Carry One Another’s Burdens

Open Your Bible

Galatians 6:1-10, Proverbs 17:17, John 15:9-17, James 2:14-26

God cares about the things we’re carrying. Spiritual load, physical load, emotional load, financial load—you name it, God cares about the things that weigh on us. In Psalm 55:22, we are invited to cast our cares on Him and He will sustain us. 

Looking at the definition of sustain, it means “to give support or relief to.A powerful way God supports and brings relief to us is through His people. As followers of Jesus, when we abide in God’s love, our love for one another grows (John 15:10–12). The cares of God’s people can be collectively carried when we’re abiding in Him. The pain, fear, and uncertainty that plague us, the grief we experience, can all be sustained when we allow the people in our life to carry and intercede on our behalf and as we turn to help sustain others.

Though sometimes it seems easier not to trouble the brother or sister with our burdens, we’re commanded to not carry our burdens alone. Galatians 6:2 reminds us that we fulfill the law of Christ when we carry one another’s burdens. When we abide in Christ’s love and Christ’s commands (John 15:10–11), we experience the joy of the Lord as our strength. When we carry the burdens of others, we are not only loving as Christ loved but God uses our works to build up in faith the one in need and the one who is a witness (James 2:22). 

The world glorifies independence, but in the “upside-down” kingdom of God, we’re called to total dependence on the pioneer and perfecter of our faith (Hebrews 12:2). In Christ’s kindness, He knew we would need the body of Christ to help sustain us and help bear our burdens. 

A hug when we’re lonely. 
A prayer partner to intercede on our behalf. 
A warm meal to provide sustenance.
A financial gift to meet tangible needs. 
A hand to hold when we lose the hand of a loved one. 
A word of encouragement in a text. 

As we love one another as Christ has loved us, may we carry one another’s burdens and bring God glory. As Christ laid down his life for us, may we do what our Father did and lay our lives down for God’s people. Let us do good to everyone and especially to those who are the household of faith (Galatians 6:10).

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105 thoughts on "Carry One Another’s Burdens"

  1. Emily Tucker says:


  2. Lindsey Burgess says:

    This devotional was so well done.

  3. Justin W. says:

    Such a great reminder of one way in which we are to model our lives after Christ. To be a burden bearer is a sacred responsibility— thanks for the encouragement on this topic.

  4. Munchkin says:

    I have a hard time asking others for help, and I’m not sure who will see this, but if you could lift me up in prayer. I’m looking for a job right now, and I keep obssesively looking at my phone to see if I got any new emails. If you could pray that God calms my anxious spirit and helps me to realize it is in his hands, and for me not to worry. Thank you.

    1. Lynne from Alabama says:

      Praying for you, sweet sister! ❤️

    2. Christy K. says:

      Praying for you ❤️

    3. Dee Dee says:

      Praying for you! May you sense His peace and comfort!❤️

  5. Cee Gee says:

    He Will Carry You
    There is no problem too big God cannot solve it
    There is no mountain too tall He cannot move it
    And there is no storm too dark God cannot calm it
    There is no sorrow too deep He cannot soothe it
    And if He carried the weight of the world upon His shoulders
    I know my brother that He will carry you
    And if He carried the weight of the world upon His shoulders
    I know my sister that He will carry you
    He said, “Come unto Me all who are weary, and I will give you rest”
    There is no problem too big God cannot solve it
    There is no mountain too tall He cannot move it
    And there is no storm too dark God cannot calm it
    There is no sorrow too deep He cannot soothe it
    And if He carried the weight of the world upon His shoulders
    I know my brother that He will carry you
    And if He carried the weight of the world upon His shoulders
    I know my sister that He will carry you
    I know my brother and I know my sister
    That He, He’s going to carry you
    Oh yes, He will
    He’s going to carry you
    Songwriter: Scott Wesley Brown.
    This is an older song, too, but it reminds us that we can carry each other’s burdens because He first carried us. If we are trying to carry out burdens on our own, we can’t possibly carry another’s burdens as well. Praying along with you sisters! ❤❤

    1. Rachael Wade says:

      Love this song! Thank you for sharing Cee Gee.

