Text: Psalm 119:33-56, 2 Timothy 3:14-17, 2 Peter 1:16-21, Isaiah 42:5-6
I love that phrase – those words – because of how they make me feel. Because I have put my trust in God, “God-breathed” makes me feel safe, loved, and remarkably seen. It is deeply personal.
But “God-breathed” is so much more than a feeling, isn’t it? It is well beyond simply closing my eyes and almost tangibly feeling the sweet, near and warm breath of the Holy God surround me when I read my Bible. Oh, Sisters – it’s even better than that!
Sure, it’s nice to feel warm and intimate. But I imagine there isn’t one of us reading this today who hasn’t hit a point in their lives where tender just won’t cut it. We need something we can cling to. Something solid. Something that cannot be shaken. We need promises – both kept and made. We need to know that the Story we are staking our lives on isn’t simply the words of man, artfully crafted to give us a daily boost in the “feel goods.”
God-breathed (out of the mouth of God!), means TRUTH. It means it’s real. It means we can count on it, die for it – stake our whole lives on it!
If something is God-breathed, it is truly, unmistakably from Him. Timothy tells us, “All scripture is breathed out by God,” (2 Timothy 3:16) and Peter tells us that “no prophecy was ever produced by the will of man, but men spoke from God as they were carried along by the Holy Spirit.” (2 Peter 1:21)
So, what does this mean for Scripture? What does this mean for us?
In short, it means it was on purpose. From Genesis to Revelation, it is complete. In real life, God chose men over a span of thousands of years and, through the direct inspiration of the Holy Spirit, His word was breathed into being. No mistakes were made. And, it is complete. (If you’re interested, we encourage you to dig deeper on this topic. This book, this video, this article and this article are four solid places to begin.)
It means the God who breathed the breath of life into Adam’s nostrils (Genesis 2:7), breathed the only living and active document into being as well – a means to say all that He would ever need to say to the world He created. It took time. It is timeless.
And this is where it gets personal again. Because we know that the Bible is the totally-truthful breath of God – the only voice of God we will ever hear or ever need to hear until He returns – we know that to read it means to hear the voice of God spoken to us Every. Single. Day. And writing it on our hearts in memorization means to carry that with us everywhere we go.
John Piper, when speaking at a gathering about three years ago, said of His communion with God in the Bible, “God talks to me no other way. But don’t get me wrong – He talks to me very personally.”
He is ours for the seeking, sisters! The thought makes me blush with privilege. The voice of God recorded then – living and actively communicating with me now!
How can we bear to close its pages?

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261 thoughts on "it is the word and breath of God"
Thank you for this truth today oh God! A reminder that scripture is of God and not sinful man, His words to us, for us and only truth!
This is what I needed today. Can’t wait to see where the Lord takes me in my life!
Needed this today
This helped me so much. I have been in so much fear. I am 18 and was in the hospital for a while. And I’m not seeming to get well and it scares me that something worse is wrong. But just as my parents said, He is holding me and he is not the author of fear. I know everything is okay. His love is so wonderful
I love that last paragraph where it says, ” he’s outs for seeking” that is so cool to think about!!!
This makes me feel so loved. And to know that this is THE TRUTH. it is something I know I can count on, something that is final and there for me whenever, just like God, is AMAZING! Loving this devotion
God is personal! Amen! I love the devotion given today!
God works in such amazing ways. He is so amazing! Praise him!
There are so many times in my life where I don’t just need comfort or a feel good situation but instead I need to merging solid. Something like they said I could stake my whole life on. That I could make the most important decisions based on. That only comes from one place. The word of God. Everything else from man will come up short but gods word is truth. Truth I can stand on with confidence and my head held high
I’ve always thought to myself that when I read the bible, I’m not always going to hear God speaking to me. Now I know that ANYTIME I read my bible God is speaking to me, which gives me comfort. He took the time to make sure we all have what we needed to get back to Him. I’m so thankful and grateful to Him. I love you God!
I have always felt the same way. Feeling
like if I didn’t feel this feeling after reading
that it wasn’t successful and that I didn’t
get anything out of it. So glad to know now that it doesn’t matter what I FEEL like. I am feeding my soul and it is satisfied!
I have a question! Can you expand on the sentence in the devotional that says that the Bible is the “only voice of God we will ever hear or ever need to hear”? I have heard God speak to me with words that are not scripture (directly). I’m curious if what is meant by this is anything we “hear” from God should line up with scripture and His written word.
The scripture tells us that we know His voice, so He does speak to us. He cannot lie or misrepresent himself, so anything that He speaks to us will be in line with His word. If you hear, “Do something in kindness for your neighbor,” then His word will confirm the message is from Him. To me, it’s like if someone misunderstands something that my father said and repeats it to me. I know my father and his character. I could quickly say, “No, that was not what my father said or intended.” It also seems to me that the closer our relationship, the more clearly and concisely the message communicated should be. This is another reason to want to be as close as we can be in our walk.
I loved the 2nd article, the 1st one overwhelmed me with big words and I felt like I went in circles. The 2nd one however opened my eyes to understand how intricate the bible is, the compilations of books over many years from people who didn’t even know one another not only solidifies my confidence and trust further in God but also gives me confidence in answering questions with our non Christian friends. Thank you :)
The link to the video is no l
I’m challenging my self to at least 30 days without social media and spending that time in the bible and in prayer. We are all so connected to social media, imagine what it would be like if everyone was that connected to the Word and Jesus himself.
Wow I think that is great!!!! I want to do the same !!!!
I just did a 21 day detox with no social media. Just me, God, and his word!!! best 21 days of my life!!!! I encourage everyone to try it at least once!!!! SO REFRESHING!! without social media you get rid of the worldly temptations and seriously have time to just focus on him. it is absolutely amazing what God can do to you in a short 21 days of pure devotion.
Thanks for sharing! In a time where social
media is everywhere I’m going to try it!
Dear Jesus, this Book….. it is YOUR breathe. YOUR living Words! How can I bear to close the pages?
As of late, I have been having these sudden urges to spend time with the Lord…like a best friend or family member saying, “come hang out, let’s just talk.” Ice ever experienced this before, unfortunately opening the bible or journaling in the past has felt almost like work. Tonight I am thankful for a God who pursues hearts. Who never holds back, who is always a few steps behind no matter how many steps ahead you think you are. I am grateful to have a Savior who so delicately loves me but so intensely seeks me.
I’m so glad you were able to put words to my thoughts. I am so little, and God is so big and I’m glad to have His word to rely on.
I had a pastor once say you’ll never hear the Word of God unless you open the pages of the Bible. He’s speaking to you there.
I travel a lot during the summer for basketball. Most Sundays and Wednesdays I’m not home for church, but having this app allows me to still be devoted and grow in my relationship with God. :) I love it!
I really appreciate the supplemental reading about biblical inerrancy. The Bible Gateway blog talk through 5 different perspectives on this matter and I appreciate that.
I love this study so far! I love the scriptures chosen to help us see what the Bible is and what it is about. I am even more in love with all the different views and outside sources avaliable right here in an app!!! This firm of bible study is a wish come true! I can now study anywhere anytime and feel connected with the word and it’s teachings. There is no more excuse for not diving into the word.
I feel very blessed with this devotional today. I’m going through a rough time so being able to take time out to listen & hear what God has to say to me is a blessing. Thank you & God Bless you :)
Mindy, thank you for sharing. I too have a hard time with reading because I have 2 little girls, 4 and 8 months. Life is so demanding that it is hard to read at times, but devotional a like this help me focus and enjoy Gods word. Thank you for these devotional a “she reads truth”. :-)
So enjoying this series, and all the Scripture! This is my first time finally committing to this personal study time since having kids :) (I’m part of a Women’s study, which I love, but have really let my daily readings relax…) It feels so.good to give more time to God’s word now that my babies are older. God is gracious and patient! Thank you, srt, for these thoughtful, truthful devotionals. Hugging my Bible is a common thing for me to do, and going through this series is definitely making me give lots of hugs, lol. God bless all of you reading too!
I have struggled over and over with accepting Christ in my life the past few years. College life and hardship have made it so challenging, but I am really happy to be trying again. Please pray for me, if you can, that I would commit to and honor God in the way He deserves. I don’t ever want to stray so far from Him ever again, and I don’t want my weak moments to turn into rejecting Him again. I hope you all find this Bible study as enlightening and encouraging as I am!
Praying for you Kelli , I struggled with some pretty dark times and have learned those dark times are always easier to get through when I am active in my relationship with the Lord. Good luck on your journey
“In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.” And this same Word lives in me through the Holy Spirit! What an incredible privilege and responsibility we as Christians hold!
I love the scripture that accompanied this message today!! It really spoke to me.
This app has improved my relationship with the Lord! I see the app and know I have to read& make it so much easier to follow through!
I needed to read this! I needed to find this app! I think that the Bible serves as a constant mode of communication with God that is undeniable and I have been missing it. Hearing God speak to me outside of the Bible is easier to write off and ignore, but the written words of God are solid and come from Him.
seriously digging this plan. its been so great to finally have a plan and time with God and His word that i can look forward to. i was feeling so guilty in the past because reading and studying the bible felt like a burden. this app has helped take some of the weight away. very greatful.
Loving this!
I love this so much! It is so wonderful how the 2 words “God breathed” are just awesome. Like it isn’t as incredible if you said “Caroline breathed”. God is so incredible He makes 2 words just so amazing, so holy.
Can anyone speak to the part in the devotional that they say that “the Bible is the only voice of God we will ever hear until His return”? Do they mean the only canonized scriptures? Or literally that God does not speak to us except through the Bible?
The way it’s always been explained to me is that while we can pray and have feelings (comfort or peace with a decision) that the way God communicates is with His word. We can know His will with His word, because His will will never go against His word.
I believe that yes, the Bible is a great place to hear from Jesus but our God can’t be held only in pages. He is God. He created the heavens and the earth. He created time. He created us. Yes, the Bible is the Word and it is where we can hear from God in mighty, intimate ways but it doesn’t just stop there… He speaks to use through his creation, dreams, through other people, and through the Holy Spirit he can speak to us directly. It is the reason He sent His Spirit, so that He could still commune with us even though His physical body is not here on earth.
I totally agree! The Holy Spirit was sent to us as our comforter, friend, and helper. Why would He then be silent? Of course He wouldn’t be! He is the Spirit of God and His words heal our brokenness, teach us wisdom and discernment, and help us live a life worthy of our calling.
Our lives are blips relative to His timeless majesty, but in reality, a few thousand years isn’t all that long… I love the closeness of us as a world of people to biblical times. Enchanting, it truly is.
Loving the psalm of David: I truly see his joy, happiness, trust, faithfulness, and hopefulness in the lord. A feeling that comes over me when I read his word.
Prayer: lord help me memorize your word, live out your word, breath out your word, and share your word. Help me understand what it is you’re sharing with us, so I to can feel the joy & faithfulness of your Glory.
33 Teach me, O Lord, the way of your statutes;
and I will keep it to the end.
34 Give me understanding, that I may keep your law
and observe it with my whole heart.
35 Lead me in the path of your commandments,
for I delight in it.
36 Incline my heart to your testimonies,
and not to selfish gain!
37 Turn my eyes from looking at worthless things;
and give me life in your ways.
” for no prophecy ever came through human will; but rather human beings moved by the Holy Spirit spoke under the influence of God”
2 Peter, 1: 21
I really enjoyed today’s study. It gave me an utterly different perception on the way I view the bible. A reminder that what I am reading isn’t a story comprised of different authors(prophets) scriptures, but a story of prophets and disciples speaking the word of God from God himself.
” God-breathed” I love that. I enjoy seeing different excerpts from the bible starting this. It shows us truth that what is written is truly from God himself.
I absolutely love this devotional so far. I just finished Day 3. I usually am not a huge fan of devotionals, although I love the groupings of scripture passages to focus on a topic and see it woven throughout scripture, but this devotional and this Bible app have been a tremendous help in getting me excited to read God’s word again. It’s simple and practical but still carries depth, and the design of the app is brilliant. Thank you very much!
Helpful observation: The link to the video from the TGC isn’t there.
Thank you for this plan! Even though I’ve been studying the Bible for years, it’s still amazing to just focus on how precious it truly is – to thank and praise God for it!
Kjerstin, I’m there with you. I’ve failed to become immersed and enthralled with his word and I pray that he will ignite a hunger and fire in me, for him and his word, that all my distractions can’t pull me from. I’ll be praying for you along with my own desire that this is the time that we can both be swept up in his word! Please pray for me too. I’m knocking.
Still asking God to change my mind towards His Scripture. It doesn’t yet get me excited to read God’s Word. But I trust that God will do that work in me!
I feel the same way, however I can say with all honesty that He has begun to change my heart. It’s a slow and painful process (due to my sin nature) for me, but there’s been baby steps towards it!
Kjerstin , I have had many times when I felt the same, but your faithfulness in continuing to seek Him will be rewarded, and He will grow that desire in you. I’m praying for this for you!
Love this devotional. I wasn’t raised in the church but recently I have realized I need to thank Him every day for is steadfast love. This is an awesome place to really understand and discuss His word. Thankful I found this!
**The video link didn’t work for me, the page it brought me to didn’t have a video on it, just thought you should know**
This is so incredibly encouraging! It gets down to the essential truths. How amazing are these truths!
This is a gd reminder on the relationship between me an God
I often take for granted the relationship I have available to me with God. Thanks for the reminder!
So much good information. I feel like I might read over this one again to get more from it. Wow He is so good and His love endures all. Makes me think of the song ‘blow might breath of God, move upon this place’.
This one touched me the most. Ahh I love this so much! So powerful.
I loved reading this but when I clicked on the video link, I didn’t get a video. Does anyone know how to find the video?
This was an on time word that touch my heart!
I was able to save so many notes from this reading, and that’s an amazing thing!!
God breathed. I needed this reminder tonight that the word of God is in fact living and when I feel like I can’t hear Him, all I need to do is open His word!
love this. couldn’t of said it better myself!
Sad but hopefull
Powerful message, the Bible is God-breathing so it is the truth!!
I am a 24 year old woman who is searching for a way to share the Gospel with my parents. They have grown up in and out of the church and have heard of Jesus and the gospel but lack the life changing salvation given by Jesus Christ. However, I find that as their daughter it is hard for me to present the Gospel to them because they are my parents and because they feel like it is something they have already heard. I’m often given the remark “we are good people, so what’s the point?” Any suggestions?
I am in the same position with my parents except they have never gone to church. I never know when or what to share for fear of upsetting them or offending them.
I have found that I often don’t answer simple questions with truth. If they ever ask why I am not sad or how I dealt with something I never even answer with God. I have decided to start there. To answer truthfully with glory to God.
I cannot change their hearts only God can but I can be honest in regards to his work in my life .
I will pray for you and your family.
My husband and I have the same dilemma with his parents. They raised their kids in church, but lack any real relationship with God. Now that all the kids are grown they no longer go to church. Every so often they will watch Joel Osteen, but even that is pretty scarce. We tried all kinds of things with them and felt this huge burden on our shoulders about it. We finally just gave it up to God. We are open and honest with them about our lives and what God is teaching us or telling us to do. We’ve had times where the world would say we are successful and we’ve had times the world would say we aren’t. Neither of us have viewed either times as less or more than the other. We simply tell them that this is where God has us right now and we are learning through it. Right now we are in one of those “low” places, or what the world/Amerian Dream would say is a low place. They’ve seen that we have joy. We are genuinely happy, event though things are not going quite how we had envisioned them going. And we’re ok with that. One thing they’ve seen is that our overall joy and peace has never changed no matter what our life circumstances are. (Side note: We aren’t an old married couple or even be married for very long at all. Just over two years. We are not willing to live a mediocre life and want the best God has to give us and if that is us learning to sit and listen during that “low” times, then we have resolved to do just that. We know that no matter what is going on in our lives God is in control. We’ve learned that it doesn’t take much faith to get through the lows with peace and joy. It is literally just us each morning saying to ourselves and each other He’s got this. He has a plan and he will reveal it to us in his own timing. In the meantime we are going to chose joy and peace.) We just recently started to see some change in his parents. It’s only a little bit, but it is something. And we are rejoicing in that tiny little thing!! Because as small as it may seem, we. Never thought it was going to happen. We’ve accepted that each person has to make their own choice and all we can do is live as transparently as possible and pray.
I love that you give it up to God “He’s got this” is an amazing perspective. I’ve struggled with getting my family to attend church regularly and open the bible. Recently there’s been a series called the Bible and now the Bible AD which is an amazing way to see the old and New Testament on the big screen. It’s on NBC at 9pm Pacific (and can find it on demand). I hope you watch it and recommend it to your loved ones! Hopefully it’ll open their hearts to God’s word. Many blessings!
She discusses that there are times when simply the voice of God through His word isn’t tangible enough to help heal us. It’s true. Sometimes we crave to be closer to God than we already are. And all the times I’ve read “as I am within Him, as He is within me”, I struggled to understand how God was necessarily in us. But now I realize, bringing to attention that all is God-breathed, that He is in us always. He made us, therefore he is in us. He is within us through our deeds, our thoughts, and our very being. All we need to feel closer to God, to feel Him tangibly, is know that our bodies and our souls are His. We are made by Him and of Him. We are the tangible thing needed to feel close enough to God. And here I think, we are enough. We are enough for Him as long as we crave Him and His word. We. Are. Enough. And I get shivers thinking that we are special enough for the One who created everything and loves endlessly. As for the something that can’t be shaken, again that is us. Through our relationship with God, nothing will stop us. We are unshakable through God’s power and love.
Thank you so much Marlee for sharing this!
Thank you for this post! God is showing me lately how he wants my attention and love. He is so great and mighty, but wants my affections…. It’s so hard for me to understand! Praise God for his love and grace!
I love the huge amount of promises in Gods word, especially in the scriptures we read today. This really encourages me as I have just begun making memorizing and applying the word to the young girls I lead and teach. He is forever good to us
“God-breathed.” How beautiful!
God bless all who read this! You are a delight in His eyes and a princess; a TRUE, HONEST, LOVING, KIND, UNDERSTANDING PRINCESS of HEAVEN!!! <3
Love how God’s word empowers me to fight as His soldier and at the same time holds me close like a child who can hear/feel His breath. God-breathed = His power, His presence!
it’s so encouraging and inspiring to so see everyone so fired up for the word! What a blessing!
I am trying to see things in a whole new light and it is extremely difficult for me. I have apparently always viewed the Bible in a selfish light. I know that this is His story about our redemption, but I have found myself guilty of reading my bible with purely thought of its relevance to me. After the first two days I didn’t really understand that, but I am beginning to see the error of my ways. Today I focused on the reading from the authors point of view. Taking it the fact that this is David writing to his Lord about the holy scriptures. Trying to dwell on the historical context and really understand David’s mindset as he was writing this psalm. It made so much more of an impact. After going through the scripture and the devotional side notes I did go back and pray through the psalm. Yes I want this to also be my pray for today, but I’m beginning to understand that though I gain so much daily from this story it isn’t my story. It’s His. Sorry I’m a little behind here on this band wagon, but it finally hit my this morning. Lol
Hey there, Princess Morgan! Keep shining for God and don’t let anything get you down! In Jesus Almighty name, Amen!!! <3
I am also going through the same thing, Hayley. I didn’t go to church much when I was younger.
Hayley, I’m going through the same thing, reading scripture with someone and with commentaries helps me.
I didn’t grow up with a Sunday school background, when I read the bible or devotionals I feel lost because I barely know the staple stories of the bible, this devotional is helping but I think I need more. Anybody have some suggestions?
“The Bible from Scratch” by Donald L Griggs has some great reviews on Amazon. I always buy my christian books here and they give you a list of other suggested books with similar topics. I think I might purchase this book myself
Thank you ! I will check it out !
I am new to this app, as well, but what a blessing it is to have found it! Reading this this morning has put a smile on my lips and a little peace in my heart. Thank you!
I’m new to this app :) and I love it!
I am very interested in the creation and completeness of the bible, however I am unable to click the links in the passage! Is anyone able to send me the web addresses they lead to? I would truly appreciate it!! <3
Thank you so much Ellie!
I appreciate the explanation so much after reading passages. I feel I understand them, but sometimes it is hard for me to relate to every day life and REALLY understand vs just reading them. I pray that The Lord will speak to me and help me with this every day. Thank you for such a wonderful app.
I am so happy to be doing this study. My morning devotional time has been so peaceful and fulfilling as I am walking through this study.
Going through this app has given me a fresh new way of Bible study and for that I am grateful. God’s word is so powerful!!
I am over joyed that I finally got the app on my android phone. I know this is not the current study, it’s old but God’s word never gets old. His word is always relevant.
Having this app to read every morning before I start my day is truly changing my life. I needed something like this in my life.
I am new to this app…. Really enjoying the digital format and a fresh way to read Truth – something I can cling to every. Single. Day. Thank you for the reminder!
I need to appreciate the freedom of being able to read the word so freely. As a Canadian I can read the gospel without fear of being persecuted by governing powers or over reading it on my own. To appreciate that I have a personal relationship with Christ is powerful and worth rejoicing over.
It is a huge thing to rejoice over, Kat! And something I so easily overlook. Thank you for this reminder today! Love to you!
xoxo-Kaitlin for She Reads Truth
God is so awesome! I love how He continues to speak to us through his Word, and how you can read a passage on different occasions and be touched by it in different ways. His Holy Spirit continues to work through the Word and into our hearts & lives.
I am so humbled to even be allowed to read the word of God! I truly need to appreciate it more everyday!
What a gift His word is! How amazing to open my Bible and read the words that He recorded for us.
I don’t think I’ve ever realized how much of a gift the Bible truly is. What blessing it is to hear God’s voice.
It’s so meaningful to know that the words that were written by man, came directly from GoD. Those words didn’t belong to the men who physically wrote them, they belonged to God himself!
I love that God cares so much that He has given us His word!! We have so much to uncover and learn about Him and His love for us. This has made me excited to get back into a habit of reading His sweet sweet words.
Wow, powerful! God took the time and effort to write His book for ME! What a privilege and honor it is to have such a love letter.
I am new and so very happy that I get to be a part of SRT, I have had a struggle digging into Gods word everyday, with this the last couple of days I’ve been so excited everyday just to open my bible, what an incredible feelings to be falling in love with reading His word.
It’s so incredible how different parts of scripture can stand out and fill your soul. Even if you might have read it many times before or even memorized it.
Today, ‘useful’ really stands out. Every single word that God breathed out and now speaks to me through reading is useful.
So, when I read from now on, and nothing might stand out. I can trust that it is useful and has it’s perfect time for being used.
How awesome is God?. Incredibly.
The One who loves me the most wrote a love letter to me…why wouldn’t I read it? Look at all He did for me…He did the same for each of us. His love letter is personally scripted for each of us, individually. What precious love.
That is such a beautiful way to say it and to think of it, thank you for sharing!
Loving the scripture/Devo & invite to respond in this app… So much more to discover about God through HIS WORD! Loving the simplicity, grace, & truth in love that this community allows God to speak to this feminine ‘image-bearer’ heart that He has created. God speaking to His spirit in me, in a language that I understand… About himself, and inviting me to beat witness to His truth & promises revealed! Wow… I feel special, like a daughter of the king! Thank you, SRT, for listening to God voice in your lives & calling other women to do the same. Absolutely beautiful. :):):)
I am also new to SRT and I am excited to be here strengthening my journey with Christ. I have always struggled to keep Gods Word in my everyday routine and I could not be more thankful for this community of wonderful women to help me do so!
Hi, Erin! Welcome to our community! We are so happy to have you. Praying for you as you study!
xoxo-Kaitlin for She Reads Truth
Erin, I feel the same way! Thank you she reads truth for all you have done! This is absolutely incredible! Not only am I learning but this entire community of women has just opened up!
So thankful for you ladies! Sometimes all you need to hear is that no matter what Gods words and promises are behind you and doubt should have no place within you. I had a very trying situation at work today and was full of anxiety and came home to read, and this blessed my soul.
Hi, Lauren! We are so happy to have you in our community. Excited to hear God is using this reading to bless you!
xoxo-Kaitlin for She Reads Truth
I am new to SRT and am so excited to begin the Open Your Bibles series next week. In the meantime, I decided to do one of these short plans and am so happy I did! I love this study….God-breathed gave me the chills! So thankful to have found this community!
Hi, friend! We are so happy you are here! So thankful to hear that God has been teaching you incredible things through this study and can\’t wait for you to join us for Open Your Bible!
xoxo-Kaitlin for She Reads Truth
God-Breathed, I love the words you used. The safety, the warmth the trust we feel but not only a feeling. God-Breathed is truth and something we can cling to. He literally breathed us into life, how much more beautiful can you get?
I gave birth to my first baby 4 months ago and during my labor I had the song “Great are you Lord” by All Sons & Daughters playing.
Plays like this, “You give life You are love You bring light to the darkness. You give hope You restore every heart that is broken. Great are you Lord, it’s YOUR BREATH IN OUR LUNGS, so we pour out our praise to you only.”
As many of you mothers got to experience, I was able to see God bring light to the darkness and breath life into my baby. This is the most literal experience I’ve had biblically. I mean we know what the scripture says about God breathing life into Adams lungs but to see it with your own eyes makes me tremble at God’s majesty. God-Breathed is the most comforting term I’ve ever heard!
And btw… So thankful for this app!!
Man…. This particular devotion is awesome!!! I have secretly questioned if God could ever talk back to me. And I’ve always been answered “yes, through his word” but there was still a hint of doubt in the back of my mind. I know NOW and forever more that God speaks through his word all I have to do is take the time to listen (read)… My questions have been answered!
This is amazing! I’m so glad I found this app. “This is the Bible” bible study really helps me cast out my doubt and helps me begin to fully trust God!
Hi, Katie! We are so glad you\’re with us! Thanks for posting today, we are so glad God is using \”This Is The Bible\” to encourage you!
xoxo-Kaitlin for She Reads Truth
What an important fact to know that the word of God is God breathed and the more time we spend in it the closer we get to Him and the plans He has for our lives. Just keep on at it…
When I first came to Christ I was so on fire for His Word. 6 years later, I struggle with wanting to read my bible. It’s become a chore now :( how do I get back to the bible being my escape and my refuge? I miss the desire to kneel before the throne of God with His word as my guide. I long for it to be that way again.
“Beware of harking back to what you once were- when God wants you to be something you have never been before.” -Oswald Chambers said. Not saying you don’t need His word – but that maybe your faith should not be equated with your feelings. It is for freedom you were set free- trust in His perfect Work. You could never work hard enough or do enough to purchase the royal robe of righteousness that He has bestowed upon you, gifted to you. It is a gift. Rest and receive, sister.
I’ve been having this same issue lately..but I’ve found that if I take a brief moment of prayer before I begin my devotional, it really helps me. I simply ask god to reveal himself to me and let the Holy Spirit guide my devotional. Hope that helps you out :)
I thought it was interesting and almost comforting that in 2 Peter they made the point to clarify that the things from the prophets were all from God. From then until now, people have doubted the authenticity of the Bible. They made a point early on to remind us how God-breathed it all is!
I really needed this today. The first few lines of psalms is what I’m begging for. Teach me, give me understanding, help me to walk the path.
So happy you\’re with us, friend! We love having you!
xoxo-Kaitlin for She Reads Truth
Hi. I’m new to this app and I’m really enjoying it. I also love the design and layout…it’s peaceful, inviting, and pretty! Thank you for making the TRUTH a priority. I don’t see that enough in the Christians around me.
Ps. I also had trouble with the video link
Hi Valerie! We\’re so happy to have you! Welcome to our community!
xoxo-Kaitlin for She Reads Truth
The video isn’t connected to the link. I’m not sure if it’s no longer available but just a heads up. I’m very interested in knowing about the canon and I’m constantly getting family members that talk about the apocrypha. I feel God put His word in the Bible and no man could have removed what He wrote. I’m glad you posted links to help direct others to finding truth about that. Thank you so much for these studies
Hello ladies ! I am new here and loving this study. I have always been a woman of faith but feel I am in a rut. Currently my husband and I are trying to conceive and I’m trying though all the heartbreak to keep the faith. I am praying for all of you. Amen
I know the rough road of waiting for God to say “now” on a baby. I am praying for you this morning. I encourage you to lean in! Lean in to the God that adores you and knows your body and your needs better than anyone else!
Praying for you and your husband. Xo
Hi! Loving this study!!! It comes at a perfect time for me. Is it just me or is there no video to see when I click through on the link?
Man, I’m loving this study so far. I just finished reading the book “Radical” and am in the midst of the Radical Experiment where he encourages readers to spend a year praying for the world, reading through the Word in a year, and just really investing our lives in God’s will. This study and your others are amazing supplements in that process. Thanks so much for sharing. I especially found the article on the Bible as being a form of proof for itself incredibly enlightening and it absolutely makes sense! I too couldn’t get the video to work, just FYI, but I would love to check it out :-)
Wow! Sounds awesome! I love seeing people totally on fire craving Gods word! :)
I love that God have us this tangible, God-breathed book to communicate with him!
Me too, Haleigh!! Thanks for joining us!
xoxo-Kaitlin for She Reads Truth
I’ve always enjoyed just opening my Bible and letting Him speak to me through whatever verses I happened upon. I haven’t done that much lately, but this is an awesome reminder of His being with us all the time.
So thankful for that reminder, Catherine! Thanks for joining us, we love having you here!
xoxo-Kaitlin for She Reads Truth
With my oldest starting 6th grade this morning on a different campus from me
For the very first time… I am reminded I have a God that is tangible and will hold me and my some through this adventure!!!
Amen! Praying for you today, Karen!
xoxo-Kaitlin for She Reads Truth
I have been having trouble having meaningful quiet time. I feel like I have made spending time with God part of my day, but it is becoming too routine. Any ideas/thoughts?
Try something new? Just like any relationship sometimes you need to rekindle that flame. Meet with Him at a different time or place or location. Start with some worship music. Write out praises or prayers in a journal.
Love this! Lately, I’ve been having some difficult times in my life, and it makes it easy to forget that God is always with me…that I can open His word and hear Him speak at any time. Thank you for sharing this message!
I love this study. Just a few minutes of my day providing new perspective and encouragement. Thank you SO MUCH
So glad you\’re here, friend! Thanks for joining us!
xoxo-Kaitlin for She Reads Truth
What I love about this is the confirmation that none of the bible is interpreted or adjusted based on human thoughts or faults. It is ALL from God and it is ALL good and true. As I’ve talking through some theoretical differences with my husband, this is so reassuring and comforting to know that if we just dig into the bible, it will be straight from God and all of it is true.
I love this, Tamara! It\’s so comforting to know that God promises to meet us in His Word. We love having you here!
xoxo-Kaitlin for She Reads Truth
Because God knows our hearts, and man doesn’t, only he could make something so personal. And it’s so comforting to me that because the word is so inspirational to me (so personal), I have full confidence in the Word and the truth in it.
The personal touch of God breathing is so nice to hear. My job is getting very frustrating lately and I don’t understand why some people just think they can give up on their families and friends. I have been exhausted trying to help people and my family with a new baby. Going at this all alone has been exhausting and reading this today reminded me that I have the biggest shoulders to cry on and it is all okay because he will be there to pick me up, wipe the tears and keep going. Nothing is overwhelming for The Lord!!
I think it is important to know that the word came from God himself. I’m not sure if I’ve heard it this way. But, I’m glad that I have. Especially, since technology and Scientist are straying away from the word of God trying make believers think other things. However, the word is from God’s mouth and the scientist and others can keep their words to themselves. GOD’S WORD IS REAL & THE TRUTH!
I really needed this reading today. I’ve started to read the Bible more now that I’m in an authority role in my church. Being raised Catholic, I was never encouraged to read it before. My fiancé is an atheist, but he supports and respects my faith and beliefs. I needed this reading today because his personal doubts were getting to me. But these words, and especially the article on proving the Bible with the Bible really clarified it for me. Thank you!
Good job keeping the faith while getting married to an atheist. It has to be really hard when your partner doesn’t believe in Heaven.
David’s prayer is that The Lord himself would turn his heart and his eyes toward the value of spending his time and energy on things that matter, things that will last. I find it interesting that David asks God to do the turning. This is a much wiser thing than simply willing ourselves to do a better job at reading and studying His Word. This prayer requires humility and submission to God’s economy…what is truly of value.
God is so incredibly powerful!
Thank you so much for joining us today, sister! We love having you!
xoxo-Kaitlin for She Reads Truth
Wow, such a reminder of what an AWESOME God we serve! Ladies- we serve the ONE and ONLY true God! We are so blessed to be lead by Him and call Him Father.
Thank you so much for sharing, Mary Elizabeth! We love having you here!
xoxo-Kaitlin for She Reads Truth
Thanks Kerri for your insightful post. :-) It is so true!
I am soaking in this plan! It is everything and now I know just how incredibly blessed I am to have been given this gift of the Word of God from God Himself!
Kerri- Your comment gave me chills and I’d like to share it with my friends. Puts it all in perspective!
50 My comfort in my suffering is this:
Your promise preserves my life.
This verse stuck out to me. Lord, your promise is what I will hold on to in life!
What if the person on earth we were closest to and loved the most did not speak to us aloud, but handed us a book with their story, all of their knowledge, and the keys to living a pure and holy life? I would think we would read that book every single day, trying to learn everything we could. It makes me so surprised with myself that at times I’ve seen reading the word as an obligation or interruption. What a gift we have. We have TRUTH- it never fails, changes, or breaks. Wow!!
Love this!
That’s a great point KZ! If one of my parents died and left me a letter- you bet id be reading it everyday! such a practical application!
Thank you! I’m sharing this if you see it out in #shereadstruth world. We need to hear this perspective!
Love this!
Wonderful, thought-provoking observation.
His word is such a gift. Lord, help us not to take it for granted, to twist it, to apologize for it, or anything else that sets our authority above yours. Thank you for putting in our hands and writing on our hearts words of life and truth!
“48 I reach out for your commands, which I love,
that I may meditate on your decrees. ” Psalm 119:48 My struggle is that I’m always reaching, desiring in my heart to know our God and His Word more, but never fully grasping… Just reaching with no real follow through or commitment to a time devoted to a deeper knowledge.
Wanted to let you guys know that I love this study so much!!!!! Thank you!!!
I am having the same issue of links not working… I’m using an IPhone 5s
I am reading out of the NIV and what I love about Isaiah 42:5-6 is when God says, “I will take hold of your hand. I will keep you and will make you to be a covenant for the people and a light for the Gentiles…” He calls us to be that light and he tells us that he will hold our hands. He is such a personable God that it blows my mind.
I LOVE where it says it the scripture “I, The Lord,…” It’s not like He just sits on His throne, only talking to the VIPs, and sending out other people to do the dirty work of recruiting for His kingdom. No, He PERSONALLY has called us to be His own. If that doesn’t give you the warm fuzzys then I don’t know what does!
I am loving this! (Just wanted to mention the video link is not working.) thanks for passing on truth and wisdom and such a rich way to dig deeper. :-)
Hi Gillian-thanks so much for letting us know! We\’ll investigate the video link problem! So happy to have you here!
xoxo-Kaitlin for She Reads Truth
“How can we bear to close its pages?” So many mornings I feel just this way… That I don’t want to close it or leave it sitting on my desk. I tuck it into my purse each day hoping for a chance to pull it out through the day. I am learning that memorizing and meditating means I am not really ever forced to close its pages. So grateful for this Living Word.
I love that, Jamie! I especially like what you said about memorizing and meditating on Scripture-I\’ve never thought of it that way! Here\’s to open pages for good:) Thanks for sharing with us today!
xoxo-Kaitlin for She Reads Truth
I love that even though we as sinners were so filthy and dirty and covered in darkness, but God still wanted to claim us and make us His.
I’ve always known this truth; I’ve just never really thought about it like that.
I love that God allows us to have a personal relationship with Him. He is always listening to whatever we have to say to Him. What a privilege!
David’s faith amazes me every. single. time. He hid in the desert for years (with hundreds of men he had to feed and protect) from people who wanted to kill him–more than once! One of his sons raped his daughter. One of his sons killed his brother. That same son tried to kill David. David got a married woman pregnant and had her husband–a good man–killed so he could have her. And then his baby son died as a penalty for that murder!!! Then another of his sons tried to steal the crown from his brother. David’s life was horrifying in comparison to what most of us go through. And yet he says things like, “This is my comfort in affliction, That your Word has revived me,” as in literally breathed life back into him after each blow. It’s a living, breathing, able-to-heal-the-most-horrific-of-wounds Word. It’s just unbelievable.
Lauren, what a great take on this. I hadn’t thought yet to put David’s life in the context of what he’s writing, so thank you for sharing that–it makes it all the more rich. And I can echo personally how His Word has been the only true source of healing in my life when those hard blows have come. I’ve def felt “breathed back to life” bc of time in the Word. It’s always so sweet to remember His goodness and faithfulness in that way.
Wow, this really puts things in perspective. Thank you:)
Thank you so much for delighting in God\’s Word today with us today, Rivers! We love having you.
xoxo-Kaitlin for She Reads Truth
This app has really helped me to stay focused on God. Having a bible study and full bible in my pocket is so precious. Thank you so so much.
Rivers, what a blessing you are so us! So thankful you can connect with our community via the app! We love having you here!
xoxo-Kaitlin for She Reads Truth
I love how this recognizes the fact that God has already spoken to us through his word–we don’t even have to wait for a miraculous voice from the heavens! :)
I do have to admit that I struggle a lot wit 21 For prophecy never had its origin in the human will, but prophets, though human, spoke from God as they were carried along by the Holy Spirit.
I have so many questions about different things that are in the bible like homosexuality and women having their place etc as well as other things, but I know that God knows and I trust his Word–I trust his commandments and love that he knew our understanding would fall short, and our righteousness would fall short, so he sent His son to make this communion with him possible with the promise of growing our understanding and being with him together again in eternity. I love how David points out that his commandments bring life, comfort, joy, peace, and this is so true, even when I don’t understand, I know he is merciful and loving!
I too am new to this community but wow how wonderful of a community. The scripture verse my 3rd grade girls on Wednesday nights are learning this month is verse 17 from 2 Timothy but I loved verse 16 and plan to teach in it next week because of how it talks about knowing these things since childhood, what a powerful verse to use when teaching children. This study has me fired up for both it's application in my life and it's application in the lives of my girls.
I'm fairly new to the SRT community, but I have been so encouraged and challenged by the 1, 2, 3 John study as well as this one on the Word. I love the answers that God's Word provides. For years I would pray, "God, give me the words," meaning, "God, when I'm in a sticky situation and don't know what to say, give me the words." But in the past year God answered that prayer with, "I already have. I've given you MY WORD and all you have to do is get in the Word, spend time with me there, and I'll write it on your heart and mind" (as promised in Jer. 31 with the new covenant). And you know what? He has done just that and has provided more opportunities than ever before to speak his Word through me. So blessed by this study. Thank you.
amen. i love this.
Your words truly BLESSED me today, because they are his Words!!!!!!! Wow!!!!!!
WOW…that i truly the word rambling through my mind right now.
you know how you know that you know something (fact) but then something new gets WRAPPED around your mind and BLAM!!!!!! all of the sudden the TRUTH is wrapped around YOU!!!
i have not done the first few of this study…guess what my afternoon will consist of!!!
Ladies…..thank you!!!!!
Breath, the act of breathing, a necessity for voice…God spoke Creation into being…God breathed life into man and he became a living soul..God breathes through His Word…Wonderful words of life.
God is at it again! I have had questions about The Bible (more about His story as a whole…not questioning what God has to tell us). And here SRT is…with a wonderful study about what it is to be apart of His story. To see the whole picture and to better learn how to be an obidient follower of His will for is in order to complete His story.
The Bible is — God-breathed. The moment I let that Truth sink into my heart, it has changed the way I approach the Word of God! Sisters, I'd like to share this video which has helped me in my perspective and in really understanding how to approach the Word of God! My quiet time was never the same after watching this! I'm sure it will bless you the way I was blessed!
**APPROACHING GOD'S WORD by BETH MOORE** http://youtu.be/wDhU8Yxbbdg
Thanks Misce for sharing Beth Moore's teaching (although it's when she was younger) she is so expressive and powerful in conveying God breathed Word (2 Timothy 3) and I remember seeing this and being impacted like you! There is power in the Word of God when it is so alive and active as we read His Truth together, His God breathed Word, believing Him and His Word, His precious promises and powerful words as we openly listen. Beth's dynamic and this makes this message so very alive! The warmth of being God breathed, as the beautiful image shared above of the mom and her little one by tina …
Beautiful comments SRT sisters from a very beautiful God breathed message Raechel! Love how you captured this and closed (as others commented)!!! How can we bear to close its pages? His perfect 66 love letters written on our hearts! Beth's message that Misce shared is perfect to apply this thrill … "by approaching God's Word as God breathed" (her #1 step) … 2 Tim. 3:16-17
Many blessings and praying as I read each one of your comments (as I do) such love and wonderful sharing here….thanks SRT & commUnity
Thank you Misce for this video you shared. Beth gives some beautiful tips that Ihad to note and can't wait to use in my study tomorrow.
Blessed by all this tonight.
The verses from Psalm 119 were especially beautiful to me today. Again he writes "Preserve my life according to your word," as he did in the first section of Psalm 119 that we read yesterday. That statement really hits home for me. So much of my life still seems up in the air after so many years of hardship and heartache. Even though that season has passed, most days I still wonder "Now what?" when it comes to my life and future. I sort of feel like my life was broken for a while and I am still in the process of repair. I want my life to be preserved according to God's grace. I want my life to matter for Him.
I also love the imagery of reaching out and grasping hands with God. First in Psalm 119:43 "I lift up my hands to your commands…" and then in Isaiah 42:6 "I, the Lord, have called you in righteousness; I will take hold of your hand." Just as Raechel and Tina wrote of the phrase "God breathed," this image of firmly and securely holding hands with God really speaks to me tonight. It isn't just words on a page. It's real and physical. So beautiful.
Today's study was so perfectly timed for me. This morning on the radio I heard an interview with an atheist who loves to "de-convert" people. It rocked me a little, . I needed to steep myself in these scriptures this morning! God's Word IS infallible and complete, and It can be trusted.
Psalm 119:33-40 particularly spoke to me today. The beginning of each verse jumped out at me…David asking, "Teach me, Give me understanding, Lead me, Incline my heart, Turn my eyes, Confirm, Turn away Your reproach…"
I was convicted that THOSE are the things that I need to be asking the Lord for. If His Word is how God speaks to us, let us pray like David that we would learn to delight in His law!
Rachel, that's what has been sticking out to me too. All the requests that David made of the Lord, are things that I need/want/desire to happen. He recognized that he could not do all of that on his own – that he needed God's help. I have hilited all his requests, as well as his promises to God.
But also, I notices that 3 times God's promises are mentioned. v 38 "Fulfill your promise to your servant" v 41 "according to your promise" v 50 "Your promise preserves my life". I am in a season of relying on the promises of God to get us through and this is what I journaled today. "According to your promise, fulfill your promise to your servant. For your promise preserves my life."
I pray this blesses you today and that you not only seek His promises but that you find them as well. God bless you Rachel!
Janee – yes! I hadn't caught that the first time around. God can always be counted on to keep the promises He makes.
Usually with this plan I just write a few thoughts/verses in my journal, but today's entry got an entire page. The NKJV says that scripture is an inspiration from God (ie: God breathed). Just the way Rachael put it — when we read the Bible, we hear God's voice every single day, wow! What an amazing thought!
this is so beautiful. i had a bible study about the Bible and God's Words yesterday and two of the verses we went over are in this study today. I am so amazed by the beauty of God's Words sometimes. I love the HCSB translation of these selected verses:
5 This is what God, * Yahweh, says—
who created the heavens and stretched them out, l
who spread out the earth and what comes from it, m
who gives breath to the people on it
and life n to those who walk on it o—
6 “I, Yahweh, have called You
for a righteous purpose, p q
and I will hold You by Your hand. r
I will keep You and appoint You
to be a covenant for the people s
and a light to the nations
`God bless.
God breathed. Amen.
Ladies, it took me about five times for me to really read each passage today, my mind could not stay focused. I ask for prayers for my husband, who is having (had?) surgery today on his foot. It is an out-patient procedure and is low-risk, but I am currently deployed overseas, and being so far away makes it feel a hundred times worse. His mom is with him because I cannot be, so I don't know if he's out yet or not (he was suppose to go in at 0700 EST). I can't think to type a prayer. Thank you for being such a wonderful community, and for all of your support.
Praying that God will give you His words to speak to your friend. Praying that Gods will be done in this very difficult trial. Praying that God will scoop Tina up in his loving arms to comfort her . Amen
Last week we found out that some dear friends who have been waiting to adopt for 3 years had been chosen by a birth mother who was at the hospital ready to deliver her baby girl. She wanted them to take the baby home with them during the 30 day waiting period and she met with them on Friday and they all loved each other, EVERY. THING. SEEMED. PERFECT!!
Yesterday we got word that the mother changed her mind, there was no explanation given, honestly there doesn't need to be, it's her sweet baby. Tomorrow a group of us girls are taking our sweet heartbroken friend to lunch, to mourn with her, to lift her up, to hold her close, to encourage her in our Lord.
TODAY Psalm 119:50 jumped out at me, it's the verse I was looking for to share with her and here it was this morning in our reading.
"This is my comfort in my affliction, that your promise gives me life."
I'm so thankful that I can share this passage with her and know that while I'm sharing it, it's GOD'S WORD not mine, it's God breathed, and it's the Holy Spirit that will use these words to comfort her. I am so thankful I can be a messenger for God in this way.
Will you pray for Tina and her husband as they grieve and as they continue to trust that God's promise gives them life.
God has a plan for Tina. This also happen to my daughter. She was heart broken but knew Jesus was walking the path with her. Three months later we welcome a true blessing from Jesus, my daughter & her husband adopted a beautiful child of God's.
I was so pleased to read Ps. 119:33-56 this morning. The church that I grew up in sang a wonderful song based on vs. 33-40, so now I have that stuck on my head, and it is such a joy to be singing God's words!
I think the part that stood out to me most, though, was 2 Pet. 1:19 where it says "You will do well to be attentive to this as to a lamp shining in a dark place, until the day dawns, and the morning star rises in your hearts." (RSV) How lovely that we have a command and a promise all rolled up into one in those few words! The promise: The morning star WILL rise in or hearts and the day WILL dawn, we have only to wait (implied by "until"). The command: We should be attentive to the Words of our Lord that He has breathed out for us.
Thank you Lord, for speaking to my hungry heart through She Reads Truth this morning!
i am loving this study. the passages, the reflections, but most of all how the Lord is speaking. He knows I have struggled in the past to fully understand His Word, how it made me second guess it. how at times i felt they were just words i was reading which mostly had to do with the state i was in. God breathed. i love that term too. as of late, each time i pick up His Word I feel His presence in a undoubtly beautiful way, that i am certain He is speaking right there to me. and yes a constant, firm Word i can surely cling to.
"Incline my heart to your testimonies,
and not to selfish gain!
Turn my eyes from looking at worthless things;
and give me life in your ways." — Psalm 119:36-37
Father, forgive me for looking to myself. Incline my heart (my mind, my will, my soul) to YOUR testimonies! Turn my eyes from looking at this world; put my eyes on the abundant LIFE you're leading me into!
Just so encouraged by you ladies today. This community is so beautiful. Raechel, Diana, Hayley and I are so so thankful for all you who gather here. That is all. xo
Very cool today. In my bible reading today Romans 5 is "on the list" I found it interesting how it just speaks to Psalm 119.
I've been reading The Message and I love this part of Romans 5:17
If death got the upper hand through one man’s wrongdoing, can you imagine the breathtaking recovery life makes, sovereign life, in those who grasp with both hands this wildly extravagant life-gift, this grand setting-everything-right, that the one man Jesus Christ provides?
21-22 20-21 All that passing laws against sin did was produce more lawbreakers. But sin didn’t, and doesn’t, have a chance in competition with the aggressive forgiveness we call grace. When it’s sin versus grace, grace wins hands down. All sin can do is threaten us with death, and that’s the end of it. Grace, because God is putting everything together again through the Messiah, invites us into life—a life that goes on and on and on, world without end.
Give me understanding of your law….
Give me life in your ways….
In your righteousness give me life….
Let your steadfast love come to me, O Lord
your salvation according to your promise….
When I think of your rules of old
I take comfort O Lord….
Romans 5…. spells out (for me) Salvation according to your promise…. so of course David takes comfort in the "rules of old" The Promised Savior is coming!!
The biblical writers had nothing more than oral history. Eventually scrolls. The Chronicles of The Kings. But for the most part, oral history. And they clung to it. Knowing The Promise of The Messiah was coming.
Today we have way more than that…. the actual Words of God. And it's breathtaking! And beautiful!
Woah! I love this, Shelly! "And they clung to it. Knowing The Promise of The Messiah was coming." Yes. Lord, let us clingfor life to you and your promises for us just as King David did!
I've been reading this message too, to get a new grasp on old familiar words. I am definitely enjoying the way it jumps out at me with new ideas that are still God's very words!
Like so many of you, the verse that jumped out at me this morning was psalm 119:36-37 “incline my heart to your testimonies and not to selfish gain, turn my eyes from looking at worthless things and give me life in your ways”. Wow, this is really the cry of my heart these days!!! I want more of Jesus and much, much less of me. I want to be satisfied in him and him alone. I love what 2 Timothy has to say about the purpose of scripture-to teach us, for reproof, correction and training in righteousness. Father would these be the things my heart and my mind focus on-not the mindless things of this earth that will pass away.
May this daily be my hearts desire. Psalm 119:37 Turn my eyes from worthless things, and give me life through your word. (NLT)
P.S. thank you for the additional digging deeper links.
2 Tim 3:16: All Scripture is breathed out by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness, 17 that the man of God may be complete, equipped for every good work.
While the bible is not about me, it is good and useful for me. And if I know it, it will complete me. It will prepare me for anything I may encounter as I'm serving him.
Lord, may I passionately seek and find the completeness you will provide through turning to and knowing the Scripture you have breathed out.
Well, Jessica, you spoke to my heart again this morning! "If I know it, it will complete me." Amen, sister. So true. if only I truly took advantage of every chance to know it better!
Oh, EssieJean, if only we all did! There's so much power in his word, and yet we so often squeeze it into our day, instead of revolving our day around it!
How can we bear to close its pages? AMEN!
That's my favorite line, too, Mary! So simple, so convicting, so true!
As I read the scriptures this morning the passage from 2 Timothy jumped out at me, "But as for you, continue in what you have LEARNED, and have become convinced of, because you know those from whom you learned it. I have the word learned circled with a note beside it, "He did not say what you believe, He said what you have LEARNED." In today's society so many many will try to distort the Word to their current situation, to justify their actions, and we are warned over and over about false teachers. I am reminded when reading this scriptures of my SS teachers when I was growing up, Sister Geneva and Sister Francis, and the simplicity of the Bible stories they shared with me all through elementary school. Their life was a living example to a little girl who grew up in a Godless home, where her parents "sent" her to church with the neighbors but never joined her. The truths they taught me in God's word as a child, are what sustains me in my darkest moments today. I praise God for his children who are willing to share His Breath of Life with others. What a beautiful way to start my day. God's blessings to all of you.
God whispering in my ear through His living, breathing (God-breathed!) Word. Amazing. These verses in Timothy are some of my favorites – and my daughter has memorized them for AWANA. Thank You, Lord, for breathing into Your Word just as You breathed into Adam. Wow.
"I am the Lord; I have called you out in righteousness; I will take you by the hand and keep you…" (Isaiah 42:6)
The Lord will take me by the hand and keep me. When I feel like I can't do it anymore, when I just want to give up, God will take me by the hand, he will sustain me.
Our little family of three has gone through months of sickness, once one of us got well someone else would get sick. It's been like this since Christmas. My 8 month old daughter is currently on antibiotics for an ear infection, plus an inhaler for her coughing fits and breathing, and we have been giving her tylenol daily to keep the fever down, not to mention the vomiting because of the coughing. I feel like I am falling apart, like I can't do it anymore. I am frayed and worn out. BUT. I am not doing it alone. God is holding my hand through it all.
That was a comfort for me today. I KNOW that I am to alone, I KNOW that God is seeing us through, but I tend to trust my feelings way too much, and so I get overwhelmed and I feel crushed, unable to go on. What I need to realize though is that I am right, I cannot do this, and luckily I don't have to. I need to team up with God and allow Him to carry me through.
Praying for quick healing for you and your babies. And that God will bless and magnify your efforts today to be mom in this exhausting time. Praying He would allow you to feel His supernatural stent and peace today!
Oh yes, praying for your family, and so glad that God's word is sustaining you.
Oh, Camilla, I know this feeling of falling apart too well. Praying for you this morning. May God comfort and uphold you, may He generously heal your babies, and may He send tangible support to gather round you and offer practical relief. xoxo
God breathed……..AMEN…..
Another eye opener for me today……
I don't know about you, my sister's but I have often in life just taken things at face value…..not spent much time doing the math, shall we say….this is one of those times….God breathed has always meant God breathed to me…..no more no less…. and I guess I understood them to mean these words were spoken by God( acceptable, I suppose), but actually, they do mean a whole lot more, and I thank you Rachael for this devotion this morning and for helping me to see what had long been under my nose, shall we say……
As I read, I was reminded of a visit to a friend, who had a young one who wasn't settling, so she scooped him into her arms, snuggled him in his blanket and began to rock him, as I watched I realise she was also blowing gently over him, he soon settled…..that act of blowing, of her breath over him settled the child, he felt the promise of safety, he felt the promise of security, he felt loved…..God breathed…. I see that now, there is so much more to these beautiful words, to just be bliase about them…..They are for sure….truth of the very highest, no ifs or buts, THEY ARE!!!!! Knowing that, already has made a difference, even in today readings……a light has surely gone on, thank you Rachael…
Thank you Lord for opening my eyes to what the words God breathed actually mean, thank you Lord that I get to read your living word with new and fresh eyes, mind heart…..Thank you Lord for this 'growth spurt' …..AMEN.
Happy Wednesday sister's, praying God breathed blessings over each and every one of you….x
My finger hit the down thumb my mistake.
What a wonderful word picture of God's love for us Tina. He scoops us up in His arms, His breath comforting us. I Love it !
Tina, you said it so very well. Your description of your friend breathing over her child was beautiful and such a gentle, lovely image of how God must want to settle each one of us. It makes me feel so very loved by Him, to think of it that way. I also want to thank you for your kind words and prayers in your responses to my comments in some of the past plans. I can't remember if I ever went back to those comments to thank you at the time, so I definitely wanted to say now how much your kindness means to me. Thank you and God bless you.
"Turn away my eyes from looking at worthless things,
And revive me in Your way."
Strange passage that jumped out at me when compared to some of the others…but to follow those God-breathed Words I have to keep my focus on HIM!
Worthless things. Petty arguments, disagreements, jealousies, comparisons, grudges, etc., etc., etc. Quit worrying about things that don't matter, that I cannot change anyway, and keep my eyes on the goal.
I believe Every. Single. Word. came directly from God Himself. I agree with Amanda, no coincidences, no accidents! I believe it all, Word for Word!
And…it is FOR ME. Amen!
Amen! Your words remind me of Philippians 4:8 – "Finally, brothers (and sisters!) whatever it true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is commendable, if there is any excellence, if there is anything worthy of praise, think about these things."
Wonderful…think on THESE things…
Jumped out at me, also…Stop looking back, stop encouraging worthless thoughts, memories, etc… Seek His face, His Word,
That's good Carolyn, stop encouraging worthless thoughts! Love that.
Candacejo-that is exactly what jumped out at me, too! I have been being convicted about the amount of time I spend on social media, and I am sure God is speaking directly to me about that!
So have I Laresa, and I have done a little better but not where I think HE would want me to be…keep striving!
I am doing a series on unplugging on my blog throughout the month of March -www.mommyinbonlee.com.
Would love for you to join me!
While going through these passages, I have been making a list of the things that David asks of the Lord. I loved this one… Turn my eyes… I have such a tendency to seek pleasure in things that are pleasing to the eye. Which, mind you, is what got Eve in trouble in the garden. She saw the fruit as pleasing to the eye and decided to take a bite. I pray that we, like David, have the courage to ask God such bold requests. We like shiny things, we like to look at things of this World, yet David realized that He needed God to redirect his vision – that he couldnt do it on his own. Such a great lesson…
SO right! We cannot do it on our own, we need HIM! Blessings Janee.
I love these verses 2 Timothy 3:16-17 NIV
All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness,SO that the servant of God may be thoroughly equipped for every good work.
We have this amazing God breathed word SO that we are equipped for Gods work. I find that so freeing!
Psalms 119:45 NLT
I will walk in freedom, for I have devoted myself to your commandments.
Jenny- been praying for you and sometimes I wonder if God doesn’t always make choices clear because actually both options will bring him glory. He will be there walking along with you and using your choice. He has a plan that may adjust by what you choose as sometimes we may have to learn things the hard way. I have had both the road made clear and choices I really wasn’t sure about but it helped to know there wasn’t always a right/wrong decision. Sometimes God gives us a heart for something and that is the one to go for if not pray ot through with those who know you best. Will keep praying!
You are so right Claire! I recently had only one real choice, and out of obedience I was willing to walk the road I wasnt necessarily desiring too. But God – He gave me a second choice. And after a few days of prayer, and asking others to discern this new choice with me, we realized that it was not a pass-fail test. It was a gift of a second choice and either way would bless God. It was the first time I had two blessings to choose from. This may be the same for Jenny – no way to fail.
Hello Sisters! Long-time reader, first-time commenter here! This plan has convicted me in a way few others have. I am at a major crossroads in life as I soon (as in, tomorrow. y'all, yikes!) have to decide which medical specialty I wish to train and practice in. Because I have been grappling with this major life decision for so long, I am especially distrustful of my own thoughts and convictions about the subject. Usually when I face major life decisions such as this, I find myself turning to the scripture. I use it in times of turmoil to look for answers to the puzzles of my life. However, I'm often unconvinced of the message the Bible sends to me. Am I interpreting His word correctly? Does passage X and Y truly apply to my life? Today's passages are particularly comforting to me in my hour of uncertainty as they assure me that God is communicating directly to me through the Bible and that I should find comfort there. Sisters, I pray that I can find understanding in his message, not just as it relates to my life but as it stands, alone in its perfect completeness.
I ask for prayers today as I make one of the biggest decisions I've made to date so that I may better serve the Lord and his word. I am so thankful for this amazing community and for the opportunity to share my deepest thoughts. God bless.
Hi Jenny. So glad you commented! I think your struggle of how to read and apply Scripture is something each of us can relate to. I sure can! And this: "Sisters, I pray that I can find understanding in his message, not just as it relates to my life but as it stands, alone in its perfect completeness." Oh, how I pray that, too. So well said.
Saying a prayer for you now, that God would give you peace with your career decision and that you would have new assurance that He has already equipped you for the good works He has created you to do. xoxo, Amanda
I've always found when praying for the "Will of God" for my life that if I am sincere in my motives and asking for His Will to be done and to bring glory to Him…that He would never let me make a drastic and costly mistake. I find that I am in His Will where I am, or what decision I make, unless He opens another door (or closes one!).
So, since your heart IS in the right place, and you are praying for His direction, He will not allow you to go wrong. He will bless and honor your decision and will be with you in your life's choices.
With Amanda, I am praying for you for peace in whatever you choose. What an awesome opportunity to change the world!
Candace, your words are so needed for me this morning! "He will not allow you to go wrong." So often, I don't take God at his word and make a decision after honestly submitting it to Him for fear that it's not really Him giving me that peace– that I'm in denial or God is just not present there. Thank you for this!
Hi Jenny! I am a family practice physician, and I remember match day so well even though it was well over 10 years ago! I was not even a Christian yet when I made my decision, and I don't know if God would have led me to different decision if I had been Christian then but I do believe I am where He wants me now. There are hurting people in all fields of medicine, so God can use you anywhere. So keep praying, but try not to overthink things. When you are open to God, he will use you wherever you end up. I will pray for you today. Let us know what you decide!
Jenny, I am praying for you today as well. "Seek his will in all you do, and he will show you which path to take." -Proverbs 3:6. It can be hard to believe that, I know, but truly– he will not let you make the wrong decision if you are fully and genuinely submitting your will to his and ready to be completely obedient. I pray that he'd bless you with the decision you make (that he has pre-ordained for you!) blessings.
Praying for you, Jenny!
Praying for you Jenny. I echo what every other lady wrote here, especially Candacejo. God's will is not always paved with green arrows and flashing lights but when you are walking with Him and you live life in light of desiring to please Him you will find when you look back that trailing behind you are green arrows and flashing lights. I'll pray for you right now as you look to make this important decision. God Bless:)
Wow, what an exciting time for you Jenny! You seem a little anxious about your decision but the overall sense I get from your comments is that you are honestly and earnestly seeking to serve the Lord, no matter what specialty you choose, and you are very confident in that. I can't think of a better combination than a doctor who wants to serve the Lord. What a wonderful caretaker you will be for your patients, no matter what their difficulties or illnesses may be! I am praying right now that your heart and mind become peaceful with the decision you make today/tomorrow. Trust God. Trust yourself. Please let us know how it turns out!
I also relate very much to your comments about understanding the messages the Bible sends to us and whether we are interpreting His word correctly. I know I tend to over think things and have a hard time being still and knowing that He is God. Just trusting Him, like a child, without trying to figure it all out. I read a quote the other day that defined faith as not simply believing God can, but knowing that He will. I am praying along with you to find a deeper understanding in both His message for my life and also the complete truth of the Bible itself. I am praying for a deeper sense of peace and trust.