What does your prayer life look like in this season of life? How, specifically, do you pray each day?
As a mom with small kids and a church to help lead, I will confess that my prayer life is often rushed. I pray throughout the day, squeezing it in when I can. I pray when I wake up, I pray when I am driving, I pray at meals, I pray when someone comes to mind, and I pray as I fall asleep. Because of this rhythm, my prayer life is often hurried. And when I do pray, I am doing the majority of the talking.
This is how many of us pray, especially in hectic seasons of life. God functions as a touchstone throughout our schedule, and there is some good in this practice. It reminds us of the ever-present help we have in Him. However, I have recently become convicted that this practice lacks something important: listening.
I recently heard a podcast describe the strange training regimen of NASA astronauts preparing for space. Because outer space is absolutely silent to a degree that we never experience on earth, astronauts must learn to adjust to it. They do this by spending time in a noiseless chamber where the silence is profound. In fact, the absence of noise is so absolute that you can hear the sound of your own body and its most basic, typically imperceivable, inner workings: the sound of your own breathing, or your heart beating and pumping blood to the rest of your body, the sound of skin sliding over sinew, of bones rubbing against one another—which is about when astronauts start hearing things that aren’t actually there.
This description is almost unsettling to read, but it helps us to grasp the loud volume of our everyday lives. We live in a world where silence, true silence, is difficult to come by. But as these astronauts have discovered, it is only through silence that we can hear things we’ve never heard before.
For many of us, silence is the missing ingredient from our prayer lives. We are unable to hear from God because we haven’t created the environment for it. This is what the author of Ecclesiastes is saying: He counsels, “Do not be hasty to speak, and do not be impulsive to make a speech before God. God is in heaven and you are on earth, so let your words be few” (Ecclesiastes 5:2). This is an invitation to turn our prayer life on its head by listening more to what God has to say, rather than solely bringing petitions and requests before Him.
This can be a challenge, but it is also a word of grace and good news to any of us who do not know what to pray, or those of us who feel pressure to pray in a certain manner. Instead, it reminds us that prayer is not simply about us speaking to God, but God speaking to us. If we will only make the space to listen.
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74 thoughts on "Caution in God’s Presence"
Never really noticed “don’t be afraid…your Father delights to give you the kingdom” tucked behind “seek first.” A little extra promise
Really liked todays stuff. The article from Sharon helped explain and put into perspective the begining of Ecc 5.
I am reminded of my favorite part of prayer that I’ve lost sight of
I need to pray and listen more. This really touch me
I have to be reminded that prayer is a relationship with God. And a relationship takes both speaking and listening
Be still and know I am God. It is only when I am quiet and still that I can hear His guidance.
This is definitely one area where I struggle with the most. I struggle sometimes with the consistency of prayer and when I pray I am not leaving space for silence and for God to speak. This devotional has really reopened my eyes to what needs to be done. I often ask God for direction but I never actually give time to hear what He has to say. This was great to read
Lord, please help me to seek You in silence, to listen for your still, small voice. Amen
How do you meditate or revel in Gods presence? How do you know he is there? How do you know what his answers to your questions are? I am often afraid it is me who wants to take the easier route or It is me punishing myself for all my wrong doings by taking the hard way. How do I know which path is Him? or if there is a third option i don’t see that is him. I want to be one with the Lord so badly but I find it difficult to do. When I do feel close to the Lord I often question that closeness later. Like was that truly the Lord or am i just trying to convince myself that he was there. Am i trying to comfort myself by making the lord be who I want him to be instead of who He is? how do I know the Lord is guiding me? I often feel like its a guessing game where i try option 1 and it fails so i try option 3 and it works but i never really know what God is wanting from me or for me. I just wish i knew without a shadow of a doubt that the path I am on is the one God wants me on.
Have been so blessed by reading about Corrie Ten Boom this week, seeing her childlike faith in her Daddy – Father – God! Whenever a problem came, she never doubted Him but had such confidence He would come through on time ♥️ He is sooo good and faithful!!
DIANA: so glad to see you in the comments today; I am catching up today on this SRT devotion, and responded to your comment, I think it was yesterday. I so feel for your isolation due to your affliction. Am praying for you.