      1. Cee Gee says:

        You’re welcome, Rachael! THANK YOU for this challenging and encouraging devotional! Based on today’s comments, it’s something we all need to be reminded of. ❤

  6. Tami says:

    As I read about carrying each other’s burdens, I was wrestling with posting and asking for prayer. Duhh! Next Saturday we move my daughter into her dorm for 2nd year. Last year was a really tough transition for her, daily desperate phone calls to me, not eating or sleeping, and the start of panic attacks, along with adamant refusal to seek counseling. My husband and I had many conversations about whether or not we needed to step in and take her out on medical leave. Only by the grace of God did we make it through the year. She still struggles with anxiety but is so much better and the summer has been a time of restoration for her. Can you please pray for a smooth transition to her second year? She will be getting four new roommates in a suite. Please pray they would be hand picked by God and Christian:-) Her rooming situation last year was a disaster which was a huge part of her anxiety. Thank you all so much.

    1. Sharon, Jersey Girl says:

      Continued prayers ford your daughter Tami – and for you. It’s so hard for us to watch our children struggle.

    2. Rhonda J. says:

      Prayers for your daughter, and for your momma’s heart.

      Another good Coffee Chat perhaps with moms with kids going off to college!

      1. Tami says:

        Love that idea Rhonda!

    3. Lynne from Alabama says:

      Praying that this year will be much better for Chela and for you, sweet sister! ❤️

  7. Kris says:

    The verse that keep standing out to me is Gal 6:9 “Let us not get tired of doing good, for we will reap at the proper time if we don’t give up”. It’s hard to keep going when you don’t like your job. It’s hard to keep giving when someone never gives back. It’s hard to keep eating healthy when you don’t see a result yet. It’s hard to keep moving forward when there’s so much pain. It’s hard to keep searching when all the door keep shutting. It’s hard to keep doing good….but scripture clearly tells us we WILL reap at the proper time if we don’t give up. So, I keep going, keep doing, keep trying, keep knocking…I will reap when God knows its the right time.

    1. Tami says:

      I love this Kris. I often remind myself when in hard seasons, “just do the next best thing”. It’s so hard to not become defeated, and that’s why I love the verse you mention.

  8. Natalie Perkins says:

    In a season where I really feel like I’ve been too much, I’ve asked for too much from those around me. This is what I needed to be reminded of. He sees me and uses those around me to pour into me and love of me. I see His glory and His love, how precious is this Body of Christ!

    1. Rachael Wade says:

      Thank you for sharing Natalie! I’m so glad God met you through this devotional today…you are not too much.

  9. Cee Gee says:

    From HRT –

    “Spiritual warfare is raging all around us. People’s loads are heavy. Many are sinking. Let’s reach down into the depths, and by God’s grace, bring them back up.

    Lord, give us eyes to see those around us who need your care. Let us be both the strong hands and the gentle touch of Jesus. Give us the strength to carry others’ burdens, just as we need help from others to carry ours. Amen.”

  10. Wendy B says:

    This is a word for me today and a reminder that we are not meant to walk alone. I don’t regularly comment but pray for the needs within this sweet SRT community.

    I am struggling. I am stable at the moment, but have an incurable cancer. I was initially diagnosed 3 years ago, but very, very sick for 5 months and almost died before the tumor was found. By the grace of God,and a miracle my life was saved with surgery. The road back to healing and living after almost dying was/is not easy in any aspect of the word. I have yet to be restored to who I was physically prior to cancer. My mental health suffered greatly and I was diagnosed with medical trauma PTSD and my body took a relentless beating and I developed other heath issues as a result. Eleven months ago at my monitoring scan a tumor was detected again in the same spot. For medically unexplained reasons, and most certainly by the grace of God, I am not sick like I previously was. Surgery will not an option this time as its unlikely I would survive. The medical team has advised a wait and see approach and I am not having treatment at this time. The side effects of treatment would be quite difficult and severe and aside from ongoing low energy and fatigue, praise the Lord I am doing ok. Having treatment with an incurable cancer diagnosis does not make sense at this time – quality of days surpasses quantity of days. My approach is we have no choice but to faithfully trust God for a miracle! I am monitored with scans every 3-4 months,the next scan is next week and scanxiety and fear can quickly rule my thoughts. Please pray for peace, calmness, that fears and darkness would not paralyze and spiral my thoughts and most importantly, pray for the miraculous healing we trust and know the Lord can do. He is able and my hope remains in Jesus. Thank you

