By Faith Noah Built

Open Your Bible

Hebrews 11:7, Genesis 6:5-22, Genesis 7:1-5, Genesis 8:15-22, Genesis 9:1-17, Psalm 33:13-22

After you finish reading today’s scriptures, come back and use the blurb and question here to dig deeper into the themes of faith, hope, obedience, and suffering. Join your fellow Bible readers in the comments to reflect and chat about what you’re learning!

Noah’s faith was rooted in his reverence for God. Before the rain or flood waters came, Noah built a boat according to God’s instructions because He trusted in the God who spoke these things to him. Though Noah could not see what was coming, having faith looked like honoring and revering God through his obedience.

How did Noah respond to God in today’s reading? What can you learn from Noah’s response?

(108) Comments

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108 thoughts on "By Faith Noah Built"

  1. Lauren Hayner says:

    Noah followed every direction God gave him. No arguing, no questioning – At least, we don’t see that here. Oh, to be that obedient. Honestly, though, sometimes my struggle is that I want to hear God’s direction as clearly as Noah did.

  2. Anita says:

    It makes me think of those who risk their lives by pronouncing their faith. Would I do that? I think we have a lot of “warnings” in today’s world. It is hard to listen with so many distractions. This group helps me to keep the faith and keep marching on the path to the Lord.

  3. Natasha R says:

    Faith >>> trust >>> obedience >>> action. That’s how I see the progression of Noah’s story. I am reminded that my faith should lead to action, and that’s really something I need to work on. I have procrastination and overthinking tendencies, which can lead to inaction. I pray for the motivation, focus, courage and energy to obey God’s commands to take action and fulfil my purpose in this life.

  4. Jennifer Anapol says:

    I love how Noah followed what God called him to do, even if it may have sounded crazy and other people were probably making fun of him. I can see from this passage that Noah cared more about God thought than man. I pray I would live for an audience of one as well:)

  5. Erin Summers says:

    Noah was obedient. He followed God’s instructions. He built the ark according to God’s instructions, gathered animals as commanded, and entered the ark when instructed. Noah trusted in God.

  6. Mercy says:

    “But as the days of Noah were, so shall also the coming of the Son of man be. For as in the days that were before the flood they were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, until the day that Noah entered into the ark. And knew not until the flood came, and took them all away; so shall also the coming of the Son of man be” (Matthew 24: 37-39).
    Obedience has a cost. Noah was a laughing stock of the whole mankind. The ark of that stature was believed by scholars to have taken 2-3 years to build. Being mocked for that long… Noah was probably on the news. Yet his endurance is just remarkable. His obedience exposes their disobedience. Everybody does it this way, but he is not everybody. We are not everybody. Though Noah is the minority, he stands strong. The walk of faith is a lonely one. But there is life in the reward. And there is also death, to pay. I pray for the faith of Noah to be poured out in these last days, that God’s children will seek His voice, and follow through and through. If we learn faith and actions from an example, may it be from Noah. God shares His counsel to His righteous and obedient ones, but the counsel of the heathen, He brings to nothing.
    “The Lord bringeth the counsel of the heathen to nought: he maketh the devices of the people of none effect. The counsel of the Lord standeth for ever, the thoughts of his heart to all generations. Blessed is the nation whose God is the Lord; and the people whom he hath chosen for his own inheritance” (Psalm 33:10-12).

    1. Rhonda J. says:

      Yes, Amen!! So good! Was that verse included in Matthew? It’s so true that it is lonely to obey and be mocked, but are we bold and do have enough faith? I pray I know what I believe and have faith to fulfill my ministry and mission, winning souls for the Lord and standing on his truth!

    2. Tina says:

      Yes Mercy, obedience has a cost, but what price was paid for us! On our behalf..
      BUT GOD..
      Hugs, my dear..

  7. Jazz Nean says:

    After hurricane Helene, it makes you realize how fast the flood probably came, catching all of them off guard. Except for Noah and his family.
    Traci me too when I read vs 6

    1. Rhonda J. says:

      Oh yes, so true. That is how it will be when we are asleep and going about in our business! Are we paying attention! Because right now things are coming to pass quickly!!

  8. Traci Gendron says:

    It makes me sad to think that God regretted making man. Just think of what he sees from us today. It is horrible. Noah was impressively obedient. Not questioning as I would probably do. He just stepped out in faith.