TAYLOR: I also take you up on your challenge to meditate 10 minutes a day. I revel in silence at times, but don’t always use it to revel in God’s presence.
TINA: I too find it hard to actually wait for that response from God. I am so impatient sometimes.
LAUREL: Your story of your adopted children was so touching. I thank God for your heart to do that. I pray God give you silent moments when you can hear words of encouragement and strength from Him.
Thanks and blessings to all who share here and all who read the comments!
I enjoyed this lesson, I am think I am more in the stage of life where I pray several times daily. I look forward to a time where I can have more silence to reflect. I am struggling with the note pages with this lesson as how to separate under the sun and in the kingdom. I am probably over thinking it I guess.
Taylor, could it be that you need to show more reverence in relationship with God, before your meditation time?
Wow, this is a really good reminder. I needed this.
I just wanted to say thank you to the entire SRT community for your comments and sharing stories/insights. It’s such a joy to read and while I don’t often comment, I love reading through each and every comment because there is so much thought, love and care put into each one. Thank you.
Wow. This was exactly what I needed to read today. I do need to be more silent and just listen.
John Wesley’s mother knew the power of listening to God. Her children knew when she was in her rocking chair Under her apron That she was not to be disturbed as she was busy listening to God. What a great thing to teach her children. Maybe I should try if with my husband who always seems to interrupt my prayer time. :)
What a good remind about listening? And letting our words be few…our society runs on noise and chaos! And striving to get something and/ or striving to be something to the point, we can’t even hear him. Absolutely we need to learn to listen in the silence. Amen
❤️ Such a great example with long distance phone calls! I remember my dad calling my brother every night at 11:30 when he had moved to another time zone for a brief period. They planned the time to make sure they reached each other. And to make sure they made the most of their time together in conversation. It makes my heart smile remembering my daddy staying up to speak to his son. What a vision of God who is “up” all the time waiting to hear from us and to speak to us.
Prayer….this seems to be timely for me. During Covid, I have thought more about my prayer life. I have read 2 books about prayer that have been wonderful. And opened my eyes. I have begun following a wonderful, Godly lady, Kaylene Yoder, who posts scriptural prayers as well. Even now, reading my Bible and the devotion and comments, (that I love dearly) I find myself not spending time in prayer. This is my struggle. I mean, I pray. And I write my prayers out, but I am not spending time meditating and listening to the Lord. I am, like many of you, just talking. Hearing my words. So, Taylor, I want to take that challenge as well. I will meditate or try for silence for 10 minutes each day. Asking our God to quiet my mind to let me hear Him. I love this! Thank you for sharing!
I use an app called “Encountering Peace” which is a 15 minute guided meditation. It uses one verse for the day. I find it very helpful to get into a place of meditation. It takes me awhile to still my mind and this helps. Sometimes I pause it and just sit in silence with my Lord. Sometimes I go all of the way through the 15 minutes. The time goes so quickly. I just thought I would share what works for me these days.
Am gonna give that app a try!! Thanks for sharing
Bessie, I’m trying to find this app and it’s nowhere in Apple:) Is there a different name by chance?
It’s a website…not an app.
Mom to many, I am the same way! My mind is always going off, I have to rope it back in and say hey, stop this! Glad I am not alone!
Today’s reading reminded me of Jesus’ words in Matthew 6:7:
“And when you pray, do not keep on babbling like pagans, for they think they will be heard because of their many words.”
I too want to be purposeful in prayer and spend time communing with God, instead of just rushing to get in every prayer request.
Thank you for bringing this to my attention.. listen more
I try to remember to have silence in prayer. I used to do better but with my 2 kids (teens) are out of school due to COVID-19. My daughter is in to see me every 2-5 minutes to tell me or show me things from awhile ago. She doesn’t like to be alone. She is a very social girl. She doesn’t have any friends to call tho, so I’m her talk to person. I need to listen to her. God gave her to us 15.9 years ago. I prayed for a child to be named Viktor or Viktoria as a sign from Gd that he was watching over our adoption of 2 kids from Russia. Gabby was Viktoria. They called her Vika. Our son, 16 months younger, was Sergei. Gabby will be 18 in a few months. When we adopted her, she was 25 months & the size of a thin 4 month old; 15 pounds & 27”. Duncan was 8,5 months & fairly average for a 34 week baby, 18 pounds & 24”. Both have prenatal alcohol exposure. Both have preverbal trauma. I need quiet time to listen to God. That’s how I have best learned to advocate for my kids. Right now, it’s very hard since I have now quiet time. God will give me time tho. He always will.
Laurel, this time of quarantine with our kids with trauma issues is hard. I will pray specifically for strength for you as well as a quiet space to hear God speak over you and encourage and direct you
What a great study! I’m so thankful. Thankful for all your comments. Realizing I’m not alone in my insecurities with my relationship with God. I need to talk less and listen more. To truly believe he loves me where I’m at. To trust. To obey.
I am so glad that you guys are sharing practical ways to apply this silence in your lives with me because I initially read this and was like well I definitely don’t do that… but how can I? I normally pray in the car and with less time in the car now due to stay at home order I’ve been slacking at that as well. And even then I do all the talking. I love the idea of meditating in god’s presence for 10min/day. I use the Dwell app that reads scripture to you and it has a setting that allows for reflection in between reading. I may try that to start!
I love the Dwell app too, Makenzie! I often listen to it before bed to quiet my mind and refocus my heart on Jesus and all the gifts He gave that day. Also doing the 10 minute meditation challenge but likely in the morning or while my toddler naps in the afternoon so I’m more alert. Also thankful for everyone sharing!
The discipline of quiet. When I read that almost 2 years ago and I devotional, I said, I certainly don’t have that! I became challenged to try cultivating a period of quiet where I could listen to the Lord. I had just finished taking care of my mom for the last year and a 1/2 of her life. So of course I was already grieving. I began to sit in my little tiny garden behind my home And just observe what God has created, and be still and listen. He began to speak to me in such consoling tones. My life was always full of so many distractions, having raised 6 children, engaging with our 20 grandchildren, running to part time businesses, and singing either in my church or in the community. Whenever I would journal, which was not often, I would have to confess that I was too busy. But God stripped most of that busyness away from me while caring for my mom. It was a difficult thing, I but also such a wonderful thing. I lives got back to just the 2 of us here in our home, and so it was easier to be quiet. At last August our 2nd daughter in her 4 children moved in with us, and she’s going through a very difficult time of her life. I still have my quiet time in my little yellow Room, but have found it hard to be out my little garden listening . I was very encouraged and the ratings today and in all of your comments , To actively get back to that time of listening . I’m so thankful that are abba father never gives up on us!
TAYLOR: The book they mentioned is A GENTLE ANSWER by Pastor Scott Sauls. It is on Amazon now and I think they said it would be available next week.
“Make time to listen.”
I needed this reminder.
This is the main reason I do my best to get up before anybody else does because once somebody starts a conversation it interrupts my morning. I also need to do more “listening“ in the quietness of the mornings. Before the noise begins.
MELISSA GRAVES, you description of your life with your FIL reminds my of our earlier study that there is a season for everything. Yet, I do pray for you to find times of respite so you may enjoy the Lord in the silence even if just briefly.
ANGIE, I love how you took us through the joys and the comforts; the convictions and the corrections of our loving Father in the midst of your prayers. He truly is a gracious God whose love extends into intimacy with his children to show us his glory and to grow us into the holiness he has brought for us through the person and redeeming work of the Son, Jesus Christ! Thanks for sharing the ins and outs of a growing relationship with our Lord. I can say, “me too!”
Solomon is saying to have caution in God’s presence, but I believe the point of this study to remember that Solomon is showing us what all of life looks like “under the sun”- apart from the redemption plan that God brought us through Jesus. In reality, our new way to approach God is found in Hebrews 4:16 “Let us then approach God’s throne of grace with CONFIDENCE, so that we may receive mercy and find grace to help us in our time of need.” I kinda feel the devos here are missing the point. I love the study books – I’m getting a lot out of this study.