    ‭’He who dwells in the shelter of the Most High will abide in the shadow of the Almighty. I will say to the Lord, “My refuge and my fortress, my God, in whom I trust.” Psalm 91:1-2

    1. Kris says:

      Sometimes I think my life really stinks…until I read something like your story. I’m so sorry you have been going thru such trying struggles. God, forgive me for thinking my life is rough. Wendy, I am praying for you now that you will feel God’s strength, healing, restoration. May He give you peace as you trust in Him. Even though the doctors say one thing, God can often say another. May you be blessed with a wonderful redemption story to tell for many years ahead!!

      1. Rhonda J. says:

        I am so glad you said exactly what I was thinking. Just as I am depleted sometimes, I read what others are going through in this moment, and I pray for them.
        Thanks Wendy B for letting us into your story and being able to pray for you. Are you on our FB Page? Maybe you would be up for a Coffee Chat with some of our survivors of cancer or in the midst.

      2. Adrienne says:

        Same, Kris.
        Praying for our dear sister, Wendy. ❤️

    2. Cee Gee says:

      Wendy, thank you for sharing this burden here! I will be praying in agreement with you for a miracle and also for God to be glorified in this! Sending hugs of comfort! ❤❤

    3. MARTHA HIX says:

      Thank you, Wendy B, for sharing that you are struggling and your medical history. I am/will be praying for peace, calmness, and miraculous healing for you mentally and physically as you anticipate your upcoming scans. Praying for physical restoration and renewal for your mind and body. ❤️
      Please keep us updated.

    4. Cathy McVey says:

      Praying for you now Wendy. Prayers for strength, comfort, and healing. I too have an incurable cancer but am in remission now. It’s hard to let others carry you but so important when you are burdened with fear and anxiety. Let us carry your burdens with you. Thank you for sharing. Will keep you in my prayers. Love you dear sister.

    5. Tami says:

      Dear Wendy I am joining you and others in prayer for a miracle. God did it once and I pray He will do it again! I pray for peace for you and that God will carry you as you wait for the results.

    6. Sharon, Jersey Girl says:

      Wendy I am so sorry to hear of your diagnosis. I can’t imagine hearing the news, but hope that if I did I would have your strength and courage to get out of bed each day and put one foot in front of the other.
      Prayers for healing, peace, calmness and that the darkness would not paralyze…just added you to my prayer list.

    7. Munchkin says:

      Praying for you Wendy.

    8. Lynne from Alabama says:

      Wendy, May God grant you healing, strength, and peace in this health struggle you are dealing with. Thank you for sharing this with our sisterhood. I have added you to my prayer list and you will be prayed for every day, sweet sister! ❤️

    9. Mia Faith says:

      Wendy, joining others in prayer for you.

    10. Candace M says:

      Praying for you Wendy!

  11. Cheryl Blow says:

    Also, praying for all!

  12. Cheryl Blow says:

    This past week i have been blessed to pray for 2 past co-workers. Martha and Kristy. Carrying each other’s burdens is a privilege for us to do. Someone took the time to text me to pray for them. Martha lost her husband, Brian yesterday and Kristy lost her daughter about 3 weeks ago to suicide. I can’t do anything physical for them but I can pray that God will comfort them and send His peace to them as they grieve. Yes, I can take a meal but we live a distance away so I will send them a card with a gift card for a meal. I’m saying all this because praying and listening to someone in their grief can mean more than doing a work. When my parents passed away a year apart, what I remember most was one special friend who always enveloped me in a big hug and just let me cry on her shoulder! Time after time over that year she did that! It meant more than any meal or gift card she could have given me!