    1. Kris says:

      I’ve thought that, too. Can’t help but wonder what He thinks of this world today. How He must grieve when He’s offering so much, and people refuse to take it.

      1. Rhonda J. says:

        Same. :(

    2. Adrienne says:

      Right?!?! Our world makes Him sad, I’m sure.

  9. Christy says:

    After reading the chapters in Genesis I went back to get a refresher on the Noahic Covenant established in Gn 9:9-11. God promised to Noah and all future generations (Gn 9:12) that He will never again wipe out every creature by floodwaters, and there will never again be a flood to destroy the earth. And what struck me was the sign of the covenant (Gn 9:16), a rainbow! What a beautiful sign of remembrance. So whenever God forms clouds over the earth and the bow appears in the clouds, God will look at it and remember the permanent covenant between God and all the living creatures on earth. Now, whenever I see a rainbow, I too will be reminded of the undeserving grace, mercy, and love God has for us.

  10. Cheryl Blow says:

    Noah’s obedience amazes me! Just think of the enormity of the task he was given! The supplies he would need, the food for all the animals, just building the ark?

    It humbles me to think of the small things God asks of me and the questions I ask before obeying!

    “Noah did everything just as God commanded him.”
    ‭‭Genesis‬ ‭6‬:‭22‬ ‭NIV‬‬

    May I obey like Noah!

    1. Adrienne says:

      Same. Small things, indeed!

  11. Adrianne says:

    How did Noah respond to God in today’s reading?

    Noah responded by being faithful to our Lord and trusting in the Lord. Noah showed immense trust in his faith. He took the warning and instructions from the Lord seriously and followed the commands given to him. That not only saved the lives of his family and saved the lives of all the pairs of animals on his boat, but he also brought about a new covenant from God. That is huge on so many levels.

    What can you learn from Noah’s response?
    Trust!!!! Keep on trusting in God, Jesus, and His Spirit. It’s something to work on everyday. Something to keep reaching and pushing for.

  12. Brenda Pozarnsky says:

    I find Heb 11:7b to be very interesting. It states that Noah condemned the world and became the heir if righteousness. As an experience for him, this must have been excruciating, he knew lots of people who died in that flood, but it was right all the same.

    1. Rhonda J. says:

      Yes, it makes me wonder when I get to heaven and know many friends did not come with me. But we know we will not be sad?!

  13. Adrienne says:

    Oh, to obey, even when it seems to make NO sense! Oh, to have a Faith like Noah!

  14. Kathy says:

    Lately I have been trying to be more intentional about listening for God’s Spirit’s still small voice urging me to obedience. I want to be obedient but too many times I keep looking for the big grand gesture and miss those tiny, seemingly insignificant acts God is calling me to do. Just this morning I was in my school’s office and our secretary asked me to pray for her dad and just pray all day. He’s having some health issues. I told her I would and started to leave the office and immediately felt a tug at my heart to pray for her right then. So, I did. The overwhelming peace I felt immediately brought me to tears as I prayed (which brought her to tears and caused my principal to stop and ask if we were okay.)
    This is what I want in my life every day – unquestioning, trusting, faithful obedience to whatever the Lord is calling me to.

    1. Christy says:

      This is so beautiful, Kathy. Thank you for sharing this prompting you had from the Holy Spirit. It reminded me of Luke 16:10 “Whoever is faithful in very little is also faithful in much.“

    2. Rhonda J. says:

      That is beautiful! My word this year is “presence” because I too wanted to “walk in the Spirit.” Being aware and understanding what God would have you do brings so many more open doors as in your case!

    3. Cee Gee says:

      Beautiful! ❤❤

  15. Audren Phalen says:

    He responded with a simple ‘yes’. No ‘yes but’ or ‘yes and’ or ‘what if-‘, he simply said yes and did it. I can’t think that was easy for him ir his family to do. What God calls us to most likely won’t be easy, but he doesn’t make the agreeing part complicated. He is just asking us to say ‘yes’ and do it.

  16. Sarah Ritchie says:

    I love the story of Noah. I love his obedience. But mostly I love that he heard the Lord so, clearly. I like to believe that if I heard the Lord this directly I would have the courage to be as obedient.

  17. Gwineth52 says:

    Hello Shes
    I marvel at Noah hearing the voice of God so clearly & directly & purposefully. Responding without questioning, doubting, or ducking. Even when he knew the worst was yet to come. Noah did not panic or shrink in fear. He followed instructions precisely.
    How often do I fail to “stop, look & listen” to the Lord’s direction? I imagine the “ lightning bolt”when there might be only be a “tiny nudge or shoulder tap”. If I fixate on the dramatic, I miss the ordinary. If I think it’s about my wants, my way, I lose sight of God’s will.
    What mattered was Noah being in right relationship with God. Knowing. Trusting. Obeying.
    Help me, Lord, to yield in your direction.
    Help me, Lord, to become more like Noah.

    1. Rhonda J. says:

      Yes Amen! I always wondered how people say “I felt the Holy Spirit tell me…” So my word this year is ‘presence” so I could try to be more aware! I used to wait for the Lightening bolt as well! God…give me the answer!! But it truly takes being quiet AND still, and listening.

  18. Blessed Mama of 6 says:

    How did Noah respond to God in today’s reading? What can you learn from Noah’s response?

    Noah didn’t ask God questions (at least not any that are recorded). I’m sure he had lots of questions, but he just got up and did what God told him to do, even if it sounded crazy.

    Both in the accounts of Able and Noah (most likely Enoch too), their faith was seen through their obedience. God LOVES obedience! If He tells or leads us to do something, we just need to do it, even if it seems crazy at the time.

    1. Rhonda J. says:

      Yep! We are studying Isaiah right now, called to tell the nation to stand up and repent, that judgement is near. We see this throughout the old testament, yet we still don’t really think it’s time to TRUST and OBEY in what God tells us to do.

  19. Kalli Huehn says:

    Noah said NOTHING back to God. He listened and obeyed. Noah fully trusted God did everything He asked.

    1. Sarah Ritchie says:

      I love this observation Kalli

  20. Linda J says:

    Noah obeyed God even when obedience made no sense to those outside his family. Who builds an ark in their yard? Especially when there is no sign of rain or flood? Faith in God set Noah apart and likely resulted in ridicule and certainly misunderstanding. It must have been hard yet he persevered. This is a timely lesson for us today…

  21. Mari V says:

    Noah’s “fear” (reverence) for God is what motivated him. I’m no theologian, but from what I gather, Noah appeared as a humble, simple guy who loved the Lord and his family and for our GOD to notice him, he must of been a “special” guy, he and his family. Good morning and Happy Tuesday sweeties!

    1. Rhonda J. says:

      Yes! We need to have reverence and “fear” of an all powerful God, in “wanting” to honor and serve him. He knows what’s best for us and loves us. Creating idols and going astray is not good for us, it destroys us.

  22. Kris says:

    Wow, to trust God SO MUCH that you believe His word even before you have a clue what it means. Rain? what’s that? a flood? what is that? Would I believe God if He told me about something I’d never even as much as heard of before? Do I walk close enough to even hear God speak to me like He did Noah? Do I believe the voice I hear is God, or just my imagination? So many questions I must delve into. How much do I really trust God?

    1. Blessed Mama of 6 says:


    2. Tami says:

      So true Kris. When you really stop to think of what was going on in Noah’s mind and in that of those around him. It must’ve seemed crazy!

      1. Rhonda J. says:

        Yes, agree. Really is crazy but really intimate and special when you love and trust him that much!

  23. Lara Castillo says:

    Noah did according to all that the Lord had commanded him. I pray that I can have faith and be obedient in what God places in my life.

  24. Erica Chiarelli says:

    It says multiple times in these passages that Noah did all God commanded him. He pleased God, he was obedient and walked with God. He was faithful. I pray that my life is marked by following all God commands me to do, to please Him, walk with Him, trust and obey!

  25. Rhonda J. says:


    The verse I am working on to memorize seems fitting here-

    “Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect Romans 12:2

    Keep our faith in God, and Trust and Obey. It may not be easy, we will still go through the storms, or floods, but He is with us to get us through. But it will not be what the world is doing, you will drown if you are doing what they are doing. Keep your eyes on Him. In the unknown, in the wait, in every trial and storm.

  26. Wendy B says:

    Noah was faithful, obedient, righteous, he walked with God. The world had strayed and was wicked…goodness our world is right there and how our Lord must be so grieved. In this dark world that has strayed so far the calling is for us is no less and to walk as Noah did.
    The SRT podcast for this week is so insightful.

    Lord, my desire is to be faithful and obedient to you, to pursue righteousness and yet in my flawed humanity, I fall short. Thank you for your forgiveness, that you have shown me the better way and I humbly pray that my gaze would be fixed on you to always see the better way.

    ‘Show me your ways, O Lord, teach me your paths, guide me in your truth and teach me, for you are my God me Savior, and my hope is in you all day long.’ Psalm 25:4-5

    The beautiful hymn “Come thou Fount” comes to mind….prone to wander, Lord…bind my heart to thee…

  27. Jamice Robinson says:

    We need to learn to trust and be obedient, even when we can’t see the plan.

  28. MARTHA HIX says:


  29. Caroline Bridges says:

    We have to follow his calling regardless of the outcome and without the fear of the unknown.

  30. Jody Striker says:

    Noah was faithful to God in the midst of a wicked generation. He probably felt strange and lonely at times. But, he kept choosing to put his faith in God and to obey Him, even though it was so different from what everyone else was doing. God, help me have the courage to keep my eyes on you and to obey, even if it makes me seem strange to other people.

    1. Tami says:

      Thanks for that insight Jodi! I have never thought of Noah seeming strange and possible ostracized from others. Great takeaway

    2. Brenda Pozarnsky says:

      My parents are not saved, despite my explanations of the Gospel. They are 70. I pray for their salvation, but their choices are their own. I am comforted knowing Noah also lost many people he cared for to their own choice to reject God.

      1. Leslie Littleton says:

        I don’t believe mine are either. They definitely don’t “walk” with the Lord. But yesterday when we were reading about Enoch it gave me so much hope! Enoch was 65 when he started walking with the Lord. Praying our parents will start walking with Him soon ❤️

        1. Brenda Pozarnsky says:

          I will pray for your parents too

  31. Candyce Abbott says:

    Even though Noah did not know the outcome, even though he could not see what was promised he still followed God and did as he asked with out any hesitation. He had complete faith and that is something we struggle with, believing with out asking questions and trying to figure out the whole picture. He knew his part in the bigger picture and he did just that. I need to work on just saying Yes and doing what the Lord asks of me instead of trying to “figure it out with or for him”. This is a great lesson!

    I have an interview in a few hours I pray that God’s Will be done, and I am able to remember that God has my best interest in mind regardless of the outcome. Ladies please pray for me. Thank you.

    1. Vicki M says:

      Praying, Candyce.

      1. Rebecca W says:

        Lifting you up.

    2. Gwineth52 says:

      Dear Candace
      “I need to work on just saying Yes and doing what the Lord asks of me instead of trying to ‘figure it out with or for him’.”
      I pray you carry these words in your heart as you wait on God, the ultimate “boss”, in His grand “work”plan!

      1. Gwineth52 says:

        Yikes!! Candyce! The tyranny of spellcheck!!

  32. Cee Gee says:

    I only have a few minutes here, so I plan to comeback later to read comments and leave mine. For now, I am sharing a song I found several years ago during another Bible study. Kind of a haunting tune, but the words are so fitting.
    While I Wait
    Lincoln Brewster
    Deep within my heart, I know You’ve won
    I know You’ve overcome
    And even in the dark, when I’m undone
    I still believe it
    I live by faith, and not by sight
    Sometimes miracles take time
    While I wait, I will worship
    Lord, I’ll worship Your name
    While I wait, I will trust You
    Lord, I’ll trust You all the same
    When I fall apart, You are my strength
    Help me not forget
    Seeing every scar, You make me whole
    You’re my healer
    I live by faith, and not by sight
    Sometimes miracles take time
    I live by faith, and not by sight
    Sometimes miracles take time
    While I wait, I will worship
    Lord, I’ll worship Your name
    While I wait, I will trust You
    Lord, I’ll trust You all the same
    You’re faithful every day
    Your promises remain
    You’re faithful every day
    Your promises remain
    You’re faithful every day
    Your promises remain
    You’re faithful every day
    Your promises remain
    Though I don’t understand it
    I will worship with my pain
    You are God, You are worthy
    You are with me all the way
    So while I wait, I will worship
    Lord, I’ll worship Your name
    Though I don’t have all the answers
    Still I trust You all the same
    Songwriters: Lincoln Brewster, Mitch Wong.
    Have a blessed day, sisters! Praying for the hard conversation, VICTORIA E! ❤

    1. Vicki M says:

      Love those lyrics! Thank you CeeGee.

  33. Vicki M says:

    Fear always used to catch my attention in the scriptures. I came to faith through fear. One Christmas my brother gave me a bible and told me to start reading from Matthew. As I was reading through the gospels what struck me was I would be judged and it scared me. Only two choices – heaven or hell. I did not want hell, so one night in bed I asked God’s forgiveness and asked Him to come into my life. I had the deepest, most peaceful night’s sleep I had ever known! But it took me years to shake off that fear of judgement, to understand God didn’t want me to walk with Him in fear but to accept His love for me and walk alongside Him in love.
    By faith Noah “in holy fear” (NIV); “moved with Godly fear” (NKJV). I learned with God’s gracious help to understand the difference between my efforts to obey out of my own fears, and that holy fear which leads to obedience out of love. And that is still a wonderful thing to me! Like Noah, we obey out of a holy fear, a reverence, that says you are my loving Lord and I trust you. Praise the Lord!

    1. Indiana Elaine says:

      Right there with you, Vicki. I came to faith out of fear. I’m from the generation that used fear as an altar call – “If you die tonight, where would you spend eternity?” It has taken a long time to see God as a loving God.

    2. Gwineth52 says:

      Dear Vicki…a beautiful benediction…
      “Like Noah, we obey out of a holy fear, a reverence, that says you are my loving Lord and I trust you.”

    3. Cee Gee says:

      ❤Great word, Vicki! Thanks for sharing your heart! ❤

  34. Linda in NC says:

    Walking in faith and obedience when I don’t understand and things get overwhelming is not an easy walk! Sometimes as caregivers our eyes focus on our circumstances and not on our Caregiver, our heavenly Father and Jesus our Savior. Dealing with one who lacks understanding of what is happening in any given moment can cause frustration. So easy to walk into the enemy’s trap (ugh!)
    Lord, this moment, throughout this day, please grant me Your strength to keep focused on You and not on what is happening in my life. Nothing takes You by surprise, the One who is always in control! Please grow my faith daily.

    1. Vicki M says:

      Linda, I’m in awe of you and the other caregivers here. It’s not an easy walk, as you say. Praying He will renew your strength each day, and bring you moments of respite and peace that restore you and bless you. He has you!

      1. Margaret W. says:

        I can’t speak to or for anyone else, but I am very tired of being a caregiver. My disabled son is 30, and I have been a de facto single mom since day 1. His dad never contributed even when we were married, and even less so now. I’m tired, and I just want a break! I’m recovering from surgery myself, and even though my son’s caregiver has been very supportive of me, she has limitations, too. My other children can only give so much. My son tries to help me, and he has a heart of gold; but it’s like relying on an 8yo to care for me. He just can’t do what I need most. I know God is faithful, but he won’t run to Target to pick up the superglue I need to cover up the stabbing pain in my dried up cuticles that hurts every time I touch anything, and he hasn’t delivered a gallon of milk to my door. I am so tired. I’m no hero, just another one of God’s daughters trying to see him in a very challenging situation that isn’t likely to change much any time soon.

      2. Cee Gee says:

        Amen! ❤

  35. Maria Baer says:

    Noah was obedient to God’s instructions without questioning the why, when or where. And his obedience was rooted in his faith in God. I cannot imagine the questions he got, and potentially mockery, from others (maybe family members) when he started building his ark. I love the movie Evan Almighty, because of that, I wonder if Noah experienced similar criticism when he started building the ark and gathering the animals to bring in.

    1. Courtney Boyd says:


    2. Adrienne says:

      I was JUST thinking that I needed to rewatch that movie!

  36. Searching says:

    Heartbreaking to read these words in light of our current reality –
    Gen 6:5-6
    5 Then the LORD (YHWH) saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that every intent of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually. 6 And the LORD (YHWH) was sorry that He had made man on the earth, and He was grieved in His heart.
    Parenthetical additions- mine, for clarity

    May I find grace in the eyes of the LORD (YHWH).

    How did Noah respond? My first thought … Trust and obey, for there’s no other way … verse 1 of this hymn says:
    1 When we walk with the Lord
    in the light of his word,
    what a glory he sheds on our way!
    While we do his good will,
    he abides with us still,
    and with all who will trust and obey.

    And part of verse 4 –
    what he says we will do,
    where he sends we will go;
    never fear, only trust and obey.

    And what can I learn from his response? Just do it. Pray for clarity, wisdom and guidance and do my best to follow His lead, and with the best attitude.

    An excerpt from a post on desiringGod dot org:
    How often is there a hitch in your obedience, or an edge to your obedience, or self-pity in your obedience? It’s like we say to ourselves, I will do the right thing, but there will be enough reluctance and grumbling accompanying my obedience that everyone will know what it’s costing me.

    CANDYCE ABBOTT – important job interview
    VICTORIA E – work conversation

    1. Vicki M says:

      Yes, Searching, Gen 6:5-6 caused me to stop and think about today.
      Love that hymn! Thank you.

    2. Tami says:

      Searching, I wrote “Just do it” in my response to today’s question! I really do strive to walk in obedience, but I have recently been convicted of my “hitch in obedience”. The Lord reminds me, you are doing it for ME, not them

    3. Adrienne says:

      Now that tune will be in my head all day… I suppose there are worse things! (Winky emoji)

  37. Tara B says:

    Trust and Obey
    For theirs no other way
    To be happy in Jesus…
    But to trust and obey

    1. Searching says:

      Same thought this morning! ❤️

    2. Adrienne says:


  38. Lanie H says:

    The story of Noah was so instrumental for me when I was waiting for my rainbow baby. I love how Hebrews said warned about things “not yet seen”. When I was waiting I would think about how long Noah sat waiting for the flood waters to recede. It has stopped raining, he knew his promise was coming, and yet he still had longer to wait for dry ground. I was on top of a local mountain and it was too foggy to see out. My patient said you should see the views from here when the clouds lift, as I drove down the mountain the song from dany goeke started playing “all the promises are just up ahead, maybe you just haven’t seen it yet” and my perspective just shifted. I was on top of mount horeb, sure God would come through, I just had to wait for the clouds to lift and the water to recede, can you imagine the view once it did!

    1. Vicki M says:

      ❤️ ❤️❤️

  39. Shannon McGuffin says:

    “But look, the Lord keeps his eye on those who fear him – those who depend on his faithful love to rescue them from death…”

  40. Michelle P says:

    Let Your Mercy, O Lord, be upon us, Just as we hope in You.
    Psalm 33:22 NKJV

  41. Marilyn Harrington says:

    Noah did everything God asked of him without question or hesitation. He was obedient to God and the obedience he showed became a gift to the following generations. Because of this God established His convenient with Noah.

  42. Aimee D-R says:

    I can only imagine what others, even his family thought. But Noah was obedient. That faith and courage is so beautiful! Lord reward my faith and forgive my doubt. In Jesus name, Amen

  43. Alli Barlik says:

    Noah was faithful and was obedient. He did exactly as he was asked. I love that scripture tells us Noah walked with God. The SRT podcast with Tim Mackie yesterday was good and it helped me understand more about Noah through their discussion.

  44. Kelly Close says:

    Noah built before the rain. Invested in his future and our future.

    1. Gwineth52 says:

      Yes, Kelly…confirming the covenant!

  45. Zoe Mazzawi says:

    Noah did EVERYTHING that God commanded him. (Genesis 6:22, 7:5)
    He was OBEDIENT (by faith) in the “not yet seen”.
    His faith in God’s Word and God’s Character moved him forward.
    Noah, like Enoch, walked with God. (Genesis 6:9)

  46. Jen Janssen says:

    When reading this morning what struck me was he had Godly fear! He wasn’t looking at what wasn’t but he was looking and being obedient to God who is and was and forever more will be! What a lesson for me to live in and dwell on!