Cont’d… my 92 year old father in law who has lived with us for over 2 years. He has dementia and is nearly deaf and watches tv almost all day. We have provided headphones so that we don’t have to hear his tv at top volume, but he often forgets to use them. Did I mention that The Flintstones, The Three Stooges and CSPAN are his top 3 choices? It has been a challenge for me to handle this lovingly. In my flesh, I feel robbed of my solitude. But then God reminds me that my fil is there because He ordained it and He will provide the way for me to love and serve him in spite of the challenges. My fil was not a believer when he arrived, but he is possibly one now, based on changes we have observed and things he’s said. So, as much as I seek silence, I am also learning to give the interruptions to the Lord and rest in knowing that He will provide what I need when I need it and give the rest to Him. Btw, the house has been strangely quiet during my devotional time just now. Thank You, Jesus ❤️
Love your perspective and your heart for your fil….his TV choices are amusing! Praying silence for you…
Thank you, Margaret ❤️
Several parts of the scripture readings spoke to me today. First was Ecclesiastes 4:18-20, after I read this I was saying so true, so true You are so right God. Verse 20 especially spoke to me, “For he will not much remember the days of his life because God keeps him occupied with joy in his heart.” The second scripture the that spoke to me was 1 Samuel 15:22, it reminded me of how I needed to obey the Lord God and how this is what the Lord want more than anything else. Luke 12:32 is the third verse that spoke to me today. This verse reminds me even in these times all I have to do is to turn to the Lord when I fear something and He is there for me. He is my Protector, my Rock, my Father and my Savior. I don’t need anyone but God when I and He will take my fears away. Luke 12:34 is the last verse that spoke to me today “For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.” I can’t explain why it just spoke to me.
Sharon Hodde Miller, I am will to take your challenge. I am willing to listen to God. It will be hard but I am going to do it. Father God speak to me I have opened my ears so I might hear and listen closely and my heart so I might receive Your true words.
I wonder if the call to listen also includes the call to obey. How often do I talk about God’s Word but not actually obey what it says?
I am right there with you Jenna!
“God is in heaven and you are on earth, so let your words be few.” Sometimes God’s Word is so explicit it takes my breath. It seems so obvious while reading this passage that it should be me who humbly listens to Him. In actuality, it is me who is talking- offering praise, yes, but truthfully also a good bit of groaning. I love what Angela Sutherland said about how if we sit in silence listening, we may hear an answer to our worries or have space to relinquish them completely. Taylor, I too want to join you in the 10 minute meditation challenge. May the meditation of my heart be pleasing to you Lord.
I have always sought silence in my time with the Lord because I have difficulty concentrating with any noise, no matter whether it’s voices, music or any other man made audio interference. Enter my unsuspecting nearly deaf father in law, who also has dementia
I love what you’re saying here Taylor, I too will take a step in my obedience and just listen and meditate on Him. I’ve been doing a lot of thanking and petitioning in my prayer recently, but never enough listening – I often find myself saying, “I don’t know how to hear Him” or “I can’t quiet my mind or ‘turn off’ my brain” – I’ve always struggled with any type of meditation and even yoga for that matter. But I am going to try this, even if that means hearing the birds chirp or the gentle hum of my refrigerator, because I SO badly want to hear what He has to say and I think the only way towards that is to practice the art of listening with intent. Thank you for this challenge!
Kelly I also feel I can’t hear God speak. I’m so busy praying, I realize that I don’t pause and listen. I’m easily distracted, that does not help! I’m looking forward to just sitting with Him. ❤️
Thank you for the many kind posts yesterday as I shared about God’s blessing on our lives with Art Moore.
The title of today’s reading, “Caution in God’s Presence,” caused me to catch my breath. It is so important.
God’s mercy, grace, and love have been so undeservedly present all my life.
I respond to my 5 year old grandson differently, than my 3 year old grandson, or my 1 year old granddaughter.
God has responded to me differently throughout my life as well. He meets me where I am and helps me grow closer to Him. When I think just about my prayers:
There have been times I literally curl up in a recliner and mentally place myself in the arms of my Father.
Sometimes I talk with Him all day.
Sometimes I am silent.
Sometimes I am talking to Him in prayer and STOP because I realize, I’m just saying the words that are expected, but they are empty.