    So don’t think your prayers or hugs or texts are not bring the hands and feet of Jesus. They are!

    1. Sharon, Jersey Girl says:


  13. GramsieSue says:

    Lifting all of you to our Father this morning.
    So thankful to be part of this group.
    Rhonda J, I wanted to meet for coffee but our daughter and family are here visiting from Oregon. We’ve had 20 adults and grands for 2 weeks now (all the locals have to come visit while their sister is here). Steve and I are exhausted and joyful that we were able to host everyone.
    So, coffee next week?

    1. Rhonda J. says:

      You’re sweet! Carol M called me for a Coffee Chat…AND it was AMAZING and just what I needed! It was so wonderful to see her face/hear her voice and get wisdom from another she and connect a little deeper! That is the power of this great community that God is using!

      So anytime you would like someone to chat with concerning a subject (mine was marriage)..hopefully there will be another She, (or plural) that you can have a video call with! How awesome is that!

  14. Sarah Ritchie says:

    Despite rarely commenting myself, I also love this little corner of the internet and appreciate the insights of you ladies every morning. I do my best to pray for all your requests but vow to do better.

    1. Rhonda J. says:

      Come to our SRT SHE’S Facebook page as well to connect!

  15. Mari V says:

    …..especially to those who are in the household of faith.

  16. AG says:

    I have fallen behind in my readings and have not posted lately but am asking for prayers. My friends niece was born and there are some complications and things are up in the air as of now, please please pray for healing for the baby and strength and hope for the family.

    1. Mari V says:

      Praying right now AG for this precious little baby.

    2. AZ Walker says:

      Praying for answers for your friend’s niece and healing for this dear baby.

    3. Adrienne says:


  17. Elise Leonard says:

    Phew, I needed this….especially today!

  18. Kristin S says:

    As a person who is a helper and doesn’t like to inconvenience others this is hard. But now walking with my sweet sister through a huge devastation in her marriage. Something she didn’t want to burden all of us with for the past 8 years. I am realizing struggling alone is prideful. Please be praying for my sister, her marriage and her precious daughter. This is all a lot. She is seeing Godly council and just feeling so conflicted because we were raised that divorce is never the option. However the more i learn of the situation I truly believe it would be the best. She worries so much about the judgement and hurt even more people will put on her. I am so thankful for all of you. Even if I don’t post regularly i am here praying.

    1. Mari V says:

      Kristin, praying for your sister. Praying she surrounds herself around people who love Jesus and can come beside her to encourage and pray for her. I was that person over 7 years ago as I didn’t want to burden anyone, BUT when it became too much to bear I started reaching out. THAT’s when I was told it was not OK what was happening to my kids and I.

    2. Sharon, Jersey Girl says:

      Praying for your sister. How hard it must be for her and her daughter – and for those of you who love her and have to see her go through this devastating time.

  19. Lanie H says:

    I am so happy they paired this passage of Galatians with the passage in James. The passage in Galatians has always felt so relatable and heart warming to me as a therapist. Helping carrying burdens is what I do! Whereas this specific passage in James feels like a personal attack like your faith is not enough. Here’s what I think I’m teasing out. My strengths are encouragement, prayer, and while yes I do give physical assistance in my job it’s more about empowering others to do it themselves. The attack I feel from James is that words are empty, talk is cheap. I have been hurt many times when in politics when people say you can keep your prayers when you do nothing about it to stop it. See works for me has always been the opposite of words, and I think, please correct me if I’m wrong, that words ( a kind note, prayer, Thank you, I’m proud of you, sharing the gospel, advising in the word of God) can be works too. I think.. again it’s been really hard to tease this out if it’s an attack from Satan or conviction from God, that I keep getting distracted that I’m not physically “doing” enough (giving and volunteering) that I miss what I’m good at or what God has called me to do in the moment. Let me know if y’all think I am on the right track!

