to be in the Word and fellowship daily. There is dark all around us, and can take our flame away so easily. But God, He is for us/me. I just want to glorify Him this season. As I was in a Christian gift store this morning- I wanted to buy all my gifts from there! How awesome would that be if we spread the Word and Love of God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit with our gifts this year?! There is certainly something for everyone! I even got a cute beanie for my son’s girlfriend that says Choose Joy on it, with the verse reference! I also got one for myself (yes, this girl needs one still in Florida, lol), and it says blessed on it. The books for kids were really cool too. I got a bookmark for my girl in Ghana to stick in the envelope! Let’s shed as much light as we can with our giving this year SHE’s!!
BTW, my niece did not get to go in this morning for inducing due to no availability in rooms and is scheduled now for Sunday! Maybe she will fall into labor before then! Prayers for anxiety and aloneness, please! Thank you for the prayers for my marriage.
This was such a powerful read, thank you.
Thankful for the true light and that’s Jesus!
Dear Olivia…Day 4
May our Very Good Lord shine A Light so Brilliant it burns fiercely through All Things that Trouble you. I, too, can experience rushing, even random, doubt & anxiety. Our Very Good God alone Sees through our Darkest Fears, unflinching. He alone Knows the Way, absolutely. He is the One who Never lets us go. Believe. Selah.
AND, God led you back to the She’s community as just one manifestation of His Inestimable Love.
I really enjoyed today’s reading. I am a nursing student and I feel like a lot of the things that I learn about in classes and see on my clinical rotations weigh heavy on mind. Lately I’ve been feeling really run down by the things that have been going on around me, the approaching Christmas holiday which doesn’t feel the same without certain family members, and my annual “seasonal depression”. I’m so glad that this study plan focuses on God as light, because that’s exactly what I need right now. This is my first Advent with SRT, and I can’t wait to continue with all of you lovely women and men. Thank you!
Scarlet’s sorrow is like many of us here. I believe Christmas is the hardest time of the year if you have lost a loved one. But GOD has given us memories for a reason. Yes you may have that empty place at Christmas this year and all the years to come but you also have those memories to share. There’s one other thing you have — I have five of them now — an angel watching over you and your family at Christmas (and always).
I’ve found recounting the memories of the fun times, the crazy times, the silly times, and the happy times will help get you through the holidays. But don’t just tell them record them some how, either write them down, actually record them on audio or even make a video. By keeping a record of these memories the future generations will know about the family members they never met.
For the past eighteen Christmases I have had at least one angel on my shoulder. But GOD, I never expected it or wanted it. Yes that first Christmas was the hardest. I was fortunate I had family and a multitude of friends to help me through it. I also had other resources that I wasn’t afraid to seek out — mental health wise.
Lord there are those of us hurting and mourning this joyful season, help us to see the Light of Your Son and the Holy Spirit. Let us know You are there to share the pain and You love us. Remind us You too had Your Son die — a brutal death — and His death was so we could have eternal life. Amen.
Sorry for the long post sisters. Be blessed and know that you are loved.
Ladies, I have read your requests today and prayed for each one.
ANGIE and HEIDI thank you for sharing. Beautiful.
Thank you all for such a wonderful experience with Christian sisters. Peace and blessings to you today. ❤️
May way choose to light this advent season.
Sarah Groovy, I’ve been thinking about that song, too. The “Behold” album by Lauren Daigle is possibly my favorite Christmas album, right now.
Welcome back, Olivia. Prayers of peace to you. <3
Melanie– May God's light, love, and peace be great today in your community. May His heart for those children and parents be evident. God, please make Yourself known to those in pain. God, please comfort those who have lost. God, please bless them.
December 1st.
I woke up this morning with two thoughts:
1) Only 20 more days until the days get longer. All my sisters in the Northerns states — you get me.
2) Probably time to schedule my “Christmas Cry”.
The women in my family have a tradition of bursting into tears at some point during the holiday season (much to the distress/amusement of the menfolk). It could be a response to stress, eye-leaky emotions over a an exceptionally perfect gift, or grief over the absence of loved ones who won’t be celebrating the holidays with us this year.