There was a time I addressed Him as a friend in a very relaxed casual way, and that was okay…until it became almost flippant and the Holy Spirit pricked my heart.
There are times I am silent in His presence and then the words flow.
Times alone, times with others.
Times that His Word is my prayer.
I’ve prayed selfish prayers. I prayed broken prayers.
There have been times my words are pouring out and I sense Him telling me to just stop and trust.
There are times my words are pouring out and I hear His comfort.
There are times the Holy Spirit must cry out for me because I cannot.
I am allowed entrance before the King of Kings and Lord of Lords. He gives ear to my heart. That alone should blow me away. He alone should be the very foundation of the reverence His deserves.
And yet He meets me where I am – loving me the same – drawing me close.
And not just me…everyone of us. His love is limitless and amazing.
Lord, may we always give You all honor and praise.
Beautifully said, Angie ❤️
Angie that was beautifully said! Thank you for that encouraging message!
Yes and Amen. Beautifully said, Angie!
So often we come to the house of God, ready to sit and rest, but without the conviction to listen, absorb and obey the Word of God. Even now, I’m finding it a little difficult to absorb what my pastor is preaching about because I’m thinking of all the things I have to do once virtual church is over.
We are encouraged to draw near to God, but always with appropriate respect and a right heart of wonder at a God who is seated in heaven. This respect is the same reason we should be wary of making vows to God. To break a promise to God is to sin, and we are better off not making a promise at all if we aren’t sure we can follow through.
I know there have been many times where I have promised to do something only to forget about it or to just give up. Lord please forgive me of my foolishness. Help me be a woman of my word. Help me to be more careful with what I say and what I commit myself to.
Amen Erricka!
I so needed this lesson today Thank you SRT!
I had been focused on the passage in Luke about not worrying and kind of expected the devotional to go in that direction. But in reading it and seeing how learning to sit in silence when praying and just listen instead of doing all the talking, I’m beginning to see a big connection between leaning into the silence, listening and seeing how that can help with not worrying. There’s a level of trust that deepens as I learn to just be still and know that He is God that makes trusting Him for daily provision be more natural. But it’s something I need to practice, daily! I’m thankful for this forum and these studies for broadening my perspective and making connections I didn’t immediately see!
Does anyone have the title of the book about gentleness mentioned in this week’s podcast? I was listening while I ran yesterday but missed what the title was. Thanks!
I feel like God has been calling me to listen/meditate in Him for awhile now. After reading today’s devotion I said “Okay God, you get 5 minutes! That’s plenty of time right?” And immediately I hear inside me “10 minutes”. So I set a timer, I sit back, close my eyes and say “All right God, my mind’s open. Hit me with it.” And… nothing. I have a song stuck in my head that won’t go away (not a Christian song so it can’t be of God, right?). Then the trash men came down my street for what felt like AGES and it sounded like every single person on our street had POUNDS of broken glass in their trash cans haha. Anyway, the 10 minutes actually go by a lot faster than I thought. The only word I might have received during that time was “It’s your breath in our lungs.”
God calls us to obedience and trust, but He might not always show up in the way we expect. I took that step of obedience to spend 10 minutes meditating in Him and while I may or may not have received an explicit word from God I know that time was used for His glory.
Will anyone else take 5-10 minutes to meditate with me today? I might make this my goal for this whole week. 10 minutes of meditation each day.
Taylor – I have also been feeling God call me to meet him in mediation and I appreciate hearing what your time looks like. Even if it doesn’t go how we think it should, every second we spend with God is well spent! I’ll join you in a daily 10 minute time frame to sit and listen :)
Ooooo, love it! I’m in! I’ve used the app Abide on and off but I find it really helps me to focus my thoughts on him, and the soothing sounds help block out the other distractions :)
*Him with a capital H ☺️
I find it easy to find space to listen but so hard to ACTUALLY listen. My brain goes a mile a minute and after a few moments I get distracted with one thing or another and it can be so frustrating! I know people say to “empty” your mind by writing things down etc., but I still find my concentration lacking. My prayer is to find that stillness to be able to hear from Jesus.
