After you finish reading today’s scriptures, come back and use the blurb and question here to dig deeper into the themes of faith, hope, obedience, and suffering. Join your fellow Bible readers in the comments to reflect and chat about what you’re learning!
Joseph had faith in God’s ability to help His people and return them to their land. As believers, we, too, have received the fulfilled promise that death is not our end—we have the eternal hope of returning to our true home, the presence of God.
What can you learn from Joseph’s response to God in today’s reading?
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113 thoughts on "By Faith Joseph Gave Instructions"
I’m most moved by the verses in 2 Cor 4 which readers we are perplexed but not driven to despair. The ways of life surely are perplexing. I think that’s always been the most difficult thing for me about being in Christ. It truly has challenges me for decades. However, seeing Joseph, others of past and even now keep faith in Christ is a huge encouragement. We cannot do it alone without Christ. No matter how big or small the perplexities are. God is faithful, we are hidden in Christ and he gives us the gift of His spirit. For that I am thankful that I continue to receive peace in him.
I’m laying in bed wide awake at 4:30 am. My mind is of course racing as it usually does. I started thinking about death for whatever reason and was getting heavy anxiety. I’ve been so scared of death lately for whatever reason. Anyway, my head whispered to me, “read your Bible”. This is the day I was on. The day that talks about death not being final. The day God tells us that He will “swallow up death” and that our inner selves are eternal. He is so, so good. He doesn’t get angry when we have fear. He wants us to turn to Him even more so he can comfort us. Ugh.. I just love God.
Hi Sarah. I used to get stressed out that I wasn’t sleeping then a preacher turned this on its head and said that perhaps it was because God had something to say to you in those small hours. Something that needed to be said between you and him without distractions. I now ask God what he needs me to hear and the messages come through loud and clear compared to breakfast prays with all the noises of a house waking up.
Joseph showed faith and trust in God’s promises even though he had not seen them fulfilled yet. I too need to trust not just in God’s answers but in His perfect will and love.
God sees the future and Joseph knew this and therefore could rest in God’s promise
Joseph’s faith allowed him to give instructions to the Israelites. Joseph knew that even though he wasn’t going to see God’s promises fulfilled, those promises would happen.
This story explains to us how our flesh is purely just a vessel for earth and it will eventually not exist anymore but our souls will live on eternally in the home that God has promised us
To trust in God always and never give up on God he is with us always The Joseph story is powerful and just lets you know to trust in God in spite off
Joseph’s response and this reading really encourages us to have unfailing trust in God’s promise, even when unseen.
Joseph believed that even though he wouldn’t see it, God would do it.
What I learn is that faith is the foundation of the things that are built for the glory of God. Because those are eternal and they create life in others to come. Joseph came from this family of hearing people talk about how his father wrestled God, how his great grandfather had a child at 100 and how his grandfather was the child of this promise that God would turn that small clan into a great nation in a land where they were foreigners. And that’s not even taking into account Joseph’s own story with the Lord. Joseph’s faith in what he would never see yet knew to be true comes from a history of faith from his patriarchs .
Joseph held on to his certainty that God would come to their aid. He didn’t just think God would do it, he fully expected it to happen, to the point that he said to take his bones with them. I also need to look forward with confident expectation to what God is going to do.
As we experience the daily challenges in our lives, the same faith that Joseph held is held in us. Joseph put his mind and vision on the things beyond what was happening. His faith was in a supernatural place that no one but God could see. Our faith should be like this
What I can learn is that I can put my full hope and faith in Him. He will do what He has promised. I can put my confidence in God and not my current circumstances.
This is encouraging!!!
Happy Friday ladies!! Praying for you all. Hope it’s been a great week.
What can you learn from Joseph’s response to God in today’s reading?
Joseph has complete faith in God saving His people from the Egyptians and that his faith in God would be rewarded.
This may sound weird because I’m not sure if i’ll express this correctly, but I feel like Joseph asking the Israelites to take his bones from Egypt to the promised land when they were saved was not just to put his bones at rest but it was also like another definitive marker that the Israelites could keep with them. Another definitive marker that God keeps His promises not only in the future but also in the past to Abraham, Issac, Jacob and Joseph. Just more evidence of God’s love for His people. More reasons to have faith, love and trust for God and His role in their lives back then, our lives now, and for all future lives to come.
I love that! I never thought of it like that, but I think you’re right! A tangible reminder of God’s faithfulness in past, present, and future. Thank you!
This devotional today just really encouraged me to focus on what is eternal and unseen. So often I focus on the things that are temporary and write in front of my face. So often those things are not as important as things can be. The only way we can truly have faith in God is to focus on the things that are unseen.because we wouldn’t need faith if we could see everything God has promised us. I just pray that I can continue in that faith and be a good example to my girls.
“ May His presence be upon you for a thousand generations and your family and their children and their children.. “ Joseph knew he would not see the promised land but he still trusted in Gods promises for his future generations. Trusting in the Lord is a gift to share with our children!
That forward faith of Joseph, assurance to others that God’s promises WILL be fulfilled, is an unshakable gift to those around him. May I share that same gift with others!
Joseph had complete faith that God would make good on His promise – the one that He gave to Abraham, generations before. He was confident that God would come to their aid, take them up out of Egypt and into the promised land. Joseph got them there, but God would get them back.
It makes me ask this question of myself – do I believe that God will get me to where He wants me to be? It doesn’t necessarily have to be a physical place, but can be a spiritual one as well. Do I believe that God can “grow me” from here to there? And where is it that He wants me to be?…
Psalm 143:10 – He wants me to be teachable.
1 Thessalonians 5:18 – He wants me to give thanks in every circumstance.
1 Peter 2:15 – He wants me to do good.
1 Thessalonians 5:23 – He wants me to be sanctified, set apart for His glory.
Romans 12:2 -He wants me to be transformed by the renewing of my mind.
Psalm 37:4 – When we walk closely with the Lord, desiring to do His will, He places His desires in our hearts.
This is where I want to be. With God’s help, the presence of His Holy Spirit and by His grace — I will progress on my journey.
Last thought to leave with, from 1 Corinthians 4:17…
“Affliction is not something to be endured in order to reach glory. It is the very process which creates the glory. Through travail comes birth.”
Have a great day sweet she’s – Happy Friday!
Love this, Sharon; thanks so much! Saving it for future reference! ❤ Hope you and Jeff have a blessed weekend!
❤ thank you, Sharon. Lots to think about.
Thank you, Sharon, for sharing this!!
Sharon, I love your question about believing if God can grow you to who He wants you to be! I’m there with you. God has been doing gleaning and threshing in me and I needed your reminder He is doing the work and in control.
I can learn to have true, die-on-that-hill, public and private faith in what I can’t see, and may never see.
We all, in a sense, are in Egypt. We live in a fallen world, where sin is rampant, we are bound and restricted by this sinful world. BUT we are all headed to the Promised Land some day, and just like the Israelites, God will deliver us!! He already sent the Deliverer, we are just waiting for His perfect timing to take us on into the final Promised Land. Some have gone on before us – what a blessing that has been for some of our loved ones to be free from this world – but we will all be delivered soon!!
Amen! ❤️
Oh YES, amen to that!! I will copy and paste in my journal…SO good!!
Echoing the Amen. ❤
Yes!! We certainly will!!
We have had some hard ponders this week along with the reminder of God’s promises. Your comments have blessed my heart!
I was reminded of this song as I read the verses this morning. Great way to end this week of study!
RED SEA ROAD by Ellie Holcomb
We, buried dreams
Laid them deep into the earth behind us
Said, our goodbyes, at the grave
But everything reminds us
God knows, we ache
When He asks us to go on
How do we go on?
We will sing to our souls
We won’t bury our hope
Where He leads us to go
There’s a red sea road
When we can’t see the way
He will part the waves
And we’ll never walk alone
Down a red sea road
[Verse 2]
How, can we trust
When You say You will deliver us from
All, of this pain, that threatens to take over us
Well, this desert’s dry
But the ocean may consume
And we’re scared, to follow You
So we will sing to our souls
We won’t bury our hope
Where He leads us to go
There’s a red sea road
When we can’t see the way
He will part the waves
And we’ll never walk alone
Down a red sea road
Oh help us believe
You are faithful, You’re faithful
When our hearts are breaking
You are faithful, You’re faithful
Oh grant us eyes to see
You are faithful, You’re faithful
Teach us to sing
You are faithful, You’re faithful, You’re faithful
And we will sing to our souls
We won’t bury our hope
Where He leads us to go
There’s a red sea road
When we can’t see the way
He will part the waves
And we’ll never walk alone
Down a red sea road…
No, we’ll never walk alone
Down a red sea road
No, we’ll never walk alone
Down a red sea road
Mine are with you too, dear Lanie!!! Praying all is right by now! ❤
Joseph trusted in God’s promises! Even as we go through difficult situations we can be thankful. Not necessarily about our difficulties but we can be thankful for God with us in the troubles. And in His promises! God is faithful!
Yes, we can be thankful God is with us in our troubles and He works for the good for us.
Just as some generations of Israelites didn’t see the promised land, we too may never witness the complete fulfillment of the scriptures. But we are called to have faith like Joseph and we must share the good news of Gods glory with our future generations, so they may recognize it and glorify God too.
In 2020 my grandfather died. He was the closest thing to Jesus in my life, unconditional love and always there..he loved me so well and it shook me when he passed. I remember being able to point to the actual hole I felt missing in my heart, I still can today. The day after he passed we started SRT The promises of God study and every single day it pointed me to heaven. It was amazing! I began telling my kids and when they would wake up they would say was your Bible study about heaven again today? And it would be. I started underlining with a pink pen to remember the absolute nearness of God in one of my hardest times. He truly is near the broken-hearted. We had an extended family group chat for updates on gramps while he was sick, I would share the verses with my family and they all knew about the pink pen too. I love when I am reading my Bible and I see my pink pen show up. Today was one of them. For our momentary light affliction is producing for us an absolutely incomparable eternal weight of glory. So we do no focus on what is seen, but in what is unseen. For what is seen is temporary but what is unseen is eternal.
I love how Joseph said But God WILL CERTAINLY come to your aid…..and WHEN God comes to your aid…
Isaiah .. He WILL destroy death forever, He WILL wipe away the tears from every face.
One day we WILL say Look this is our God! We have waited for him and he has saved us. This is the Lord we have waited for.
Ohhh The promises we have! Like Abraham, Jacob, and Joseph.. we have these same promises! May we wait well…. May we believe with all of our hearts…. May His grace extend through more and more people and thanksgiving increase for the glory of God! We have this treasure to share!! Happy Friday She’s
You shared it perfectly, KRISTY! Thank you for sharing your heart experience! What an encouraging testimony! ❤
Beautiful. Thank you for sharing. Recounting and being reminded of God’s faithfulness at other points in our life is truly a encouragement in our current season.
Kristy, THANK YOU for sharing your inspiring story. God IS faithful!
What a beautiful testimony that will follow you and bolster your faith throughout your lifetime. Thank you for sharing with us.
Thank you for sharing – what a beautiful testimony of faith, love and hope! ❤️
Thank you for sharing this Kristy, this is so powerful and so encouraging.
That’s beautiful
Thank you
Beautiful! Thank you Kristy.
Beautiful testimony! Thank you for sharing!
I just lost a good friend who truly loved Jesus ! Hearing these
promises again and your testimony have helped me regain the
proper perspective-faithful is He who
promised! As Andre Crouch wrote: ” It won’t be long,soon we’ll be leaving here!
It won’t be long we’ll be going home!
Count the years as months count the months as weeks,count the weeks as days – any day now we’ll be
going home!!
That was beautiful Kristy!! Thanks for sharing, what a testimony to your family as well!!
This is so beautiful ! God bless your Bible reading ❤️
What has stood out to me of Joseph’s story is that he knew he would not see God’s promises fulfilled in his lifetime, but his faith stayed the course, and it is a beautiful example of having hope beyond his circumstances and trusting God’s timing and promises. To me, his request that his bones be taken to the Promised Land, was truly beautiful legacy of faith because it served as a tangible reminder of faith for future generations.
Lord, thank You for Joseph’s example of faith in Your promises. Help us to trust in Your plans and find hope beyond our present circumstances. Remind us that our true home is with You and strengthen our faith to leave a legacy of trust and hope for others. Guide us in Your timing, and let our lives reflect the promise of being eternally with You. Amen.
A beautiful prayer Maria. And what faith, for you to be able to look beyond the loss of your home and see the hope of our future glory in our eternal home. Continued prayers for you and your family. ❤️
Amen. Continued prayers for you and your family, Maria.
The example of Joseph is nothing short of both challenging and inspiring. His dependency and trust in the Lord as his provider, protector, and helper was unwavering and yet not without heartache and suffering along the way.
May I be found faitjful, no matter what comes. May both my example now each day, and what I leave behind be one that most “certainly and surley” points to the great hope in our Savior and the mighty name of Jesus lifted high in it all.
Amen! ❤️
I love the word “certainly”. God will certainly come to your aid. There was no doubt in his mind!
Amen. I took a moment and reviewed all the various translations. Every single translation of Genesis 50:24 uses either the word certainly or surely. I like to review other translations when I want to know intention. If every translation includes the English word, I know the original writer included a word much like that.
Amen! I love that you highlighted this from today’s reading, Sarah. He had such confidence in God and I pray for that same confidence as well no matter what circumstances I may be surrounded with. Wishing everyone a blessed day and weekend!
Because of Joseph faith , his children knew what to do. Our faith transcends generations
There is great comfort in this! ♥️
Joseph’s attitude towards his brothers right before, I read, too…he had such a godly attitude there. He loved his brothers, provided for them and their families despite all he endured at their hands. He didn’t choose to be Rachel’s son, the one who Jacob truly loved. But he did and he remained godly through it.
But to the point, his faith…he believed God would bring them back to the land He promised to. He didn’t see it in his life time but God said after 400 yrs….so he made the future families vow to bring him out. He got to the Promised land! God fulfilled every promise He made! He always has, He always will!
Thank you so much for your prayers! I can feel them and I’m so encouraged. All your comments from yesterday and today have been helpful. I told my DIL the anemia was a good excuse to eat my favorite dark chocolate and steak. Hahaha.
Gene’s surgery has been moved earlier to 11 am. So far he isn’t too anxious or confused.
Don’t think I told y’all what the doctor said when he 1st came in to see me. You look a lot better than the last time you were in here! I think that was a backhanded compliment. I had to laugh!
Joseph had found God faithful to His promises throughout his life. The Lord’s timetable isn’t the same as ours. His ways aren’t ours. He knows His plans for us that are for our good. In the midst of the storms of life that is sometimes difficult for us to remember.
Things are still very rough for those dealing with the aftermath of hurricanes.
My brother in Greenwood SC told me last night debris removal from there will take months. He still doesn’t have internet or TV. Our NC mountains are tragic but so many blessing are pouring on the people up there in their loss.
Dear sisters, let us keep our focus on His sure promises. Have a blessed day!
Dearest Linda (And other precious caregivers) I continue to be amazed and encouraged by hearing how God meets you on your journey…(not unlike Joseph’s journey)! Continuing to uphold you and you dear Gene… Keep sharing… keeps us connected!! ♥️
Continuing praying for all affected by hurricanes. Praying for you and Gene
Praying for you, Linda, and improved health for you. Praying as Gene goes into surgery soon that God will guide and all will be successful. Keeping you AND the hurricane victims in prayer! Our former deacon lives in Greenwood now. I had no idea it was that bad there still. Thanks for that report so I can check on them! ❤
Prayers for Gene as he is getting ready to go in to surgery – and for you sweet sister. ❤️
Prayers for those still reeling from all the havoc of the hurricanes.
Dark chocolate and steak – I’m right there with you! Also with you in prayer for Gene’s surgery and strength and peace for you both.
Joseph’s faith reminds me that even when we may not see the promise fulfilled ourselves, God is faithful and I can trust He will do it. Joseph didn’t get to the promised land alive himself, but he trusted God would take His people there. What promises does God give us that we may not see fulfilled, but He will finish. I think of the many prodigals connected to the various Shes here. Keep praying ladies!
I needed to hear that this morning… Yet another trip to Ohio for a granddaughter’s musical…with our precious Prodigal family… we trust them to Your care, dear Lord… along with all of the prodigals we’re “Loving to Jesus”… BUT GOD! (Thanks Tina)!!♥️
Carol – praying for your trip with your family…may God open up the door of conversation as you spend time together. ❤️
Yes, I am reminded of this often. I know God is still working, and will be even after I’m called home…but still – I would love it in my lifetime to see my boys come back to faith.
I was going to comment the same thing, but I went and checked Genesis ch. 50, and Joseph WAS given permission to return to the Promised Land to bury his father. I believe that happened right before this scene of Joseph speaking these instructions about his bones, although some time has probably passed since he buried his father at that point.
Baby girl has still not flipped, so we are heading in for the procedure now. 2 Corinthians 4 was such a blessing this morning to pray over my body. Though I will be hard pressed on every side, we will not be crushed! I’m am choosing this morning to focus on holding baby girl in my arms some day soon, instead of fixing my eyes on this momentary trouble. I thank you sisters for your prayers of success today, I know they will surround me!
Praying, LANIE ❤️
Praying for you right now – that all will go well, that you and baby girl will be safe and protected in delivery, she will be healthy and strong and in your arms soon and for your recovery as you move from 3rd trimester to the 4th trimester of post partum.❤️
Mine are with you too, dear Lanie!!! Praying all is right by now! ❤
Praying for you Lanie and your sweet baby girl and family!
Lanie – you have my prayers too! ❤️
Update: she would not budge! She was fine and I was fine during the procedure, but she would not flip. So either she’s a stubborn one or there’s a reason, either way I feel at peace about scheduling the c section at this point. Thank you for your prayers!
Thankful you are at peace with that decision and prayers for baby girl to be delivered without any more drama or stress for you!
Continually praying for you.
Praying Lanie… praying..
Praying, Lanie, for continued peace.
The “surely” spoke volumes to me. Certainly God will perform what He has promised.
His faith didn’t waiver and he left a legacy of that faith.
“God will surely visit you, and bring you out of this land… and you shall carry up my bones from here” – again, sisters, we see faith, faith, faith! No quibbling, no maybe’s, no if’s … just “God will” – Lord, help me/us to remember that You will supply all our need according to His riches in glory by Christ Jesus (Phil 4:19), that You will keep Your promises, that You will guide us, protect us, love us, always. And then there’s God’s will – may we walk with you in Your will daily.
SHARON JERSEY GIRL and sisters who commented – so glad it’s not just me! I have my first zoom meeting scheduled for next week and I am sooo nervous for all the reasons everyone mentioned. Glad it’s behind you, and agree that it was beneficial to the search team.
JENNAH BERRY – praying that you can put those intrusive thoughts out of your mind – prayer, worship and worship music help me ❤️
TANYA EVANS – you got a battery, Praise the Lord!
MARI V – praying for your car servicing and potential repairs, thst the cost will be low.
LINDA IN NC – praying for evaluation and treatment for you, and for Gene’s cath surgery today, recovery and adjustment.
CEE GEE – ❤️❤️
Beautiful takeaway- God will!
Thanks for the list and insight. Praying for all!
Great post! I love Philippians 4:19! ❤❤❤
Prayers for your zoom meeting! You’re going to do great!
Yes, it’s all about the faith!
I feel for you Searching – with your upcoming Zoom meet up. I will be praying for you! ❤️
Part of Joseph’s faith was understanding his part in God’s covenant. In Genesis 15, God told Abraham, “Then the Lord said to Abram, ‘Know this for certain: Your offspring will be resident aliens for four hundred years in a land that does not belong to them and will be enslaved and oppressed. However, I will judge the nation they serve, and afterward they will go out with many possessions'” (Vs 13-15).
This had to have been taught to Abraham’s descendants or Moses would not have known to include it in the account.
SO by faith Joseph believed God’s promises and spoke truth about the future.
LINDA IN NC – praying Gene’s surgery goes well today. Sorry to hear about your anemic diagnosis. If you like raisins, they are an iron rich food that make easy snacks to give you a boost. Even better are dried goji berries if you can find them for a reasonable price.
MARI V – agreeing with you in prayer that all goes well with your car’s “check up”
JENNAH BERRY – praying the Spirit strengthens you to take every thought captive and place them at Jesus’ feet.
LANIE H – praying baby girl has flipped and ECV is not needed today
Thank you, Kelly, for referring to Genesis 15. I was wondering where the reference to 400 years came from. I wonder if the Israelites were aware of the times and were watching for God to deliver them from Egypt.
Yes! Thank you for the reminder and insights on how Joseph knew that God would lead them out of Egypt.
My dearest Daddy was called Joseph. As was his father before him, and my brother is also a Joseph. I always feel love when I hear that name!
It was faith that made Joseph, when he was about to die, speak of the departure of the Israelites from Egypt, and leave instructions about what should be done with his body.
It was faith..
It was faith..
Even nearing the end of his life, He remembered his God, and His promises to the Israelites and how He brought them out of Egypt, and his own scraps He had brought him through… From the jealous brothers, to the wrath of Potiphars wife, to imprisonment… Life must have looked bleak.. And yet..
His plan for Joseph was always good.. He made a way for him to be a man of importance in the kings court..
When you walk through the storms of life, when life throws lemons at you and you still hold on to Father God, and His promises, I reckon when the end is in sight, and you have lived your life in faith and trust of Him.. You can believe, at the age of 110 that God has got you and your wishes!.
I love the story of Joseph!
He never have in to the threats or the events of His life. He focused on God! He held fast to God. He believed even in his worse case situation that God was with him.. ALWAYS..
Lord God, may I walk as Joseph did, trusting you in every aspect of my life, knowing that when my time comes, I will for sure know, I am coming to my true home.. YOU.
This world was never meant to be our forever home… God was and still is.. whatever we accumulate here, aside from the fact that we cannot take it with us when we die, is but a drop in the ocean compared to life in eternity with our Father God..
Happy Friday, my loves! Go in peace and may your day be covered in His grace and wrapped in His promises ..
Much love..❤
Much love to you, dear Tina! ❤
I wonder at the fact that Joseph died at a much younger age than his father and grandfather.
Tina – I love the story of Joseph too, one of my favorites! It has the story of redemption written all through it.
I also love the name Joseph, and thought of using it for my boys when they were born, but I don’t like the name “Joe” and knew that is what it would most likely be shortened to.
Happy Friday sweet sister!
I am struck by the brokenness around me – in the space of 24 hours, I feel as though I’ve seen/ heard just so much sadness/ bad news. I am blessed to be in a position where I can help – emotionally and through fellowship, but mostly through prayer. Knowing that death, the greatest enemy, has been defeated, helps me find the language in my prayer for them. Joseph had faith the Israilites would leave Egypt, and they did. He had faith that God is good and that He would help His people. As I pray, I can trust and know that God is good and that He loves His people
Praying, MARY, for the strength and words you need for yourself and those around you.
So sorry for the sadness and bad news surrounding you. May you find rest and peace in His presence today. Praying for you. ❤️
Amen. ❤️
The only way through death is to go through death, though death is not forever for us, as Jesus redeemed us. Though death is inescapable, it is not eternal, eternal is only God and Jesus