The reminder that ‘those of us in Christ are not doomed to wander in darkness, we are heirs to the kingdom where no darkness can exist’ is especially timely and comforting to me today.
@OLIVIA_ praying for you as you walk through the Shadow of the Valley of Doubt. I’ve been there. Stand Firm! Trust that God will meet you there. The power that overcomes death and darkness can overcome doubt as well.
VALENTINA – Wow! Lord envelop V’s sisters and give peace to her own heart.
I’m so thankful for you, sisters, and the words of wisdom you share. I learn so much from you, and it helps me dig deeper into this study and God’s Word. May the Light of God illuminate all the hidden lies satan is whispering into our lives.
Wow, what powerful readjngs, devo, comments today! Thanks to each of you for sharing your insights, prayer requests, and praises.
SCARLET HILTIBIDAL, may God send a special comfort to you and your family.
TINA, your beautiful words blessed my heart!
ANGIE, I could see that program of light in my mind’s eye! So powerful and it got me thinking – an individual flame is powerful and illuminating, but it is also vulnerable. The smallest poof of wind or wrong movement can extinguish that flame, but the SOURCE of LIGHT remains; it just needs rekindling from a nearby flame. Makes me more thankful for this community!!!
HEIDI, thanks for the reminder about the part a tree played when sin entered the world and when sin was defeated by our Great Light.
I followed a footnote in Proverbs 4:19 which led me to John 12:35 – a great verse to remember!
Praying along with you all!
QUICK SIDENOTE: :) When I typed’mind’s eye’ above, autocorrect changed it to ‘King’s eye’!!! I found that quite interesting and almost didn’t correct it! :)
HEIDI – There is beauty in your meditation of the tree…The Fall surrounded a tree….The One who saves us was “hanged on a tree”…and yes, now your tree, covered in lights, points up *at* the top to draw your eyes up to Heaven…may it be a reminder to us all!
(Sorry if too much FOSTER MAMA this morning :D)
HEIDI – There is beauty in your meditation of the tree…The Fall surrounded a tree….The One who saves us was “hanged on a tree”…and yes, now your tree, covered in lights, points up add the top to draw your eyes up to Heaven…may it be a reminder to us all!
ERB – I miss your frequency ❤️ BUT Please know that you are NEVER “Out of sight, out of mind”.
(Oops, I accidentally inserted my comment to SARAHGROOVY and to ALL in the midst of my comment to OLIVIA, breaking it up :/ )
OLIVIA – I’m SO happy to you are back!
Many within our SRT sisterhood have expressed similar thoughts / feelings / struggles…Please know that you are not alone…we are enveloped in one another’s prayers and the One who made us as we continue to bring these requests forward.
SARAHGROOVY – You KNOW I’ll need to search for that song NOW!!
I love you all ❤️
I found myself looking up SCARLET HILTIBIDAL because, after reading her previous post and her style, I felt like we could be good friends if we met :) More importantly, it seems she’s written books addressing Anxiety/Fear as a Christian…might be worth checking out!!
MELANIE, I’m sorry that this has touched you even closer than the rest of us. Heartbreaking for all involved.
Again, makes me pray for the mental health of our youngsters, namely the ones brought forth specifically to our SRT sisters including the little girl I mentioned months ago. Constantly need for prayer.
NEED FAITH – I see you and feel you.
CASSIDY – praying for you to hold on, no matter how it is received by your boyfriend but praying he will share your conviction.
ANGIE – Fantastic!! Oh, to have the drive to approach such inexpressible Light, and be the light.
LORI B – Thank you for Gal 6:9…God bless you and all our precious teachers.
GRAMSIESUE – It’s been a challenging year… continuing to pray!
RACHEL – Praying post-surgery.