Thank you Lord, you provide for me and call me to listen to you in your presence, you want my whole undivided heart. I need not be anxious, but seek after you. Psalm 119:2. Your ways are best, and blessed, Daniel 1:8-9. I will wait, you deliver me, I will praise and glorify you, you are trustworthy. Please help me to delight in you, and listen to you. Great are you Lord! I love you, I will rejoice and be glad in you. You take thought for me. You are my God, and I take refuge in you. You are my helper, I will not fear. As I seek your face, you draw me near and I can be glad in you. Psalm 40:1-3
Amen. Thank you for these words God help me to intentionally listen more for you, your voice, your direction, your Spirit, your love. Amen.
This was profound today, as I always struggle with silence. I always have music or a podcast going on in the background. I have often struggled with hearing or seeing God through prayer, but have successfully seen him other ways, like in nature. But perhaps if I spend more time in silence, I can learn to listen to him in other ways.
So true… Be Still and Know that I am God. I need to be quieter and listen to what God has to say to me. I pray often but many petitions and praise to God. I need to be still and listen more
I have absolutely been challenged by this devotional. My life has cranked up a tad, and it is not always possible to down tools and spend time with God in the way I have done in the past..
What tosh! What lies! What…!
I could make time, only I blame, a sleepless night, or disturbed sleep, or tiredness.. so I laze around..
I, like you, Sharon Hodde Miller, am praying on the go… feel like I’m communicating, but actually am not waiting for the response.. He, God hears me and my talking, but I do not hear Him. I do not give Him my time.. or space.. or heart… fully. That is not a relationship, this is ‘no more than a noisy gong, a clanging bell’
But God…
Oh, But God…
He loves so much to the point of a gentle reprimand… reminding, a gentle nudge, wrapped in love here today, that every relationship works if two people are PRESENT, when an opportunity is given, for both sides to LISTEN as well as HEAR. (I wouldn’t approach an assistant, ask where the teabags were, and not wait for a response, dah.That may have been a lame analogy, but I hope it kinda made sense..)
I, personal, have lapsed in my waiting to hear God, in fact,I would almost certsinly say, I ‘do’ the right things, but I think without my proper commune with my saviour, my friend, my hope.. there is something missing.
Today is a good reminder, to stop, down tools and re align my being to wait and get back into a proper relationship with my God.
Thank you Sharon.. absolutely grateful for this..
Every blessing to you all, my sisters..❤
Eccelesiastes 5:2 reminded me of the “good old days” when long distance phone calls cost money. There were times of the day or actual days when the rates cost less but you were charged for every minutes of the phone call. People would be very cognizant of this and would be sure to use their conversation with a loved one wisely. What do you talk about? Do you tell them everything? Silence on a long distance phone call might have been viewed as wasteful. How different our long distance conversations are with God. He knows what is in our hearts and minds because He is all knowing. Choosing our words wisely in exchange for an opportunity to create silence so we can listen is priceless. Our conversations with our God are unlimited. Enjoy talking less and listening more.
I love this, thank you for sharing. ❤️
So true…such a lovely extravagance to be able to speak with and listen to the Lover of our souls, at will, 24/7!
Oh I love this, silence, recently as I was walk in the morning I have been thinking about my prayer life and realized there are days I pray, days I praise, days I sing praise songs, but recently I have added the parking lot of an old cemetery where I love the silence, and on a little tree stump someone recently added 2 porcelain Angels and a little pitcher and I always smile thinking that Gos has sent his angels and is pouring out his Holy Spirit, I love my walks.
And my 16 year old niece, who is almost blind from an inoperable brain tumor goes to the cemetary to practice her singing she has the voice of an angel and can’t attend her practices during this time and this where she goes for silence and is able to truly hear.
Lessons from Ecclesiastes 5:
Listen for God’s voice. While I may have much to say to Him, it is far more important for me to hear what He is saying. His Truth carries more weight than my opinions.
Enjoy today and be content. There’s injustice in this world, yes. There are also joys. Be grateful for the blessings I’ve been given. Enjoy the work I have to do. Express gratitude to God from Whom all blessings flow. Don’t worry about how long I have to live. Enjoy today now. It is a gift from God.