Building the Temple

Open Your Bible

2 Chronicles 3:1-17, 2 Chronicles 4:1-22, 2 Chronicles 5:1-14, Exodus 26:31-35, Hebrews 9:11-14

After a long day of school, my siblings and I would come home and grab a snack, do our homework (well, some of us), maybe do a chore or two, then argue over the TV for the after-school line-up.  

Sibling 1: “It’s 4 o’clock, and I want to watch Arthur.” 
Sibling 2: “No one wants to watch that baby show. Let’s watch Ninja Turtles.”
Sibling 3: “No one is about to watch either because I’m about to watch Boy Meets World.” 

We bickered endlessly over what to watch on TV, but there were two shows we always agreed on: 106 & Park and MTV Cribs. Oh, the glories of MTV Cribs. The fulfillment you received from being invited into your favorite celebrities’ homes. These homes were not shabby. These homes were what you’d imagine a superstar home to be. It was not uncommon to see a celebrity’s residence have the most outlandish chandelier, 24-karat gold faucet handles, or a petting zoo in the backyard. Their homes were designed to match their prestige status. 

The story of King Solomon building the temple for God was even more significant. Solomon offered his best. We might read passages on building the temple and view it as minute; however, every intricate description of the temple was to brag on the glory of God and highlight His holiness and splendor (Exodus 26:31–35, 2Chronicles 3–4). The temple may have been built to serve three purposes: It was a place for God and humanity to commune; It was a place for humanity to worship God; it was a place for humanity to offer sacrifices for the forgiveness of sin.  

In the old covenant, the temple served as a cornerstone for the Israelites’ relationship with God. The Israelite priestly representatives had to enter the presence of God on behalf of the people to offer sacrifices for the forgiveness of sin (2Chronicles 5:1–14). It’s difficult to fathom the idea of depending on another sinful human to go before God on our behalf—a human that requires just as much grace. Imagine longing to commune with God and having to wait until you arrive at the temple. Or the anxiety of having the proper sacrifice for the forgiveness of sin. 

This was the case before the Holy Spirit indwelled His people. Today, we know a different experience with God under the new covenant. We know Jesus to be the bodily fulfillment of the temple (Hebrews 9:11–14). Our worship is not limited to a specific place, and our forgiveness is not dependent upon our sacrifice or the sacrifice of other humans. 

Jesus is the dwelling place for humanity to commune with God. By the shedding of His blood, His death served as the perfect sacrifice for the forgiveness of sin. He is the cornerstone of our relationship with God. Now when we want to pray, sing songs of praise, or confess our sins, we can go boldly in Jesus’s name. Anytime and anyplace. 

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40 thoughts on "Building the Temple"

  1. Rhonda J. says:

    It’s funny how a broken foot can put you back in a place of dependency quick! My husband had to do everything for me that first night as I was in pain through the night. And yesterday morning and this morning, carrying my laptop for me to the couch, making the coffee (a very specific way), and bringing it to me. Breakfast…and so on. I don’t know what I would do without him. It is that same dependency with Jesus, we are helpless without him, our Lord and Savior, our connection to the Almighty God! We must rely on him through every part of our life. It still completely floors me that he GAVE us the HOLY SPIRIT to live IN us to help us as well, through all things. I may be broken, physically and spiritually, but though him I am made whole, eternal, in his presence forever, thank you God, thank you!!! You are a God of goodness, that cares for his children.

    @Michelle Patire- keep strong dear friend, you are his precious daughter, he will keep you in his embrace and not let you go.

  2. Traci Gendron says:

    Jesus is the dwelling place for humanity to commune with God. I cannot imagine what they had to go through before we had Jesus. We can talk to Him anytime and any place. We are so blessed.

    Prayers for all requests.

  3. Mari V says:

    We can go straight to Jesus at anytime, anywhere. No need for in-betweens.  Thank you Jesus! Happy Monday sweet She’s!

  4. Cee Gee says:

    TINA, you quoted my favorite words from Jamika’s devo. So very THANKFUL for Jesus and all He represents for me! As wonderful as that mighty temple was, I’d rather have Jesus. That just reminded me of the old song : “I’d rather have Jesus than silver or gold…” I never connected those lyrics to the temple before!

    HEIDI, I have missed you and I was so glad to see you here. Love what you shared!

    MICHELLE, praying God grants you patience as you walk this troubled path. I know how hard that is! God has a plan!

  5. Sharon, Jersey Girl says:

    The Most Holy Place (2 Chronicles 5:7) – the inner sanctuary of the temple, the place where only the high priest was allowed to enter and only once a year at that. The curtain in front of it separated the the Holy Place from the Most Holy Place separating man from God. (Exodus 26:33). But God… God had a plan, God made a way to end that separation. That way was Jesus, the spotless Lamb of God. Upon Jesus death on the cross the veil was torn – allowing all who have received Him, to come in – we are no longer separated! Praise God that He has made a way and we can boldly enter into His throne room (Hebrews 4:14-16), the Most Holy Place, through Jesus Christ our Lord!

    @Indiana Christina – praying for your sister-in-law Tammy. May God extend His grace, mercy and love and give the doctors wisdom in treating this tumor. God willing, may she be healed.
    @Sarah D. – praying for your job situation – God’s wisdom and direction and for your new relationship. So glad your date went well!
    @Rhonda – sorry to hear about your little accident – praying for a quick healing.

    Blessings to all on this Monday morning!

  6. Sharon, Jersey Girl says:

    @ Michelle Patire – praying for you! Even though others can’t understand what you are going through – God knows, He sees, and He is right there beside you. A beautiful passage of scripture is Isaiah 43:1-3. I hope your are comforted in knowing you are redeemed, God has called you by name – you are His. He will be with you through the deep waters and will not let them overflow you; when you walk through the fire – you will not be burned. May God renew your strength and restore your hope…you are loved. ❤️

  7. Aimee D-R says:

    Jesus, thank You for Your temple, Your body, Your sacrifice. I am so grateful for Mercy and Grace through Your Blood. Amen

  8. Jeanie Mclellan says:
