Born Thy People to Deliver Day 26

Open Your Bible

Psalm 107:1-6, Luke 1:26-56

The latest trend I see all over social media is influencers telling followers: “exciting news is coming.” You are asked to tune in, subscribe, or follow along so you won’t miss the big life update. Guiltily, I can’t help but get invested in whatever the mysterious announcement may be—I have a deep anticipation for what is going on in the lives of others. 

But what about the anticipation for our own lives and the work God is doing? Like Israel, we have been told over and over again that God is good, His love endures forever, and He redeems us from the hands of our foes. But sometimes, the anticipation for this good news to be revealed can almost feel debilitating. When, God? How, God? 

Imagine Israel waiting centuries for their promised deliverance, “Some wandered in the desolate wilderness, finding no way to a city where they could live. They were hungry and thirsty; their spirits failed within them” (Psalm 107:4–5). There was a restlessness, a displacement, a hunger for home and for peace in their situation. They held onto hope for the God who rescued Israel before and would rescue Israel again…the anticipation was growing.

Then in another “big news is coming” moment, an angel appeared to a young girl named Mary and told her: “You will conceive and give birth to a son, and you will name him Jesus” (Luke 1:31). A baby is coming? A baby is coming to rescue us? How, God? 

We know Jesus delivered His people as promised. Yet, centuries later, we still experience that hunger for things to be made perfectly whole. We wait for victory over sin, sadness, illness, broken relationships, and unjust systems. So, we follow God by “subscribing” to our spiritual disciplines. We commune with Him, looking for clues to His work in our world. We see Him slowly revealing His plan to bring His kingdom here on earth through us—His Church. 

But in this waiting, may Jesus cradle our cares as Mary would her newborn son. With attentive love and compassion, Jesus bears the weight of our longing and is patient with our grieving. 

And may Jesus give us assured hope like a king who can survey the battlefield and know he is going to win. He has, is, and will deliver us for His glory. The when and how may still be unfolding, but we know Jesus has done it, and we celebrate this exciting news together during Advent.

(58) Comments

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58 thoughts on "Born Thy People to Deliver Day 26"

  1. Terri Baldwin says:

    We wait with anticipation for victory over sin, all the brokenness in this world, the hate, crimes, illness, unjust government. We follow God, go to church, read His word, looking for clues to His work in our world. Peace, love, kindness, mercy, compassion, righteousness. Our longing of pure peace.

  2. Sarah Spears says:


  3. Christine F says:


  4. Victoria E says:

    Churchmouse- sorry my post got cut off – continuing to pray for this boy and his family.

  5. Victoria E says:

    Churchmouse praise God!!! 4 year olds are so resilient by God’s design.

  6. Victoria E says:

    Brianna Parker praying for you and your son. Please check and see if your insurance might possibly cover some costs, and/or call your home pediatrician for guidance if needed! Lehua K, also praying for you. Christina Adams, praying for you and your anxiety. Lexi B- this is also one of my favorite verses! I love how quickly Mary said “ok, cool, this impossible crazy thing is happening, happy to serve!” I know I would have had wayyyyy more questions and anxieties, praying for God to give me a heart like Mary’s.

  7. Kerry B says:


  8. Linda Fenwick says:

    I don’t usually comment on these group chats because I don’t usually have anything new to say, but I do want to wish everyone a safe, healthy and blessed Christmas and New Year!

  9. Allie McCandless says:


  10. Sue Dalos says:

    @Gwineth52 Your words yesterday about this Sisterhood of She’s spoke to my heart. I am here every morning with you all and read all the comments, and pray upon the requests but I rarely comment. BUT GOD put on my heart to say Thank you to all of my Sister’s for being here because we are stronger together. Merry Christmas to each and every one. May we all feel the touch of our Lord’s hands in our lives. ❤️

  11. Nikki Joy de Asis says:

    I want to thank everyone for all the warm welcome into this sisterhood and this community ❤️ I am praying for each of you and as I read through each of your comments and prayer requests, please know my heart and prayers are with you. I pray that the Lord gives each of you strength and peace. Despite the challenges (big or small) that you may face, always know that God is ALWAYS good and he will always provide. He is our shelter and our strength.

  12. Nikki Joy de Asis says:

    Brianna: I am praying for you and your son’s healing. ❤️ God will always provide and I know he will show you the way and bless your son with restored health.

  13. Nikki Joy de Asis says:

    Lehua: I am praying for you and asking the Lord to bring you peace and strength. There were many times in my life where I wanted to question “why Lord?” or simply wonder when I will catch a break in life with the challenges I faced, I always told myself — “God will always provide” and each time I reminded myself of that, he surely did provide. Continue to trust in Him. He is always good and he will provide. Sending you hugs and prayers.

  14. Sarah Adams says:


  15. Jennifer Anapol says:

    I pray that I would seek the Lord to see what he is doing in my life. I want to have that anticipation and excitement about what is next in my life.

  16. Mercy says:

    Exciting news is coming. But what is the waiting look like? I love that Bailey prompted us to ask ourselves, what are our own anticipations? If we tell people about our own announcements, for the next new year of 2023, or the next five years, what would they be (by God’s grace)? Sometimes I am too invested in others and I neglect what God is doing in my own life. Motherhood is a demanding ministry both mental and physical. I would think about this question today and speak to the Lord. What are my missions Lord for next year? What should I do to bring glory, even as I wait? Where would I be planted and who would come across my path to sow the seed of faith? Let it be according to your will, and by your grace, help me to fulfil your purpose despite my many weaknesses. As I wait, I will focus my eyes on Jesus and not my circumstance, I will try my best to calm my soul.
    @Brianna- for recovery of your little one and you, and for lovely visit.
    @Christina Adams- may joy come to you to replace anxiety, which is the work of darkness (Psalm 30:5).
    @Lehua- praying for your job & family situation & cat.
    @Susan- thinking of you, I am praying for you and Andy’s family during this holiday season.
    @Traci- love the quote, thanks for sharing.
    Be blessed dear beautiful sisters. Love never gives up, never loses faith, is always hopeful, and endures through every circumstance. (1 Corinthians 13:7 NLT)

  17. Dorothy says:

    WOW! Between the Scripture and the devotional so much stood out to me. The first one was Psalm 107:2 “Has the Lord redeemed you? Then speak out! Tell others he has redeemed you from your enemies.” I am reminded how I need to tell of the GREAT NEWS OF CHRIST. Then in Luke 1:33b ” “…His Kingdom will never end!” 37 “For the Word of God will never fail.” I am reminded how GOD’S AND CHRIST’S Kingdom, love and Word will ALWAYS be there for ALL how seek it. Also, in Luke 1:38 “Mary responded, “I am the Lord’s servant.” ” shows how I need to be answering God and Christ. Bailey goes on to say, “With attentive love and compassion, Jesus bears the weight of our longing and is patient with our grieving.” which reminds me why we celebrate this time of the year but also why we are loved by the Almighty. I hope I made sense.

    Be blessed and tell everyone the GREAT NEWS of Christ — salvation and the Holy Spirit.

  18. Traci Gendron says:

    I read this is from Spurgeon.

    “If Christ is not all to you, He is nothing to you; He will never go into partnership as a part Savior of men. If He is something, He must be everything, and if He be not everything, He is nothing to you.”

  19. Taylor Smalley says:

    Praying for you, your son, and your whole family, Brianna. May you all be healed in Jesus’ name and receive His rest and peace. I pray you’re able to celebrate the birth of our savior joyfully with good health ❤️

  20. Alexandra Fritzler says:

    Praying for you @Christina Adams!

  21. Lexi B says:

    “Blessed is she that belived that the Lord would fullfil the promises spoken to her.” One of my favorite verses.
    Praying for all prayers listed here: healing, restoration, strength, needed miracles. God hears them all.

  22. Brianna Parker says:

    Hi all, would you be praying for my son and I? He has had a fever and cough for three days going on four, and I woke up in the night with a terrible sore throat. We’re in a different state visiting my family for Christmas so my son’s insurance won’t cover a doctor’s visit here. We have no money to pay for him to be seen. And all of us have not been sleeping well because of his coughing every night. We need Jesus to intervene and heal us, and I need extra patience and trust in God ❤️ thank you all!

  23. Mari V says:

    CHURCHMOUSE, Praying for this precious family and this precious little boy.

  24. Mari V says:

    Good morning and happy Thursday! Last day at my work until January 3 I’m so excited! I’m going to take the time to pray through all your comments and pray for you all

  25. Lehua K. says:

    It’s been a tough and dark season… from health challenges, a job promotion (which I should be happy for but we have yet to discuss my pay, and with health insurance deductions kicking in, it turns out I’m making less here than the last job I left recently, but doing way more), my parents (whom I have not seen in 3 years but will next week) struggling on another island with our sick cat and each other.. Sometimes I feel it would be easier to just give up and give in to laziness. But I feel a deep longing to continue coming to God each morning, renewing myself in my mind. Flushing out the negative input I get around me everyday. I have been building my faith muscle and hope in the midst of each struggle as I cling to God’s Word each morning, surrounding myself with all of your comforting words to one another. I am looking forward to meeting you all one day as we rest in the arms of the Father.

    Welcome Nikki! <3

    Praying for all of your requests. While it's some dark times for some, it's good to know we have a strong prayer circle and that we're not alone.

  26. Christina Adams says:

    Will you all pray for me? I am facing a lot of anxiety, anger, and depression lately. I so want the JOY OF THE LORD in my life.

  27. Christina Adams says:

    I’ve been experiencing a lot of anxiety, anger, and depression this week. Will you all pray for me to have the JOY OF THE LORD and that I will be able

  28. Caroline Bridges says:

    We are grateful that Jesus lived and died for us. I wrote this in my study book and thought I would share it here too.

  29. Searching says:

    Thank you, Jesus, for coming, caring, loving, saving and so much more.

    CHURCHMOUSE – praying for your daughter’s friend, son and family. Thankful for the positive start to recovery.

    LISA – praying for restoration in your family

    K S – praying for your best friend, husband and family for healing and recovery, and wisdom for you in how you can be there for them

    GRACE CALL and others battling anxiety – praying for complete release and healing!

    KENYA RAFFERTY – praying for your family

  30. Mindy Pradia says:

    Thank you Bailey! This devotional was very impactful for me. I love that you drew our attention to the work God is doing in our lives and how he is building his kingdom. This is exciting work and our hearts need to soak in these realities often.

  31. Michelle Baier says:

    @KS prayers for you and your friend. I find Mary’s belief so beautiful and humble. She had to have so many fears and doubts, but she put them aside for praise. Yay God!!!

  32. Michelle Patire says:

    @Churchmouse- Wow… a miracle this child can speak and is still alive after such an intensive surgery. May the family continue to cling to Him and trust this boy with his life. I pray peace to them. I pray HOPE to them. Scriptures that fill their hearts with assurance of God’s love and care for them. May His presence be their comfort. May this boy be so near to Jesus- in Spirit and in physical presence.

    @KS- I am so sorry to read this. But as another She put it, it is a miracle he is still with us. May the Lord bring revelation and healing to his heart. May the enemy’s lies no longer continue to prevail. May the suicidal spirit leave in the name of Jesus. Anything that thwarts his life, may those weapons no longer prosper. I proclaim God’s great healing love and peace over this man. Over his family. Nothing is impossible with God and nothing is wasted. Let them all see the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living! Jesus, breathe life into this situation. Speak hope. Speak faith. Speak goodness. Let this man’s eyes be opened to your deepest affection towards him. May his life be changed by Your great love towards him. May his wife and family continue to cling to You, Jesus, as the author and perfecter of our faith. Your great mercy and will be shown in their lives. Amen.

    God bless you, Shes. May we all stand firm on the Word and testimony of our Lord.

  33. Charlene Witherington says:

    His never ending attentive love and compassion as He bears the weight of our longing and is patient with our grieving. He came to us and He will return. Amen.
    Merry Christmas

  34. Cee Gee says:

    “We wait for victory over sin, sadness, illness, broken relationships, and unjust systems. So, we follow God by “subscribing” to our spiritual disciplines. We commune with Him, looking for clues to His work in our world. We see Him slowly revealing His plan to bring His kingdom here on earth through us—His Church.

    But in this waiting, may Jesus cradle our cares as Mary would her newborn son. With attentive love and compassion, Jesus bears the weight of our longing and is patient with our grieving.”
    Love this from HE READS TRUTH, too: “This Advent season, as we anticipate our coming Savior, how are we acknowledging what He’s done in our lives? Do we get as excited for His coming and His promise to come again as we do other things in our life? This season is rife with distractions, so as an exercise, let’s consider how we can show God the gratefulness of our hearts…and if we’re not there yet, ask God to use us for His glory, and then share. The joy He brings is worth looking for a way to be a part of it.”

  35. Angie Mills says:

    When we remember these truths, we can humbly submit in obedience to our Lord and greatly magnify the name of our God in praise and worship just as Mary did:

    1. The Mighty One has done great and mighty things for us. Think back upon your year. What great and mighty things has the Mighty One done for you?

    2. God’s name is holy. How has God revealed more of His holiness to you throughout this past year?

    3. God’s mercy is from generation to generation on those who fear Him. How has God shown mercy to you, your children, or your children’s children this past year?

    4. God is sovereign over people and circumstances. How has God revealed His sovereignty to you this past year?

    5. God remembers His mercy. In what current circumstances are you desiring God to remember His mercy to you?

    6. God brings about what He has spoken. What fulfilled prophecies has the Lord revealed to you in your study of His word this year? How can these fulfilled prophecies help you to cling to the hope of His second coming?

  36. Heather Landers says:

    As I thought about the devotional question posed on pg. 135, God had me focus on the revelation that Mary experienced…the Son of God would dwell inside of her! Then I felt her praise because I realized, as a born again new creation, the Holy Spirit dwells in me! “…my spirit rejoices in God my Savior, because He has looked with favor on the humble condition of His servant.” I then recalled the words to a Natalie Grant Christmas song, “I believe.” The song concludes with “Christmas lives in me, I believe.” From this truth that He delivered me and lives in me, “My soul magnifies the Lord and my spirit rejoices in God my savior!” Praise God!

  37. Churchmouse says:

    So many are experiencing tremendous heartache right now. Our daughter’s friend has a 4 year old son who was recently diagnosed with a rare neurological condition which causes progressively worsening seizures. The only treatment is removing nearly half of his brain, which was done yesterday. He woke up from the surgery and SPOKE which is miraculous given that the part of his brain that was removed affects speech. Please pray for this dear Christian family a they walk through this dark valley. They have 2 younger children.

    I am praying for all the SRT prayer requests. All seem especially heavy this time of year. BUT GOD. BUT GOD. BUT GOD.

  38. Faleasha Triunfo says:


  39. Bekah Cook says:


  40. Susan Lincks says:

    Oh to be Mary. The woman chosen for such an important time.

  41. Lisa says:

    Asking for prayer and restoration for my family. I desperately need to see God work in our lives. We have wondered into a dry land and need restorative places. Reading along with this group for over a year has brought me so much peace and brought my mind back to a place where I can rest in the Lord’s provisions. He has shown me once again how faithful he is. Please pray I will have the courage to wait on the Lord for His full restoration for my family. Blessings

  42. Jennifer Loves Jesus says:

    As I thought about the faith of Mary, and her song of praise and surrender to God’s plan, there must have been a level of mystery and ambiguity. She was human. She, like me, had to rise from her sanctuary prayer corner and go back into the world each day. Back into a place filled with people with differing perspectives. Conflicts. Doubts. Worldly knowledge and happenings. It is here that we wrestle most. The unknown is mixed with the desire to trust God fully in a world where we see everything else more easily. The deep silence of God’s spiritual realm is my favorite place to draw into, yet the shallow noise of the world invades every day. Faith in the ambiguity of life is this: A. I know that I don’t know B. I know that Christ knows C. I trust Him. (Becoming a Healing Presence, A S Rossi, PHD). We must leave the wonder in God’s hands and let our hearts be filled with trust. In Him alone. This is the song of Mary as she became the Most Blessed. So I will sing her song even though I don’t know, because I know that Christ knows, and I will try to trust Him. Until… Maranatha.

    1. Gwendolyn Vincent says:

      JLJ, love your analysis❤ I used a few if your phrases in my notes. Love you my SRTsista!

  43. Sharon, Jersey Girl says:

    @KS – praying for your dear friend and her family today. May God be gracious and merciful to them and may He show you how to minister to this family in need. And may Luke 1:37 be a constant reminder that you can share with your friend.

    “For NOTHING is impossible with God.” …”what the Lord has said…will be accomplished.”

    May each of you my sisters be blessed with the peace and presence of God today.

  44. JoAnn Ward says:


  45. Michelle Bridges says:

    So true.

  46. Rhonda J. says:

    I am embracing His word, I may not understand it all, but I believe! Strong faith is when you don’t understand everything, but you chose to believe it regardless! Through the trials of life, the unknown, the complicated. We are women of faith, bonding together, sharing the challenging and hard, praying in unison, and lifting each other up….to our heavenly Father! Thank you Father for sending your Son for me, for us, for all those that believe!

  47. Jennifer Harding says:

    K S – Praise God he is still here! Praise God he is getting the help he desperately needs! Praise God that his wife has a friend in you, one who will bring them to the Lord in prayer and support her emotionally and tangibly! May God the Father be near to him, his wife and his children, and you as you seek to offer support. Prayer, love and hugs for you all.

  48. Bessie H says:

    I actually had a HUGE A-Ha moment just now! Verse 45: She who has believed is blessed because what was spoken to her by the Lord will be fulfilled. I have believed, but have harbored a small amount of doubt that God will fulfill his promises in me. It is as though the scriptures say it is true for everyone, but Bessie. I have anguished about that for a long time. This morning that verse popped out to me. ‘She believed and was blessed’. God showed me, this morning, that i must believe completely. Not wonder, but trust. Wow!

  49. Krista Branch says:

    Jesus cradles our cares. ❤️

  50. K S says:

    Dear She’s, please keep a family so dear to my heart in prayer today – and that God may use a heartbreaking situation for His glory and their good. My best friend’s husband has relapsed during his battle with mental illness and will be in the hospital over Christmas, with treatments to follow. Their daughter is 7. Their son’s birthday is Christmas Eve. It’s such a tough situation. And please pray that God would show me how to minister to my best friend and her sweet girl at this time (her daughter only knows that daddy is sick and in the hospital).

  51. Aimee D-R says:

    Amen King Jesus!

  52. Taylor says:

    Luke 1:45 “Blessed is she who has believed that the Lord would fulfill His promises to her!”

    May it be so of me and of you today, sisters. <3

    Psalms 107:1 "Give thanks to the Lord, for He is good; His FAITHFUL LOVE endures forever."

    I pray you each feel the faithful love of our Savior today. <3

  53. Kelly (NEO) says:

    NIKKI JOY de ASIS – welcome!
    We look forward to journeying with you.

    “With attentive love and compassion, Jesus bears the weight of our longing and is patient with our grieving. . . And may Jesus give us assured hope [that] He has, is, and will deliver us for His glory.”

    May you have a peace-filled day Shes

  54. Erica Christian says:

    No matter the circumstances in my life, I keep my eyes fixed on my Savior! Without Jesus, I am nothing. Praise God!

  55. Elaine Morgan says:

    So grateful for Jesus today! ❤️

  56. Jo says:

    Thank you Bailey, as I read through today’s devotion I was continually drawn back to the Lord’s prayer through your words:”Thy kingdom come (please help us to see those heavenly clues)..Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven (whilst the when and how are unfolding)..Give us this day our daily bread (all that we need, not want).. deliver us from evil (all the battles both physically and mentally).. for Thine is the Kingdom, the power and the glory for ever and ever amen.” Hallelujah, amen and amen!

  57. Angie Shaffer says:

    The more we walk as Christians, the more we walk aware of our sin and have a longing for wholeness with Christ once again. There is great comfort in knowing God can see the whole plan and promises to restore this truth.