Today’s readings really resonated with me as members of my family have been hit with darkness. I thought a lot about my unsaved sister, Victoria who I have asked for prayers for on here before. But then also thought about another one of my sisters (a believer) who has had a rough week this week. Prayers for her and her husband, as on Monday she miscarried (they have two little girls, and we’re 5-6 weeks along with this precious bundle), then later that night they witnessed a man on a bike get run over by the light rail (a short fast train that runs in cities….like a subway above ground), when the ambulance came 20 min later, the man was still alive but in critical condition. Now this morning just got word that one of their good friends died from Covid. He wasn’t in the hospital or anything, it was pretty sudden.
As always, praying for you ladies as you post requests and praising as you report answers to prayers.
Olivia, I am new to this community. I am writing down your name and I will pray for you. You are so deeply loved by your Heavenly Father and He rejoices in our love towards Him. The battlefield is assuredly in the mind. Please read Philipians 4:6-8.
In August my nephew committed suicide. He was 27 years old. My sister and her husband are still devastated. And reading this today makes me realize how much the evil one lured James into the dark, making him think he was alone, lost, and hopeless. I wish there was something I could say to help my sister in her grief. Hugs to my sisters ❤️
Hi there, SRT community. I am back to SRT after several years away. I am blown away by the tight-knit care here. These readings on darkness and light are hitting home for me… I feel like I have been battling the darkness in my own head. I’ve been doubting my marriage, my capability, the meaning of my life, where I’m headed next. It’s exhausting, I feel like I can’t catch my breath without my brain latching into something else. This crippling anxiety feels like the enemy to me. I’d appreciate prayers for clarity and peace. I need some light.
Lauren Daigle has a Christmas song called “Light of the World – behold version” it’s been on repeat the past few mornings. It goes great with this section of our study.
Father God, I ask for your forgiveness where I have chosen darkness over light: sin over righteous. Please forgive me. I want to walk in your light. I want your light to shine through me and in me: lighting the way for others and banishing the darkness that desires to lurk in me, in the recesses of my mind, like dust piling up in hard to reach corners. “Search me, O God, and know my heart: try me and know my thoughts: and see if there be any wicked way in me, and lead me in the way everlasting.” Ps 139: 23-24. Amen.
Cassidy and Melanie, praying for you both.
I sit here staring at my illuminated Christmas tree and was struck with such awareness of our Creator’s wisdom and knowledge and GREATNESS.
The tree. Y’all He planted that tree- that now infamous tree- in the center of that garden and as He was digging the hole in the ground He already KNEW what that tree was going to be forever known for. For being an integral part of the fall of his beloved creation. I think that in as much as Jesus began feeling the weight of his earthly calling those last days and hours before the cross, Our God and Father felt the same weight and pain the hours leading up to those universe-altering bites of fruit. The first human experience of disbelief in our trustworthy Father and misplacement of belief in a destructive, lying enemy. He knew in that moment His Son who had helped construct this universe would be heading down into its (now) brokenness to suffer and give. So I sit looking at this Christmas tree and the juxtaposition in my mind of a tree wrapped in light. Please know I am Very aware that the C’mas tree doesn’t exist as a representation of the Garden. I’m just pointing out the picture my mind was shown today when reading about something that lead to the heartbreaking sin that exists in our world. To me, it’s now representative of the Light that has come to bring hope, joy, peace, love to all of humanity. A tree was a part of the fall… a part of Christ’s death… So to see them everywhere this time of year- but wrapped in light and beauty, it just paints a new picture whenever I see them now! :) His love has come and has illuminated a path to earthly hope and eternal glory. His plans never cease and His story keeps unfolding as it continuously moves to include more and more and more of us roaming this earth.
I pray this season- and beyond- we can walk in the humility of His light that has rescued us from darkness, AND walk in boldness to share that light with anyone in our path.
MIMI K and EMILY MCGHEE, thanks for the depth of your comments yesterday…truly we need to feel and “see” God with all of our senses!
@Melanie – praying for your community! How very sad and horrific.
May the Light of Jesus Christ reach those who are lost in darkness…a prayer I pray on a regular basis – “Lord save the lost, open their eyes, turn them from darkness to light, from the power of Satan to God so that they may receive forgiveness of sins”… Acts 26:18
@Cassidy – praying that you will have the strength and courage to make the right choice…remember – we can do all things through Christ -Philippians 4:13
As dark as the world seems, as hopeless as it might appear – The King eternal is still on the throne – He alone is wise!