    1. CMS says:

      I think that words can be works as well. There are those that are physically unable to volunteer or those that do not have finances to give, so what better opportunity for them to live out their faith than to be an encourager and prayer warrior for those around them? God has also given each one of us different gifts, and we can use those to serve him. I am not good with words, but I am good at serving and volunteering my time to get things done. I have one SIL who is the most amazing encourager, and another who is always quick to bring meals to those in need. With each person using the abilities God has given them, we all have the opportunity to live out our faith by works and bearing each other’s burdens.

    2. Sandi S says:

      One of my devotions this morning has Psalm 33:15 in it – ‘He fashions their hearts individually; He considers all their works.’ Sounds like you are doing great!

      1. Lanie H says:

        Thank you both!

    3. Munchkin says:

      I find words of encouragement to be a great help for me, personally. I am in counseling and I can’t even describe what I have learned and gained from it. Never think your gift is in vain. As for the prayers, I think they are talking about people needed to help other people. What some don’t realize is that prayer is very powerful in itself and some situations that is all we all called to do.

  20. Sandi S says:

    Sharing my burdens with others is extremely difficult for me. I am honored when I can help someone else, but am very uncomfortable asking for support when I might need it. I need to pray for God to open my heart and realize that I am also taking opportunities away from others who might want to be here when I need them. Two different perspectives.

  21. Mia Faith says:

    It can be hard to ask for/allow others to help us. I’m not great at asking for help. My Granny loved to tell the story above when I was a toddler and planted my feet firmly and said, “I do it myself!” It still rings true. However, in my current season, I am learning to ask. I’ve found that it is a blessing for others to be able help in some tangible way. I have a long way to go, but my stubborn heart is learning.

    1. Kristin S says:

      Mia, I feel you. During multiple deployments we went through people wanted to help and it was really hard to accept. Because I am able and capable. However, one man who wanted to mow my grass said. But you are taking away my ability to bless you. I thought that was so great. God calls others to a gifting and a service and who am i to take that away. Prayers sweet Mia.

      1. Adrienne says:

        I have had others share that same sentiment with me… letting THEM bless ME. It is hard, indeed

  22. Caroline Bridges says:

    When I read the title today I thought about a song that goes “let me carry your burden” I forgot what it’s called and pretty much forgot about its existence.

    1. Adrienne says:

      And I immediately thought of the secular song, “Lean on Me”. We can definitely see Him and our sisters in Christ in this. ❤️

  23. Maria Baer says:

    As someone who doesn’t like to burden others and internalize my burdens and struggles most of the time, this was a good reminder that loving Jesus is a relational and he calls us to community for a reason. Something I need to remind myself. That said, I am so thankful for this SRT community. I love being here and every morning, your prayers, comments and questions, bring new light into my day. Thank you for your kindness and support.

  24. G says:

    Good morning! I’ve been chugging along but not commenting simply because of time. I appreciate today’s devotion. I am grateful for the friend I have who has repeatedly told me to not apologize for sharing my burdens with her. She is amazing and makes me feel heard. It is no wonder that her favorite verse is Proverbs 17:17.

    I love what the author wrote, “When we carry the burdens of others, we are not only loving as Christ loved but God uses our works to build up in faith the one in need and the one who is a witness.”

  25. Sharon, Jersey Girl says:

    This thought just came to mind – a picture of someone trying to carry a heavy, heavy, huge rock. It’s almost impossible. But one by one others come along until the rock can be carried as if it weighed nothing.
    So thankful that we do not have to carry our burdens alone and that we can collectively carry each others.
    Praying for each of you who are carrying burdens this morning. Especially for …
    @Rhonda J & @ Laura – that God will bring peace to and strengthen your marriages. Satan would love nothing better than to see them fall apart. Keep looking to the One who has the power to change hearts and minds. ❤️
    @Tricia C – praying for your FIL’s eye surgery, and for peace and trust for your MIL.
    Jeff has a CAT scan this morning at 10:00 to make sure markers are still in place for radiation. Also they make the mold today & do the “tattoos” for where to direct it. He’s a little anxious about the whole thing, please pray God will calm his heart and mind.
    Continuing to pray for all of your requests. Have a blessed & thankful Thursday! ❤️

    1. Kelly (NEO) says:

      Praying for Jeff’s peace of mind

    2. Carol Mylin says:

      Good Morning, Sharon… I’m always encouraged by your posts… Praying for you and Jeff today, as you carry your dear husband’s burden and walk closely with him through his anxious moments. Lifting you both to Jesus!♥️

    3. Mari V says:

      Praying right now Sharon,Jersey Girl.