  47. Kelly (NEO) says:

    We are not told every detail of Noah’s story, only what we need to know to learn what obedience looks like. Even though he was “blameless among his contemporaries,” he was not perfect (as we later learn). But compared to the others who “every inclination of [their] mind was nothing but evil all the time,” it was a hard-won effort to follow God’s ways!
    CANDYCE ABBOTT – praying you have peace at your interview.
    VICTORIA E – praying your words are full of grace and truth.
    UPDATE – next new employee starts on Monday. Her team leader’s wife is due any moment with their baby and he may not be there to get her rolling on a project, so my part of the onboarding may be more involved than “planned”. Pray I can focus this week to get some time-sensitive projects wrapped up before Monday. Next new-hire to start late Nov. Thanks

    1. Tami says:

      Praying Kelly!

  48. Cat-tee says:

    Help me to walk in obedience and faith Lord, even when (especially when!) the outcome is unknown or overwhelming. Amen ❤️

  49. Jerrica Terry says:

    Noah exhibits obedience even when it’s unclear of the outcome. It’s hard for me sometimes to do that. But I’m working to be more like Jesus and I know he will meet me where I am. ❤️

  50. Ellen S says:

    Even when I don’t understand or it doesn’t make sense to me, I should respond to God’s instruction with obedience. Can you even imagine the wonder it must have been when the animals started lining up outside the ark??!?! Have a blessed day, ladies.

  51. Rebekah Wilson says:

    Noah, in blind faith, was obedient. The Lord told him he was going to do something he’d never done before and Noah believed him. Oh to be like Noah!

  52. Tricia C says:

    Noah did everything that God commanded him to do. We aren’t told that he doubted. We aren’t told that he took his sweet time. He actually didn’t really have the time so he had to step it up. Noah was faithful to God. And God was faithful to him. God will always keep his promises. Us, not so much. But I think it is easier to see God‘s faithfulness when we also are faithful.
    “ But look, the Lord keeps his eye on those who fear him-Those who depend on his faithful love to rescue them from death and keep them alive and famine.” (Psalm 33:18)
    Aren’t we in a spiritual famine right now? Gods will take care of us.
    “God will take care of you,
    through ev’ry day, o’er all the way;
    He will take care of you,
    God will take care of you.”

    Have a wonderful day, Dear She’s. ❤️

    1. Vicki M says:

      Amen. God will take care of you. ❤️

  53. Sally B. says:

    Father, help me to be found blameless and faithfully walking with you in my time, AND ready to obey Your instruction!

    1. Tricia C says:


  54. Julia C says:

    We wait for the LORD;
    He is our help and shield.
    For our hearts rejoice in Him,
    because we trust His holy name.
    May your faithful love rest on us, LORD,
    for we put our hope in You.
    — Psalm 33:20-23, CSB
    Love us, God, with all You’ve got —
    That’s what we’re depending on.
    — Psalm 33:22, MSG

    1. Tricia C says:


  55. Tina says:

    Noah, responded to God in obiedience! No questions asked, just did, in faith, not caring what others thought or how mad he looked!
    I was reminded of my dog story and God asking me to go and apologise to the people I felt were in the wrong.. I chuckle now, as I realise God, always, always has a plan and is as faithful as His Word says!
    I, did not obey God straight away, because I was angry, in fact, each time He said to go and apologise, I refused..
    BUT GOD..
    Here’s the thing.. just needed me to be obedient, because when I finally went to apologise, the people were away on holiday, and had been for 5 days!!!
    Obiedience.. though it feels hard in these times, I think is a game changer in many ways. Faith is restored in obiedience.
    There is a peace that comes in obiedience.
    Life is lived, truly lived, in obiedience.
    The Lord watches over those who obey him, those who trust in his constant love. We put our hope in the Lord; he is our protector and our help. We are glad because of him; we trust in his holy name. May your constant love be with us, Lord, as we put our hope in you.
    Psalm 33:18‭, ‬20‭-‬22 GNT
    Happy Tuesday dear hearts, covered in warming love as it turns cold here! Blessings and continued prayers. ❤️

    1. Julia C says:

      Amen, Tina ❤️

    2. Sally B. says:

      Amen and amen!

    3. Tricia C says:

      Amen. ❤️
      We have a couple more days of unseasonable warmth, but then back to the temperatures it should be. Stay warm Tina! It’s getting to be soup kind of weather. Yum.