As I’m reading this morning the light of day is dawning. Such a beautiful time of the day— such a reminder that God is still with us, he hasn’t left us to do life by ourselves!! We are called to let His light shine in us EVERY day!!
@Melanie I’m lifting up your community in prayer. The situation is so heartbreaking.
I am so thankful that our God does not let us stay in darkness forever. I’m taking time to reflect on the ways God has pursued me and rescued me when I’ve been so far from Him. He has never left me/you/us and loves me/you/us more than we can imagine!
@ChurchMouse… Amen! I love the name El Roi. I was thinking along the same lines as I read – Although Adam and Eve disobeyed and were hiding God, He still pursued them. Then, He asked them where they were instead of commanding them to come out, even though He already knew. I thought that was so loving and even humble of God. He is all-knowing and all-powerful, but wants a relationship with us instead of ruling over us.
@Melanie – I prayed for you and your community when I read your request. May God’s comfort surround you and those around you in your grief.
Scarlett, thank you for sharing your heart and experience with suicide. We live in a dark world and see people hurting who express their sorrows to us.
Then there are those who keep everything inside. They live in darkness and they choose not to let us see their darkness.
I’ve experienced suicide from a friend whose son choose this option. It’s heartbreaking.
Praying for you and your family as you seek the One who brings us light.
Beautifully written. Thank you for these words today.
“But we aren’t hopeless ones who can’t see where we’re going. We’re sons and daughters of God, illuminated by His love. We’ve been forgiven. We’ve been led into the peace that surpasses understanding.”
Not hopeless. Daughters. Illuminated.
I love the memory Angie shared. There is something so lovely about candle-light in the darkness. That tiny flame waving bravely against the blackness it pushes back. We are illuminated by the Light. Our little flames pushing into the darkness by the strength of the Spirit inside us. Leaving a holy imprint wherever we go. Our presence impacts the darkness. Don’t underestimate what God can do through your simple steps of obedience (even when you go scared or imperfectly!). “Let your light so shine that others may see your good works and glorify your Father in heaven.” Matthew 5:16
As someone who lives in Michigan, the news of what happened yesterday has been weighing heavily on my heart. Praying for God’s light to shine through in this dark time for your community.
I am a High School teacher, I am watching several of my students daily living in darkness. I pray every day that the Holy Spirit will dwell in my room, and the power of the Holy Spirit will give me the words to speak to these kids. I have broken conversations where students were talking about inviting deamons, I have said why would you live in the darkness rather than the light? This student just dismissed me by saying you can’t talk about God here. But I can pray! And pray scripture every day before they arrive. I know that the power of the Lord is greater than the darkness. He has conquered all that dwells in the darkness. Pray for the teenagers and teachers we are exhausted. I will not give up on them! I will not quit gal.6:9 is my verse!
Oh, Melanie- how terribly heartbreaking and the utmost example of the darkness that surrounds us. Lifting you and your community up this day. May the Lord that gives peace in indescribable ways be a blanket over each of you impacted by this tragedy. May His light overcome the darkness in this moment
Ladies pray for our community. Yesterday there was a shooting at a local school. Kids are dead and some fighting for their lives. It was a heart wrenching day being on the phone as a friend waited for her children saying they are hiding. A child from our youth group was shot as well. I have no words just grief. Pray for the families who no longer have there children For the 15 year old boy who is now in jail. And for a community that is heartbroken. We really need the light of Jesus today as we try to move forward
Cassidy – lean into God. He will give you the strength to obey. Praying your boyfriend will come under the same conviction and not ask to stay.
From HRT, “Darkness and light in the Bible often serve as metaphors for all that is broken by sin (darkness) and all manner of things which are good and beautiful (light). Advent is a season of looking at the biblical story of the collision between the two.
Surely, we know that this world is neither all light nor all darkness. Daily there are moments of glad delight and great sorrow all over the world. Advent invites us to deal honestly with this reality.” – so powerful!