    4. Adrienne says:


    5. Cee Gee says:

      Oh, Sharon, I am reading this just in time! Taking time right now to pray for peace and calm for Jeff (and you) and that all goes well! ❤❤

    6. Tami says:

      Sharon – I’m praying that all went well with Jeff today. My husband had rectal cancer years ago – he is fine – but I remember it was a challenging time on all levels. I’m thankful you have a faith family and pray you accept their help to bless you when you need it!

  26. Colleen DeVeau says:

    Thank You, Father, for our sisters here. Thank You for this space we use to discuss Your Word and carry each other’s burdens to You in prayer. Thank You for gathering us Shes together from all parts of the world to seek Your face and give You glory. Please hear our prayers and cries today .please comfort those who feel weighed down. Lift us up, LORD. We love You. Thank You for Your lovingkindness and faithfulness. Amen.

    1. Carol Mylin says:


    2. Mia Faith says:


    3. Susan Joiner says:


    4. Donna Wolcott says:


    5. Cee Gee says:

      Amen! ❤

    6. Cathy McVey says:


    7. Munchkin says:


  27. Aimee D-R says:

    Lord reward my faith, forgive my doubt.

  28. Karen Elizabeth says:

    Ouch. This was a bit of a twist on the text to me. I have always read it as something I need to do for others. But I need to also allow others to come in a support me. I tend to be very guarded with my heart and feelings. Lord, work within in my heart to open up, to allow others to walk beside me and share my burdens.

    1. Carol Mylin says:

      ♥️ I feel your pain… why is it usually easier to “give than to receive”?? Thanks for sharing your ♥️

  29. Kelly (NEO) says:

    Lord, help me to discern what I am sowing by my words, thoughts, and actions. May I sow to the Spirit over the flesh.

    1. Searching says:

      Amen ❤️

  30. Tina says:

    Reading today’s devotional, my mind went those here who are in the wars..
    The anxious TEACHERS returning for a new school year..
    Dear SEARCHING with her pain, and others struggling so.
    LYNNE from Alabama whose heart is heavy.
    MIA Faith, who is navigating life differently.
    TRACI Gendron, whose arms are a tad lost. And loss.
    MARTHA Hix whose life changed overnight.
    Dear MERCY, who is struggling with her eyes.
    Young SARAH D, whose heart is confused and unsure about a boy.
    ALIEDA for her son, Victor.
    GAYLE Craik..
    RHONDA J, whose life is in turmoil.. VICTORIA E.. life.
    SCARLET Hiltbidal.. her mama heart
    LINDA in NC.. drained, tired..
    SHARON Jersey girl.. the worry of her husband Jeff..
    And the list goes on..
    BUT GOD..
    He brought us together here in this safe place to listen to each other, learn from each other, carry one anther and for sure to carry one another’s burdens to the Father in prayer! We absolutely cannot do life without out Father God, but boy do we need each other to hold us up when life isn’t being kind..
    I’ve got you, my dear hearts, I’ve got you, because God first has got me..
    Much love, hugs and prayers, as always..
    If your name isn’t here, I’m sorry. I would love to write all names, but I think I may still be writing! Know though, you’re in my heart and are thought of, and prsyered for as the Spirit leads.. ❤️

    1. Kelly (NEO) says:

      And TINA, I’ve got YOU,dear sister! Praising God for your faithfulness and lived wisdom. May the heaviness you’ve been under be lifted and peace flood your heart and mind.

    2. Searching says:

      Thank you, TINA ❤️ so much love felt for you! Joining you in prayer for each of the needs listed and for those that have slipped your mind and mine at the moment.
      Joining hands with KELLY in praying for the heaviness to lift and for your heart and mind to be renewed with the joy of Christ.

    3. Danielle B says:

      Yes dear sweet Tina, what a joy knowing we can come here to share our burdens with each other, so as Sharon Jersey girl said we can carry the rock together. I know the relief I would feel when I shared some of the hards storms this year. I join you and the many other Shes in praying for the requests we know of and don’t know about.
      Dear Tina I join Kelly (NEO) and Searching that your heavy burden be lifted and that you feel the support of not only us Shes but the one who is peace!

    4. Mia Faith says:

      Thank you, Tina. I’m definitely in need of prayer! I so appreciate this amazing group of sisters.

    5. Mari V says:

      SWEET Tina, thank you for your prayers for teachers! Though I’m not a teacher, to the children I am a teacher. Last night our youth group took time to pray for teachers, schools, staff, principal,etc… in our area. LOVE you sweet lady!

    6. Adrienne says:


    7. Linda in NC says:

      Thank you sweet Tina! I really needed to see my name listed in your prayers. For some reason I feel that spirit of heaviness. This week has been a battle against the enemy! I KNOW who my strength is, but can’t seem to tap into His strength. Casting my burdens and care on Jesus should be so easy, but right now it isn’t.
      My prayers are with each one of today❤

      1. Rhonda Johnson says:

        Prayers Linda G

    8. Cee Gee says:

      Tina, we are so blessed to be here with you! As Kelly said, we have you’, too! Linking my arms with Kelly, Searching, and Danielle B in prayer for the darkness to be lifted soon and be replaced with ‘golden JOY’ so that you can have more energy to spread that joy to others. You already do that for each of us – by name or not, we know you have us and I thank you for that and I thank God for you, sweet sister! ❤❤❤
      Ps- I love your reply to Sarah on her comment yesterday- the way you worked in the Scripture focus was so good and on point!

    9. Cathy McVey says:

      Tina, thank you for sharing your ❤️ daily, Your words, your inspiration, your love for all of us is such a blessing. Sending you blessings dear one.

    10. Mercy says:

      Thank you Tina!

  31. Tricia C says:

    This sure can be hard sometimes, because we want to suffer in silence. I think sometimes we want to keep it to ourselves, but God has to prod us and remind us that we have a family of believers we can turn to to ask for help. That is all in their scope of practice. Just like it’s expected that I will be there for another one in my physical family, it’s expected the same in my spiritual family.
    I think that I need to ask the Lord to help me to be aware of those who are in need even when they won’t talk about it.

    I guess I’m going to turn to my sisters in Christ today. My father-in-law has a detached retina and hast to have surgery today to try and somewhat fix it. His surgery is at about 2 PM Eastern time. I would ask for prayers for him and my mother-in-law who can have a difficult time dealing with things like this. They both love the Lord very much. I would also ask for prayers for me because I woke up this morning after a not very good sleep and my stomach is a mess. I do not feel well. Thank you all. Love to each of you this cool Thursday morning in northeastern PA.

    1. Kelly (NEO) says:

      Tricia, praying your stomach settles and you are refreshed despite the lack of sleep. Praying for your in-laws as well.

    2. Searching says:

      Praying, TRICIA, for your FIL and med team in today’s surgery. A friend of mine had this procedure a few months ago and is doing well. Praying for your MIL to have peace as she waits, and for you – that your health will turn around quickly.

    3. Carol Mylin says:

      Agreeing in prayer for your requests! ♥️

    4. Mari V says:

      Praying for your father in law Tricia that all will go well and for the doctors performing the procedure. Also for your mother in law for strength and of course lifting YOU up as well,

    5. Margaret W says:

      Just seeing this at 2:30 EST, but adding a prayer.

    6. Cee Gee says:

      Somehow I missed your comment this morning! Praying for all mentioned and hope you are feeling better this afternoon! ❤

  32. Mary Ann Graves says:
