My grandparents had pecan trees in their yard when I was a little girl. My favorite memory was how my grandmother would create treat bags for Christmas using the tree’s fruit. She would give each of us a small brown paper bag with an orange, peppermint sticks, and pecans.
From time to time, my cousins and I would go outside to pick a few pecans up from the ground. I would gather my shirt in the front like a kangaroo pouch and stuff it with as many pecans as I could hold. Then I would rush inside and sit knee to knee with my grandfather so I could hurry to get to what was in the middle of the shell. My grandfather would crack the surface gently and then hand me the seed inside to eat. He would do the heavy lifting of opening the shell—not because I did not know how to use the nutcracker—but because I did not have the wisdom to know how to apply just the right amount of pressure to crack the outside shell without destroying the seed on the inside. When I would open the pecans myself, my lack of patience caused me to miss out on the fullness of what the pecan had to offer—I would end up with slivers instead of the whole.
This childhood story reminds me of how we can sometimes live our lives. We rush to get through situations instead of taking the time to slow down and savor the middle. The middle is not usually our favorite place to be and not a place that we typically celebrate being. We often prefer to be constantly moving or at least walking the path to our next destination. But may I submit that we are one of the generations currently serving in the middle? We are doing life after the birth, crucifixion, and resurrection of Jesus Christ and before His second coming. We live smack dab in the middle (Revelation 22:16).
When we look at the middle through the lens of Christ, we see we have a Messiah that was born with the specific assignment of our deliverance (Matthew 1:1). His work as our Deliverer means that we do not have to live our life in pieces; we can come out of any experience whole in Christ.
Friend, He is “Faithful and True” (Revelation 19:11). Let’s permit ourselves to trust Him more deeply by taking the time to celebrate this time in the middle.
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72 thoughts on "Born Thy People to Deliver Day 24"
Wonderfully written! Reading this reminded me of not only the yummy brown bag full of treats that my grandmother would prepare, but also all of the sage advice that they poured into us! #EnduringInTheMiddle
“I am the root and descendant of David, the bright morning star”
Wonderful scripture reading today! Thank you.
Help me to slow down today & take in all that Jesus needs me to see❤️
@jennifer anapol i could not agree more, thank you for beautiful comment and reminder.
I am a day behind…. I had to comment on day 24 – This devotion brought fond memories of using the nutcracker at my grandmothers house as well. Isn’t it funny how some memories of when you were “in the middle” were such treasured good memories that you didn’t even realize were soooo good until they were gone!? This devotion has me slowing down this holiday season and truly enjoying “the middle” the exact spot where God wants me to be. This was soooo good! I’m so thankful for this reminder!
Know and have hope that God sees you, the most beautiful you, He sees you and I pray that He comes as a Comforter
Sorry post got cut off! Rhonda J- I could not agree more this community is such a wonderful example of God’s kingdom I can’t wait to be all together in His presence. Dorothy thank you also for your words of encouragement. Chloe, I am praying for you and your baby. GramsieSue, I am praying for Steve’s health as always. Traci Gendron and Martha Hix, praying for peace and comfort for you both always and especially during the holiday season without your loved ones
Tina- thank you so much! I needed those words so so so much. Searching, thank you as well! Rhonda J- I could not agree more,
Hi ladies – I never comment but this Christmas feels hard in so many ways… and your comments are a blessing and encouragement to me to read each day. ❤️
This was my church’s sermon Sunday. Sitting and reading the genealogy use to seem so trivial and just another step. But God used this line of people, who all have a messed up past, to ultimately lead to the birth of the savior. Praying God helps me remember I am more than my messy past, present, and future
Wow! As I read today’s devotional, my heart swelled for my for my light – my Sunshine. I am full. I am filled. I am still reading. I am still praying. I am thankful for my life’s experiences both good and not so good. I am striving to make the most of my MIDDLE!
happy birthday!!!
I loved this post again today. Feeling a faithful waiter is so important. Honestly might be the hardest thing I’ve ever had to do is wait. It brings me joy to realize all of our waiting’s are so different. My waiting is somebody else’s end or maybe even beginning. @Rhonda J. Love your comment today. Being a light for others is so important! You do a great job at that!
I haven’t been commenting recently, but still reading & praying for all of the requests! I love todays devotional – I feel I am always in a rush and anxious about what is going to happen next. I need to slow down & be patient & trust in the Lord & His promise.
Please keep me & my anxiety in your prayers.. it has been really bad these past few months and I thought it was getting better, but yesterday and today it has gotten bad again. I have started trying to stop and pray or read scripture when this happens.
The middle / the waiting / the liminal space can be beautiful because we know how this ends. ❤️
I LOVED being reminded of all the beautiful work that is being done in the middle! While we wait on what’s to come and rejoice for what has already been done. I’m thankful for my MIDDLE!
Easy to forget that the middle/in-between time is where faith is needed most. We want to rush because we want to get past the part where we need to have faith because we want certainty and speed. God us in the middle.
Happy Happy Birthday @Gwineth52!
Stay Warm @Mercy
Lovely reminder not to skip the middle…but may we savor the time of the middle slowly. I love a grand finale, better is the end of thing than its beginning (Ecclesiastes 7:8), but the middle part is overlooked, it deserves our joy. Happy birthday @Gwineth52, may the Lord grant you’re your heart’s desires and more. Today I will bake another batch of Christmas cookies and will think of you dear shes as I brown the butter, measure the ingredients, I will praise God for you and pray over you and your families. It’s bitterly cold for us this week with Alberta winter (-28 Celcius)..but on Xmas day it is forecasted to improve. But my heart is warm. We are the gift to one another. Life is beautiful as we are knitted with love and the power of His unity, though virtually, I appreciate you so much, and you make my day so much more lovely. May we celebrate the time in the middle together, however it might seem mundane, but oh so necessary. I learnt to love the quiet times. It’s not so bad. May God see each of your deepest longing and surprise you with His giving. Be blessed dear sisters.
Happy birthday GWINETH52!
Ladies, I have an urgent prayer request. My mom just texted me that our cat is not doing well.. he’s been throwing up and having strange bowel movements.. I’m going to be visiting them next week and haven’t seen them in 3 years. Praying for total healing for him and that I can get through all the work stress that has been piling up lately. I lost our dog earlier this year and didn’t get to see him before he passed, and our cat has been lost since he’s been gone.
Thank you.
I pray that I would be content and intentional during this season in the middle. Savoring this time that God has chosen me to be alive while also, looking back and remembering how Christ came the first time and also looking ahead knowing that he will come again.
Hello with Hugs, Dear Shes. Ah yes, living amid two Advents. Today is my birthday. And I’m well beyond middle age! There are more years behind me than in front of me! I pray God – in His grace & goodness; mercy & might – will teach me to act my age! Not replaying the past. Or fantasying about the future. But fully … Embracing the Now…Trusting His Present perfect…Taking myself more lightly … Loving others more fervently…. Leaning into His calling. Jesus doesn’t count candles. He IS the candle. I might finish off the last slice of birthday cake ( red velvet!) – but I believe wholeheartedly My Lord’s not finished with this old girl yet. Amen & Amen!
Thank you ladies! I’ve been off line for a few days having had nasty flu-like symptoms and it has been like being wrapped in a warm blanket of love reading all your lovely words of support for eachother. Be blessed ❤️
Oh my goodness this is good! Thank you!
As we are in a time of business, I pray we slow down and see God’s blessings and feel His presence and peace
This place…this wonderful place in the middle. Thanks to all you wonderful women in the Word of God. This is my 1st stop in the day, every day because I can’t imagine not “seeing y’all” every morning, learning with & from you…pray with & for you.
May the Lord bless you greatly.
Yes! I agree! An SRT Conference. Putting a face to a name would be so wonderful! Thankful for this unexpected community connection! After all we are family!
I love reading these studies every day. And I love reading the comments. I feel like I know some of you just from your comments. I haven’t commented here for a few days, but my husband got his thyroid bloodwork back. His numbers lowered just a little bit. They aren’t where we want them yet but the fact that they lowered is wonderful. He was supposed to meet with a specialist but unfortunately, we have a major snowstorm coming our way. I think he’s going to have to reschedule. We waited a long time to get this appointment. I know rescheduling is the last thing he wants to do, but I think it’s the safest thing to do with possible blizzard conditions coming. I’m praying that we can reschedule and get in quickly. Thank you everyone for all of your prayers. Will continue praying for y’all too!
I have been laid low by a nasty cold so just read through three days of comments to catch up. I have a lot of prayers to lift for you, my sisters! It’s funny how I feel like I know you, just from our time together here. I feel your joy, loneliness, impatience, anxiety, love- all the things! Appreciate any prayers for this cold to pass quickly. ❤️❤️
For some reason I’m at a loss for words today. Although that brown bag with an orange, peppermint sticks, and pecans sounds delightful! We used to get an orange and an apple in our stockings. I mentioned it on SM recently and so many commented that they remember receiving the same. I noticed that we all remember that simplest gift more than the “big” gifts. That is a lesson in gift giving.
I went to a counselor yesterday and she asked me how I made it through Tanner’s 33 years of illness. I said God first, but I chose to live life normally. To let Tanner live his life as a healthy being as much as possible. To be thankful and not angry or resentful of his illness. It was a blessing in a way. It brought us close to God. I had the most amazing relationship with my son. We were so close. That doesn’t always happen especially with adult children For that I am forever grateful. We had splinters, but looked at them as whole.
Love you all She’s! I am so grateful for our friendship and the caring for each other’s burdens and thoughtful remembrance of prayers requested and being prayed for! ❤️
Thank you for praying for me after my husband’s unexpected death and for continuing to remember me in your prayers after the loss and grief I expressed. So many of you have lifted me up over and over again reminding me we are seen and loved. I’m so thankful for the love of Jesus you/we all share. ❤️
I slowly but surely caught up on my reading and the comments ❤️ I didn’t want to rush the process so it took me awhile (lol) but I made it, thanks to some early mornings where God gently nudged me awake to pray and seek Him.
These devotionals have been so good, as always, and so timely. Perhaps it was meant to be that I stumbled upon reading them at a later time… :)
I’m happy to report that my health has been getting better, my very long cycle of bleeding has finally stopped. My ultrasound appointment last week to check for fibroids was also clear (I got results there). I have a follow up appointment with my ob/gyn this Friday. Thank you ladies for your prayers and encouragement. It has been such a blessing to be in the Word with you all over the years and during this very long season of life I am in. I get impatient so often, anxious about the future, forgetting the sweetness of the middle and finding rest in God’s presence. Thank You Jesus for forgiving me of my impatient heart and tendency to rush through my days, for loving me for who I am while gently leading me to become the woman You have called me to be, and for reminding me that I am seen, heard and loved by You. Thank You for helping me to combat the loneliness I often feel during the holiday season, feeling like I may be missing out. Truly, the best place I can be is with You. Amen. ❤️
This is such a beautiful study. I am so thankful for SRT. I started about a year ago catching some of the podcasts, reading some of the devotionals on the app/online. And then by Lent I was buying the book and subscribing. It has been the sweetest season of consistent time in the Word since before I got married and had kids. I have 4, we homeschool, and just started year 4 on our dream property – it’s crazy busy, but in God’s grace He has led me here and helped me establish such a sweet habit of starting my day with Him and you all! It has required carving out the time getting up before the others (I have early risers, so 4am is no longer a time up nursing babes but soaking in the Living Water), but it has been so easy cause I look forward to it, and usually am wowed and filled up and utterly undone by the goodness, beauty, and truth.
But I have to be honest, as much as I was looking forward to this particular study, this season of slowing down, my heart has been heavy and while the habit of being here and reading every day has sustained my consistency, I just can’t explain the heaviness. I try to blame it on the kids being overly excited and worked up, bickering, belly-aching, annoying each other. I try to blame a recent family moving away leaving a hole in my heart. I try to blame it on the season of darkness feeling heavier this year. I’m not sure. But, I will say, I am thankful to be here, in all my heaviness. It’s a far cry better than being alone in my heaviness. Even in the dark and the heavy there is light and peace, because BUT GOD!
We have our health, we have each other, we have this new day, and no matter what mood I am struggling with, no matter the cause of the heaviness, I will breathe deeply of the Peace, Hope, and Love that we celebrate. He is unchanging – even when I am.
Thank you, Sisters. The communal encouragement, prayer and sharing are such a sweet balm every single morning. Thankful for all of you!
What a beautiful reminder in all of the scripture readings today that Gods way is perfect and also forever. We can’t change the day and the night and much the same we can’t change the desire God has to be living in relationship, or covenant with us. It’s always been a part of the plan – for perfectly calculated generations through the messy lives of every day people. We are no different if we live in faith because we too are a part of His plan.
Love you ladies <33 thank you for prayers, as always!
@Gramsisue- God bless your family and heal you all. May His peace and joy be near to you this holiday season. <3
@Churchmouse- AMEN. Thank you for your words.
@Searching- thank you so much :))
@Tina- I will forever think of you "BUT GOD" woman of faith ! Lol
Thank you Lord for such a wonderful community. It is so special to have these women in my life in a time where I sometimes feel lonely. :)
Oh sweet She’s, I am in tears over the outpouring of love for each other.
We truly are family. ❤️
Victoria E, Chloe, all the young mothers…getting encouragement from those of us who have been there.
But God….
He provides all we need, when we need it.
How could I ever forget that?
Here I am…in a different season of life…one I never expected to be in.
And here is God! Right in the middle with me, providing as He always has.
Steve and I have been having a slow season. Several of our grands have influenza A, strep, influenza B….So we aren’t getting together to protect Steve’s health.
Hoping that all are well by Christmas Day.
But whatever happens, we will still rejoice!
How I love my morning time with you ladies! ❤️
Oh my goodness!!! Rhonda J!! What a perfect post for how I feel about all the ladies I meet with here each morning! So much wisdom shared, lives shared, prayers prayed…
It would be so fun to have a She Reads Truth party together!
Hugs to all of you ❤️
RHONDA J so beautifully said. I don’t post often but I certainly feel part of this SRT family.
Wow! thank you! I am learning and soaking into my heart so much every day here! Not just through the daily lesson, but also from all of you! so thank you so much! I’m a new Christian and am praying that I get out of my own way and give up control to Jesus. That my hubby will also want to have a relationship with Christ. My life has definitely been better and so much calmer and peaceful since I found SRT. Thank you.
What a beautiful reminder to be present where you are; to not be living in the past or in the future, but simply being where you are now. I know I need the reminder to live where I am now, to learn what I can from now, to enjoy now, to full grasp all that is here to enjoy now. I’m often tempted to think life will be great “then”, or “when”. But God wants us to enjoy life NOW, right where we are. There are blessings all around us NOW if we only look.
The genealogy in Matthew proves that Jesus is from David’s family. He is a direct descendant of David from the royal line. Not only is Jesus the descendant of David, He is also the Root of David. He created David and He created the covenant with David and his family that declared One would come from David’s family line who would rule forever. Jesus is the King above every king and He is the Lord above every lord. One day, Jesus will return as the conquering king He is. He will fully overcome His enemies and He will reign forever over a kingdom that will never end.
Good Morning She’s!
Oh how I wish we could all gather for an SRT party! To give hugs, sit down and talk, and fellowship! As I read this morning as I do every morning for years (best habit I have ever done!), my She’s feels like my family. I long to know each of you even more, to walk life with you, and to share our experiences even further, and to encourage each other even more! What a blessing this group is!
As we count down the final week to Christmas we are all in such different phases of life. Dorthy and I are feeling the let down of missing times gone by, Victoria E and new mom’s are feeling the joy of momhood. Young mom’s are feeling overwhelmed trying to get it all done and make wonderful Christmas memories for their families. Others (Traci and Martha Hix) are mourning the recent loss of their loved ones. Others (Taylor, Kimberly) are in the longing, wishing for the next phase of their lives with husbands. What a family we are! All SO Beautiful in the middle….still. Each of you is a blessing to all of us, sharing in this great big, wonderful trip of life. We are made, “for such as a time.” Isn’t it amazing?! (kelly, Tina, Churchmouse, and Searching sharing their wisdom)(Lynn and GrammsieSue -uncertain future with sickness in their husbands…) We are going to get through…together She’s. Continue to come each morning, continue to grow in God’s word to us. He is developing and growing each of us in this middle, our story is being written! Let’s make it a story of light for others to see, a testimony from our tests, and beauty from our ashes! The many, many names I cannot list, you all ALL matter in your comments and meeting here each day to me. (heidi-feeling confused and overwhelmed with your new path added to all your other roles) All of us our holding all of us up to the Lord in prayer this advent, as we can’t see the future, the around the corner, not even a glimpse sometimes, BUT GOD- Does the morning and night come? Of course it does, and So will His divine plan.
Have a good day.
Wow so well said-
Living in the present means living in the middle. There is much tension in the now and not yet. Peace here is found in Jesus. He is the Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end, “who is, and was, and who is to come” (Revelation 1:8). Our final destination is Eternity. Once I settled with this truth, I learned to love the middle more. No matter what happens next, the ultimate next for followers of Christ is Paradise with Him for the rest of time. No matter how fast we run, we can’t skip the middle. This is where most of our earthly life is lived, so I want my life today to count for something good. I want to live my best life today. Here in the middle we can be kind, we can pray and draw near to our Creator, read the words of scripture that foretold this Christmas time we celebrate now, we can slow down, sing, breathe in and out with peace, we can remember God’s goodness and His gifts of love we have already received. Look around and find the holiness of the here and now. Start with salvation, even in the shadow of the cross there is Light. If all else fails us, God our Father does not. Even in sickness, disappointments, betrayals, and all the hard things God will not fail us. He has made a way for us to prevail in victory with Him. Through Christ we are strengthened, we are loved, and so let us be of good cheer and live well here in the middle. Together. Until… Maranatha. Amen.
And he will come in glory – not the meek, mild Jesus many consider. He is mighty & powerful, faithful and true ✝️
“And he has a name written on his robe and on his thigh: King of Kings and Lord of Lords.”
The LORD never ceases to amaze me. Spirit gives me exactly what I need to cease striving and draw nearer to Him.
I knew I would need to depend on Him to get me through this knee surgery. But the middle…
Who knew the middle would be so incredibly hard. God did!
He also knew that I would need to apply this lesson in my not as difficult moment by moment life.
Just as this devotional states, we are all, “currently serving in the middle.”
The middle of…
We can all completely fill it in to the fullest.
The middle is where I need to be. The middle is where I will learn the most from Him. The middle provides peace and ease. The middle puts me ‘knee to knee’ with the lover of my soul, leaning into and abiding with HIM!
Good morning and thank you for all your prayers over the weekend. I am definitely in the middle right now, waiting to get past these hard times, waiting for winter to be over, waiting for this hard and busy week to be over to catch my breath. I feel like I’m constantly trying to just get thru the day in hopes that tomorrow will be better. I’m trying so hard to find the joy each day or in each moment but everything feels so hard and it’s hard to keep my head above water some days. God, I pray and ask you to help me slow down and savour those small moments, to stop the need to constantly be busy and on the go, and find the joy during this holiday season. Amen
He’s a good God who keeps His promises. No matter what is happening around us, we can trust that….
Love today’s devotional. Similar experience in my childhood. Waiting, being in the middle, is not what our culture tends to celebrate. We celebrate beginnings and endings, but not the work and wait of the middle.
Blessings and a hug to you Dorothy. Sometimes the reason for the tears isn’t obvious, but God knows.
Such encouragement to my own waiting season that Jesus is Faithful and True! @Churchmouse I loved your comment today :) I pray I would be a faithful “waiter” and keep my eyes fixed on Jesus and not try to take matters into my own hands.
In the middle, longing for more of You, Lord. Amen
God is always working on our behalf, in the beginning, in the middle and as we continue through life. While I too have thought many times if only I could see around the next curve and know what was going to happen and when, I know that I couldn’t handle that knowledge and would be thinking of how I could change it. Lord, may I be focused on You and where You have placed me right now in my life, in this place, with these people, right in the middle. You know best.
ERIN EASON – welcome!
TINA – such good encouragement! ❤️
VICTORIA E – glad you got the earlier appointment. Enjoy it all, the love in your heart will grow by leaps and bounds as your sisters here have been telling you, for real :)
CHLOE – praying for you and baby’s growth & strength
MARGARET W – praying for reconciliation with your son, and for all your children to know Christ as their Savior
CHURCHMOUSE – loved your story!
MICHELLE PATIRE – I see you, and most importantly, God sees you. Praying for wisdom and guidance for you on your journey. ❤️
Everything has crumbled in the middle of my pecan but I see hope in Christ to make all things new so I rejoice in the God of my salvation!
I’m reminded there is a bigger story at play than my current struggles/situation. Our God is a God in the details and sees the big picture. Lord help me to savor the season you’ve placed me in and trust your plans are bigger than mine. God, thank you for keeping you’re promises.
Love this
Waiting in the middle is an opportunity to deepen our faith as we ponder every moment through His eyes instead of our own. We need not be anxious or impatient. He is for us, not against us. Again and again He tells us to not be afraid. Not only does He tell us to fear not, He also tells us to rejoice. Even in the middle there are reasons to rejoice and be grateful. God is with us and He is good. He will help us navigate the middle as we trust in Him. Be still and know that He is God. He is still on the throne. He reigns over all. He is in charge. He is in control. His plan is unfolding. He is so so good! Let us rest in the Truth of His Word. The middle most assuredly can be a time of peace.
God said to Jeremiah “If I do not keep my covenant with the day and with the night, and if I fail to establish the fixed order of heaven and earth, then I might also. . .”
Fill in the blank with you think God is failing to do for you or withholding from you. Then when the sun rises in the east today and the stars appear this evening remember that He is faithful to His promises to His people and trust that He has not forgotten you but is working all things for His glory and your good
PS Victoria E remember God gives you only what you can handle. Many of us here are proof of that, myself included. I could tell you many a tell.
As I sat down to read this this morning I was on the verge of tears and I don’t know why. I was getting ready to go to bed (yes some nights I go to bed as late as 3:00 or 4:00 in the morning, when your a nurse you have no set time table). Maybe, I’m on the verge of tears because of the time of year and I have no real place to celebrate. I will celebrate on Christmas Eve with Andrew and Dani (my son and d-i-l). I don’t know why that bothers me so, for many years as a nurse I never really did get to celebrate Christmas with my family. So I turned to God and SRT.
Sisters be blessed and have joyful, peaceful day.
In 2 Chronicles 21 we read about Jehoram or Joram. He did what was evil in God’s sight. He killed all his brothers when he became king to secure his position. Still, God is unwilling to take the throne from Jehoram because of His promise to David. If only Jehoram had trusted God, he wouldn’t have needed to do his great evil. God would have provided. But then in Matthew 1, there is his name in the genealogy of Jesus. God didn’t give up or change His mind. He worked His plan straight through all human wrongs and failures. We can have such confidence in God. Even day and night ending is more likely than God breaking His covenant. If God is so sure, who am I to doubt?
VICTORIA E..These words are for you… Friend, He is “Faithful and True” (Revelation 19:11). Let’s permit ourselves to trust Him more deeply by taking the time to celebrate this time in the middle.
My heart hurt a little at your post yesterday evening. How could you be ruining little Elijahs baby years? You are giving him a sibling, another to journey life with..
Can I play big sister here, life threw you some lemons in the past, I know, I walked with you, though from afar, BUT GOD.. see the sweet lemonade you drink now. Trust God! Let not the devil steal these joyful moments you have now.. Live in them, take them in and know that He is with you..
BUT GOD.. Sweet Vitoria E..BUT GOD.
COntinued prayers for peace of heart and well-being❤
RHONDA J.. This indeed is another day the Lord has made, Rejoicing with you..❤
KIMBERLY Z..God sees you.. He loves you, He has the best plan for you.. Wait on the Lord!❤
CHURCHMOUSE.. such a hope filled story of how far reaching faith can go..❤
TRACI GENDRON.. I remember those days of phoning my daughter to check in when I heard a siren!
I have learnt to live in the moments given.. I can pray, but I have no control of anything outside of my moments and space..❤
FOSTER MAMA..❤ such beautiful words for VICTORIA E and K..❤
Love you sis.❤
CHLOE.. I am so sorry to hear your little one is in NICU.
Lifting prayers for baby to put on the weight needed, but also for the organs to grow accordingly.. I also pray for you, dear Chloe, for your mama heart to know peace and to hold firmly to Him as He journeys with and alongside you..
Little one may not be home for Christmas
..Dear mama heart
Happy Tuesday to ALL wrapped always, in love, hugs and prayers.❤