Years ago I was in a program at church. Six of us stood by a flame in the center of the pitch-black sanctuary. We each had a candle lit from the flame in the center. We talked about the stark difference of the light and darkness, of how even the smallest light breaks through-but also how dark and frightening the areas outside the light were/are. Throughout the short clipped sentences, one by one we bravely took out light into areas of the dark sanctuary. When we had all finally moved out there was a soft glow filtering our vision. We then, lit the candles of the people lining the seats, and from the single “Light,” light after light was lit, and the darkness chased away.
Certainly that 5 minute presentation illuminated a truth. Darkness and Light do not dwell in the same space. The Light that breaks the darkness of sin and death is Jesus. His death and resurrection made a way for us to light our lights from His. Our first choice is will we draw close to The Light, the Flame, and be allow ourselves to catch the flame? Once we burn with the Flame of the Light of Jesus, choices come every day as to whether we will stay by the Light (good/bad choices), and also whether we will reach out into the darkness with that Light. Once lit, we will glow for Christ, but will our light be dim or will we use the glow He gives to move out and reach out to the dried, useless wicks of those living in darkness? Will we brave the darkness to share the Light and together not just glow but shine brightly and chase away the darkness.
I know this is a little different take on today’s reading but, it is where my heart went. Maybe, just maybe, in our little group of online ladies, there is a dried wick in the darkness that needs to know or remember. The flame that glows from our light is not our own, but Jesus’s – the One, True, Light of the World. Maybe, just maybe, she will lean in, be lit to flame, and share her light. Whether 15 or 93, we can glow for Jesus. Break through the darkness with His Light. Then spread the brilliance.
Thank you for sharing. Like many churches, our church does a candlelit service on Christmas eve, but I’ve never seen or heard what you describe. How moving and illustrative. I particularly like the idea of braving the dark with our lights. I pray that we would all recognize the light of Jesus within us and daily brave the dark to spread His light. Amen
Cassidy, I have been there, and I know how hard this is. I am praying for you!
I have recently felt convicted to tell my boyfriend he cannot stay overnight with me anymore. The enemy has whispering lies to me, “You’re still saving yourself, it’s not REALLY wrong, you’re an adult it’s normal.” Please pray for me to have to the courage to do what God is asking me.
The verses from Genesis 3 stood out to me this morning – that neither Adam nor Eve owned up to their disobedience being their own choice. Adam blames it on Eve and she in turn blames it on the serpent. How often do I fail to admit my responsibility in my poor choices, do I fail to say Lord, you and your Light were there for me to choose, and instead I chose to turn away to the darkness of lies, deceit, unkindness, anger … the list goes on.
Lord, forgive me and help my faith to be strong enough to choose You and Your Light, to recognize darkness for what it is and turn to You every time.
MELANIE – praying for your father in law, and especially for your daughter, that the Light of the Lord would shine bright in her heart and mind, causing the darkness to flee.
RHONDA J – praying for Anniston this morning and the precious baby entering the world. Continuing to pray for your and your husband.
LINDAK – thank you for the update, praying for a quick recovery
NEED FAITH – praying for you and your car/job situation, and for your coworkers and your boss
PAMC – praying for Fran and the knee situation to finally be resolved!
FOSTER MAMA – always praying for you :)
RACHEL – praying for you as you recover from your surgery
TINA – thank you for sharing the prayer. It brought a tear to my eye.
O the darkness still within my heart scares me sometimes. Hidden deep in the corners, it jumps out and seemingly engulfs me at times. Will the light within come back to overcome it? Yes! He has promised. Darkness is already defeated and will one day be extinguish.
From HRT: “Advent is about God’s refusal to let the darkness win. The psalmist writes that even when I choose to hide in the darkness, the same God who made me for good will illuminate the darkness in order to rescue me (Psalm 139:11–12). Even when I choose the bitter darkness of evil, God in His love pushes back the darkness with His goodness. No more clearly is this seen than in the person of Jesus. Illuminating the darkness and rescuing those trapped therein is why Jesus came into the world.
The first advent of Jesus was to save sinners, rescuing us from the domain of darkness. At the second advent of Jesus, He will fully put an end to all that is dark in the world, fully and finally.”
@Terri, I was listening to the podcast for the week they make for us, and Annie said that the serpent is stilling playing the same record. “ Did God really say?” May God help us to combat Him with His Word. The Holy Spirit can bring Scripture to our remembrance! Of course, I need to read and listen to Scripture in the first place. There are so many Scriptures that can combat lies and bring peace and hope that I don’t have tucked away. I would like to start memorizing more.prayers for you all today.
“But when the fullness of time had come God sent forth his Son, born of woman, born under the law, to redeem those who were under the law, so that we might receive adoption as sons (and daughters). And because you are sons and daughters, God has sent the Spirit of his Son into our hearts, crying, “Abba, Father!” So you are no longer a slave, but a son, and if a son, then an heir through God.” Galatians 4: 4-7.
Lord, every day I choose darkness, but, every day You are there to bring me back into the light. And Lord, You didn’t just save me. You brought me into Your family as Your child. I am overwhelmed with Your goodness.
Thanks Be To God!
Terri we all are naive thank you for the reminder.
We can’t say ‘I wouldn’t say, I wouldn’t do, if only ‘. no none of us can predict what we would say or do if we were in another’s shoes. This is called judging, just what we aren’t to do. We must love and care for others. I know this is difficult in some situations but we all need to be cared for and loved just as our Lord and Savior loves and accepts each of us. Praise God for this! Merry Wednesday to all.
One of my favorite names for God is El Roi, “the God who sees.” In Psalm 139:11 the psalmist tries to hide from God. He thinks “surely the darkness will hide me.” But then he realizes that God still sees him. Whether he is walking in darkness or in light, God still sees. Even when I’ve sinned God doesn’t abandon me. He sees. He cares. He will do whatever needs done to draw me back into His Light. I’m so grateful for El Roi.
Even when I’m caught in the darkness of my own thoughts, even when I can’t see the light anymore, blinded by sin and brokenness, You are there. My darkness is not hidden for You. Even in my darkest moments, I am not alone. Even there Your hand will lead me, Your right hand will hold onto me. For You the night shines like the day.
Thinking and holding all who have requested, and would like prayer up to Him who hears, knows and sees.. He is near, and He hears the prayers of a faith filled heart.❤
TRACI GENDRON, sending love and hugs wrapped in prayers for today to be a good day filled with God’s love and peace.. I love you my sister in Christ. ❤
A few years ago, some youngsters here in England, started using a language that was not to my liking!. To tell you they liked something they would say ” that was wicked” or “that was sick” these were to express goodness! Really!!!
Why would they use a truly negative word to describe something good?
Youngsters huh!
I am so very thankful for the Light that Jesus shines over me and mine, but sometimes my shame, or sin, has me hiding in the shadows of darkness in my disgrace..
But God..
He knows this wretch, and He loves this wretch, whatever her sin and or shame. He brings Light into those dark places, that I hide in, and says to me, ” My daughter, your sin, your shame, whatever it is that causes you to hid in the dark, is forgiven. Come take my hand into the Light.. let me see your beautiful face, made in my likeness. Let not the darkness hid you, rather let my Light cover you. It is well, my Daughter, it is well!
Thank you Dearest Lord God, Thank you that I am not defined by my sin or shame, but by your love and Light that that is in and around me.. always.
Thank you Lord God, that yes, my days can be merry and bright because of You, because I have known, experienced and seen Your Light on a daily basis.. thank you Lord God. Thank you..
Happy Wednesday wrapped in love and hugs across the pond!❤
As Scarlet says “We witness the first humans believing the first lies”. The first lie was “You shall not die”. Gen 3:4. Eve did not bring sin into the world. The serpent said the first lie which is a sin and brought sin into the world. Hard to blame Eve when I might have been deceived by the same lie. I can be very naive.
I have always thought about this verse, it was the first sin… a lie…in that now Man would die instead of Living forever with God in his Garden. I have Hope for the future with God in that this and all sins have been atoned for by Jesus.